The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume IV. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.
- I. S
ONG-BOOKS - The growth of English song from the earliest days to the period of the song-books, with its prominent features, “Sumer is icumen in,” the Agincourt Song, the hymn “Quene of Evene,” the influence of John of Dunstable and his School, etc., may be studied in Chappell, W., Popular Music of the Olden Time, ed. Wooldridge, H. E., 1893; Rockstro, W. S., A general History of Music, 1886; The Oxford History of Music, ed. Hadow, W. H., 1891; Davey, Henry, History of English Music [1895]; Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Fuller Maitland, J. A., 1904. For John of Dunstable see also D. of N. B. s.v.; for “Sumer is icumen in” see also Country Life, 11 April, 1908, p. 510, where the music will be found; and for “Quene of Evene,” British Museum, Arundell MS., 245.
- Adson, John. Courtly Masquing Ayres, Composed to 5. and 6. Parts, for Violins, Consorts, and Cornets. 1621.
- Alison, Richard. An howres recreation in Musicke, apt for Instrumentes and Voyces. 1606.
- Amner, John. Sacred Hymnes. Of 3.4.5 and 6 parts for Voyces & Vyols. [1615.]
- Attey, John. The First Booke Of Ayres Of Foure Parts, with Tableture for the Lute. 1622.
- Barley, William. A new Booke of Tabliture. 1596.
- Bartlet, John. A Booke Of Ayres With a Triplicitie of Musicke. 1606.
- Bateson, Thomas. The first set of English Madrigales: to 3. 4. 5. and 6. voices. 1604. Ed. Rimbault, E. F. 1846.
- —— The Second Set Of Madrigales to 3. 4. 5. and 6. Parts: Apt for Viols and Voyces. 1618.
- Bennet, John. Madrigalls To Foure Voyces,
M.D.XC.IX. Ed. Hopkins, E. J. 1845. - Byrd, William. Psalmes, Sonets, & songs of sadnes and pietie, made into Musicke of five parts. 1588.
- —— Songs of sundrie natures, some of gravitie, and others of myrth, fit for all companies and voyces. Lately made and composed into Musicke of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts. 1589. Another edition, 1610.
- —— Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets: some solemne, others joyfull, framed to the life of the Words: Fit for Voyces or Viols of 3. 4. 5. and 6. Parts. 1611.
- —— Madrigales translated of foure, five and sixe parts, chosen out of divers excellent Authors, with the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, upon two Stanz’s of Ariosto and brought to speake English with the rest. Published by N. Yonge, in favour of such as take pleasure in Musick of voices. 1588.
- —— Musica Transalpina. The Second Booke of Madrigalles, to 5. and 6. voices: translated out of sundrie Italian Authors. 1597.
- Campion, Thomas. [See bibliography to Chapter
VIII. ] - Carlton, Richard. Madrigals to Five voyces. 1601.
- Coperario (i. e. Cooper), John. Funeral Teares, For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Devonshire. Figured In seaven songes. 1606.
- —— Songs of Mourning: Bewailing the untimely death of Prince Henry. Worded by Tho. Campion. And set forth to bee sung with one voyce to the Lute, or Violl: By John Coprario. 1613.
- Corkine, William. Ayres, To Sing And Play To The Lute And Basse Violl. With Pavins, Galliards, Almaines, and Corantos for the Lyra Violl. 1610.
- —— The Second Booke Of Ayres, Some, to Sing and Play to the Base-Violl alone: Others, to be sung to the Lute and Base Violl. With new Corantoes, Pavins, Almaines; as also divers new Descantes upon old Grounds, set to the Lyra-Violl. 1612.
- Danyel, John. Songs For the Lute Viol and Voice. 1606.
- Dowland, John. The First Booke of Songes or Ayres of fowre parts with Tableture for the Lute: So made that all the partes together, or either of them severally may be song to the Lute, Orpherian or Viol de gambo. 1597, etc. Second Booke. 1600. Third And Last Booke. 1603.
- —— A Pilgrimes Solace. Wherein is contained Musicall Harmonie of 3. 4. and 5. parts, to be sung and plaied with the Lute and Viols. 1612.
- Dowland, Robert. A Musicall Banquet. Furnished with varietie of delicious Ayres, Collected out of the best Authors in English, French, Spanish and Italian. 1610.
- Este, Michael. Madrigales To 3. 4. and 5. parts: apt for Viols and voices. 1604. Second set. 1606. Third set … Wherein are Pastorals, Anthemes, Neopolitanes, Fancies, and Madrigales, to 5. and 6. parts. 1610. Fourth set. 1619. Fift set … Wherein are Songs full of Spirit and delight. 1618. Sixt Set. 1624. Seventh set. 1638.
- Farmer, John. The First Set Of English Madrigals: To Foure Voices. 1599.
- Farnaby, Giles. Canzonets To Fowre Voyces, With a Song of eight parts.
M.D.XCVIII. - Ferrabosco, Alfonso. Ayres. 1609.
- Ford, Thomas. Musicke of Sundrie Kindes, Set forth in two Bookes. 1607.
- Gibbons, Orlando. The first set Of Madrigals And Mottets of 5. Parts: apt for Viols and Voyces. 1612. Ed. Smart, G. 1841.
- —— Parthenia or The Maydenhead of the first musicke that ever was printed for the Virginalls. Composed by three famous Masters: William Byrd, Dr. John Bull, and Orlando Gibbons. [1611.] Also 1655.
- Greaves, Thomas. Songes of sundrie kindes: First, Aires to be sung to the Lute, and Base Violl. Next, Songes of Sadnesse, for the Viols and Voyces. Lastly, Madrigalles, for five voyces. 1604.
- Hilton, John. Ayres, or Fa las for three voyces. 1627. Rptd. by the Musical Antiquarian Society, 1844.
- —— Catch that Catch can. A Choice Collection of Catches, Rownds, & Canons. 1652.
- Hume, Tobias. The First Part of Ayres, French, Pollish, and others together, some in Tabliture, and some in Pricke-Song. 1605.
- Jones, Robert. The First Booke Of Songes & Ayres Of foure parts with Tableture for the Lute. 1600. First And Second Booke. 1601.
- —— Ultimum Vale or The Third Book of Ayres. [1608.] [No title-page. Unique copy in the library of the Royal College of Music, with MS. note by Edward F. Rimbault.]
- —— A Musicall Dreame. Or The Fourth Booke Of Ayres. 1609.
- —— The Muses Gardin for Delights. Or the fift Booke of Ayres, onely for the Lute, the Base-voyll, and the Voyce. 1610.
- —— The First Set of Madrigals, of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parts, for Viols and Voices, or for Voices alone, or as you please. 1607.
- Kirbye, George. The first set Of English Madrigalls, to 4. 5. & 6. voyces. 1597.
- Lichfield, Henry. The First Set Of Madrigals of 5. Parts: apt both for Viols and Voyces. 1613.
- Mason, George, and Easden, John. The Ayres That Were Song and Played, at Brougham Castle in Westmerland, in the Kings Entertainment. 1618.
- Morley, Thomas. Canzonets. Or Little Short Songs To Three Voyces. 1593.
- —— The first booke of Canzonets to two voyces. 1595.
- —— Canzonets. Or Little Short Songs To Foure Voyces: Celected out of the best and approved Italian Authors. 1597.
- —— Canzonets or Litle Short Aers To Five and Sixe Voices. 1597.
- —— Madrigalls to foure voyces. The first booke. 1594.
- —— Madrigals To five voyces. Celected out of the best approved Italian Authors. 1598.
- —— Madrigals to Foure Voices … with some Songs added. 1600.
- —— The First Booke of Balletts To Five Voyces. 1595. [Also 1600.]
- —— A Plaine And Easie Introduction To Practicall Musicke, set downe in forme of a dialogue: Devided into three partes, With new songs of 2. 3. 4. and 5. parts. 1597.
- —— The First Booke of Ayres. Or Little Short Songs, to sing and play to the Lute, with the Base Viole. 1600.
- —— Madrigales The Triumphes of Oriana, to 5. and 6. voices: composed by divers severall aucthors. 1601. Ed. Hawes, W. 1815.
- —— The Canzonets And Madrigals For Three and Four Voices. Ed. Holland, W. W. and Cooke, W. Oxon. and London (1808?).
- Mundy, John. Songs and Psalmes composed into 3. 4. and 5. parts. 1594.
- Peerson, Martin. Private Musicke. Or The First Booke of Ayres and Dialogues: Contayning Songs of 4. 5. and 6. parts. 1620.
- —— Mottects or Grave Chamber Musique. Containing Songs of five parts. Also, A Mourning Song of sixe parts for the Death of the late Right Honorable Sir Fulke Grevil. 1630.
- Pilkington, Francis. First Booke Of Songs or Ayres of 4. parts. 1605.
- —— The first set of madrigals and pastorals of 3. 4. and 5. Parts. 1613.
- —— The Second Set Of Madrigals, and Pastorals, of 3. 4. 5. and 6. Parts; Apt for Violls and Voyces. 1624.
- Ravenscroft, Thomas. Pammelia, Musicks Miscellanie. 1609. Also 1618.
- —— Deuteromelia: or The second part of Musicks melodie, or melodious Musicke, Of Pleasant Roundelaies; K. H. Mirth, or Freemens Songs and such delightfull Catches. 1609.
- —— Melismata. Musicall phansies. Fitting The Court, Citie, and Countrey Humours. To 3. 4. and 5. Voyces. 1611.
- —— A briefe discourse Of the true (but neglected) use of Charract’ring the Degrees by their Perfection, Imperfection, and Dimunition in Measurable Musicke, against the Common Practise and Custome of these Times. 1614.
- Robinson, Thomas. New Citharen Lessons. 1609.
- Rosseter, Philip. A Booke of Ayres, Set foorth to be song to the Lute, Orpherian, and Base Violl. 1601.
- Tomkins, Thomas. Songs of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts. 1622.
- Vautor, Thomas. The First Set: Beeing Songs of divers Ayres and Natures, of Five and Sixe parts: Apt for Vyols and Voyces. 1619.
- Ward, John. The First Set of English Madrigals To 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts apt both for Viols and Voyces. With a Mourning Song in memory of Prince Henry. 1613.
- Watson, Thomas. The first sett, Of Italian Madrigalls Englished. 1590.
- Weelkes, Thomas. Madrigals To 3. 4. 5. & 6 voyces. 1597. Ed. Hopkins, E. J. 1843.
- —— Balletts and Madrigals To five voyces, with one to 6. voyces. 1598. Another edition, 1608.
- —— Madrigals of 5. and 6. parts, apt for the Viols and voices. 1600.
- —— Madrigals Of 6. parts, apt for the Viols and voices. 1600.
- —— Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for three voices. 1608.
- Whythorne, Thomas. Songes of three, fower, and five voyces. 1571.
- —— Of Duos, or Songs for two voices. 1590.
- Wilbye, John. The First Set Of English Madrigals To 3. 4. 5. and 6. voices. 1598. Ed. Turle, J. 1840–1.
- —— The Second Set Of Madrigales To 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts, apt both for Voyals and Voyces. 1609. Ed. Budd, G. W. 1846.
- Youll, Henry. Canzonets To Three Voyces. 1608.
- II. L
ATER REPRINTS AND COLLECTIONS - Aikin, J. Vocal Poetry; or, a select collection of English songs. To which is prefixed an essay on song-writing. 1810.
- Arber, E. An English Garner. Ingatherings from our History and Literature. Vols.
II (1879),III (1880),IV (1882),VI (1883) andVII (1883). - Bullen, A. H. An English Garner, Shorter Elizabethan Poems. 1903.
- —— Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 1887. More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 1888. Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. New and Revised Edition. 1889 and 1891. (Selections from the two preceding volumes.) Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 1889 and 1890. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age: With Chosen Poems of Nicholas Breton. 1890.
- Carpenter, F. I. English Lyric Poetry, 1500–1700. 1906.
- Chambers, E. K. English Pastorals. 1906.
- Collier, J. P. Seven English Poetical Miscellanies, Printed between 1557 and 1602. 1867.
- —— Lyrics for old Lutenists in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I, Being Specimens of the Words of Airs intended for concerted performance, and social amusement. 1863. (In Illustrations of Early English Popular Literature, vol.
I, 1863.) - —— Lyrical Poems, Selected from Musical Publications between the years 1589 and 1600. Percy Society. Vol.
XIII. 1844. - Cox, F. A. English Madrigals in the time of Shakespeare. 1899.
- Crow, Martha F. Elizabethan Sonnet Cycles. 1896–8.
- Grosart, A. B. Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies’ Library. The Writings in verse and prose of Sir Edward Dyer, Knt. (1540?–1607.) 1872.
- —— Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies’ Library. The Poems of Thomas, Lord Vaux (died 1562), Edward, Earl of Oxford (died 1604), Robert, Earl of Essex (died 1601); and Walter, Earl of Essex (died 1576). 1872.
- Hannah, J. The Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose. 1870.
- —— Poems by Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Walter Raleigh, and others. 1845.
- [Hazlitt, W. Carew.] Inedited Poetical Miscellanies, 1584–1700. Selected from MSS. chiefly in private hands. 1870.
- Linton, W. J. Rare Poems of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. A Supplement to the Anthologies. 1882.
- Oliphant, T. La Musa Madrigalesca; or A Collection of Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, etc., chiefly of the Elizabethan Age. 1837.
- Park, T. Heliconia. Comprising A Selection of English Poetry of the Elizabethan Age: Written or Published between 1575 and 1604. Three vols. 1815.
- —— Nugae Antiquea: being a miscellaneous collection of original papers, in prose and verse; written during the reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James. Vol.
II. 1804. - Rimbault, E. F. The Ancient Vocal Music of England. A Collection of Specimens Referred to in a Series of Lectures, and Adapted to Modern Use.
- —— Bibliotheca Madrigaliana. A Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, etc., etc. 1847.
- Ritson, J. A select collection of English Songs, with their original airs: and a historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. 3 vols. Second edition. Ed. Park, T. 1813.
- Schelling, F. E. A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics. Boston, 1895.
- Scott, C. K. Euterpe. A Collection of Madrigals and other Vocal Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries. The Oriana Madrigal Society. In progress.
- Smith, J. S. Musica Antiqua. A Selection of Music of this and other Countries, from the Commencement of the Twelfth to the beginning of the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. [1812.]
- Squire, W. B. Madrigals and Part Songs of the 16th and 17th Centuries. In progress.
- III. M
ISCELLANIES - A Banquet of daintie Conceits: furnished with verie delicate and choyse Inventions, to delight their Mindes who take Pleasure in Musique; and there-withall to sing sweete Ditties, either to the Lute, Bandora, Virginalles, or anie other Instrument. Published at the desire of bothe honorable and worshipful Personages, who have had Copies of divers of the Ditties heerein contained. Written by A. M. Servaunt to the Queenes most excellent Majestie. Honos alit Artes. At London, printed by J. C. for Edward White, and are to be sold at the signe of the Gunne, at the little North Doore of Paules. 1588. (In Harleian Miscellany, vol.
IX, p. 219, 1812.) - The Phoenix Nest. Built up with the most rare and refined workes of Noble men, woorthy Knights, gallant Gentlemen, Masters of Arts, and brave Schollers. Full of Varietie, excellent invention, and singular delight. Never before this time published. Set foorth by R. S. of the Inner Temple Gentleman. Imprinted at London, by John Jackson. 1593.
- Englands Parnassus: or The choycest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons; Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasant and profitable. Imprinted at London for N. L. C. B. and T. H. 1600. Rptd., Arber, E., English Garner, vol.
I. - A badly edited, but very popular, volume of “Snippets” from contemporary poets, compiled by Allot, R. The volume has recently been exhaustively examined and corrected by Crawford, C., in Notes and Queries, Series
X., vol.IX. pp. 341, 401; vol.X, pp. 4, 84, 182, 262, 362, 444; vol.XI. pp. 5, 123, 204. - Belvedére Or The Garden Of The Muses. Imprinted at London by F. K. for Hugh Astley, dwelling at Saint Magnus Corner. 1600.
- A Poetical Rapsody containing, Diverse Sonnets, Odes, Elegies, Madrigalls, and other Poesies, both in Rime, and Measured Verse. Never yet published. The Bee and Spider by a diverse power, Sucke Hony and Poyson from the selfe same flower. Printed at London by V. S. for John Baily, and are to be solde at his Shoppe in Chancerie lane, neere to the Office of the Six Clarkes. 1602. Ed. Brydges, E. Vol.
I, 1814. Vol.II, 1816. Ed. Bullen, A. H. 2 vols. 1890. - Englands Helicon. Casta placent superis, pura cum veste venite, Et manibus puris sumite fontis aquam. At London Printed by I. R. for John Flasket, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Beare. 1600. Second edition, 1614. Ed. Bullen, A. H. 1887.
- Love’s Garland; or Posies for Rings, Hand-kerchiefs, and Gloves, and such pretty Tokens that Lovers send to their Loves. 1624, etc. See Arber’s An English Garner, Shorter Elizabethan Poems, 1903.
- IV. S
ONG WRITERS - Barnfield, Richard. The Affectionate Shepheard. Containing the Complaint of Daphnis for the love of Ganymede. 1594. Ed. Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Percy Society. 1842.
- —— Cynthia. With certaine Sonnets, and the Legend of Cassandra. Quod cupio nequeo. 1595. Beldornie Press, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1841.
- —— The Encomion of Lady Pecunia: Or The praise of Money. Contains also: The Complaint of Poetrie, for the Death of Liberalitie. 1598.
- —— The Combat, betweene Conscience and Covetousnesse, in the minde of Man. 1598.
- —— Poems: In divers humors. 1598, 1605. Ed. Boswell, A. Roxburghe Club. 1816. Ed. Collier, J. P. Illustrations of Old English Literature. 1866.
- —— Poems. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1876. See also, Arber, E., An English Garner, Some Longer English Poems, ed. Bullen, A. H., 1903.
- See, also, an English Miscellany, presented to Dr. Furnivall, Oxford, 1901, p. 158, Barnfield’s Ode: “As it fell upon a day,” by Henneman, J. B.
- Barnes, Barnabe. Parthenophil and Parthenope. Sonnettes, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes. [Entered in Stationers’ register 10 May, 1593.]
- —— A Divine Centurie of spiritual sonnets. 1595.
- —— The Poems of Barnabe Barnes: Part
I, Parthenophil and Parthenope, 1593. PartII, A Divine Centurie of spiritual sonnets, 1595. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1875. - Breton, Nicholas. A flourish upon Fancie. As gallant a Glose, upon so trifling a text, as ever was written. Compiled by N. B. Gent. To which are annexed The Toyes of an Idle head: Containing, many pretie Pamphlets, for pleasaunt heads to passe away Idle time withall. By the same Authour. 1582.
- Breton, Nicholas. The Pilgrimage to Paradise, joyned with the Countesse of Penbrookes love. Oxford. 1592.
- —— The Arbor of Amorous Devices; Wherein young Gentlemen may reade many pleasant fancies and fine devices: And thereon meditate divers sweete Conceites to court the love of faire ladies & Gentlewomen. 1597.
- —— Brittons Bowre of Delights. Contayning. Many, most delectable and fine devises, of rare Epitaphes, pleasant Poems, Pastoralls and Sonnets. 1597.
- —— Melancholike Humours, in verses of diverse Natures. 1600.
- —— Pasquils Passe, and passeth not. Set downe in three Pees His Passe Precession, and Prognostication. 1600.
- —— Pasquils Fooles-cap sent to such (to keep their weake braines warme) as are not able to conceive aright of his Mad-cap. With Pasquils Passion for the Worlds Waywardnesse. Begun by himselfe, and finished by his Friend Morphorius. 1600.
- —— An excellent poeme, upon the longing of a blessed Heart: which loathing the world, doth long to be with Christ. With an addition, upon the definition of love. 1601.
- —— A Divine Poeme, divided into two Partes: The Ravisht Soule, and the Blessed Weeper. 1601.
- —— The Soules Harmony.… Numquam aut Nunc. 1602.
- —— A true description of unthankfulnesse. Or an enemie to Ingratitude. 1602.
- —— The Mothers Blessing. 1602.
- —— The Passionate Shepheard, or the Shepheardes Love: set downe in Passions to his Shepheardesse Aglaia. With many excellent conceited Poems and pleasant Sonnets, fit for young heads to passe away idle houres. 1604.
- —— The Honour of Valour. 1605.
- —— The Soules immortall crowne consisting of, seaven glorious graces. 1. Vertue. 2. Wisedome. 3. Love. 4. Constancie. 5. Patience. 6. Humilitie. 7. Infiniteness. Devided into seaven dayes Workes. 1605.
- —— I would and would not. 1614.
- —— Pasquils Mad-cappe, Throwne at the corruptions of these times. With His Message to Men of all Estates. 1626.
- —— The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton. Ed. Grosart, A. B. Two volumes. 1879.
- G., J., or C., J. Alcilia. Philoparthens Loving Follie. 1595. Ed. Wagner, W., in Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, 1875, vol.
X, and ed. Grosart, A. B., Manchester, 1879. Rptd. 1613. - —— Alcilia. Philoparthens loving Folly: Whereunto is added, Pigmalions Image: With the Love of Amos and Laura. And also, Epigrammes, by Sir I. H. and others. 1628. Ed. Arber, E., English Garner, vol.
IV, 1882. - On the authorship of this work, see Wagner ut sup. and Grosart ut sup. A small collection of poems in rime.
- Copley, Anthony. A Fig for Fortune. 1596. Rptd., Spenser Society, 1883.
- Cutwode, Thomas. Caltha Poetarum: or the Bumble Bee. 1599. Rptd. by Roxburghe Club. (A fanciful, skilful and often charming poem, in stanzas of seven decasyllabic lines, by an author of whom nothing is known. On account of its supposed licentiousness (which is not remarkable), the book was burned by order of the archbishop of Canterbury in the year of its publication.)
- Dickenson, John. The Shepheardes Complaint. A passionate Eclogue, written in English Hexameters: Whereunto are annexed other conceits, brieflie expressing the effects of Loves impressions, and the just punishment of aspiring beautie. n.d.
- —— Arisbas, Euphues amidst his slumbers: Or Cupids Journey to Hell. Decyphering a Myrror of Constancie, a Touch-stone of tried affection, begun in chaste desires, ended in choise delights: And emblasoning Beauties glorie, adorned by Natures bountie. With the Triumph of True Love, in the foyle of false Fortune. 1594.
- —— Greene in Conceipt. New raised from his grave to write the Tragique Historie of faire Valeria of London. Wherein is truly discovered the rare and lamentable issue of a Husbands dotage, a wives leudnesse, & childrens disobedience. 1598.
- —— Prose and Verse by John Dickenson. Ed. Grosart, A.B. 1878.
- Edwards, Thomas. Cephalus and Procris. Narcissus. Aurora musae amica. 1595. Rptd., Roxburghe Club, 1882.
- Ovid’s treatment is closely followed. Cephalus and Procris is in rimed heroics; Narcissus in stanzas of seven decasyllabic lines. Of the author little is known; but his poems are good.
- Greene, Robert. The lyric poems of Robert Greene are to be found chiefly in the following works:
- —— Perimedes The Blacke-Smith. A golden methode, how to use the mind in pleasant and profitable exercise: Wherein is contained speciall principles fit for the highest to imitate, and the meanest to put in practise, how best to spend the wearie winters nights, or the longest summers Evenings, in honest and delightfull recreation: Wherein we may learne to avoide idlenesse and wanton scurrilitie, which divers appoint as the end of their pastimes. Heerein are interlaced three merrie and necessarie discourses fit for our time: with certaine pleasant Histories and tragicall tales, which may breed delight to all, and offence to none. 1588.
- —— Menaphon Camillas alarum to slumbering Euphues, in his melancholie Cell at Silexedra. Wherein are deciphered the variable effects of Fortune, the wonders of Love, the triumphes of inconstant Time. Displaying in sundrie conceipted passions (figured in a continuante Historie) the Trophees that Vertue carrieth triumphant, maugre the wrath of Envie, or the resolution of Fortune. A worke worthie the youngest eares for pleasure, or the gravest censures for principles. 1589.
- —— Greenes Never too late. Or, A Powder of Experience: Sent to all youthfull Gentlemen; to roote out the infectious follies, that over-reaching conceits foster in the spring time of their youth. Decyphering in a true English historie, those particular vanities, that with their frothie vapours nip the blossoms of everie ripe braine, from atteining to his intended perfection. As pleasant, as profitable, being a right pumicestone, apt to race out idlenesse with delight, and follie with admonition. 1590.
- —— Franceicos Fortunes: or The second Part of Greenes Never too late. Wherein is discoursed the fall of Love, the bitter fruites of Follies pleasure, and the repentant sorrowes of a reformed man. 1590.
- —— Greenes farewell to Folly. Sent to Courtiers and Schollers as a president to warne them from the vaine delights that drawes youth on to repentance. 1591.
- Greene, Robert. Philomela. The Lady Fitzwaters Nightingale. 1592.
- —— Greens Groats-worth of Wit, bought with a Million of Repentaunce. Describing the follie of youth, the falshoode of makeshift flatterers, the miserie of the negligent, and mischiefes of deceiving Courtezans. Written before his death, and published at his dying request. 1596.
- —— Ciceronis Amor. Tullies Love. Wherein is discoursed the prime of Ciceroes youth, setting out in lively portratures how young Gentlemen that aime at honour should levell the ende of their affections, holding the love of countrie and friends in more esteeme then those faiding blossomes of beauty, that only feede the curious survey of the eye. A worke full of Pleasure as following Ciceroes vaine, who was as conceipted in his youth as grave in his age, profitable as containing precepts worthy so famous an Orator. 1597.
- —— A Looking Glasse, for London and Englande. Made by Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and Robert Greene. 1598.
- —— Greenes Orpharion. Wherin is discovered a musicall concorde of pleasant Histories, many sweet moodes graced with such harmonius discords, as agreeing in a delightfull closse, they sound both pleasure and profit to the eare. Heerein also as in a Diateheron, the branches of Vertue, ascending by degrees: are counited in the glorious praise of women-kind. With divers Tragicall and Comicall Histories presented by Orpheus and Arion, beeing as full of profit as of pleasure. 1599.
- —— Greenes Mourning Garment: given him by repentance at the Funerals of Love; which he presents for a favour to all young Gentlemen, that wish to weane themselves from wanton desires. Both Pleasant and Profitable. 1616.
- —— Dramatic and Poetical Works of Greene and Peele. Ed. Dyce, A. 1861.
- —— The Life and Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Robert Greene. In Fifteen Volumes. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1881–6.
- Lodge, Thomas. The lyric poems of Thomas Lodge are to be found chiefly in the following works:
- —— Scillaes Metamorphosis: Enterlaced with the unfortunate love of Glaucus. Whereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre: with sundrie other most absolute Poems and Sonnets. Contayning the detestable tyrannie of Disdaine, and Comicall triumph of Constancie: Verie fit for young Courtiers to peruse, and coy Dames to remember. 1589.
- —— A Margarite of America. By T. Lodge. 1596.
- —— Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie: found after his death in his Cell at Silexedra. Bequeathed to Philautus sonnes noursed up with their father in England. Fetcht from the Canaries. 1590.
- —— The Famous, true and historicall life of Robert second Duke of Normandy, surnamed for his monstrous birth and behaviour, Robin the Divell. Wherein is contained his dissolute life in his youth, his devout reconcilement and vertues in his age: Interlaced with many straunge and miraculous adventures. Wherein are both causes of profite, and manie conceits of pleasure. 1591.
- —— Phillis: Honoured with Pastorall Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous delights. Where-unto is annexed, the tragicall complaynt of Elstred. 1593.
- —— A Looking Glasse. See above under Greene.
- —— The Complete Works of Thomas Lodge [1580–1623?]. Hunterian Club. Four volumes. 1883.
- Munday, Anthony. A Banquet of daintie Conceits: furnished with verie delicate and choyse Inventions, to delight their Mindes who take Pleasure in Musique; and there-withall to sing sweete Ditties, either to the Lute, Bandora, Virginalles, or anie other Instrument. 1588. Harl. Misc. Vol.
IX. 1812. - —— Metropolis Coronata, The Triumphes of Ancient Drapery: or, Rich Cloathing of England, in a second Yeeres performance. 1615.
- —— The Famous and Renowned Historie of Primaleon of Greece.… Translated out of French and Italian. Three vols. 1619. See also Los tres libros del muy esforçado cauallero Primaleon et Polendos su hermano hijos del Emperador palmerin de Oliua, Seville, 1524; and Le troisiesme livre de Primaleon de Grece Traduit d’Espagnol en François (by Gabriel Chapuis), Lyons, 1579.
- —— John a Kent and John a Cumber; a comedy. Ed. Collier, J. P. Shakspeare Society. 1851.
- Peele, George. The Araygnement of Paris A Pastorall. 1584.
- —— An Eglogue Gratulatorie. Entituled: To the right honorable, and renowned Shepheard of Albions Arcadia: Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, for his welcome into England from Portugall. 1589.
- —— Polyhymnia, describing the honourable Triumph at Tylt, before her Majestie, on the 17. of November last past, being the first day of the three and thirtith yeare of Her Highnesse raigne. 1590.
- —— The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the first, sirnamed Edward Longshankes, with his returne from the holy land. Also the life of Llevellen rebell in Wales. Lastly, the sinking of Queene Elinor, who sunck at Charingcrosse, and rose againe at Potters-hith, now named Queenehith. 1593.
- —— The Old Wives Tale. A pleasant, conceited Comedie, played by the Queenes Majesties players. 1595.
- —— Dramatic and Poetical Works. See under Greene.
- Roydon, Matthew. Son of T. Roydon, editor of the Gorgeous-Gallery of Gallant Inventions. His Elegy or friend’s passion for his Astrophell is to be found in Spenser’s Colin Clout, 1595, in The Phoenix Nest and in A gorgious Gallery. There are verses by him also in H. Gilbert’s True Report, 1583.
- Sabie, Francis. Pans Pipe, Three pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter. With other Poetical Verses delightfull.… 1595.
- —— Adams Complaint. The Olde Worldes Tragedie. David and Bath-sheba. 1596. (In rime. Versifications of Scripture.)
- Sabie, who was a schoolmaster at Lichfield, also versified Greene’s Pandosto under the titles The Fisher-mans Tale, 1595, and Floras Fortune, 1595, in blank verse.
- Smith, William. Chloris, or The Complaint of the passionate despised Shepheard. 1596. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 1877.
- Soowthern, John. Pandora. The Musyque of the beautie of his mistresse Diana. 1584.
- (Nothing in this volume of sonnets, based mainly on Ronsard, is so beautiful as its title.)
- Storer, Thomas (1571–1604). Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey. 1599. [See England’s Parnassus.]
- Watson, Thomas. The EKATOM[char]A[char]I’A or Passionate Centurie of Loue, Divided into two parts: whereof, the first expresseth the Author’s sufferance in Love: the latter, his long farewell to Love and all his tyrannie. [1581?.]
- —— Thomas Watson’s “Italian Madrigals Englished,” 1590. Ed. Carpenter, F. I. [1899.]
- —— The Poems of Thomas Watson. Ed. Arber, E. 1895.
- Willoby(?), Henry. Willobie his Avisa. Or, the true Picture of a modest Maid, and of a Chast and constant wife. In Hexameter verse.… 1594. Rptd. 1596, etc.
- —— Willobie’s Avisa, &c. Ed. Grosart, A. B. Manchester, 1880.
- For the authorship of this work and its references to Shakespeare, see Grosart as above, Sidney Lee’s Life of Shakespeare, 1903, and D. of N. B. s.vv. Willoughby or Willobie, Henry. The author was probably one Hadrian Dorrell.
- Yates, James. The Castell of Courtesie, Whereunto is adjoyned the Holde of Humilitie, with the Chariot of Chastitie thereunto annexed. Also A Dialogue betweene Age and Youth and other matters herein conteined. [1582.]
- Yong, Bartholomew. Los Sieste Libros de la Diana de Iorge de Mõtemayor. Valencia. [1559?.]
- —— Diana of George of Montemayor. Trans. 1598.
- V. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Barrett, W. A. English Glee and Madrigal writers. 1877.
- Chappell, W. Some account of an Unpublished Collection of Songs and Ballads by King Henry VIII and his Contemporaries. Archaeologia,
XLI, p. 371. - Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. Vols.
II (1904) andIII (1903). - Elizabethan Lyric, The. Quarterly Review, No. 302, October 1902.
- Erskine, J. The Elizabethan Lyric. A Study. New York and London, 1903. (Contains a bibliography on pp. 315–329.)
- Furnivall, F. J. Robert Laneham’s Letter; Describing a part of the entertainment unto Queen Elizabeth at the Castle of Kenilworth in 1575. 1907.
- Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. Maitland, J. A. F. 5 vols. 1904.
- Greg, W. W. Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama. A Literary Inquiry, with special reference to the Pre-Restoration Stage in England. 1906.
- Hadow, W. H. The Oxford History of Music. 6 vols. Oxford, 1901–5.
- Kastner, L. E. Thomas Lodge as an imitator of the Italian Poets. Modern Language Review,
II, 2, p. 155, January, 1907. - Knaut, C. F. Über die Metrik Robert Greene’s. 1890.
- Lanier, S. Shakspere and his Forerunners. 2 vols. 1902.
- Penner, E. Metrische Untersuchungen zu George Peele. 1890.
- Ritson, J. Bibliographia Poetica. 1802.
- Saintsbury, G. A History of Elizabethan Literature. 1890.
- —— A History of English Prosody. Vols.
I. (1906) andII (1908). - Schelling, F. E. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. 1891.
- Scott, C. K. Madrigal Singing. 1907.
- Scott, M. A. Elizabethan Translations from the Italian. Modern Language Association of America,
X, XI, XIII andXIV. Baltimore, 1895, 1896, 1898 and 1899. - Symonds, J. A. In the key of blue and other prose essays. 1893. (Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books, p. 265.)
- —— Essays Speculative and Suggestive. Third edition. 1907. (A Comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian Poetry, p. 365.)
- Tappan, E. M. Nicholas Breton. Modern Language Association,
XIII. Baltimore, 1898. - Tovey, D. C. Reviews and Essays. 1897.
- Warton, T. The History of English Poetry. 3 vols. 1774–81.
- Wood, Anthony à. Athenae Oxonienses. Ed. Bliss, P. 1820.