The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. J
OHNSON - A bibliography of Johnson’s writings by Courtney, W. P., is in preparation, and will be shortly published.
- A. Collections
- (In chronological order)
- The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his Life, and Notes on his Lives of the Poets. By Hawkins, Sir John.
II vols. 1787. Vols.XII andXIII (Debates [ed. Chalmers, George], printed for John Stockdale; see sec. B, post). 1787. Vol.XIV (Miscellaneous Pieces, printed for Stockdale.) 1788. Vol.XV (Miscellaneous Pieces, ed. Gleig, George). 1789. - —— A new edition in twelve volumes. With an Essay on his Life and Genius. By Murphy, Arthur. 1792, 1796, 1801, etc.
- —— [edited by Chalmers, A.] 12 vols. 1806, etc.
- —— Works, 9 vols.; Debates, 2 vols. (Oxford English Classics.) Oxford, 1825.
- —— ed. Lynam, R. 6 vols. 1825.
- —— 2 vols. 1850.
- —— 16 vols. New York, 1903.
- Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces. 3 vols. Ed. Davies, T. Vols.
I andII n. d. [1774; ascribed by Boswell to 1773]. Vol.III. 1774. - The first volume consists wholly of pieces by Johnson. In the second by far the greater number are his. A few others are in the third.
- The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Now first collected in one volume [ed. Kearsley, George]. 1785. New edn., considerably enlarged. 1789.
- —— Complete in one volume. A new edition. London and Gainsbrough. 1785.
- —— Dublin, 1785.
- —— with life by Blagdon, F. W. 1808.
- —— ed. Gilfillan, G. Edinburgh, 1855.
- —— ed. Ward, T. Methuen. [1905.]
- —— ed. Smith, D. Nichol. Oxford. (In preparation.)
- Also in The Works of the English Poets, vol.
LXXII, 1790; Anderson’s Poets of Great Britain, vol.XI, Edinburgh, 1793; Park’s Works of the British Poets, vol.XXXVII, 1805, and Suppl., vol.VI, 1809; Chalmers’s Works of the English Poets, vol.XVI, 1810. - The Beauties of Johnson: Consisting of Maxims and Observations, Moral, Critical, and Miscellaneous, accurately extracted from the Works of Dr. Samuel Johnson, and arranged in alphabetical order, etc. 2 vols. 1782. 7th edn., with biographical anecdotes. One vol. 1787. 8th edn. (with biographical “augmentations” from Boswell). 1792.
- Wit and Wisdom of Samuel Johnson. Selected and arranged by Hill, G. B. Oxford, 1888.
- B. Separate Works
- (In chronological order)
- A Voyage to Abyssinia. By Father Jerome Lobo, A Portuguese Jesuit.… With a Continuation of the History of Abyssinia down to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century, and Fifteen Dissertations.… By Mr. Legrand. From the French. 1735.
- —— To which are added, various other Tracts by the same Author, etc. 1789.
- Also in A General Collection of Voyages and Travels, by Pinkerton, J., vol.
XV, 1814; Cassell’s National Library, ed. Morley, H., 1887. - [The History of the Council of Trent, translated from the Italian of Father Paul Sarpi; with the author’s life, and notes etc. from the French.—Proposals issued October, 1738. “Some sheets were printed off, but the design was dropt.” See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 135.] - London: A Poem, In Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal. R. Dodsley. 1738. 4th edn. 1739. Also in Dodsley’s Collection of Poems, 1748, and later issues; Two Satires. By Samuel Johnson, A.M., Oxford, 1759; Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, vol.
II, 1774. - A Compleat Vindication of the Licensers of the Stage, from the Malicious and Scandalous Aspersions of Mr. Brooke, Author of Gustavus Vasa. With A Proposal for making the Office of Licenser more Extensive and Effectual. By an Impartial Hand. 1739.
- Marmor Noftolciense: or an Essay on an Ancient Prophetical Inscription, In Monkish Rhyme, Lately Discover’d near Lynn in Norfolk. By Probus Britanicus. 1739. New edn., with notes and a dedication to Samuel Johnson, LL. D. By Tribunus. 1775. Reprint of edn. of 1739, n. d. [1819 or 1820].
- An Account of the Life of Mr. Richard Savage, Son of the Earl Rivers. 1744. 4th edn. 1769.
- Histoires de Richard Savage et de J. Thompson (i. e. James Thomson]. Traduites de l’Anglois par M. Le Tourneur. Paris, 1771.
- The Works of Richard Savage, Esq.… with an Account of … the Author, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Vol.
I. 1775. Another edn. 1777. Rptd. in Works of the English Poets, 1781. - An Account of the Life of John Philip Barretier, who was Master of five Languages at the Age of nine Years. 1744. Rptd. from The Gentleman’s Magazine.
- Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Macbeth: With Remarks on Sir T. H[anmer]’s Edition of Shakespear. To which is affix’d, Proposals for a New Edition of Shakespear, with a Specimen. 1745.
- [The footnote given ante, p. 188, requires modification. A copy containing the Proposals is in the library of Worcester college, Oxford. The sheet is folded into four, and inserted among advertisements at the conclusion. The bottom half gives two specimen pages, in the small type selected for the edition.]
- The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language; Addressed to the Right Honourable Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield; One of his Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State. 1747.
- Prologue and Epilogue, spoken at the opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane, 1747.
- [The Epilogue was by Garrick.]
- The Vanity of Human Wishes. The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, Imitated By Samuel Johnson. 1749. Also in Two Satires, Oxford, 1759; in Dodsley’s Collection, and in Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, vol.
II, 1774. - Irene: a Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Dodsley. 1749. Other edns.: (Dublin) 1749, 1754, 1781.
- The Rambler. Numb.
I. Price 2d. To be continued on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Tuesday, 20 March, 1749/50.-No. 208. Saturday, 17 [error for 14] March, 1752. [Each number six pages folio.] Collected in 2 (or 4) vols. and issued with the title-page: The Rambler. Nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri, Quo me cunque rapit tempestas deferor hospes. Hor. 1751 (some copies 1752, others 1753). Vol.I (-VIII ) [superintended by Elphinstone, James]. Edinburgh, 1750–2. 6 vols. [revised by Johnson]. 1752. 11th edn. 1790. Also in Harrison’s British Classicks, vol.I, 1796; The British Essayists, ed. Chalmers, A., vols.XIX —XXII, 1802; and other collections. - See Nathan Drake’s Essays Illustrative of the Rambler, vol.
I, p. 204. - Thornton, Bonnell. “A Rambler. Number 99999.” In the Drury-Lane Journal, No.
III, pp. 67–71, 30 January, 1752. - A new Prologue spoken by Mr. Garrick, Thursday, 5 April, 1750. At the Representation of Comus, for the benefit of Mrs. Elizabeth Foster, Milton’s granddaughter, and only surviving descendant. 1750.
- A Dictionary of the English Language: in which The Words are deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their different Significations By Examples from the best Writers. To which are prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. 2 vols. 1755. 4th edn. (last revised by Johnson), 1773. With numerous corrections and additions … by Todd, H. J. 4 vols. 1818. Re-edited by Latham, R. G. 2 vols. 1866–70. And many other edns.
- A Dictionary of the English Language … abstracted from the Folio Edition. 2 vols. 1756. 5th edn. 1773.
- The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. In Two Volumes. Dodsley. 1759. 6th edn. 1783. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. 1787. Ed. Hill, G. B. Oxford, 1887.
- Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Being a Facsimile Reproduction of the First Edition published in 1759. In two volumes. With an introduction by Macaulay, James; and a bibliographical list of editions of Rasselas. 1884.
- Rasselas was translated into French (by Baretti, and by others), Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Modern Greek and Bengali.
- Dinarbas: a Tale: being a continuation of Rasselas. [By Cornelia Knight.] 1790.
- The Review of A Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. [By Soame Jenyns.] 1759.
- The Idler. 2 vols. Newbery. 1761. Published originally in The Universal Chronicle or Weekly Gazette (v. infra) from 15 April, 1758, to 5 April, 1760—104 numbers. [In the collected edition Johnson omitted No. 22 and disclaimed in a prefatory note the authorship of Nos. 9, 15, 33, 42, 54, 67, 76, 79, 82, 93, 96, 98.] 3rd edn.; with Additional Essays. 2 vols. 1767. (The additional essays are An Essay on Epitaphs, rptd. from The Gentleman’s Magazine; A Dissertation on the Epitaphs written by Pope, from the Universal Visiter; and The Bravery of the English Common Soldiers.) In Harrison’s British Classicks, vol.
VIII, 1796; The British Essayists, vols.XXXIII–XXXIV, 1802; and other collections. - Three Letters to The Idler. [1761.]
- [Reynolds’s three papers, Nos. 76, 79 and 82. This little volume of 20 pages is printed in the type of the edition of 1761 and, as is stated in a note in Malone’s writing, was specially “taken off” for Johnson for private presentation to Reynolds.]
- The Plays of William Shakespeare, 8 vols., with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators; To which are added Notes by Sam. Johnson. Tonson, etc. 1765. Reissued, 1768. 10 vols., with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators; To which are added Notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. With an Appendix. 1773. 2nd edn., revised and augmented, 1778; with Supplement, ed. Malone, E., 2 vols., 1780; 3rd edn., revised and augmented by the Editor of Dodsley’s Collection of Old Plays, 1785; 4th edn. 1793.
- [Johnson’s edition is the basis of the Variorum editions.]
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. V, p. 474, ante.
- Mr. Johnson’s Preface To his Edition of Shakespear’s Plays. Tonson, etc. 1765.
- [The preface to the edition issued separately, with a special title-page.]
- Variorum editions of Shakespeare. (See bibliography to Vol. V, pp. 473–475, ante.)
- Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Smith, D. Nichol. 1903.
- Johnson on Shakespeare. Essays and Notes with an introduction by Walter Raleigh. 1908.
- The False Alarm. 1770. 2nd edn. 1770.
- Thoughts on the Late Transactions respecting Falkland’s Islands. 1771. 2nd edn. 1771.
- [Two issues of the 1st edn., with different readings on p. 68: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 135.] - The Patriot. Addressed to the Electors of Great Britain. 1774.
- Taxation no Tyranny; An Answer to the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress. 1775. 4th edn. 1775.
- Political Tracts. Containing: The False Alarm. Falkland’s Islands. The Patriot; and, Taxation no Tyranny. 1776.
- [All Johnson’s political pamphlets were anonymous.]
- A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 1775. Many other edns.: 1785, 1791, etc. French transl. in Nouveau Recueil de Voyages au nord de l’Europe, etc. Geneva, 1785.
- The Works of the English Poets. With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical. By Samuel Johnson. 68 vols. 1779–81. Enlarged edn. 75 vols. 1790. Ed. Chalmers, A. 21 vols. 1810
- Johnson’s Prefaces are in 10 vols. 1779 (
I–IV )–1781 (V–X ). [Each Preface is paged separately.] Revised and reissued, in different order, as— - The Lives of the most eminent English Poets; with Critical Observations on their Works. By Samuel Johnson. 4 vols. 1781. New edn., corrected, 1783; with notes, by Cunningham, Peter, 3 vols., 1854; with notes, by Napier, Mrs. A., and an introduction by Hales, J. W., 3 vols., 1890; with an introduction by Millar, John Hepburn, 3 vols., 1896; with notes and introduction by Waugh, A., 6 vols., 1896; edd. Hill, George Birkbeck, and Scott, H. S., 3 vols., 1905.
- The Six Chief Lives, with Macaulay’s Life of Johnson. Ed., with a preface, by Arnold, Matthew. 1878.
- Life of Milton. Ed. Firth, C. H. 1888.
- And many other annotated editions of separate lives.
- The Principal Additions and Corrections in the third edition of Dr. Johnson’s Lives of the Poets; collected to complete the second edition. 1783.
- Prayers and Meditations, composed by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. and published from his manuscripts, by Strahan, George. 1785. 5th edn. 1817; new edn., with notes and an introduction by Higgins, Hinchcliffe, and a preface by Birrell, Augustine, n. d. [1904].
- Johnsonian Miscellanies. Ed. Hill, G. B. 2 vols. Oxford, 1897. [Vol. 1.]
- [Original manuscripts in the library of Pembroke college, Oxford.]
- Memoirs of Charles Frederick, King of Prussia … with notes and a continuation by Mr. Harrison.… 1786. First printed in The Literary Magazine; then in Davies’s Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, 1774.
- Debates in Parliament. [19 Nov., 1740, to 24 Feb., 1743.] By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 2 vols. 1787. Rptd. from The Gentleman’s Magazine. [Ed. by Chalmers, George: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 152; commonly said to be edited by Stockdale, who was the publisher, and is sometimes confused with Percival Stockdale: see Boswell, ed. Hill, vol.I, pp. 191, 335, and vol.VI, p. 253.] Also 1811, 1825. - A Sermon [on St. John xi, 25, 26] written by the late Samuel Johnson for the funeral of his wife. Published by Hayes, Samuel. 1788.
- Sermons on Different Subjects, left for publication by John Taylor, LL.D. Published by Hayes, Samuel. 2 vols. 1788–9. [The second volume has on the title: To which is added a Sermon written by Samuel Johnson, LL.D., for the Funeral of his Wife. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
III, p. 181.] - The Celebrated Letter from Samuel Johnson, LL.D. to Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield; Now first published, With Notes. By James Boswell, Esq. 1790.
- A Conversation between His Most Sacred Majesty George III and Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Illustrated with Observations. By James Boswell, Esq. 1790.
- An Account of the Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, from his birth to his eleventh year, written by himself. To which are added, Original Letters to Dr. Samuel Johnson, by Miss Hill Boothby: From the
MSS. preserved by the Doctor; and now in Possession of Richard Wright [the editor]. 1805. - Parliamentary Logick: … By the Right Hon. William Gerard Hamilton. With an appendix, containing Considerations on the Corn Laws, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. never before printed. [Ed. Malone, E.] 1808.
- A Diary of a Journey into North Wales, in the year 1774; by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Ed., with illustrative notes, by Duppa, R. 1816.
- Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. To which are added some Poems never before printed. Published from the Original Manuscripts in her possession, by Piozzi, Hester Lynch. 2 vols. 1788.
- Original Letters, from … Dr. Samuel Johnson, … edited by Warner, Rebecca. Bath and London, 1817.
- Original Letters of Dr. Samuel Johnson [thirteen in number], communicated by Simeon, Sir John, in Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, vol.
VI. 1860–1. - Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Collected and edited by Hill, G. B. 2 vols. Oxford, 1892.
- —— Additional Letters. In Johnsonian Miscellanies, ed. Hill, G. B. 1897. [Vol.
II. ] - Wrongly attributed to Johnson
- [There were other writers of the name S. Johnson publishing at the same time—the author of Hurlothrumbo; the president of King’s College, New York; and the author of An Essay on Education, a Poem, 1771, An Essay on Woman, a, Poem, 1772, Sensibility, a Poem, 1773, and The Temple of Fashion, a Poem, 1781.]
- A Compleat Introduction to the Art of Writing Letters, Universally adapted To all Classes and Conditions of Life.… To which is prefixed, A Short but Useful Grammar of the English Language, etc. By S. Johnson. 1758. [Some of the sentences in the Grammar are taken from the prefatory matter to the Dictionary.]
- A History and Defence of Magna Charta.… With an introductory discourse, containing a short account of the rise and progress of national freedom. 1769. [By Samuel Johnson, rector of Corringham.]
- The Right of the British Legislature to tax the American Colonies vindicated; and the means of asserting that right proposed. 1774. [Attributed to Johnson in British Museum catalogue.]
- Hypocrisy Unmasked; or, a short inquiry into the religious complaints of our American Colonies. To which is added, a Word on the Laws against Popery in Great Britain and Ireland. 1776. [Attributed to Johnson in British Museum catalogue.]
- The Sixteenth Ode of the Third Book of Horace imitated. With a dedication to the Right Honourable the Lord N[ort]h. 1777. [Dedication signed S.… 1 J.… n.]
- The Patriot, A Tragedy. From a Manuscript of the Late Dr. Samuel Johnson, Corrected by Himself. 1785.
- [By Joseph Simpson: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
III, p. 28.] - C. Contributions to Periodicals
- The Gentleman’s Magazine.
- Most of the contributions marked as doubtful are ascribed to Johnson by Boswell
- Latin verses Ad Urbanum. (March, 1738.)
- Latin verses Ad Richardum Savage. (April.)
- Greek and Latin verses to Eliza (Elizabeth Carter). (April.)
- Latin verses “to a Lady who spoke in defence of liberty.” (April.)
- (?) Introduction to “Debates in The Senate of Magna Lilliputia.” (June.)
- (?) English translation of verses “to Eliza” signed Urbanus. (August.)
- To Lady F[irebra]ce at Bury Assizes. (September.)
- The Life of Father Paul Sarpi. (November.)
- Greek verses “to Birch.” (December.)
- “To the Reader” prefixed to the collected numbers for 1738.
- Introductory letter to Mr. Urban. (January, 1739.)
- The Life of Boerhaave. (Jan., Feb., March, April.)
- An Appeal to the Publick. (March.)
- To the Reader. (May.)
- The Life of Admiral Blake. (June, 1740.)
- The Life of Sir Francis Drake (Aug., Sept., Oct., Dec., Jan., 1741.)
- Epitaph upon Claudy Philips, Musician. (Sept.)
- An Essay on Epitaphs. (Dec.)
- Some Account of the Life of Barretier. (Dec., and Feb., 1741.)
- Preface to collected numbers for 1740.
- (?) A Debate upon the Petition of Parliament to Cromwell to assume the Title of King. (February, March, 1741.)
- Translation of the Abbé de Guyon’s Dissertation on the Amazons. (April.)
- Translation of Fontenelle’s Panegyric on Dr. Morin, with two notes. (July.)
- (?) Translation of the Jests of Hierocles, with introductory note. (September.)
- Debates on The Senate of Lilliput. (July–December, and Supplement.)
- Preface to collected numbers for 1741.
- Essay on the Account of the Conduct of the Duchess of Marlborough. (March, April, May, June, 1742.)
- An Account of the Life of Peter Burman. (April.)
- (?) Additional Account of the Life of Barretier. (May.)
- (?) Essay on the Description of China by Père du Halde. (June.)
- (The continuation in July, is clearly not by Johnson.)
- The Life of Dr. Sydenham. (December.)
- Proposals for printing Bibliotheca Harleiana, with an account of the Harleian Library. (December.)
- (?) Abridgment of “Foreign History.” (December.)
- Debates in The Senate of Lilliput. (January—December, and Supplement.)
- Preface to collected numbers for 1742.
- Considerations on Crousaz and Warburton. (March, November, 1743.)
- Friendship; an Ode. (July.)
- The Young Author. (July.)
- Ad Lauram parituram Epigramma. (July.)
- Letter on the forthcoming Life of Savage. (August.)
- Latin translation of Pope’s verses on his grotto. (October.)
- (?) Advertisement of Bibliotheca Harleiana. (October.)
- Proposals for the Harleian Miscellany. (Supplement, end.)
- Debates in The Senate of Lilliput. (January–December, and Supplement.)
- Preface to collected numbers for 1743.
- Debates in the Senate of Lilliput. (Jan.–March, 1744.)
- (?) Preface to collected numbers for 1744.
- (?) Latin epitaph on Sir Thomas Hanmer, and translation. (May, 1747.)
- (?) To Miss——on her giving the Author a Gold and Silver Net-Work Purse. (May.)
- (?) Stella in mourning. (May.)
- (?) The Winter’s Walk. (May.)
- (?) An Ode, beginning “Stern winter now, by spring repress’d.” (May.)
- (?) To Lyce, an elderly Lady. (May.)
- [The preceding six pieces, each signed ***, have been included among Johnson’s poetical works since 1785. Boswell says “it is supposed” they were by Johnson; Malone suggests Hawkesworth. Some are certainly not by Johnson, and there is no proof of his authorship of any. The Winter’s Walk is said to be “by Samuel Johnson, LL.D.” in the Scots Magazine for December, 1767. Other pieces from the Magazine about this time are included among his collected poems, but without reason. Twelve pieces, including four of the above, had been definitely ascribed “to S—— J——, LL.D.” in Pearch’s Collection of Poems, vol.
III, 1770.] - Prologue spoken at the opening of Drury Lane Theatre. (October, 1747.)
- Life of Roscommon. (May, 1748.)
- (?) Foreign History. (November.)
- Prologue at the representation of Comus. (April, 1750.)
- Life of Edward Cave. (February, 1754.)
- Review of Tytler’s Vindication of Mary Queen of Scots. (October, 1760.)
- Account of the detection of the Imposture in Cock-Lane. (February, 1762.)
- Prologue to the Good-Natur’d Man. (February, 1768.)
- Prologue to the Word to the Wise. (June, 1777.)
- On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet. (August, 1783.)
- Letter, with memorandum on the authors of the Ancient Universal History, dated 6 December, 1784 (“the last scrap he ever dictated for the press”). (December, 1784.)
- Speech on the subject of an address to the Throne after the expedition to Rochfort in September, 1757, dictated to a friend who delivered it at a certain respectable talking society. (October, 1785.)
- Considerations on the case of Dr. Trapp’s Sermons abridged by Mr. Cave (written 1739). (July, 1787.)
- The General Advertiser.
- Letter announcing the representation of Comus for the benefit of Milton’s granddaughter. (4 April, 1750.)
- The Student, or, The Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany. Vol.
II. 1751. - The Life of Dr. Francis Cheynel (Nos.
VII–IX, ? April–June, 1751). [Signed S. J——N. ] - The Adventurer.
- Nos. 34, 39, 41, 45, 50, 53, 58, 62, 67, 69, 74, 81, 85, 92, 95, 99, 102, 107, 108, 111, 115, 119, 120, 126, 128, 131, 137, 138. (From 3 March, 1753, to 2 March, 1754.)
- [Signed T. Johnson’s sole authorship of Nos. 34, 41, 53, 62—which are letters signed Misagryus or Misargyrus—is doubtful: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 254. According to Hawkins, Johnson “did not himself write” No. 81 (on “Admirable Crichton”), but “dictated” it to Hawkesworth: see Life, 1787, pp. 294, 309.] - The Universal Visiter, and Memorialist. For the Year 1756.
- Further thoughts on Agriculture. (March.)
- Latin verses beginning: Nequicquam Danaen includit ahenea turris. (March.)
- Reflections on the present State of Literature. (April.)
- A Dissertation on the Epitaphs written by Pope. (May.)
- [All signed **(i. e. S. J.); other contributions signed ** are clearly not his.]
- The Literary Magazine: or, Universal Review.
- Articles:
- Preliminary Address. (May, 1756.)
- An Introduction to the Political State of Great Britain. (May.)
- Observations added to “An authentic Account of the present State of Lisbon.” (May.)
- Observations on the Militia Bill. (June.)
- Observations on his Britannick Majesty’s Treaties with her Imperial Majesty of all the Russias and the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. (July.)
- Observations on the present State of Affairs. (August.)
- Memoirs of the King of Prussia. (November, December, January, 1757.) Reviews:
- Birch’s History of the Royal Society. (May, 1756.)
- Murphy’s Gray’s Inn Journal. (May.)
- Warton’s Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope. (May.)
- Hampton’s Polybius. (May.)
- Blackwell’s Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. (May.)
- Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo. (June.)
- Newton’s Letters to Bentley containing arguments in proof of a Deity. (June.)
- Borlase’s Observations on the Islands of Scilly. (June.)
- Home’s Experiments on Bleaching. (July.)
- Browne’s Christian Morals. (July.)
- Hales “on distilling sea-water, the great benefit of ventilators, and curing an ill-taste in milk.” (July.)
- Lucas’s Essay on Waters. (August, September.)
- Keith’s Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland. (August.)
- Browne’s History of Jamaica. (August.)
- Parkin’s Account of the Invasion under William Duke of Normandy. (August.)
- Philosophical Transactions, vol.
XLIX. (August.) - Mrs. Lennox’s translation of Sully’s Memoirs. (October.)
- Miscellanies by Elizabeth Harrison. (October.)
- Evans’s Map and Account of the Middle Colonies in America. (October.)
- Letter on the case of Admiral Byng. (October.)
- Appeal to the people concerning Admiral Byng. (October.)
- Hanway’s Eight Days Journey … to which is added an essay on Tea. (November, May, 1757.)
- The Cadet. A military treatise. (November.)
- Further Particulars relating to the case of Admiral Byng. (November.)
- The Conduct of the ministry impartially examined. (November.)
- A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. (May, 1757, June, July.)
- A Reply to a Paper in the Gazetteer of May 26, 1757 [by Hanway]. (June, 1757.)
- The London Chronicle.
- Introduction. (1 January, 1757.)
- Character of the Rev. Mr. Zachariah Mudge. (2 May, 1769.)
- The Universal Chronicle, or Weekly Gazette.
- The Idler, from 15 April, 1758, to 5 April, 1760.
- Advertisement against reprinting the Idler without leave. (5 January, 1759.)
- The Gazetteer.
- Three letters on the plans for Black-Friars bridge. (1, 8, 15 December, 1759.)
- The Critical Review.
- Review of Graham’s Telemachus, a Mask. (April, 1763.)
- Review of Grainger’s Sugar-Cane. (October, 1764.)
- Review of Goldsmith’s Traveller. (December.)
- The London Magazine.
- Elegy on the Death of Mr. Levet. (September, 1783.)
- [“Incorrect copies of this effusion of the most friendly regard have been distributed; that which you will now receive, is genuine,” p. 229.]
- The Morning Chronicle.
- Communication showing that a passage in The Rambler, No. 85, did not favour suicide. (May 29, 1782.)
- (See Gentleman’s Magazine, February, 1786, pp. 93–5.)
- D. Contributions to Books: Assistance to other Writers
- A Miscellany of Poems By several Hands. Publish’d by J. Husbands, A.M., Fellow of Pembroke-College, Oxon. Oxford, 1731.
- Messia (pp. 111–117).
- [“The Translation of Mr. Pope’s Messiah was deliver’d to his Tutor as a College Exercise, by Mr. Johnson, a Commoner of Pembroke-College in Oxford, and ’tis hoped will be no Discredit to the excellent Original.” Preface.]
- The Works of Dr. Thomas Sydenham, newly made English from the original Latin. By John Swan, M.D. 1742.
- The prefactory Life of Sydenham, printed also in The Gentleman’s Magazine.
- A Medicinal Dictionary. By Robert James, M.D. 3 vols. 1743–5.
- Dedication to Dr. Mead.
- [“I helped in writing the proposals for his Dictionary, and also a little in the Dictionary itself.” See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
III, p. 22.] - Catalogus Bibliothecæ Harleianæ. 1743–4.
- An Account of the Harleian Library, vol.
I, already printed in Proposals for Printing Bibliotheca Harleiana. - Preface to vol.
III. - Proposals for printing the Harleian Miscellany, prefixed to vol.
III. - The Harleian Miscellany. Vol.
I. 1744. - Introduction, afterwards entitled An Essay on the Origin and Importance of small Tracts and Fugitive Pieces.
- Boulter’s Monument. A Panegyrical Poem, sacred to the Memory of that great and excellent Prelate and Patriot, Dr. Hugh Boulter, late Lord-Archbishop of Ardmagh. [By Madden, Samuel.] Dublin, 1745.
- “Castigated” by Johnson at the author’s request: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 318. - The Preceptor: containing A General Course of Education. Dodsley. 1748. Vol.
I. Preface. - Vol.
II. The Vision of Theodore, the Hermit of Teneriffe. The Picture of Human Life: from the Greek of Cebes (see Monthly Review, March, 1790, p. 282). - An Essay on Milton’s Use and Imitation of the Moderns, in his Paradise Lost. [By Lauder, William.] 1750.
- Preface and Postscript.
- A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his Vindication of Milton. By William Lauder. 1751.
- Beginning dictated by Johnson.
- The Female Quixote: or, the Adventures of Arabella. By Charlotte Lennox 1752.
- Dedication to the Earl of Middlesex.
- Shakespear Illustrated. By the Author of the Female Quixote. 1753.
- Dedication to the Earl of Orrery.
- Familiar Letters and Poems on several occasions. By Mary Masters. 1755.
- [“Mrs. Masters, the poetess, whose volumes he revised, and, it is said, illuminated here and there with a ray of his own genius.” Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
IV, p. 246.] - An Account of an Attempt to ascertain the Longitude at Sea, by an Exact Theory of the Variation of the Magnetical Needle.… By Zachariah Williams 1755.
- [Written for Williams by Johnson; with an Italian translation, printed on the right-hand pages, by Baretti. In the Bodleian copy, which was presented by Johnson, there are three notes in Johnson’s handwriting, and an unidentified newspaper cutting about Williams, evidently written by Johnson.]
- Christian Morals: by Sir Thomas Browne, of Norwich, M.D. With a Life of the Author, by Samuel Johnson; and explanatory notes. 1756.
- An Introduction to the Game of Draughts. By William Payne. 1756.
- Dedication to the Earl of Rochford; and Preface.
- A New Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. By Richard Rolt. 1756.
- Preface.
- Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, Utensils, etc. By William Chambers. 1757.
- “The first two Paragraphs.” See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 21; cf. vol.IV, p. 188. - The Evangelical History of our Lord Jesus Christ, harmonized, explained, and illustrated, etc. By a Society of Gentlemen. [1757.]
- Dedication to The Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons.
- [Johnson’s authorship of this Dedication was denied by Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
IV, p. 383. But see Anderson’s Life of Johnson, 1815, pp. 257–8.] - New Tables of Interest. By John Payne. 1758.
- Preface.
- Stenography; or, Short-hand Improved.… By John Angell. n.d. [?1758].
- (?) Dedication to the Duke of Richmond.
- (?) Preface.
- [“I remember one, Angel, who came to me to write for him a Preface or Dedication to a book upon short-hand.” Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 224. Whether it was the Dedication or the Preface that Johnson supplied, it cannot have been printed as he wrote it, or dictated it.] - The Greek Theatre of Father Brumoy, translated by Mrs. C. Lennox. 3 vols. 1759.
- Translation of A Dissertation on the Greek Comedy, and The General Conclusion of the Book.
- The World displayed; or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, selected from the Writers of all Nations. 20 vols. 1759–61.
- Introduction, vol.
I. - A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. By Giuseppe Baretti. 2 vols. 1760.
- Dedication.
- Baretti, G. An Account of the Manners and Customs of Italy. 1766.
- —— A Journey from London to Genoa. 2 vols. 1770.
- —— Discours sur Shakespeare et sur Monsieur de Voltaire. 1777.
- Collison-Morley, L. Giuseppe Baretti; with an account of his literary friendships and feuds. 1909. (Bibliography.)
- An Address of the Painters to George III on his Accession to the Throne of these Kingdoms. 1760.
- Written by Johnson: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 352. - Proceedings of the Committee appointed to manage the contributions begun at London, December 18, 1759, for cloathing French Soldiers, Prisoners of War. 1760.
- Introduction.
- The English Works of Roger Ascham. With notes and observations, and the author’s life. By James Bennet. [1761.]
- Dedication to the Earl of Shaftesbury; and the Life of Ascham.
- Thoughts on the Coronation of his present Majesty King George the Third. By John Gwynn. 1761.
- “Corrections and Improvements.” See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, pp. 21, 361. - A complete System of Astronomical Chronology.… By John Kennedy. 1762.
- Dedication; and concluding paragraph.
- Catalogue of the Artists’ Exhibition. 1762.
- Preface. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
I, p. 367. - Jerusalem Delivered, an heroic poem; translated … by John Hoole. 1763.
- Dedication to the Queen.
- The Poetical Calendar. Containing a Collection of scarce and valuable Pieces of Poetry: with Variety of Originals and Translations, by the most eminent hands. Written and Selected by Francis Fawkes, M.A., and William Woty. In Twelve Volumes. 1763.
- Some Account of the Life and Writings of Mr. William Collins. (Vol.
XII. For December.) - The Traveller; or, a Prospect of Society. 1764.
- Ll. 420, 429–434, 437–8. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 6. - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. [Edited by Percy.] 3 vols. 1765.
- Dedication to the Countess of Northumberland [partly by Johnson: see Anderson’s Life of Johnson, 1815, p. 309, and G. B. Hill’s paper on Boswell’s Proof-sheets in Johnson Club Papers, 1899, p. 69.]
- Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. By Anna Williams. 1766.
- Advertisement.
- Several Poems, including The Ant.
- The Fountains: A Fairy Tale. [Prose.]
- [“Most of the pieces in this volume have evidently received additions from his superiour pen.” Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 26.] - London and Westminster Improved, Illustrated by Plans.… By John Gwynn. 1766.
- Dedication to the King.
- A Treatise describing and explaining the construction and use of new celestial and terrestrial globes. By George Adams. 1766.
- Dedication to the King.
- The Good-Natur’d Man; a Comedy. 1768.
- Prologue.
- The Deserted Village. 1770.
- The last four lines. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 7. - A Dictionary of Ancient Geography.… By Alexander Macbean. 1773.
- Preface.
- Easy Phraseology, for the use of Young Ladies, who intend to learn the colloquial part of the Italian Language. By Joseph Baretti. 1775.
- Preface.
- The Lusiad. Translated by William Julius Mickle. 1775.
- Sentence in introduction. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
IV, p. 251. - Occasional Papers by the late William Dodd, LL.D.
- Suppressed, but rptd., from one of the few undestroyed copies, in The Life of Samuel Johnson (attributed to Cooke), published by Kearsley in 1785, pp. 130–140. The pamphlet contained, besides editorial matter, Dr. Dodd’s Account of Himself; a Declaration inclosed by Dodd in a letter to a friend; his Letter to the Lord Chacellor; his Letter to the Earl of Mansfield; his petition to the King; Mrs. Dodd’s petition to the Queen; and Observations on the propriety of pardoning Dodd, sent by Johnson to the public papers. All were written by Johnson, except Dodd’s Account of Himself, which he revised.
- Johnson wrote also Dodd’s Speech to the Recorder of London; a petition from the City of London, which “they mended”; and Dodd’s last solemn Declaration. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
III, pp. 141, etc. - The Convict’s Address to his Unhappy Brethren; Being a Sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Dodd, Friday, June 6, 1777, in the Chapel of Newgate.
- [Johnson marked for Boswell “such passages as were added by Dr. Dodd.” See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
III, p. 142. Several issues, from London and provincial presses, e. g. Salisbury and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with varying titles.] - A Commentary, with Notes, on the Four Evangelists and the Acts of the Apostles, etc. By Zachary Pearce. 1777.
- Dedication to the King; and Additions to Pearce’s autobiography.
- Seven Discourses delivered in the Royal Academy by the President [Sir Joshua Reynolds]. 1778.
- Dedication to the King.
- Memoirs of Garrick. By Thomas Davies. 1780.
- The first two sentences.
- An Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems ascribed to Ossian. With a Reply to Mr. Clark’s Answer. By W. Shaw. 1782.
- Appendix, containing A Reply to Mr. Clark.
- The Village. 1783.
- Lines 15–18 and 20; and general revision. See Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
IV, p. 175. - E. Biography and Personalia
- (In chronological order)
- The Race. By Mercurius Spur, Esq. 1764. 2nd edn. 1766.
- [By Cuthbert Shaw: see Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 31, and Monthly Review, April, 1766, p. 321.] - Johnsoniana: or, a Collection of Bon Mots, etc. By Dr. Johnson, and Others.
- Together with the Choice Sentences of Publius Syrus. 1776.
- —— A new edition, Considerably enlarged and improved; being the only Jest Book extant, proper to be read in families, in which no obscenity, or profane oath is to be found. 1777.
- Ode, by Dr. Samuel Johnson, to Mrs. Thrale, upon their supposed approaching nuptials. 1784.
- A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Samuel Johnson. In The Gentleman’s Magazine for December, 1784. Signed T. T. (i. e. Thomas Tyers).
- —— Published separately. 1785.
- An authentic copy of Dr. Johnson’s Will, and the Ceremonial of Dr. Johnson’s Funeral—communicated by Sir John Hawkins. In The Gentleman’s Magazine for December, 1784.
- An Account of the Writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson, including some Incidents of his Life. In The European Magazine, December, 1784, and January–April, 1785.
- Johnsoniana [by George Steevens]. In The European Magazine for January, 1785.
- The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. With Occasional Remarks on his Writings, an Authentic Copy of his Will, and a Catalogue of his Works. To which are added Some Papers written by Dr. Johnson, in behalf of a late unfortunate Character, never before published. Kearsley. 1785.
- —— Dublin, 1785.
- [The Preface is dated Dec. 28, 1784. The authorship is attributed to William Cooke, a member of the Essex Head Club. See Nichols, Illustrations of Lit. Hist., vol.
VII, p. 467.] - —— The second edition, with considerable additions and corrections. To which is added, Johnsoniana; or, a selection of Dr. Johnson’s Bon-Mots, Observations, &c., most of which were never before published. 1785.
- A Catalogue of the valuable Library of Books, Of the late learned Samuel Johnson, Esq; LL.D. deceased; Which will be Sold by Auction, (By Order of the Executors) By Mr. Christie, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, On Wednesday, February 16, 1785, and three following days.
- —— Fac-Simile of the Sale Catalogue.… Reprinted for the Meeting of the Johnson Club at Oxford, June 11, 1892.
- Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Dr. Samuel Johnson; containing Many valuable Original Letters, and several Interesting Anecdotes both of his Literary and Social Connections. The whole authenticated by living evidence. 1785.
- [Apparently by William Shaw, whose share in the Ossian controversy, in which he had Johnson’s assistance, is described fully.]
- The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1785. See Boswell.
- Dr. Johnson’s Table Talk: or, Conversations of the late Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. on a variety of useful and entertaining subjects. (Arranged in Alphabetical Order, after the manner of Selden’s Table Talk.) 1785.
- [“Compiled by Mr. [Stephen] Jones.” Anderson, Life of Johnson, 1815, p. 625.]
- An Ode on the Much lamented Death of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Written the 18th December, 1784. n. d. [1785].
- Elegy to the memory of Doctor Samuel Johnson; By Thomas Hobhouse, Esq. 1785.
- Verses on the Death of Dr. Samuel Johnson. 1785.
- [By Thomas Percy, nephew of the bishop.]
- Johnson’s Laurel: or, contest of the poets; a poem. 1785.
- Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. during the last Twenty Years of his Life. By Hesther Lynch Piozzi. 1786. 4th edn. 1786.
- An Essay on the Life, Character, and Writings, of Dr. Samuel Johnson. By Joseph Towers, L.L.D. 1786.
- [Also an issue without the author’s name on the title-page.]
- A Poetical Review of the Literary and Moral Character of the late Samuel Johnson, L.L.D., with Notes. By John Courtenay, Esq. 1786. 3rd edn. 1786.
- A Monody on the much lamented Death of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1786.
- A Poetical Epistle from the Ghost of Dr. Johnson, to his four friends: the Rev. Mr. Strahan, James Boswell, Esq., Mrs. Piozzi, J. Courtenay, Esq., M. P. From the original Copy in the Possession of the Editor. 1786.
- Anecdotes of the Learned Pig. With Notes, critical and explanatory; and Illustrations, from Bozzy, Piozzi, &c. 1786.
- The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. 1787. 2nd edn. revised and corrected. 1787.
- The Olla Podrida [a periodical, conducted by Thomas Monro, Magdalen college, Oxford]. No. 13 (9 June, 1787) on Johnson, written by George Horne, President of Magdalen, afterwards bishop of Norwich.
- More last words of Dr. Johnson. Consisting of important Anecdotes, and a curious Letter from a Medical Gentleman.… By Francis Barber. 1787. [By “a Mr. Francis, who had been barber to the Doctor.”]
- The Witticisms, Anecdotes, Jests, and Sayings, of Dr. Samuel Johnson … collected from Boswell … and other Gentlemen.… And a full Account of Dr. Johnson’s Conversation with the King. To which is added a great Number of Jests, in which the most distinguished wits of the present Century bore a Part. By J. Merry, Esq., of Pembroke College. 1791. Also 1793 and 1797.
- A Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Knowles. In The Gentleman’s Magazine. June, 1791. Rptd. separately 1799.
- The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By James Boswell, Esq. 1791. See Boswell.
- The Character of Doctor Johnson. With illustrations from Mrs. Piozzi, Sir John Hawkins, and Mr. Boswell. 1792.
- [“Written soon after the Publication of his Lives of the Poets.”]
- An Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By Arthur Murphy, Esq. 1792. (Preface to edition; published separately.)
- An unfinished Discourse by Reynolds, dealing with Johnson’s influence, printed in The Works of Reynolds, ed. Malone, Preface, vol.
I. 1797. - Two Dialogues by Reynolds in imitation of Johnson’s style of conversation. Privately printed [for Lady Thomond]. 1816.
- A paper by Reynolds on Johnson’s character, printed in Leslie and Taylor’s Life of Reynolds, vol.
II, 1865. - The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., with Critical Observations on his works. By Robert Anderson, M.D. 1795. 3rd edn., enlarged. 1815.
- Dr. Johnson’s Table-Talk: containing Aphorisms on Literature, Life, and Manners; with Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. 1798. 2 vols. 1807.
- The Table Talk of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., comprising his most interesting remarks and observations. Collected by James Boswell, Esq., F. R. S. 2 vols. 1818.
- Narrative of what passed in the visits paid by J. Hoole to Dr. Johnson, in his last illness. By John Hoole. In The European Magazine, September, 1799.
- An Account of the Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, from his birth to his eleventh year, written by himself. 1805.
- See sec. B, ante.
- Anecdotes, references, etc., by contemporaries in Nichols’s Literary Anecdotes, vol.
II, p. 550; vol.V, p. 15; vol.IX, p. 778, etc. (cf. Gentleman’s Magazine, Dec., 1784), and Illustrations, vols.IV–VIII, passim; European Magazine, Oct. 1799 (by Lady Knight), etc.; Seward’s Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 1795, and Biographiana, 1799; Mant’s Memoirs of Thomas Warton, 1802; Wooll’s Memoirs of Joseph Warton, 1806; Cumberland’s Memoirs, 1807; Pennington’s Memoirs of Mrs. Carter, 1808; Percival Stockdale’s Memoirs, 1809; Northcote’s Memoirs of Reynolds, 1813; Beloe’s Sexagenarian, 1817; Lætitia Hawkins’s Memoirs, 1824; Joseph Cradock’s Literary Memoirs, 1828; J. T. Smith’s Nollekens and his Times, 1828 (ed. Gosse, E., 1895); Roberts’s Memoirs of Hannah More, 1834; Madame D’Arblay’s Memoirs of Dr. Burney, 1832, and Diary and Letters, 1842; Prior’s Life of Malone, 1860; Autobiography of Mrs. Piozzi, ed. Hayward, A., 1861; Diary of William Windham, 1866; Croker’s Correspondence, 1884; Letters of Horace Walpole, Cowper, etc. - Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell. Edited by Croker, J. W. 1836.
- A Diary of a Visit to England in 1775. By an Irishman [Dr. Thomas Campbell]. With Notes by Samuel Raymond, M.A., Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Sydney, 1854.
- On the authenticity of this Diary, see The Edinburgh Review, October 1859, and Boswell, ed. Hill, G. B., vol.
II, p. 338. - [Campbell, Thomas.] A Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, in a series of Letters to John Watkinson, M.D. 1777.
- Unpublished Episodes in the Life of Dr. Johnson. By Jewitt, Llewellynn. The Gentleman’s Magazine. December, 1878.
- Johnsoniana. Newly collected and edited by Napier, Robina. 1884.
- Johnsonian Miscellanies. Arranged and edited by Hill, George Birkbeck. 2 vols. 1897.
- The Reades of Blackwood Hill and Dr. Johnson’s Ancestry. By Reade, A. L. 1906.
- Johnsonian Gleanings. By Reade, A. L. Part
I, 1909. PartII, 1912. - Bi-Centenary of the Birth of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Commemoration Festival at Lichfield, September 15th to 19th, 1909. Reports … edited by Raby, J. T. 1909.
- [Contains hitherto unpublished material.]
- Doctor Johnson and Mrs. Thrale: including Mrs. Thrale’s unpublished journal of the Welsh tour made in 1774 and much hitherto unpublished correspondence of the Streatham coterie. By Broadley, A.M. With an introductory essay by Seccombe, T. 1910.
- F. Contemporary Criticism
- (In chronological order)
- In addition to the books or pamphlets noted below, there are the notices and reviews in the periodicals, such as The Gentleman’s Magazine, The London Magazine, The Monthly Review, The Edinburgh Review, 1755–6, The Annual Register, and The Critical Review.
- An Essay on Tragedy, with a Critical Examen of Mahomet and Irene. 1749.
- A Letter from a friend in England to Mr. [John] Maxwell … with a character of Mr. Johnson’s English Dictionary lately published, and Mr. Maxwell’s Justification of himself.… Dublin, 1755.
- A Poetical Epistle to Mr. Samuel Johnson, A. M. By Mr. Murphy. 1760.
- A Review of Dr. Johnson’s New Edition of Shakespeare: In which the Ignorance, or Inattention, of that Editor is exposed, and the Poet defended from the Persecution of his Commentators. By W. Kenrick, 1765.
- An Examination of Mr. Kenrick’s Review. [By James Barclay.] 1766.
- A Defence of Mr. Kenrick’s Review.… By a Friend. [R. R.—? W. Kenrick.] 1766.
- The Sale of Authors, A Dialogue, In Imitation of Lucian’s Sale of Philosophers. 1767.
- [By Archibald Campbell.]
- Lexiphanes, A Dialogue. Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the present Times.… Being An attempt to restore the English Tongue to its ancient Purity, And to correct, as well as expose, the affected Style, hard Words, and absurd Phraseology of many late Writers, and particularly of Our English Lexiphanes, the Rambler. 1767. [By Archibald Campbell.] 3rd edn. 1783.
- Prose on Several Occasions. By George Colman. Vol.
II. 1787. - [Contains Letter from Lexiphanes, dated 4 December, 1770; and A Sketch of Dr. Johnson, signed Chiaro Oscuro. London Packet, 22 December, 1775.]
- A Letter to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1770. [By Wilkes.]
- The Crisis. In answer to The False Alarm. 1770.
- The Constitution Defended, and Pensioner Exposed; in remarks on The False Alarm. 1770.
- [By John Scott, of Amwell.]
- A Refutation of a Pamphlet called Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland’s Islands. In a Letter addressed to the Author, and dedicated to Dr. Samuel Johnson. 1771.
- Remarks on the Patriot &c. [By John Scott, of Amwell.] 1775.
- An Answer to a Late Pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Tyranny. Addressed to the Author, and to Persons in Power. 1775.
- Tyranny Unmasked. An Answer to a Late Pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Tyranny. 1775.
- Taxation, Tyranny. Addressed to Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. 1775.
- The Pamphlet, entitled, Taxation no Tyranny, candidly considered, and it’s arguments, and pernicious doctrines, exposed and refuted. n.d. [?1775].
- Resistance no Rebellion: in answer to Doctor Johnson’s Taxation no Tyranny. 1775.
- A Defence of the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress, in reply to Taxation no Tyranny. By the Author of Regulus. n.d. [?1775].
- A Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson; occasioned by his late political publications.… 1775.
- [By J. Towers.]
- Remarks on a Voyage to the Hebrides, in a Letter to Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1775.
- A Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson, on His Journey to the Western Isles. By Andrew Henderson. n.d. [1775].
- A Second Letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson, in which his wicked and opprobrious invectives are shewn &c. n.d. [1775].
- A Journey to the Highlands of Scotland. With Occasional Remarks on Dr. Johnson’s Tour: By a Lady [Mary Ann Hanway]. n.d. [?1776].
- An Essay upon the King’s Friends, with an account of some discoveries made in Italy, and found in a Virgil, concerning the Tories. To Dr. S——l J——n. 1776.
- Remarks on Dr. Samuel Johnson’s Journey to the Hebrides.… By Donald M’Nicol, Minister of Lismore in Argyleshire. 1779. Rptd. 1817.
- Remarks on Johnson’s Life of Milton. To which are added Milton’s Tractate on Education and Areopagitica. 1780.
- [By Archdeacon Francis Blackburne.]
- A Cursory Examination of Dr. Johnson’s Strictures on the Lyric Performances of Gray. 1781.
- Deformities of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Selected from his Works. 1782.
- [By John Callander, of Craigforth.]
- Remarks on Dr. Johnson’s Life, and Critical Observations on the Works of Mr. Gray. 1782.
- [By “William Tindal”—British Museum Catalogue.]
- Remarks on Doctor Johnson’s Lives of the most eminent English Poets. By a Yorkshire Freeholder. 1782.
- Observations on Dr. Johnson’s Life of Hammond. 1782.
- [By William Beville. See Anderson’s Life, 1815, p. 401, and Gentleman’s Magazine, 1822, Part 2, pp. 188 and 278.]
- A Critical Review of the Works of Dr. Samuel Johnson, containing A particular Vindication of several eminent Characters. 1783.
- [By John Callander.]
- A Criticism on the Elegy written in a Country Church-Yard. Being a continuation of Dr. J——n’s Criticism on the Poems of Gray. 1783. 2nd edn. 1810.
- [By John Young, professor of Greek in the university of Glasgow.]
- An Inquiry into some Passages in Dr. Johnson’s Lives of the Poets: Particularly his Observations on Lyric Poetry, and the Odes of Gray. By R. Potter. 1783.
- A Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Dr. Goldsmith, in the Shades, relative to the former’s Strictures on the English Poets, particularly Pope, Milton, and Gray. 1785.
- Devotional Poetry Vindicated, in some Occasional Remarks on the late Dr. Samuel Johnson’s animadversions upon that subject in his Life of Waller.… By Daniel Turner. Oxford [1785].
- The Life of Isaac Watts. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. With notes, containing animadversions and additions [by Samuel Palmer]. 1785.
- Essay on the Style of Dr. Samuel Johnson. By Robert Burrowes. In Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol.
I. 1787. - Two Dialogues; containing a comparative view of the Lives, Characters, and Writings, of Philip, the late Earl of Chesterfield, and Dr. Samuel Johnson. 1787.
- [By William Hayley.]
- An Unfinished Letter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, concerning the New Dictionary of the English Language. By Herbert Croft. 1788.
- The Art of Criticism; as exemplified in Dr. Johnson’s Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. 1789.
- [By Robert Potter.]
- A Critical Enquiry into the Moral Writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson.… To which is added an Appendix containing A Dialogue between Boswell and Johnson in the Shades. By Attalus. 1802.
- [By William Mudford, whose name is given in the edition of 1803.]
- G. Later Criticism, Biography, etc.
- Bailey, John. Dr. Johnson and his Circle. 1913.
- Carlyle, Thomas. Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Fraser’s Magazine, May, 1832.
- —— On Heroes, etc. (The Hero as Man of Letters.) May, 1840.
- Chalmers, Alexander. Essays on the Rambler and Idler. The British Essayists, vols.
XIX, XXXIII. 1802. - De Quincey, Thomas. On Johnson’s Life of Milton. Works, ed. Masson, D., vol.
IV. 1859. - Dobson, Austin. Johnson’s Library. Eighteenth-Century Vignettes. Second series. 1894.
- —— Dr. Johnson’s Haunts and Habitations. Introduction to Boswell, ed. Glover, A., 1901. Rptd. in Side-Walk Studies, 1902.
- Drake, Nathan. Essays illustrative of The Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. 2 vols. 1809.
- Grant, Lieut.-Col. F. Life of Samuel Johnson. With a bibliography by Anderson, J. P. (Great Writers.) 1887.
- Hill, George Birkbeck. Dr. Johnson: His Friends and His Critics. 1878.
- —— Footsteps of Dr. Johnson (Scotland). 1890.
- See, also, Rasselas, Lives of the Poets, Letters of Johnson, Johnsonian Miscellanies, Johnson Club Papers, and Boswell.
- Hutton, W. H. The Religion of Dr. Johnson. Burford Papers. 1905.
- Johnson Club Papers by Various Hands. 1899.
- Macaulay, Lord. Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson, edited by Croker, J. W. The Edinburgh Review. 1831.
- —— Samuel Johnson. Encyclopædia Britannica. 1856.
- Murray, Sir James A. H. The Evolution of English Lexicography. (Romanes lecture.) 1900.
- Nichols, John. The Rise and Progress of the Gentleman’s Magazine … being a prefatory introduction to the general index of that work from 1787 to 1818. 1821.
- Raleigh, Sir Walter. Samuel Johnson. (Leslie Stephen lecture.) 1907.
- —— Johnson on Shakespeare. 1908.
- —— Six Essays on Johnson. 1910.
- Scott, Sir Walter. Life of Johnson. (Novelist’s Library.) 1821.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Samuel Johnson. (English Men of Letters.) 1878.
- —— Art. on Johnson in D. of N. B., vol.
XXX. 1892. - Timmins, S. Dr. Johnson in Birmingham. (Transactions of the Birmingham and Midland Institute, Archaeological Section, 1876.) 1880.
- Welsh, C. A Bookseller of the Last Century. Being some Account of the Life of John Newbery, etc. 1885.
- Wheatley, H. B. Dr. Johnson as a Bibliographer. (Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, vol.
VIII. ) 1907. - White, T. Holt. A Review of Johnson’s Criticism on the Style of Milton’s English Prose. 1818.
- II. B
OSWELL - A. Works separately published
- An Elegy on the Death of an Amiable Young Lady. With an Epistle from Menalcas to Lycidas. To which are prefixed three critical recommendatory letters. Edinburgh, 1761.
- An Ode to Tragedy. By a Gentleman of Scotland. Edinburgh,
MDCLXI (error for 1761). - The Cub at Newmarket: a tale. 1762.
- A Collection of Original Poems, by the Rev. Mr. Blacklock, and other Scotch Gentlemen. Vol.
II. Edinburgh, 1762. - [Boswell had a share in editing this volume, to which he contributed.]
- Critical Strictures on the new Tragedy of Elvira, written by David Malloch. Flexney, 1763.
- [By Boswell, Andrew Erskine, and George Dempster.]
- Letters between The Honourable Andrew Erskine, and James Boswell, Esq. Flexney, 1763. Ed. Hill, G. B. 1879. Selection, in Letters of Boswell to Temple. 1857 and 1908.
- Dorando, A Spanish Tale. London and Edinburgh, 1767.
- The Essence of the Douglas Cause. To which is subjoined, Some Observations on a Pamphlet lately published, intitled, Considerations on the Douglas Cause. 1767.
- Long extracts are given in the Scots Magazine, Nov., Dec., 1767, and Nov., 1768.
- —— Observations on the Douglas Cause in General; … In a Letter to a Noble Lord, From a Gentleman in ****. With The Essence of the Douglas Cause. 1769.
- For the letter by Francis Douglas, see Notes and Queries, Sept., 1861, p. 222.
- The following, except where otherwise noted, were published with Boswell’s name:
- An Account of Corsica, The Journal of a Tour to that Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli. Glasgow, 1768. 3rd edn., corrected. 1769.
- British Essays in favour of the Brave Corsicans: by several hands. Collected and published by James Boswell, Esq. 1769. [Preface dated 15 October, 1768.]
- The Decision of the Court of Session upon the question of Literary Property; in the cause John Hinton of London, Bookseller, Pursuer, against Alexander Donaldson, &c. Edinburgh, 1774.
- A Letter to the People of Scotland, On the Present State of the Nation. Edinburgh, 1783.
- A Letter to the People of Scotland, on the Alarming Attempt to infringe the Articles of the Union, and introduce a Most Pernicious Innovation by diminishing the number of the Lords of Session. 1785.
- The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 1785. 3rd edn. 1786. Ed. Croker, J. W., 1831, etc.; ed. Carruthers, R., 1851; ed. Fitzgerald, Percy, 1874; ed. Napier, A., 1884; ed. Hill, G. B., 1887. See, also, The Life of Johnson, post.
- A Conversation between His Most Sacred Majesty George III and Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Illustrated with Observations. 1790.
- The Celebrated Letter from Samuel Johnson, LL.D., to Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield; Now first published, With Notes. 1790.
- The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an account of his studies and numerous works, in chronological order; a series of his epistolary correspondence and conversations with many eminent persons; and various original pieces of his composition, never before published. The whole exhibiting a view of literature and literary men in Great-Britain, for near half a century, during which he flourished. 2 vols. Dilly. 1791. 2nd edn., revised and augmented. 3 vols. 1793. 3rd, revised and augmented [edited by Malone, Edmond]. 4 vols. 1799. Ed. Chalmers, Alex. 4 vols. 1822. [Ed. Walesby, F. P., of Wadham College.] 4 vols. Oxford, 1826. Ed. Croker, J. W. 5 vols. 1831; 2nd edn., ed. by Wright, J. 10 vols. 1850. Ed. Carruthers, R. 4 vols. 1851–2. Ed. Fitzgerald, P. 3 vols. 1874. Reissued with a bibliography of Boswell’s Life by Tedder, H. R. 1888. Ed. Napier, A. 5 vols. 1884; also 6 vols. 1884. Ed. Morley, Henry. 5 vols. 1885. Ed. Hill, G. B. 6 vols. 1887. Ed. Morris, M. 1 vol. (Globe edn.) 1893. Ed. Birrell, A. 6 vols. 1896. Ed. Glover, A., with introduction by Dobson, Austin. 3 vols. 1901. Ed. Ingpen, R. (with many illustrations). 1907.
- [The later editions include the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. For further details see the bibliography by Tedder, H. R., in P. Fitzgerald’s edition, 1888.]
- The Principal Corrections and Additions to the First Edition of Mr. Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson. 1793.
- No Abolition of Slavery; or the Universal Empire of Love: a Poem. 1791. [Anon.]
- Songs in the Justiciary Opera, Composed fifty years ago, By C——M——and B——. I.C.C. Auchinleck, 1816.
- [“Those that are here preserved are given from memory.” Advertisement.]
- Privately printed for Sir Alexander Boswell; included in Maidment’s Court of Session Garland, 1839 etc.
- Letters of James Boswell, addressed to the Rev. W. J. Temple. Now first published from the original MSS. With an introduction and notes [by Francis, Philip]. 1857.
- —— with an introduction by Seccombe, T. 1908.
- Boswelliana. The Commonplace Book of James Boswell. With a memoir and annotations by the Rev. Charles Rogers … and introductory remarks by … Lord Houghton. Printed for the Grampian Club. 1874.
- [A selection limited to “anecdotes personal to the writer” had been contributed by Milnes, R. M., afterwards Lord Houghton, to the Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, vol.
II, 1855–6.] - Wrongly attributed to Boswell
- The Speeches, Arguments, and Determinations of The Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon [the Douglas Cause]. With an Introductory Preface. By a Barrister at Law. Almon. 1767.
- [Attributed to Boswell in Halkett and Laing.]
- A Letter to Robert Macqueen Lord Braxfield, on his promotion to be one of the Judges of the High Court of Justiciary. Edinburgh, 1780.
- [Attributed to Boswell in the Bodleian Catalogue.]
- B. Contributions to Periodicals
- The Scots Magazine.
- Verses on the equestrian statue of King Charles II in the Parliament close, being painted white. September, 1767.
- Prologue at the opening of the Theatre-Royal in Edinburgh. November, 1767.
- Memorial in behalf of the Corsicans. December, 1768.
- [The numbers for June, July, August, 1768, contain correspondence between the Hon. Miss Primerose and the author of the Essence of the Douglas Cause reprinted from the Edinburgh Courant.]
- The London Magazine.
- Memorial in Behalf of the Corsicans. December, 1768.
- A Letter from James Boswell, Esq., on Shakespeare’s Jubilee at Stratford-upon-Avon: An Account of the Armed Corsican Chief at the Masquerade, followed by Boswell’s poem. September, 1769. Pp. 451–6.
- On the Profession of a Player. August, September, October, 1770.
- Letter, with an unpublished song by Goldsmith, intended to have been sung in She Stoops to Conquer. June, 1774.
- The Hypochondriack. Seventy numbers, from October, 1777, to August, 1783.
- (?) The Story of Mr. Levet. Signed S. Y. September, 1783.
- (?) Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Williams. Signed B. December, 1783.
- The Gentleman’s Magazine.
- Two Letters in reply to criticisms on the Journal. April, 1786.
- Ode to Mr. Charles Dilly. April, 1791 (cf. June, p. 564).
- Letters in reply to Miss Anna Seward. November, 1793, January, 1794.
- [He was preparing a reply to Samuel Parr shortly before his death. June, 1795, p. 525.]
- The European Magazine.
- Memoirs of James Boswell, Esq. May, June, 1791.
- The Edinburgh Courant.
- Correspondence on the Douglas Cause, reprinted in the Scots Magazine for June, July, August, 1768.
- The Public Advertiser.
- Letter, with “a genuine copy” of the Theatre-Royal Prologue. 12 January, 1768.
- [In this letter Boswell is an “old correspondent.”]
- The St. James’s Chronicle.
- Letter on Hackman, the murderer. 17 April, 1779. [See Notes and Queries, September, 1863, p. 232.]
- C. Contemporary Criticism (apart from Reviews in Periodicals)
- An Epistle to James Boswell, Esq., occasioned by his having transmitted the moral writings of Dr. Samuel Johnson to Pascal Paoli. By W. K[enrick]. 1768.
- A Poetical and Congratulatory Epistle to James Boswell, Esq., on his Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. By Peter Pindar. 1786.
- Picturesque Beauties of Boswell—twenty caricatures in illustration of Boswell’s Journal. [By Collings and Rowlandson.] 1786.
- Remarks on the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. In a Letter to James Boswell, Esq. [Signed Verax.] [? 1786.]
- A Defence of Mr. Boswell’s Journal, in a Letter to the Author of the Remarks. 1786.
- The Remarker Remarked; or, a Parody on the Letter to Mr. Boswell, on his Tour, etc. 1786.
- An Epistle to James Boswell, Esq.; occasioned by his long-expected, and now speedily to be published Life of Dr. Johnson. 1790.
- A Letter to James Boswell, Esq. With some Remarks on Johnson’s Dictionary, and on Language, etc. 1792.
- D. Later Biography and Criticism
- [See, also, ante, J
OHNSON, secs. E, F, G.] - Biographicus [Temple, J. W.?]. Letter. The Gentleman’s Magazine, August, 1795.
- C. [Courtenay, J.?] Letter. The Gentleman’s Magazine. June, 1795.
- Carlyle, Thomas. Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson in Fraser’s Magazine. May, 1832.
- Fitzgerald, Percy. Life of James Boswell. 2 vols. 1891.
- Forbes, Sir William. Life of Beattie. 1806.
- Green, M. Letter. The Gentleman’s Magazine. June, 1795.
- Henley, W. E. Views and Reviews. 1902.
- Hill G. Birkbeck. Boswell’s Proof Sheets, in Johnson Club Papers. 1899.
- Holcroft, Thomas. Memoirs. 3 vols. 1816.
- Johnson, Lionel. Post Liminium: Essays and Critical Papers. 1911.
- Leask, W. Keith. James Boswell. (Famous Scots Series.) 1897.
- Macaulay, Lord. Essay on Boswell’s Life of Johnson. The Edinburgh Review. September, 1831.
- Mallory, George. Boswell the Biographer. 1912.
- Malone, Edmond. Letter. The Gentleman’s Magazine. June, 1795.
- Nichols, John. Literary Anecdotes. 9 vols. 1812–15.
- —— Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. 1817–58.
- R., J. B. Memoirs of Boswell. The Gentleman’s Magazine. June, 1795.
- Raleigh, Sir Walter. Six Essays on Johnson. 1910.
- Rogers, Charles. Memoir, prefixed to Boswelliana. 1874.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Art. on Boswell in D. of N. B., vol.
II. 1886. - Taylor, John. Records of my Life. 2 vols. 1832.
- Whyte, E. A. Remarks on Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Dublin, 1797. (Included in A Miscellany by Whyte, S., and E. A., 1799; reissued as Miscellanea Nova, 1800 and 1801.)