The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIII. The Victorian Age, Part One.
- Anderson, J. P. Bibliography appended to Birrell’s Charlotte Brontë. (Great Writers series.) 1887.
- Wood, B. A Bibliography of the works of the Brontë family. (Brontë society.) 1895.
- Collected Works
- Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. 1846. Philadelphia, 1848.
- First collected edn. 7 vols. 1860 ff.
- Collected edn., with 34 illustrations, 2 portraits and 2 facsimiles. 7 vols. 1872–3.
- The Professor volume contains the first two chapters of Emma, the novel on which Charlotte Brontë was engaged at the time of her last illness. With this is rptd. Thackeray’s article The Last Sketch, introductory to Emma, which first appeared in The Cornhill Magazine, April, 1860.
- The Works of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë. 12 vols. 1893, 1901.
- The Life and Works of Charlotte Brontë and her sisters with introductions to the works by Ward, Mrs. Humphry, and an introduction and notes to the life by Shorter, C. K. With photographic illustrations, portraits, facsimiles of title-pages, etc. (Haworth edn.) 7 vols. 1899–1900.
- The Works of the Brontës. (Temple edn.) 12 vols. 1901.
- The Thornton edn. of the Novels of the Sisters Brontë. Ed. Scott, Temple. (The Life of Charlotte Brontë by Gaskell, E. C.…rptd. from the first edn. and ed. with introduction and notes by Scott, T., and Willett, B. W.) 12 vols. 1901.
- The Novels and Poems of Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë (with an introduction to The Professor by Watts-Dunton, Theodore). (The World’s Classics.) 7 vols. 1901–7.
- The Novels of the Sisters Brontë. 10 vols. 1905.
- The Complete Works of Charlotte Brontë and her sisters. (The Book Lovers’ edn.) 7 vols. [1905.]
- Brontë Poems: selections from the poetry of Charlotte, Emily, Anne and Branwell Brontë. Ed. with an introduction by Benson, A. C. With portraits and facsimiles. 1915.
- C
- Additional MS. 34255. Tales written under the pseudonym Lord C. A. F. Wellesley, 1834–5. A bound volume of 44 folios written on each side. Contains two tales: The Spell and High Life in Verdopolis. At the end is The Scrap Book A Mingling of Many Things Complied by Lord C. A. F. Wellesley. The various contributions are, in most cases, signed Charlotte Brontë in addition to the pseudonym; the bulk of the MS. is in a feigned hand.
- —— 38732. Four letters [in French] from Charlotte Brontë to Constantin Heger, 1844–5. These letters were previously suposed to have been destroyed; some pages have been torn in pieces and afterwards reconstructed. They appeared in The Times, with translations by Spielmann, Marion H., 29 July, 1913; afterwards rptd. as The Love Letters of Charlotte Brontë to Constantin Heger [with Spielmann’s translations and a prefatory note by Wise, T. J.]. 1914. [30 copies privately ptd. for Wise, T. J.] See, also, Richardson, Frederika, The Secret of Charlotte Brontë, 1914.
- Egerton MS. 2679, f. 28. Letter to J. Hogg, 1850.
- —— 2829, f. 14. Letter to W. S. Williams, 1848.
- Single Works
- Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, by Currer Bell. 3 vols. 1847. Second edn. 3 vols. 1848. Third edn. 3 vols. 1848. Fourth edn. 1848. 2 vols. [in one]. Leipzig, 1850. Other edns.: 1857 and 1858. Haworth edn. 2 vols. 1884. With an introduction by Shorter, C. K. (The Camelot Classics.) [1889.] To which is added The Moores, an unpublished fragment … with introduction by Nicoll, Sir W. R. 1902. With introduction by Sinclair, May. (Everyman’s library.) [1908.] Illustrated.… introduction by Shorter, C. K. 1911.
- A Chapter in the History of a Tyrone Family, being a tenth extract from the Legacy of the late Francis Purcell, P.P. of Drumcoolagh. Dublin University Magazine. Pp. 398, 415. October, 1839. [This story by Le Fanu was rptd. in The Purcell Papers, by Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan, author of Uncle Silas, with a memoir by Graves, A. P., 3 vols., 1880. There it forms the eleventh story, the second in the third vol. The story was again rptd. in The Watcher and other Weird stories, 1894. In this vol., it forms the sixth and last story. There was, therefore, nothing to show, except to a reader who had seen the story in The Dublin University Magazine of 1839, that Le Fanu’s tale had preceded and not followed Jane Eyre. A notice of Jane Eyre appeared in the Dublin University Magazine, vol. XXXI, pp. 608–614, 1848.]
- Dramatic adaptations: Et Vaisenhuus-barn. Folkcomedie med Sang i4 Akter [and in prose], Efter en fri Bearbeidels of Romanen Jane Eyre. Copenhagen, 1859. Brougham, John. Jane Eyre, a drama in five acts. New York, 1869. Michély, R. L’Orfanella di Lowood. Dramma, etc. (Founded on Jane Eyre, by C. B.) Naples, 1874. Wills, W. G. Jane Eyre, a drama in four acts, produced at the Globe Theatre, 23 December, 1882. Among many other dramatisations are those of James Willing with the title Poor Relations, and of Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer, Die Waise von Lowood.
- Shirley, A Tale. 3 vols. 1849. 2 vols. Lepzig, 1849. Other edns.: 1852, 1857, 1860, 1862, etc. (The New Centruy library.) 1905 [1904]. With introduction by Sinclair, May. (Everyman’s library.) [1908.]
- For the originals of the Curates See Shorter, C. K., Charlotte Brontë, 1906.
- Villette. 3 vols. 1853. Leipzig, 1853. Other edns.: 1855, 1857, 1860, 1861, 1866. (The New Century library.) 1905 [1904]. With six illustrations. [1906.] With introduction by Sinclair, May. (Everyman’s library.) [1909.]
- The Professor, A Tale, by Currer Bell. 2 vols. 1857. With a preface by her husband, the Rev. A. B. Nicholls, dated 22 Sep., 1856. Another edn., containing Poems of Currer Bell. 1860. (The New Century library.) [1904.] With an introduction by Sinclair, May. (Everyman’s library.) [1910.] [C. K. Shorter states that “The original MS. of The Professor now in the possession of Thomas Wise, discloses that the book was first called The Master.”]
- Emma (a fragment of a story by the late C. B. Preceded by a short notice by W. M. T.). The Cornhill Magazine. Vol. I, pp. 485–498. April, 1860.
- Richard Cœur de Lion and Blondell. A poem. [With an introduction by Shorter, C. K. Privately ptd. for Wise, T. J.] 1912.
- Saul, and other poems. [30 copies privately ptd. for Wise, T. J.] 1913.
- The Adventures of Ernest Alembert. A fairy tale. [This story will be found ptd. in Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century, ed. Nicoll, Sir W. R., and Wise, T. J., vol. II, 1895, etc.]
- E
MILY JANE BRONTË (PSEUD. ELLIS BELL ) - Wuthering Heights, a novel, by Ellis Bell. 3 vols. [in one]. 1847. [Actually vols. I and II, Wuthering Heights; vol. III, Agnes Grey, by Acton Bell. Each vol. has a separate title-page.]
- Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey, by Ellis and Acton Bell. A new edn. revised, with a biographical notice of the authors, a selection from their literary remains, and a preface, by Currer Bell. 3 vols. 1850. [Additional poems by Emily and Anne Brontë first appeared in this edn.] Leipzing, 1851. Other edns.: 1858, 1872, 1885.
- Wuthering Heights. Poems. (The New Century library.) 1905 [1904].
- The Complete Works of Emily Brontë. (Ed. Shorter, Clement K. With introductory essay by Nicoll, Sir W. R.) 1910, etc. [Vol. I contains 138 additional poems, of which 67 had been privately ptd. in 1902.]
- Poems of Emily Brontë. With an introduction by Symons, A. (Favourite Classics.) 1906.
- A
NNE BRONTË (PSEUD. ACTON BELL ) - Agnes Grey. See Brontë, Emily, under Wuthering Heights.
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Acton Bell. 3 vols. 1848. Second edn. 1848. Other edns.: 1854, 1859.
- Wildfell Hall. (The New Century library.) 1905 [1904].
- The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.… With an introduction by Sinclair, May. (Everyman’s library.) [1914.]
- B
RONTË LETTERS - Letters recounting the deaths of Emily, Anne and Branwell Brontë.… To which are added letters signed Currer Bell and C. B. Nicholls. [30 copies privately ptd. for Wise, T. J.] 1913.
- Letters of Charlotte Brontë. See, ante, Brontë, Charlotte: MSS. in the British Museum.
- See, also, Gaskell, Elizabeth C., The Life of Charlotte Brontë, 2 vols., 1857; Oliphant, Margaret O., Annals of a Publishing House, vol. II, 1896; and Leyland, F. A., The Brontë Family, 2 vols., 1886 (passim).
- For Branwell Brontë’s literary fragments see Benson, A. C., Brontë Poems, 1915; Leyland, F. A., The Brontë Family; and vol. II, pp. 177 ff., of Mrs. Oliphant’s Annals of a Publishing House.
- And for particulars concerning the father of the Brontës see Brontëana. The Rev. Patrick Brontë … his collected works and life. The works; and the Brontës of Ireland, ed. by Turner, J. Horsfall, 1898; also, Yates, W. W., The Father of the Brontës, 1897.
- A
UNTHORITES, BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Arnold, Matthew.Haworth Churchyard. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol. LI, pp. 527–530. 1855.
- —— Lyric and Elegiac Poetry. 1885.
- Benson, A. C. Brontë Poems. 1915.
- Birrell, A. Life of Charlotte Brontë. (Great Writers series.) 1887. [Bibliography by Anderson, J. T.]
- Brontë Society, Transactions and Publications of the. Bradford, 1895, etc.
- Brown, Robinson. Catalogue of the Museum of Brontë Relics, the property of Mr. R. Brown. [1898.]
- Catalogue of the Gleave Brontë Collection at the Moss Side Free Library. 1905.
- Catalogue of Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Relics of Charlotte Brontë, sold at Sotheby’s 19 June, 1914.
- Chadwick, Esther A. In the Footsteps of the Brontës. 1914.
- Christian Remembrancer, The. Jane Eyre, vol. XV, N. S., pp. 396–409, 1848; Villette, vol. XXV, N. S., pp. 423–443, 1853; Mrs. Gaskell’s Life, vol. XXXIV, N.S., pp. 87–145, 1857.
- Dembley, J.M. The key to the Brontë works. The key to Charlotte Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and her other works. 1911. [An attempt to prove that Charlotte Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights.]
- Dimnet, Ernest. Les Sœurs Brontë. 1910.
- Dobell, Sydney. Currer Bell. The Palladium. Pp. 161–175. Sept., 1850. Rptd. in The Life and Letters of S. D., vol. I, pp. 163–186, 1878. [The best criticism of Wuthering Heights.]
- —— The Life and Letters of S. D. Vol. I, pp. 163–186. 1878. [For particulars concerning Emily Brontë.]
- Fonblanque, Albany. Shirley. The Examiner. 1849.
- Forçade, Eugène. Jane Eyre. Revue des Deux Mondes. Tome XXIV, pp. 470–494. 1849. Shirley. Revue des Deux Mondes. Tome XL, pp. 714–735. 1849.
- Fotheringham, J. The Work of Emily Brontë and the Brontë Problem. (Brontë society publications. Pt. II.) 1900.
- Gaskell, E. C. Life of Charlotte Brontë. 2 vols. 1857. 3rd edn., revised and corrected. 2 vols. 1857. With introduction by Sinclair, May. (Every-man’s library.) [1908.] [See, also, the Thornton edn. of the novels of the sisters Brontë, 1910.]
- Goldring, Maude. Charlotte Brontë the woman. 1915.
- Gosse, E. W. The Challenge of the Brontës. 1903.
- Grundy, F. H. Pictures of the Past. 1879.
- Harrison, Frederic. Charlotte Brontë’s Place in Literature. 1895.
- Holroyd, A. Currer Bell. [1887.]
- James, Henry. The Lesson of Balzac. Atlantic Monthly. Pp. 166–180.
- Aug., 1905. [Incidentally a few words on the Brontës, p. 168.]
- Junge, H. Der Stil in den Romanen Charlotte Brontës, etc. 1912.
- Lewes, George Henry. Jane Eyre. Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XXXVI, pp. 690–694. 1847. Shirley. The Edinburgh Review. Vol.XCI, pp. 153–173. 1850. - Leyland, F. A. The Brontë Family with special reference to Patrick Branwell Brontë. 2 vols. 1886.
- Locker-Lampson, F. My Confidences. An autobiographical sketch addressed to my descendants. [Ed. Birrell, A.] 1896.
- Mackay, Augus M. The Brontës. Fact and Fiction. 1897.
- —— The Brontës at Cowan Bridge. The Bookman. Oct., 1904.
- Martineau, Harriet. Biographical Sketches, 1852–75. Fourth edn. 1876.
- —— Autobiography. 3 vols. 1877.
- Masson, Flora. The Brontës. (People’s Books.) 1912.
- Montégut, Émile. Écrivians Modernes de l’Angleterre. Première Série. (Charlotte Brontë, Portrait Géneral, pp. 183–354.) Paris, 1885.
- Nicoll, Sir William Robertson. Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Vol.
III, pp. 520–7. 1903. - Nicoll, Sir W. R., and Wise, T. J. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols. 1896.
- Oliphant, Margaret O. Annals of a Publishing House. 2 vols. 1896. [See vol.
II, pp. 177 ff., for particulars concerning Branwell Brontëe.] - Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Charlotte Brontë and Thackeray, pp. 323–335. 1856.
- P., W. P. Jottings on Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. 1856.
- Paul, H. The Victorian Novel. Men and Letters. 1901.
- Raleigh, Sir Walter. English Prose Selections. Vol. v, pp. 625–7. 1896.
- Ramsden, J. The Brontë Homeland. [1897.]
- Rawnsley, A. D. Literary Associations of the English Lakes. Vol.
II, pp. 94–107. 1894. - Reid, Sir T. Wemyss. Charlotte Brontë, a monograph. 1877.
- Richardson, afterwards Macdonald, Frederika. The Secret of Charlotte Brontë.
- Followed by some reminiscences of the real Monsieur and Madame Heger. 1914.
- Rigby, Elizabeth (lady Eastlake). Jane Eyre and Vanity Fair. The Quarterly Review. Vol.
LXXXIV, pp. 153–185. Dec., 1848. - Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Chapters from Some Memories. 1894.
- Roscoe, William Caldwell Poems and Essays. Vol.
II. 1860 - Saintsbury, George. Three Mid-Century Novelists. Corrected Impressions. 1895.
- Scruton, W. The Birthplace of Charlotte Brontë. 1884.
- —— Thornton and the Brontës. 1898.
- Selden, Camille (pseud.). Charlotte Brontë et la Vie Morale en Angleterre. L’Esprit des Femmes de notre Temps. Pp. 83–218. Paris, 1865.
- Sharp, W. Literary Geography. 1915.
- Shepheard, Henry. A vindication of the Clergy Daughters School and of the Rev. W. Carus Wilson from the Remarks in the Life of Charlotte Brontë. Kirkby Lonsdale, 1857.
- Shorter, Clement K. The Brontës and their Circle. 1896. Also [1914].
- —— Charlotte Brontë and her sisters.
- —— The Brontës. Life and Letters. Being an attempt to present a full and final record of the lives of the three sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë. 2 vols. 1908. [This work gives, with full connecting narrative, 711 letters in chronological order, besides many valuable appendixes, notes and discussions, an index and several portraits.]
- Sinclair, May. The Three Brontës.… New edn., with an introductory note on the recently discovered letters of Charlotte Brontë. 1914. [See, also, the various Brontë novels ed. Sinclair, May.]
- Skelton, Sir John. Essays in History and Biography. Pp. 296–311. Edinburgh, 1883.
- Smith, G. C. Moore. The Brontës at Thornton. The Bookman. Oct., 1904.
- Smith, J. Cruickshank. Emily Brontë—a reconsideration. (English Assoc. Essays and Studies. Vol. v.) 1914.
- Spielmann, Marion H. Charlotte Brontë in Brussels. With Plan of the Pensionnat Heger and Neighbourhood. The Times Literary Supplement. 13 April, 1916.
- Stead, J. J. A Chronology of the Principal Events in the Lives of the Brontës. (Brontë society Publications.) 1897.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie, Hours in a Library. Charlotte Brontë. Vol.
III. New edn. with additions. 4 vols. 1907. - Stuart, J. A. Erskine. The Brontë Country. 1888.
- —— The Literary Shrines of Yorkshire. 1892.
- Sue, Marie J. E. Kitty Bell, the Orphan. 1914. [Possibly an earlier version of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.]
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles. A Note on Charlotte Brontë. 1877.
- —— Emily Brontë. Miscellanies. Pp. 260–270. 1886.
- Trafton, A. Charlotte Brontë. Visit to her school at Brussels. Scribner’s Monthly. Vol.
III, pp. 186–8. 1871. - Turner, Joseph Horsfall. Haworth past and present. A history of Haworth, Stanbury and Oxenhope. Brighouse, 1879.
- —— (ed.). Brontëana. The Rev. Patrick Brontë, A. B., his collected works and life. 1898.
- Turner, Whitely. A Spring-Time Saunter round and about Brontë Land. 1913.
- Walker, Hugh. The Literature of the Victorian Era. Cambridge, 1910.
- Waring, Susan M. Charlotte Brontë and Lucy Snowe. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. Vol.
XXXII, pp. 308–371. 1865. - Wright, William. The Brontës in Ireland. 1893.
- Yates, W. W. The Father of the Brontës; his life and work at Dewsbury and Hartshead. With a chapter on Currer Bell. 1897.A. A. J. & G. A. B.