The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. G
ENERAL - A. Collections
- The principal works of the writers treated in this chapter will be found in the following Collections of British Poets:
- The Poets of Great Britain from Chaucer to Churchill. (Bell’s edn.) 109 vols. Edinburgh, 1777–92.
- The Works of the English Poets: with prefaces biographical and critical by Johnson, S. 68 vols. 1779–81.
- The Works of the British Poets. Ed. Anderson, R. 14 vols. Edinburgh, 1793–1807.
- The Works of the British Poets. Ed. Park, T. 48 vols. 1805–9.
- The Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to Cowper including the series ed., with prefaces critical and biographical, by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and the most approved translations. With additional lives by Chalmers, A. 21 vols. 1810.
- B. Biography and Criticism
- See, also, Vol. IX, bibliography to Chap.
VI, sec.I, B. - Millar, J. H. The mid-eighteenth century. (Periods of European literature.) Edinburgh, 1902.
- Seccombe, T. The Age of Johnson (1748–98). 1900.
- II. P
- Poems. Ed. Dyson, J. 1772.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Dyce, A., with a Life. (Aldine Poets.) 1835 and 1857.
- Poetical Works of Mark Akenside and John Dyer. Ed. Willmott, R. A. 1855.
- A British Philippic. 1738.
- The Pleasures of Imagination. A poem in three parts. 1744. 4th edn. 1744. Ed. Mrs. Barbauld. 1795.
- Transl. into French prose by Holbach, P. H. D. von, Amsterdam, 1759, and also into German and Italian.
- An Epistle to Curio [i. e. William Pulteney, earl of Bath]. 1744.
- Odes on several subjects. 1745. 2nd edn. 1760.
- An Ode to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Huntingdon. 1748.
- The Remonstrance of Shakespeare. 1749.
- An Ode to the Country Gentlemen of England. 1758.
- Ode to the late Thomas Edwards, Esq. written in the year 1751. 1766.
- Bucke, C. On the life, writings, and genius of Akenside; with some account of his friends. 1832.
- Cooper, J. G. The Call of Aristippus. 1758. [A panegyric of Akenside.]
- John Armstrong
- The conomy of Love. A poetical essay. 1736. New edn., revised, 1768. 1781.
- The Art of preserving Health. A poem. 1744. 2nd edn. 1745. Ed. Aikin, J. 1795. 1803.
- Transl. into Italian verse by Mathias, T. J., Naples, 1824.
- Benevolence. An epistle. 1751.
- Taste. An Epistle to a young critic. 1753.
- Sketches or essays on various subjects, in two parts. By Launcelot Temple [i. e. John Armstrong]. 1758.
- A Day. An epistle to John Wilkes, of Aylesbury, Esq. 1761.
- Miscellanies. 2 vols. 1770.
- Henry Baker (1698–1774)
- Original Poems. 1725.
- The Universe. A Poem intended to restrain the Pride of Man. [1727.] With a Life. 1805.
- John Codrington Bampfylde (1754–1796)
- Sixteen Sonnets. 1778.
- James Beattie
- (1) Collected Editions
- Poetical Works. Ed., with a Life, by Dyce, A. (Aldine Poets.) 1831 and 1866.
- Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer. With Lives, etc., by Gilfillan, G. Edinburgh, 1854.
- The Poetical Works of James Beattie and William Collins. With memoirs of their lives and writings by Miller, T. Illustrated. 1846.
- (2) Particular Works
- Original poems and translations. 1761. 2nd edn. 1766.
- The Judgment of Paris. A poem. 1765.
- An Essay on Truth. 1770. 4th edn. 1773; 7th edn. 1807.
- Transl. into French, German, Italian and Dutch.
- The Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius. A poem. 2 parts. 1771–4. New edn., with a few other poems. 1777. 1807. 1819. Rptd. and illustrated by Foster, B. 1858.
- Essays. On poetry and music. On laughter. On the utility of classical learning. Edinburgh. 1776.
- Dissertations moral and critical. 1783. 2 vols. 1786.
- Evidences of the Christian religion. Edinburgh, 1786.
- Elements of moral science. 2 vols. 1790–3. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1807. 2 vols. 1817.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Bower, A. An Account of the Life of James Beattie. 1804.
- Forbes, M. Beattie and his friends. 1904.
- Forbes, Sir W. An Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie, including many of his original Letters. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1806. 3 vols. 1807. 2 vols. 1824.
- Robert Blair
- See, also, Beattie, J., ante
- The Grave. A poem. 1743.
- —— Illustrated by twelve etchings executed by Schiavonetti, L., from the original inventions of William Blake. 1808. 1813.
- —— Ed. Farrar, F. W. Illustrated. 1858.
- Susanna Blamire (1747–1794)
- Poetical Works, now for the first time collected by Lonsdale, H. With a preface, memoir, and notes by Maxwell, P. Edinburgh, 1842.
- Samuel Boyce (d. 1775)
- Poems. 1757.
- John Collier [“Tim Bobbin”] (1708–1786)
- View of the Lancashire dialect (by way of Dialogue between Tummus and Meary, etc.). 1746. Frequently rptd., sometimes in edns. including Collier’s miscellaneous poems under the title of Works of Tim Bobbin.
- William Collins
- Poetical Works. With Memoirs of the author, and observations on his genius and writings by Langhorne, J. 1765. 1771. 1781. With Johnson’s Life added. 1804. 1811.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Mrs. Barbauld. 1797.
- Poetical Works. To which is prefixed a Life of the Author by Johnson. 1798, 1800. With Johnson’s Life, corrected and enlarged by Crowe, W. Bath, 1828.
- Poetical Works. With the Life of the Author by Johnson; observations on his writings by Langhorne; and biographical and critical notes by Dyce, A. 1827.
- Poetical Works, with a Memoir of the author and an essay on his genius and poems by Brydges, Sir E. (Aldine Poets.) 1830. 1853.
- Poems, with Memoir by Thomas, Moy. 1858. 1866. 1894.
- Poems. Ed. Stone, C. 1907.
- Persian eclogues and odes. 1742. Rptd. 1757 as Oriental eclogues.
- Verses to Sir Thomas Hanmer on his edition of Shakespeare’s Works. 1743.
- Odes on several descriptive and allegoric subjects. 1747.
- An Ode occasioned by the death of Mr. Thomson. 1749.
- An Ode on the popular superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland considered as the subject of poetry. 1788. [Published posthumously. The work also appeared in the Trans. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh.]
- Sneyd Davies (1709–1769)
- Davies’s Poems were never collected. They are to be found in Dodsley’s Collection (1775), vols.
V andVI; and in Nichols’s Collection (1780), vols.VI andVII. - John Dyer
- Poems. 1761. 1765.
- Grongar Hill. First published in the Miscellaneous Poems and Translations by several hands of Savage, R. 1726. Rptd. separately, 1727.
- The Ruins of Rome. A poem. 1740.
- The Fleece. A poem in four books. 1757.
- William Falconer
- Poetical Works. Ed. Mitford, J. (Aldine Poets.) 1836 and 1866.
- The Shipwreck. A poem in three cantos, by a Sailor. 1762. 2nd edn. 1764; 3rd edn. 1769; 11th edn. 1802.
- —— Ed. with a Life by Clarke, J. S. 1804.
- —— With Life by Carruthers, R., and illustrations by Foster, B. 1858.
- Friedrich, J. The Shipwreck. A poem by a Sailor. 1762. (Schipper’s Wiener Beiträge.) Vienna and Leipzig, 1901.
- The Demagogue. 1764.
- An universal Dictionary of the Marine. 1769, and several later edns., ed. Burney, W.
- Francis Fawkes (1720–1777)
- The Works of Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschus, and Musaeus, translated into English by a Gentleman of Cambridge. 1760.
- Original Poems and Translations. 1761.
- Philip Francis (1708?–1773)
- The Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Seculare of Horace in Latin and English. 2 vols. 1743.
- The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace in Latin and English. 2 vols. 1746.
- Eugenia. A tragedy. 1752.
- Constantine. A tragedy. 1754.
- Richard Glover
- Leonidas. A poem. 1737. 5th edn. 1770. Transl. into French and German.
- London, or the Progress of Commerce. A poem. 1739.
- Admiral Hosier’s Ghost. 1740.
- Boadicea. A tragedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. 1753.
- Medea. A tragedy. 1761.
- The Athenaid. A poem. 1787. [Published posthumously.] As to this, see Retrospective Review, vol.
II, 1820. - Jason. A tragedy. 1799.
- Memoirs by a celebrated literary and political character, from the resignation of Sir Robert Walpole in 1742 to the establishment of Lord Chatham’s second administration. Written by himself. 1813. [Published by Duppa, R.]
- An Inquiry concerning the author of the Letters of Junius, with reference to the Memoirs of a celebrated literary and political character. [By Duppa, R.] 1814. [Suggesting Glover as the author of the Letters of Junius.]
- James Grainger (1721?–1766)
- The Sugar-Cane. A Poem in four books. 1764.
- Poetical Works, with his life. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1836.
- Matthew Green
- The Spleen. An Epistle inscribed to his particular friend, Mr. C. J. (Ed. Glover, R.) 1737. [Published posthumously.] 2nd edn. 1737; 3rd edn., corrected, to which is added some other pieces by the same hand, 1738. Ed. Aikin, J. 1796.
- Henry Headley (1765–1788)
- Poems and other pieces. 1786.
- Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry. With Remarks. 2 vols. 1787.
- John Langhorne (1735–1779)
- Poetical Works. 2 vols. 1766. Ed. Langhorne, J. T. 2 vols. 1804.
- Plutarch’s Lives translated, with notes, by Langhorne, W. and J. 6 vols. 1770.
- Robert Lloyd (1733–1764)
- The Actor. A poetical epistle to Bonnell Thornton, Esq. 1760.
- Poems. 1762.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Kenrick, W. 2 vols. 1774.
- Edward Lovibond (1724–1775)
- Poems on several occasions. 1785.
- John Lowe (1750–1798)
- Mary’s Dream. Printed in Robert Hartley Cromek’s Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song. 1810.
- James Merrick (1720–1769)
- Poems on sacred subjects. Oxford, 1763.
- The Psalms translated or paraphrased in English verse. Reading, 1765.
- Many of his original poems, including The Chameleon, will be found in Dodsley’s Collection.
- William Julius Mickle (1735–1788)
- The Lusiad … translated from the original Portuguese of Luis de Camöens. 1776. 2nd edn. 1778.
- Poems, and a Tragedy. 1794.
- Poetical Works, with life by Sim, J. 1806.
- Anna, Lady Miller (1741–1781)
- Poetical amusements at a villa near Bath. 4 vols. 1775–81.
- Letters from Italy. 3 vols. 1776.
- Robert, Earl Nugent (1702–1788)
- An Ode on Mr. Pulteney. 1739.
- Odes and Epistles. 1739.
- Thomas Russell (1762–1788)
- Sonnets and Miscellaneous Poems. Oxford, 1789.
- William Shenstone
- Poems on various occasions, written for the entertainment of the author, and printed for the amusement of a few friends prejudiced in his favour. Privately ptd. Oxford, 1737.
- The Judgment of Hercules. A poem, inscribed to George Lyttleton, Esq. 1741.
- The Schoolmistress. 1742.
- Contributions to Dodsley’s Collection of Poems, vols.
I, III, IV andV. 1748–58. - Works in verse and prose, most of which were never before printed. In two volumes, with decorations. 1764. Vol.
III, containing Letters to particular friends, from the year 1739 to 1763. 1769. - (Ed. by Dodsley, R., who added an account of the Leasowes and a character of Shenstone.) 2nd edn., 3 vols., 1765; 5th edn., 3 vols., 1777; 6th edn., 3 vols., 1791.
- Essays on Men and Manners. 1802. [First published in vol.
II of the Works, 1764.] - Poetical Works. 1812.
- —— With Life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by Gilfillan, G. Edinburgh, 1854.
- Wells, J. E. The Dating of Shenstone’s Letters. Anglia, vol.
XXXV. Halle, 1912. - See, also, bibliography to Chap.
XI, sec.II, post. - Christopher Smart
- Poems, consisting of his Prize Poems, Odes, Sonnets, and Fables, Latin and English translations; together with many original compositions not included in the quarto edition. To which is prefixed an account of his life and writings. 2 vols. Reading, 1791.
- [This edition by no means includes all Smart’s poetical works. See the bibliography by Gray, G. J., post. A Song to David is among the poems omitted from it.]
- Carmen cl. Alexandri Pope in S. Caeciliam Latine redditum a Christophero Smart. Cambridge, 1743.
- —— Ed. altera. To which is added Ode for Musick on Saint Cecilia’s day by C. Smart. Cambridge, 1746.
- The Horatian Canons of Friendship. Being the Third Satire of the First Book of Horace imitated. By Ebenezer Pentweazle [i. e. C. Smart]. 1750.
- On the Eternity of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1750.) Cambridge, 1750. 2nd edn., Cambridge, 1752; 3rd edn., Cambridge, 1756.
- On the Immensity of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1751.) Cambridge, 1751. 2nd edn., Cambridge, 1753; 3rd edn., London, 1756.
- Poems on several occasions. 1752.
- On the Omniscience of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1752.) Cambridge, 1752. 2nd edn. Cambridge, 1756.
- The Hilliad. An epic poem. 1753.
- On the Power of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1753.) Cambridge, 1754. 2nd edn. Cambridge, 1758.
- On the Goodness of the Supreme Being. (Seatonian Prize Poem for 1755.) Cambridge, 1756. 2nd edn. Cambridge, 1756.
- Hymn to the Supreme Being on recovery from a dangerous fit of illness. 1756.
- The Works of Horace translated literally into English prose. 2 vols. 1756. 2nd edn. 1762; 3rd edn. 1770; 6th edn. 1790.
- A Song to David. 1763.
- Rptd. 1819, 1895; 1898, ed. Tutin, J. R.; 1901, ed. Streatfeild, R. A.
- Poems. [Reason and Imagination, etc.] [1763.]
- Poems on several occasions. [Munificence and Modesty, etc.] [Probably 1763.]
- Ode to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Northumberland on his being appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. With some other pieces. 1764.
- Hannah. An oratorio. [1764.]
- A Translation of the Psalms of David. 1765.
- A poetical translation of the Fables of Phaedrus, with the Appendix of Gudius. 1765.
- The Works of Horace translated into verse. With a prose interpretation for the help of students. 1767.
- The Parables of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ done into familiar verse, with occasional applications. 1768.
- Abimelech. An oratorio. [1768.]
- Browning, R. Parleyings with certain People of Importance in their Day. With Christopher Smart. Poetical Works, vol.
II. 1902. - Gosse, E. Smart’s Poems. In Gossip in a Library. 1892.
- Gray, G. J. Bibliography of the writings of Christopher Smart, with biographical references. (Rptd. from the Bibliographical Society’s transactions.) 1903.
- Anna Williams (1706–1783)
- Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 1766.
- Edward Young
- (1) Collected Editions
- Works. 6 vols. 1757–78.
- New edn. 1774–8. Revised with a Life by Doran, J. 2 vols. 1854.
- Poetical Works. With Life by Mitford, J. (Aldine Poets.) 2 vols. 1834 and 1858.
- (2) Particular Works
- An Epistle to the Right Honourable the Lord Lansdown. 1713.
- A Poem on the Last Day. Oxford, 1713. 2nd edn. 1713.
- The Force of Religion, or Vanquish’d Love. Illustrated in the story of the Lady Jane Gray. 1714. 2nd edn. 1715; 3rd edn. 1715.
- On the late Queen’s death and his Majesty’s Accession to the Throne. 1714.
- A Paraphrase on part of the Book of Job. 1719. 2nd edn. 1719.
- Busiris, King of Egypt. A tragedy. 1719.
- A Letter to Mr. Tickell. Occasion’d by the death of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Addison. 1719. 2nd edn. 1719.
- The Revenge. A tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. 1721. Ed. Kemble, J. P. 1814.
- The Universal Passion. 6 parts. 1725–8. 3rd edn. 1730; 4th edn. 1741.
- The Instalment. 1726.
- Ocean. An Ode, occasion’d by His Majesty’s late royal encouragement of the sea-service. To which is prefix’d an Ode to the King, and a discourse on Ode. 1728.
- A Vindication of Providence, or a true estimate of human life. 1728.
- Imperium Pelagi. A naval lyrick, written in imitation of Pindar’s spirit, occasioned by His Majesty’s return, September, 1729, and the succeeding Peace. 1730.
- Two Epistles to Mr. Pope concerning the authors of the age. 1730.
- The Foreign Address … in the character of a Sailor. 1734.
- The Complaint, or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. 9 parts. 1742–5. 8th edn. 1749. Transl. into French, 1769. The Complaint and The Consolation. Illustrated by William Blake. 1797.
- The Brothers. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. 1753.
- The Centaur not fabulous. 1754. 4th edn. 1786.
- Conjectures on original composition in a letter to the Author of Sir Charles Grandison. 1759.
- Resignation, in two parts and a postscript to Mrs. **** 1762
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Eliot, G. Worldliness and Otherworldliness: the poet Young. Essays. 2nd edn. 1884.
- Kind, J. L. Edward Young in Germany. New York, 1906.
- Texte, J. Jean Jacques Rousseau and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature. Transl. by Matthews, J. W. 1899. [Young’s influence in France.]
- Thomas, W. Le poète Edward Young (1683–1765). Paris, 1901.A. T. B.