The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XII. The Romantic Revival.
- I. W
ORKS - A. Collected Editions
- Novels. 5 vols. 1833.
- Works. With memoir by Austen-Leigh, J. E. 6 vols. 1882.
- Novels. Ed. Johnson, R. B. 10 vols. Illustrated by Cooke, W. C. 1892. Illustrated by Brock, C. E. and H. M. 1898.
- —— With introductions by Dobson, A. and illustrations by Thomson, H. and Brock, C. E. 5 vols. 1895–7.
- —— (Winchester edn.) 10 vols. 1898.
- Works. (Temple edn.) 10 vols. 1899.
- Duologues and scenes from the novels of Jane Austen, arranged and adapted for drawing-room performance by Rosina Filippi (Mrs. Dowson). 1895.
- B. Separate Works
- Sense and Sensibility. A novel, in three volumes. By a Lady. 1811. Ed. Jacobs, J. 1899. Transl. into French by Montolieu, Mme. Isabelle de. 4 vols. Paris, 1815.
- Pride and Prejudice. A novel, in three volumes. By the Author of Sense and Sensibility. 1813. Ed. Saintsbury, G. Illustrated by Thomson, H. 1894. Transl. into French. 4 vols. Paris, 1822.
- Mansfield Park. A novel, in three volumes. By the Author of Sense and Sensibility. 1814. Transl. into French by Villemain, H. 4 vols. Paris, 1816.
- Emma. A novel, in three volumes. By the Author of Pride and Prejudice, etc. 1816. Ed. Jacobs, J. 1898. Transl. into French. 4 vols. Paris, 1816.
- Northanger Abbey; and Persuasion. By the Author of Pride and Prejudice, etc. With a biographical notice of the author. 4 vols. 1818. Northanger Abbey transl. into French by Ferrières, Mme. Hyacinthe de. 3 vols. Paris, 1824. Persuasion transl. into French by Montolieu, Mme. Isabelle de. 2 vols. Paris, 1821.
- Charades, etc. written a hundred years ago by Jane Austen and her family. (1895.)
- Letters. Ed. Edward, Lord Brabourne. 2 vols. 1884.
- II. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - See, also, the introductions to various editions of Jane Austen’s works in sect. 1, ante.
- Adams, O. F. The story of Jane Austen’s life. 1891.
- Austen-Leigh, J. E. Memoir of Jane Austen. 1870. 2nd edn., to which is added Lady Susan and fragments of two other unfinished tales. 1871.
- Austen-Leigh, W. and R. A. Jane Austen, her life and letters. A family record. 1913.
- Bonnell, H. H. Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Jane Austen. 1902.
- Bradley, A. C. Jane Austen. (Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol.
II. ) Oxford, 1911. - Burton, S. G. Old Friends and New Fancies. An imaginative sequel to the novels of Jane Austen. 1913.
- Cornish, F. W. Jane Austen. (English Men of Letters series.) 1913.
- Fitzgerald, P. Jane Austen. A criticism and appreciation. 1912.
- Helm, W. H. Jane Austen and her country-house comedy. 1909.
- Hill, C. Jane Austen, her homes and her friends. 1902.
- Hubback, J. H. and E. C. Jane Austen’s Sailor Brothers. 1906.
- Jack, A. A. Essays on the novel as illustrated by Scott and Jane Austen. 1897.
- Macaulay, Lord. Opinion of Jane Austen. In art. on Mme. D’Arblay. Edinburgh Review. Jan., 1843. Rptd. in Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Ed. Montague, F. C. Vol.
III. 1903. - Malden, Mrs. S. F. Jane Austen. 1889.
- Mitton, G. E. Jane Austen and her Times. 1905.
- Pellew, W. G. Jane Austen’s novels. Boston, U. S., 1883.
- Pollock, W. H. Jane Austen, her contemporaries and herself. An essay in criticism. 1899.
- Raleigh, Sir W. The English Novel. 1894. Popular edn. 1903.
- Ritchie, Lady. A Book of Sibyls: Mrs. Barbauld—Miss Edgeworth—Mrs. Opie—Miss Austen. 1883.
- Sackville, Lady Margaret. Jane Austen. 1912.
- Scott, Sir W. On Jane Austen. Quarterly Review. Oct., 1815. Rptd. in Famous Reviews. Ed. Johnson, R. B. 1914.
- Smith, Goldwin. Life of Jane Austen [with bibliography by Anderson, J. P.]. (Great Writers series.) 1890.
- Tytler, S. Jane Austen and her works. [1880.]
- Whately, R. Archbishop Whately on Jane Austen and her novels. The Quarterly Review. Jan., 1821. Rptd. in Famous Reviews. Ed. Johnson, R. B. 1914.A. T. B.