The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- C
AMBRIDGE - Calverley, Charles Stuart. The Literary Remains of, with a memoir by Sendall, Walter J. 2nd edn. 1885.
- Cambridge Review, The Book of the, 1879–97. 1898.
- Cambridge Verse, A Book of. Kellett, E. E. (ed.). 1911.
- Hilton, Arthur Clement. The Works of, together with his Life and Letters. Ed. Edgcumbe, Robert P. 1904.
- Lehmann, R. C. In Cambridge Courts. 1891. New edn. 1897.
- Nicholson, R. A. The Don and the Dervish: A Book of Verse, original and translated. 1911.
- Pain, Barry. In a Canadian Canoe. 1891. New edn. 1898.
- —— Playthings and Parodies. 1892. New edn. 1896.
- S., J. K. (Stephen, J. K.). Lapsus Calami. 1891. New edn. 1909.
- Stephen, J. K. Quo Musa Tendis? 1891.
- Trevelyan, Sir George. The Ladies in Parliament and other Pieces. New edn. 1888.
- —— Interludes in Prose and Verse. 1905. (Includes the above in a revised form.)
- Whibley, Charles (ed.). In Cap and Gown. 1889. 3rd edn. with new Preface. 1898.
- Cambridge University Magazine, The (originally called The Symposium). 1840.
- Tatler in Cambridge, The. 1871.
- Cambridge Review, The. 1879.
- Granta, The. 1889.
- Cambridge Observer, The. 1891.
- Russell, G. W. E. Collections and Recollections. New edn. 1903. (Chapters
XXVI toXXVIII deal with parody and refer to both Oxford and Cambridge.) - O
XFORD - Godley, A. D. Verses to Order by A. G. 1892. New and enlarged edn. (“by A. D. Godley”). 1904.
- —— The Casual Ward: Academic and other Oddments. 1912.
- Oxford Magazine, Echoes from the: being Reprints of Seven Years. 1890. New and cheaper edn. 1908.
- Oxford, In praise of. An Anthology in Prose and Verse, compiled by Seccombe, Thomas and Scott, H. Spencer. Vol.
II. 1912. - Pigott, Mostyn T. Two on a Tour, and other Papers from the Isis. 1895.
- Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, The. Ed. Morris, William. 1856.
- Oxford Critic and University Magazine, The. 1857.
- Oxford Spectator, The. 1868.
- Oxford Magazine, The. 1883.
- Isis, The. 1892.
- J. C. R., The. 1898.
- Symon, J. D. The Earlier Oxford Magazines, in the Oxford and Cambridge Review, No. 13, Lent Term. 1911.
- A
BERDEEN - Macfie, Ronald F. Granite Dust. 1892.
- Smith, Robert Harvey. A Village Propaganda. 1889. (Deals with the genesis of the Aberdeen Universities’ Magazine.)
- King’s College Miscellany, The. 1846.
- Aberdeen Universities’ Magazine, The. 1849.
- Alma Mater. 1883.
- Donaldson, Sir J. The Aberdeen Universities’ Magazine, in The Aberdeen University Review, No. 1. 1913.
- Leask, W. Keith. The Story of the University Magazine, in The Aberdeen University Review, No. 4. 1914. (Deals chiefly with Aberdeen.)
- E
DINBURGH - New Amphion, The, being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair. 1886. First publication of Some College Memories by Stevenson, afterwards ptd. in Memories and Portraits.
- Stevenson, R. L. A College Magazine, in Memories and Portraits. 1887. (Includes a reprint of An old Scotch Gardener from No. 3 of the Edinburgh University Magazine, ed. by S., R. L.)
- Famous Edinburgh Students. 1914. Mostly rptd. from The Student.
- University Maga, The. 1835 and 1837–9.
- Edinburgh University Magazine, The (fourth of that title). Ed. mainly by Stevenson, R. L. 1871.
- Student, The (first called The Student: a Casual). 1887.
- G
LASGOW - Glasgow University Magazine, The. 1889.
- Glasgow University Album, The. (By students and alumni.)
- S
T. ANDREWS - Murray, A. W. The Scarlet Gown. 1891.
- St. Andrews University Magazine, The. 1863. (Chiefly a graduates’ paper.)
- St. Andrews University New Sheet, The. 1886–7; 1888–9.
- College Echoes. 1889.
- Lang, Andrew. Adventures among Books. 1905.
- T
RINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN - Echoes from Kottabos, edd. Tyrrell, R. Y. and Sullivan, Sir E. 1906.
- Dublin University Review, The. 1885.
- Kottabos. Ed. Tyrrell, R. Y. 1868–81. Ed. Bury, J. B. 1888–95.
- S
- St. Catharine’s. St. Catharine’s College Magazine. 1913.
- Caius. Caian, The. 1891.
- Christ’s. Christ’s College Magazine, The. 1886.
- Clare. Lady Clare Magazine, The. 1911.
- Downing. Griffin, The. 1904.
- Emmanuel. Emmanuel College Magazine, The. 1889.
- King’s. Basileona. 1900.
- Magdalene. Magdalene College Magazine, The. 1909.
- Peterhouse. Sex, The. 1897.
- St. John’s. Eagle, The. 1858.
- Selwyn. Sell, The. 1909.
- Girton. Girton Review, The. 1882.
- Oxford
- Corpus. Pelican Record, The. 1891.
- Exeter. Stapeldon Magazine, The. 1904.
- Jesus. Jesus College Magazine, The. 1912.
- Wadham. Wadham College Gazette, The. 1897.
- Eton. Microcosm, The. 1787.
- Etonian, The. Ed. W. Blunt and W. M. Praed. 1820.
- Winchester. Wykehamist, The. 1866.
- Rugby. Rugbeian, The. 1850.
- Harrow. Harrovian, The. 1878.
- Bartholomew, A. T. Catalogue of books and papers bequeathed to the University of Cambridge by J. W. Clark. Cambridge, 1912.
- Marillier, H. C. University Magazines and their makers. 1899.