The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. C
OLLECTED EDITIONS - Works, with a sketch of his life and writings by Mangin, E. 19 vols. 1811.
- Novels. In Ballantyne’s Novelists’ Library, with a life by Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- —— Ed. Stephen, L., with a prefatory chapter of biographical criticism. 12 vols. 1883.
- —— With introduction by McKenna, E. M. M. 20 vols. 1902.
- Complete Novels. With life by Phelps, W. H. 18 vols. New York, 1901–3.
- A Collection of the Moral and Instructive Sentiments, Maxims, Cautions, and Reflections, contained in the Histories of Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, and Sir Charles Grandison, digested under proper heads. 1755.
- II. S
EPARATE NOVELS - Pamela, or Virtue rewarded. In a series of familiar letters from a beautiful young damsel to her parents. 2 vols. 1740. 4 vols. 1741–2. 10th edn. 1771. Abridged 1817. Rptd. 1891. Transl. into French by Prévost d’Exiles, A. F. 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1742–3. Another version, 1771.
- The following are the direct adaptations of Pamela for the French stage: Boissy, Louis de, Paméla en France, ou La Vertu mieux éprouvée, Paris, 1745. Voltaire, Nanine, Paris, 1749. Neufchâteau, François de, Paméla, Paris, 1795. Goldoni’s adaptations for the Italian stage, Pamela Fanciulla and Pamela Maritata, both appeared in 1750.
- An Apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews, in which the many notorious falsehoods and misrepresentations of a book called Pamela are exposed. By Conny Keyber. 1741.
- As to Fielding’s Joseph Andrews, see bibl. to Chap.
II, post. - Pamela censured in a letter to the Editor, shewing that under the specious pretence of cultivating the principles of virtue … the most artful and alluring amorous ideas are conveyed.… 1741.
- Pamela’s conduct in high life. (Sequel to Richardson’s novel.) 1741.
- Povey, C. The Virgin in Eden. To which are added Pamela’s Letters proved to be immodest romances. 1741.
- Clarissa; or the History of a young Lady, comprehending the most important concerns of private life, and particularly shewing the distresses that may attend the misconduct both of parents and children in relation to marriage, published by the Editor of Pamela. 7 vols. 1748. 2nd edn., 8 vols., 1749–51; 7th edn., 8 vols., 1774. In Mrs. Barbauld’s British Novelists, with prefaces biographical and critical. 1810. Abridged by Dallas, E. S. 1868. Rptd. 1890. Transl. into French by Le Tourneur, P. 10 vols. Geneva, 1785–6. Transl. into French by Prévost d’Exiles, A. F. 2 vols. Paris, 1845–6. Transl. into French by Janin, J. 2 vols. Brussels, 1846. Transl. into Italian. 5 vols. Venice, 1783–6. Transl. into Dutch by Stinstra, John. 8 vols. Harlingen, 1752–3. Stinstra’s correspondence with Richardson is printed in vol.
V of Mrs. Barbauld’s edition of Richardson’s correspondence (see sec.III, post). - Remarks on Clarissa addressed to the author. 1749.
- The History of Sir Charles Grandison in a series of Letters published from the originals by the Editor of Pamela and Clarissa. 7 vols. 1754. 2nd edn. to which is added a brief history of the treatment which the author has met with from certain booksellers and printers in Dublin, 1754; 3rd edn. 1755; 7th edn. 1776; 8th edn. 1796. In Mrs. Barbauld’s British Novelists, with prefaces biographical and critical. 1810. New and abridged edition by Howitt, M. 1873.
- Letters from Sir Charles Grandison. Selected with a biographical introduction and connecting notes by Saintsbury, G. 2 vols. 1895. Transl. into French by Prévost d’Exiles, A. F. 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1784. Imitated in German. Eisenach, 1760–2. Transl. into Italian. 4 vols. Venice, 1784–9. Transl. into Spanish. 6 vols. Madrid, 1798.
- A candid examination of The History of Sir Charles Grandison. 1754.
- Critical remarks on Sir Charles Grandison, Clarissa, and Pamela, enquiring whether they have a tendency to corrupt or improve the public taste and morals. In a letter to the author by a Lover of Virtue. 1754.
- For a list of plays in English, French, German and Italian, founded on Richardson’s novels, see, also, the bibliography in Samuel Richardson, by Thomson, Miss C. L., mentioned under sec.
V, post. - III. C
ORRESPONDENCE - Correspondence, to which are prefixed a biographical account of the author, and observations on his writings, by Barbauld, A. L. 6 vols. 1804. Mrs. Barbauld’s life transl. into French, 1808.
- For an account of the Forster collection of Richardson’s correspondence preserved in the South Kensington Museum, see the bibliography in Miss Thomson’s work mentioned below.
- IV. E
DITED MATTER - The negociations with the Ottoman Porte from 1621 to 1628. By Sir Thomas Roe. Ed. by S. Richardson. 1740.
- Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain. (By Defoe.) With considerable additions [by Richardson]. 4 vols. 1742. Other ends.: 1753, 1769; 8th edn., 1778; 9th edn., Dublin, 1779.
- V. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Boas, F. S. Richardson’s novels and their influence. Essays and studies by members of the English Association. Vol.
II. Oxford, 1911. - Cross, W. The Development of the English Novel. (Chap.
II. The 18th century realists.) New York, 1899. - Dibelius, W. Englische Romankunst. Die Technik d. engl. Romans im 18. u. zu Angfang d. 19. Jahrh. Vol.
I. Berlin, 1910. - Diderot, D. Éloge de Richardson. 1761. Rptd. in uvres complètes, vol.
V. Paris, 1875. - Dobson, A. Richardson at home. Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 2nd series. 1894.
- —— Richardson. (English Men of Letters.) 1902.
- Donner, J. O. E. Richardson in der deutschen Romantik. Weimar [1896].
- Hazlitt, W. On the English novelists. English Comic Writers, v. Works, edd. Glover, A., and Waller, A. R., vol.
VIII. 1903. - Hettner, H. Litteraturgesch, d. 18. Jahrh.:
I. Gesch. d. Engl. Literatur, 1660–1770. 2nd edn. Brunswick, 1865. (Bk.III, partII, chap.I, sec.I, Richardson u. der moralisirende Familienroman.) - Jeffrey, Francis, Lord. Samuel Richardson. Edinburgh Review. Oct., 1804. Rptd. 1853.
- Jusserand, J. Le Roman Anglais. Origines et Formation des Grandes Écoles de Romanciers du 18me siècle. Paris, 1886.
- Nichols, J. Samuel Richardson. Literary Anecdotes,
IV, 578–598. 1812. - Poetzsche, E. Samuel Richardson’s Belesenheit. Kieler Studien zur englischen Philologie. Kiel, 1908.
- Schmidt, E. Richardson, Rousseau, und Goethe. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Romans im 18. Jahrhundert. Jena, 1875.
- Texte, J. Jean-Jacques Rousseau et les Origines du Cosmopolitisme Littéraire. (Bk.
II, chap.II: Popularité européenne du Roman Anglais; chap.III: L’œuvre de Samuel Richardson; chap.IV: Rousseau et le Roman Anglais.) Paris, 1895. Eng. trans. by Matthews, J. W. 1899. - Thomson, C. L. Samuel Richardson: a biographical and critical study. 1900. [Contains a useful bibliography.]A. T. B.