The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- The names of the playhouses given in this bibliography thus—(Drury lane)—are those mentioned in the title-pages of the several plays thus—(as acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury lane). The following abbreviations are used: T. tragedy; C. comedy; O. opera; C. O. comic opera; F. farce. Where there is no entry to the contrary, the author’s name appears, either on the title-page or at the foot of the dedication.
- P
ARTICULAR AUTHORS - Isaac Bickerstaff
- 1756. Leucothoe. A Dramatic Poem. (Anon. In 3 acts. Never acted.)
- 1761. Thomas and Sally: or, The Sailor’s Return. A Musical Entertainment. (Covent garden.) (Anon.) Music by Arne, T. A.
- 1763. Love in a Village. C. O. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1765. The Maid of the Mill. C. O. (Covent garden.) By the Author of Love in a Village.
- 1765. Daphne and Amintor. C. O. in one act. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1766. The Plain Dealer. C. (Drury lane.) With Alterations from Wycherly. (Anon.)
- 1767. Love in the City. C. O. (Covent garden.) By the Author of Love in a Village.
- This piece, altered and abridged, later appeared as: 1786. The Romp. A Musical Entertainment. In two acts. Altered from Love in the City, by Mr. Bickerstaff. (Theatres Royal, Dublin and York, and Drury lane.)
- 1768. [Early imprints read, erroneously,
MDCCXLVIII. ] Lionel and Clarissa. C. O. (Covent garden.) (Anon.) - This piece, somewhat altered, later appeared as: 1773. A School for Fathers. C. O. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) New edn.
- 1768. The Absent Man. F. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1768. The Royal Garland; a new Occasional Interlude in Honour of His Danish Majesty. (Anon.) Music by Arnold, S. (Covent garden.)
- 1768. The Padlock. C. O. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1769. The Hypocrite. C. (Drury lane.) Taken from Molière [Tartuffe] and Cibber [The Non-Juror], by the Author of the Alterations of the Plain-Dealer.
- 1769. The Ephesian Matron. A Comic Serenata, After the Manner of the Italian. (Ranelagh house.) (Anon.) Music by Dibdin, C.
- 1769. [Early imprints read, erroneously,
MDCCXVIX. ] Doctor Last in His Chariot. C. (Haymarket.) (Anon.) - 1769. The Captive. C. O. (Haymarket.) (Anon.)
- [1769.] Judith, a Sacred Drama: As performed in the Church of Stratford upon Avon, on Occasion of the Jubilee held there, September 6, 1769, in Honour of the Memory of Shakespeare. Music by Arne, T. A.
- 1770. ’Tis Well it’s no Worse. C. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1770. The Recruiting Serjeant, a Musical Entertainment. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1771. He Wou’d if He Cou’d; or, An Old Fool worse than Any: a Burletta. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) Music by Dibdin, C.
- 1787. [Acted 1775.] The Sultan, or a Peep into the Seraglio. F. in two acts. (Drury lane and Covent garden.)
- 1792. The Spoil’d Child; in two acts. (Theatre-Royal, Smoke alley.) (Anon.) Dublin, 1792. [Sometimes ascribed to Bickerstaff.]
- Mrs. Frances Brooke (1724–1789)
- A. Plays
- 1756. Virginia. T.
- 1781. The Siege of Sinope. T.
- 1783. Rosina. C. O. Numerous edns.
- B. Other Works
- 1763. The History of Lady Julia Mandeville. (Anon.)
- 1777. The Excursion. 2 vols. [Contains an attack on Garrick.]
- Henry Brooke
- See bibliography to Chap.
III, and to Vol. IX, Chap.XII, ante, - John Brown, Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1715–1766)
- A. Plays
- 1755. Barbarossa. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1756. Athelstan. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- B. Other Works
- 1751. Essays on the Characteristics [of the Earl of Shaftesbury]. 5th edn. 1764.
- 1757. An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. By the Author of Essays on the Characteristics, &c. 7th edn. 1758.
- 1763. A Dissertation on … Poetry and Music. To which is prefixed, The Cure of Saul. A Sacred Ode. [Performed as oratorio at Covent garden.]
- Henry Carey
- A. Plays
- 1715. The Contrivances; or, More Ways than One. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- [1722.] Hanging and Marriage; or, The Dead Man’s Wedding. F. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) [Preface dated 1722.]
- 1732. Amelia. A New English Opera. (Haymarket), after the Italian Manner. (Anon.) Music by Lampe, John Frederick.
- 1732. Teraminta. O. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) Music by Smith, J. C.
- [1734.] The Tragedy of Chrononhotonthologos: Being the Most Tragical Tragedy, that ever was Tragediz’d by any Company of Tragedians. Written by Benjamin Bounce, Esq.
- 1736. The Honest Yorkshire-Man. A Ballad Farce. Refus’d to be Acted at Drury-Lane Playhouse: but now Perform’d at the New Theatre in Goodman’s Fields, with great Applause.
- An earlier, (?) pirated, edn. 1736: A Wonder: or, An Honest Yorkshire-Man. A Ballad Opera; As it is Perform’d at the Theatres with Universal Applause. (Anon.)
- 1738. The Dragon of Wantley, a Burlesque Opera. (Anon.) Music by Lampe, J. F. (Covent garden.) Thirteenth edition, with additions.
- [1743?] The Dragoness, a Burlesque Opera. (Anon.) Music by Lampe, J. F. [Acted 1738, under title, Margery; or, A Worse Plague than the Dragon.]
- Alterations of Carey’s Nancy; or, The Parting Lovers, acted 1739.
- 1755. The Press Gang: or, Love in Low-Life. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1787. True-Blue. A Musical Entertainment, As performing at the Royalty-Theatre, Wellclose Square. (Anon.)
- 1743. The Dramatick Works of Henry Carey.
- B. Other Works
- 1713. Poems on Several Occasions. [3rd edn., much enlarged, 1729.]
- 1737–40. The Musical Century, in one hundred English Ballads … The Words and Musick of the Whole, by Henry Carey. 2 vols. [Vol.
II contains Sally in our Alley.] - Mrs. Susanna (Carroll) Centlivre
- A. Plays
- 1700. The Perjur’d Husband: or, The Adventures of Venice. T. (Drury lane.) Written by S. Carroll.
- 1702. The Beau’s Duel: or a Soldier for the Ladies. C. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) [Dedication signed Susanna Carroll.]
- [1703.] The Stolen Heiress, or the Salamanca Doctor Outplotted. C. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) (Anon.)
- 1703. Love’s Contrivance, or Le Médecin malgré Lui. C. (Drury lane.) [Dedication signed R. M., but play written by Mrs. Centlivre.]
- 1705. The Gamester. C. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) (Anon.)
- 1706. Love at a Venture. C. As it is Acted by his Grace the Duke of Grafton’s Servants, at the New Theatre in Bath. Written by the Author of The Gamester.
- 1706. The Basset-Table. C. (Drury lane.) By the Author of the Gamester.
- 1707. The Platonick Lady. C. (Haymarket.) By the Author of the Gamester, and Love’s Contrivance.
- [1709.] The Busie Body. C. (Drury lane.)
- [1710?] The Man’s bewitch’d; or, The Devil to do about Her. C. (Haymarket.)
- This piece was later altered, under the title: 1767. The Ghost. A Comedy of two acts. (Smock alley, Dublin.)
- [1710?] A Bickerstaff’s Burying; or, Work for the Upholders. F. As it was Acted at the Theatre in the Hay-market, by Her Majesty’s Sworn Servants.
- 1711. Mar-Plot; or, The Second Part of The Busie-Body. C. (Drury lane.)
- This piece was later altered, as follows: 1760. Marplot, in Lisbon. Or, The Second Part of the Busie-Body. C. (Theatre-Royal, Crow street. Dublin.)
- 1712. The Perplex’d Lovers. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1714. The Wonder: A Woman keeps a Secret. C. (Drury lane) … Written by the Author of the Gamester.
- 1715. The Gotham Election. F.
- This piece later appeared, under the title: 1737. The Humours of Elections. By the Author of The Gamester. [Running title: The Gotham Election.]
- 1715. A Wife Well Manag’d. F. [Frontispiece of Mrs. Centlivre.]
- This piece was later altered, under the title: 1732. The Disappointment; a New Ballad Opera of one act. Alter’d from a Farce after the Manner of the Beggar’s Opera. (Haymarket.)
- 1717. The Cruel Gift. T. (Drury lane.) [Running title adds sub-title: “or, The Royal Resentment.”]
- 1718. A Bold Stroke for a Wife. C. (Little Lincoln’s inn fields.) By the Author of the Busie-Body and the Gamester. [In A Collection of Plays by Eminent Hands, vol.
III, 1719.] - 1723. The Artifice. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1760–1. The Works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre. In 3 vols. With a New Account of her Life. Vol.
I, 1761, vols.II, III, 1760. - 1872. The Dramatic Works of the celebrated Mrs. Centlivre, with a New Account of her Life. Complete in 3 vols.
- B. Other Works
- 1715. A Poem. Humbly Presented to His most Sacred Majesty George, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland. Upon His Accession to the Throne. By Susanna Centlivre.
- 1716. Ode to Hygeia. [In Verses upon the Sickness and Recovery of the Right Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq., in State Poems, by the most Eminent Hands.]
- Seibt, Robert. Die Komödien der Mrs. Centlivre. In Anglia, vols.
XXXII andXXXIII. Halle a. S. 1909–10. - [Summaries of plays and dramatis personae.]
- Colley Cibber (1671–1757)
- For bibliography see ante, Vol. VIII, pp. 482–3.
- George Colman, the elder
- A. Plays
- 1760. Polly Honeycombe, a Dramatick Novel of one act. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1761. The Jealous Wife. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1762. The Musical Lady. F. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1763. The Deuce is in Him. F. of two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1766. [With Garrick.] The Clandestine Marriage. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1770. The Oxonian in Town. C. in two acts. (Covent garden.) (Dedication signed “George Colman.”)
- 1770. Man and Wife; or, The Shakespeare Jubilee. C. of three acts. (Covent garden.) (Dedication signed “George Colman.”)
- 1770. The Portrait; a Burletta. (Covent garden.) (Anon.) Music by Arnold.
- 1774. The Man of Business. C. (Covent garden.)
- 1776. The Spleen, or, Islington Spa; a comick piece, of two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1776. An Occasional Prelude, performed at the opening of the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. On the Twenty-first of September, 1772.
- 1776. New Brooms! An Occasional Prelude, performed at the opening of the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane, September 21, 1776.
- [1780.] The Manager in Distress. A Prelude on opening the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market, May 30, 1780.
- 1781. Songs, Duetts, Trios, &c. in The Genius of Nonsense: an Original, Whimsical, Operatical, Pantomimical, Farcical, Electrical, Naval, Military, Temporary, Local Extravaganza. (Haymarket.) (Anon.)
- 1782. Songs, Airs, &c. in the Entertainment of Harlequin Teague; or, The Giant’s Causeway. (Haymarket.) (Anon.)
- 1789. Ut Pictura Poesis! or, The Enraged Musician. A Musical Entertainment. Founded on Hogarth. (Haymarket.) Composed by Arnold, S.
- B. Dramatic Adaptations
- 1763. Philaster. T. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With Alterations [by C.]. (Drury lane.)
- 1767. The English Merchant. C. (Drury lane.) [Based on Voltaire’s L’Écossaise.]
- 1768. The History of King Lear. (Covent garden.)
- 1771. The Fairy Prince: a Masque. (Covent garden.) (Anon.) [Chiefly from Ben Jonson’s Oberon.]
- 1772. Comus: a Masque. Altered from Milton [by C.]. (Covent garden.) Musick by Arne, T. A.
- 1774. Achilles in Petticoats. O. (Covent garden.) Written by Mr. Gay, with Alterations [by C.]. The Music by Arne, T. A.
- 1776. Epicoene; or, The Silent Woman. C. Written by Ben Jonson. (Drury lane.) With Alterations, by George Colman.
- 1777. The Sheep-Shearing. A Dramatic Pastoral. In three acts. Taken from Shakespeare [Winter’s Tale]. (Haymarket.) (Anon.)
- 1778. Bonduca. T. Written by Beaumont and Fletcher. With Alterations [by C.]. (Haymarket.)
- 1778. [Acted 1767.] The Tailors; a Tragedy for Warm Weather, in three acts. (Haymarket.) (Anon.) Later “abridged by Mr. Colman, with some additional touches from his pen” (see Biog. Dram. vol.
III, p. 315). - 1783. Fatal Curiosity: a true T. Written by George Lillo, 1736. With Alterations [by C.], As revived at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market, 1782.
- 1788. Tit for Tat. C. in three acts. (Haymarket, Drury lane, and Covent garden.) (Anon.) [Free alteration of The Mutual Deception, 1785, by Joseph Atkinson.]
- 1777. The Dramatick Works of George Colman. 4 vols.
- C. Other Works
- 1755–6. The Connoisseur. By Mr. Town, Critic, and Censor-General [chiefly by Colman and Bonnell Thornton]. 2 vols. [140 nos. 31 January, 1754, to 30 September, 1756.]
- 1760. Ode to Obscurity. (Anon. Published in Two Odes.)
- 1761. Critical Reflection on the Old English Dramatic Writers. Addressed to David Garrick, Esq. (Anon. In vol.
I of The Dramatic Works of Philip Massinger, compleat, ed. by Coxeter, T., 4 vols., 1761. - 1765. The Comedies of Terence, Translated into Familiar Blank Verse. [Various edns.]
- 1778. The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher; Collated with all the former editions. 10 vols. Preface by Colman.
- 1783. Q. Horatii Flacci Epistola ad Pisones, De Arte Poetica. The Art of Poetry: an Epistle to the Pisos. Translated from Horace. With Notes.
- 1787. Prose on Several Occasions; accompanied with Some Pieces in Verse. 3 vols.
- 1841. Memoirs of the Colman Family, including their Correspondence with the most distinguished personages of their time. By Richard Brinsley Peake. 2 vols.
- Posthumous Letters … addressed to Francis Colman, and George Colman, the Elder. 1820.
- Samuel Crisp (d. 1783)
- [Often, erroneously, called “Henry” Crisp.]
- 1754. Virginia. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- Elijah Fenton
- 1723. Mariamne. T. (Lincoln’s inn fields.)
- Henry Fielding
- See bibliography to Chap.
II, ante. - Samuel Foote
- A. Plays
- 1752. Taste. C. of two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1753. The Englishman in Paris. C. in two acts. (Covent garden.)
- 1754. The Knights. C. in two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1756. The Englishman return’d from Paris, Being the Sequel to the Englishman in Paris. F. in two acts. (Covent garden.)
- 1757. The Author. C. of two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1760. The Minor. C. (New Theatre, Haymarket.) By Authority from the Lord Chamberlain.
- 1762. The Orators. (New Theatre, Haymarket.)
- 1764. The Lyar. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1764. The Mayor of Garret. C. in two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1764. The Patron. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1765. The Commissary. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1770. The Lame Lover. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1776. The Bankrupt. C. in three acts.
- 1778. The Devil upon Two Sticks. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1778. The Maid of Bath. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- Also, an earlier edn., anon., unauthorised, 1778.
- 1778. The Nabob. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- 1778. The Cozeners. C. in three acts. (Haymarket.)
- This and the three preceding plays were published by Colman. Of The Cozeners there also appeared an earlier edn., anon., unauthorised, 1778.
- 1778. A Trip to Calais. C. in three acts. As Originally Written, and Intended for Representation, by the late Samuel Foote, Esq. To which is annexed, The Capuchin. (Haymarket.) Altered from The Trip to Calais, by the late Samuel Foote, Esq. and now published by Mr. Colman.
- For some previously unprinted pieces by Foote, see Wilkinson, Tate: The Wandering Patentee; or, A History of the Yorkshire Theatres from 1770 to the Present Time, 4 vols., York, 1795. Vol.
IV contains The Second Act of Diversions of the Morning (Drury lane), 1758–9. Vol.I contains: As Acted 1763, at the Hay-Market Theatre. Tragedy A-La-Mode, being the Second Act of Mr. Foote’s Diversions of the Morning, and substituted in lieu of the former second act in his farce called Tea. Acted by Mr. Foote and Mr. Wilkinson, in Drury-Lane Theatre, 1758–9. See, also, under Cooke, William, sec. C, post. - For An Occasional Prologue, performed at the opening of the Theatre-Royal in the Haymarket, 1767, not inserted in the editions of Foote’s Works, see The Monthly Mirror, vol.
XVII, 1804. - [1787?] Dramatic Works. [Individual plays assembled from various edns., 1770–86.] 4 vols. (Other 4 vol. collections similarly assembled from different edns. of different dates.)
- 1799. Works. 2 vols.
- 1809. Dramatic Works; to which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 2 vols.
- 1830. Works. With remarks on each play, and an Essay on the Life, Genius, and Writings of the Author. By Jon Bee, Esq. [pseud. of John Badcock]. 3 vols.
- B. Other Works
- 1747. The Roman and English Comedy Consider’d and Compar’d. With remarks on the Suspicious Husband. And an Examen into the Merit of the present Comic Actors.
- 1762. The Comic Theatre. Being a Free Translation of all the Best French Comedies. By Samuel Foote, Esq. and Others. 5 vols. (According to the Advertisement: “One Comedy in each Volume of this work was translated by Foote.”)
- C. Biography and Criticism
- [1777?] Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Samuel Foote, Esq.; the English Aristophanes: to which are added the Bon Mots, Repartees, and Good Things said by that great Wit and Excentrical Genius.
- 1778. Aristophanes … containing the Jests, Gibes, Bon-Mots, Witticisms, and most extraordinary Anecdotes of Samuel Foote, Esq.
- Cooke, William. Memoirs of Samuel Foote, Esq. With a Collection of his genuine Bon-Mots, Anecdotes, Opinions, &c. mostly original. And three of his Dramatic Pieces not published in his Works. 3 vols. 1805. Another edn. 2 vols. 1806.
- Forster, John. Samuel Foote. In Historical and Biographical Essays, vol.
II, pp. 293–437. 1858. - Fitzgerald, Percy. Samuel Foote, a biography. 1910.
- Thomas Francklin (1721–1784)
- A. Plays
- 1766. The Earl of Warwick. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1775. Matilda. T. (Drury lane.) By the Author of the Earl of Warwick.
- 1776. The Contract. C. of two acts. (Haymarket.) (Anon.)
- B. Other Works
- 1761 etc. The Works of M. de Voltaire. Translated from the French. With Notes, Historical and Critical, by T. Smollett, M.D., T. Francklin, M.A and others.
- 1765. Sermons on the Relative Duties. 4th edn., Dublin, 1788.
- David Garrick
- A. Plays
- 1742. The Lying Valet; in two acts. As it is performed Gratis, at the Theatre in Goodman’s-Fields.
- 1745. Lethe: or, Esop in the Shades. As Acted at the Theatres in London, with Universal Applause. Written by Mrs. Garrick [sic].
- [MS. note in British Museum copy: This is the first Sketch of Mr. Garrick’s Lethe and seems to have been surreptitiously printed the year he was absent in Ireland.]
- 1747. Miss in her Teens: or, The Medley of Lovers. F. in two acts. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1749. Lethe. A Dramatic Satire. (Drury lane.)
- 1757. Lilliput. A Dramatic Entertainment. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1757. The Male-Coquette: or, Seventeen Hundred Fifty-Seven. In two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1759. The Guardian. C. of two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1760. The Enchanter; or Love and Magic. A Musical Drama. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) Music by Smith, John Christopher.
- 1762. The Farmer’s Return from London. An Interlude. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) 2nd edn.
- 1766 [with George Colman, the elder]. The Clandestine Marriage. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1766. Neck or Nothing. F. in two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1767. Cymon. A Dramatic Romance. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- This piece was later altered, under the title: 1792. Cymon. A Dramatic Romance. Written originally by David Garrick, Esq. and first performed as an Opera … Dec. 31, 1791.
- 1767. A Peep Behind the Curtain; or, The New Rehearsal. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1772. The Irish Widow. In two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1774. A New Dramatic Entertainment, called A Christmas Tale. In five parts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1775. Bon Ton; or, High Life above Stairs. C. in two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1775. May-day: or, The Little Gipsy. A Musical F. of one act. To which is added the Theatrical Candidates. A Musical Prelude. Both: (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1768. Dramatic Works; now first collected. In three volumes. Carefully corrected.
- 1774. [Another edn.] 2 vols.
- 1798. Dramatic Works. To which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 3 vols. [Vol.
III includes High Life Below Stairs, by Townley, James.] - B. Dramatic Adaptations
- 1750. Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespear. With Alterations, and an additional Scene. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) 1753 edn. reads: “By D. Garrick.”
- 1752. Every Man in his Humour. C. Written by Ben Jonson. With Alterations and Additions. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1755. The Fairies. O. Taken from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Written by Shakespear. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) The Songs from Shakespeare, by Milton, Waller, Dryden, Lansdown, Hammond, &c. Music by Smith, John Christopher.
- 1756. The Tempest. O. Taken from Shakespear. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) The Songs from Shakespear, Dryden, &c. Music by Smith, John Christopher.
- 1756. Catherine and Petruchio. C. in three acts. (Drury lane.) (Alter’d from Shakespear’s Taming of the Shrew. (Anon.)
- 1757. Isabella: or, The Fatal Marriage. A Play. Alter’d from Southern. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1758. Florizel and Perdita. A Dramatic Pastoral, in three acts. Alter’d from The Winter’s Tale of Shakespear. (Drury lane.)
- 1758. Antony and Cleopatra; an historical Play, written by William Shakespeare: fitted for the Stage by abridging only; and now acted. (Drury lane.) [Adapted by Edward Capell and Garrick.]
- 1758. The Gamesters. C. Alter’d from Shirley. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1763. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Written by Shakespeare: With Alterations and Additions, and Several New Songs. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1765. Mahomet the Imposter. T. [Originally, 1744, by James Miller and (?) John Hoadly.] (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- [1766. 4th edn. With new Improvements.]
- 1766. The Country Girl. C. (Altered from Wycherley.) (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1770. King Arthur: or, The British Worthy. A Masque. By Mr. Dryden. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) Music by Purcell and Arne.… [According to Advertisement, there were in this “some slight Alterations made, for the greator Convenience of Representation.”]
- 1771. The Songs, Choruses, and Serious Dialogue of the Masque called The Institution of the Garter, or, Arthur’s Round Table restored. (Anon.) [Altered from Gilbert West’s unacted piece, The Institution of the Order of the Garter, 1742.]
- 1773. The Chances. C. [By Beaumont and Fletcher.] With Alterations. (Anon.)
- 1773. Albumazar. C. As it is now revived at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. With Alterations [from Thomas Tomkis, by D. G.].
- 1773. Alfred: a Masque. [By Thomson and Mallet.] As it is now revived at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty’s Servants. (Anon.) [“With some few alterations, and with some New Music.”]
- 1784. Cymbeline. T. Altered from Shakespeare, by David Garrick. Marked with the Variations in the Manager’s Book at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. [Biog. Dram. cites an edn. of 1761.]
- C. Other Works
- 1769. An Ode upon Dedicating a Building, and Erecting a Statue, to Shakespeare, at Stratford upon Avon. By D. G.
- 1785. The Poetical Works of David Garrick, Esq. Now first collected into two volumes. With explanatory notes.
- 1831–2. The Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the most celebrated persons of his time … illustrated with notes. And a new biographical memoir of Garrick. 2 vols.
- 1907. Some Unpublished Correspondence of David Garrick, edited by George Pierce Baker. Boston, U. S. A.
- D. Biography and Criticism
- Davies, Thomas. Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, Esq. 2 vols. 1780.
- Fitzgerald, Percy. The Life of David Garrick. 2 vols. 1868. Revised edn. 1899.
- Gaehde, Christian. David Garrick als Shakespeare-Darsteller und seine Bedeutung für die heutige Schauspielkunst. Berlin, 1904.
- Hedgcock, F. A. David Garrick et ses Amis Français. Paris, 1911.
- Hedgcock, F. A. A Cosmopolitan Actor. David Garrick and his French Friends. [A very free rendering and adaptation of the above, with bibliography, pp. 430–6.] [1912.]
- Knight, Joseph. David Garrick. 1894.
- Murphy, Arthur. The Life of David Garrick, Esq. 2 vols. 1801.
- Parsons, Mrs. Clement. Garrick and His Circle. (With bibliography, pp. xvii–xx.) New York and London, 1906.
- John Gay
- See bibliography to Vol. IX, Chap.
VI, ante. - Richard Glover
- A. Plays
- 1753. Boadicia [later edns., “Boadicea”]. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1761. Medea. T.
- B. Other Works
- 1737. Leonidas, a poem. [Numerous edns. 1737–1810.]
- 1813. Memoirs of a celebrated Literary and Political Character [viz. Richard Glover] from … 1742 to … 1757 etc. New edn. 1814.
- See also bibliography to Chap.
VII, post. - Hall Hartson (d. 1773)
- 1767. The Countess of Salisbury. T. (Haymarket.) 2nd edn.
- Aaron Hill
- A. Plays
- [1710.] Elfrid: or, The Fair Inconstant. T. (Drury lane.) To which is Added the Walking Statue: or, The Devil in the Wine-Cellar. F.
- 1711. Rinaldo. O. (Haymarket.)
- 1716. The Fatal Vision: or, The Fall of Siam. T. (Lincoln’s inn fields.)
- [1721?] The Fatal Extravagance. T. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) Written by Mr. Joseph Mitchell [or, rather, (?) by Aaron Hill, in whose Dramatic Works, edn. 1760, it is included]. 4th edn., improv’d into five acts.… By Joseph Mitchell, 1726.
- 1723. King Henry the Fifth: or, The Conquest of France, by the English. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1731. Athelwold. T. (Drury lane.) [A revision of Hill’s Elfrid.]
- 1753. The Roman Revenge. T.
- 1758. The Insolvent: or, Filial Piety. T. (Haymarket.) … Written by the Late Aaron Hill, Esq.
- For Hill’s adaptations of Voltaire, viz. 1736, Zara; 1736, Alzira; 1749, Merope, see under English Adaptations of Voltaire, post.
- 1760. The Dramatic Works of Aaron Hill, Esq. 2 vols. [This includes some brief unacted pieces.]
- See also bibliography to Vol. IX, Chap.
VI, ante. - B. Other Works
- 1731. Advice to the Poets. A Poem.
- 1743. The Fanciad. An Heroic Poem. In six cantos. (Anon.)
- 1753. Works; in 4 vols. Consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, and of Original Poems, Moral and Facetious. With an Essay on the Art of Acting.
- Benjamin Hoadly (1706–1757)
- 1747. The Suspicious Husband. C. (Covent garden.)
- John Home
- 1757. Douglas. T. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1758. Agis. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1760. The Siege of Aquileia. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1769. The Fatal Discovery. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1773. Alonzo. T. In five acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1778. Alfred. T. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1760. Dramatic Works. [Contains only Douglas, Agis, The Siege of Aquileia.]
- 1798. Dramatic Works. 2 vols. Edinburgh.
- 1822. Works, now first collected (with Henry Mackenzie’s Account of the Life and Writings of John Home). 3 vols. Edinburgh. The Account was also separately printed, Edinburgh, 1822.
- John Hoole (1727–1803)
- A. Plays
- 1768. Cyrus. T. (Covent garden.)
- 1770. Timanthes. T. (Covent garden.)
- 1775. Cleonice, Princess of Bithynia. T. (Covent garden.)
- B. Other Works
- 1763. Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered [translated]. 2 vols. [Numerous edns.]
- 1783. Orlando Furioso: translated from the Italian of Lodovico Ariosto; with notes: by John Hoole. 5 vols. [Numerous edns.]
- John Hughes
- For bibliography see ante, Vol. VIII, p. 493.
- Charles Johnson (1649–1748)
- 1723. Love in a Forest. C. [from As You Like It]. (Drury lane.)
- 1729. The Village Opera. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal.
- 1731. The Tragedy of Medæa. (Drury lane.)
- 1733. Caelia: or, The Perjur’d Lover. A Play. (Drury lane.) (Anon.) Numerous other plays, 1702–32.
- Henry Jones (1721–1770)
- 1753. The Earl of Essex. T. (Covent garden.)
- Hugh Kelly
- 1768. False Delicacy. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1770. A Word to the Wise. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1771. Clementina. T. As it is Perform’d with universal Applause at the Theatre-Royal in Covent garden. (Anon.)
- 1774. The School for Wives. C. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1774. The Romance of an Hour. C. of two acts. (Covent garden.)
- (1760. L’Amour A-la-Mode: or, Love A-La-Mode. F. in three acts. [Translation from the French, often ascribed to Kelly.])
- 1778. Works. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author.
- George Lillo
- 1731. Silvia; or, The Country Burial. O. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) With the Musick prefix’d to each Song. (Anon.)
- 1731. The London Merchant: or, The History of George Barnwell. (Drury lane.)
- 1735. The Christian Hero. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1737. Fatal Curiosity: a True Tragedy of three acts. (New Theatre, Hay-market.)
- This play was later altered, under the title:
- 1783. Fatal Curiosity: a true Tragedy. Written by George Lillo, 1736. With Alterations [by Colman, G., the elder], As revived at the Theatre Royal, Hay-Market, 1782.
- 1784. The Shipwreck: or, Fatal Curiosity. T. Altered from Lillo [by Mackenzie, H.]. (Covent garden.)
- 1738. Marina: a Play of three acts. (Covent garden.) Taken from Pericles, Prince of Tyre.
- 1740. Elmerick: or, Justice Triumphant. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1740. Britannia and Batavia: a Masque. Written on the Marriage of the Princess Royal with his Highness the Prince of Orange. By the late Mr. Lillo.
- 1762. Arden of Feversham. An Historical Tragedy: taken from Holingshead’s Chronicle, in the Reign of King Edward VI. (Drury lane.) By the late Mr. Lillo.
- 1740. The Works of the late Mr. George Lillo. [Individual plays with separate titles and different dates. Includes Life of Scanderberg.]
- 1775. The Works of Mr. George Lillo; with Some Account of his Life. [By Davies, T.] 2 vols. [2nd edn., improved. 2 vols. 1810.]
- 1906. The London Merchant or The History of George Barnwell and Fatal Curiosity.… Edited, with Introduction by Ward, A. W. (Belles-Lettres Series) Boston, U. S. A., and London. [Contains bibliographies of these two plays and of works biographical and critical concerning Lillo.]
- 1817. Memoirs of George Barnwell; the unhappy subject of Lillo’s Celebrated Tragedy.… By a Descendant of the Barnwell Family.
- Rapp, Moriz. Studien über das englische Theater. Tübingen, 1862. [Pp. 270–6 on Lillo.]
- Hoffman, L. George Lillo (1693–1739). Inaugural Dissertation. Marburg, 1888.
- David Mallet [originally Malloch] (1705?–1765)
- 1731. Eurydice. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1739. Mustapha. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1740. [With Thomson.] Alfred: a Masque. Represented before Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, at Cliffden, on the First of August, 1740. (Anon.)
- (1751. Alfred: a Masque. (Drury lane.) [See Advertisement as to Mallet’s alterations.])
- 1755. Britannia: a Masque. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1763. Elvira. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1759. Works; in 3 vols. A new edition, corrected.
- Edward Moore
- A. Plays
- 1748. The Foundling. C. (Drury lane.) By Mr. Moore, Author of Fables for the Female Sex.
- 1751. Gil Blas. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1753. The Gamester. T. (Drury lane.)
- The Gamester, a True Story; on which the Tragedy of that Name … is Founded. Translated from the Italian. 1753.
- Beyer, H. Edward Moore. Sein Leben und seine dramatischen Werke. Inaugural Dissertation. Leipzig, 1889.
- B. Other Works
- 1744. [Assisted … by the author of Gustavus Vasa, i. e. Henry Brooke.] Fables for the Female Sex.
- 1756. Poems, Fables, and Plays.
- Arthur Murphy
- A. Plays
- 1756. The Apprentice. F. in two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1756. The Spouter: or, The Triple Revenge. A Comic F., in two acts. As it was intended to be perform’d. With the Original Prologue. Written by the Author; and intended to be spoke by Mr. Garrick, dress’d in Black. (Anon.) [Not included in Murphy’s Works.]
- 1758. The Upholsterer, or What News? F. in two acts. (Drury lane.) By the Author of the Apprentice. Glasgow. 2nd edn. With Alterations and Additions. 1765.
- 1759. The Orphan of China. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1760. The Desert Island, a Dramatic Poem, in three acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1760. The Way to Keep Him. C. in three acts. (Drury lane.)
- [1761. Ditto. In five acts. 4th edn.]
- 1761. All in the Wrong. C. (Drury lane.)
- 1761. The Old Maid. C. in two acts. (Drury lane.)
- 1763. The Citizen. F. (Covent garden.)
- 1764. No One’s Enemy but His Own. C. in three acts. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1764. What we must All come to. C. in two acts, As it was intended to be Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent garden. (Anon.)
- 1767. The School for Guardians. C. (Covent-garden.) (Anon.)
- 1768. Zenobia. T. (Drury lane.) By the Author of the Orphan of China.
- 1772. The Grecian Daughter. T. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1773. Alzuma. T. (Covent garden.)
- 1776. Three Weeks after Marriage. C. in two acts. (Covent garden.) [Altered from What we must All come to, 1764.]
- 1778. Know your own Mind. C. (Covent garden.) (Anon.)
- 1793. The Rival Sisters. T. Adapted for Theatrical Representation. (Drury lane.)
- 1798. Arminius. T.
- 1786. Works [dramatic]. 7 vols. [Vol.
IV contains The Choice, acted 1764, and News from Parnassus, acted 1776, apparently not previously printed.] - B. Other Works
- 1762. An Essay on the Life and Genius of Henry Fielding. [In vol.
I of Works of Henry Fielding, 4 vols.] - 1793. An Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. [In vol.
I of Works of Samuel Johnson, 6 vols., Dublin.] - 1801. The Life of David Garrick, Esq. 2 vols.
- 1811. The Life of Arthur Murphy, Esq. By Jessé Foot, Esq. his executor.
- Mrs. Frances Sheridan (1724–1766)
- [Mother of Richard Brinsley Sheridan]
- A. Plays
- 1763. The Discovery. C. (Drury lane.) Written by the Editor of Miss Sidney Bidulph.
- 1764. The Dupe. C. (Drury lane.) … By the Author of The Discovery.
- B. Other Works
- 1761. Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph. [A novel.] 2 vols. Dublin.
- 1767. The History of Nourjahad. By the Editor of Sidney Bidulph.
- Lefanu, Alicia. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mrs. Frances Sheridan … by her grand-daughter. 1824.
- James Thomson (1700–1748)
- See bibliography to Chap.
V, post - Richard Tickell (1751–1793)
- 1778. The Camp. A musical entertainment.
- 1781. The Carnival of Venice.
- James Townley (1714–1778)
- 1759. High Life Below Stairs. F. of two acts. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- William Whitehead (1715–1785)
- 1750. The Roman Father. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1754. Creusa, Queen of Athens. T. (Drury lane.)
- 1762. The School for Lovers. C. (Drury lane.) By William Whitehead, Esq; Poet Laureat.
- 1770. A Trip to Scotland. (Drury lane.) (Anon.)
- 1774. Plays and Poems. 2 vols.
- Edward Young
- See bibliography to Chap.
VII, post. - II. E
NGLISH ADAPTATIONS OF VOLTAIRE - Performed on the English Stage, 1734–1776
- 1735 [acted 1734]. Junius Brutus. T. (Drury lane.) [Brutus, adapted by William Duncombe.]
- 1736. The Tragedy of Zara. (Drury lane.) [Zaire, adapted by Aaron Hill.]
- 1736. Alzira. T. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) [Alzire, adapted by Aaron Hill.]
- 1744. Mahomet the Imposter. T. (Drury lane.) [Le Fanatisme, ou Mahomet le Prophète, adapted by James Miller and (?) John Hoadly, to whom is ascribed the fifth act.]
- 1749. Meropé [sic]. T. (Drury lane.) [Mérope, adapted by Aaron Hill.]
- 1759. The Orphan of China. T. (Drury lane.) [Orphelin de la Chine, adapted by Arthur Murphy.]
- 1760. The English Merchant. C. (Drury lane.) [L’Écossaise, adapted by George Colman, the elder.]
- 1764. No One’s Enemy but His Own. C. in three acts. (Covent garden.) [L’Indiscret, altered by Arthur Murphy.]
- 1765. Mahomet the Impostor. T. (Drury lane.) [James Miller’s 1744 version, altered by (?) Garrick.]
- (1769 acted. Orestes. [Oreste, adapted by Thomas Francklin, and acted at Covent garden, but not printed separately. Included in his translation of Voltaire’s Works.])
- 1771. Almida. T. (Drury lane.) By a Lady. [Tancrède, adapted by Dorothea (Mallet) Celesia.]
- 1771. Zobeide. T. (Covent garden.) [Les Scythes, adapted by Joseph Cradock.]
- 1776. Semiramis. T. (Drury lane.) [Sémiramis, adapted by George Edward Ayscough.]
- In addition to translations and adaptations of Voltaire quoted above, other English dramas show his influence, notably, e. g., John Hoole’s Cyrus (1768), Arthur Murphy’s Alzuma (1773). For a full discussion of Voltaire’s relation to English drama see Lounsbury, T. R., Shakespeare and Voltaire, New York and London, 1902. See also Ballantyne, A., Voltaire’s Visit to England, 1726–9, 1893, and Collins, J. Churton, Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau in England, 1908. (Revised from Bolingbroke, a Historical Study, and Voltaire in England, 1886.) For a full bibliography of Voltaire, see that by Anderson, J. P., in Espinasse, F., Life of Voltaire (Great Writers Series), 1892.
- III. M
INOR DRAMATIC PIECES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE PERIOD - Clive, Mrs. Catherine. The Rehearsal: or, Bays in Petticoats. C. in two acts, (Drury lane.) 1753.
- Coffey, Charles. The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos’d. O. (Drury lane.) 1731.
- Dodsley, Robert. The Toy Shop. A Dramatick Satire. By Robert Dodsley, Author of The Art of Charming. 1735.
- For full bibliography, see Robert Dodsley, Poet, Publisher and Playwright, by Straus, R., London and New York, 1910.
- Johnson, Samuel [of Cheshire]. Hurlothrumbo: or, The Super-Natural. (New Theatre, Haymarket.) 1729.
- —— The Blazing Comet: The Mad Lovers; or, The Beauties of the Poets. A Play. (New Theatre, Haymarket.) 1732.
- Miller, James. The Humours of Oxford. C. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal.… By a Gentleman of Wadham-College. 1730.
- For Miller’s Mahomet the Imposter see sec.
II, ante (English Adaptations of Voltaire). - Reed, Joseph. The Register Office. F. of two acts. 1761.
- Pantomimes, etc.
- A Dramatic Entertainment, call’d The Necromancer: or, Harlequin, Doctor Faustus. (Lincoln’s inn fields.) 6th edn. 1724.
- Argentina Strega per Amore: or Harlequin Multiply’d by Argentina’s Witchcraft, for Love. With their wonderful Flights and Apparitions; and the Magick Transformation of Silvio, Cittio, and Brighella. C. (Haymarket.) By the Company of Italian Comedians. 1726.
- Perseus and Andromeda. With The Rape of Colombine: or, The Flying Lovers. In five interludes; three Serious, and two Comic. The Serious compos’d by Mons. Roger, and the Comic by Mr. John Weaver, Dancing-Masters. 1728.
- Merlin, or The Devil of Stone-henge. An Entertainment. 1734. [Introduces Harlequin.]
- A New Dramatic Entertainment called The Royal Chace; or, Merlin’s Cave. With several new Comic Scenes of Action introduced into the Grotesque Pantomime of Jupiter and Europa. 1736.
- Orpheus and Eurydice. O. (Covent garden.) Music by Lampe, J. F. 1739. [Comic characters include Harlequin, Pantaloon, Colombine, etc.]
- Harlequin Student: or The Fall of Pantomime, with the Restoration of the Drama; an Entertainment, As it is now performing … at the late Theatre in Goodman’s Fields. With the Scenes of Action and Tricks.… Also, A Description of the Scenes and Machines … And the Words of the Songs and Chorus’s. 1741.
- Harlequin Sorcerer: with the Loves of Pluto and Proserpine. (Covent garden.) 1752.
- [Acted originally at Lincoln’s inn fields, 1725. Words by Lewis Theobald.]
- O’Hara, Kane. Midas; an English Burletta. (Covent garden.) 1764.
- —— The Golden Pippin: an English Burletta, in three acts. (Covent garden.) 1773.
- Reed, Joseph. Tom Jones. C. O. (Covent garden.) 1769. [Founded on Fielding’s novel.]
- IV. C
- This list excludes contemporary collections (e. g. Dodsley’s) which are confined to earlier English dramas.
- A Select Collection of English Plays. 6 vols. Edinburgh. 1755.
- A Select Collection of Farces, As Acted at London and Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1762.
- The English Theatre.… Containing the most valuable Plays which have been acted on the London Stage. 8 vols. 1765.
- The Theatre: or, Select Works of the British Dramatic Poets.… To which are prefixed, the Lives of these celebrated Writers, and Strictures on Most of the Plays. 12 vols. Edinburgh, 1768.
- A Collection of New Plays by Several Hands. 4 vols. Altenburg, 1774–8.
- The New English Theatre … containing the Most Valuable Plays which have been Acted on the London Stage. 12 vols. 1776–7. [Separate plays variously dated, 1775–88.]
- Bell’s British Theatre, Consisting of the most esteemed English Plays. 24 vols. 1776, etc. 34 vols. 1791, etc.
- A Collection of the most esteemed Farces and Entertainments performed on the British Stage. A new edition. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1786–8.
- [Parsons’s] The Minor Theatre: being a Collection of the most approved Farces, Operas, and Comedies, in one, two, and three acts. With some account of the respective authors. 7 vols. 1794.
- Jones’s British Theatre. 10 vols. Dublin, 1795. [Individual plays with separate title-pages and pagination.]
- The British Drama; comprehending the best plays in the English language [edited by Sir Walter Scott]. 3 vols. in 5 [vol.
I, Tragedies, in two parts; vol.II, Comedies, in two parts; vol.III, Operas and Farces]. 1804. - Sharpe’s British Theatre. 18 vols. 1804.
- The British Theatre; or, A Collection of Plays … with biographical and critical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald. 25 vols. 1808.
- A Collection of Farces and other Afterpieces … selected by Mrs. Inchbald. 7 vols. 1809. [Another edn. 7 vols. 1815.]
- English Comedy: a Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Stage by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber. 6 vols. 1810.
- The Modern British Drama. 5 vols. 1811.
- The British Drama, a Collection of the most Esteemed Dramatic Productions, with Biography of the Respective Authors; and Critique on each Play, by Richard Cumberland, Esq. 14 vols. 1817.
- Oxberry’s New English Drama. 20 vols. 1818–25.
- The British Drama, a Collection of the most esteemed [engraved title-page reads “approved”] Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, in the English Language. 2 vols., 1824–6; 2 vols., Philadelphia, 1837–8; and other later edns.
- Dolby’s British Theatre. [Individual plays variously dated, 1823–5; frontispiece, “published, Feb. 1825.”] [Bound in 7 vols., unnumbered.] 1825.
- Cumberland’s British Theatre, with Remarks, Biographical and Critical. 43 vols. 1826, etc.
- British Theatre, comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from the most classic writers; with Biography, Critical Account and Explanatory Notes by an Englishman [(?) Owen Williams]. Leipzig, 1828.
- The London Stage; a Collection of the most reputed Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Melo-Dramas, Farces, and Interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised. [Bound in 4 vols.] [1830.]
- V. C
- The Court of Thespis; being a Collection of the most admired Prologues and Epilogues.… Written by some of the most Approved Wits of the Age, viz. Garrick, Colman, Foote, Murphy, Lloyd, &c. 1769.
- A Collection and Selection of English Prologues and Epilogues. Commencing with Shakespeare and concluding with Garrick. 4 vols. 1771.
- The Theatrical Bouquet: containing an alphabetical arrangement of the Prologues and Epilogues, which have been published by Distinguished Wits, from the time that Colley Cibber first came on the Stage, to the present Year. 1780.
- VI. T
- This list excludes (1) general works not largely concerned with mid-eighteenth century English drama, (2) specific works concerning individual dramatists unless, like Cibber’s Apology, they deal broadly with general dramatic history and (3) minor publications such as critical, satirical, and controversial tracts, treatises and pamphlets. Some of the more important items under (1) and (2) are entered in the next section of this bibliography. For the multitudinous items under (3) see especially Lowe, R. W., A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature, 1888, and the catalogues of leading libraries, especially under individual author headings— e. g. the Colman tracts and Garrick items of the British Museum, the Bodleian controversial pamphlets concerning Home’s Douglas, etc.
- Cibber, Colley. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian … With an Historical View of the Stage during his Own Time. Written by Himself. 1740. [2nd edn. 1740. Edited, with Notes and Supplement, by Lowe, R. W. 2 vols. 1889.]
- The History of the English Stage, from the Restauration to the Present Time.… By Mr. Thomas Betterton. [Probably not by T.B.] 1741.
- An Historical and Critical Account of the Theatres in Europe.… By the famous Lewis Riccoboni of the Italian Theatre at Paris … 1741.
- Chetwood, W. R. A General History of the Stage, from its Origin in Greece down to the present Time.… Collected and Digested by W. R. Chetwood. 1749.
- The British Theatre. Containing the Lives of the English Dramatic Poets with an Account of all their Plays.… To which is prefixed, A Short View of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage. Dublin, 1750. [Another edn. London, 1752.]
- A General History of the Stage, from its Origin.… Translated from the Eminent Lewis Riccoboni.… The Second Edition. To which is Prefixed, An Introductory Discourse concerning the Present State of the English Stage and Players. 1754.
- Theatrical Records: or, An Account of English Dramatic Authors, and their Works. Printed for R. and J. Dodsley. 1756.
- The Theatrical Review: for the Year 1757, and Beginning of 1758. 1758.
- A General View of the Stage. By Mr. Wilkes [pseud. of Samuel Derrick]. 1759.
- An Essay upon the Present State of the Theatre in France, England and Italy. 1760.
- Victor [Benjamin]. The History of the Theatres of London and Dublin, from the Year 1730, to the present Time. To which is added, An Annual Register of all the Plays, &c. performed at the Theatres-Royal in London, from the Year 1712. With Occasional Notes and Anecdotes. 2 vols. 1761.
- The Theatrical Review: or, Annals of the Drama. 1763.
- [Baker, David Erskine]. The Companion to the Play-House: or, An Historical Account of all the Dramatic Writers (and their Works) that have appeared in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions, down to the Present Year 1764. 2 vols. 1764. A new edition: Carefully corrected; greatly enlarged; and continued [by Reed, Isaac] from 1764 to 1782. 2 vols. 1782. New edn., with the first title Biographia Dramatica, brought down to the end of November, 1811. By Jones, Stephen. 3 vols. in 4. 1812.
- Brounsmith, J. (prompter to the Theatre-Royal in the Haymarket). The Dramatic Time-Piece: or Perpetual Monitor. Being a Calculation of the Length of Time every act takes … at the Theatres-Royal. 1767.
- [Gentleman, Francis]. The Dramatic Censor; or, Critical Companion. 2 vols. 1770.
- Victor [Benjamin]. The History of the Theatres of London, from the Year 1760 to the Present Time. Being a Continuation of the Annual Register [see above, under date, 1761]. 1771.
- The Theatrical Review, or New Companion to the Play-House: containing A Critical and Historical Account of every Tragedy, Comedy, Opera, Farce, &c. exhibited at the Theatres during the last Season.… By a Society of Gentlemen, Independent of Managerial Influence. 2 vols. 1772.
- Theatrical Biography: or, Memoirs of the Principal Performers of the Three Theatres Royal. 2 vols. 1772.
- The Playhouse Pocket Companion, or Theatrical Vade-Mecum.… To which is prefixed, A Critical History of the English Stage from its Origin to the present Time. 1779.
- Hitchcock, Robert (prompter of the Theatre-Royal, Dublin). An Historical View of the Irish Stage; from the earliest period down to the close of the season 1788 … [or, rather, to 1774. See Preface to vol.
II, (1794)]. 2. vols. Dublin, 1788–94. - A New Theatrical Dictionary. Containing an Account of all the Dramatic Pieces that have appeared from the Commencement of Theatrical Exhibitions to the Present Time.… And also a Short Sketch of the Rise and Progress of The English Stage. 1792.
- Jackson, John (ten years manager of the Theatre Royal of Edinburgh). The History of the Scottish Stage, from its First Establishment to the Present Time. Edinburgh, 1793.
- Oulton, Walley Chamberlain. The History of the Theatres of London … from the year 1771 to 1795. 2 vols. 1796.
- Dibdin, Charles. A Complete History of the English Stage. 5 vols. [1800.]
- The Thespian Dictionary; or Dramatic Biography of the Eighteenth Century … forming a concise History of the English Stage. 1802. 2nd edn. 1805.
- Holcroft, Thomas. The Theatrical Recorder. 2 vols. 1805–6.
- Gilliland, Thomas. The Dramatic Mirror: containing the History of the Stage, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 1808.
- The Drama Recorded; or, Barker’s List of Plays … from the earliest period, to 1814; to which are added, Notitia Dramatica, or a Chronological Account of Events relative to the English Stage. 1814.
- Dibdin, Charles, Jr. History and Illustrations of the London Theatres. 1826.
- [Genest, John.] Some Account of the English Stage, from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols. Bath, 1832.
- The Dramatic Souvenir: being literary and graphical illustrations of Shakespeare and other celebrated English dramatists. [Especially pp. 94–171.] 1833.
- [Logan, William Henry.] Fragmenta Scoto-Dramatica. 1715–1758. Edinburgh, 1835.
- Tomlins, F. G. A Brief View of the English Drama, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 1840.
- “Their Majesties Servants.” Annals of the English Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. 2 vols. 1864. [2nd edn., revised.
I vol. 1865. Edited and revised by Lowe, Robert W. 3 vols. 1888.] - Fitzgerald, Percy. A New History of the English Stage from the Restoration to the Liberty of the Theatres, in connection with the Patent Houses. 2 vols. 1882.
- Lowe, Robert W. A Bibliographical Account of English Theatrical Literature. 1888.
- Dibdin, James C. The Annals of the Edinburgh Stage with an account of the Rise and Progress of Dramatic Writing in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1888.
- Baker, H. Barton. The London Stage: Its History and Traditions from 1576 to 1888. 2 vols. 1889.
- Revised as: History of the London Stage and its Famous Players (1576–1903). London and New York, 1904.
- Bates, Katherine Lee, and Godfrey, Lydia B. English Drama. A Working Basis. Wellesley College, U. S. A. 1896.
- The Haymarket Theatre: some Records & Reminiscences. By Maude, Cyril, edited by Maude, Ralph. 1903.
- Adams, W. Davenport. A Dictionary of the Drama. Vol.
I, A—G. 1904. - Nicholson, Watson. The Struggle for a Free Stage in London. Boston and New York, 1906. [Also, London edn.]
- Wyndham, H. S. The Annals of Covent Garden Theatre from 1732 to 1897. 2 vols. 1906.
- Marks, Jeannette. English Pastoral Drama … (1660–1798). [With bibliography of English Pastoral Plays.] [1908.]
- The Stage Censor: an historical sketch: 1544–1907: by G. M. G. 1908.
- Thorndike, Ashley H. Tragedy. Boston and New York, 1908. [Chap.
IX, with Note on Bibliography.] - Clarence, R. “The Stage” Cyclopaedia: A Bibliography of Plays. 1909.
- Ward, A. W. Art. Drama (with bibliography) in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn., vol.
VIII. Cambridge, 1910. - Materials for the Study of the English Drama (excluding Shakespeare). A selected list of books in the Newberry Library. Chicago, 1912.
- VII. A
DDITIONAL WORKS, CHIEFLY BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL - This list is limited to a selection from the more considerable works bearing (1) on general phases of the drama, or (2)
on individual dramatists, discussed in Chap. IV. Briefer treatises, special dissertations (e.g. on the sources of separate plays), encyclopaedias, general histories of literature or biography, and similar works are with a few exceptions, omitted. - Baker, H. B. Our Old Actors. 2 vols. 1878.
- Beers, H. A. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century. New York, 1899.
- Beljame, A. Le Public et les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre au dix-huitième siècle. Paris, 1881. With index, Paris, 1897.
- Betz, L. P. La Littérature comparée, essai bibliographique. Strassburg, 1900.
- Boulton, W. B. The Amusements of Old London. 2 vols. 1901. [Vol.
I, chap.VI. ] - Canfield, D. F. Corneille and Racine in England. New York and London, 1904.
- Cibber, Theophilus. The Lives and Characters of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses of Great Britain and Ireland. Part
I. Life of Barton Booth. 1753. - —— Dissertations on Theatrical Subjects. 1756.
- —— Theophilus Cibber, to David Garrick, Esq; with Dissertations on Theatrical Subjects. 1759. [Section V contains attack on Garrick’s Shakespearean perversions.]
- Cook, Dutton. A Book of the Play. 2 vols. 1876.
- —— Hours with the Players. 2 vols. 1881.
- Cooke, William. Memoirs of Charles Macklin … forming an History of the Stage during almost the Whole of the last Century. 2nd edn. 1806.
- Courthope, W. J. A History of English Poetry. London and New York, 1895–1905. [Vol.
V, chap.XIII. ] - Davies, Thomas. Dramatic Miscellanies. 3 vols. 1783–4.
- Dennis, John. The Age of Pope (1700–1744). (Handbooks of English Literature.) 1894.
- Dobson, Austin. Introduction to The Good Natur’d Man and She Stoops to Conquer. (Belles-Lettres Series.) Boston and London [1903].
- Eloesser, A. Das bürgerliche Drama. Seine Geschichte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin, 1898.
- Galt, John. The Lives of the Players. 2 vols. 1831.
- Gosse, Edmund. A History of Eighteenth Century Literature (1660–1780). 1889.
- Hastings, Charles. The Theatre: its Development in France and England. 1901.
- Hettner, Hermann. Geschichte der englischen Literatur … 1660–1770 (Part 1: Literaturgeschichte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts). 1856. [Brunswick, 1894.]
- [? Hill, John.] The Actor: a Treatise on the Art of Playing. 1750.
- —— The Actor: or, A Treatise on the Art of Playing. A New Work, written by the Author of the former, and adapted to the Present State of the Theatres. 1755.
- Kilbourne, Frederick W. Alterations and Adaptations of Shakespeare. Boston, U. S. A., 1906.
- Lewes, Charles Lee. Memoirs of Charles Lee Lewes.… Written by himself. 4 vols. 1805.
- Lounsbury, T. R. Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist: with an account of his reputation at various periods. New York and London, 1902.
- —— The Text of Shakespeare. New York, 1906.
- Mantzius, K. A History of Theatrical Art. Translation by Louise von Cossel. 1904, etc. [Vol.
V (1909), The Great Actors of the Eighteenth Century.] - Matthews, Brander. The Development of the Drama. New York, 1904.
- Millar, J. H. The Mid-Eighteenth Century. Edinburgh and London, 1902. [Chap.
VI. ] - Molloy, J. F. The Romance of the Irish Stage. 2 vols. 1897.
- Morley, Henry. English Plays. (Cassell’s Library of English Literature.) [1878.] [Chap.
IX. ] - Perry, T. S. English Literature in the Eighteenth Century. New York, 1883. [Chap.
VIII. ] - Seccombe, T. The Age of Johnson (1748–1798). (Handbooks of English Literature.) 1899. [Chap.
IX. ] - Stephen, Sir Leslie. English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century. 1904.
- Straus, R. Robert Dodsley: Poet, Publisher & Playwright [with full bibliography]. London and New York, 1910.
- Ward, A. W. A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. New and revised edn. 3 vols. London and New York, 1899.
- Waterhouse, O. The development of English Sentimental Comedy in the 18th century. In Anglia, vol.
XXX. Halle a. S., 1907. - Wilkinson, Tate. Memoirs of His Own Life. 4 vols. York, 1790.
- —— The Wandering Patentee, or a history of the Yorkshire Theatre from 1770 to the present time. 4 vols. York, 1795.
- Wright, C. H. Conrad. A History of French Literature. New York and London, 1912.