The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- The writers mentioned in the following bibliography are distingushed as historians and as writers of biographies, memoirs, diaries and letters, according to the class to which their most notable writings severally belong. For bibliographies of writers discussed separately in the course of this History, see the bibliographies of the chapters in which the principal notices of them respectively occur. Publications which wholly or mainly consist of the autobiographies, diaries or letters of particular writers are generally entered here under their own names and not under those of the editors.
- On the general subject of this chapter see Gooch, G. P., History and Historians in the nineteenth century (1913), chaps.
XV–XX in particular; and cf. Fueter, E., Geschichte der neueren Historiographie (Below and Meinecke’s Handbuch der mittelalterl. u. neueren Gesch., pt. 1, Munich and Berlin, 1911), bks. v and vi. - For additional works on Indian history and biography see, post, Chap.
X, bibliography. - A. W
RITERS ON MEDIEVAL AND MODERN HISTORY - Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, first lord. The Civil War in America; its place in History; and The Rise and Fall of the Mexican Empire. Two lectures delivered at the Bridgnorth Lit. and Sci. Inst., Jan. and March, 1868; rptd. in The Bridgnorth Jrnl. and in 1907 (see below). Römische Briefe vom Concil. Von Quirinus. [By A. and others.] Rptd., from Augsburg Allg. Ztg., December, 1869, Munich, 1870. Engl. tr.: Letters from Rome on the Council, 3 series. 1870. Sendschreiben an einen deutschen Bischof des Vatican. Concils. Sept., 1870. Nördlingen, 1870. The War of 1870. A Lecture. 1871. The History of Freedom in Antiquity, and the History of Freedom in Christianity. Two addresses delivered in Bridgnorth, 1877. Rptd., 1907 (see below). French tr. by Bourget, L. 1878. An Inaugural Lecture on the Study of History. Delivered at Cambridge, 11 June, 1895. Rptd. in Lectures on Modern History, 1906. The Causes of the Franco-German War; and Record Experiences, read before the Trinity Historical Society and before the Eranus Society, Cambridge. Rptd. in 1907 (see below). Lectures on Modern History. Ed. Figgis, J. N. and Laurence, R. V. 1906. (These include, inter alia, the Letter to Contributors to the Cambridge Modern History.) Historical Essays and Studies. Ed. by the same. 1907. The History of Freedom, and other Essays. Ed. by the same. 1907. Lectures on the French Revolution. Ed. by the same. 1910.
- Letters of Lord Acton to Mary, daughter of W. E. Gladstone. Ed. with introd. by Paul, H. 1904. 2nd edn. 1913. Gasquet, F. A. (Card.), Lord Acton and his circle; Letters with introd. 1906. A catalogue of certain sections of Lord A.’s library, now in the university library, Cambridge, is published in the C. U. L. Bulletin, Acton Collection, 1908–10.
- For a complete bibliography see Shaw, W. A., Bibliography of the Historical Works of Lord Acton and others (R. Hist. soc.), 1903.
- Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, 1789–1815. 10 vols. Edinburgh, 1833–42, and later edns. 7th edn. 20 vols. Edinburgh, 1847–8. Atlas to Alison’s History of Europe. By Johnston, A. K. With vocabulary of military and marine terms. Edinburgh, 1848. The Military Life of Marlborough. Edinburgh, 1848. 2nd edn. Life of Marlborough, with account of his contemporaries, and of the War of the Succession. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1852. Essays, political, historical and miscellaneous. 3 vols. 1850. History of Europe, 1815–52. 9 vols. Edinburgh, 1852–9. Some account of my life and writings. An autobiography by the late Sir Archibald Alison. Ed. by his daughter-in-law, Lady Alison. 2 vols. 1883.
- Allen, John (1771–1843). An Enquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. 1831. See, also, Lingard, John.
- Anson, Sir W. Reynell, bart. (1843–1914). The Law and Custom of the Constitution. 2 parts. Oxford, 1886–92, and later edns.
- Bagehot, Walter. See bibliography to Chap.
III, post. - Bateson, Mary. The Origin and Early History of Double Monasteries. Trans. R. Hist. soc. New series. Vol.
XIII. Records of the Borough of Leicester. Vols.I–III. 1899–1905. The Laws of Breteuil. English Hist. Review. Vols.XV andXVI. 1900–1. The Charters of the Borough of Cambridge. Ed., with Maitland, F. W. (Cambridge Antiq. soc.) 1901. Index Britanniae scriptorum quos coll. I. Baleus (Bishop Bale). New edn., with Poole, R. L. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Oxford, 1902. The Cambridge Gild Records. (Camb. Antiq. soc.) 1903. Medieval England, 1066–1350. (Story of the Nations.) 1903. Borough Customs. Vols.I, II. Publ. of the Selden soc. 1904–6. - Tout, T. F. Art. in D. of N. B. Suppl.
II, vol. 1, with full bibliography. - Bergenroth, Gustav Adolph (1813–1869). Calendars of the Simancas Papers. Letters, Despatches and State Papers, rel. to negotiations between England and Spain, in the Archives at Simancas and elsewhere. Vol. 1 (1485–1509). 1862. Vol.
II (1509–1525). 1866. Suppl. vol. (Catharine of Aragon). 1868. [An ingenious decipherer and brilliant writer, with sensational cravings.] - Cartwright, W. C. Gustav Bergenroth, a Memorial Sketch. Edinburgh, 1870.
- Brewer, John Sherren. Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII from his accession to the death of Wolsey. Reviewed and illustr. from the original documents. Ed. Gairdner, J. 2 vols. 1884. English Studies. Rptd. from The Quarterly Review. Ed. with memoir by Wace, H. 2 vols. 1884. Edns. of Goodman, Bp. G., The Court of James I., 1839; The Court and Times of Charles I., 1848. Edns. (in Rolls series) of Giraldus Cambrensis, Opera, vols.
I–IV, 1861, etc.; Monumenta Franciscana, vol. 1, 1858; R. Bacon, Opera quaedam, vol. 1, 1859, etc. The Student’s Hume. 1878. - Brougham and Vaux, Henry, Lord (1778–1868). Historical Sketches of Statesmen in the time of George III. 3 series in 5 vols. 1839–43. 6 vols. 1845. Trans. into French as Esquisses historiques by Legeay, U. Lyons, 1847. Lives of Men of Letters and Science in the time of George III. 2 series. 1845–6.
- Life and Times of Lord Brougham written by himself. 3 vols. 1871.
- See, also, bibliography to sec.
C, post. - Bruce, John (1745–1826). Review of the Events and Treaties which established the Balance of Power in Europe and the Balance of Trade in favour of Great Britain. 1796. Report on the arrangements made for the internal defence of these kingdoms [at the time of the Spanish Armada]. (Privately ptd. for the use of Pitt’s government.) 1798. Report on the events and circumstances which produced the Union of England and Scotland, etc. 2 vols. 1799. Report on the arrangements [made at previous dates when France threatened invasions of Great Britain or Ireland]. (Privately ptd. for the use of the government.) 1801. Annals of the East India Company from their establishment in 1600 to the union of the London and East India Companies. 3 vols. 1810.
- Bruce, John (1802–1869). Correspondence of Archbishop Parker, 1535–75. Ed. with Perowne, T. T. (Parker soc.) 1853. Calendars of State Papers. Charles I. 1625–39. 12 vols. 1858–71. (The last volume by Hamilton, W. D.) Papers relating to William 1st Earl of Gowrie. Privately ptd. 1867. Contributions to the publications of the society of Antiquaries, the Camden society, Archaeologia, etc.
- Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of Civilization in England. Vol. 1. 1857. Vol.
II. 1861. Rptd. as History of Civilization in England, France, Spain and Scotland. 3 vols. 1866. Tr. into German, 1860; French, 1860; and Russian. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. Ed., with a biographical notice, by Taylor, Helen. 3 vols. 1872. (Includes Lecture on Influence of Woman on the Progress of Knowledge, April, 1858; tr. into Dutch; Review of Mill on Liberty, May, 1850; Fragment on the Reign of Elizabeth (posthumous).) - For a complete bibliography and list of notices of Buckle, see Leslie Stephen’s notice of him in D. of N. B. vol.
VII, 1886. - Burdy, Samuel (1759–1820). The History of Scotland, to the Union. 1817.
- Burton, John Hill. Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1846. Lives of Simon, Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes of Culloden. 1847. Political and Social Economy. Edinburgh, 1849. The Darien Papers (1695–1700). Ed. Burton, J. H. (Bannatyne club). 1849. The Book-Hunter. 1862. The Scot Abroad. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1864. History of Scotland from Agricola’s Invasion to 1688. 7 vols. Edinburgh, 1867–70. History of Scotland from the Revolution to the extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection (1689–1748). 2 vols. 1853. History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1880.
- Carlyle, Thomas. See bibliography to Vol. XIII, Chap. 1, ante.
- Church, Richard William (dean of St. Paul’s). See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XII, ante. - Clarke, H. Butler (1863–1904). The Cid, and the waning of the Crescent in the West (Heroes of the Nations). New York, 1907. Modern Spain; with memoir of B. C. by Hutton, W. H. Cambridge, 1906.
- Clarkson, Thomas (1760–1846). History of the abolition of the African Slavetrade. 2 vols. 1808.
- Clowes, Sir William Laird (1856–1905). With Markham, Sir Cl., Mahan, A. T. and others: The Royal Navy: its history from the earliest times. 7 vols. 1903.
- —— Four Modern Naval Campaigns. 1902.
- Collins, William Edward, bp. of Gibraltar. The Authority of General Councils. (Church Hist. soc.) 1896. The English Reformation and its Consequences. (Ib.) 1898. The Nature and Force of the Canon Law. (Ib.) 1898. Church and State in England before the Conquest. (Ib.) 1903. The Study of Ecclesiastical History. 1903.
- Mason, A. J. W. E. Collins, bp. of Gibraltar. 1912.
- Cook, George (1772–1845). History of the Reformation in Scotland. 6 vols. 1811–5.
- Craik, George L. (1798–1866). With MacFarlane, C. The Pictorial History of England [to the accession of George III.]. 4 vols. 1838–41. Continued during reign of George III. 4 vols. 1841–4. Index by Hamilton, G. 1850. Spenser and his Poetry. 3 vols. 1845. Sketches of the history of literature and learning in England. 6 vols. 1844–5. Compendious History of the same from the Conquest. 2 vols. 1861.
- Creighton, Mandell, bp. of London. Primer of Roman History. 1875, and later edns. French tr. by Pélicier. 1885. The Tudors and the Reformation. (Epochs of English History.) 1876. The Age of Elizabeth. (Epochs of English History.) 1876. Simon de Montfort. (Historical Biographies.) 1876. The Shilling History of England: being an introductory volume to Epochs of English History. 1879. Rptd. with continuation to 1900 by Creighton, Louise, 1904. History of the Papacy during the period of the Reformation. 5 vols. 1882–97. 2nd edn. 6 vols. 1897. Memoir of Sir George Grey. Privately ptd. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1884. Rptd., with introd. by Grey, Sir Edward, 1901. Cardinal Wolsey. (Twelve English Statesmen series). 1888. Carlisle. (Historic Towns series.) 1889. Persecution and Tolerance. (Hulsean lectures, 1893–4.) 1895. Queen Elizabeth. Illustrated edn. 1896. 2nd edn. 1899. The Heritage of the Spirit. 1896. Lessons from the Cross. 1898. Historical Essays and Reviews. 1902. [Most of C’s lectures, addresses, articles and reviews are collected in this and in The Church and the Nation, infra.] Thoughts on Education. 1902. Introd. to Camb. Modern Hist. vol. 1. Cambridge, 1902. Historical Lectures and Addresses. 1903. University and other Sermons. 1903. The Mind of St. Peter and other Sermons. 1904. The Church and the Nation: Charges and Addresses. 1906.
- Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton. By his Wife. 2 vols. 1904.
- Paul, H. Stray Leaves. 1906.
- For a full bibliography of Bp. Creighton’s works see vol.
II of his Life and Letters by Mrs. Creighton. Cf. also, as to his historical writings, Shaw, W. A., Bibliography of the Historical Works of Bp. Creighton and others (R. Hist. soc.), 1903. - Dixon, R. Watson (1833–1900). History of the Church of England from abolition of Roman jurisdiction. 6 vols. 1878–1902. Poems, with memoir by Bridges, R. 1909.
- Doyle, John Andrew (1844–1907). History of America. 1875. The English in America. 5 vols. 1882–1907. Essays on various subjects, ed. Ker, W. P., with introduction by Anson, Sir W. R. 1911.
- Dunlop, John Colin (d. 1842). The History of Fiction. 1814. History of Roman Literature. 1823–8. Memoirs of Spain during the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II. 1834.
- Elphinstone, Mount Stuart (1779–1859). History of India (Indian and Mahometan periods). 2 vols. 1841. 5th edn., with notes and additions by Cowell, F. B. 1866.
- Falkiner, Caesar Litton. Studies in Irish History and Biography, mainly in the 18th century. 1902. Illustrations of Irish History and Topography, mainly in the 17th century. 1904. Essays relating to Ireland [17th century] Ed. Dowden, E. 1909.
- Freeman, Edward Augustus. Principles of Church Restoration. 1846. Thoughts on the Study of History. Oxford, 1849. A History of Architecture. 1849. Essay on the Origin and Development of Window Tracery in England. 1850. Poems Legendary and Historical. (With Cox, Sir G. W.) 1850. On the Architecture of Llandaff Cathedral. 1850. Suggestions with regard to the proposed alterations in the University and Colleges of Oxford. (With Dickinson, F. H.) Oxford, 1854. The History and Antiquities of St. David’s. (With Jones, W. B., afterwards bp. of St. David’s.) Oxford, 1856. The History and the Conquests of the Saracens. Six Lectures. Oxford, 1856. Ancient Greece and Mediaeval Italy. In Oxford Essays. 1857. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Preface to vol.
VII, completed by F. 1858. Leominster Church and Priory. With Townsend, G. F. 1863. The History of the Norman Conquest of England. 6 vols. Oxford, 1867–79. Old English History for Children. 1869. History of the Cathedral Church of Wells. 1870. Historical Essays. 4 series. 1871–92. The Growth of the English Constitution from the earliest times. 1872. General Sketch of European History. 1872. The Unity of History. (Rede Lecture.) Cambridge, 1872. Comparative Politics. 1873. Disestablishment and Disendowment: what are they? 1874. History of Europe. (Macmillan’s History Primers.) 1875. Historical and Architectural Sketches. Illustrated. 1876. The Ottoman Power in Europe. 1877. The Turks in Europe. (Politics for the People.) 1877. Sketches from Subject and Neighbour Lands of Venice. 1881. The Historical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. 1881. Lectures to American Audiences. 1882. The Reign of William Rufus. 2 vols. Oxford, 1882. Introduction to American Constitutional History. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies.) 1882. Some Impressions of the United States of America. 1883. The Office of the Historical Professor. Inaugural Lecture. 1884. Rptd., in Methods of Historical Study, 1886. The Chief Periods of European History. 1886. Greater Greece and Greater Britain; and George Washington the Expander of England. Two Lectures. 1886. Exeter. (Historic Towns.) 1887. Fifty Years of European History. Teutonic Conquest in Gaul and Britain. Lectures. 1888. William the Conqueror. (Twelve English Statesmen.) 1888. Studies of Travel (Greece and Italy). 2 vols. 1893. Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine. Ed. Hutton, W. H. 1897. - Stephens, W. R. W. Life and Letters of E. A. Freeman. 2 vols. 1895. (Full bibliography in Vol. II.)
- Froude, James Anthony. Life of St. Neot. (Lives of the English Saints, 1844–5.) (Vol.
III of the new edn., 1900.) Shadows of the Clouds. By Zeta. 1847. The Nemesis of Faith. 1849. With an introd. by Hutcheson, W. G. 1904. Suggestions on teaching English History. Oxford Essays. Vol. 1. 1855. A History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 1856–70, and later edns. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Four series. 1867–83, and later edns. Calvinism. (Address at St. Andrews.) 1871. The English in Ireland in the 18th century. 3 vols. 1872–4. Caesar. 1879. Bunyan. 1880. Luther: a short biography. 1883. Oceana, or England and her Colonies. 1886, and later edns. The English in the West Indies, or the Bow of Ulysses. 1888. The Two Chiefs of Dunboy. 1889. [A novel.] Lord Beaconsfield. 1890. The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891. The Spanish Story of the Armada, and other Essays. 1892. The Life and Letters of Erasmus. Lectures. 1894. English Seamen in the 16th century. 1895. Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1896. - See, also, as to Froude’s books concerning Carlyle, Vol. XIII, Chap. 1, bibliography.
- Paul, H. The Life of J. A. Froude. 1905.
- Stephen, Sir L. Studies of a Biographer. Vol.
III. 1902. - Fyffe, Charles Alan (1845–92). A History of Modern Europe, 1792–1878. 3 vols. 1880–9. Popular edn. 1895. [A valuable book by a historical student of much promise.]
- Gairdner, James. Memorials of King Henry VII. (Rolls series.) 1858. Letters and Papers of the Reigns of Richard III and Henry VII. (Ib.) 2 vols. 1861–3. The Paston Letters. With Introd. by Gairdner, J. 3 vols. 1872–5. 3rd edn., with additions. 1904. Three 15th century Chronicles. Ed. G. (Camden soc.) 1876. Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the 15th century. Ed. G. (Ib.) 1876. Life of Richard III. 1878. Revised 1898. Studies in English History. (With James Spedding.) 1881. Henry VII. (Twelve English Statesmen.) 1889. The Spousells of the Princess Mary, 1508. (Camden soc.) 1895. A History of the English Church from the accession of Henry VIII to the death of Mary. (Vol.
IV of Hist. of English Church, ed. by Stevens, W. R. V. and Hunt, W. 1902). Lollardy and the Reformation in England. Vols.I–IV. 1908–13. (Vol.IV, ed., with memoir, by Hunt, W.) Calendar of Letters and Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII. Vols.V–XXI, 33 pts. ed. G. (The Prefaces to vols.I–IV publ. by Brewer, J. S., under the title of The Reign of Henry VIII, etc., 2 vols., 1884, are likewise by G.) - Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. History of England from the Accession of James I to the Disgrace of Chief Justice Coke, 1603–10. 2 vols. 1863. Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617–23. 2 vols. 1869. A History of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I, 1627–8. 2 vols. 1875. The Personal Government of Charles I. A History of England from the Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham to the Declaration of the Judges on Ship-Money, 1628–37. 2 vols. 1877. The Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I, 1637–40. 2 vols. 1882. A revised second edn. of all the foregoing, under the title: History of England from the Accession of James I to the Outbreak of the Civil War, 1603–42, 10 vols., 1883–4. The Thirty Years’ War. (Epochs of Modern History.) 1874. The First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, 1603–60. (Epochs of Modern History.) 1876. Introduction to the Study of English History. (Part 1 by G., S. R., part
II by Mullinger, J. B.) 1881, and later edns. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1628–60. Selected and ed. by G. Oxford, 1889, 1899. A Student’s History of England from the Earliest Times to 1885. 3 vols. 1890–1, and later edns. Ed. in one volume. 1892. A Comparison Atlas. 1892. History of the Great Civil War, 1642–9. 3 vols. 1886–91. 4 vols. 1893. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649–60. 3 vols. (Vol.III. to 1656.) 1894–1901. Cromwell’s Place in History. (Founded on Ford Lectures.) 1896. What Gunpowder Plot was. 1897. Oliver Cromwell. With illustrations. 1899. Text only. 1901. - For a complete bibliography of works and contributions, see Shaw, W. A., Bibliography of the Historical Works of S. R. Gardiner and others (R. Hist. soc.), 1903.
- Gilbert, Sir John Thomas. Historical Essays on Ireland. Rptd. from The Irish Quarterly Review. Dublin, 1851. History of the City of Dublin. 3 vols. Dublin, 1859–61. Celtic Records and Historic Literature of Ireland. 1861. Public Records of Ireland. Letters by an Irish Archivist. 1863–4. On the History, etc., of the Public Records of Ireland. 1865. History of the Viceroys of Ireland. Dublin, 1865. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland (1172–1320). 1870. Facsimiles of National MSS. of Ireland. 3 pts. 1874–80. Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland (1641–52). 3 vols. in 6. 1879–80. History of the Irish Confederation and the War in Ireland, 1641–9. 7 vols. Dublin, 1882–91. Chartularies of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin. 2 vols. 1884–5. Calendar of Ancient Records of Dublin. (Ed.) 7 vols. Dublin, 1889–1897.
- Gilbert, Lady. Life of Sir J. T. Gilbert. 1905.
- Grant Duff, James (1789–1858). History of the Mahrattas. 3 vols. 1826.
- Green, John Richard. Oxford during the last century. (Two series of papers, of which the second is by G.) Rptd. in Oxford Studies, Oxford, 1859 and 1901. A Short History of the English People. 1874, and many later edns. Revised by Green, Mrs. J. R. 1889. Illustr. ed., edd. Green, Mrs. J. R., and Norgate, Kate. 4 vols. 1893–4. Translated into French by Hunt, Mary, with introd. by Guyot, Yves, Paris, 1885; and by Monod, A., with introd. by Monod, G., Paris, 1888; into German by Kirchner, E., with preface by Stern, A., Berlin, 1899; into Italian by Fortias-Santarelli, Florence, 1884; into Russian by Nikolaer, P., Moscow, 1891–2; into Chinese, 1898. Stray Studies from England and Italy. 1876. History of the English People. 4 vols. 1877–80. 8 vols. (Eversley series.) 1895–6. Readings from English History. Selected and edited by Green, J. R. 3 pts. 1879. A Short Geography of the British Islands. By Green, J. R. and Alice Stopford. 1880. The Making of England. 1881. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1900. The Conquest of England. 1883. Essays of Joseph Addison. (Ed.) 1888.
- Letters. Ed. Stephen, Leslie. 1901.
- Grub, George (1812–1892). Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1861.
- Hallam, Henry. A View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 1818, and later edns. With supplementary notes, etc. 1848. French tr. by Dudoit and Borghers. 4 vols. 1820–2. The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 1827, and later edns. French tr. by Borghers, revised by Guizot. 5 vols. Paris, 1828–9. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 4 vols. 1837–9, and later edns. French tr. by Borghers. 4 vols. Paris, 1839–40.
- Mignet, F. A. M. Hallam. In Éloges historiques. Paris, 1864.
- Heywood, Samuel (1753–1828). Dissertation on Ranks and Classes of Society under Anglo-Saxon Governments. 1818.
- Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Calendars of State Papers relating to negotiations between England and Spain in Archives of Simancas, etc. Vols.
I–IV, ed. 1892–4; Introd. to vol.VII, 1899; vols.VIII and, with Tyler, R.,IX, ed. 1904–12. The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. 1896. The Year after the Armada, and other Historical Studies. 1896. Sir Walter Ralegh. 1897. Philip II. of Spain. 1897. Spain: its Greatness and Decay, 1479–1788. With introd. by Armstrong, E. Cambridge, 1898. Modern Spain, 1788–1898. Cambridge, 1899. The Spanish People: their Origin, Growth and Influence. 1901. Spanish Influence on English Literature. 1905. The Great Lord Burghley. 1906. H. also wrote in Spanish: Españoles é Ingleses en el sigloXVI. Madrid, 1903. - Hunter, Sir William Wilson (1840–1900). The Annals of Rural Bengal. 3 vols. 1868–72. History of British India. 2 vols. 1899–1900.
- Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (1826–1904). A Critical Examination of Irish History. 2 vols. 1904.
- James, William (d. 1827). Naval history of Great Britain, 1793–1820. 5 vols. 1822–4. With additions by Chamier, F. 6 vols. 1837. Index by Toogood, C. G. (Navy Records soc.) 1895.
- Jessopp, Augustus (1823–1914). One generation of a Norfolk house: a contribution to Elizabethan history. Norwich, 1878. Visitations of the Diocese of Norwich. (1492–1532.) Ed. 1888. Arcady for better for worse. 1887. The Coming of the Friars, and other Historical Essays. 1889, and later edns. Before the Great Pillage. With other miscellanies. 1901. Studies by a Recluse. 1893. John Donne. 1897. [J. was a lifelong student of English social history, and of that of the eastern counties in particular.
- Kaye, Sir John William. History of the War in Afghanistan. 2 vols. 1851, and later edns. History of the Administration of the East India Company. 1853. The Life and Correspondence of Charles Lord Metcalfe. 2 vols. 1854. The Life and Correspondence of Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. 1856. The History of the Sepoy War in India. 3 vols. 1864–76. Lives of Indian Officers. 2 vols. 1867. See, also, post, Malleson, G. B.
- Kemble, John Mitchell. Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, etc. 2 vols. 1833–7. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici. 6 vols. 1839–48. State Papers, 1688–1714. 1857. Utility of Antiquarian Collections. 1857. The Saxons in England. 2 vols. 1849. Ed. Birch, W. de G. 1876. Horae Ferales; Studies in Archaeology of Northern nations. 1863.
- Kinglake, Alexander William. Eothen, or Traces of Travel brought home from the East. 1844, and later edns. The Invasion of the Crimea. 8 vols. Edinburgh, 1863–87, and later edns. Adapted for military students by Clarke, Sir G. S., with atlas. 1899.
- Hayward, A. Mr. Kinglake and the Quarterlies. 1863.
- Kingsford, William (1819–1898). History of Canada. 10 vols. Toronto, 1887–98.
- Knight, Charles (1791–1873). William Caxton: a biography. 1844. The Popular History of England. 8 vols. 1856–62. Passages of a working life, with early reminiscences. 3 vols. 1864–5. See, also, bibliography to Vol. V, Chaps.
VIII–XII. - Laing, Malcolm (1762–1818). A History of Scotland, 1603–1802. 4 vols. 2nd edn. 1804.
- Lang, Andrew. History of Napoleon I (to end of 1811). 4 vols. 1871–9. Translation of French original by L. 5 vols. 1867–75. Life, Letters and Diaries of Sir S. Northcote, first Earl of Iddesleigh. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1890. Oxford: Brief History and Descriptive Notes. St. Andrews, 1893. Life and Letters of J. G. Lockhart. 2 vols. 1897. Pickle the Spy. 1897. The Highlands of Scotland in 1750, from a MS. in the King’s Library, with Introduction. Edinburgh, 1898. History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1900–7. Prince Charles Edward. 1900. New edn. 1903. The Mystery of Mary Stuart. 1901, and later edns. James VI and the Gowrie Mystery. 1902. The Gowrie Conspiracy: Confessions of George Sprot. Ed. L., A. (Roxburghe club.) 1902. Historical Mysteries. 1904. John Knox and the Reformation. 1905. Sir Walter Scott. Literary Lives. 1906. The Maid of France: Life and Death of Jeanne d’Arc. 1908. Sir G. Mackenzie, King’s Advocate. His Life and Times. 1909. Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy. 1910. A Short History of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1911. History of English Literature from Beowulf to Swinburne. 1912.
- Laughton, Sir J. K. (1830–1915). Studies in Naval History. 1887. Nelson. (English Men of Action.) 1895. Memoirs of Henry Reeve. 1898.
- Law, Thomas Graves. A Calendar of the English Martyrs, 16–17th cent. and with introd. 1876. The Archpriest controversy: documents relative to dissension of the Roman Catholic clergy, 1597–1602. (Camden and R. Historical society.) 1896–8. Collected essays and reviews. Ed., with memoir, by Brown, P. Hume. Edinburgh, 1904.
- Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. 1861. Revised edn. 1871. Revised edn. (with life of Swift omitted). 2 vols. 1903. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. 1865, and later edns. German tr. by Jolowicz, and by Ritter, I. H. Hungarian tr. History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 vols. 1869, etc. German tr. by Jolowicz. History of England in the Eighteenth Century. 8 vols. 1878–90. (In the edn. of 1892 the English and Irish portions are separated.) German tr. by Löwe. Poems. 1891. Democracy and Liberty. 2 vols. 1896, and later edns. The Map of Life: Conduct and Character. 1899, and later edns. German, Hungarian and Russian tr. Historical and Political Essays. 1908.
- A Memoir of the Rt. Hon. W. E. H. Lecky, by his Wife. 1909.
- Lingard, John. The Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vols. Newcastle, 1806. 3rd edn. (entirely recast) under the title: The History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vols. 1845.
- Reply to Observations of the Edinburgh Review on Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. The Pamphleteer, vol.
VII, 1816. - —— History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688. 8 vols. 1819–30. 2nd edn., 14 vols., 1823–30; 4th edn., corrected and enlarged, 13 vols., 1837–9; 5th (library) edn., 10 vols., 1849–51. Tr. into French by Roujoux. 2nd edn., 1833–8, continued by de Martes and revised by L. Tr. into German; and into Italian, by Gregori.
- Allen, John. Art. on Lingard’s History in The Edinburgh Review. Vol.
XLII. April, 1825. A Vindication [by L.] of certain passages in the Fourth and Fifth volumes of the History of England. 1826. Allen, John. Reply to L.’s Vindication. 1827. Vindication, 5th edn., With postscript in answer to Allen’s Reply. 1827. Phillpotts, H., bp. of Exeter. Letters to Chas. Butler on his Book of the Catholic Church. 1826. L.’s reply to this, in Butler’s Vindication of the Book of the R. Catholic Church. 1826. - —— A Collection of Tracts on several subjects connected with the Civil and Religious Principles of Catholics. 1826. This collection arose out of the publication of a charge by bishop Shute of Durham, 1806, reprinted by him under the title of The Grounds on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome. L. answered the original publication in Remarks on the Bishop of Durham’s Charge, 1807, which in its turn provoked several replies. To these Lingard printed a series of answers. He replied to the bishop’s second edition in 1809, adding further Remarks on particular points of doctrine. In the Collection are other tracts by L., among which a historical interest belongs to Documents to ascertain in the Sentiments of British Catholics … respecting the Power of the Popes (1812); A Review of certain Anti-Catholic Publications (by bishops Huntingford and Tomline, and Lord Kenyon), 1813, which passed through several editions; and a criticism of two tracts by bishop Burgess. The Charters granted to the Burgesses of Preston. Preston, 1821. Remarks on the Saint-Cuthbert of the Rev. James Raine. Newcastle, 1828.
- Haile, M. and Binney, E. Life and Letters of John Lingard. [1911.] Pp. 383–8, where will be found a complete bibliography, including a list of other controversial tracts and articles. L. also published Catechetical Instructions in the Doctrines and Worship of the Catholic Church, 1840, and later edns.
- Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyns. Asiatic Studies. 1882. 2nd series. 1899. Verses written in India. 1889, and later edns. Warren Hastings. (English Men of Action.) 1889. The Rise and Expansion of the British dominion in India. 1893. Tennyson. (English Men of Letters.) 1902. The Life of the Marquis of Dufferin. 2 vols. 1905. Studies in Literature and History. (Ed. by Miller, J. O.) 1915.
- Durand, Sir Mortimer. Life of Sir Alfred Lyall. Edinburgh, 1913.
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. Lays of Ancient Rome. 1842, and many later edns.: that of 1848 contains Ivry and The Armada. Critical and Historical Essays contributed to The Edinburgh Review. 3 vols. 1843, and later edns. Ed. Montague, F. C., with introd. and notes. 3 vols. 1903. (A dated list of the essays included is in Stephen, L., art. on Macaulay in D. of N. B., vol.
XXXIV, 1893.) Inaugural Address as Lord Rector of Glasgow. 1849. History of England. 5 vols. 1849–61. (Vol.V, ed. by Trevelyan, Lady.) Many later edns. 8 vols. 1858–62, with life of the author by Milman in vol.VIII. Illustrated edn., ed. Firth, C. H., 6 vols. 1913–15. Tr. into Danish by Bauditz, W., 4 vols., Copenhagen, 1852–8; into Dutch by Deventer, J. C., van, 4 vols., Amsterdam, 1868; into French by Pichot, A., 4 vols., Paris, 1857–61; into German by Beseler, W. and Stromberg, T., 8 vols., Brunswick, 1862–3. - Paget, John. The New “Examen,” or an Inquiry into the evidence relating to certain passages in Lord Macaulay’s History. 1861. (Originally appeared in Blackwood’s Magazine, 1859–60, with the exception of Marlborough and William Penn, 1858. Rptd. in the same author’s Paradoxes and Puzzles, historical, judicial, and literary, where the papers on the Wigtown Martyrs and Spencer Cowper’s case are also against M.)
- —— Speeches, corrected by himself. 1854. Miscellaneous Writings. Ed. Ellis, T. F. 2 vols. 1860. Works. Ed. Trevelyan, Lady. 8 vols. 1866.
- Arnold, F. The Public Life of Lord Macaulay. 1862.
- Bagehot, W. Literary Studies. 2 vols. 1879 [1878].
- Jebb, Sir R. C. Macaulay. 1900.
- Morison, J. C. Macaulay. 1882.
- Morley, Viscount. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays.
- Paul, H. Men and Letters. 1901.
- Saintsbury, G. Corrected Impressions. 1895.
- Stephen, Sir L. Hours in a Library. 3rd ser. 1879.
- Trevelyan, Sir G. O. Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. 2 vols. 1876, and later edns.
- McCarthy, Justin (1830–1912). History of our own times, 1837–1905. 7 vols. 1879–1905. History of the four Georges and William IV. Vols.
I, II. 1884–1890. (Completed by McCarthy, J. H.) Modern England. 2 vols. 1899. British Political Leaders. 1903. - McCrie, Thomas. Works. Edited by his son Thos. McCrie. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1855–7. The Life of John Knox, containing illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1812, and many later edns: that of 1840, with memoir, by Crichton, A. The Life of Andrew Melville, containing Illustrations of the Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Scotland. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1819, and later edns. Memoirs of William Veitch and George Brysson, written by themselves, with other Narratives illustrative of the H. of S. to the Revolution. Edinburgh, 1825, and later edns. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy. Edinburgh, 1827. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain. Edinburgh, 1829. Miscellaneous Writings, collected and edited by his son. 1841. (Contains among other papers M.’s review of Scott’s Tales of my Landlord; his strictures on the picture of the Covenanters in Old Mortality appeared in the Christian Instructor, January to March, 1817.) The Early Years of Calvin. A fragment. Ed. Ferguson, W. Edinburgh, 1880. See, also, Veitch, W. (sec.
B, post). - Life of Thomas McCrie, D.D. By his son. Edinburgh, 1840.
- Macfarlane, Charles (d. 1858). See Craik, G. L., ante. [M.’s contribution is the civil and military history.]
- Mackintosh, Sir James. A History of England. Vols.
I–III. (Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopedia.) 1830. Life of Sir Thomas More. (Ib.) 1830. History of the Revolution in England in 1688. Completed to the settlement of the Crown by the editor (Wallace, W.) with a notice of the life, writings and speeches of M. 1834. - Macaulay, Lord. Review of above. Edinburgh Review, July, 1835. Rptd., in Critical and Historical Essays. vol.
II. - —— Tracts and Speeches. Privately ptd. 1840. Miscellaneous Works. 3 vols. 1846.
- Mackintosh, R. J. Memoirs of Sir James Mackintosh. 2 vols. 1836.
- See, also, bibliography, Vol. XI, p. 399, ante. See, also, under Mill, James, post.
- Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner. (With Lushington, F.): Memoir of H. F. Hallam. [1851.] Rptd. in A. H. Hallam’s Remains. 1863. Ancient Law. 1861, and later edns. 10th edn., with introduction and notes by Pollock, Sir F. 1876. Village Communities in the East and West. 1871, and later edns. Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. 1875. Dissertations on Early Law and Custom. 1883. Popular Government. Four Essays. 1885. International Law (Whewell lecture, 1887). 1888.
- Grant Duff, Sir M. E. Maine: a brief memoir, with Indian speeches and Minutes. 1892.
- Vinogradoff, P. The Teaching of Sir Henry Maine. 1904.
- Maitland, Frederic William. Why the History of English Law is not Written. (Inaugural Lecture.) Cambridge, 1884. Justice and Police. 1885. Bracton’s Note Book. Ed. Cambridge, 1887. Records of the Parliament holden at Westminster on 28 Feb., 1305. [Rolls ser., 98.] 1893. History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. (With Sir Frederick Pollock.) 2 vols. 1895. The Mirror of Justices. Ed. (with Whittaker, W. J.). (Selden soc. publ.) 1895. Bracton and Azo. Ed. (Selden soc. publ.) 1895. Year Books of Edward II. [Text and transl.] Vols.
I–III. (Selden soc. publ.) 1903–5. Domesday Book and beyond: Three Essays. Cambridge, 1897. Roman Canon Law in the Church of England: Six Essays. 1898. Township and borough (Ford Lectures, 1897); with notes relating to history of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1898. English Law and the Renaissance. (Rede Lecture.) Cambridge, 1901. Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. 1906. The Constitutional History of England. (Lectures.) Ed. Fisher, H. A. L. Cambridge, 1908. Collected papers. Ed. by the same. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1911. - See, also, Bateson, Mary, ante.
- Fisher, H. A. L. Frederic William Maitland. Cambridge, 1910.
- Liebermann, F., in Histor. Zeitschrift, 3rd ser.
XVIII., 2 (1915). - Smith, A. L. Frederic William Maitland: two lectures and a bibliography. Oxford, 1908.
- Maitland, Samuel Roffey (1792–1866). Facts and Documents illustrative of the History, Doctrine and Rites of the ancient Albigenses and Waldenses. 1832. Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. 1838. The Dark Ages. 1844. (The latter two volumes are rptd. from The British Magazine. 1835 ff.)
- Malcolm, Sir John (1769–1833). History of Persia. 2 vols. 1815. Political History of India, 1784–1823. 2 vols. 1826.
- Malleson, George Bruce. The Mutiny of the Bengal Army. 2 pts. 1858. History of the French in India, 1674–1761. 1868. Recreations of an Indian Official. 1872. (Biographical articles on Anglo-Indians.) Essays and Lectures on Historical Subjects. 1876. Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. 1878. History of Afghanistan. 1878. History of the Indian Mutiny (in continuation of vols.
I andII of Kaye’s Sepoy War). 3 vols. 1878–80. The two published together as Kaye and Malleson’s History of the Indian Mutiny. 6 vols. 1890. Akbar. (Rulers of India.) 1890. Dupleix. (Ib.) 1890. Life of Warren Hastings. 1894. - Marshman, John Clark (1794–1877). The History of India. 3 vols. 1867.
- Martineau, Harriet. History of England during the Thirty Years’ Peace. 1816–46. (Book I by Knight, Charles.) 2 vols. 1849–50. 2nd edn. under title History of the Thirty Years’ Peace. 4 vols. 1877–8. Introduction to The History of the Peace, 1800–1815. 1851, 1878. Biographical Sketches. 1869. British Rule in India: Historical Sketch. 1857.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. XI, Chap.
XVI, ante. - Massey, William Nathanael (1809–1881). A History of England during the reign of George III. 4 vols. 1855–63.
- May, Sir Thomas Erskine (afterwards Lord Farnborough) (1815–1886). Rules, Orders and Forms of Procedure of the House of Commons. Printed by order of Parliament. 1854. The Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George III. (1760–1860.) 2 vols. 1861–3. 3rd edn., with supplementary chapter. 3 vols. 1871. Democracy in Europe: A History. 2 vols. 1877.
- Merivale, Herman (1806–1874). Lectures on Colonization and Colonies (1839–41). 1841. Historical Studies. 1865. Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis. By Parkes, J. Completed by M. 1867. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. Vol.
II. 1872. (Vol. 1. by Edwardes, Sir H. B.) - Mill, James. History of British India. 3 vols. 1817. 4th edn. Ed., with continuation, by Wilson, H. H. 10 vols. 1858. Essays on Government, Jurisprudence, etc. 1825–8. Elements of Political Economy. 1821. A Fragment on Mackintosh. 1870.
- Bain, A. James Mill: A Biography. 1882.
- See, also, bibliography to Chap. 1, ante.
- Molesworth, William Nassau. The History of the Reform Bill of 1832. 1864. The History of England from 1830 to 1873. 1873. The History of the Church of England from 1660. 1864.
- Morfill, William Richard (1834–1909). Slavonic Literature. 1883. Grammar of Russian. 1889. Grammar of Bohemian or Cech. 1899. Russia. (Story of the Nations.) 1890, and later edns. Poland. (Ib.) 1890. A History of Russia. 1902.
- Napier, Mark (1798–1879). Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston. Edinburgh, 1834. Montrose and the Covenanters. 2 vols. 1838. The Life and Times of Montrose. Edinburgh, 1840. Memorials of Montrose. (Maitland club.) 2 vols. Ib. 1856. Memorials of Claverhouse. 3 vols. Ib. 1859–62.
- Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick. Art. on Junius. Edinburgh Review. 1821. History of the War in the Peninsula and South of France. 6 vols. 1828–40, and later edns. Reply to various opponents. 1833. Justification of vol.
III (Albuera). 1833. Letter to Visct. Beresford. 1834. Reply to Lord Strangford’s Observations. 1835. The Conquest of Scinde, with introductory passages in the life of Sir Charles Napier. 1845. - The Conquest of Scinde. A commentary by Outram, Sir James. 1846.
- —— Sir William Francis Patrick. History of Sir Charles Napier’s Administration of Scinde, and Campaign in the Cutchee Hills. 1851. The Life and Opinions of Sir Charles Napier. 4 vols. 1857.
- Buist, G. Corrections of a few of the errors contained in Sir W. Napier’s Life of Sir Charles Napier. 1857.
- Life of Sir William F. P. Napier. Ed. Bruce, H. A. [Lord Aberdare.] 2 vols. 1864.
- Holmes, T. R. E. Two Famous Soldiers. Sir W. Napier. 1889.
- Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret (1828–1897). The Life of Edward Irving. 2 vols. 1862. The Makers of Florence. 1876, and later edns. The Literary History of England to end of eighteenth and beginning of nineteenth centuries. 3 vols. 1882. Memories of Laurence and Alice Oliphant. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1891.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. XIII, Chap.
XIII. - Orme, Robert. A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan from 1745. 2 vols. in 3. 1763–78, and later edns. Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, of the Morattoes, and of the English concerns in Indostan from 1659. 1782. Rptd., with memoir, 1805.
- Overton, John Henry. William Law, monjuror and mystic. 1881. Life in the English Church, 1660–1714. 1885. The Evangelical Revival. 1886. The Nonjurors. 1902. The English Church in the 19th century. 1894. The Church in England. (The National Churches.) 2 vols. 1897. With Abdy, C. J.: The English Church in the 18th century. 1878.
- Palgrave, Sir Francis. Parliamentary Writs. 1827–34. Wace’s Le Romant des Ducs de Normandie. 1828. History of England (Family Library). Vol. 1. (No more published.) 1831. The Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth. 2 pts. 1832. An Essay on the Original Authority of the King’s Council. 1834. Rotuli Curiae Regis. 1835. The Ancient Kalenders and Inventories of the Treasury. 1836. Truths and Fictions of the Middle Ages: the Merchant and the Friar. 1837. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland. Vol. 1, 1837. Annual Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1840–61. Index. 1865. Handbook for Travellers in Northern Italy. 1842, and later edns. The Lord and the Vassal. A familiar exposition of the Feudal System of the Middle Ages. 1844. The History of Normandy and England. 4 vols. 1851–64.
- [A collected edition of the Works of Sir F. P., edited by his son, Sir R. H. Inglis Palgrave, is in the press (Cambridge).]
- Payne, Edward John. The Voyages of Elizabethan Seamen to America. (From Hakluyt.) 1880, 1907. History of the New World called America. Vols.
I, II. Oxford, 1892–9. Colonies and Colonial Federation. 1904. - Pearson, Charles Henry (1830–94). The Early and Middle Ages of England. Rewritten as History of England during the Early and Middle Ages. 2 vols. 1867. English History in the 14th century. 1876. National Life and Character. 1893.
- Memorials by himself, his wife, and his friends. Ed. Stebbing, W. 1900.
- Powell, Frederick York (1850–1904). History of England. With Tout, T. F. 3 parts. 1885–98. New edn. 1900. Origines Islandicae. Ed. and tr. by Vigfússon, G. and Powell, F. Y. Oxford, 1905 etc.
- Elton, O. F. Y. Powell: a life, with selections from his letters and occasional writings. 2 vols. 1906.
- Prendergast, John Patrick. The History of the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. 1865, 1870. The Tory War in Ulster. 2 pts. Privately ptd. Dublin, 1868. Report of the Carte MSS. (Bodleian) Commission. 1871. Ireland from the Restoration to the Revolution. 1887.
- Richey, Alexander George (1830–1883). Lectures on the History of Ireland. 2 series. Dublin and London, 1869–70.
- Robertson, Joseph (1810–1866). History of Scots affairs from 1637–1641. Ed. J. R. and J. Grub. (Spalding Club.) 3 vols. Aberdeen, 1841. Passages from the Diary of Gen. Patrick Gordon, 1635–79. (Spalding Club.) Aberdeen, 1859. Concilia Scotiae. Eccl. Scot. Statuta, 1225–1559. (Bannatyne Club.) 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. History of Agriculture and Prices in England, 1259–1793. 8 vols. Oxford, 1866–1902. Historical Gleanings. 2 series. 1869–70. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. 1873. A Complete Collection of the Protests of the Lords: with historical introd. by Rogers, J. E. Thorold. 3 vols. Oxford, 1875. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 2 vols. 1884, and later edns. The British Citizen: his Rights and Privileges. 1885. Holland. (Story of the Nations.) 1888. The Economic Interpretation of History. 1888. Trans. into French, German and Spanish. Oxford City Documents. Ed. (Oxf. Hist. soc. publ.) 1891. Industrial and Commercial History of England. Lectures, ed. by Rogers, A. G. L. 1892.
- Seebohm, Frederic. The Oxford Reformers, Colet, Erasmus and More. 1867. 2nd edn. 1869. On International Reform. 1871. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. 1874. The English Village Community examined in its Relations to the Manorial and Tribal Systems, and to the Common or Open Field System of Husbandry. 1883. 3rd edn. 1884. The Tribal System in Wales. 1895. Tribal Customs in Anglo-Saxon Law. 1902.
- Seeley, Sir John Robert. Daniel and Samuel; with other Poems, original and translated. By John Robertson [ps.]. 1859. Lectures and Essays. 1870. Livy. Books
I–X. With introd., historical examinations, and notes. 1871. The Life and Times of Stein; or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1878. German tr., by Lehmann, E. 3 vols. and Index. Gotha, 1883–7. The Expansion of England, 1883, and later edns. A Short History of Napoleon. (Enlarged from Encyclopaedia Britannica.) 1886. French tr. by Baille, J. B. 1887. Goethe, reviewed after sixty years. 1894. The Growth of British Policy. With memoir by Prothero, G. W. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1895. An Introduction to Political Science. 1896. - See, also, bibliography, Vol. XII, Chap.
XIII, ante. - Skene, William Forbes. The Highlanders of Scotland: their origin, history, and antiquities. 2 vols. 1837. The Four Ancient Books of Wales. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1868. The Chronicles of the Picts and Scots. Ed. (Scottish Record publ.) 1867. The Chronicles of John of Fordun, etc. Ed. (Scottish Historians). Edinburgh, 1871. The Life of St. Columba by Adamnan. (Bp. Reeve’s edn.) Ed. Edinburgh, 1874. Celtic Scotland. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1876–80. Memorials of the Family of Skene of Skene. (New Spalding club.) Aberdeen, 1887.
- Smith, Goldwin. The Roman Empire of the West. In Oxford Essays. 1856. Oxford University Reform. Ib. 1858. Lectures on Modern History. 1861. Irish History and Character. Oxford, 1861. Rational Religion. (Lectures.) Oxford, 1861. The Empire, 1863. Lectures on the Study of History delivered at Oxford. 1859–61, 1865. England and America. 1865. Three English Statesmen (Pym—Cromwell—Pitt). 1867. The Reorganisation of the University. 1868. Cowper. (English Men of Letters.) 1880. Lectures and Essays. New York, 1881. Life of Jane Austen. 1892. Bay Leaves: Translations from the Latin Poets. 1893. The United States. An Outline of Political History. 1893. New edn. 2 vols. 1899. Essays on Questions of the Day, political and social. New York, 1893. Specimens of Greek Tragedy. 2 vols. New York, 1893. Oxford and her Colleges. 1894. A trip to England. (The Week.) Toronto, 1888. Rptd. 1895. Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, and other Essays. New York, 1897. Shakespeare the Man. Toronto, 1899. Commonwealth or Empire. New York, 1902. The Founder of Christendom. 1903. My Memory of Gladstone. No Refuge but in Truth. 1909. New York, 1893.
- Goldwin Smith: his life and opinions. By his Literary Executor. To which is appended U. S. Notes, being Goldwin Smith’s Journal during his first visit to America in 1864. n.d. A Selection from Goldwin Smith’s Correspondence, comprising chiefly Letters to and from his English friends written between 1846 and 1910. Collected by Haultain, A. n.d. [Mr. H. is preparing an edn. in 10 vols. of G. S.’s chief pamphlets and publications now out of print.]
- Smyth, William (1765–1849). English Lyrics. 1797, and later edns. 5th edn., with autobiography and memoir by his Brother. 1850. Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 1840, and later edns. Lectures on History. 2nd and concluding series: On the French Revolution. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1840, and later edns. Memoir of Sheridan. Privately ptd. 1840.
- Somerville, Thomas (1741–1830). History of Great Britain during the reign of Queen Anne. 1788. My own Life and Times. Ed. Lee, W. Edinburgh, 1861.
- Stanhope, Philip Henry, fifth earl. The Life of Belisarius. 1829. 2nd edn. 1848. The History of the War of Succession in Spain, 1702–1714. 1832. The History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713–83. 7 vols. 1836–54. (The sections relating to India were published separately as The Rise of our India Empire, 1858.) Spain under Charles II. extracts from correspondence of A. Stanhope, 1690–1700. Ed. Lord Mahon. 1840. Essai sur la vie du Grand Condé. Privately ptd. 1845. English tr. 1845. Historical Essays. 1849. Joan of Arc. 1853. Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. Ed. Lord Cardwell and Earl S. 2 vols. 1856–7. Notes of Conversations with the Duke of Wellington, 1831–51. 1858. The Life of William Pitt, with extracts from his unpublished correspondence and manuscript papers. 4 vols. 1861–2, and later edns. French tr. 1863. Italian tr. 1863. Miscellanies. Collected and ed. 2 series. 1863–72. The History of England comprising the reign of Anne until the Peace of Utrecht, 1701–13. 1870. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1872. The French Retreat from Moscow, and other Historical Essays. 1876. (For the titles of other collections edited by S. see D. of N. B., vol.
LIV, 1898.) - Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. The Story of Nuncomar and the Impeachment of Sir Elijah Imprey. 2 vols. 1885.
- Stephen, Sir L. Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. 1895.
- Stevenson, Joseph (1806–1895). Ed.: The Church Historians of England. Parts vols.
I–IV. 1853–6. Documents illustr. of Wars of the English in France. (Rolls series.) 2 vols. in 3. 1861–4. Documents illustr. of history of Scotland, 1286–1306. (Scottish Record publ.) 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1870. Marie Stuart: the first 18 years of her life. Edinburgh, 1886. - Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William, bart. The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. 1852. Don John of Austria. 2 vols. 1883. Works. 6 vols. 1891.
- Strutt, Joseph (1749–1802). Chronicle of England. 1777–8. Dresses and Habits of the English People. 1796–9. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 1801.
- Stubbs, William, bp. of Oxford. Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum: Course of Episcopal Succession in England. Oxford, 1888. 2nd edn. 1897. Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. (Rolls series.) 1864–5. The Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents of Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. by Haddan, A. W. and S. 3 vols. 1869–78. Select Charters and other illustrations of English Constitutional History to the reign of Edward I. 1870, and other edns. The Constitutional History of England. 3 vols. 1873–8, and later edns. French tr., with notes by Petit Du Taillis, C. Parts
I andII. Tr. into English by Rhodes, W. C. Manchester, 1908–14. The Early Plantagenets. 1876. Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II. (Rolls series). 2 vols. 1882–3. Seventeen Lectures on the Study of Medieval and Modern History. 1886, and later edns. - Hutton, W. H. The Letters of William Stubbs, Bp. of Oxford. (Contains full bibliography of works written or ed. by S.) 1904.
- See, also, Shaw, W. A., Bibliography of the Historical Works of Bp. Creighton, Bp. Stubbs, etc. (R. Hist. soc.), 1903.
- Symonds, John Addington. See bibliography to Chap.
III, post. - Thorpe, Benjamin. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XV, ante. - Turner, Sharon. A Vindication of the genuineness of the Antient British Poems of Aneurin, Taliesin, etc. 1803. The History of England. 12 vols. 1839. The works published collectively under this title appeared in the following order: The history of the Anglo-Saxons, from the earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 4 vols. 1790–1805. 7th edn., revised by the author’s son. 3 vols. 1852. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to 1500. 3 vols. 1814–23, and later edns. The History of the Reign of Henry VIII, comprising the political history of the commencement of the English Reformation. 2 vols. 1826, and later edns. The History of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth. 2 vols. 1829. The Sacred History of the World as displayed in the Creation and subsequent events to the Deluge, attempted to be philosophically considered in a series of Letters to a Son. 3 vols. 1832, and many later edns.
- Tytler, Patrick Fraser. The Life of the Admirable Crichton of Cluny. Edinburgh, 1819. The Life and Writings of Sir Thomas Craig. Edinburgh, 1823. The Life of Wicliff. 1826. The History of Scotland (1849–1603). 9 vols. and Index. Edinburgh, 1828–50. Lives of Scottish Worthies. (The Family Library.) 3 vols. 1831–3. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Edinburgh, 1833. The Life of Henry VIII. Ib. 1837. England under the Reign of Edward VI and Mary. 2 vols. 1839. Art. Scotland, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th edn., 1839, and rptd. in several later edns.
- Walpole, Sir Spencer. History of England from the conclusion of the great War in 1815. 5 vols. 1878–1886. The Life of Lord John Russell. 2 vols. 1889. The History of Twenty-five years (1856–1880). Vols.
I–II, 1904. Vols.III–IV, supervised by Lyall, Sir A. C. 1908. Studies in Biography. 1907. Essays political and biographical. Ed. Holland, F., with Memoir by Sir S. W.’s daughter, Mrs. F. Holland. 1908. - Wilkins, William Henry (1860–1905). The Love of an Uncrowned Queen (Sophie Dorothea). 2 vols. 1900. Life of Isabel, Lady Burton. 1897.
- Wilson, Horace Hayman. See Mill, James, ante.
- Wylie, James Hamilton. History of England under Henry IV. 4 vols. 1884–98. The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus. 1900. The Reign of Henry V. Vol. 1. 1914. [Vols.
II–IV in course of publication.] - Historical Societies in Great Britain
- (See Prothero, G. W., address under the above title; rptd. from Annual Report of the American Historical association for 1909, pp. 229–242, Washington, 1911.) British Record society, The. Founded, 1889. (Calendars, indexes and records.)
- Camden society, The, amalgamated with the R. H. S. in 1897, had existed since 1837. Publications. First series. 105 vols. 1838–72. New series. 57 vols. 1871–97.
- English Historical society. The. Founded, 1838; dissolved in 1856. Issued 16 volumes of publications (including Kemble’s Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici).
- Historical association, The. Founded, 1906. Its quarterly journal is History. New Series. 1916. In progress.
- Index society, The. Founded, 1887; now amalgamated with the British Record Society.
- Royal Historical society, The. Founded, 1868; royal charter, 1887. Transactions. 10 vols. New series. 20 vols. 1873–1912. Publications. 22 vols. 1898–1912.
- Scottish History society, The. Founded, 1885. Publications (1st and 2nd series). 65 vols. Edinburgh, 1887–1913.
- Antiquarian and archaeological societies are not enumerated here, nor local historical and archaeological societies. As to these, see ante, vol.
XII, pp. 506–7. - The Hakluyt society (geographical voyages and travels) was founded in 1846; the Harleian (genealogy and family history) in 1869; the Jewish Historical society in 1892. The Selden society (history of law) came into existence in 1886; the Navy Records society in 1890. For the publications of these societies see Catalogue of the London Library. 2 vols. 1913.
- English Historical Review, The, vols.
I–XXX, 1886–1915, was edited in succession by Creighton, M., 1886–91; Gardiner, S. R., 1891–1901; Poole, R. L., from 1901. Its establishment was followed by that of - Scottish Historical Review, The; being a new series of The Scottish Antiquary. Vols.
I–XII. Glasgow, 1904–1915. - B. W
RITERS OF BIOGRAPHIES, MEMOIRS, DIARIES AND LETTERS - Albemarle, George Thomas Keppel, sixth earl of (1799–1891). Fifty Years of my Life. 2 vols. 1876.
- Atlay, James Beresford (1860–1913). The Victorian Chancellors (from Lyndhurst to Herschell). Vols.
I andII. 1906–8. - Ball, Sir Robert Stawell (1840–1914). Reminiscences and Letters of. Ed. by his son, Valentine Ball. 1915.
- Bonner, Hypatia Bradlaugh (1833–1891). Charles Bradlaugh—his life and work, with an account of his parliamentary struggle etc., by Robertson, J. M. 2 vols. 1894.
- Boyle, George David (dean of Salisbury) (1828–1901). Recollections. 1895.
- Butler, Arthur James (1844–1910). Dante, his Times and his Work. 1885.
- —— Josephine E. (1828–1906). Memoir of John Grey of Dilston. Edinburgh, 1869. Life of St. Catherine of Siena. 1902.
- Campbell, John, first lord Campbell. The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England from the earliest times till the reign of George IV. in three series, 7 vols. 1846–7. 4th edn., 10 vols. 1856–7. The Lives of the Chief Justices of England from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield. 3 vols. 1849 and 1857. Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham. 1869. (Vol.
VIII of the Chancellors.) - St. Leonards, Lord. Misrepresentations in [the above] corrected. 1869.
- Christie, Richard Copley. Étienne Dolet, a biography. French tr. 1880. Selected essays and papers. Ed., with memoir, by Shaw, W. A. 1902.
- Christie, William Dougal. Memoirs, Letters and Speeches of Shaftesbury, etc. Ed. 1859. The Poetical Works of Dryden. Ed. (Globe edn.) 1870. A Life of the First Earl of Shaftesbury. 2 vols. 1871. Letters to Sir Joseph Williamson, etc. Ed. (Camden soc.) 2 vols. 1874.
- Church, Richard William. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XII, ante. - Cockburn, Henry, lord. The Life of Lord Jeffrey. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1852.
- Memorials of his Time. 1856. New edn., with introd. by Cockburn, H. A. 1909.
- Colchester, Charles Abbot, first lord (1757–1829). Diary and Correspondence. 3 vols. 1861. [Speaker from 1802 to 1816.]
- Coxe, William, archdeacon of Wilts. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3 vols. 1784. French tr., 1786 and 1791. Travels in Switzerland. 3 vols. 1789. 4th edn., with Historical Sketch, and Notes on the late Revolution. 1801. Edition of Gay’s Fables, with Life of Gay. 1796. Memoirs of the Life, etc. of Sir Robert Walpole. 3 vols. 1798. 4 vols. 1816. History of the House of Austria, 1218–1792. 3 pts. 2 vols. 1807, etc. (Continued by Count Hartig, tr. by Kelly, W. K. 1853.) Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, 1700–1788. 2 vols. 1813. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence. 3 vols. 1818–19. 6 vols. 1820. New edn., revised by Wade, J. 1847–8, and later edns. Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Walpole, 1802. 2 vols. 1820. Private and Original Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury. Ed. 1821. Memoirs of the Administration of Henry Pelham. 2 vols. 1829.
- Creevey, Thomas. The Creevey Papers: a Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the late T. C. Ed. Maxwell, Sir H. 2 vols. 1904. Letters on Reform. 1826.
- Croker, John Wilson. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
VI, ante. - Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–1882). The Life and Letters of, an autobiographical chapter. Ed. Darwin, (Sir) Francis. 3 vols. 1887. Abridged edn. 1902.
- Dawson, W. J. and C. W. The Great English Letter-writers. 2 vols. 1909.
- Dixon, William Hepworth (1821–1879). The Life of Admiral Blake. 1852. The History of Two Queens (Catharine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn). 4 vols. 1873–4. William Penn, a historical biography, with chapters on the Macaulay charges. 1856. The Personal History of Bacon. 1861.
- Dolling, Robert William Radclyffe (1851–1902). Ten years in a Portsmouth slum. 1896.
- Osborne, Charles E. The Life of Father Dolling. 1903.
- Doyle, James E. (1822–1892). The Official Baronage of England. 3 vols. 1886.
- Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, tenth earl of. Autobiography of a Seaman. 2 vols. 1860.
- Ellenborough, Edward Law, first earl of (1790–1871). History of the Indian administration of, in his correspondence with Wellington. Ed. Colchester, Lord. 1874. A Political Diary, 1828–1830. Ed. Colchester, Lord. 2 vols. 1881. [This covers only the earliest years of E.’s official career.]
- Forster, John. A Few Thoughts in vindication of the Stage. 1827. Charles at Tonbridge, or the Cavalier of Wildenhurst. A Play. 1828. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth. 5 vols. 1840. The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. 1848. Enlarged as The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols. 1854. Historical and Biographical Essays. 2 vols. 1858. (Contains The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, enlarged, 1860; The Plantagenets and the Tudors, enlarged as an introductory essay to the above; essays on Churchill, Defoe, Foote and Steele.) The Arrest of the Five Members by Charles I. 1860. The Lives of Daniel Defoe and Charles Churchill. (The Traveller’s Library.) 1862. The Life of Sir John Eliot. 2 vols. 1864. The Life of Walter Savage Landor. 2 vols. 1869. The Life of Charles Dickens. 3 vols. 1872–4. The Life of Jonathan Swift. Vol. 1. 1875. [Completed by Craik, Sir Henry.]
- Renton, R. John Forster and his Friendships. 1912.
- Fox, Caroline (1819–1871). Memories of Old Friends. Ed. Pym, H. N. 1882.
- Fox, Charles James. Memorials and Correspondence of C. J. F. Ed. by Lord John [Earl] Russell. 3 vols. 1853. [The materials for this had been collected by the third Lord Holland.]
- Gillies, Robert Pearce (1788–1858). Memoirs of a Literary Veteran. 3 vols. 1851.
- Granger, James (1723–1776). Biographical History of England. 2 vols. and Suppl. 1769–74. 3rd edn. 4 vols. 1779. Continued by Noble, Mark. 3 vols. 1806.
- Grant, Mrs. Ann, of Laggan (1785–1838). Letters from the Mountains. 3 vols. 1806. Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. Grant, J. P. 3 vols. 1844.
- Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone (1829–1906). Notes from a Diary (1851–72). 2 vols. 1897. Continued in successive sets of 2 vols., 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1904 and 1905. (The last volume reaches the accession of King Edward VII, 23 January, 1901.) Studies of European Politics. 1866. A Political Survey. 1868. Elgin Speeches. Edinburgh, 1871. Notes on an Indian Journey. 1876. Miscellanies, Political and Literary. 1878. Memoir of Sir Henry Maine. 1892. Ernest Renan. 1893. Memoir of Lord de Tabley. 1899. Out of the Past: some Biographical Essays. 2 vols. 1903.
- Green (born Wood), Mary Ann Everett. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain from 1100 to the close of the reign of Mary. 3 vols. 1846. Lives of the Princesses of England from the Conquest. 6 vols. 1849–55. Elizabeth, Electress Palatine and Queen of Bohemia. New edn., revised by Lomas, S. C. 1909. Life and Letters of Henrietta Maria. 1857. Calendars of State Papers (Domestic series) of the reigns of Elizabeth (vols.
III–VIII andXII ); James I (4 vols.); Charles I (vols.I, VII ); Commonwealth (13 vols.); Charles II (vol. 1); Committees for Advance of Money and for Compounding with Delinquents. 1857–95. - Greville, Charles C. F. The Greville Memoirs. A Journal of the Reign of King George IV and King William IV. Ed. Reeve, H. 3 vols. 1874. A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1852. 3 vols. 1885. A Journal of the same, from 1852 to 1860. 2 vols. 1887. The Past and Present Policy of England towards Ireland. 1845.
- Hare, Augustus J. C. (1834–1893). Memorials of a quiet life (Maria Hare). 3 vols. 1872–6. The Story of my Life. 6 vols. 1896–1900. The Story of Two Noble Lives (Lady Canning and Lady Waterford). 3 vols. 1893.
- Hayward, Abraham (1801–1884). See bibliography to Chap.
III, post. - Helps, Sir Arthur (1813–1875). The Conquerors of the New World and their bondsmen: the events which led to negro slavery. 2 vols. 1848. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery, etc. 4 vols. 1855–61. Portions of these two works were reissued under the following titles: Life of Las Casas, The Apostle of the Indians, 1868; of Columbus, 1869; of Pizarro, 1869; and of Hernando Cortes, 1871. The Life and Labours of Mr. Brassey. 1872. See, also, bibliography to Chap.
III, post. - Hill, George Birkbeck Norman (1835–1903). Dr. Johnson: his Friends and his Critics. 1878. Life of Sir Rowland Hill. 2 vols. 1880. Gordon in Central Africa. 1880. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Ed. 6 vols. 1887. Johnson’s Letters. 2 vols. 1892. Johnsonian Miscellanies. 2 vols. 1897. Johnson’s Lives of the English Poets. Ed. 3 vols. 1905.
- Letters of George Birkbeck Hill. Arranged by Mrs. L. Crump. 1906.
- Hole, Samuel Reynolds (dean of Rochester). A-Little Tour in Ireland. Ill. by Leach, John. 1859. A Book about Roses. 1869, and many later edns. The Memories of Dean Hole. 1892. More Memories: thoughts about England spoken in America. 1894.
- Holland, Henry Richard Vassal Fox, third lord (1773–1840). Foreign Reminiscences. Ed. by his son. 1850. French tr. [Bitterly attacked for its depreciation of Metternich and others.] Memoirs of the Whig Party during my Time. Ed. by his son. 2 vols. 1852–4. Further Memoirs of the Whig Party. 1807–21. Ed. Staverdale, Lord. 1905.
- Hook, Walter Farquhar, dean of Chichester (1798–1895). See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XII, ante. - Hosack, John (d. 1887). Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers. 1869. 2 vols. 1870–4. Mary Stewart: a brief statement of the principal charges, etc. 1888.
- Inderwick, Frederick Andrew (1836–1904). Sidelights on the Stuarts. 1888. Calendar of the Inner Temple Records. Ed. Vols.
I–III. 1896–1901. - Jameson, Anna Brownell (1794–1860). The Diary of an Ennuyée. 1826. (Earlier title: A Lady’s Diary.) Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols. 1848. 2nd series: Legends of the Monastic Orders. 1850. 3rd series: Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts. 1852.
- Jeaffreson, John Cordy (1831–1891). Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. 2 vols. 1888. Life of R. Stephenson, with descriptive chapters on his works by Pole, W. 2 vols. 1861.
- Jerningham Letters, The. Excerpts from the correspondence and diaries of the Hon. Lady Jerningham and her daughter Lady Bedingfield. Ed. Castle, E. 2 vols. 1896.
- Jesse, J. H. (1815–1874). Memoirs of the Court, 1603–1760. 7 vols. 1840–3.
- Jowett, Benjamin (1817–1893). The Life and Letters of. By Abbott, Evelyn and Campbell, Lewis. 2 vols. 1897. The Letters of Jowett. 1899.
- Kemble, Frances Anne (Mrs. Butler) (1809–1893). Record of a Girlhood. 3 vols. 1878. Records of Later Life. 3 vols. 1882.
- Knighton, Sir William (1776–1836). Memoirs of, including his correspondence with distinguished personages. Ed. by his wife, Dorothea Lady Knighton. 1838. [K. was keeper of the privy purse to George IV, and physician and private secretary to him as Regent and King.]
- Lewes, George Henry (1817–1878). Biographical history of Philosophy. 4 vols. 1845–6. Ranthrope. 1847. The Life and Works of Goethe. 2 vols. 1855, and later edns.
- Lockhart, John Gibson. See bibliographies to Vol. XII, Chap. 1 and Vol. XIII, Chap.
XIII, ante. - Malmesbury, James Harris, first earl of (1746–1820). Diaries and Correspondence. Ed. third earl of M. 4 vols. 1844. A series of Letters to his Family and Friends. Ed. third earl. 2 vols. 1870. [His edition of the works of his father, the author of Hermes, was published by him with some account of the author, in 1801.]
- Malmesbury, James Howard Harris, third earl of (1807–1889). Memoirs of an Ex-Minister. An Autobiography. 2 vols. 1884. [This straightforward narrative extends to 1860, and covers both the periods during which the writer held the secretaryship of state for the foreign department; its most interesting figure is Louis Napoleon, afterwards Napoleon III.]
- Martin, Sir Theodore. With Aytoun, W. E. The Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon Gaultier. 1845, and many later edns. Memoir of W. E. Aytoun. Edinburgh, 1867. The Life of the Prince Consort. 5 vols. 1875–80, and later edns.
- Dunckley, H. The Crown and the Cabinet: five letters on the Biography of the Prince Consort. 1878.
- Horace. (Ancient Classics for English Readers.) 1881. The Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 1883. Helena Faucit (Lady Martin). Edinburgh, 1900. Monographs (Garrick, Macready, Rachel and Baron Stockmar). 1906. Queen Victoria as I knew her. Edinburgh, 1908.
- Masson, David. Essays, Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. 1856. The Life of John Milton, narrated in connexion with the Political, Ecclesiastical and Literary History of his Time. 6 vols. 1859–80. Index of John Milton. Ed. 3 vols. 1874, and later edns. Chatterton, A Story of the Year 1770. 1874. De Quincey. (English Men of Letters.) 1878. Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, First and Second Series. Ed. [1578–1627]. 13 vols. 1880–99. Edinburgh Sketches and Memories. Reprints. 1892. Memories of London in the Forties. Ed. by Masson, Flora. 1911.
- Meteyard, Eliza (1816–1879). A Group of Englishmen (1795–1815), being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends [Coleridge, Campbell, Godwin, etc.]. 1871.
- Monypenny, William Flavelle (1886–1912). Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Vols. 1 and
II (to 1845). 1910–12. [A masterly biography, continued by Buckle, G. E. Vol.III (1914) covers 1846–55. Vol.IV (1916).] Italian tr. - Moore, Thomas. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
V, ante. - Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David (1826–1893). Memoirs and Letters. 2 vols. 1912.
- Morison, J. A. Cotter (1832–1888). The Life and Times of St. Bernard. 1863. Gibbon. (English Men of Letters.) 1863. Macaulay. (Ib.) 1882.
- Morley, Henry (1822–1894). Life of Palissy the Potter. 2 vols. 1852. Life of H. Cornelius Agrippa. 2 vols. 1856. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. 1859. English Writers.
II vols. 1887–95. (Recast and enlarged from earlier edition of English Writers before Chaucer and from Chaucer to Dunbar. 2 vols. 1864–7.) - Muir, Sir William (1819–1905). The Life of Mahomet. 4 vols. 1858–61.
- Ornsby, Robert (1820–1889). Memoirs of J. R. Hope-Scott, with selections from his correspondence. 2 vols. 1884.
- Owen, Robert Dale (1801–1877). Life by himself. With selections from his writings and correspondence. Vol. 1. 1857. [No more published.]
- Palmerston, Henry John Temple, third viscount (1784–1865). The Life of, with selections from his diaries and correspondence. Vols. 1 and
II by Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton (Lord Dalling and Bulwer). Vol.III, ed. by Ashley, A. Evelyn M.; vols.IV andV, by the same. 1870–6. [Vol. 1 contains the short autobiography to 1830.] The whole, abridged in 2 vols. by Ashley A. E. M., 1879, has become the standard biography.] - Parkes, J., see Merivale, Herman, sec.
A, ante. - Pattison, Mark. Pope’s Essay on Man. (Ed.) Oxford, 1869. Pope’s Satires and Epistles. (Ed.) Oxford, 1872. Isaac Casaubon, 1559–1614. 1875, 1892. Milton. (English Men of Letters.) 1879. Sermons. 1885. Essays, collected by Nettleship, H. 2 vols. Oxford, 1889. Memoirs (posthumous). 1883.
- For a list of P.’s other essays and articles see D. of N. B.
- Peel, Sir Robert, bart. (1788–1850). Memoirs by Sir R. P. (on Roman Catholic, question; the new Government, 1834–5, and the Corn laws). Publ. by Stanhope, earl, and Cardwell, viscount. 2 vols. 1856. Sir Robert Peel, from his Private Correspondence and Papers. Ed. Parker, C. S. (vol. 1, publ. by Hardinge, viscount, and Peel, A. W.; vol.
III, with a chapter by Peel, G.). 3 vols. 1891–9. - Phillips, Charles (1787–1859). Recollections of Curran and some of his contemporaries. 1818.
- Raikes, Thomas (1777–1848). A Portion of the Journal kept by, 1831–47. 4 vols. 1856–7. Private correspondence of, with Duke of Wellington and other contemporaries. Ed. Raikes, Henry. 1861.
- Ramsay, Edward Bannerman (dean of Edinburgh) (1793–1872). Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character. 1858.
- Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss (1842–1905). The Life of William Edward Forster. 2 vols. 1888. The Life of Richard Monckton Milnes, first Lord Houghton. 2 vols. 1890.
- Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of. Ed. Sadler, T. 3 vols. 1869. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1872. [The whole of the Diary, Journals of Times, Letters, Reminiscences and Anecdotes is preserved in 102 MS. vols. in Dr. Williams’s Library in London.] German tr.: Ein Engländer über deutsches Geistesleben, etc., with biogr. and introd. by Eitner, K. Weimar, 1871.
- Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757–1818). Memoirs of the life of, with selections from his correspondence. Ed. by his sons. 3 vols. 1840.
- Roscoe, William. Ode on the Institution of a Society of Arts in Liverpool. 1777. Mount Pleasant: a descriptive poem. Liverpool, 1777. The Wrongs of Africa: a poem. 1787. A General View of the African Slave Trade. 1788. The Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici. 2 vols. Liverpool, 1796, and many subsequent edns. German tr. by Sprengel, K., Berlin, 1797; French, Paris, 1799; Italian, Pisa, 1799; Greek, Athens, 1858. Strictures on Mr. Burke’s Two Letters (on a Regicide Peace). 1796. The Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 4 vols. Liverpool. 1805, and many later edns. French tr., Paris, 1800; German, Vienna, 1846; Italian, by Bossi, L., Milan, 1816–17. The Butterfly’s Ball and the Grasshopper’s Feast. Gentleman’s Magazine, Nov., 1806. On the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science, etc. (Lecture.) 1817. Observations on Penal Jurisprudence. 1819. Memoir of Richard Robert Jones. 1822. The History of Liverpool. Illustrations, historical and critical, of the Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1822. Italian tr., Florence, 1823. The Works of Alexander Pope. Ed. 10 vols. 1824. Poetical Works of W. Roscoe. (Roscoe centenary edn.) 1853, and later edns.
- Roscoe, H. Life of William Roscoe. 1833.
- Rose, Sir George (1744–1818). Diaries and Correspondence. Ed. Harcourt, L. V. 2 vols. 1800.
- Russell, John, first earl. Life of William, Lord Russell. 2 vols. in 1. Life and Times of Charles James Fox. 3 vols. 1859–60. Memoirs of the affairs of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht. Vols.
I andII. 1824–9. Vol. 1 rptd. as History of the principal states of Europe, etc. 2 vols. 1826. Cf. Walpole, Sir Spencer, sec.A, ante. - Senior, Nassau William. A Journal kept in Turkey and Greece (1857–8). 1859. Biographical Sketches. 1863. Journals, Conversations and Essays relating to Ireland. 2 vols. 1868. Journals kept in France and Italy from 1848 to 1852. 2 vols. 1871. Correspondence and Conversations with A. de Tocqueville. 2 vols. 1872. Conversations with Thiers, Guizot, and other distinguished Persons during the Second Empire. 2 vols. 1878. Conversations with distinguished Persons during the Second Empire from 1860 to 1863. 2 vols. 1880. Conversations and Journals in Egypt and Malta. 2 vols. 1882.
- [The posthumous works were edited by S.’s daughter, Simpson, Mrs. M. C.] See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap. 1.
- Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount. Life and Correspondence of. By Pellew, G. (dean of Norwich). 3 vols. 1847.
- Simpson, Richard (1820–1876). Edmund Campion: a Biography. 1867. The School of Shakespeare. [Reprints, ed. with an account of Robert Greene, etc.] With notes by Gibbs, J. W. M., and a preface by Furnivall, F. J. 2 vols. 1878.
- Skelton, Sir John (1831–1897). Essays in history and biography, including the Defence of Mary Stuart. Edinburgh, 1883. Maitland of Lethington. 2 vols. Ib. 1887–8. Mary Stuart. 1893. The Table-Talk of Shirley. Edinburgh, 1895.
- Smiles, Samuel (1812–1904). George Stephenson. 1857. Lives of the Engineers. 3 vols. 1867. Rptd., with other biographies, in Lives of the Engineers, 5 vols., 1874. Self-Help. 1864, and many later edns. and trs. The Huguenots … in England and Ireland. 1867. Josiah Wedgwood. 1894. Autobiography. Ed. Mackay, T. 1905.
- Smith, Sydney. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
VI, ante. - Southey, Robert. See bibliography to Vol. XI, Chap.
VIII, ante. - Spedding, James. Companion to the railway edn. of Lord Campbell’s Life of Bacon. 1853. Account of the life and times of Bacon. Extr. from the edn. of his occasional writings by Spedding. 2 vols. 1878. Reviews and discussions not rel. to Bacon. 1879. Evenings with a Reviewer; or, Macaulay and Bacon. 2 vols. 1848 (anonymous), 1881.
- Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776–1839). Memoirs. Ed. Meryon, C. L. 1845.
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, dean of Westminster. See bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XIV, ante. - Stapleton, Augustus Granville (1800–1880). The Political Life of George Canning, from 1822 to his death in 1827. 3 vols. 1830. 2nd edn. (with matter omitted in the first). 1831. George Canning and his Time. 1859.
- Stephen, Sir James. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 vols. 1849, and later edns. 4th edn. (1860), with a memoir of the author by Stephen, Sir J. F. Lectures on the History of France. 2 vols. 1851, and later edns. Letters, with biographical notes, by his daughter, S., C. E. 1906. Taylor, Sir Henry. Autobiography. 1885.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. See bibliography to Chap.
III, post. - Stephens, William Richard Wood, dean of Winchester (1839–1902). St. Chrysostom, his life and times. 1872. Memorials of the See and Cathedral Church of Chichester. 1876. Life and Letters of W. F. Hook. 2 vols. 1878. Life and Letters of E. A. Freeman. 2 vols. 1895. A History of the English Church from the Norman Conquest to the accession of Edward I. 1901.
- Story, William Herbert (1790–1859). William Carstares: a character of the revolutionary epoch (1649–1715). 1874.
- Memoir. By his Daughter [and Balfour, Lady F.]. Glasgow, 1909.
- Strickland, Agnes and Elizabeth. Lives of the Queens of England. 12 vols. 1840–8. 6 vols. 1877. The Letters of Mary Queen of Scots. Ed. 3 vols. 1842–3. 5 vols. 1864. Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses connected with the Royal Succession of Great Britain. 8 vols. 1850–9. Lives of the Bachelor kings of England. 1861. Lives of the Seven Bishops committed to the Tower, 1688. 1866. Lives of the Tudor Princesses, including Lady Jane Gray and her Sisters. 1868. Lives of the last four Princesses of the House of Stuart. 1872.
- Tomline, Sir George Pretyman, bishop of Lincoln (1750–1827). Memoirs of William Pitt. 2 vols. 1821. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1822. [Extends to 1793 only.]
- Tovey, Duncan Crookes (1842–1912). Gray and his Friends. 1890. The Letters of Thomas Gray, including Correspondence of Gray and Mason. 3 vols. 1909–12. Reviews and Essays in English Literature. 1897.
- Vaughan, Robert (1795–1868). Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe. 2 vols. 1828. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1831. Memorials of the Stuart dynasty. 2 vols. 1831. The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. 1838. Essays on history, philosophy and theology. 2 vols. 1849.
- Vaughan, Robert (1823–1857). Hours with the Mystics. 1856. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1860. Essays and Remains. Ed. Vaughan, R. 2 vols. 1858.
- Veitch, William (1640–1706), and Brysson, G. (1649 c.–1730 c.). Memoirs of, by themselves, with narratives illustr. of history of Scotland; and biogr. sketches and notes by McCrie, T. Edinburgh, 1825.
- Ward, Wilfrid Philip (1856–1916). William George Ward and the Oxford Movement. 1889. William George Ward and the Catholic Revival. 1893. The Life and Times of Cardinal Wiseman. 2 vols. 1897. The Life of John Henry, Cardinal Newman. 2 vols. 1912.
- Westbury, Richard Bethell, first Lord (1800–1873). Life of, by Nash, T. A., with Selections from his Correspondence. 1888.
- Atlay, J. B. Victorian Chancellors. Vol.
II. 1908. - Wilberforce, Robert Isaac (1802–1857) and Samuel (afterwards bishop of Oxford and Winchester). The Life of William Wilberforce. 4 vols. 1838.
- Windham, William (1750–1810). Diary, 1784–1810. Ed. Baring, Mrs. H. 1866. The Windham Papers: the Life and Correspondence of W. W., 1750–1810. With Introd. by Rosebery, Earl of. 2 vols. 1913.
- Wolseley, Garnet J., first viscount. Narrative of the war with China in 1860: account of residence with the Tai-Ping rebels. 1862. The Life of Marlborough, to the Accession of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 1894. The Decline and Fall of Napoleon. 1895. The Story of a Soldier’s Life. 2 vols. 1903.
- Wordsworth, Christopher (1774–1846). Who wrote E? Ecclesiastical Biography. 6 vols. 1810.
- Wraxall, Sir N. W. (1751–1831). Historical and posthumous memoirs, 1772–1784. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 5 vols. 1884.
- C. P
OLITICAL ORATORS AND WRITERS OF PAMPHLETS - (1) Political (and Forensic) Orators
- For speeches in either House of Parliament see Parliamentary Debates, 1803–30, continued as Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 1830 to the present day. The debates from 1803–30 are indexed in Hansard’s Analytical Parliamentary Digest, 1832.
- Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, fourth earl of (1784–1860).
- Macknight, T. Thirty years of foreign policy: secretaryships of Aberdeen and Palmerston. 1855.
- Stanmore, Lord. The Earl of Aberdeen. 1893.
- Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. Selected Speeches. With notes, etc. by Kebbel, T. E.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. XIII, Chap.
XI, ante. - Bentinck, Lord George (1802–1848).
- Beaconsfield, Earl. Lord George Bentinck: a political biography. 1852.
- Bright, John (1811–1859). Public Addresses. Ed. Rogers, J. E. T. 1879. Public Letters. Collected by Leech, H. J. 1885, 1895. Speeches on questions of public policy. Ed. Rogers, J. E. T. 2 vols. 1868, 1878.
- Travelyan, G. M. The Life of John Bright. 1913.
- Brougham and Vaux, Henry, 1st lord. Works.
II vols. 1855–61. Speeches upon questions relating to public rights, duties, etc., with historical introduction. 4 vols. 1838. Speech on Education of the Poor. 1820. Speech on present state of the law of the country. 1828. Inaugural discourse. Glasgow, 1825. Speech on second reading of Reform Bill. 1831. - Brougham, lord. Life and times of Brougham, by himself. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Campbell, lord. Lives of the Chancellors. Vol.
VIII. 1869. - See, also, sec.
A, ante. - Buller, Charles (1806–1848). See Durham, earl of.
- Courtney, W. P. Memoir in D. of N. B. Vol.
VII. 1886. - Burdett, Sir Francis (1770–1844). Speech prefixed to Address to Prince Regent, House of Commons, 7 Jan., 1812.
- Cairns, Hugh MacCalmont, first earl (1819–1885).
- Atlay, J. B. Victorian Chancellors. Vol.
II. 1908. - Canning, George. Speeches. With memoir by Therry, R. 6 vols. 1828.
- Temperley, H. W. V. Life of Canning. 1905.
- Stapleton, A. G. Political Life of Canning, 1822–7. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1831.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. XI, Chap.
II, ante. - Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, viscount, second marquis of Londonderry (1769–1822). Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by third marquis of Londonderry. 12 vols. 1848–53.
- Hassall, A. Viscount Castlereagh. 1908.
- Churchill, Lord Randolph (1849–1894). Speeches, 1880–8. With notes by Jennings, L. W. 2 vols. 1889.
- Churchill, W. S. W. Lord Randolph Churchill. 2 vols. 1906.
- Clarendon, George William Frederick, fourth earl of (2nd cr.) (1800–1870). Art. in D. of N. B. vol.
LVIII, by Hamilton, J. A. - Cobden, Richard (1802–1880). Speeches on questions of public policy. Ed. Bright, J. and Rogers, J. E. T. 2 vols. 1870. Speeches on peace, etc. [1849.] Political writings. 2 vols. 1867. Ed. Mallet, Sir L. 1878.
- Balfour, A. J. Essays and Addresses. 1893.
- Bastiat, F. Cobden et la Ligue. Œuvres complets. Vol.
III. 1883. - Morley, John, Lord. Life of Cobden. 2 vols. 1881.
- See, also, subsec. (2), post.
- Cockburn, Sir Alexander J. E. (1802–1880). The Alabama case, statement of. London Gazette, suppl. Sept.–Oct., 1872.
- Derby, Edward Henry S. Stanley, fifteenth earl of. Speeches and addresses on political and social questions, 1870–91. [1893.] Speeches and addresses. Selected by Sanderson, Sir T. H. and Roscoe, E. S. With memoir by Lecky, W. E. H. 2 vols. 1894.
- Kebble, T. E. The Life of Lord Derby. 1890. Saintsbury, G. The Earl of Derby. 1892.
- Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cavendish, eighth duke of (1833–1908). Holland, B. Life of the Duke of Devonshire. 1911.
- Durham, John George Lambton, first earl of (1792–1840). Report on the affairs of British North America. Ed. Lucas, Sir C. P. [Largely by Buller, C.] 3 vols. 1912.
- Reid, S. J. Life and Letters of the Earl of Durham. 1906.
- Eldon, John Scott, first earl of (1751–1838).
- Twiss, H. Public and private life of Eldon. With selections from his correspondence. 1844.
- Erskine, Thomas, Lord. Speeches at the Bar on the Liberty of the Press and against Constructive Treason. 4 vols. 1810. Speeches at the Bar on miscellaneous subjects. New edn. 1827.
- Campbell, Lord. Lives of the Chancellors. Vol.
VI. 1847. - See, also subsec. (2), post.
- Fawcett, Henry (1833–1884). Speeches on some current political questions. 1873.
- Stephen, Sir L. Life of Henry Fawcett. 1885. 4th edn. 1886.
- See, also, subsec. (2), post.
- Follett, Sir William Webb (1798–1845). Art. in D. of N. B. vol.
XIX, by Hamilton, J. A. - Forster, William Edward (1818–1886). William Penn and T. B. Macaulay. 1849.
- See, also, Reid, Sir T. W., in sec.
B, ante. - Fox, William Johnson. Collected works. Memorial edn. 12 vols. 1865–8.
- Garnett, R. Life of W. J. Fox, 1786–1864. Concluded by Garnett, E. 1910.
- Gladstone, W. E. Speeches on Parliamentary Reform. 1866. Speeches on great questions of the day. 1870. Political speeches in Scotland, Nov.–Dec., 1879. Ditto, March–April, 1880. 1880. Fourth Midlothian Campaign: political speeches. 1885. Speeches and public addresses. Edd. Hutton, A. W. and Cohen, H. T. Vols.
IX andX (1886–1891). 1892–4. - See, also, subsec. (2), post and bibliography to Vol. XII, Chap.
XV, ante. - Graham, Sir James.
- McCullagh Torrens, W. T. Life of Graham. 1863. Parker, C. S. Life and Letters of Graham. 2 vols. 1907.
- Granville, G. G. Leveson-Gower, second earl.
- Fitzmaurice, Lord. Life of the second Earl Granville. 2 vols. 1905.
- Grattan, Henry. The Speeches of the Right Hon. H. G. in the Irish and in the Imperial Parliament. Ed. by his Son. 1822. Speeches, to which is added his Letter on the Union. With a Commentary on his career and character by Madden, D. D. Dublin, 1845.
- Memoirs of the Life and Times of Henry Gratton. By his Son Henry Gratton. 1839–46.
- Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. 1861. 2nd edn. 1871.
- Grey, Charles, second earl (1764–1845). The Reform Act: correspondence of Grey with William IV and Sir H. Taylor. 2 vols. 1867.
- Grey, C. Life and opinions of Earl Grey. 1861.
- Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, first earl of (1762–1847). Speech on the Reform Bill, Oct., 1831. 1831.
- Herbert of Lea, Sidney Herbert, Lord (1810–1861). Speech on the conduct of the War, 12 Dec., 1854.
- Stanmore, A. H. G., Lord. Lord Herbert of Lea. 2 vols. 1906.
- Horsman, Edward (1807–1876). Five speeches on ecclesiastical affairs delivered in the House of Commons, 1847–9. 1849. Speech on the present state of parties. 1861.
- Hume, Joseph (1777–1855). See D. of N. B. art. by Hamilton, J. A.
- Hunt, Henry (1773–1835). Memoirs. Written by himself in H. M. Jail at Ilchester. 3 vols. 1820.
- Lyndhurst, J. S. C., Lord (1772–1863). Review of Session: 23 Aug., 1839. 1839.
- Lytton, E. L. Bulwer, Lord. Speeches, with some of his political writings previously unpublished. 2 vols. 1874.
- Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Works. Vol.
VIII: Speeches. 1866. Speeches, corrected by himself. 1854. Speeches, parliamentary and miscellaneous. 2 vols. 1853. Speeches on Reform, 1831–2. 1854. - See, also, sec.
A, ante. - Melbourne, W. Lamb, 2nd viscount (1779–1868). Lord Melbourne’s papers. Ed. Sanders, L. C. 1889.
- McCullagh Torrens, W. T. Memoirs of Melbourne. 1878.
- Mill, J. S. See bibliography to Chap. 1, ante.
- Newcastle, H. P. F. Pelham-Clinton, fifth duke of (1818–1864).
- Martineau, J. Life of the Duke of Newcastle. 1908.
- O’Connell, Daniel. Life and Speeches. Ed. O’Connell, J. 2 vols. 1846.
- Speeches and Public Letters. Ed. Cusack, M. F. 2 vols. 1875.
- Dunlop, R. O’Connell. 1900.
- Lecky, W. E. H. The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. 1861.
- Palmerston, Henry J. Temple, third viscount. See bibliography to sec.
B, ante. - Peel, Sir Robert, bart. Speeches in the House of Commons. 4 vols. 1853.
- See, also, sec.
B, ante. - Phillpotts, Henry, bp. of Exeter (1778–1869). See, also, bibliography to subsec. (2), post.
- Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, Lord. Speeches at the Bar and in the Senate. Ed. with memoir by Hoey, J. C. 1865.
- Rathmore, D. R. P., Lord. Life, Letters and Speeches of Lord Plunket. With preface by Brougham, Lord. 1867.
- Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757–1818). Speeches in the House of Commons. 2 vols. 1820.
- See, also, sec.
B, ante. - Russell, John, first earl. Selection from the Speeches of Russell, 1817–1841 and from his Despatches, 1859–1865. 3 vols. 1870.
- See, also, sec.
B, ante. - Salisbury, Robert A. T. Gascoyne-Cecil, third marquis of. Biographical essays contributed to The Quarterly Review, 1861–4. 1905. Essays on foreign politics. 1905.
- MacCarthy, J. Salisbury. (British Political Leaders.) 1903.
- Pulling, F. S. The life and speeches of the Marquis of Salisbury. 2 vols. 1885.
- Traill, H. D. Salisbury. 1891.
- Selborne, R. Palmer, first earl of (1812–1895). Speech on our judicial system, 22 Feb., 1867. 1867. Memorials. Pt. 1. Family and Personal. Pt.
II. Personal and Political. 4 vols. 1896–8. - Atlay, J. B. Victorian Chancellors. Vol.
II. 1908. - Sheil, Richard Lalor. Speeches. Ed. MacNevin, T. 1845.
- McCullagh Torrens, W. T. Memoirs of Sheil. 1855.
- Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, Viscount. Speeches and Letters on Reform. 1867.
- Martin, A. P. Life and Letters of Viscount Sherbrooke. 2 vols. 1893.
- See, also, subsec. (2), post, under Lowe.
- Tierney, George.
- See D. of N. B. art. by Hamilton, J. A., vol.
LVI, 1898. - Wellesley, R. C. Wellesley, Marquess (1760–1842). Despatches, etc. 5 vols. 1836–40.
- Malleson, G. B. Life of Wellesley. 1889.
- Wellington, A. W., first duke of (1769–1852). For Despatches, etc., see Catalogue of London Library, vol.
II, 1914. - Whitbread, Samuel.
- See D. of N. B. art. by Carr, W., vol.
LXI, 1900. - Windham, W. Speeches in Parliament. Ed. Amyot, T. 3 vols. 1812.
- See, also, sec.
B, ante. - Wolverhampton, Viscount (Sir Henry Harley Fowler) (1830–1911).
- Hamilton, Mrs. Robert. The Life of the first Viscount W. 1912.
- (2) Writers of Political Pamphlets
- In the following short list of selected political pamphlets are not included books or essays belonging to the domains of political science or philosophy, for which see bibliography to Chapter 1, ante. Nor are letters, whether with actual or with pseudonymous signatures, noted, except in the case of pamphlets taking the form of an open letter or series of letters; and no attempt has been made to enumerate political contributions in the shape of letters to newspapers or other periodicals. Among political and social questions which, more especially when they drew near to a settlement, pressed heavily upon the mind of the public, and, accordingly, led to a more or less copious production of pamphlet literature, were catholic emancipation, the currency question, the reform bill, the poor law amendment act and its sequels, the invasion panics of the early fifties and the European war which followed. The national debt, and the general question of the state of the nation, we have had with us throughout the nineteenth century, and, on these subjects, frequent periodical comments in pamphlet-form have, also, been a matter of course. In the earlier part of the century, the conditions of Indian government called forth much comment, generally in pseudonymous pamphlet form.
- A collection edited, under the title The Pamphleteer, by Valpy, A. J., and extending over twenty-nine volumes (1813–28), includes, together with political pamphlets of which a few are mentioned below, speeches, letters and other appeals to public opinion, and possesses considerable value for the historical study of the period, unfortunately very limited, which it covers. Among other collections which contain, inter alia, political pamphlets, or the reprints of such, may be noted the several series of Cobden club essays mentioned below. Pamphlets dealing with questions of ecclesiastical or general religious interest have, as a rule, been excluded from the present list, together with pamphlets on education in its various grades. Academical questions have been largely carried on in the curter form of the flysheet, a species of controversial literature subject to conditions of its own.
- Bexley, Lord (Vansittart, Nicholas) (1766–1851). Outlines of a Plan of Finance. 1813. (The Pamphleteer, vol. 1.)
- Dunn, W. The Vansittart plan of finance. 1820. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XVI. ) - Bowring, Sir John (1792–1872). Some account of the state of prisons in Spain and Portugal. 1824. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XXIII. ) The Decimal System. 1854. - Brougham and Vaux, Henry, Lord. Letter upon the abuse of Charities. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XIII. ) Inquiry into the state of the Nation at the commencement of the present Administration. 1806. Letter to Lord Denman upon the legislation of 1850 as to amendment of the law. 1850. Practical Observations upon the Education of the People. 1825? Thoughts upon the Aristocracy of England. 1835. - Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, bart. (1762–1837). Arguments in favour of relieving the able-bodied poor by employment. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XI. ) Population and riches of nations. Paris, 1819. What are Riches? Geneva, 1831. (The Pamphleteer, vol.XX. ) - Buller, Charles. For the titles of his pamphlets, see Boase, G. C. and Courtney, W. P., Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, 1874–82. [Lord Durham’s Report on the Affairs of British North America, drawn up on the occasion of his mission to Canada, 1838, was chiefly written by Buller, with the assistance of Wakefield, Edward Gibbon.]
- Butler, Charles (1750–1832). Address to Protestants. 1813. (The Pamphleteer, vol. 1.) [On the grievances of Catholics.] On the legality of impressing Seamen. 1824. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XXIII. ) - Cobden, Richard. The Political writings of. 2 vols. 1867. With introduction by Mallet, (Sir) L. 1878. England, Ireland and America. 1835. Russia. By a Manchester Manufacturer. 1836.
- Russia. In answer to a M. M. 1837.
- 1793 and 1853. In three letters. Manchester, 1853.
- [Among other pamphlets occasioned by the invasion fears of 1852–3 Lord Morley notes: A few Observations on Invasion; Brief Suggestions for a Reserve Force; Short Notes on National Defence; Plain Proposals for a Maritime Militia; Thoughts on the Perils of Portsmouth.] What next, and next? 1856. The Three Panics. 1862.
- Denman, Admiral J. On the necessity for increased docks at Portsmouth. With observations on Cobden’s Three Panics. 1862.
- Urquhart, D. Answer to Cobden on Assimilation of War and Peace. 1862.
- Cobden Club Essays. 1st and 2nd series. 1871–2.
- Cobden Club Essays: Local Government and Taxation. Ed. Probyn, J. W. 2 vols. 1875–82.
- For a list of Essays and Pamphlets ptd. by the Cobden Club see Catalogue of the London Library, 1913.
- Cockburn, Sir Alexander J. E. Nationality; the law relating to subjects and aliens. 1869.
- Congleton, Lord (Sir Henry Burke Parnell) (1776–1842). History of the Penal Laws against the Roman Catholics. 1822. (The Pamphleteer, vols.
XX andXXI. On Financial Reform. 1830. A Plain Statement of the power of the Bank of England, and of the use it has made of it. 1833 (1831?). [Reply to McCulloch, J. R.] - Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine (1782–1841). Letter to W. S. Bonner: the Poor Laws. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XI. ) - Eliot, Francis Percival (1756?–1818). Letters on the political and financial situation of the country. 1814 and 1815. (The Pamphleteer, vols.
IV andV. ) Letters on the political and financial situation of the British Empire. 1816. (Ib. vol.VII. ) - Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Lord. Defences of the Whigs. 1820. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XV. ) - Fawcett, Henry. Mr. Hare’s Reform bill explained. 1860.
- Francis, Sir Philip. Letter to Earl Grey, on the policy of Great Britain and the Allies towards Norway. 1814. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
IV. ) - Gladstone, William Ewart. Gleanings of past years. 8 vols. 1879–97. Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. 1851. Second Letter, etc. 1851. Rptd. as Two Letters, etc. 1851. The Vatican Decrees in their bearing on Civil Allegiance: a political expostulation. 1874. Vaticanism: an answer to replies and reproofs. 1875. The above, with Speeches of the Pope, under the title Rome and the newest fashions in religion. 1875.
- Manning, Card. The Vatican Decrees in their bearing on Civil Allegiance. 1875.
- Gladstone, William Ewart. Remarks upon recent Commercial Legislation. 1845. Bulgarian Horrors, and the question of the East. 1876. Lessons in Massacre. 1877. The Eastern Crisis. Letter to the Duke of Westminster. 1897.
- “Gracchus.” Letters on the East India Question. 1813. (The Pamphleteer, vol. 1.)
- Grenville, William W., Lord (1759–1834). A letter on the claims of the Roman Catholics. 1813. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
V. ) - Lowe, John. Letters to Canning, on recognising the Independence of the South American States. 1822. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XXI. ) - Lowe, Robert (Viscount Sherbrooke). The articles construed by themselves. 1841. [Reply to Tract 90.] Observations suggested by A Few More Words in support of Tract 90 [by Ward, W. G.]. 1841. An Address to the Colonists of New South Wales on the proposed Land Orders. Sydney, 1847. Middle Class Education: Endowment or Free Trade? 1868.
- MacColl, Malcolm (1831–1907). Is there not a cause? Letter on the Disestablishment of the Irish Church. 1868. Who is responsible for the War? By Scrutator. With four letters, rptd. from The Times. 1871. Three Years of the Eastern Question. 1878. England’s Responsibility towards Armenia. 1895. The Sultan and the Powers. 1896.
- MacCullagh Torrens, William Torrens (1813–1894). [Our] Empire in Asia; how we came by it. 1872. Lancashire’s lesson: letter to C. P. Villiers. 1864.
- Miles, William Augustus (1753?–1817). Letter to the Prince of Wales on the subject of the Debts contracted by him since 1787. 1795. [Thirteen editions.] Letter to H. Duncombe, Esq. [in reply to Burke’s Letter to a Noble Lord]. 1796. Letter to the Prince of Wales, with a Sketch of the Prospect before him. 1808.
- Milner, John (bishop of Castabala) (1752–1826). The last of Religious Controversy. 5th edn. 1824.
- And other publications on Catholics and Catholic emancipation.
- Montagu, Basil (1770–1851). Inquiries respecting the punishment of death for crimes without violence. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XII. ) Thoughts on liberty, and the rights of Englishmen. 1822. (Ib. vol.XXI. ) - (Monck, James Bury (bishop of Gloucester and Bristol) (1784–1856).) Letter respecting additional examination of students in the University of Cambridge. By Philograntus. 1822. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XX. ) Eubulus. Letter to P. (sequel to Thoughts on present system of education in the U. of C.). 1822. (Ib. vol.XX. ) - Owen, Robert. Observations on the effect of the Manufacturing System. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XI. ) - Phillpotts, Henry (bishop of Exeter). Letter to Mr. Canning, on the Bill of 1825 for removing Roman Catholic disabilities. 1825. A short letter to the same on the present position of the Roman Catholic question. 1826. (Both in the Pamphleteer, vol.
XXVII. ) - Shutte, R. N. Life of Bp. Phillpotts. Vol. 1. 1863.
- “Probus.” Letter on the East Indian Question. 1813. (The Pamphleteer, vol. 1.)
- Roscoe, W. Causes of the present War, and expediency or danger of peace with France. 1808. (Ib.)
- St. Leonards, E. B. Sugden, Lord (1781–1875). Letter to Sir J. Williams, in reply to his Observations on Abuses of the Court of Chancery. 1825. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XXV. ) - Sinclair, Sir John (1754–1835). On the approaching Crisis; or The Impracticability of resuming cash payments at the bank. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XI. ) On the State of the Country. 1816 and 1817. (Ib. vol.IX. ) - Smith, Goldwin. See sec.
A, ante. - Thompson, Thomas Perronet, General (1783–1869). Exercises, Political and others. 6 vols. 1842. [This contains his earlier “Catechisms,” and pamphlets on various subjects.] Catechism on the Currency. 1848. Fallacies against the Ballot. 1855.
- Tone, T. Wolfe (1763–1798). A Review of the Conduct of the Administration. 1790. An Argument on behalf of the Catholics of Ireland. 1791.
- Urquhart, David (1805–1877). The Progress of Russia in the West, North and South. 1853.
- For a list of his works see D. of N. B. vol.
LVIII. [His activity as a publicist began in 1833; The Portfolio, founded by him, appeared in 1835–6, and again in 1843–5.] - Wakefield, Edward Gibbon (1774–1854). A Letter from Sydney. 1829. [Restated in chapter on the Cost of Colonisation in his England and America, 2 vols., 1833.] Swing unmasked, or The causes of Rural Incendiarism. 1831. The Hangman and the Judge. 1833. Popular Politics. 1837.
- Wilberforce, William. Appeal in behalf of slaves in the W. Indies. 1823.