The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- A. W
ORKS - I. Collected Works
- The Collected Works of Samuel Butler. Cambridge English Classics. 3 vols. Ed. Waller, A. R. Vol. 1: Hudibras, with variants. 1905. Vol.
II: Characters and Passages from Note Books (largely from hitherto unpublished MSS. in the British Museum). 1908. Vol.III: Miscellaneous Poetry and Prose. In preparation. - II. Hudibras
- Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late wars. Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, under Saint Dunstan’s Church in Fleet-street. 1663. [Published anonymously.]
- —— The Second Part. By the Authour of the First. Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, and James Allestry at the Bell in St. Paul’s Churchyard. 1664.
- These first editions of parts
I andII do not contain either the Annotations or An Heroical Epistle of Hudibras to Sidrophel, which were added later. The edition of 1674 was a “corrected and amended” issue, with several additions and annotations. Of the later editions, too numerous to be mentioned, that of 1678 was the last to appear before the death of the author. - —— The Third and last Part. Written by the author of the First and Second Parts. Printed for Simon Miller, at the sign of the Star at the West end of St. Paul’s. 1678, 1679.
- As to spurious early editions, see preface to vol. 1 of Collected Works, above.
- —— Ed. Grey, Z. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1744. [With Hogarth’s “cuts.” Still valuable.]
- —— Ed. Nash, T. R. 3 vols. 1793. 2 vols. 1835, 1847.
- —— Ed. Johnson, R. B. 2 vols. 1893. [Contains useful bibliography of illustrated editions, translations, imitations, etc.]
- —— Ed. Milnes, A. 1881–3, 1895.
- Among the works which contributed ingredients to the satire of Hudibras may be mentioned the following:
- Caelius Rhodiginus, Ludovicus. Lectionum Antiquarum libri triginta. 1516.
- Cornelius Agrippa, Henricus. De occulta philosophia. libri
III. 1533. - —— De incertitudini et vanitate scientiarum declamatio invectiva. 1529.
- Digby, Sir Kenelm. A late Discourse touching the Cure of Wounds by the Powder of Sympathy. 1658.
- Earle, John. Microcosmographie, or A Piece of the World. 1628.
- Erasmus, D. Adagia. Basel, 1551.
- —— Moriæ Encomium. Ed. Kan, I. B. 1898.
- Hall, Joseph. Characters of Vertues and Vices. 1608.
- Overbury, Sir T. Characters or witty descriptions of the Properties of Sundry persons. 1614. 10th ed. 1756.
- Rabelais, François. Œuvres. Eleven eds. Lyons, Jean Martin, 1558–1608. Ed. Marty-Laveaux, C. 6 vols. Paris, 1868–1903.
- Scarron, P. Le Virgile travesti. 1648.
- For the subject-matter of the poem Calvin’s Institution de la Religion Chrétienne (1859), Neal’s History of the Puritans (4 vols., 1732–8) with Zachary Grey’s Examinations of vols.
III andIV, Clement Walker’s History of Independency (four parts, 1661) and John Walker’s Sufferings of the Episcopal Clergy of the Church of England (1714) may be consulted, together with the bibliography to Milton’s Prose Works, ante, Vol.VII, pp. 471 ff., Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, ed. Lomas, S. C., 3 vols., 1904, and the general historical authorities on the period, including Masson’s Life of Milton (6 vol., 1858–80) - III. Other Works
- The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of Mr. Samuel Butler.… Published from the original Manuscripts, formerly in the possession of W. Longueville.… Ed. Thyer, R. 2 vols. 1759.
- Posthumous Works in Prose and Verse
- These are mainly spurious, in common with most of the fugitive pieces attributed to Butler, save those included in Thyer’s ed. above. For a list of attributed writings and of contributions to other works, see R. B. Johnson’s ed. above, vol. 1, pp. lix ff. The question of the posthumous writings, etc., will be dealt with in vol.
III. of the Collected Works above mentioned. - B. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Beljame, A. Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre, 1660–1744. 1881.
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry, vol.
III. 1903. - Elton, O. The Augustan Ages. Edinburgh and London, 1899.
- Garnett, R. The Age of Dryden. 1907.
- Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. 1903.
- Pepys, S. Diary. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 9 vols. 1893–9.
- Previté-Orton, C. W. Political Satire in English Poetry. Cambridge, 1910.
- Taine, H. A. History of English Literature. Trans. Van Laun, H. Book
III, chapter 1. 1906. - Wendell, B. The Temper of the 17th century. 1904.
- Wood, A. Athenae Oxonienses. Ed. Bliss, P. 1815.
- A list of the works of Alexander Ross (1590–1654) is given in G. A. Aitken’s notice of him in the D. of N. B. In Musarum Deliciae, 1655, and Wit Restored, 1658, assigned to Mennes, Sir John (1599–1671), and Smith, Dr. James (1605–67), may be found earlier specimens of “Hudibrastics.”