The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume X. The Age of Johnson.
- A. G
ENERAL WORKS - Abbey, C. J. The English Church and its Bishops, 1700–1800. 2 vols. 1887.
- Abbey, C. J. and Overton, J. H. The English Church in the 18th century. 2 vols. 1878. New edn. 1887.
- Hunt, J. Religious Thought in England to the end of the 18th century. 3 vols. 1870–3.
- Hutton, W. H. The English Church from the accession of Charles I to the death of Queen Anne. [With useful bibliographies.] 1903.
- Lathbury, T. History of the Nonjurors. 1845.
- Millar, J. H. The mid-eighteenth century. Edinburgh, 1902.
- Overton, J. H. Life in the English Church, 1660–1717. 1885.
- —— The Nonjurors: their lives, principles, and writings. 1902.
- —— The English Church from the accession of George I to the end of the eighteenth century. 1906.
- Stephen, Sir L. English Thought in the 18th century. 2 vols. 1876.
- B. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - Francis Atterbury, Bp. of Rochester
- Miscellaneous Works. With historical notes by J. Nichols. 5 vols. 1789–98.
- A Discourse occasion’d by the death of Lady Cutts. 1698.
- The Rights and Privileges of an English Convocation stated and vindicated. 1700.
- See, also, Vol. IX, Chap.
XIII, and bibliography. - Beeching, H. C. Francis Atterbury. 1909.
- Joseph Bingham
- Works. 2 vols. 1726. 9 vols. Ed. Pitman, J. R. 1840. New edn by Bingham, R. 10 vols. Oxford, 1855.
- Origines ecclesiasticae, or the antiquities of the Christian church. 10 vols. 1708–22.
- Transl. into Latin by Grischow, J. H., 10 vols. Halle, 1724–9.
- Thomas Brett (1667–1743)
- A Sermon on remission of sins according to the Scriptures and the doctrine of the Church of England. 1711. 2nd edn. 1712; 3rd edn. 1715.
- A Sermon of the honour of the Christian priesthood. 1712.
- The divine right of episcopacy. 1718.
- A general history of the world. 1729. 2nd edn. 1732.
- Joseph Butler
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - Richard Cumberland, Bp. of Peterborough
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - Thomas Deacon
- A Communion Office [for Non jurors]. 1718.
- A compleat collection of devotions. 1734.
- A full, true, comprehensive view of Christianity. 1747. 2nd edn. 1748.
- Sutton, C. W. The writings of T. Deacon and J. Owen. Manchester, 1879.
- Broxap, H. A biography of Thomas Deacon, the Manchester Non-Juror. Manchester, 1911.
- Henry Dodwell (d. 1711)
- See Vol. VIII, Chap.
XII, bibliography, and Vol. IX, Chaps.XI andXIII, bibliographies. - John William Fletcher
- Works. 8th edn. 7 vols. 1826.
- Checks to Antinomianism. 1771, etc.
- Zelotus and Honestus reconciled; or an Equal Check given to Pharisaism and Antinomianism. 1774.
- Thomas Herring, Abp. of Canterbury
- Seven Sermons on public occasions. 1763.
- Letters to William Duncombe, Esq., deceased, from the year 1728 to the year 1757. With notes and an appendix. 1777.
- James Hervey
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - Benjamin Hoadly, Bp. of Winchester
- Works. Published by his son John Hoadly. With a life. 3 vols. 1773.
- A Plain Account of the Nature and End of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 1735.
- [Answered by Waterland in A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist.]
- See, also, Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - Humphrey Hody (1659–1707)
- The Resurrection of the (same) Body asserted. 1694.
- A History of English Councils and Convocations. 1701.
- De Bibliorum textibus originalibus. Oxford, 1705.
- Richard Hurd, Bp. of Worcester (1720–1808)
- Moral and Political Dialogues. 1759.
- Letters on Chivalry and Romance. 1762.
- An Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Christian Church, and in particular concerning the Church of Papal Rome. 1772.
- John Johnson (1662–1725)
- Theological Works. 2 vols. 1847.
- The Clergyman’s Vade Mecum. 2 pts. 1708–9.
- The Unbloody Sacrifice and Altar unvail’d and supported. 2 pts. 1714–17.
- Samuel Johnson (d. 1703)
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - White Kennett, Bp. of Peterborough
- Parochial antiquities attempted in the history of Ambrosden, etc. 1695.
- Ecclesiastical Synods and Parliamentary Convocations … historically stated and vindicated from the misrepresentations of Mr. Atterbury. 1701.
- Life, by Newton, W. 1730.
- See, also, Vol. IX, Chaps.
VII andVIII, bibliography. - Thomas Secker, Abp. of Canterbury
- Works. Ed. Porteus, B. 6 vols. 1825.
- Sermons on several subjects. Ed. Porteus, B. and Stinton, G. To which is added a review of his life and character. 7 vols. 1770–1.
- Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England. 1769.
- Thomas Sherlock, Bp. of London
- Remarks on the Bp. of Bangor’s [Hoadly’s] treatment of the Clergy and Convocation. 1717.
- A Letter to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster on occasion of the late Earthquakes. 1750.
- See, also, Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - George Smalridge, Bp. of Bristol
- Sixty sermons preach’d on several occasions. 1726. 2nd edn. 1727. New edn. 2 vols. Oxford, 1852.
- Augustus Montague Toplady
- Works. New edn. with a memoir of the author. 6 vols. 1825. 6 vols. 1828.
- The Historic Proof of the Doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England. 1774.
- Psalms and Hymns for public and private worship. 1776.
- Wright, T. A. M. Toplady. 1911.
- Thomas Wagstaffe, the elder (1645–1712)
- A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr proving that His Majesty was the author of [char] 1693; 1697.
- A Defence of the Vindication. 1699.
- William Wake, Abp. of Canterbury
- See Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - Daniel Waterland
- A Review of the doctrine of the Eucharist. Cambridge, 1737. Rptd., Oxford, 1896.
- See, also, Vol. IX, Chap.
XI, bibliography. - John Wesley
- Works. 32 vols. Bristol, 1771–4. 11th edn. 15 vols. 1856–62.
- A Collection of Psalms and Hymns. Charlestown, 1737.
- For later Collections of Hymns issued by John and Charles Wesley, see Julian, J., Dictionary of Hymnology, 2nd edn., 1907.
- Journal. 21 pts. [1739]–91. 4 vols. 1827. Abridged, 1902. Ed. Curnock, N. (Standard edn.) 1909– (in course of publication).
- Coke, T. and Moore, H. Life of John Wesley. 1792. New edn. 2 vols. 1824–5.
- Green, R. Bibliography of the works of John and Charles Wesley. 1896.
- Southey, R. Life of Wesley. 2 vols. 1820.
- Tyerman, L. The life and times of Wesley. 3 vols. 1870–1.
- Whitehead, J. Life of John Wesley. 2 vols. 1791–3.
- Charles Wesley
- Journal. Ed. Jackson, T. 2 vols. 1849.
- Jackson, T. Life and Correspondence of Charles Wesley. 2 vols. 1841.
- Telford, J. Life of Charles Wesley. 1887. New edn. 1900.
- See, also, John Wesley.
- George Whitefield
- Works. Ed. Gillies, J. 6 vols. 1771–2.
- Journals. 1738–41.
- A Short Account of God’s dealings with G. Whitefield. 1740.
- A Full Account. 1747.
- A Further Account. 1747.
- Journals; to which is prefixed his Short Account and Further Account. Ed. Wale, W. 1905.
- Tyerman, L. Life of G. Whitefield. 2 vols. 1876.
- Thomas Wilson, Bp. of Sodor and Man
- Collected Works. 2 vols. 1781. 6 vols. Oxford, 1847–63.
- Principles and Duties of Christianity. In English and Manks. 1707.
- A short and plain Instruction for the better understanding of the Lord’s Supper. 1736. 32nd edn. 1807.
- The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy. 3rd edn. 1742.
- Sacra privata. Bath, 1786.
- Parochialia. 1791.
- Keble, John. The Life of Th. Wilson. 2 vols. Oxford, 1863.A. T. B.