The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIII. The Victorian Age, Part One.
- Abbot, E. A. A Shakespearian Grammar. Revised edn. 1870.
- Alden, R. M. The Mental Side of Metrical Form. The Modern Language Review. Vol. IX, pp. 297–308. 1914.
- [Blake, J. W.] Accent and Rhythm explained by the law of monopressures. Edinburgh, 1888.
- Brewer, R. F. A Manual of English Prosody. 1869.
- Bridges, R. S. Milton’s Prosody. [A revised edn. of the two essays ptd. in 1887 and 1889.] Oxford, 1893. Milton’s Prosody, by Bridges, Robert, and Classical Metres in English verse, by Stone, W. J. Oxford, 1901.
- Dam, B. A. P. van. R. Bridges, Milton’s Prosody, and W. J. Stone, Classical Metres in English Verse. Englische Studien. Leipzig [1903].
- Bysshe, E. The Art of English Poetry. 3 pts. 1702.
- Conway, Gilbert. Treatise of Versification. 1878.
- Crowe, W. A treatise on English versification. 1827.
- Dallas, E. S. Poetics: an Essay on Poetry. 1868.
- Earle, J. Philology of the English Tongue. Fifth edn. 1892.
- Evans, R. W. Treatise on Versification, Ancient and Modern. 1852.
- Gabrielson, Arvid. Rime as a Criterion of the Pronunciation of Spenser, Pope, Byron, and Swinburne. Diss. Upsala, 1909.
- Guest, E. A History of English Rhythms. 2 vols. 1838. Ed. Skeat, W. W. 1882.
- Gurney, E. The Power of Sound. 1880.
- Hood, T. (the Younger). The Rules of Rhyme; a guide to English versification. [1869.]
- —— Practical guide to English versification.… To which are added Bysshe’s Rules for making English verse. 1877.
- Kaluza, Max. A Short History of English Versification. Trans. Dunstan, A. C. 1911. Sedgefield, W. J. The Modern Language Review. Vol. VII, pp. 123–6. 1912.
- Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English Metre. 1886. Second edn. Cambridge, 1891.
- —— A Handbook of Modern English Metre. Second edn. Cambridge, 1912.
- Mitford, John Thomas Freeman (earl of Redesdale). Thoughts on English prosody and translations from Horace. 1859.
- —— Further thoughts on English prosody. 1859.
- Odell, J. An Essay on the elements, accents and prosody of the English Language, etc. 1806.
- Omond, T. S. English Verse-Structure. Edinburgh, 1897.
- —— A Study of Metre. 1903.
- —— Metrical Rhythm. Tunbridge Wells, 1905.
- —— English Metrists in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: being a sketch of English prosodical criticism during the last two hundred years. Oxford, 1907.
- —— Syllables in Verse and Speech. The Modern Language Review. Vol. v, pp. 505–6. 1910.
- Redesdale, earl of. See Mitford, J. T. F.
- Roe, R. B. The Principles of Rhythm, … especially … in the mechanism of English verse. Dublin, 1823.
- Ruskin, John. Elements of English Prosody. 1880.
- Saintsbury, George. A History of English Prosody from the twelfth century to the present day. 3 vols. 1906.
- —— Historical Manual of English Prosody. 1910. [With bibliography.]
- —— A History of English Prose Rhythm. 1912.
- Sayers, F. Poetical Works of the late F. S. To which have been prefixed the connected disquisitions on the rise and progress of English poetry and on English metres … by Taylor, W., of Norwich. 1830.
- Stone, W. J. See Bridges, R. S.
- Sylvester, J. J. The Laws of Verse; or principles of versification exemplified in metrical translations, etc. 1870.
- Symonds, J. A. Blank verse. Three essays in English blank verse, rptd. from Sketches and Studies in Italy. With a prefatory note by Brown, H. F. 1895 [1894].
- Thelwall, John. Selections for the Illustration of a Course of Instructions on the Rhythms and Utterance of the English Language. 1812.
- Tillbrook, S. Historical and critical remarks upon the Modern Hexametrists and upon Southey’s Vision of Judgment. Cambridge, 1822.
- Verrier, Paul. Essai sur les principles de la métrique anglaise. 3 pts. Paris, 1909–10.
- Brown, T. B. Rudmose. The Modern Language Review. Vol. VI, pp. 230–240. 1911. Verrier, Paul. English Metre. Vol. VII, pp. 522–535. 1912. Brown, T. B. Rudmose. English and French Metric. Vol. VIII, 104–8. 1913. Verrier, Paul. English and French Metric. Vol. IX, pp. 385–8. 1914. Brown, T. B. Rudmose. English and French Metric. Vol. x, pp. 102–5. Jan., 1915.
- Wadham, E. English versification. A complete practical guide to the whole subject. 1869.
- Warner, J. Metronariston, or … a dissertation upon a part of Greek and Latin prosody. 1797.
- Western, A. On Sentence-rhythm and Word-order in Modern English. Christiania. 1908.
- Williams, R. A. Syllables in Verse and Speech. The Modern Language Review. Vol. v, pp. 208–210. 1910.G. A. B.