The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- A. N
EWSPAPERS - (1) Established before 1801 and continued into the nineteenth century
- (a) London. (All dailies, unless marked otherwise.)
- Country Sport and Messenger of Agriculture, established as Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 1796 (weekly); London Gazette, The, 1665 (irregular); Mail, The, 1789 (thrice weekly); Morning Advertiser, The, 1794; Morning Chronicle, The, 1769; Morning Herald, The, 1780; Morning Post, The, 1772; Observer, The, 1791 (Sundays only); Public Ledger, The, 1759; Sun, The, 1792; Times, The, 1788.
- (b) Other parts of England. (All weeklies, with occasional bi-weekly issues, if not marked otherwise.)
- Bath Chronicle, The, 1757; Bath Herald, The, 1792; Bath Journal, The (Keene’s), 1742; Birmingham Gazette, The (Aris’s), 1741; Bristol Mercury, The, 1790; Bristol Mirror, The, 1774; Bury Post, The, 1782; Cambridge Chronicle, The, 1744; Carlisle Journal, The, 1798 (twice weekly); Chelmsford (now Essex County) Chronicle, The, 1764; Chester Chronicle, The, 1775; Chester Courant, The, 1730; Coventry Standard, The, 1741; Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser, The, 1774; Derby Mercury, The, 1732; Doncaster Gazette, The, 1786; Essex County Chronicle, The, 1764; Essex Herald, The, 1800; Exeter Flying Post, The, 1763; Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, The, 1772; Gloucester Journal, The, 1722; Hampshire Chronicle, The, 1772 (Winchester); Hampshire Telegraph, The, 1799 (Portsmouth); Hereford Journal, The, 1713; Hertford County Herald, The, 1792; Hull Packet, The, 1787; Ipswich Journal, The, 1735; Kendal Mercury, The, 1735; Kentish and Canterbury Chronicle, The, 1768; Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press, The, 1717; Kent Herald, The, 1792; Leeds Intelligencer, The, afterwards The Yorkshire Post, 1754 (now daily); Leeds Mercury, The, 1718 (now daily); Leicester Journal, The, 1753; Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, The, 1695 (Stamford); Maidstone and Kentish Journal, The, 1786; Manchester Chronicle, The, 1781–1842; Manchester Mercury, The (Harrop’s), 1752–1830; Newcastle Courant, The, 1711 (Newcastle-on-Tyne); Newcastle (now Daily) Chronicle, The, 1764; Northampton Mercury, The, 1720; Norfolk Chronicle, The, 1761 (Norwich); Norwich Mercury, The, 1714; Nottingham Journal, The, 1710 (now Weekly Express); Oxford Journal, The, 1753; Reading Mercury and Berks County Paper, The, 1723; Salisbury and Winchester Journal, The, 1729; Sheffield Iris, The, 1787; Shrewsbury Chronicle, The, 1772; Staffordshire Advertiser, The, 1795; Sussex Advertiser, The, 1745 (Lewes); Western Gazette and Flying Post, The, 1737 (Yeovil); Wolverhampton Chronicle, The, 1789; Worcester Herald, The, 1794; Worcester Journal (Berrow’s), The, 1690; York Courant, The, 1700; afterwards The York Herald, 1790 (now Yorkshire Herald, daily since 1874); Yorkshire Chronicle, The (1772); Yorkshire Gazette, The (1772).
- (c) Scotland.
- Aberdeen Journal, The, 1748; Edinburgh Gazette, The, 1690 (twice weekly); Glasgow Herald, The, 1783; Glasgow Journal, The, 1713.
- (d) Ireland.
- Belfast News-Letter, The, 1737; Derry Journal, The, 1772 (Londonderry); Dublin Gazette, The, 1711; Freeman’s Journal, The, 1763 (Dublin); Leinster Journal (now Kilkenny Journal), The, 1767; Limerick Chronicle, The, 1766; Waterford Chronicle and New Ross Reporter, The, 1766.
- (2) First issued since 1801. (All dailies, unless marked otherwise.)
- (a) London.
- Athenaeum, The, 1828 (weekly, monthly since 1915); Agricultural Gazette, The, 1844 (weekly); Architect, The, 1868 (weekly); Army and Navy Gazette, The, 1860 (weekly); Baptist Times and Freeman, The, 1853 (weekly); British Congregationalist, The, 1901 (weekly); British Medical Journal, The, 1857 (weekly); British Weekly, The, 1886 (weekly); Builder, The, 1842 (weekly); Building News, The, 1854 (weekly); Chemical News, The, 1859 (weekly); Christian World, The, 1857 (weekly); Church Times, The, 1863 (weekly); Colliery Guardian, The, 1860 (weekly); Contract Journal, The, 1879 (weekly); Country Life, 1897 (weekly); Daily Chronicle, The, 1855; Daily Express, The, 1900; Daily Graphic, The, 1890; Daily Mail, The, 1896; Daily News, The, 1846; Daily Telegraph, The, 1855; Echo, The, 1868–1905 (first halfpenny paper in London); Economist, The, 1843 (weekly); Electrician, The, 1861 (weekly); Engineer, The, 1856 (weekly); Engineering, 1866 (weekly); Era, The, 1837 (weekly); Evening News, The, 1881; Examiner, The, 1808 (weekly); Field, The, 1853 (weekly); Gardeners’ Chronicle, The, 1841 (weekly); Gas Journal, The, 1849 (weekly); Gentlewoman, The, 1890 (weekly); Globe, The, 1803; Graphic, The, 1869 (weekly); Grocer, The, 1861 (weekly); Guardian, The, 1846 (weekly); Illustrated London News, The, 1842 (weekly); Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, The, 1874 (weekly); Inquirer, The, 1842 (weekly); Investors’ Guardian, The, 1863 (weekly); Jewish Chronicle, The, 1841 (weekly); Lady, The, 1885 (weekly); Lancet, The, 1823 (weekly); Law Times, The, 1843 (weekly); Literary Gazette, The, 1817–62 (weekly); Lloyd’s Weekly News, 1842 (weekly); Local Government Chronicle, The, 1855 (weekly); London Review, The, 1860–9 (weekly); Methodist Recorder, The, 1861 (weekly); Mining Journal, The, 1835 (weekly); Money Market Review, The, 1860 (weekly); Nation, The (called, at first, The Speaker), 1890 (weekly); Nature, 1869 (weekly); Notes and Queries, 1849 (weekly); Outlook, The, 1898 (weekly); Pall Mall Gazette, The, 1865; Pharmaceutical Journal, The, 1841 (weekly); Pilot, The, 1900–4 (weekly); Primitive Methodist Leader, The, 1868 (weekly); Publishers’ Circular, The, 1837 (weekly); Punch, 1841 (weekly); Queen, The, 1861 (weekly); Record, The, 1828 (weekly); Reynolds’s Weekly Newspaper, 1850 (weekly); St. James’s Gazette, 1880–1905; Saturday Review, The, 1855 (weekly); Schoolmaster, The, 1872 (weekly); Solicitors’ Journal, The, 1857 (weekly); Spectator, The, 1828 (weekly); Sporting Life, 1859; Sporting Times, The, 1865; Sportsman, The, 1865; Stage, The, 1880 (weekly); Standard, The, 1857–1916; Standard, The Evening, 1827; Star, The, 1888; Statist, The, 1878 (weekly); Sunday Times, 1822 (weekly); Tablet, The, 1840 (weekly); Tribune, The, 1906–8; Truth, 1877 (weekly); Weekly Dispatch, 1801 (weekly); Westminster Gazette, The, 1893; World, The, 1874 (weekly).
- (b) Other parts of England.
- Birmingham Post, The, 1857; Bolton Evening News, The, 1867; Bradford (now Yorkshire) Observer, The, 1834; Bradford Daily Argus, The, 1892; Bradford Daily Telegraph, The, 1868; Brighton Argus, The, 1880; Bristol Times and Mirror, The, 1865; Dundee Advertiser, The, 1801; Journal of Commerce, The, 1826 (Liverpool); Lancashire Daily Post, The, 1886; Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury, The, 1855; Liverpool Echo, The, 1879; Manchester Courier, The, 1825–1915; Manchester Evening News, 1868; Manchester Examiner and Times, The, 1846–94; Manchester Guardian, The, 1821; Newcastle Daily Journal, The, 1832; Northern Echo, The, 1869 (Darlington); Nottingham Daily Express, The, 1860; Nottingham Guardian, 1861; Preston Guardian, The, 1844; Royal Cornwall Gazette, The, 1801 (Truro); Scarborough Daily Post, The, 1876; Scarborough Evening News, The, 1882; Scarborough Mercury, The, 1855 (weekly); Sheffield (now Daily) Independent, The, 1819; Sheffield Daily Telegraph, The, 1855; Shields Daily Gazette and Shipping Telegraph, The, 1849; Sunderland Daily Echo, 1873; Warwick and Warwickshire Advertiser, The, 1806 (weekly); Western Daily Mercury, The, 1860 (Plymouth); Western Daily Press, The, 1858; Western Morning News, The, 1860 (Plymouth); Yorkshire Evening News, The, 1872 (Leeds); Yorkshire Evening Post, The, 1890 (Leeds).
- (c) Scotland.
- Aberdeen Free Press, The, 1853; Dundee Advertiser, The, 1801; Inverness Courier, The, 1817 (twice weekly); Scotsman, The, 1817 (Edinburgh).
- (d) Ireland.
- Cork Examiner, The, 1840; Irish Times, The, 1859 (Dublin); Northern Whig, The, 1824 (Belfast).
- B. H
ISTORY OF BRITISH JOURNALISM AND THE BRITISH PRESS - For a full bibliography of the subject, see Peet, Hubert W., A Bibliography of Journalism rptd. from the 1915 edn. of Sell’s World’s Press. See, also, Courtney, W. P., A register of National Bibliography, vol.
II, under Periodicals [1905]. - (1) History of British Journalism and the British Journals
- Andrews, Alexander. The history of British Journalism, from the foundation of the Newspaper press in England, to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1855. 2 vols. 1859.
- Athenaeum, The. See under Francis, John C. For the Dilkes (Charles Wentworth, 1789–1864, and Sir Charles Wentworth, 1810–1869), see D. of N. B.
- Bonwick, James. Early Struggles of the Australian Press. 1890.
- Borsa, Mario. Il giornalismo Inglese. Milano, 1910.
- Bourne, H. R. Fox. English Newspapers. 2 vols. 1887.
- Davies, Robert. Memoir of the York Press. 1868.
- Escott. T. H. S. Masters of English journalism. 1911.
- Foster, Ernest. An Editor’s Chair. 1909.
- Given, John L. Making a Newspaper. 1913.
- Glasgow Herald, The Centenary of The. 27 January, 1882.
- Grant, James. The Newspaper press: its origin, progress and present condition. 3 vols. 1871–2.
- —— The Saturday Review: its origin and progress. 1873.
- Hatton, J. Journalistic London. 1882.
- Hunt, F. Knight. The fourth estate. 2 vols. 1850.
- Hunt, William. Hull Newspapers. Hull, 1880.
- Jackson, Mason. The Pictorial Press, its origin and progress. 1885.
- James, R. A. Scott. The influence of the Press. 1913.
- Lorenz, Theodor. Die englische Presse. Halle, 1907.
- McCarthy, Justin, and Robinson, Sir John R. The Daily News Jubilee. 1896.
- Madden, Richard Robert, The history of Irish periodical literature, from the end of the seventeenth to the middle of the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 1867.
- Millar, J. H. A Literary History of Scotland. 1903.
- Morley, J. Cooper. The Newspaper press and periodical literature of Liverpool. 1887.
- Murray, E. C. G. The Press and the Public Service. 1857.
- Noble, John. Bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. Stirling. 1903.
- Opdycke, J. B. News, Ads and Sales.
- Paterson, Alexander. Yorkshire Journalism past and present. Barnsley, 1901.
- Pebody, Charles. English Journalism and the men who have made it. 1882.
- Pen, Patron and Public, a Critical Survey. 1907. (Anon.)
- Pendelton, John. Newspaper Reporting in olden times and to-day. 1890.
- Pollitt, C. De Quincey’s editorship of the Westmorland Gazette, with selections from his work on that Journal from July, 1818, to November, 1819. Kendal, 1890.
- Porritt, Edward. The Englishman at Home. 1894 (Chapter 13 deals fully with the relations of the Government to the Press).
- Progress of British Newspapers in the nineteenth century. 1901.
- Ralph, Julian. The Making of a Journalist. 1903.
- Rollington, Ralph. A Brief History of Boys’ Journals. Leicester [1913]. [Valuable for bibliographical details.]
- Scotsman, The story of The. Privately printed. 1886.
- Shepherdson, William. Reminiscences in the Career of a Newspaper (The Sheffield Daily Telegraph). 1876.
- Spielmann, J. H. The History of Punch. 1895.
- Staffordshire Advertiser, Centenary history of The. Stafford, 1895.
- Symon, J. D. The Press and its Story. 1914.
- Wellsman, W. The Local Press of London.
- Yeo, H. Newspaper management. Manchester, 1891.
- Directories
- Mitchell, C. Newspaper Press Directory. 1846. (In progress.)
- Penrose’s Pictorial Annual. The process year book. Edited by Gamble, William. 1898. (In progress.)
- Printer’s Year Book and Diary, 1900. (In progress.)
- Printing Trades’ Diary, 1885. (In progress.)
- Printing World. 1891. (In progress.)
- Sell, Henry. The World’s Press. (In progress.)
- Whitaker, Joseph (1820–1895), founder of The Bookseller (1858), of Whitaker’s Almanack (1868) and of The Reference Catalogue. See The Bookseller 6 February and 8 June, 1895.
- (2) Lives of Journalists, and of Editors and Publishers of Journals
- Adams, W. E. Memoirs of a Social Atom. 2 vols. 1903.
- Alec-Tweedie, Mrs. Thirteen years of a busy Woman’s Life. 1912.
- Annand, James. Hodgson, George B. From Smithy to Senate: the life story of James Annand, Journalist and Politician. 1908.
- Appleton, Charles Edward Cutts Birch (1841–1879), founder of The Academy. See Appleton, J. H. and Sayce, A. H., Dr. Appleton: his Life and Literary Relics, 1881.
- Arnold, W. T. Ward, Mrs. Humphry, and Montague, C. E. William Thomas Arnold, Journalist and Historian. March, 1907.
- Baines, Edward (1774–1848), proprietor of The Leeds Mercury. Life. 1851. See, also, The Leeds Mercury, 5 and 12 August, 1848.
- Bell, Robert (1800–1867). Editor of The Atlas for many years and of miscellaneous works (notably The English Poets, 24 vols., 1854–7). See D. of N. B.
- Blowitz, Henry Stephen de. My Memoirs. 1903.
- Bohemian Days in Fleet Street. By a Journalist. 1913.
- Borthwick, Sir Algernon. Reginald Lucas, Lord Glenesk, and The Morning Post. 1910.
- Buckingham, James Silk (1786–1855), founder of The Athenaeum. Autobiography. 2 vols. 1855. For his works of travel see D. of N. B.
- Bussey, H. Findlater. Sixty Years of Journalism. Bristol, 1906.
- Cassell, J. Pike, G. Holden. John Cassell. 1894.
- Catling, Thomas (editor of Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper). My Life’s Pilgrimage. 1911.
- Chambers, William. Memoirs of Robert Chambers, with autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. 2nd edn. 1872.
- Colles, Ramsay. In Castle and Courthouse, being reminiscences of thirty years in Ireland. 1911.
- Conder, Josiah. Conder, Eustace R. A Memoir. 1857.
- Cook, John Douglas (1808?–1868), of the Saturday Review. See D. of N. B.
- Cooper, Charles A. Editor of the Scotsmen (1876–1905). An editor’s retrospect. 1896.
- Coulson, Walter (1794?–1860), of The Globe. See D. of N. B.
- Cowen, Joseph (1829–1900), of The Newcastle Chronicle. Life and Speeches. Jones, E. R. 1885. Life. Duncan, W. 1904.
- Crowe, Sir Joseph. Reminiscences of thirty-five years of my life. 1875.
- Dawney, Edmund. Twenty years ago. A book of anecdote illustrating literary life in London. 1905.
- Delane, John Thaddeus. Dasent, Arthur Irwin. Delane’s life and correspondence. 2 vols. 1908.
- Delane, J. T. Cook, Sir E. J. T. Delane. 1915.
- Dilnot, Frank. The adventures of a Newspaper Man. 1913.
- Dixon, W. W. The Spice of Life. A medley of memoirs. By “Thormanby.” 1911.
- Dunlop, Andrew. Fifty Years of Irish Journalism. Dublin, 1911.
- Escott, T. H. S. Platform, Press, Politics and Play. Bristol, 1895.
- Flower, Benjamin (1755–1829). Statement of Facts drawn up by himself. 1808.
- See, also, obituary notice in The Monthly Repository, new series, Vol.
III. - Fonblanque, Edward Barrington de. The Life and Labours of Albany Fonblanque. 1874.
- Forsyth, William (1818–1879). Editor of the Aberdeen Journal, etc. Memoir by Alex. Walker. 1882.
- Francis, John C. John Francis, a literary chronicle of half a century. 2 vols. 1888.
- Frost, Thomas. Forty Years’ Recollections: Literary and Political. 1880.
- Garrett, Edmund. Cook, E. T., a Memoir. 1909.
- Giffard, Stanley Lees (1788–1858). See The Standard, 9 November, 1858.
- Godkin, E. L. Ogden, Rollo. Life and Letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin. 2 vols. 1907.
- Greenwood, Frederick (1830–1909), founder, with George Smith, of The Pall Mall Gazette. See D. of N. B.
- Gutch, John Mathew (1776–1861), of Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal. See D. of N. B.
- Harwood, Philip (1809–1887), of The Saturday Review. See the issue for 17 December, 1887.
- Haynie, Henry. The Captains and the Kings. Intimate reminiscences of notabilities. 1905.
- Hetherington, Henry (1792–1849), of The Poor Man’s Guardian. See Holyoake, G. J., Life of Henry Hetherington, 1849.
- Higgins, Matthew James (1810–1868), “Jacob Omnium.” Essays on Social Subjects, with a memoir by Maxwell, Sir W. Stirling. 1875.
- Holyoake, G. J. Sixty years of an agitator’s life. 1892.
- Hutton, Richard Holt. Monograph by Hogben, John. Edinburgh, 1899.
- Ingram, Herbert. See D. of N. B.
- Jerdan, William. Autobiography. With his literary, political and social reminiscences and correspondence during the last fifty years. 4 vols. 1852–3.
- Knight, Charles. Passages of a working life. 3 vols. 1864.
- Knowles, Sir James Thomas (1831–1908), founder and editor of The Nineteenth Century, after editing The Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. See D. of N. B.
- Labouchere, H. Thorold, Algar Labouchere. The Life of Henry Labouchere. 1913.
- Latey, John (1842–1902), of The Penny Illustrated Paper, etc. See D. of N. B.
- Leng, Sir John (1828–1906), of The Dundee Advertiser. Said to be the first to introduce pictures in a daily paper. See D. of N. B.
- Leng, Sir William Christopher (1825–1902), of The Sheffield Daily Telegraph. Said to be the first to set up linotype machines. See D. of N. B.
- Levy, Joseph Moses (1812–1888), of The Daily Telegraph. See the issue for 13 October, 1888.
- Lloyd, Edward (1815–1890). See Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper, 13 April, 1890.
- Lucy, H. W. Sixty years in the Wilderness. 1909.
- Maccoll, Norman (1843–1904), editor of The Athenaeum, 1871–1900, and Spanish scholar. See D. of N. B.
- Macdonell, James (1841–1879). See James Macdonell, Journalist, by Nicoll, W. R., 1890.
- Murray, Henry. A stepson of Fortune. The memories, confessions and opinions of Henry Murray. 1909.
- Newnes, Sir George, Bart., The Life of. By Friederichs, Halda. 1911.
- Prior, Melton. Campaigns of a War Correspondent. 1912.
- Redding, Cyrus. Fifty years’ recollections. 3 vols. 1853.
- Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss (1842–1905), of The Leeds Mercury and The Speaker. See D. of N. B.
- Rintoul, Robert Stephen (1787–1858), of The Dundee Advertiser, first editor of The Spectator. See The Dundee Advertiser, 27 April, 1858, and The Spectator, 1 May, 1858.
- Ritchie, William (1781–1831), founder, with Charles Maclaren, of The Scotsman. See Biographical Sketch—The Scotsman. 1831.
- Robinson, Sir J. R. Thomas, Frederick Moy. Fifty Years of Fleet Street. Being the Life and Recollections of Sir John Richard Robinson. 1904.
- Russel, Alexander (1814–1876), of The Scotsman. See article by Graham, H. G., in Fraser’s Magazine, September, 1880.
- Russell, Sir Edward. That Reminds me. 1899.
- Russell, Sir William Howard, The Life of. By Atkins, John Black. 2 vols. 1911.
- Runciman, James (1852–1891), of London. The St. James’s Gazette and other papers. See Side Lights, with Memoir by Allen, Grant, 1893; The Romance of the Coast, 1883.
- Sala, George Augustus. Things I have seen and people I have known. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1895.
- Scott, Clement. The Wheel of Life. A few memories and recollections. New edn. 1898.
- Smith, James E. See “Shepherd” Smith the universalist, by Smith, W. H. 1892.
- Stead, William Thomas. My Father. By Stead, Estelle W. 1913.
- Steevens, George Warrington (1869–1900), of The National Observer, The Pall Mall Gazette, Blackwood’s Magazine, The New Review, etc. Things Seen, with memoir by Henley. 1900.
- —— With Kitchener to Khartum. 1898.
- Stowe, William Henry (1825–1855), Times correspondent in the Crimea. See John Walter’s leader in The Times, 6 July, 1855.
- Syme, D. Pratt, Ambrose. David Syme, the Father of Protection in Australia. 1908.
- Taylor, John Edward (1791–1844). Founder of The Manchester Guardian.
- See The Manchester Guardian, 10 January, 1844.
- Thomas, William Luson (1830–1900). Founder of The Graphic and The Daily Graphic. See those papers for, respectively, 20 and 18 October, 1900.
- “Thormanby.” See Dixon, W. W.
- Townsend, Meredith White (1831–1911), of The Spectator and Economist. Asia and Europe. 1901.
- Tytler, James (1747?–1805), A Biographical Sketch of the Life of. Edinburgh, 1805.
- Venables, George Stovin (1810–1888), of The Saturday Review. See the issue for 13 October, 1888.
- Villiers, Frederick. Pictures of many Wars. 1902.
- Vizetelly, Henry (1820–1894). Glances back through Seventy Years. 1893.
- Walter, John. In Memory of John Walter. 1894.
- Weir, William (1802–1858), editor of The Daily News, 1854–8. See D. of N. B.
- Williams, J. B. The beginnings of English journalism. 1911.
- Woodfalls, The. For details concerning George Woodfall (1767–1844), Henry Sampson Woodfall (1739–1805) and William Woodfall (1746–1863), see D. of N. B. and Vol. X of this History.
- Yates, Edmund. Recollections and Experiences. 4th edn. 1885.
- (3) Printing and Technique
- Bigmore, E. C. and Wyman, C. W. H. A Bibliography of Printing. 3 vols. 1880.
- Bolas, Thomas. Cantor lectures on Stereotyping. 1890.
- Blackburn, Henry. The Art of Illustration. Edinburgh, 1901.
- Burch, R. M. Colour printing and Colour printers. 1910.
- Cantor lectures on the art of Book and Newspaper illustration. 1894.
- Gerrold, W. The triumphs of the Printing press. 1896.
- Southward, John. The principles and practice of Printing Machinery. 2nd edn. 1890.
- —— Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts during the Victorian Era. 1897.
- —— Modern Printing. A treatise on the principles and practice of Typography and the auxiliary Arts. 1900.
- Thompson, John S. The mechanism of the Linotype. 3rd edn. 1908.
- Times Printing number. 1912.
- Wilson, Frederick J. F. Typographic printing machines and machine printing. 1884.
- —— Stereotyping and Electrotyping. 3rd edn. 1886.
- Wilson, Fred. J. F. and Grey, Douglas. A practical treatise upon modern Printing machinery and letter-press printing. 1888.
- Wyse, Henry T. Modern type display and the use of type ornament. Edinburgh, 1911.
- (4) Copyright
- Bowker, R. R. Copyright, its history and its laws. 1912.
- Briggs, William. The Law of International Copyright. 1906.
- Copinger, W. A. The Law of Copyright. 1904.
- Macgillivray, E. J. Treatise on the Law of Copyright. 1906.
- —— Copyright Act. 1911.
- Oldfield, L. C. F. The Law of Copyright. 1912.
- (5) Libel
- Arnold, F. O. The Law of damages and compensation. 1913.
- Ball, W. Valentine. The Law of Libel as affecting newspapers and journalists. 1912.
- Fraser, Hugh. The Law of Libel in its relation to the Press. 1889.
- Odgers, W. B. A digest of the Law of Libel and Slander. 1896.
- Starkie, T. The Law of Slander and Libel. 1908.
- (6) Liberty of the Press
- Dicey, A. V. Lectures on the relation between law and public opinion in England during the nineteenth century. 1914.
- Fisher, J. R. and Strahan, J. A. The Law of the Press. 1898.
- Fowell, Frank, and Palmer, Frank. Censorship in England. 1913.
- Jephson, Henry. The Platform, its rise and progress. 1892.
- Montague, Francis C. The limits of individual liberty. 1885.
- Paterson, James. The liberty of the Press, speech and public worship. 1880.
W. R. C. - [This bibliography is the work of the late W. R. Credland, for many years deputy chief librarian of Manchester.]