The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIII. The Victorian Age, Part One.
- I. B
IBLIOGRAPHIES - Shepherd, R. H. The Bibliography of Carlyle. A bibliographical list arranged in chronological order of the published writings in prose and verse of Thomas Carlyle (from 1820 to 1881). 1881.
- Notes and Queries. Series
VI, vol.IV, pp. 145, 201 ff. 1881. Anderson, J. P. Carlyle Bibliography. Appendix to Garnett, R., Life of Thomas Carlyle. 1887. - II. C
OLLECTED EDITIONS AND SELECTIONS - Collected Works. 16 vols. 1856–8.
- Collected Works. (Library edn.) 34 vols. 1869–71.
- Collected Works. (People’s edn.) 37 vols. 1871–4.
- Works. (Ashburton edn.) 17 vols. 1885–7.
- Works. Ed. with Introductions by Traill, H. D. (Century edn.) 31 vols. 1897–1901.
- Ausgewählte Schriften. Hrsg. von Kretschmar, A. 6 vols. Leipzig, 1855–6.
- Sozialpolitische Schriften. Übersetzt von Pfannkuche, A. Göttingen, 1895.
- Passages selected from the Writings of Thomas Carlyle. With a biographical Memoir by Ballantyne, T. 1855.
- The Carlyle Anthology. Selected and arranged by Barrett, E. New edn. New York, 1876.
- An Outline of the Doctrine of Thomas Carlyle, being selected and arranged passages from his works. 1896.
- Pages choisies de Carlyle. Traduction et introduction par Masson, E. Paris, 1905.
- Arbeiten und nicht verzweifeln. Auszüge aus Carlyles Werken. Düsseldorf, 1912.
- III. S
EPARATE WORKS - Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry; with notes. Translated from the French of A. M. Legendre by Thomas Carlyle. (The introductory chapter on Proportion is by the translator.) Edinburgh, 1824.
- Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. A novel from the German of Goethe. Translated by Thomas Carlyle. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1824, Other edns., 1839, 1842. Together with Wilhelm Meister’s Travels. 1874. With introduction by Dowden, E. and notes by Shorter, C. 1890.
- The Life of Schiller, comprehending an examination of his Works. 1825. 2nd edn. 1845. (Originally published as Schiller’s Life and Writings in The London Magazine, 1823–4; see, post, sect.
IV. ) - Leben Schillers, aus dem Englischen (with an introduction by Goethe). Frankfort o. M., 1830.
- Cf. Küchler, F., Carlyle und Schiller, Anglia, vol.
XXVI, Halle, 1903 (pp. 1 ff. and 393 ff.) - German Romance. Specimens of its chief Authors; with biographical and critical notices. Translated by Thomas Carlyle. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1827. (Vol. 1, Musaeus and Fouquè;
II, Tieck and Hoffmann;III, Richter;IV, Goethe.) Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, Richter. 2 vols. 1874. - Wotton Reinfried. Fragment of a novel. 1827. See, post, Last Words of Thomas Carlyle.
- James Carlyle. 1832. Published in Reminiscences, see post.
- Sartor Resartus; the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. In three books. With Preface by Emerson, R. W. Boston, 1836. First English edn. 1838. (Sartor Resartus originally appeared in Fraser’s Magazine, 1833–4; see, post, sect.
IV. ) 2nd edn. n.d. 3rd edn. 1849. With an Introduction by Dowden, E. 1896. With Introduction and Notes by MacMechan, A. Boston, 1896. By Barrett, J. A. S. 1901, 1905. Ed. Wood, J. 1902. Published by the Doves Press. 1907. Ed. Parr, P. C. 1913. - Sartor Resartus. Traduit par Barthèlemy, E. Paris, 1899, 1904. Übersetzt und zum ersten Male mit Anmerkungen und einer ausführlichen Biographie Carlyles versehen von Fischer, Th. A. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1882. Übersetzt von Schmidt, K. Halle, 1900. Spanish translation by Blanco, E. Gonzàlez. 2 vols. Barcelona, 1905.
- Cf. Wells, J. T., Thomas Carlyle: his religious experience as reflected in Sartor Resartus, 1899; Lincke, O., Über die Wortzusammensetzung in Carlyles Sartor Resartus, 1904.
- The French Revolution. A History. 3 vols. 1837. 2nd edn. 1839. 3rd edn. 1848. Also 1857 and 1871. New edn., with Introduction and Notes by Fletcher, C. R. L. 1902. With Introduction, Notes, etc. by Rose, J. H. 3 vols. 1902. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1909.
- Histoire de la Rèvolution française. Traduite par Regnault, E., Barot, O. et Roche, J. 3 vols. Paris, 1865–7. Les Hommes de la Rèvolution française. Traduction nouvelle par Fauvel, H., avec ètude sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Carlyle. Paris, 1888. Die französische Revolution. Deutsch von Feddersen, P. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1844. 6th edn. Leipzig, 1911. Also Die grosse Revolution. Bearbeitet von Luntowski, A. Berlin, 1911.
- Cf. review by Mill, J. S. in The Westminster Review, and by Mazzini, J., Life and Writings, 1864–70, vol.
IV, pp. 110–144. - Lectures on German Literature. 1837.
- Lectures on the History of Literature. 1838. Ed. Green, J. R. 1892. Ed. with Notes, etc. by Karkaria, R. P. Bombay, 1892. Cf. Dowden, E., Carlyle’s Lectures on the Periods of European Culture, Nineteenth Century, May, 1881; rptd. in Transcripts and Studies, 1888.
- Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; collected and republished. 4 vols. 1839. 2nd edn. 5 vols. 1840. 3rd edn. 4 vols. 1847. Also 1857. Occasional and Miscellaneous Essays. New York, 1839. (The individual essays of the collection will be found enumerated in sect.
IV. ) Biographical Essays (Johnson; Burns). 1853. Essays by Thomas Carlyle, with introduction by Harris, F. n.d. Selected Essays. Ed. Pringle-Pattison, A. S. Edinburgh, 1909. - Essais choisis de critique et de morale. Traduits avec une introduction par Barthèlemy, E. Paris, 1907. Nouveaux Essais choisis de critique et de morale. Traduits par Barthèlemy, E. Paris, 1909. Vermischte Aufsätze von Thomas Carlyle. Deutsch von Bredt, P. 1910. Zerstreute historische Aufsätze. Deutsch von Fischer, Th. A. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1907.
- Lectures on European Revolutions. 1839.
- Chartism. 1839. 2nd edn. 1842.
- On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the heroic in history. Six Lectures reported with emendations and additions. 1841. 2nd edn. 1842. 3rd edn. 1846. Ed. MacMechan, A. Boston, 1901, 1902. Ed. Parr, P. C. 1910.
- Les Hèros, le culte des Hèros, et l’Hèroïque dans l’Histoire. Traduction et introduction par Izoulet-Loubatiéres, J. Paris, 1887. Gli Eroi. Trad. di Pascolato, M. P. Florence, 1897. Los Hèroes. Trad. por Orbòn., J. G. Madrid, 1893. Über Heroen, Heroencultus und das Heroische in der Geschichte. Deutsch von Neuberg, J. Berlin, 1853. Übersetzt von Wicklein, E. Jena, 1913.
- Preface to R. W. Emerson’s Essays. 1841, 1844, 1853.
- Historical Sketches, written between 1842 and 1843. Ed. Carlyle, A. 1898.
- Past and Present. 1843. 2nd edn. 1845. Also 1872. Ed. Smeaton, O. (Temple Classics.) 1902.
- Cathèdrales d’Autrefois et Usines d’Aujourd’hui. Traduit par Bos, C. Paris, 1901.
- Cf. R. B. E., Thoughts on Thomas Carlyle; or a commentary on the “Past and Present,” 1843.
- Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches. With Elucidations. 2 vols. 1845. Also, New York, 1845. 2nd edn., enlarged. 3 vols. 1846. Also 1866. Abridged edn. by Sanderson, E. 1905.
- Olivier Cromwell: sa correspondance, ses discours. Traduit par Barthèlemy, E. 2 vols. Paris, 1910–11. O. Cromwells Briefe und Reden. Übersetzt von Stähelin, M 1911.
- Cf. review by Mozley, J. B., Essays historical and theological, 2nd edn., 1884, vol. 1 (pp. 229–320).
- Latter-Day Pamphlets. 1850. (
I. The Present Time.II. Model Prisons.III. Downing Street.IV. New Downing Street.V. Stump Orator.VI. Parliaments.VII. Hudson’s Statue.VIII. Jesuitism.) Also 1858, 1870, 1872. Prophecy for 1855. Selected from Carlyle’s Latter-Day Pamphlets by Ballantyne, Th. 1855. - Pamphlets du dernier jour. Traduits par Barthèlemy, E. Paris, 1906. Cf. Hannay, J., Blackwood and Carlyle: a Vindication (of the Latter-Day Pamphlets), 1850.
- Life of John Sterling. 1851. Also 1871.
- John Sterlings Leben. Deutsch von Schmidt, A. 1903.
- Cf. Brimley, G., Essays, 2nd edn., 1860 (pp. 239–251).
- Excursion (futile enough) to Paris: Autumn, 1851. See, post, Last Words of Thomas Carlyle.
- The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. 6 vols. 1858–65. Tauchnitz Collection of British Authors, 13 vols. Leipzig, 1858–65. 7 vols. 1869. 10 vols. 1872–3. The Battles of Frederick the Great, abstracted from Carlyle’s Biography of Frederick the Great. Ed. Ransome, C. 1892. Abridged edn., by Sanderson, E. 1909.
- Geschichte Friedrichs II. Deutsch von Neuberg, A., und Althaus. Berlin, 1859–69. Friedrich der Grosse. Gekürzte Ausgabe hrsg. von Linnebach. 3rd edn. 1910. Der König Friedrich der Grosse, bearbeitet von Luntowski, A. Berlin. 1911.
- Cf. Lancaster, H. H., Carlyle’s Frederick the Great, Essays and Reviews, Edinburgh, 1876.
- Inaugural Address at Edinburgh (On the Choice of Books). 1866. With a Memoir of Thomas Carlyle by Hotten, J. C. 1866. 2nd edn., with a new Life of the Author. 1869.
- Edward Irving. 1866. Lord Jeffrey. 1867. Jane Welsh Carlyle. 1867. Published in Reminiscences, see post.
- Letters on the War between Germany and France. Rptd. from The Times. 1871.
- The Early Kings of Norway; also an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. 1875. See, post, sect.
IV. - Frühe Könige von Norwegen. Übersetzt von Bredt, P. Göttingen, 1911.
- Cf. Drummond, J., The Portraits of John Knox and George Buchanan. Transactions of the Antiquarian Society, Edinburgh, 1875.
- Reminiscences. Ed. Froude, J. A. 2 vols. 1881. Ed. Norton, C. E. 2 vols. 1887.
- Thomas Carlyle, Lebenserinnerungen. 2 vols. 2nd edn. 1903.
- Cf. reviews by lord Houghton in The Edinburgh Review, April, 1881; Hayward, A., in The Quarterly Review, April, 1881; Morison, J. C., in The Fortnightly Review, April, 1881; Taylor, Sir Henry, in The Nineteenth Century, June, 1881; Lang, A., in Fraser’s Magazine, April, 1881. Also The Inquirer, March, April, 1881.
- Reminiscences of my Irish Journey in 1849. 1882.
- Last Words of Carlyle. On Trades-Unions, Promoterism, and Signs of the Times. Ed. Aitken, J. C. Edinburgh, 1882.
- Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle and ed. Froude, J. A. 3 vols. 1883. [On Mrs. Carlyle, cf. Reminiscences (ante); and Mrs. A. E. Ireland, Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle, 1891, 1892; also, post, sect.
V. ] - Last Words of Carlyle. Wotton Reinfried. Excursion to Paris. Letters. 1892.
- New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle annotated by Thomas Carlyle and ed. by Carlyle, A. With introduction by Crichton-Browne, Sir J. 2 vols. 1903.
- IV. C
ONTRIBUTIONS TO MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS - Articles in The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Vol.
XIV (1820): Montaigne; Lady Montagu; Montesquieu; Montfaucon; Dr. John Moore; Sir John Moore. Vol.XV (1822): Necker; Nelson; Netherlands; Newfoundland; Norfolk; Northamptonshire; Northumberland. Vol.XVI (1823): Mungo Park; William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; William Pitt, the Younger. - Montaigne and other Essays, chiefly biographical, by Thomas Carlyle. Ed. Crockett, S. R. 1897.
- Joanna Baillie’s Metrical Legends. New Edinburgh Review. Vol.
I. Oct., 1821. - Goethe’s Faust. New Edinburgh Review. Vol.
II. April, 1822. Rptd. by Garnett, R., in the Publications of the English Goethe Society, vol.IV, pp. 85 ff., 1888. - Schiller’s Life and Writings. London Magazine. Vols.
VIII–X. 1823–4. Ptd. in book-form, 1825; see, ante, sect.III. - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XLVI. June, 1827. - State of German Literature. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XLVI. Oct., 1827. - Life and Writings of Werner. Foreign Review. Vol.
I. January, 1828. - Goethe’s Helena. Foreign Review. Vol.
I. April, 1828. - Goethe. Foreign Review. Vol.
II. July, 1828. - Life of Heyne. Foreign Review. Vol.
II. October, 1828. - Burns. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XLVIII. December, 1828. - German Playwrights. Foreign Review. Vol.
III. January, 1829. - Voltaire. Foreign Review. Vol.
III. April, 1829. - Signs of the Times. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XLIX. June, 1829. - Novalis. Foreign Review. Vol.
IV. July, 1829. - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter again. Foreign Review. Vol.
V. January, 1830. - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter’s Review of Madame de Staël’s De l’Allemagne. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
I. February and May, 1830. - Cui bono? and Four Fables by Pilpay Junior. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
II. September, 1830. - Thoughts on History. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
II. November, 1830. - Luther’s Psalm. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
II. January, 1831. - Cruthers and Johnson. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
II. January, 1831. - Peter Nimmo: a Rhapsody. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
III. February, 1831. - The Beetle. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
III. February, 1831. - Taylor’s Historic Survey of German Poetry. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
LIII. March, 1831. - Schiller. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
III. March, 1831. - The Sower’s Song. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
III. April, 1831. - The Nibelungen Lied. Westminster Review. Vol.
XV. July, 1831. - Tragedy of the Night-Moth. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
IV. August, 1831. - German Literature of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Foreign Quarterly Review. Vol.
VIII. October, 1831. - Characteristics. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
LIV. December, 1831. - Schiller, Goethe, and Madame de Staël, and Goethe’s Portrait. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
V. March, 1832. - Goethe’s Portrait. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
X. March, 1832. - Biography. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
V. April, 1832. - Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
V. May, 1832. - Death of Goethe. New Monthly Magazine. Vol.
XXXIV. June, 1832. - Corn Law Rhymes. Edinburgh Review. Vol.
LV. July, 1832. - Goethe’s Works. Foreign Quarterly Review. Vol.
X. August, 1832. - The Tale, by Goethe. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
VI. October, 1832. - Novelle, by Goethe. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
VI. November, 1832. - Diderot. Foreign Quarterly Review. Vol.
XI. April, 1833. - Quae cogitavit on History again. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
VII. May, 1833. - Count Cagliostro. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
VII. July and August, 1833. - Sartor Resartus. Fraser’s Magazine. Vols.
VIII-IX. November, 1833—June, 1834. See, ante, sect.III. - Death of Edward Irving. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XI. January, 1835. - Mirabeau. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXVI. January, 1837. - The Diamond Necklace. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XV. January, February, and March, 1837. - Parliamentary History of the French Revolution. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXVII. April, 1837. - Sir Walter Scott. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXVIII. January, 1838. - Varnhagen von Ense’s Memoirs. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXXII. December, 1838. - Petition on the Copyright Bill. Examiner. 7 April, 1839.
- On the Sinking of the Vengeur. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XX. July, 1839. - Baillie the Covenanter. Westminster Review. Vol.
XXXVII. January, 1842. - Dr. Francia. Foreign Quarterly Review. Vol.
XXXI. July, 1843. - An Election to the Long Parliament. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XXX. October, 1844. - Thirty-five Unpublished Letters of Oliver Cromwell. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XXXVI. December, 1847. See, ante, sect.III. - Louis Philippe. Examiner. 4 March, 1848.
- Repeal of the Union. Examiner. 28 April, 1848.
- Legislation for Ireland. Examiner. 13 May, 1848.
- Ireland and the British Chief Governor. Irish Regiments (of the new era). Spectator. 13 May, 1848.
- Death of Charles Buller. Examiner. 2 December, 1848.
- Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XL. February, 1849. Rptd. separately, 1853. - From Mr. Bramble’s Unpublished Arboretum Hibernicum. Nation. December, 1849.
- Two Hundred and Fifty Years Ago; a Fragment about Duels. Leigh Hunt’s Journal. Nos.
I, III, VI. 1850. - The Opera. Keepsake. 1852.
- The Prinzenraub. Westminster Review. Vol.
VII (n.s.) January, 1855. - Suggestions for a National Exhibition of Scottish Portraits. Proceedings of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. Vol.
I, partIII. 1855. - Memoranda on Leigh Hunt, quoted in an article on Hunt’s Poetry. Macmillan’s Magazine. Vol.
VI. July, 1862. - Ilias (Americana) in Nuce. The American Iliad in a Nutshell. Macmillan’s Magazine. Vol.
VIII. August, 1863. - Shooting Niagara: and after? Macmillan’s Magazine. Vol.
XVI. August, 1867. - Letters on the War between Germany and France. By Mommsen, T., Strauss, D. F., Max-Müller, F., and Carlyle, T. 1871.
- Early Kings of Norway. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XI (n.s.). January and March, 1875. See, ante, sect.III. - Portraits of John Knox. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XI (n.s.). April, 1875. See, ante, sect. III. - V. C
OLLECTED CORRESPONDENCE - Letters to Mrs. B. Montague and B. W. Procter. [1881.]
- Correspondence of Carlyle and Emerson. Ed. Norton, C. E. 2 vols. 1883. 2nd edn. Boston, 1886.
- Correspondence de Carlyle et Emerson (1834–72). Traduite par Lepointe, E. L. Paris, 1912.
- Froude, J. A. Carlyle: First Forty Years. Life in London. See, post, sect.
VI. - Early Letters of Carlyle. Ed. Norton, C. E. 1887.
- Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle. Ed. Norton, C. E. 1887.
- Goethes und Carlyles Briefwechsel. Hrsg. von Oldenberg, H. Berlin, 1887. Also, ed. Hecht, G. Dachau, 1914.
- Cf. Müller, F. Max, Goethe and Carlyle, Contemporary Review, June, 1886, and publ. of the English Goethe Society,
I, 1886; Flügel, E., Der Briefwechsel zwischen Goethe und Carlyle, Grenzboten, vol.XLVI, 1887; Grimm, H., Goethes und Carlyles Briefwechsel, Deutsche Rundschau, vol.IV, 1887; Boyesen, H. H., Goethe and Carlyle, in Essays on German Literature, 1892, pp. 58 ff. Also, Baumgarten, O., Carlyle und Goethe. See, post, sect. VI. - Letters, 1826–36. Ed. Norton, C. E. 2 vols. 1888.
- Early Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, with some of Thomas Carlyle. 1889.
- Briefwechsel mit Varnhagen von Ense. Hrsg. von Preuss, R. Berlin, 1892.
- Also Letters from Carlyle to Varnhagen von Ense in Last Words of Thomas Carlyle. See, ante, sect. III.
- Letters of Carlyle to his youngest Sister. With an introductory essay by Copeland, C. T. 1899.
- New Letters of Carlyle. Ed. and annotated by Carlyle, A. 2 vols. 1904, 1909.
- Carlyle intime. Lettres de Thomas Carlyle á sa mère, dont plusieurs inèdites revues sur les originaux par Carlyle, A. Traduites par Masson, E. Paris, 1907.
- Love Letters of Carlyle and Jane Welsh. Ed. Carlyle, A. 2 vols. 1909. Lettres d’Amour de Jane Welsh et de Thomas Carlyle. Traduites par Elsie et Emile Masson. 2 vols. Paris, 1910.
- VI. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Alexander, P. P. Examination of Mill; with discourse on Sauerteig by Smelfungus. 1866.
- —— Carlyle redivivus, an occasional discourse on Sauerteig. Glasgow, 1881.
- Althaus, F. Englische Charakterbilder. Vol.
I. Berlin, 1869. - Archibald, R. C. Carlyle’s First Love: Margaret Gordon, Lady Bannerman. 1910.
- Arnold, A. S. The Story of Thomas Carlyle. 1903.
- Barthèlemy, E. Thomas Carlyle: essai biographique et critique. Paris, n.d.
- Baumgarten, O. Carlyle und Goethe. Lebensfragen, vol.
XIII. Tübingen, 1906. - Bayne, P. Lessons from my Masters: Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 1879.
- Birrell, A. Obiter Dicta. 1884.
- Blunt, R. The Carlyles’ Chelsea Home. 1895.
- Brownill, W. C. Victorian Prose Masters. Carlyle, etc. 1902.
- Burroughs, J. In Carlyle’s Country and a Sunday in Cheyne Row. Fresh fields. Edinburgh, 1880.
- Cazamian, L. Carlyle. (Les grands ècrivains ètrangers.) Paris, 1913.
- Cherbuliez, V. (“G. Valbert”). Thomas Carlyle. Revue des deux Mondes. March, 1881.
- Conway, M. D. Thomas Carlyle. 1881. Cf., also, by the same author, an article in Harper’s Magazine, May, 1881, and a Memorial Discourse, delivered in South Place chapel Finsbury, 1881.
- Craig, R. S. The Making of Carlyle: an experiment in biographical explication. 1908.
- Crozier, J. B. Carlyle: The Religion of the Future. 1880.
- —— Carlyle’s Politics: Civilisation and Progress. 1885.
- Davey, S. Darwin, Carlyle, and Dickens; with other essays. 1876.
- Dawson, S. Carlyle. Biographical Lectures. 1886.
- Duffy, C. G. Conversations with Carlyle. 1892.
- Emerson, R. W. English Traits. 1856.
- —— Impressions of Thomas Carlyle. Scribner’s Magazine. May, 1881. Rptd. in Lectures and Biographical Sketches. 1884.
- Evans, A. W. Carlyle. (Masters of Literature.) 1909.
- Fischer, T. A. Thomas Carlyle. Leipzig, 1881.
- Flügel, E. Thomas Carlyles religiöse und sittliche Entwicklung und Weltanschauung Leipzig, 1887. English tr. 1891.
- Forster, J. Four Great Teachers; J. Ruskin, T. Carlyle, etc. 1890, 1898.
- Francison, A. National Lessons from the Life and Works of Carlyle. 1886.
- Froude, J. A. Carlyle: History of the first forty years of his life (1795–1835). 2 vols. 1882. New edn. 1890. Cf., also, Froude, J. A., The early life of Thomas Carlyle, Nineteenth Century, July, 1881.
- —— Carlyle: History of his Life in London (1834–81). 2 vols. 1884. German tr. of the whole work by Fischer, T. A., Gotha, 1886. Cf. reviews by Wedgwood, Julia, in The Contemporary Review, May, 1881; Harrison, F., in The North American Review, January, 1885 (rptd. in The Choice of Books, 1886). On the Carlyle-Froude controversy, see, further, Froude, J. A., My Relations with Carlyle; with a Letter from Sir J. Stephen, 1903; Crichton-Browne, J., Froude and Carlyle: the imputation considered medically, 1903; Crichton-Browne, J. and Carlyle, A., The Nemesis of Froude: a Rejoinder to Froude’s My Relations with Carlyle, 1903; Wilson, D. A., Froude and Carlyle, 1898; Wilson, D. A., The Truth about Carlyle, 1913.
- Garnett, R. Life of Carlyle. (Great Writers series.) 1887. [With bibliography by Anderson, J. P.] Revised edn. 1911.
- Gazeau, J. L’Imperialisme anglais: son èvolution. Carlyle, Seeley, Chamberlain. Paris, 1913.
- Gilfillan, G. Carlyle and Sterling. A Gallery of Literary Portraits. Edinburgh, 1845.
- Gould, G. M. Biographic Clinics: the origin of the ill-health of De Quincey, Carlyle, etc. 1903.
- Grant, J. Carlyle. Portraits of Public Characters. 2 vols. 1841.
- Greg, W. R. Kingsley and Carlyle. Literary and Social Judgments. 4th edn. 1877.
- Guernsey, A. H. Thomas Carlyle: his life, his books, his theories. New York, 1879.
- Hamley, E. B. Thomas Carlyle. An Essay. Rptd. from Blackwood’s Magazine. Edinburgh, 1881.
- Harrison, F. Carlyle and the London Library. 1907.
- Hensel, P. Thomas Carlyle. (Klassiker der Philosophie,
XI. ) Stuttgart, 1901. - Hodge, D. Thomas Carlyle: the Man and Teacher. Edinburgh, 1873.
- Hood, E. P. Thomas Carlyle, philosopher, thinker, theologian, historian, poet. 1875.
- Horne, R. H. Thomas Carlyle. A New Spirit of the Age. Vol.
II. 1844. - Hutton, R. H. Thomas Carlyle. Good Words. April, 1881.
- James, H. Some personal Recollections of Carlyle. Atlantic Monthly. May, 1881. Rptd. in Literary Remains, Boston, 1885.
- Japp, A. H. Three Great Teachers of our own Time: Carlyle, Tennyson and Ruskin. 1865.
- Johnson, W. S. Thomas Carlyle: a Study of his Literary Apprenticeship, 1814–31. New Haven, 1911.
- Kebbel, T. E. Carlyle. Essays upon History and Politics. 1884.
- Kerr, J. Carlyle as seen in his Works. 1887.
- Knighton, W. Conversations with Carlyle. Contemporary Review. June, 1881.
- Kräger, H. Carlyles Stellung zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Anglia. Vol.
XXII. 1899. - Lane, W. C. Carlyle Collection: Catalogue of Books on Cromwell and Frederick the Great. 1888.
- Larkin, H. Carlyle and the open secret of his life. 1886.
- Larkin, R. Carlyle and Mrs. Carlyle. A Ten Years’ Reminiscence. British Quarterly Review. July, 1881.
- Lester, J. W. Carlyle Criticisms. Third edn. 1853.
- Levertov, P. G. Thomas Carlyle. 1907.
- Lilly, W. S. Four English Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. 1895.
- Lowell, J. R. Carlyle. My Study Windows. 2nd edn. 1871.
- McCrie, G. The Religion of our Literature. Essays upon Thomas Carlyle, Robert Browning, etc. 1875.
- MacCunn, J. Six Radical Thinkers: Bentham, Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T. H. Green. 1907. 2nd edn. 1910.
- McNicoll, T. Carlyle. Essays on English Literature. 1861.
- Macpherson, H. Carlyle. (Famous Scots series.) 1896.
- Masson, D. Carlyle personally and in his Writings. Two Lectures. 1885.
- —— Memories of London in the ’Forties. 1908.
- Cf., also, the same author’s Edinburgh Sketches and Memories.
- Matz, B. W. Thomas Carlyle: a brief account of his Life and Writings. 1902.
- Mazzini, J. The Genius and Tendency of the Writings of Thomas Carlyle, British and Foreign Review. 1844. Rptd. in Life and Writings of Mazzini, vol. IV.
- Mead, E. D. The Philosophy of Carlyle. Boston, 1881.
- Morley, H. Thomas Carlyle. Fortnightly Review. 1870. Rptd. in Critical Miscellanies, vol. I, 1871.
- Nevinson, H. W. Wedded Genius. Carlyle’s Letters. Books and Personalities. 1905.
- Nichol, J. Thomas Carlyle. (English Men of Letters.) 1892.
- Nicholl, H. J. Thomas Carlyle. Edinburgh, 1881. Also, London, 1885.
- Norton, C. E. Letters of C. E. Norton, with biographical comment. Ed. Norton, S. and Howe, M. A. de Wolfe. 2 vols. 1913.
- Oliphant, Mrs. Thomas Carlyle. Macmillan’s Magazine. April, 1881.
- Oswald, E. Carlyle, ein Lebensbild; und Goldkörner aus seinen Werken. Leipzig, 1882.
- —— Thomas Carlyle noch einmal. Leipzig, 1904.
- Perry, Bliss. Carlyle. Indianapolis, 1915.
- Reid, S. J. Thomas Carlyle: his Work and Worth, with some personal Reminiscences. An address. Manchester, 1881.
- Robertson, J. M. Modern Humanists. Sociological Studies of Carlyle, etc. 1891.
- Rose, H. The new political economy: the social teaching of Carlyle. 1891.
- Rowe, F. W. Carlyle as a Critic of Literature. New York, 1910.
- Saintsbury, G. Thomas Carlyle: his Life and Writings. Westminster Review. April, 1881.
- —— Carlyle. Corrected Impressions. 1895.
- Schmidt, J. Carlyle. Portraits aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 1878.
- Schmidt, W. Der Kampf um den Sinn des Lebens. 1907.
- Schulze-Gävernitz, G. von. Thomas Carlyles Welt-und Gesellschaftsanschauung. Dresden, 1893. Cf., also, the same author’s Zum sozialen Frieden, Leipzig, 1890.
- Shairp, J. C. Carlyle. Aspects of Poetry, being Lectures delivered at Oxford. Oxford, 1881.
- Shepherd, R. H. Thomas Carlyle. The Gentleman’s Magazine. March, 1881.
- Shepherd, R. H. and Williamson, C. N. Memoirs of Carlyle with personal Reminiscences and Selections from his private Letters. 2 vols. 1881.
- Sloan, J. M. The Carlyle Country. 1904.
- Smith, J. C. Carlyle. Writings by the Way. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Stanley, A. P. Sermon on Thomas Carlyle, preached at Westminster Abbey, February 6, 1881. 1882.
- Stephen, J. F. Carlyle. Essays. Rptd. from The Saturday Review. 1862.
- Stephen, Sir L. Thomas Carlyle. D. of N. B. Vol.
IX. 1887. - Sterling, J. On the Writings of Thomas Carlyle. Westminster Review. Vol.
I, pp. 252–381. 1839. Rptd. in Essays and Tales, 1845. - Streuli, W. Thomas Carlyle als Vermittler deutscher Literatur und deutschen Geistes. Zürich, 1895.
- Ströle, A. Thomas Carlyles Anschauung vom Fortschritt in der Geschichte. 1909.
- Symington, A. J. Personal Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle. New York Independent. May, June, 1881.
- Taine, H. L’Idealisme anglais: ètude sur Carlyle. Paris, 1864.
- Traill, H. D. Social England. Vol.
VI. 1898. - Vaughan, C. E. Carlyle and his German Masters. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Oxford, 1910.
- Warner, P. Thomas Carlyle. 1904.
- Wylie, W. H. Carlyle: the Man and his Books. 1881, 1909.