The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- H
UME AND MODERN HISTORIANS - James Anderson (1662–1728)
- An historical essay showing that the crown and kingdom of Scotland is imperial and independent. 1705. [A reply to The Superiority and Direct Dominion of the Imperial Crown and Kingdom of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland, 1704, by Atwood, William, sometime chief justice of New York. Anderson criticised and condemned as forgeries the documents relating to the homage of the Scottish kings which John Hardyng supplied to the English treasury in 1457. Atwood replied with The Scotch patriot unmasked. Anderson’s book caused great excitement in Scotland; and the Scottish parliament voted him £4800 Scots and ordered Atwood’s books to be burnt.]
- Collections relating to the History of Mary, Queen of Scots, etc. 4 vols. 4to. 1727–8. [Of great value.]
- Selectus diplomatum et numismatum Scotiae thesaurus, etc. 1739. [A magnificent compilation finished shortly before Anderson’s death, and published by Ruddiman, Thomas, with an introduction, translated and published independently, 1773.]
- Thomas Birch
- As to his edition of the Thurloe Papers, see bibliography to Vol. VII, Chaps.
VIII andIX, p. 491, ante. - Lives and characters in Houbraken’s Heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain. 1743. With additions. 2 vols. 1747–51.
- Life of the Hon. Robert Boyle, prefixed to Boyle’s Works. 1744.
- An Inquiry into the share which King Charles I had in the Transactions of the earl of Glamorgan for bringing over a body of Irish rebels to assist that King in which Mr. Carte’s imperfect account is impartially considered. (Anonymous.) 1747. 2nd edn., with appendix containing letters of the king to the earl of Glamorgan. 1756.
- The case of the Royal Martyr considered with candour in Answer to some libels, &c., by John Boswell, vicar of Taunton. 1758. [Reply to Inquiry.]
- An historical view of the negotiations between the courts of England, France, and Brussels, 1592–1617, extracted chiefly from the State papers of Sir T. Edmonds, and of A. Bacon. 1749.
- Life of Dr. John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury, compiled chiefly from his original papers. 1752.
- Remarks on the Life, etc. 1753. 3rd edn., with additions. 1755.
- [Reply by Smith, George, editor of Bede, a nonjuring bishop.]
- Memoirs of the reign of Queen Elizabeth from 1581 to her death, from the original papers of A. Bacon, and other manuscripts [at Lambeth]. 2 vols. 1754.
- The Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, chiefly from his own papers. 1760.
- Letters between Colonel R. Hammond and the Committee of Lords and Commons at Derby House relating to Charles I while confined in Carisbrooke castle. 1764.
- The Court and Times of James the First, illustrated by authentic and confidential Letters, etc. 2 vols. 1848.
- The Court and Times of Charles the First, illustrated, etc., including memoir of the mission in England of the Capuchin friars in the service of Queen Henrietta Maria, etc. 2 vols. 1848.
- Both these were transcribed by Birch, and ed. by the author of Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea. [Williams, R. F.]
- Sir William Blackstone (1723–1780)
- An Analysis of the Laws of England. 1754. 3rd edn. Oxford, 1758.
- Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 1765–9. For a list of the subsequent edns. and adaptations see bibliography appended to notice of Blackstone in D. of N. B., vol.
V. The work was translated into French, German and Italian. - Tracts chiefly relating to the antiquities and laws of England. 2 vols. 1762. 3rd ed. Oxford, 1771.
- Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster Hall, from 1746 to 1779. 2 vols. 1781. (With a life by Clitherow, J.)
- Archibald Bower
- The History of the Popes from the foundation of the see of Rome to the present time. 7 vols. 1748–66. [Vol.
V, 1761, contains A summary view in 186 pp., of the controversy between the papists and the author.] An edn. with continuation by Cox, S. H. Philadelphia, 1844. - The more noteworthy pamphlets on Bower and his History are: A dialogue between Archibald and Timothy, Douay, 1748; Remarks on the first two volumes of the late Lives, etc., Douay, 1754; Six Letters from A——d B——r to Father Sheldon, 1756; Mr. Bower’s answer to a scurrilous pamphlet, etc., 1757; Bower and Tillemont compared, 1757 (Douglas); Mr. Bower’s answer to Bower and Tillemont compared, 1757; A full confutation of Bower’s three defences, 1757 (Douglas); A complete and final detection, 1758 (Douglas). [A collection of the Bower pamphlets, including most of above, with portrait of Bower, is in the Brit. Mus. Library.]
- Thomas Carte
- The Irish Massacre set in a clear light. Wherein Mr. Baxter’s account of it in the history of his own life and the Abridgment thereof by Dr. Calamy is fully considered. Together with two replies from Mr. Chaundler, etc. [1714.] 2nd edn., with additions [1715], and in Somers Tracts, vol.
III, 1809. - The Life of James, Duke of Ormond, to which is added a very valuable collection of letters, etc. 3 vols. Vol.
III containing the letters, 1735; vols.I andII the life, 1736. Revised edn. 6 vols. Oxford, 1851. - A general account of the necessary materials for a History of England, etc. [1738.]
- Collection of original letters and papers concerning the affairs of England 1640–1661, etc. 1739.
- The History of the Revolution in Portugal from the foundation of that kingdom to 1667, with letters of Sir R. Southwell to the Duke of Ormond. 1740.
- Collection of several papers published by Mr. T. C., etc. 1744.
- A general History of England by Thomas Carte, an Englishman. 4 vols. 1747–55. See under Birch, Thomas, ante.
- Arthur Collins (1690?–1760)
- The Life of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, from the original manuscript wrote soon after his lordship’s death, etc., with other matters relating to the Cecil family, 1732.
- Letters and Memorials of State in the reigns of Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, Charles I, part of the Reign of Charles II, and Oliver’s usurpation from the originals at Penshurst Place and the Office of Papers and Records of State. With genealogical and historical illustrations by the editor. 2 vols. 1746. [Generally known as The Sydney Papers. (See Vol. VIII, p. 304, note 1, ante.)]
- Collins was the compiler of a Peerage and of various family histories.
- George Crawfurd (d. 1748)
- A genealogical history of the Stewarts from 1034 to 1710, to which is prefixed a description of the shire of Renfrew. 2 pts. 1710. The Shire of Renfrew continued by Semple, W. 1782. 2nd edn., continued. 1818.
- Lives and characters of the officers of the Crown and State of Scotland from David I to the Union. Vol.
I. 1726. (All published.) - Memoir of Henry Guthrie prefixed to reissue of The Memoirs of Henry Guthry, late bishop of Dunkeld. 1748.
- [Though Crawfurd’s works are now superseded, he was a learned and laborious man. He was author of The Peerage of Scotland, 1716.]
- Sir David Dalrymple
- See Lord Hailes.
- Sir John Dalrymple
- Essay towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain. 1757. 4th edn., enlarged and corrected. 1759.
- Criticised in A discourse on the bookland and folkland of the Saxons, wherein the nature of those kinds of estates is explained and the notion of them advanced by Sir John Dalrymple confuted, Cambridge, 1775.
- Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland from the dissolution of the last parliament of Charles II until the sea battle of La Hogue. 2 pts. 1771. 2nd edn., with continuation, Until the capture of the French and Spanish fleets at Vigo. 3 vols. 1790. New edn., with appendixes. 1796.
- French tr. of the earlier part, 1776. Criticised by O’Halloran, S., in Observations on the Memoirs, etc., 4to, 1772; in the Letters of Lady Rachel Russell, with an introduction vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, 1773, 7th edn., 1809; and in Lord [John] Russell’s Life of William Lord Russell, 1819, 4th edn., 1853.
- Jean Louis Delolme
- La Constitution de l’Angleterre. Amsterdam, 1771.
- A parallel between the English constitution and the former government of Sweden containing some observations on the late revolution in that kingdom, etc. 1772. [Probably a tr. of Delolme’s work by another hand.]
- The Constitution of England or an account of the English government in which it is compared with the republican form of government. 8vo. 1775. 4th edn., enlarged. 1784. New edn., corrected. 1789. With supplementary notes and a preface biographical and critical, by Coote, C. 1807. New edn., with life and notes by Macgregor, John, Bohn’s Standard Library, 1838. French edns., Geneva, 1788, 1790; German, 1776, ed. Dahlmann, F. C., 1819; Spanish, Oviedo, 1812.
- The History of the Flagellants or the advantages of discipline, a paraphrase and commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abbé Boileau by somebody who is not a doctor of the Sorbonne. 1777. Under title Memorials of human superstition, etc. 1784.
- The British Empire in Europe, pt. 1, containing an account of the connection between England and Ireland previous to the year 1780, etc. 1787.
- Adam Ferguson
- The History of the Progress and termination of the Roman Republic. Illustrated with Maps. 3 vols. 1733.
- An Essay on the History of Civil Society. 1767. 3rd edn., corrected. 8vo. 1768. New edn. Bâle, 1789. German trans., 1768; French trans., 1783.
- Principles of Moral and Political Science. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1792.
- Oliver Goldsmith
- A History of England in a series of Letters from a Nobleman to his son. 2 vols. 1764. [A school-book published anonymously and attributed to Lyttleton and others.] Various edns. and continuations; French tr., 1777.
- The History of England from the earliest times to the death of George II. 4 vols. 8vo. 1771. 11th edn., revised and continued to 1815 by Coote, C. 1819. French trans., 1837; Spanish, 1853.
- An Abridgment of foregoing. [Posthumous.] 1774.
- Walter Goodall (or Goodal)
- An examination of the letters said to be written by Mary, queen of Scotland, to James, earl of Bothwell. 2 vols. 1754.
- [Goodall edited the Scotchironicon, 1759.]
- William Guthrie
- A general History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution of 1688. 4 vols. 1744–51.
- A general History of Scotland from the earliest accounts to the present time. 10 vols. 1767.
- Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes
- Memorials and letters relating to the History of Britain in the reign of James I. 1762. 2nd edn., corrected. 1766.
- Memorials and letters, etc., in the reign of Charles I. 1766.
- The secret correspondence between Sir Robert Cecil and James VI. 1766.
- Remarks on the history of Scotland. 1773.
- Annals of Scotland from Malcolm Canmore to Robert I. 1776. Continued to the accession of the house of Stuart. 1779. New edn., to which are added several texts relative to the history. 3 vols. 1797.
- Philip Yorke, second Earl of Hardwicke
- Letters to and from Sir Dudley Carleton, Knt. [Viscount Dorchester], during his embassy in Holland, 1616–1620, with historical preface. 1757. 3rd edn. 1780.
- Miscellaneous State Papers from 1501 to 1726 (the Hardwicke Papers). 2 vols. 1778. (Anonymous.)
- Robert Henry
- The History of Great Britain from the first invasion by the Romans, written on a new plan. 5 vols. 1771–85. Vol.
VI, posthumous, ed. Laing. 1793. 12 vols., with life of author. 1805. French tr. by Boulard, A. M. H. Paris, 1789–96. [Hume wrote a laudatory review of the first volume for The Edinburgh Magazine and Review, which Gilbert Stuart (see post), the editor, suppressed, substituting a violent attack of his own.] - David Hume
- History of Great Britain [containing the reigns of James I and Charles I]. Vol.
I. 4to. Edinburgh, 1754. Vol.II, reigns of Charles II and James II. 1756. History of England under the House of Tudor. 2 vols. 1759. From the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry VII. 2 vols. 1761. From the invasion, etc., to the revolution in 1688. With the author’s last corrections and an account of his life written by himself. 8 vols. 1778. With portraits, 8 vols., and Smollett, 5 vols. Oxford, 1826. [Best edition.] With Smollett and continuation by Hughes, T. S. 21 vols. 1836, 1848. Continuation to 1835. 18 vols. 1854. Histoire de la Maison de Stuart. French tr. by Prévost d’Exilles, A. F. 3 vols. 1760; by Mme. Belot. (Plantagenets and Tudors.) 4 vols. 1763; 6 vols. 1765. With continuations by Smollett, Adolphus and Aikin. By Campenon, V. 13 vols. 1839–40. [This presents Hume’s last corrections.] - Compare bibliography to Chap.
II, ante. - Thomas Lediard (1685–1743)
- The Naval History of England, in all its branches, from the Norman Conquest … to the conclusion of 1734. 2 vols. 1735.
- The Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. 1736.
- The History of the Reigns of William III and Mary and Anne, in continuation of the History of England by Rapin de Thoyras. 1737.
- Thomas Leland
- A History of Ireland from the invasion of Henry II, with a preliminary discourse on the ancient state of that kingdom. 3 vols. 1773. 3rd edn., corrected. 1774.
- George Lyttelton, Baron Lyttelton
- The History of the Life of King Henry II and of the Age in which he lived. 2 vols., and one unnumbered of notes. 1767.
- Mrs. Catherine Macaulay (or Macaulay Graham) (1731–1791)
- The History of England from the accession of James I to that of the Brunswick Line. 8 vols. 4to. 1763–83. In vol.
III and onwards and 2nd edn. of vols.I andII title substituted “to the elevation of the House of Hanover,” from vol.V title “to the Revolution,” 1688, at which date vol.VIII ends. French trans. [undertaken at the suggestion of Mirabeau], 5 vols., 1791–2. - The History of England from the Revolution to the present time in a series of letters to a Friend. Vol.
I. Bath, 1778. [All published.] - [The author was sister of John Sawbridge, the democratic lord mayor, and was herself a violent republican. Her History is strongly coloured by her political opinions: it is badly constructed and ill-written. She wrote a Reply to Burke’s Thoughts on the Present Discontents, 1770, in connection with which Lecky describes her as “the ablest writer of the new radical school.”]
- Joseph McCormick (1733–1799)
- See Carstares, William, in bibliography to Vol. IX, Chaps.
VII andVIII. - James Macpherson
- Introduction to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, or an enquiry into the origin, religion, etc. of the Britons, Scots and Irish, and Anglo-Saxons. 1771. Enlarged, 1772.
- Criticised by O’Halloran, Sylvester, in Introduction to the study of the History and antiquities of Ireland, 1772; by Whitaker, John, see post, and by Pinkerton, John, see post.
- A History of Great Britain from the Restoration to the accession of the House of Hannover. 2 vols. 1775.
- Original papers: containing the secret history of Great Britain from the Restoration to the accession of the house of Hannover. To which are prefixed extracts from the Life of James II as written by himself. 2 vols. 1775.
- See Ranke, L. von, History of England, vol.
VI, pp. 35 ff. (Eng. trans. 1875). - Simon Ockley
- The Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Ægypt by the Saracens [The History of the Saracens]. Vol.
I, 1708; vol.II, 1718, with new edn. of vol.I and the Sentences of Ali published separately in 1717. 3rd edn., with Life of Mahomet [by Dr. Long]. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1757. 5th edn., with memoir of Ockley. Bohn’s Standard Library, 1848. Fr. tr. [by Jault, A. F.]. Paris, 1748. - Robert Orme
- A History of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan from 1745. 2 vols. Vol.
II in two parts. 1763–78. Edn. revised by author. 1803. - Historical Fragments of the Mogul empire, of the Morattoes, and of the English concerns in Indostan from 1659. 1782. With Memoir of author. 1805.
- John Pinkerton (1758–1826)
- The History of Scotland from the Accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary. 2 vols. 1797.
- Humphry Prideaux (1648–1724)
- The Life of Mahomet. 1697.
- William Robertson
- Works, with account of life by Stewart, D., 8 vols., 1817. Oxford, 8 vols., 1825. French tr., by Suard, J.-B. A., Morellet, A., et Campenon, V., 12 vols., 1829; ed. Buchon, J.-A., 2 vols., 1843.
- History of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI till his accession to the crown of England. With a review of the Scotch History before that period and an appendix containing original papers. 2 vols., 1759; 11th edn., corrected, 1787; 19th edn., 1812, and others. French tr., 3 vols., 1764. [See under Tytler, William, and Stuart, Gilbert, for replies.]
- History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V, with a view of the progress of society from the subversion of the Roman empire to the beginning of the sixteenth century, 3 vols., 4to, 1769. Philadelphia, 1770. New edn., with corrections, 1777. 17th edn., with life by Stewart, Dugald, 1806. With an account of the emperor’s life after his abdication, by Prescott, W. H., 1857; in vols.
XII–XV of Prescott’s Works, ed. Munro, W. H., 1905. French tr. by Suard, J.-B. A., 2 vols., Amsterdam, 1771. German, 3 vols., Brunswick, 1770–1. Italian, Palermo, 1835. Spanish, Barcelona, 1846. - History of America, 2 vols., 1777; 3 vols., 1778. With corrections, 1788; 9th edn., with posthumous vol., 4 vols., 1880. French tr. by Suard, J.-B. A. and Morellet, A., 1778; 6th edn., 1845. Geschichte von Amerika übersetzt von Schiller, J. F., 3 vols., Leipzig, 1777. Mod. Greek, 4 vols., Vienna, 1792–3.
- An Historical Disquisition concerning the knowledge the Ancients had of India, 1791. With the author’s last corrections, etc., 1794. French tr., Paris, 1792. Italian, ed. Romagnosi, 1832.
- William Russell
- A History of America from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. 2 vols. 1778. [Contains notices of famous buccaneers.]
- The History of Modern Europe to the Peace of Paris, 1763, in a series of Letters from a Nobleman to his son. 5 vols. 1779–86. With continuations by Coote, C. and others. 1818, 1827, 1850.
- Thomas Rymer
- See bibliography to Vol. IX, Chaps.
VII andVIII. - Edmund Sawyer (d. 1759)
- Memorials of Affairs of State in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James collected chiefly from the original papers of the Right Hon. Sir Ralph Winwood, Kt., and some time one of the principal secretaries of state. 3 vols. 1725. [The Winwood Memorials, from 1590–1614, are an important selection from the official correspondence of Sir Ralph Winwood while ambassador at the French court and the Hague. The Winwood papers, though some in Sawyer’s collection are missing, are calendared in the Hist. MSS. Commissioners’ Report on the manuscripts of the duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, vol.
I, 1899.] - Tobias George Smollett
- A compleat History of England deduced from the descent of Julius Caesar to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748, containing the transactions of one thousand eight hundred and three years. 4 vols. 1757–8. 2nd edn. 11 vols. 8vo. 1758–60. [Published in monthly parts at a shilling each.]
- Continuation of the Complete History of England. 5 vols. 1763–5.
- The History of England from the Revolution to the death of George II. (Designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume’s History.) 5 vols. A new edn. 1789.
- Gilbert Stuart (1742–1786)
- An historical disquisition concerning the antiquity of the English constitution. 1768. 2nd edn., corrected. 1770.
- A view of society in Europe in its progress from rudeness to refinement. 1778. French tr., by Boulard, A. H. M., 2 vols., Paris, 1789.
- History of the establishment of the reformation in Scotland, a collection of the principal records concerning it. 1780.
- The History of Scotland, from the establishment of the reformation to the death of Queen Mary. 2 vols. 1782. 2nd edn., to which are added Observations concerning the public law and constitution of Scotland, originally published in 1779. 1784. [This book, written in a polished style, with well-balanced sentences, and occasionally high-flown expressions, contains a vindication of Mary; in an appendix are some letters referring to the treatment of her by Robertson, against whom Stuart had a personal grudge; cf. Gent. Mag., vol.
LII (1782), p. 167. He was editor of the Edinburgh Magazine and Review, 1773–6, and known as an unprincipled and slashing reviewer; for his conduct with regard to Robert Henry, see ante.] - William Tytler
- An historical and critical inquiry into the evidence against Mary, queen of Scots, etc. 1760. 1772. With answer to Robertson, Hume, etc., 1772. With additional chapters. 2 vols. 1790. French tr., Paris, 1772. Ed. Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky. Paris, 1860.
- Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford
- Historic Doubts on the life and reign of Richard III. 4to. 1768. [The first edn. of 1200 copies “sold so very fast that a new edition was undertaken the next day of 1000 more.”] With additions and reply to Dr. Milles, 1770. H. W.’s Works, vol.
II, 1798, with replies to criticisms of Hume and others, of Dr. Milles, in Observations on the wardrobe account for 1483, 1770, and in Archaeologia, vol.I, p. 361, and of Masters, Robert, in Archaeologia, vol.II, p. 198. - Robert Watson
- The History of the Reign of Philip II, King of Spain. 3 vols. 4to. 1777. Several 8vo edns., 7th 1812. French tr., by Mirabeau and Durival, J. Amsterdam, 1778.
- History of the Reign of Philip III. Ed. and completed by Thomson, W. 2 vols. 1783. 3rd edn., enlarged. 1808. French tr., by Bonnet, L. J. A. Paris, 1809.
- Peter Whalley (1722–1791)
- An Essay on the Manner of Writing History. [Anon.] 1746.
- An Enquiry into the Learning of Shakespeare. 1748.
- The Works of Ben Jonson. Ed. by Whalley, P. 7 vols. 1756.
- The History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire. Compiled from the manuscript collections of John Bridges. 2 vols. 1791.
- John Whitaker
- See bibliography to Chap.
XIII, post.