The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- General Authorities: Histories of philosophy and of political economy; Forsyth, T. M., English Philosophy, 1910; McCosh, J., The Scottish Philosophy, 1875; Pringle-Pattison, A. S., Scottish Philosophy, 1885; Seth, J., English Philosophers, 1912; Stephen, Sir L., A History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 1876.
- I. D
AVID HUME - A. Works
- (In chronological order)
- A Treatise of Human Nature: being an Attempt to introduce the experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects. Vols.
I andII, 1739; vol.III, 1740. - Essays Moral and Political. Edinburgh, 1741. Vol.
II, 1742. - Philosophical Essays concerning Human Understanding. 1748.
- An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals. 1751.
- Political Discourses. Edinburgh, 1752.
- Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. In four volumes. 1753–4 (final edition, 1777).
- The History of Great Britain. (The History of England.) See bibliography to Chap.
XII, ante. - Four Dissertations. I. The Natural History of Religion. II. Of the Passions. III. Of Tragedy. IV. Of the Standard of Taste. 1757.
- The Life of David Hume, Esq. Written by himself. 1777.
- Two Essays [on Suicide and on Immortality]. 1777.
- Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. 1779.
- Editions of A Treatise of Human Nature and Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, by Green, T. H. and Grose, T. H. (with philosophical introductions by Green, T. H.), 2 vols., 1874; of Essays (complete) by the same (with bibliographical introduction by Grose, T. H.), 2 vols., 1875; of the Treatise, Oxford, 1896, and of the two Enquiries, ib., 1894 (with indexes) by Selby-Bigge, L. A.; of the Dialogues, by McEwen, B., 1907; of the Political Discourses, by Robertson, W. B., 1908.
- B. Selected Biography and Criticism
- Bonar, J. Philosophy and Political Economy. 1893.
- Burton, J. H. Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 1846.
- —— Letters of Eminent Persons addressed to David Hume. 1849.
- [char], G. von. Die Ethik Humes. 1878.
- Green, T. H. Introductions to Hume’s Treatise. Vols.
I andII. Works. Vol.I. 1885. - Hedvall, C. Humes Erkenntnistheorie. 1906.
- Hill, G. Birkbeck. Letters of David Hume to W. Strahan. 1888.
- Huxley, T. H. Hume. (English Men of Letters series.) 1879.
- Jodl, F. Leben und Philosophie Humes. 1872.
- Klemme, M. Die volkswirtschaftlichen Anschauungen Humes. 1900.
- Lechartier, G. David Hume, moraliste et sociologue. 1900.
- Marcus, E. Kant’s Revolutionsprinzip. Eine exakte Lösung des Kant-Hume’schen Erkenntnisproblem. 1902.
- Meinong, A. Hume-Studien.
I, 1877;II, 1882. - Pfleiderer, E. Empirismus und Skepsis in Humes Philosophie. 1874.
- Quast, O. Der Begriff der Belief bei Hume. 1903.
- Teisseire, M. Les Essais économiques de David Hume. 1902.
- Thomsen, A. David Hume. Sein Leben und seine Philosophie. 1912.
- II. A
DAM SMITH - A. Works
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments; or an essay towards an analysis of the principles by which men naturally judge concerning the conduct and character, first of their neighbours, and afterwards of themselves; to which is added, a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. 1759. 6th edn. 2 vols. 1790.
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 2 vols. 1776. 6th edn. 3 vols. 1791. Edd. McCulloch, J. R., 1828, etc.; Rogers, J. E. T., 1869; Nicholson, J. S., 1884; Cannan, E., 1904.
- Essays on Philosophical Subjects. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author. By Stewart, Dugald. 1795.
- Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue and Arms … reported by a student in 1763. Ed. by Cannan, E. Oxford, 1896.
- B. Biography and Criticism
- Bagehot, W. Economic Studies. 1880.
- —— Biographical Studies. 1881.
- Bonar, J. Philosophy and Political Economy. 1893.
- —— A Catalogue of the Library of Adam Smith. 1894.
- Farrer, J. A. Adam Smith. (English Philosophers series.) 1881.
- Haldane, Viscount. Adam Smith. (Great Writers series.) 1887.
- Hasbach, W. Die allgemeinen philosophischen Grundlagen der von Quesnay und Smith begründeten politischen Ökonomie. Leipzig, 1890.
- —— Untersuchungen über Adam Smith. Leipzig, 1891.
- Hirst, F. W. Adam Smith. (English Men of Letters series.) 1904.
- Leslie, T. E. Cliffe. Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy. 1879.
- Nicholson, J. S. A Project of Empire. 1909.
- Oncken, A. Adam Smith in der Culturgeschichte. 1874.
- —— Adam Smith und Immanuel Kant. 1877.
- Rae, John. Life of Adam Smith. 1895.
- Stewart, Dugald. Biographical Memoir of Adam Smith in Trans., R. S. E. 1793. (In vol. containing also memoirs of Robertson and Reid, 1811; in Works, vol.
X, 1858.) - III. O
- An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth in opposition to sophistry and scepticism. Edinburgh, 1770. With other essays. Edinburgh, 1776.
- Dissertations moral and critical. 1783.
- Elements of Moral Science. 1790–3.
- Forbes, Sir W. Life and Writings of Beattie. 2 vols. 1806.
- Forbes, M. Beattie and his friends. 1904.
- See, also, bibliography to Chap.
VII, ante. - George Campbell (1719–1796)
- A Dissertation on Miracles. 1762.
- The Philosophy of Rhetoric. 1776.
- William Derham (1657–1735)
- Physico-Theology. 1713.
- Astro-Theology. 1715.
- Christo-Theology. 1730.
- John Douglas (bishop of Salisbury) (1721–1807)
- Criterion of Miracles. 1752.
- Adam Ferguson
- Essay on the History of Civil Society. 1767.
- History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic. 1783.
- Principles of Moral and Political Science. Edinburgh, 1792.
- Huth, H. Soziale und individualistische Auffassung … bei Adam Smith und Adam Ferguson. 1907.
- See, also, bibliography to Chap.
XII, ante. - James Harris (1709–1780)
- Hermes, or a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Universal Grammar. 1751.
- Philosophical Arrangements. 1775.
- Philological Inquiries in three parts. 2 vols. 1781.
- David Hartley
- Conjecturæ quædam de sensu motu et idearum generatione. 1746. In Parr’s Metaphysical Tracts, 1837.
- Observations on Man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. 1749.
- (The edition of 1791 is accompanied by a sketch of the author’s life, and by notes and additions translated from the German of Pistorius, H. A.)
- Hartley’s Theory of the Human Mind, on the principle of the Association of Ideas. With essays by Priestley, J. 1775.
- Bower, G. S. Hartley and James Mill. (English Philosophers Series.) 1881.
- Henry Home, Lord Kames (1696–1782)
- Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion. 1751. (German trans. 1772.)
- Introduction to the Art of Thinking. 1761.
- Elements of Criticism. 1762.
- Sketches of the History of Man. 1774.
- Tytler, A. F., Lord Woodhouslee. Life of Lord Kames. 1807.
- Nathaniel Lardner (1684–1768)
- The Credibility of the Gospel History. 1727–55.
- Works.
II vols. 1788. 4 vols. 1817. 10 vols. 1827. - James Burnett, Lord Monboddo (1714–1799)
- Of the Origin and Progress of Language. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1773–6. 2nd edn. 6 vols. 1774–92.
- Antient Metaphysics: or, the Science of Universals. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1779–99.
- Knight, W. Lord Monboddo and some of his contemporaries. 1900.
- James Oswald (1715–1769)
- An Appeal to Common Sense in behalf of Religion. Edinburgh, 1766.
- William Paley
- The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. 1785. Ed. Whateley, R. 1859. Ed. Bain, A. (Moral Philosophy only). n.d.
- Horæ Paulinæ, or the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced. 1790.
- A View of the Evidences of Christianity. 1794.
- Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Diety collected from the Appearances of Nature. 1802. With notes by Brougham, Lord, and Bell, Sir C. 1836.
- Works. 7 vols. 1825.
- Richard Price
- A Review of the Principal Questions and Difficulties in Morals. 1757. 3rd edn. 1787.
- Observations on Reversionary Payments. 1771. 4th edn. 1783.
- An Appeal to the Public on the subject of the National Debt. 1772.
- Observations on the nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 1776.
- Additional Observations [on the same subject]. 1777.
- The General Introduction and Supplement to the two Tracts on Civil Liberty. 1778.
- An Essay on the Population of England. 1780.
- A Discourse on the Love of our Country. 1789.
- Joseph Priestley
- The History and Present State of Electricity. 1767.
- An Essay on the First Principles of Government. 1768. 2nd edn. 1771.
- A Free Address to Protestant Dissenters as such. 1769.
- Institutes of Natural and Revealed Theology. 3 vols. 1772–4.
- Experiments and observations on different kinds of Air. 6 vols. 1774–86.
- An Examination of Dr. Reid’s Inquiry …, Dr. Beattie’s Essay …, and Dr. Oswald’s Appeal to Common Sense. 1774.
- Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit. 1777.
- The Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity illustrated. 1777.
- A Free Discussion on the doctrines of Materialism, &c. 1778.
- Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution. 1784. (And many other works chiefly scientific and theological.)
- Theological and Miscellaneous Works, ed. Rutt, J. T. 25 vols. 1817–32.
- Thorpe, T. E. Priestley. (English Men of Science Series.) 1906.
- See, also, under David Hartley, ante.
- John Ray
- The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of the Creation. 1691. (And many other works, chiefly botanical.)
- Thomas Reid
- An Essay on Quantity, in Phil. Trans. 1748.
- An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense. 1764.
- A Brief Account of Aristotle’s Logic, in Lord Kames’s History of Man. 1774.
- Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. Edinburgh, 1783.
- Essays on the Active Powers of Man. Edinburgh, 1788.
- Works, ed. Hamilton, Sir W. 2 vols. 1846–63.
- Fraser, A. C. Reid. (Famous Scots Series.) 1898.
- Pringle, Pattison A. Seth. Scottish Philosophy. 1885.
- Stewart, Dugald, in Works, vol.
X, and in Hamilton’s Reid, vol.I. - Sir James Steuart [Denham]
- An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy: being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Nations. 2 vols. 1767.
- Hasbach, W. Untersuchungen über Adam Smith. 1891. (Pp. 369–381.)
- Abraham Tucker (1705–1774)
- The Light of Nature pursued. 7 vols. 1768–78. [Vols.
V–VII published posthumously by his daughter.] See, also, Hazlitt’s Preface to an abridgment of Tucker’s work, Works, edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A., vol.IV, 1902.