The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. Compiled for Bishop Percy, and edited by Rose, Samuel. 4 vols. 1801. (Includes the so-called Percy memoir, and unpublished prologues to She Stoops to Conquer.) In the 4th edn., 1820, was first printed the oratorio The Captivity, afterwards issued separately in 1837.
- The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Ed. Prior, James. 4 vols. 1837. (Contains “a variety of pieces now first collected.”)
- The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. (Murray’s British Classics.) Ed. Cunningham, Peter. 4 vols. 1854. (First printed translation of Vida’s Game of Chess.)
- The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. With memoir by Spalding, William. 1858. (Contains facsimile of important letter to Mrs. Lawder (Jane Contarine).)
- The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. With life, etc., by Waller, J. F. 1864–5.
- The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Globe edn. Biographical introduction by Masson, David. 1869.
- The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. (Bohn’s Standard Library.) With notes and life by Gibbs, J. W. M. 5 vols. 1885–6. (Contains some “hitherto uncollected” pieces.)
- II. P
ART COLLECTIONS - Poems and Plays, 1777; Poetical and Dramatic Works, 2 vols. 1780; Poetical Works, Aldine edn., ed. Mitford, John, 1831; new edn., 1895; Poetical Works, ed. Corney, Bolton, 1846; Goldsmith’s Select Poems, ed. Lobban, J. H., 1900; Complete Poetical Works, ed. Dobson, A., Oxford edn., 1906; Plays of Goldsmith, Belles Lettres Series, edd. Dobson, A., and Baker, George P., 1903; and Plays and Vicar of Wakefield, by Doble, C. E., and Ostler, G., Oxford edn., 1909. (This last contains a valuable glossarial index.)
- III. S
EPARATE WORKS - The Memoirs of a Protestant, condemned to the Galleys of France, for his Religion. Written by Himself.… Translated from the Original, just published at the Hague, by Willington, James. 2 vols. 1758. Reprint published in 1895, with introduction by Dobson, A., and facsimile of Goldsmith’s receipt to Edward Dilly.
- An Enquiry into the present state of Polite Learning in Europe. 1759. 2nd edn., “revised and corrected,” 1774. (In this edn. much is omitted, including the verses from Macrobius (Prologue of Laberius).)
- The Bee. 6 October to 24 November, 1759. Issued in a volume, December, 1759. Annotated edn., by Dobson, A. (Temple Classics.) 1903.
- Memoirs of M. de Voltaire. The Lady’s Magazine. 1761.
- The Mystery Revealed. (Pamphlet on the Cock-lane Ghost.) 1742 [1762].
- The History of Mecklenburgh. 1762.
- The Art of Poetry. 2 vols. 1762. (Said to have been revised by Goldsmith for Newbery.)
- The Citizen of the World; or, Letters from a Chinese Philosopher, residing in London, to his Friend in the East. Appeared in The Public Ledger as Chinese Letters from 24 January, 1760, to 14 August, 1761; published in two volumes, May, 1762. Separate annotated edns. by Knight, Charles, 1840; and Dobson, A. (Temple Library), 2 vols., 1891; and Temple Classics, 2 vols., 1900.
- Plutarch’s Lives, abridged from the Greek. By Goldsmith and Joseph Collyer. 7 vols. 1762.
- The Life of Richard Nash, of Bath, Esquire, 1762. 2nd edn., revised. Same year.
- An History of England in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. 2 vols. 1764.
- The Traveller; or, a Prospect of Society. Published 19 December, 1764 (dated 1765). Three edns. quickly followed, and a 9th was issued in 1774, the year of the author’s death. (Numerous alterations were made between the 1st and the 6th edn., of 1770.)
- Essays. By Mr. Goldsmith. 1765. 2nd edn., corrected, 1766.
- Edwin and Angelina (The Hermit). Printed privately for the amusement of the Countess of Northumberland. [1765.] (Afterwards included in The Vicar of Wakefield.)
- The Vicar of Wakefield. 2 vols. 1766. Pub. 27 March. 2nd edn., 31 May; 3rd edn., 29 August; 4th edn., 1770; 5th edn., April, 1774 (dated 1773). (Johnson’s “exact narration” in Boswell (ed. Hill, G. B., 1887, vol.
I, p. 416, and vol.III, p. 321), of which most other accounts are variations, was that, some time before the publication of The Traveller in 1764, having been applied to by Goldsmith in distress and durance, he [Johnson] sold the MS. to a bookseller for £60 (or guineas). In Charles Welsh’s life of Newbery, 1885, pp. 58–9, that writer pointed out that he had found in some old account-books an entry showing that Goldsmith had sold a third share of the book to Benjamin Collins, printer, of Salisbury (who afterwards printed it), 28 October, 1762, for £21. That The Vicar was being written in 1761–2, is plain from internal evidence (references to the musical glasses, the Auditor, etc.); but no conclusive solution of the apparent conflict between the two stories has yet been propounded, although it may be a very simple one.) - A detailed bibliography of The Vicar, coming down to 1885, is prefixed to Stock’s facsimile reprint of that date. There is also a bibliography in the Great Writers series. Separate annotated editions were issued in The Parchment Library, 1883, rev. 1908; by Macmillan, Michael, 1897; and Doble, C. E., Oxford edn., 1909.
- A Concise History of Philosophy and Philosophers. Translated by Goldsmith from the French of Formey, J. H. S. 1766.
- A Short English Grammar, 1766.
- Poems for Young Ladies. Collected, with Preface by Goldsmith. 1767.
- Beauties of English Poesy. 2 vols. 1767.
- The Good Natur’d Man, a Comedy. 1768 (5 February). Produced at Covent garden, 29 January. 5th edn. 1768.
- The Roman History. 2 vols. 1769. Abridged by the author for the use of schools, 1772.
- The Deserted Village. Published 26 May, 1770. Four more edns. in the same year.
- The Life of Thomas Parnell. 1770. Also prefixed to Parnell’s Works, same year.
- The Life of Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. 1770. (Originally prefixed to Bolingbroke’s Dissertation on Parties.)
- The History of England. 4 vols. 1771.
- Threnodia Augustalis. Monody on the Death of the Princess Dowager of Wales. 1772. Performed, on 22 February, the day of publication, at Mrs. Cornely’s rooms in Soho square.
- She Stoops to Conquer, a Comedy. 1773 (26 March). Produced at Covent garden, 15 March.
- [For a Song by Dr. Goldsmith, originally intended to be sung by Miss Hardcastle in this comedy, see a letter by James Boswell in The London Magazine for June, 1774.]
- Retaliation, a Poem, 1774 (19 April). 2nd edn., with “explanatory notes,” same year. Fifth edn., 1774, with supplementary epitaph on Caleb Whitefoord. To an 8th edn., 1777, other poems were added, together with a life varied from Glover’s Anecdotes, Annual Register, 1774, pp. 29–34.
- An History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 8 vols. 1774.
- The Haunch of Venison, a poetical epistle to Lord Clare. 1776. (Contains H. W. Bunbury’s portrait.)
- A Survey of Experimental Philosophy. 2 vols. 1776.
- The Comic Romance of Monsieur Scarron. 2 vols. [1780.] Translation attributed to Goldsmith.
- IV. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Black, W. Goldsmith. English Men of Letters. 1878.
- Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson, etc. 2 vols. 1791.
- Cooke, W. European Magazine. 1793. Pp. 91–5, 170–4, 258–63.
- Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry. 1905. (Vol.
V, pp. 209–19.) - Cox, M. F. The Country and Kindred of Oliver Goldsmith. Journal of the National Literary Society of Ireland, 1900. (Vol.
I, pt. ii, pp. 81–111.) - Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs … written by Himself. 2 vols. 1807. (Vol.
I, pp. 350–74.) - Davies, T. Memoirs of David Garrick. 2 vols. 1780. (Vol.
II, pp. 142–64.) - De Quincey, Thomas. Works, 1853–60. (Vol.
VI, pp. 194–233.) - Dobson, Austin. Life of Goldsmith. Great Writers, 1888. Contains three hitherto unpublished letters; and a Bibliography by Anderson, John P. Rev. edn., without Bibliography, New York, 1899.
- Ford, E. Names and Characters in the Vicar of Wakefield. National Review, May, 1883.
- Forster, J. Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith, A Biography. 1848. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1854. Final edn. 1877.
- Article on this in Quarterly Review, vol.
XCV (pp. 394–448). - Forsyth, W. Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Century, etc. 1871. (Chap.
X. ) - Glover, William. Anecdotes of the late Dr. Goldsmith. Annual Register, 1774. (Pp. 29–34.)
- Hawes, W. An Account of the late Dr. Goldsmith’s Illness, etc. 1774. 4th edn. 1780.
- Hawkins, Sir John. Life of Samuel Johnson. 1787. Pp. 416–21.
- Howitt, W. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. 1857. Pp. 195–228.
- Hunt, Leigh. Classic Tales, etc. 1806. Vol.
I, pp. 41–80. (Contains an essay on Goldsmith.) - Irving, Washington. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1844. 2 vols. Revised from Forster, 1849.
- King, R. Ashe. Oliver Goldsmith. 1910.
- Leslie, C. R., and Taylor, Tom. Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1865. 2 vols.
- Lytton, Lord. Article on Forster’s Life. Edinburgh Review, vol.
LXXXVIII, pp. 193–225. - Macaulay, Lord. Article on Goldsmith in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1856. Vol.
X. Rptd. in Miscellaneous Writings. 1880. - Mangin, E. An Essay on Light Reading. 1808. (Contains, at pp. 136–50, the letter from Strean referred to, p. 220, ante.)
- —— The Parlour Window. References to Goldsmith, pp. 2, 4, 26.
- Mason, W. S. A Statistical Account … of Ireland. 1814–49. 3 vols. (Vol.
III, pp. 356–66.) (Contains particulars of the Goldsmith family.) - Minto, W. Manual of English Prose Literature. 1886. (Goldsmith: pp. 461–73.)
- Monthly Review, 1757. (Nos. from April to September contain Goldsmith’s review work for Ralph Griffiths.)
- Moore, F. Frankfort. Goldsmith. 1910.
- Nichols, J. Literary Anecdotes, 1812–15, and Illustrations, etc. 1817–58.
- Northcote, J. Memoirs of Reynolds, 1813. (Many references to Goldsmith.)
- Prior, Sir James. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1837. 2 vols.
- Taine, H. A. Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise. 1863–4. 4 vols. (Vol.
III, pp. 330–6.) - Thackeray, W. M. English Humourists, 1853. Pp. 269–322. Rptd. in Centenary Biographical Edn., 1912, vol.
XI. - Thrale, H. L. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, 1786; and Autobiography, edited by Hayward, A. 2nd edn. 1861. 2 vols.
- Welsh, C. A Bookseller of the Last Century (John Newbery). 1885. Pp. 54–62.