The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VII. Cavalier and Puritan.
- Adamson, J. W. Pioneers of Modern Education, 1600–1700. Cambridge, 1905.
- Baker, Thos. History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge. Edited by Professor J. E. B. Mayor. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1869. [Contains an invaluable collection of notes both biographical and historical relating to the state of education and learning in the 17th and 18th centuries.]
- Brinsley, John. Ludus Literarius: or the Grammar Schoole; shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning to the highest perfection required in the Grammar Schooles. 1612 and 1627.
- —— A consolation for our Grammar Schooles: or a faithfull incouragement for laying of a sure foundation of all good learninge in our Schooles. 1622.
- Carlisle, N. A Concise Description of the Endowed Grammar Schools in England and Wales. 2 vols. 1818.
- Churton, Ralph. Life of Alex. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul’s. Oxford, 1809.
- Conybeare, John. Schoolmaster at Molton, Devon, 1580, and at Swimbridge, 1594. Letters and Exercises of. Ed. Conybeare, F. C.
- Counties, Victoria Histories of, now approaching completion.
- Gasquet, F. A. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. 1899.
- —— The Canterbury Claustral School. Old English Bible, etc. (ed. 1908), pp. 225–6.
- Hacket, John. Scrinia reserata: a memorial … of John Williams, D.D. 1693.
- Hallam, H. Literature of Europe, vol.
II, chap. 1. 1864. - Hearne, T. Reliquiae Hearnianae. Collected with notes by Bliss, P. 2 vols. 1857.
- Kerr, J. Scottish Education School and University from Early Times to 1908. Cambridge, 1910.
- Leach, A. F. English Schools at the Reformation 1546–8. Westminster, 1896.
- Lupton, J. H. Life of Dean Colet. 1909.
- McDonnell, Michael F. J. History of St. Paul’s School. 1909.
- Mulcaster, R. Positions wherein those primitive Circumstances be examined, which are necessarie for the training up of Children, either for skill in their Booke, or Health in their Bodie. 1581. Ed. Quick, R. H. 1888.
- Murray, David. Some Early Grammars and other School Books in use in Scotland. (Roy. Phil. Soc. of Glasgow.) 2 pts. 1905–6.
- Pollard, A. F. England under the Protector Somerset. 1900.
- Prince, J. Worthies of Devon. New ed. 1810.
- Quick, R. H. Essays on Educational Reformers. 1888.
- Schmidt, Dr. K. R. Geschichte der Erziehung,
III, 257–439, “Das Schulwesen in England im sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrhundert.” Stuttgart, 1892. - Staunton, Howard. The Great Schools of England. 1869.
- Venn, J. Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College, vols.
I–III. Cambridge, 1897–1901. [Contains the biographies of the successive masters, the history of the various endowments and benefactions, and transcripts of many early deeds and charters.] - Wase, C. Considerations concerning Free Schools in England. 1678.
- Watson, Foster. The English Grammar Schools to 1660: their Curriculum and Practice. Cambridge, 1908.
- P
RINCIPAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS (prior to 1650) - Charterhouse
- Charterhouse Register, 1872–1900. Godalming, 1904.
- Minchin, J. G. C. Our Public Schools. Charterhouse, Eton, etc. 1901
- Tod, A. H. Charterhouse. 1900.
- Wilmot, E. P. E. Charterhouse, Old and New. 1895.
- Christ’s Hospital
- Christ’s Hospital. Schemes for the Administration of the Foundation. 1904.
- Johnson, R. B. Christ’s Hospital. 1902.
- Pearce, E. H. Annals of Christ’s Hospital. 1901.
- Eton
- Benson, A. C. Fasti Etonenses: biographical history of Eton. Eton, 1899.
- —— Eton College. Windsor and Eton, etc. 1905.
- Brock, A. C. Eton. 1900.
- Cust, L. H. History of Eton College. 1899.
- Lubbock, A. Memories of Eton and Etonians. 1899.
- Lyte, Sir H. C. M. History of Eton College, 1440–1898. 1899.
- Thackeray, F. St. J. Eton College Library. Eton, 1881.
- Harrow
- Harrow School Register, 1801–1900. Compiled and edited by Welch, R. C. 2nd ed. Ed. Dauglish, M. G. 1901.
- Howson, E. W. and Warner, G. F. Harrow School. 1898.
- Scott, E. J. L. Records of the Grammar School. Harrow, 1886.
- Thornton, P. M. Harrow School. 1885.
- Williams, J. F. Harrow. 1901. See, also, Minchin, J. G. C., above.
- Merchant Taylors’
- Robinson, C. J. Register of the Merchant Taylors’ School. 2 vols. Lewes, 1882–3.
- Wilson, H. B. Hist. of Merchant Taylors’ School from its Foundation to the present time. 2 pts. 1812–14.
- Repton
- Hipkins, F. C. Repton and its Neighbourhood. 2nd ed. Repton, 1899.
- Messiter, E. S. Records and Reminiscences of Repton. Repton, 1907.
- Repton School Register, 1557–1905. Repton. (New ed. in preparation.)
- Rugby
- Bradby, H. C. Rugby. 1900.
- Rouse, W. H. D. History of Rugby School. 1898.
- Rugby School Register, 1675–1874. 2 vols. Rugby, 1881–6.
- Rugby School Register. Annotated by Michell, A. F. 3 vols. Rugby, 1901–4. See, also, Minchin, J. G. C., above.
- Sedbergh
- Platt, A. E. The History of the Parish and Grammar School of Sedbergh. 1876.
- Sedbergh School Register, 1546–1895. Ed. Wilson, Bernard. Leeds, 1895.
- Shrewsbury
- Blakeway, J. B. History of Shrewsbury School. Shrewsbury, 1889.
- Fisher, G. W. Annals of Shrewsbury School. 1899.
- Shrewsbury School Register, 1798–1898. Oswestry, 1898.
- St. Paul’s
- Gardiner, R. B. Admission Registers from 1748 to 1876. 1884. [Contains biographical notices and notes on the earlier masters and scholars of the school from the foundation.]
- Westminster
- Airy, R. Westminster. 1902. See, also, Minchin, J. G. C., above.
- Barker, G. F. R. Westminster School Register, 1764–1883. 1892.
- Forshall, F. H. Westminster School. 1884.
- Sargeaunt, J. Annals of Westminster School. 1898.
- Welch, J. List of the Queen’s scholars of St. Peter’s College, Westminster, admitted since 1663, and of such as have been thence elected to Christ Church, Oxford, and Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1561 to the present time. New ed. [by Phillimore, C. B.]. 1852.
- Winchester
- Kirby, T. F. Annals of W. College from the Foundation in the year 1382 to the present time. 1892.
- —— Winchester Scholars.
- Leach, A. F. A History of Winchester College. 1899.
- Warner, R. F. Winchester. 1900. See, also, Minchin, J. G. C., above.
- Winchester College, 1393–1893. 1893.
- [See, also, bibliography to Chapter
XIX, Vol. III, of the present work.]