The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- I. G
ENERAL WORKS - Addison, J. On Chevy Chase, Spectator, 70 (21 May, 1711) and 74 (25 May, 1711).
- Beers, H. A. History of English Romanticism in the 18th century. [Adds items to Phelps’s treatment of Norse influences.] 1899.
- [Drummond, W.] Polemo-Middinia inter Vitarvam et Nebernam. Acc. Jacobi id nominis quinti, Regis Scotorum, cantilena rustica vulgo inscripta Christs Kirk on the Green. Recensuit notisque illustravit E. G[ibson]. Oxford, 1691.
- Dryden, John. Miscellany Poems. Part
VI. 2nd edn. 1716. - Contains Hervor at Angantyr’s Grave, rptd. from Hickes’s Thesaurus.
- Farley, F. E. Scandinavian Influences on the English Romantic Movement. Harvard Studies in Philology, no. 9. Cambridge, Mass., 1903.
- [Extremely valuable for the bibliography of translations from the Scandinavian and of original poetic treatment of Scandinavian subjects to the end of the 18th century.]
- Herzfeld, G. Bemerkungen über die nordischen Stoffe in der englischen Poesie des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Appendix to William Taylor von Norwich. Eine Studie. Halle, 1897.
- Hickes, G. Institutiones grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae Mœso-Gothicae, etc. Oxford, 1689.
- —— Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico-criticus et archaeologicus. 2 vols. Oxford, 1703–5.
- Hurd, R. Letters on Chivalry and Romance, 1762. Ed. Morley, E. J. 1911.
- Metcalfe, F. The Englishman and the Scandinavian. 1880.
- Nordby, C. H. The influence of old Norse literature upon English literature. Columbia, 1901. [Briefly reviews some of the authors discussed in Farley’s dissertation, but is for the most part concerned with a later period.]
- Phelps, W. L. The beginnings of the English Romantic movement. Boston, 1893.
- Temple, Sir William. On the Death-Song of Ragnar Lodbrok, etc. Essays Upon Heroick Virtue; Upon Poetry. Miscellanea. Pt.
II. 1690. - II. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - Michael Bruce (1746–1767)
- Poems on several occasions. [Including two Danish Odes.] 1770. Rptd. in Works. Ed. Grosart, A. B. Edinburgh, 1865.
- Thomas Chatterton
- (1) Collected Editions
- Miscellanies in prose and verse. (Ed. Broughton, J.) With supplement. 1778–84.
- Walpole, H. Letter to the editor of the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton. Strawberry Hill. 1779.
- Works. Edd. Southey, R., and Cottle, J. With Life by Gregory, G. 3 vols. 1803.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Willcox, C. B. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1842.
- Poetical Works, with an essay on the Rowley poems by Skeat, W. W., and a memoir by Bell, E. 2 vols. 1871. 2 vols. 1875 (Aldine Poets).
- Complete Poetical Works. Ed. with a biographical introduction, notes, glossary, and bibliography by Roberts, H. D. 2 vols. 1906.
- Poetical Works. With an introduction by Lee, Sir S. 2 vols. 1906–9.
- Chatterton’s writings were translated into French by Pagnon, J., with a memoir by Callet, A. 2 vols. 1839.
- (2) Separate Works
- An elegy on the much lamented death of William Beckford, Esq. 1770.
- The Execution of Sir Charles Bawdin. (Ed. by Eagles, T.) 1772.
- The Revenge: a burletta. With additional songs. 1795.
- (3) The Rowley Poems, including the controversial literature as to their authorship
- Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by Thomas Rowley and others in the 15th century. Ed. Tyrwhitt, T. 1777; 2nd edn. 1777; 3rd edn. 1778 (with Appendix). Ed. Milles, J. 1782. Ed. Sharpe, L. Cambridge, 1794. Ed. Steele, R. 1898. Ed. Hare, M. E. Oxford, 1911. (A reprint of Tyrwhitt’s third edn. with a useful bibliography.)
- [?Dampier, H.] Remarks upon the eighth section of the second volume of Mr. Warton’s History of English Poetry. [1779.]
- [Warton had included an account of the Rowley Poems in his History; but he viewed them with suspicion.]
- Bryant, J. Observations upon the Poems of T. Rowley, in which the authenticity of those poems is ascertained. 1781.
- An Examination of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley and William Canynge, with a defence of the opinion of Mr. Warton. Sherborne. [1782.]
- Greene, E. B. Strictures upon a pamphlet [by Malone, E.] entitled Cursory observations, etc. With a postscript on Mr. Thomas Warton’s Inquiry into the same subject. 1782.
- Hickford, R. Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley, tending to prove that they were really written by him and other ancient authors. With Remarks on the Appendix of the editor [Tyrwhitt, T.] of Rowley’s Poems. [1782.]
- Malone, E. Cursory observations on the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. 1782.
- Tyrwhitt, T. A Vindication of the appendix to the Poems called Rowley’s, in reply to the answers of the Dean of Exeter [Milles], Jacob Bryant and a third anonymous writer. 1782.
- Warton, T. An Inquiry into the authenticity of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. In which the arguments of the Dean of Exeter [Milles] and Mr. Bryant are examined. 1782.
- Mathias, T. J. An essay on the evidence, external and internal, relating to the poems attributed to T. Rowley. 1783.
- Sherwen, J. The introduction to an examination of some part of the internal evidence respecting the authenticity of certain publications said to have been found in manuscripts at Bristol. Bath, 1809.
- For various satires in prose and verse dealing with the Rowley controversy, see Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual, ed. Bohn, H. G., part
VIII, 1864, and the Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. - (4) Biography and Criticism
- Britton, J. The Life, Character, and Writings of Chatterton. In his Historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol. 1813.
- Croft, Sir H. Love and Madness. A story too true, in a series of letters between parties whose names would perhaps be mentioned, were they less known or less lamented. 1780. 4th edn. 1780.
- —— Love and Madness: in a series of letters, one of which contains the original account of Chatterton. New edn. 1786.
- —— Love Letters of Mr. Hackman and Miss Reay, 1775–1779. Ed. by Burgess, G. 1895. [A re-issue of Love and Madness.]
- Chatterton and Love and Madness: a letter from Sir Herbert Croft to Mr. Nichols. 1800.
- Davis, J. The Life and Letters of Thomas Chatterton. 1806.
- Gregory, G. The life of Thomas Chatterton, with criticisms on his genius and writings. 1789. Republished in Southey and Cottle’s edn. of Chatterton’s Works. 1803.
- Ingram, J. H. The True Chatterton. A new study from original documents. 1910.
- Lacy, Ernest. Chatterton. (Tragedy.) In Plays and Sonnets. Philadelphia, 1900.
- Maitland, S. R. Chatterton. An essay. 1857.
- Masson, D. Chatterton. A story of 1770. In Essays biographical and critical. 1856. Reissued 1874. New edn. 1899.
- Pryce, G. Memorials of the Canynges’ family and their times. To which is added inedited memoranda (42 pp.) relating to Chatterton. Bristol, 1854.
- Puettmann, H. Chatterton. Leben des Dichters und Dichtungen. 2 vols. Barmen, 1840.
- Richter, H. Thomas Chatterton. Schipper’s Wiener Beiträge. Vienna, 1900.
- Ross, J. [formerly J. Dix]. The life of Thomas Chatterton; including his unpublished poems and correspondence. 1837. 1851.
- Russell, C. E. Thomas Chatterton, the marvellous boy. The story of a strange life, 1752–1770. 1909.
- Vigny, A. de. Chatterton. Drame. 1835.
- Watts-Dunton, T. Thomas Chatterton. Prefixed to the selection from his poems in T. H. Ward’s English Poets. Vol.
III. 1880. - Wilson, D. Thomas Chatterton. A biographical study. 1869.
- Amos Simon Cottle (1768?–1800)
- Icelandic Poetry, or the Edda of Sæmund translated into English verse. Bristol, 1797.
- George Ellis (1753–1815)
- Specimens of the early English poets. 1790. New edn. 1801.
- Vol.
I of the 1801 edn. contains John Hookham Frere’s translation of Brunanburh, with the following note by the editor: “This was written several years ago during the controversy occasioned by the poems attributed to Rowley, and was intended as an imitation of the style and language of the fourteenth century. The reader will probably hear with some surprise that this singular instance of critical ingenuity was the composition of an Eton school-boy.” - Specimens of early English Metrical Romances chiefly written during the early part of the fourteenth century; to which is prefixed an historical introduction. 1805.
- Evan Evans (1731–1789)
- Some Specimens of the poetry of the antient Welsh Bards. 1764.
- Thomas Gray
- See bibliography to Chap.
VI, ante. - David Herd (1732–1810)
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - Richard Hole (1746–1803)
- Arthur, or the Northern Enchantment. A poetical romance in seven books. 1789.
- Edward Jerningham (1727–1812)
- The Rise and Progress of the Scandinavian Poetry. 1784.
- James Macpherson
- (1) Poetical Works
- The Poems of Ossian, containing the poetical works of James Macpherson in prose and rhyme. Ed. by Laing, M. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1805.
- A. Ossianic Poetry.
- A good bibliography of Macpherson’s Ossian, and of the literature of the Ossianic controversy, will be found in Lowndes’s Bibliographer’s Manual, ed. Bohn, H. G., part
VI. 1861. - Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands of Scotland, and translated from the Galic or Erse language. Edinburgh, 1760.
- Fingal. An ancient epic poem. In six books. With several other poems translated from the Galic language by James Macpherson. 1762.
- Temora. An ancient epic poem. In eight books. With several other poems translated from the Galic language by James Macpherson. 1763.
- The works of Ossian, translated by James Macpherson. 3rd edn. with a critical dissertation on the Poems of Ossian by Blair, Hugh. 2 vols., 1765; 2 vols., 1773;
I andII, 1773;III andIV, Frankfort and Leipzig, printed for J. G. Fleischer, 1777 [edited by Goethe and Merck; Goethe engraved the title-vignette]; 2 vols., 1784; 2 vols., 1796; new edn., with Blair’s critical dissertation, 2 vols., 1806; ed. Campbell, H. 2 vols., 1822; ed. Sharp, W. Edinburgh, 1896. - As to the numerous renderings of portions of the Ossianic poems into verse, see the bibliography in Lowndes mentioned above.
- The Ossianic poems have been translated into Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch Swedish, and Danish. As to these translations see the bibliography in Lowndes and the B. M. Catalogue s. v. Ossian.
- The following selection of editions of Ossianic texts will be useful for purposes of comparison. For a fuller bibliography, see Nutt, A., Ossian and the Ossianic Literature. Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance, and Folk-Lore, 3. 1899.
- The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic, with a literal translation into Latin by Macfarlan, R., together with a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems by Sinclair, Sir J., a translation from Cesarotti’s dissertation, and notes by McArthur, J. 3 vols. 1807.
- Ahlwardt, Christian Wilhelm. Die Gedichte Ossian’s aus dem Gaelischen im Sylbenmasse des Originals. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1811.
- The Genuine Remains of Ossian literally translated, with a preliminary dissertation by Maegregor, P. 1841.
- Transactions of the Ossianic Society for the years 1853–8. 6 vols. Dublin, 1854–61.
- Simpson, J. H. Poems of Oisin, Bard of Erin. 1857.
- Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Islands. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1860–2. New edn. Paisley, 1890–3.
- Lismore. The Dean of Lismore’s Book. Ed. by McLauchlan, T. Edinburgh 1861. [A new edn., by Quiggin, E. C., is in preparation.]
- The Poems of Ossian. In the original Gaelic. With a literal translation into English and a dissertation on the authenticity of the poems, by Clerk, A. Together with the translation by Macpherson. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1870.
- Revue Celtique. For a note as to the Ossianic contributions to this periodical, 1870, etc., see Nutt, A., Ossian and the Ossianic Literature.
- Campbell, J. F. Heroic Gaelic Ballads collected in Scotland from 1512 to 1871. Arranged by Campbell, J. F. 1872.
- Meyer, K. Cath Finntrága, or the Battle of Ventry. Ed. by Meyer, K. Oxford, 1885.
- MacInnes, D. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, edited in Gaelic, and translated by MacInnes, D. With a study on the development of the Ossianic saga and notes by Nutt, A. 1890.
- Campbell, J. G. The Fians, or Stories, Poems, and Traditions of Fionn and his Warrior Band. Collected from oral sources by Campbell, J. G. 1891.
- MacDougall, J. Folk and Hero Tales. Collected, edited, and translated by MacDougall, J. With introduction by Nutt, A. 1891.
- Campbell, J. G. Clan Traditions and Popular Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands. 1895.
- B. Other Poetical Works.
- The Highlander. An heroic poem in six cantos. 1758.
- The Iliad of Homer translated into prose. 1773.
- (2) Historical Works
- An Introduction to the history of Great Britain and Ireland. 1771.
- The History of Great Britain from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. 1775.
- Original papers, containing the secret history of Great Britain from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To which are prefixed extracts from the life of James II as written by himself. 2 vols. 1775.
- The rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America. 1776.
- A short history of the Opposition during the last session of Parliament. 1779.
- (3) Biography and Criticism
- Heuer, O. Eine unbekannte Ossianübersetzung Goethes. In Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts. 1908.
- Macbain, A. Macpherson’s Ossian. Celtic Magazine. Feb.–April, 1887.
- Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland appointed to enquire into the nature and authenticity of the Poems of Ossian. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1805.
- Saunders, T. B. The Life and Letters of James Macpherson. 1894.
- Scott, Sir W. Review of Laing’s edition of Ossian in Edinburgh Review. July, 1805.
- Shaw, W. An Enquiry into the authenticity of the Poems ascribed to Ossian. 1781.
- Smart, J. S. James Macpherson. An episode in literature. 1905. [A very clear account of the whole business.]
- Stern, L. Chr. Die ossianischen Heldenlieder. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Vol.
VIII. Weimar, 1895. - Paul Henri Mallet (1730–1807)
- L’Introduction à l’Histoire de Dannemarc. 2 vols. Copenhagen, 1755–6.
- Gibbon, E. An Examination of Mallet’s Introduction. Miscellaneous Works. Vol.
III. 1814. - Goldsmith, O. Volume
II of Mallet’s Introduction reviewed in Monthly Review, April, 1757. Rptd. in Works. Vol.IV. 1885. - Thomas James Mathias (1754?–1835)
- Runic Odes imitated from the Norse tongue in the manner of Mr. Gray. 1781.
- Thomas Percy
- Hau Kiou Choaan, or the Pleasing History. A translation from the Chinese. To which are added (1) the Argument or story of a Chinese play; (2) a collection of Chinese proverbs; and (3) fragments of Chinese poetry; with notes. 4 vols. 1761.
- Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chinese. 2 vols. 1762.
- Five pieces of Runic poetry translated from the Islandic language. 1763.
- The Song of Solomon newly translated from the original Hebrew; with a commentary and annotations. 1764.
- Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3 vols. 1765. 2nd edn. 1767; 3rd edn. 1775; 4th edn., by his nephew, Percy, T., 1794; 5th edn. 1812; ed. Willmott, R. A., 1857; ed. Gilfillan, G., 1858; ed. Prichard, J. V., 2 vols., 1876 (Bohn’s Standard Library); ed. Wheatley, H. B., 3 vols., 1876–7. Reissued 1891.
- The Household Book of the Earl of Northumberland in 1512, at his castles of Wressle and Leconfield in Yorkshire. Ed. Percy, T. 1768. 1770. 1827.
- A Key to the New Testament. 1769. 3rd edn. 1799. New ed. Cambridge, 1823.
- Northern Antiquities, or a description of the manners, customs, religion, and laws of the ancient Danes.… With a translation of the Edda and other pieces from the ancient Islandic tongue. Transl. from Mallet’s Introduction à l’Histoire de Dannemarc, etc. With additional notes by the English translator and Goranson’s Latin version of the Edda. 2 vols. 1770. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1809.
- The Hermit of Warkworth. A Northumberland Ballad. In three fits or cantos. 1772. 3rd edn. 1772. Frequently reprinted.
- Letters from Thomas Percy, John Callander, David Herd, and others to George Paton. Edinburgh, 1830.
- Gaussen, A. C. C. Percy, Prelate and Poet. With a preface by Douglas, Sir G. 1908.
- Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript. Edd. Hales, J. W., and Furnivall, F. J. 3 vols. 1868.
- Percy had a copious correspondence with literary men of his time. Practically the whole of the 856 pages of vol.
II (1848) and 436 pages of vol.VIII (1858) of Nichols’s Illustrations of the Literary History of the 18th Century are occupied by letters to and from Percy, his correspondents including George Steevens, Dr. Grainger, James Boswell, Michael Lort, Dr. Thomas Birch, Archdeacon Nares, Dr. Thomas Campbell, the Moira family, John Nichols and John Pinkerton. - John Pinkerton (1758–1826)
- Vitae antiquae Sanctorum qui habitaverunt in ea parte Britanniae nunc vocata Scotia, et in ejus insulis. 1789.
- Richard Polwhele (1760–1838)
- Poems chiefly by Gentlemen of Devon and Cornwall. Ed. by Polwhele, R. 2 vols. Bath, 1792. [Including The Incantation of Herva, and other poems on Scandinavian subjects.]
- Joseph Ritson
- A select collection of English Songs. 3 vols. 1783. 2nd edn., by Park, T. 3 vols. 1813.
- Remarks critical and illustrative on the text and notes of the last edition of Shakespeare. 1783. The Quip Modest. Supplement to Remarks. 1788. (A virulent attack on Steevens’s edition.)
- Ancient Songs from the time of King Henry III to the Revolution. 1790. 2nd edn., enlarged. 2 vols. 1829. 3rd edn. by Hazlitt, W. C. 1877.
- Pieces of ancient popular poetry. 1791. 2nd edn. 1833.
- Cursory criticisms on the edition of Shakespeare published by Malone, E. 1792.
- Scotish Songs. 2 vols. 1794. Rptd. 1866. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1869.
- The English Anthology. Ed. by Ritson, J. 3 vols. 1793–4.
- Robin Hood. A Collection of all the ancient poems, songs, and ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English outlaw. 2 vols. 1795. 2nd edn. 1832. Rptd. 1885.
- Poems on interesting events in the reign of King Edward III. written in 1352 by Laurence Minot. Ed. Ritson, J. 1795. Rptd. 1825.
- Ancient Engleish metrical romanceës. 3 vols. 1802.
- Reviewed, together with Ellis, by Scott, Sir W., in The Edinburgh Review, 1806. The following is an extract from this article: “Much coarse and insolent invective is poured on Bishop Percy, who seems to have incurred the editor’s resentment in a double capacity—as a dignitary of the Church, and a successful publisher of ancient poetry. We do not think Mr. Ritson imbibed this spirit from the works which he studied. Surely neither the gallant Sir Lancelot nor the courteous Sir Gavain, would have given the reverend Bishop the lie direct on account of a disputed reading in the old song of Maggie Lauder!”
- Bibliographia poetica. A Catalogue of English poets of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries, with an account of their works. 1802.
- Northern Garlands. 1810. Rptd. Edinburgh, 1887–8.
- (The four Garlands here republished were originally printed between 1784 and 1793.)
- The Caledonian Muse. A chronological selection of Scotish poetry from the earliest times. 1821.
- (Printed in 1785, but not published.)
- The Life of King Arthur from ancient historians and authentic documents. 1825.
- Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. 1827.
- Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots. 2 vols. 1828.
- Fairy Tales. Now first collected. To which are prefixed two dissertations. I. On Pigmies. II. On Fairies. 1831. Rptd. 1875.
- The Letters of Joseph Ritson. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author by Nicolas, Sir H. (Ed. Frank, J.) 2 vols. 1833.
- Haslewood, J. Some account of the life and publications of Ritson, J. 1824.
- MacCunn, F. A. Sir Walter Scott’s Friends. [Ritson, Ellis, etc.] Edinburgh, 1909.
- Anna Seward (1747–1809)
- Llangollen Vale and other Poems. 1796. [Including Herva at the Tomb of Argantyr.]
- —— Harold’s Complaint. Poetical Works. Ed. Scott, Sir W. Vol.
III. 1810. - Joseph Sterling
- Poems. 1789. [Including Odes from the Icelandic.]
- William Bagshaw Stevens (1756–1800)
- Poems, consisting of Indian Odes and miscellaneous pieces. Oxford, 1775. [Including Herva and Argantyr. An Ode, imitated from an antient scald, etc.]
- Thomas Tyrwhitt
- An Epistle to Florio at Oxford. 1749.
- Translations in verse. 1752.
- Proceedings and debates of the House of Commons 1620–1 from an original manuscript at Queen’s College, Oxford. 2 vols. 1766.
- Observations and conjectures upon some passages of Shakespeare. 1766.
- The Manner of holding Parliaments in England. By Henry Elsynge. Corrected and enlarged by Tyrwhitt, T. 1768.
- The Canterbury Tales of Chaucer. To which are added an essay on his language and versification and an introductory discourse, together with notes and a glossary. By Tyrwhitt, T. 5 vols. 1775–8. 2nd edn. Oxford, 1798.
- Tyrwhitt’s text was frequently reprinted. Cp. Chaucer: a bibliographical manual, by Hammond, E. P., p. 206, New York, 1908.
- See, also, under Chatterton, sec. 3, ante. As to Tyrwhitt’s editions of the classics see the list in the Dict. of nat. Biog.
- Thomas Warton the elder
- Poems on several occasions. (Ed. by his son Warton, J.) 1748.
- Thomas Warton the younger
- The Pleasures of Melancholy. 1747.
- The Triumph of Isis. A Poem. Occasioned by Isis, an Elegy [by Mason, W.]. [1749.]
- A description of the City, College, and Cathedral of Winchester.… [1750].
- Newmarket. A Satire. 1751.
- Ode for Music as performed at the Theatre, in Oxford on the second of July 1751. Oxford [1751].
- The Union, or select Scots and English poems. Edinburgh, 1753. 3rd edn. 1766.
- Observations on the Faerie Queene of Spenser. 1754. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1762. New edn. 2 vols. 1807.
- (Further remarks by Warton on Spenser will be found in the edition of Spenser’s Works published in 1805.)
- [Huggins, W.] The Observer observ’d. [Attack on Warton’s Observations.] 1756.
- A Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion; being a Complete Supplement to all the accounts of Oxford hitherto published. 1760. 1806.
- The life and literary remains of Ralph Bathurst, M.D., President of Trinity College, Oxford. 1761.
- The Oxford Sausage, or select poetical pieces written by the most celebrated wits of the University of Oxford. 1764. 1772. 1814. 1815.
- Theocriti quae supersunt. Accedunt variorum notae. Ed. T. Warton. 2 vols. Oxford, 1770.
- The Life of Sir Thomas Pope, Founder of Trinity College, Oxford. 1772. 2nd edn. 1780.
- The History of English Poetry from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed [three] dissertations. 3 vols. 1774–81.
- Ed. Price, R., with numerous notes. 4 vols. 1824; 3 vols. 1840. Ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 4 vols. 1871. First edn. rptd. 1875.
- A fragment of vol.
IV of Warton’s work was printed. - Observations on the three first volumes of the History of English poetry. [By J. Ritson.] 1782.
- Index to the History of English Poetry. [By T. Fillingham.] 1806.
- Poems. 1777. 3rd edn. 1779; 4th edn. 1789; 1791. Ed. Mant, R., with a memoir. 2 vols. Oxford, 1802.
- Specimen of a history of Oxfordshire. (History of Kiddington.) 1781. 2nd edn. 1783; 3rd edn. 1815.
- An Inquiry into the authenticity of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. 1782.
- See, also, under Chatterton, sec. 3, ante.
- Poems upon several occasions by John Milton. Ed. Warton, T., with notes, critical and explanatory. 1785. 2nd edn. 1791.
- [This volume contains Milton’s early poems.]
- Austin, W. S., and Ralph, J. Lives of the Laureates. 1853.
- Blakiston, H. E. D. Thomas Warton and Machyn’s Diary. Engl. Hist. Rev. Vol.
XI. 1896. - Dennis, J. The Wartons. Studies in English literature. London, 1876.
- Drake, N. On Thomas Warton. Essays. Vol.
II. Pt.III. EssayIII. 1810. - Joseph Warton
- Ode on reading West’s Pindar. 1744.
- Odes on various subjects. 1746. 2nd edn. 1747.
- Essay on the genius and writings of Pope. 2 vols. 1756–82. 5th edn. 2 vols. 1806.
- The Works of Virgil in English verse by Christopher Pitt and Joseph Warton. (Ed. by Warton, J.) 4 vols. 1753 (with the text); 1763.
- The Works of Alexander Pope. With notes and illustrations by Warton, J., and others. 9 vols. 1797.
- Wooll, J. Biographical memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Warton; to which are added a selection from his works, and a literary correspondence.… Vol.
I. (No more published.) 1806. - Mant, R. Verses to the memory of Joseph Warton. Oxford, 1800.
- Pattison, M. Pope and his editors. Essays. Ed. Nettleship, H. Vol.
II. Oxford, 1889. - See, also, under Thomas Warton, ante.A. T. B.