The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIII. The Victorian Age, Part One.
- A. W
- Archer, W. English Dramatists of To-day. 1882.
- —Henry Irving, Actor and Manager. A critical study. [1884.]
- —Study and Stage, a Yearbook of Criticism. 1899.
- Archer, W. and Lowe, W. E. Dramatic Essays. Leigh Hunt, William Hazlitt, John Forster and George Henry Lewes. [3 vols.] [1894–6.]
- Armstrong, Cecil Ferard. A Century of Great Actors. 1750–1850. 1912.
- Arnold, Frank. An Actor’s Note-books. [1912.]
- Baker, H. B. Our Old Actors. 1881.
- —History of the London Stage. 1576–1903. (Second edn., rewritten.) 1904.
- Baker, W. T. The Manchester Stage. 1800–1900. 1903.
- Bancroft, lady Marie Effie and Sir S. B. Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft on and off the stage. Written by themselves. 2 vols. 1888.
- —The Bancrofts: recollections of sixty years. 1909.
- Barnes, J. H. Forty Years on the Stage. 1914.
- Barrington, Rutland. Rutland Barrington.… By himself. With a preface by Gilbert, W. S. 1908.
- Baynham, W. The Glasgow Stage. 1892.
- Brereton, A. The Lyceum and Henry Irving. 1903.
- —The Life of Henry Irving. 1908.
- Bunn, A. The Stage. 3 vols. 1840.
- Calvert, Adelaide H. Sixty-eight Years on the Stage. 1911.
- Calvert, W. Sir Henry Irving and Miss Ellen Terry. 1897.
- Carter, Huntley. The New Spirit in Drama and Art. 1912.
- Chandler, F. W. Aspects of Modern Drama. New York, 1914.
- Chew, Samuel C. The Relation of Lord Byron to the Drama of the Romantic Period. Baltimore, 1914.
- Clapp, H. A. Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic. With an essay on the art of Henry Irving. 1902.
- Cole, J. W. The life and theatrical times of Charles Kean. 2 vols. 1859.
- Coleman, J. Players and Playwrights I have known. 2 vols. 1888.
- Cook, Dutton. A Book of the Play. 1881.
- —Hours with the Players. 2 vols. 1881.
- —Nights at the Play. 2 vols. 1883.
- Courtney, W. L. The Idea of Tragedy in Ancient and Modern Drama. With a prefatory note by Pinero, Sir A. W. 1900.
- Desultory Thoughts on the National Drama, past and present. By an old Playgoer. 1850.
- Dibdin, J. C. Annals of the Edinburgh Stage. 1888.
- Dibdin, T. J. Reminiscences of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, etc. 2 vols. 1827.
- Dickens, Charles. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. With illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1838. With Cruikshank’s illustrations and C. Whitehead’s notes. Ed. Fitzgerald, P. 1903.
- —Macready as Benedict. The Examiner. 4 March, 1843.
- Dickens, Charles. The Amusements of the People. I and II. Household Words, 30 March and 30 April, 1850. [A vivid picture of the early Victorian London cheap theatres; see, also, Great Expectations, chaps.
XXXI andXLVII. For its provincial parallel, see Nicholas Nickleby, chaps.XX–XXV, XXIX andXL VIII. ] - —The Guild of Literature and Art. Household Words. 10 May, 1851.
- —Gaslight Fairies. Household Words. 10 Feb., 1855.
- —On Mr. Fechter’s Acting. Atlantic Monthly. Aug., 1869.
- The above articles will be found rptd. in Miscellaneous Papers, ed. Matz,
- B. W. [Vols.
XXXV andXXXVI of the Gadshill edn. of Dickens’s Works, 1897–1908.] - See, also, passim, Forster’s Life of C. D., with 500 portraits, facsimiles and other illustrations, 2 vols., 1911 (Memorial edn.).
- Drama, A new; or, We faint!!! Decline of the Drama!!! Review of the Actors!!! Rptd. from Bentley’s Monthly Review. 1853.
- Dukes, Ashley. Modern Dramatists. [1911.]
- Field, Kate. Adelaide Ristori, a biography. 1867.
- Filon, A. The English Stage: an account of the Victorian Drama. 1897.
- Fitzgerald, Percy H. The Book of Theatrical Anecdotes. [1874.]
- —The Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols. 1874.
- —The World behind the Scenes. 1881.
- —Henry Irving. A record of twenty years at the Lyceum. 1893.
- —The Garrick Club. 1904.
- —Sir Henry Irving. 1906.
- —Samuel Foote. 1910.
- Frohman, Daniel. Memories of a Manager. Reminiscences of the old Lyceum and of some players of the last quarter century.… 1911.
- G., G. M. The Stage Censor. An historical sketch: 1544–1907. 1908.
- Glover, James Mackey. Jimmy Glover his Book.… 1911.
- —Jimmy Glover and his Friends. 1913.
- Goodman, W. The Keelys. On the Stage and at home. 1895.
- Gregory, lady Isabella Augusta. Our Irish Theatre. 1914.
- Hadow, W. H. The Use of Comic Episodes in Tragedy. 1915.
- Haitt, C. Ellen Terry and her impersonations. 1898.
- Hastings, C. Le Théâtre français et anglais. Ses origines grecques et latines. Drame, comédie, scène et acteurs. Paris, 1900. Trans. Welby, F. A. 1901.
- Hazlitt, W. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
VIII. 1903. - Henderson, Archibald. The Changing Drama. [1914.]
- Hingston, E. P. The Siddons of modern Italy. Adelaide Ristori. 1856.
- Hollingshead, J. Gaiety Chronicles. 1898.
- Howe, P. P. Dramatic Portraits. 1913.
- Joannides, A. La Comédie Française de 1860 à 1900. Paris, 1901.
- Jones, H. A. The Renascence of the English Drama. 1895.
- Knight, J. Theatrical Notes. 1893.
- Levey, R. M. and O’Rorke, J. Annals of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. 1880.
- Lewes, G. H. On Actors and Acting. 1875.
- Marston, J. W. Our Recent Actors. 2 vols. 1881.
- Martin, Sir Theodore. Helen Faucit—Lady Martin. 1900.
- Matthews, J. B. French Dramatists of the 19th century. 1882.
- Maude, Cyril. The Haymarket Theatre. 1903.
- Meredith, George. An Essay on Comedy and the use of the Comic Spirit. 1897.
- Molloy, J. F. The Romance of the Irish Stage. 2 vols. 1897.
- Morley, Henry. The Journal of a London Playgoer, 1851–1866. 1866.
- Oliver, D. E. The English Stage: its origins and modern developments. [1912.]
- Pemberton, T. E. The Kendals. 1900.
- —Ellen Terry, and her Sisters. 1902.
- Procter, B. W. The life of Edmund Kean. 2 vols. 1835.
- Quinlan, M. A. Poetic Justice in the Drama. The history of an ethical principle in literary criticism. 1912.
- Russell, Sir Edward R. The Theatre and things said about it. Liverpool, 1911.
- Salvini, T. Leaves from the Autobiography of Tommaso Salvini. 1893.
- Schelling, Felix E. English Drama. The Channels of English Literature. 1914.
- Scott, Clement W. From The Bells to King Arthur. A critical record of FirstNight Productions at the Lyceum Theatre from 1871 to 1895. 1896.
- —The Drama of Yesterday and To-day. 2 vols. 1899.
- —Ellen Terry, Second edn. New York, 1900.
- —Some Notable Hamlets of the present time. 1905.
- Sharp, R. F. Short History of the English Stage, to 1908. 1909.
- Simpson, H and Braun, Mrs. C. A Century of Famous Actresses, 1750–1850. [1913].
- Smythe, A. J. The Life of William Terriss. 1898.
- [Stoker, Bram.] A collection made by Bram Stoker of programmes of theatrical performances with which Sir Henry Irving was connected: comprising programmes of the Lyceum Theatre from 1879 to 1902; Drury Lane Theatre, 1903 to 1905; Sir Henry Irving’s American and Provincial Tours from 1883 to 1905. 1879–1905.
- Terry, Ellen. The Story of My Life. 1908.
- Toole, John L. Reminiscences of J. L. Toole, related by himself and chronicled by Hatton, J. 2 vols. 1889.
- Walbrook, H. M. Nights at the play.… 1911.
- Walkley, A. B. Playhouse Impressions. 1892.
- Webster, Benjamin (ed.). The Series of Dramatic Entertainments performed by Royal Command…at Windsor Castle 1848–9. [?1849.]
- Wyndham, H. S. The Annals of Covent Garden Theatre, 1732–1897. 2 vols. 1906.
- Wynne, Arnold. The Growth of English Drama. Oxford, 1914.
- B. C
OLLECTIONS OF PLAYS - Dibdin, T. J. The London Theatre. A collection of the most celebrated dramatic pieces. 26 vols. 1815–18.
- The British Drama; a collection of the most esteemed tragedies, comedies, operas, and farces in the English Language. 1824–6.
- The London Stage: a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melodramas, farces and interludes. 4 vols. [1824–7.]
- Duncombe, J. Duncombe’s Edition [of the British Theatre. Nos. 1–532. Vols.
I–LXVII. ] [? 1825–52.] Nos. 318 and 333 were never issued. - Richardson, Thomas. Richardson’s New Minor Drama: with remarks biographical and critical, by Moncrieff, W. T. 4 vols. 1828–31.
- Cumberland’s Minor Theatre, with remarks biographical and critical, by [George Daniel]. Printed from the acting copies, as performed at the Metropolitan minor theatres. Vols.
I–XVI. 1828–40. - Cumberland’s British Theatre, with remarks, biographical and critical by [George Daniel]. Printed from the acting copies as performed at the Theatre Royal, London. Vols.
I-VIII andXI–XLVIII. 1829[–61]. - The Acting Drama; containing all the popular plays, standard and modern. 1834.
- Webster, Benjamin N. The Acting National Drama. 17 vols. 1837[–53].
- Oxberry’s Budget of Plays. Consisting of thirty-nine original drams… performed at the London theatres. 1844.
- Lacy’s acting edition of plays, dramas, extravaganzas, farces, etc. [1850, etc.] [Afterwards continued by French, Samuel.]
- Lacy’s List of Plays wholly or partially the property of T. H. Lacy. 1864.
- The British Drama. 12 vols. 1864–72.
- Dick’s Standard Plays. 1883, etc.
- French, Samuel. Descriptive Catalogue of Plays and Dramatic Works. With a list of Amateur Plays and Articles.… [1891–2, etc.]
- French’s Acting Edition [of Plays]. (Sensational series.) Nos. 1–10. [1899–1903.]
- See, also, under Plays, in The Catalogue of Printed Books in the Forster Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, especially the following:
- [Dramas. Mostly original edns.] 36 vols. Various dates. (6968.)
- [Collection of Acting Plays.] 10 vols. Various dates. (6974.)
- These two collections contain plays by Dickens; Lemon, Mark; Lewes, G. H.; Lytton, Bulwer; Marston, J. W.; Reade, Charles; Taylor, Tom; Talfourd, T. N.; etc.
- The Stage Cyclopaedia. A Bibliography of Plays. An Alphabetical List of Plays and other Stage Pieces of which any record can be found since the commencement of the English Stage, together with Descriptions, Author’s Names, Dates and Places of Production.… Comprising in all nearly 50,000 Plays, and Extending over a Period of Upwards of 500 Years. Compiled by Clarence, Reginald. 1909.
- C. P
ARTICULAR PLAYWRIGHTS - The date preceding the title is that of representation. L. A. E.-Lacy’s acting edition of plays.
- James Albery (1838–1889)
- 1876. The Two Roses. L. A. E. No. 1779. [1881.]
- 1877. The Pink Dominoes. L. A. E. No. 1779. [1878.]
- 1878. Jingle. [A version of Pickwick.]
- Samuel James Arnold (1774–1852)
- 1796. The Shipwreck; a comic opera. The New English Drama. Vol.
IX. - 1809. Man and Wife; or, More Secrets than One. 1809.
- 1812. The Devil’s Bridge: an opera. 1820.
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
- See, ante, Vol. XII, Chap. v
- William Bayle Bernard
- 1841 (written 1837). Marie Ducange. L. A. E. Vol.
XXXII. - 1846. The Round of Wrong; or a fireside story. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
XIII. - 1850. The Passing Cloud. L. A. E. Vol. 1.
- 1867. The Doge of Venice.
- Edward Litt Leman Blanchard (1820–1889).
- 1845. Faith, Hope and Charity. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
LIV. - The life and reminiscences of E. L. B. With notes from the diary of W. Blanchard [by Meadows, D. Edd.] Scott, C. and Howard, C. 2 vols. 1891.
- Dionysius Lardner Bouciault
- 1841. London Assurance. 1841.
- 1859, U. S. A.; 1860, London. The Colleen Bawn: or, the Bride of Garryowen. L. A. E. Vol.
LXIII. - 1859, New York; 1861, London. The Octoroon; or, Life in Louisianna. L. A. E. Vol.
LXV. - 1864, Dublin; 1865, London. Arrah-Na-Pogue; or, the Wicklow Wedding. [1865.]
- 1875. The Shaughraun. L. A. E. Vol.
CXXIII. [1885.] - Charles William Shirley Brooks
- 1848. Anything for a Change. L. A. E. Vol.
IV. - 1851. The Exposition. L. A. E. Vol.
II. - Robert Barnabas Brough (1828–1860)
- 1851. Kensington Gardens, or, Quite a ladies’ man. (An adaptation of Un Monsieur qui suit les Femmes.) L. A. E. Vol.
LXXXVIII. - 1856. Crinoline. L. A. E. Vol.
XXIX. - 1859. Alfred the Great; or, the Minstrel King. L. A. E. Vol.
XLIII. - Robert Williams Buchanan (1842–1901)
- 1880. A Nine Days’ Queen.
- 1883. Lady Clare (an adaptation of Georges Ohnet’s Le Maître de Forges.
- 1883. Storm-beaten. (The plot is taken from the author’s novel God and the Man.)
- 1885. Alone in London. [In collaboration with Harriet Jay.]
- 1886. Sophia. [An adaptation of Tom Jones.]
- 1889. A Man’s Shadow (an adaptation of Roger la Honte).
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
VI; and, post, bibliography to Chap.XIII. - John Baldwin Buckstone
- ?. The Bear Hunters; or, the Fatal Ravine. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
XI. - 1845. The Green Bushes; or, A Hundred Years Ago. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
XI. - 1847. The Flowers of the Forest. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
XIII. - 1871. Damon and Pythias. Cumberland’s Minor Theatre. Vol.
VI. - Henry James Byron
- 1868. Cyril’s Success. L. A. E. Vol.
LXXXIX. - 1868. Uncle Dick’s Darling. L. A. E. Vol.
CLIV. - 1875. Our Boys. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVI. [1880.] - The following vols. and nos. of Lacy’s Acting Edition contain plays by Byron:
- vols.
- 1838. All for Love; or, the Lost Pleiad. L. A. E. Vol.
XXIX. - 1853. The Hope of the Family. L. A. E. Vol.
XIII. - 1858. The Love-Knot. L. A. E. Vol.
XXXV. - 1868. The Woman in Red. L. A. E. Vol.
XCII. - Henry Thornton Craven (1818–1905)
- 1861. The Chimney Corner. L. A. E. Vol.
L. - 1863. Miriam’s Crime. L. A. E. Vol.
LX. - 1864. Milky White. L. A. E. Vol.
LXXXV. - 1866. Meg’s Diversion. L. A. E. Vol.
LXXIII. - 1870. Philomel.
- Charles Dickens
- See, post, bibliography to Chap.
X. The majority of Dicken’s novels have been adapted for the stage; in some instances there are several versions. - Edward Ball, afterwards Fitzball
- 1834. Esmeralda; or the Deformed of Notre Dame. (Founded on Hugo’s Notre Dame.) Dick’s Standard Plays. No. 346.
- 1844. Home again; or, the Lieutenant’s Daughters. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
CXI. - 1844. The Momentous Question. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
L. - Adaptations of many of Scott’s works and of numerous other contemporary novels.
- Thirty-five years of a dramatic Author’s life. 2 vols. 1859.
- Sir William Schwenck Gilbert
- Plays
- 1870. The Palace of Truth. [1874.]
- 1871. Pygmalion and Galatea. L. A. E. Vol.
CIII. [1875.] - 1873. The Wicked World.
- 1874. Sweethearts. L. A. E. Vol.
CXI. [1878.] - 1875. Broken Hearts. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVIII. [1881]. - 1876. Dan’l Druce, Blacksmith. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVII. [1881.] - 1877. Engaged. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVII. [1881.] - 1879. Gretchen. 1879.
- 1884. Comedy and Tragedy. L. A. E. Vol.
CXXXIX. [1885.] - 1888. Brantinghame Hall.
- Original Plays. 4 Series. 1876. [1911.]
- Poems
- The Bab Ballads. Much sound and little sense.… With illustrations by the Author. 1869 [1868].
- 1875. Trial by Jury. [1888.]
- Original Comic Operas.… Containing [1887] The Sorcerer, [1878] H. M. S. Pinafore, [1879] The Pirates of Penzance, [1882] Iolanthe, [1881] Patience, [1884] Princess Ida, [1885] The Mikado, Trial by Jury. 8 pts. [1890.]
- 1894. His Excellency. [1894.]
- 1896. The Grand Duke; or, The Statutory Duel. 1896.
- Savoy Operas. 1909.
- Iolanthe, and other operas. 1910, 1911, etc.
- Cellier, F. A. and Bridgeman, C. Gilbert, Sullivan, and D’Oyly Carte. 1914.
- Fitzgerald, P. H. The Savoy Opera and the Savoyards. 1894.
- Goldberg, Isaac. Sir Wm. Gilbert. [1913.]
- Walsh, Shelford. Gilbert and Sullivan jottings. [1913.]
- G. W. Godfrey
- 1884. My Milliner’s Bill. L. A. E. Vol.
CLI. [1903.] - Henry Montague Grover
- Anne Boleyn, a tragedy. 1826.
- Socrates. 1828.
- Sydney Grundy (1848–1914)
- 1879. The Snowball. L. A. E. No. 1964.
- 1885. The Silver Shield. L. A. E. Vol.
CXLII. - 1890. A Pair of Spectacles. [Adapted from Les Petits Oiseaux of Labiche and Delacour. [1899.]
- 1892. A Fool’s Paradise. L. A. E. Vol.
XLII. (First produced as The Mousetrap in 1887.) - 1893. Sowing the Wind. L. A. E. Vol.
XLVIII. - 1894. A Bunch of Violets. (Founded on Octave Feuillet’s Montjoye.) L. A. E. Vol.
XLVIII. - And various other plays.
- Isabella Harwood, pseud. Ross Neil (1840?–1883).
- 1871. Lady Jane Grey. 1871. Inez; or, the Bride of Portugal. 1871.
- 1874. The Cid. The King and the Angel. Duke for a Day; or The Tailor of Brussels. 1874.
- Arabella Stuart. The Heir of Lynne. Tasso. Plays. 1879.
- Andrea the Painter. Claudia’s Choice. Orestes. Pandora. Plays by Ross Neil. 1883.
- John Abraham Heraud
- Salvator, the poor man of Naples. 1845.
- 1854. Videna; or the Mother’s Tragedy. A legend of Early Britain. 1854.
- Richard Henry or Hengist Horne
- Cosmo de’ Medici. 1837.
- The Death of Marlowe. 1837.
- Gregory VII. [With an essay on tragic influence.] 1840.
- Judas Iscariot. A Miracle Play. 1848.
- Douglas William Jerrold
- 1829. Blackey’d Susan, or, All in the Downs. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
XVII. - 1832. The Rent Day. 1832.
- 1834. Beau Nash; the King of Bath. 1834.
- 1842. The Prisoner of War. 1824.
- 1845. Time Works Wonders. The modern English comic theatre. Series 3. 1842.
- 1850. The Catspaw. 1850.
- The Works of Douglas Jerrold. Ed. Jerrold, W. B. 4 vols. 1863, 1864.
- James Kenney (1821–1881)
- 1807. Ella Rosenberg. 1807.
- 1814. Debtor and Creditor. 1814.
- James Sheridan Knowles
- 1815. Caius Gracchus. Glasgow, 1823.
- 1820. Virginius. 1820.
- 1825. William Tell. 1825.
- 1828. The Beggar’s Daughter of Bethnal Green. 1828.
- 1832. The Hunchback. 1832.
- 1833. The Wife: a tale of Mantua. 6th edn. 1833.
- 1837. The Love-Chase. 1837.
- Leopold David Lewis (1828–1890)
- 1871. The Bells. Adapted from Le Juif Polonais…by Erckmann-Chatrian. L. A. E. Vol.
XCVII. - Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, first baron Lytton
- ?. The Duchess de la Vallière. 1836.
- 1838. The Lady of Lyons. 1839.
- 1839. Richelieu; or the Conspiracy. 1839.
- 1839. The Sea-Captain; or, the Birthright. 1839.
- 1840. Money. 1840. [The B. M. copy (c. 61. b. 2) contains MS. notes by the author.]
- 1851. Not so bad as we seem; or, many sides to a character (amateur performance at Devonshire House). 1851.
- 1868. The Rightful Heir. 1868.
- 1869. Walpole, or Every man has his price. 1869.
- The Dramatic Works of Sir E. L. B. now first collected. To which are added, Three Odes, on the death of Elizabeth, Cromwell, and the death of Nelson. 1841.
- See, also, post, bibliography to Chap.
XIII. - John Westland Marston
- 1842. The Patrician’s Daughter. 1843.
- 1849. Strathmore. 1849.
- 1850. Philip of France and Marie de Méranie. 1850.
- 1857. A Life’s Ransom. L. A. E. Vol.
LIV. - 1866. The Favourite of Fortune.
- 1869. Life for Life.
- The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Westland Marston. 2 vols. 1876.
- Charles James Matthews (1803–1878)
- 1838. Patter versus Clatter. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVIII. [1881.] - 1855. Married for Money. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVII. [1881.] - 1875. My Awful Dad. L. A. E. Vol.
CXVII. [1881.] - The Life of Charles James Matthews, chiefly autobiographical, with selections from his correspondence and speeches. Ed. Dickens, Charles [Junior]. 2 vols. 1879.
- Charles Robert Maturin
- See, ante, Vol. XI, p. 462.
- Paul Meritt (d. 1895)
- 1872. Glin Gath: or the Man in the Cleft. L. A. E. Vol.
XCIX. - 1872. Linked by Love. L. A. E. No. 1907. [1888.]
- 1877. The Golden Plough. L. A. E. Vol.
CXI. - Herman Charles Merivale (1839–1906)
- 1872. A Son of the Soil. [Adapted from Ponsard’s Le Lion Amoureux.]
- 1874. The White Pilgrim. 1883.
- 1875. All for Her. [In collaboration with Palgrave Simpson; founded on A Tale of Two Cities.]
- 1884. Florien: a tragedy. 1884.
- Many other plays, farces, burlesques and adaptations.
- Henry Hart Milman
- See, ante, Vol. XII, p. 477
- William Thomas Moncrieff
- 1821. Tom and Jerry: or, Life in London. Richardson’s New Minor Drama. 2nd edn. 1828.
- 1824. The Cataract of the Ganges! or, The Rajah’s Daughter. 1822.
- Selections from the Dramatic Works of W. T. M. 3 vols. 1851.
- John Maddison Morton (1811–1891)
- 1847. Box and Cox. L. A. E. Vol.
V. - 1847. Done on both sides. L. A. E. Vol.
XXIV. - John Oxenford
- 1835. A Day Well Spent. 1836.
- 1835. The Dice of Death. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
XXVIII. - 1855. Billing and Cooing. L. A. E. Vol.
LXV. - ?. The Rape of the Lock. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
XXXIII. - Stephen Phillips (1866–1915)
- 1900. Herod. A tragedy. 1900.
- 1902. Paolo and Francesea. 1900.
- 1902. Ulysses. A drama. 1902.
- 1906. Nero. 1906.
- 1908. Faust. Freely adapted from Goethe’s dramatic poems. By S. P. and J. Comyns Carr. 1908.
- Pietro of Siena. A drama. 1910.
- The King. A tragedy in continuous scenes. 1912.
- Lyrics and Dramas. 1913.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
VI - Watts Phillips
- 1859. The Dead Heart.
- 1862. Camilla’s Husband.
- 1864. The Woman in Mauve.
- 1867. Lost in London.
- James Robinson Planchè
- 1851. The Day of Reckoning. 1852.
- The Extravaganzas of J. R. Planchè…1825–1871. 5 vols. 1879.
- The Recollections and Reflections of J. R. Planchè. 2 vols. 1872.
- Isaac Pocock
- 1810. Hit or Miss! 1810.
- 1813. The Miller and his Men. 2nd edn. 1813.
- 1817. Robinson Crusoe; or, the Bold Buccaneers. L. A. E. Vol.
XXVIII. - 1818. Rob Roy Macgregor, or Auld Lang Syne! 1818.
- ?. Montrose, or, The Children of the Mist. 1822.
- 1830. The Magpie or the Maid?
- 1830. The Robber’s Wife. Cumberland’s British Theatre. Vol.
XXVIII. - Also dramatic versions of Woodstock, Peveril of the Peak, The Antiquary and Old Mortality.
- John Poole
- 1825. Paul Pry. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
I. - 1829. Lodgings for Single Gentlemen. Duncombe’s edn. [of the British Theatre]. Vol.
LIV. - Charles Reade
- 1851. The Ladies’ Battle: Un duel en Amour. L. A. E. Vol.
CVIII. - 1852. Masks and Faces; or, Before and Behind the Curtain. [In collaboration with Tom Taylor.]
- 1853. Gold! L. A. E. Vol.
XI. [An adaptation of the novel It is never too late to mend.] - 1854. The King’s Rival. 1854. [In collaboration with Tom Taylor.]
- 1854. Two Loves and a Life. [In collaboration with Tom Taylor.] 1854.
- 1868. Foul Play. [In collaboration with Dion Boucicault.]
- 1879. Drink. [Adapted from Zola’s L’Assommoir.]
- See, also, post, bibliography to Chap.
XIII. - Frederick Reynolds (1764–1841)
- 1808. Begone Dull Care. 1808.
- 1808. The Exile. (Founded on Sophie Cottin’s Elisabeth.) Cumberland’s British Theatre. Vol.
XXIX. - 1812. The Renegade. (Founded on Dryden’s Don Sebastian.) 1812.
- The Life and Times of Frederick Reynolds written by himself. 2 vols. 1826.
- William Barnes Rhodes (1772–1826)
- 1810. Bombastes Furioso. 1822. With illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 1830.
- Catalogue of the dramatic library of W. B. Rhodes…which will be sold by auction by Mr. Sotheby…Apl. 18. [1825.]
- Thomas William Robertson
- 1864. David Garrick. New York [1870].
- 1865. Society. See Caste.
- 1866. Ours. New York [1879].
- 1867. Caste. New York [1878]. Society and Caste. Ed. Pemberton, T. E. 1905.
- 1868. Play. L. A. E. No. 1969. [1893.]
- 1869. Home. New York [1879].
- 1869. Dreams. [1893.]
- 1869. School. New York [1879].
- 1870. M. P. L. A. E. No. 1966.
- The Principal Dramatic Works of T. W. Robertson. With memoir by his son [Robertson, T. W.] 2 vols. 1889.
- Richard Lalor Sheil
- 1814. Adelaide; or, the Emigrants. Dublin, 1814.
- ?. The Apostate. 3rd edn. 1817.
- 1818. Ballamira; or, The Fall of Tunis. 1818. Hunt, Leigh. The Examiner. 26 April, 1818.
- 1819. Evadne; or, The Statue. 1819.
- 1820. Montoni.
- ?. The Fatal Dowry. (Adaptation of the play by Massenger and Field.]
- ?. Damon and Pythias: a tragedy [by Banim, J.; revised by Sheil].
- Robert Louis Stevenson (and William Ernest Henley)
- Three Plays. [1882] Deacon Brodie, [1890] Beau Austin, [1897] Admiral Guinea.
- 1892. Rptd. in vol.
XV of Swanston edn. of R. L. S.’s Works. 1912 [together with Macaire, a melodramatic farce]. - Pinero, Sir A. W. Robert Louis Stevenson: the Dramatist. 1903.
- See, post, bibliography to Chap.
III, Vol. XIV. - Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd
- 1840. Glencoe; or, The Fate of the Macdonalds. 2nd edn. 1840.
- 1850. Ion.
- The Dramatic Works of Sir T. N. Talfourd.
II th edn. 1852. - Dickens, Charles. The late Mr. Justice Talfourd. Household Words. 25 March, 1854.
- Tom Taylor
- 1853. Plot and Passion. L. A. E. Vol.
XIII. - 1855. Still Waters Run Deep. L. A. E. Vol.
XXII [1855]. - 1858, New York; 1861, London. Our American Cousin.
- 1859. The Fool’s Revenge. L. A. E. Vol.
XLIII. - 1863. The Ticket-of-Leave Man. L. A. E. Vol.
LIX. - 1870. ’Twixt Axe and Crown.
- ?. Jeanne D’Arc.
- 1873. Arkwright’s Wife.
- 1874. Lady Clancarty.
- 1876. Anne Boleyn.
- See, also, under Reade, Charles.
- Benjamin Nottingham Webster
- 1832. Paul Clifford; the Highwayman of 1770; adapted from the novel of Edward Lytton. Cumberland’s Minor Theatre. Vol.
VI. [1833.] - 1843. Caught in a Trap. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
X. [1843.] - 1851. Belphegor, the Mountebank; or Pride of Birth. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
XVII. [1853.] - 1851. The Man of Law. The Acting National Drama. Vol.
XVII. [1851.] - Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (1856–1900)
- (1904, Paris.) Salomé. Dramme en un Acte. Paris, 1893. With sixteen Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. Paris, 1907.
- Salomé. Translated from the French. Pictured by Aubrey Beardsley. 1894. With the two suppressed plates and extra titlepage. Preface by Ross, Robert. 1907 [1906]. 1906 and 1908.
- 1892. Lady Windermere’s Fan. A play about a good woman. 1893.
- 1893. A Woman of No Importance. [1894.]
- 1895. The Importance of being Earnest. A trivial comedy for serious people. 1899.
- 1895. An Ideal Husband. 1899. A new acting version. [Ed. Ross, Robert B.] [1914.]
- Vera; or, The Nihilists. Privately printed. 1902.
- The Duchess of Padua. [With a prefatory letter by Ross, Robert B.] 1907.
- A dramatised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray was given during 1913.
- See, also, post, bibliography to Chap.
III, Vol. XIV. - William Gorman Wills
- 1872. Charles the First. 1873.
- 1874. Jane Shore.
- ?. Marie Stuart.
- 1878. Olivia. (An adaptation of Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakefield.)
- 1883. Claudian. [Dialogue only by Wills; story and construction by Henry Herman.]
- 1885. Faust. [1886.]
- Wills, F. W. G. Wills. 1898.
- The following adaptations obtained great success and had a considerable influence on the drama of the period:
- 1861. A Scrap of Paper. (Adapted from Sardou’s Les Pattes de Mouche, by J. P. Simpson.)
- 1863. The Duke’s Motto. (By John Brougham, founded on Paul Feval’s Le Bossu.)
- 1867. A Quiet Rubber. (Adapted by C. H. Coghlan from La Partie de Picquet.)
- 1878. Diplomacy. (By B. C. Stephenson and Clement Scott; a version of Sardou’s Dora. There have been several notable revivals.)G. A. B.