The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- P
UTHORITIES AND GENERAL LITERATURE - British Museum. The Official catalogue in the Department of Prints and Drawings. Also Catalogue of Prints and Drawings: Political and Personal Satires 1320–1770, 4 vols., 1870–8; and A short History of Engraving and Etching for the use of collectors and students with full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers, 1911, by Hind, A. M. (of the Dept. of Prints and Drawings).
- Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. See the various art catalogues: especially Cruikshank Collection, and some original water-colour caricatures and book illustrations by Thackeray. Actual wood-blocks, and engravings on steel and copper will also be found in the various galleries, illustrating the technique of the different processes.
- Art magazines of the period: Annals of the Fine Arts, 5 vols., 1817–20; Arnold’s Magazine, 3 vols., 1833–34; Fine Arts Quarterly, 1863–67; The Library of the Fine Arts, 4 vols., 1831–32.
- The Badminton Library of Sports, etc., 1885, etc.
- Andrewes, George. Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages, ancient and modern, as used by every class of offenders. [1809.]
- Ashton, J. English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. With … illustrations by the author. 2 vols. 1884. New edn. 1888.
- —— Modern Street Ballads. With … illustrations. 1888.
- —— Gossip in the first decade of Victoria’s Reign … Illustrated by reproductions from cartoons and other drawings. 1903.
- Astley, Sir John. Fifty Years of my life in the world of sport at home and abroad. 2 vols. 1894.
- Catnach Press, The. A collection of the books and woodcuts of J. C. [With his life, etc., compiled by Hindley, Charles. 1869.]
- Champfleury [pseud.]. Histoire de la caricature moderne. 1871.
- Chandler, F. W. The Literature of Roguery. 2 vols. 1907.
- Cross, Thomas. The autobiography of a Stage Coachman. 3 vols. 1861. 2 vols. 1904.
- Dayot, A. Napoléon raconté par l’image. Paris, 1895.
- Dobson, Austin. William Hogarth … [with illustrations, bibliography, and catalogue of prints by Hogarth]. New and enlarged edn. 1898. With seventy-six illustrations. 1907.
- —— Thomas Bewick and his pupils. 1899.
- Encyclopaedia of Sports and Games. 4 vols. 1911 edn. [See article on Obsolete Sports, and the various bibliographies enumerated in the index.]
- Fagan, L. Engraving in England, illustrated by 100 facsimiles. 3 vols. 1893.
- Gillray, James. The caricatures of Gillray; with historical and political illustrations, biographical anecdotes and notices. Pts.
I–IX. [1818.] - —— The Genuine Works of James Gillray, engraved by himself. 2 vols. 1830.
- —— Illustrative description of the genuine works of … J. G. [With a prefatory notice subscribed T. M[’Lean].] 1830.
- See, also, under Grego, Joseph.
- Grego, Joseph. The Works of J. Gillray, the Caricaturist; with the history of his life … 1873.
- —— Thackerayana: notes and anecdotes illustrated by nearly six hundred sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray, depicting humorous incidents in his school life, and favourite scenes and characters in the books of his everyday reading. 1875. [1874.]
- —— Rowlandson the Caricaturist. A Selection from his works. With anecdotal descriptions of his famous characters and a sketch of his life, times, and contemporaries. With about four hundred illustrations. 2 vols. 1880. [A full list of his works in public and private collections is contained at the end.]
- —— A History of Parliamentary Elections and electioneering in the old days … Illustrated from the original political squibs … and popular caricatures of the time. 1886.
- —— [Ed.] The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow. Being anecdotes of the Camp, Court, Clubs, and Society, 1810–1860. With portrait and 32 illustrations from contemporary sources. Coloured by hand. 2 vols. 1892.
- Grose, Francis. Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 1823.
- Hardie, M. English Coloured Books. 1906.
- Harper, Charles George. Half-Hours with the Highwaymen. 2 vols. 1908.
- Henning, F. W. J. Fights for the Championship; the men and their times … with portraits from old prints. Rptd. from the Licensed Victuallers’ Gazette. 2 vols. 1902.
- Hugo, T. Bewick’s woodcuts … engraved for the most part by T. and J. Bewick. 1870.
- Hulton, S.F. The Clerk of Oxford in Fiction. With twelve illustrations. 1909.
- Jackson, Mason. The Pictorial Press, its origin and progress. 1888.
- Jerrold, B. Life of George Cruikshank. 1882.
- Levis, Howard L. A Descriptive Bibliography of the most important Books in the English Language relating to The Art and History of Engraving and the Collecting of Prints. 1912.
- Lewine, J. Bibliography of Eighteenth Century Art and Illustrated Books. 1898.
- Lindsay, James Ludovic (earl Crawford). English Broadsides. 1505–1897. Aberdeen, 1898.
- Macbean, L. Marjorie (Marjorie Fleming) … with her portraits and complete diaries. 1914.
- MacDonagh, M. The Ballads of the People.
XIX Century. 1903. - Miles, Henry Downes. Pugilistica: being one hundred and forty-four years of the history of British Boxing … From 1719 … 1863. 3 vols. [1880–81.]
- Nichols, J. B. [Ed.] Anecdotes of William Hogarth, written by himself, with essays on his life and genius, and criticisms on his works, selected from Walpole, Gilpin … and others. To which are added a Catalogue of his prints; account of their variations, etc. 1833.
- Paston, George [i.e. Emily Morse Symonds]. Old Coloured Books. With sixteen coloured plates. 1905.
- —— Social Caricature in the Eighteenth Century. 1905.
- Paston, J. Caricature. 1873.
- Porter, John. Kingsclere.… Ed. by Webber, B. With illustrations, etc. 1896.
- Rowlandson, Thomas. Rowlandson’s characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, intended as a companion to the New Picture of London: consisting of fifty-four plates … coloured. 1820.
- See, also, under Grego, Joseph.
- Taylor, S. A. Cocking and its Votaries. [?]
- Thomson, Anstruther. Eighty Years’ Reminiscences. 1900.
- Tongue, Cornelius. Hunting Tours. 1864.
- Wadmore, F. Etching in England. 1895.
- Wheeler, H. F. B. and Broadley, A. M. Napoleon and the Invasion of England. 1907.
- Wright, T. A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art. 1865.
- —— Caricature History of the Georges. Or, Annals of the House of Hanover.… With nearly four hundred illustrations, etc. [1868.]
- See, also, ante, Illustrators and Illustrations in Dickens bibliography, Vol. XIII, Chap.
X. - B. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - [When first issued in monthly parts, a first edition should consist of those parts in their wrappers. Illustrations to first editions of these works are, in many cases, coloured by hand.]
- A’Beckett, Gilbert Abbot. The Comic Blackstone. Pt. 1. 1844.
- —— The Comic Blackstone [in four parts]. With illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 1864.
- —— The Comic History of England … with coloured etchings and … woodcuts by J. Leech. 2 vols. 1847.
- —— The Comic History of Rome … Illustrated by J. Leech. [1852.]
- [See, also, post, section D.]
- Apperley, Charles James [Nimrod]. Memoirs of the life of the late John Mytton, Esq. of Halston, Shropshire, … with notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits.… With numerous illustrations by H. Alken and T. J. Rawlins. 1837.
- —— The Life of a Sportsman.… With thirty-six coloured illustrations by Henry Alken. 1842.
- Arbuthnot, John. See, ante, bibliography to Chap.
V, Vol. IX. - Beckford, Peter. Thoughts on Hunting. In a series of familiar letters to a friend. 1781.
- —— Thoughts upon Hare and Fox Hunting … illustrated with 20 … engravings. 1796.
- Bewick, T. A General History of Quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood by T. B. 1790.
- —— A History of British Birds. The figures engraved on wood by T. B. 1797, etc.
- Bindley, Charles [pseud. Harry Hieover]. Stable Talk and Table Talk. 2 vols. 1845, 46.
- —— The Pocket and the Stud. 1848.
- —— The Stud for practical purposes and practical men. 1849.
- —— The Hunting Field. 1850.
- —— Bipeds and Quadrupeds. 1853.
- Bindley, Sporting Facts and Sporting Fancies. 1853.
- —— The World: how to square it. 1854.
- —— Hints to Horsemen. 1856.
- —— Precept and Practice. 1857.
- —— The Sportsman’s Friend in a Frost. 1857.
- —— The Sporting World. 1858.
- —— Things worth knowing about horses. 1859.
- Bunbury, William Henry [pseud. Geoffrey Gambago]. An Academy for Grown Horsemen, containing the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling, and Tumbling. Illustrated with copper plates, and ornamented with a portrait of the author. By Geoffrey Gambago, Esq; Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice.
MDCCLXXXVII. - Carey, David. Life in Paris, Comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours of Dick Wildfire and Squire Jenkins. 1822.
- Catnach, James. Life in London; or, the Sprees of Tom and Jerry; attempted in cuts and verse. [1822?]
- Colquhoun, John (1805–1885). The Moor and the Lock; containing hints on most of the Highland Sports.… With an essay on lock-fishing. Edinburgh, 1840. New edn. Edinburgh, 1888.
- —— Rocks and Rivers; or, Highland Wanderings over crag and correi, flood and fell. 1849.
- —— Salmon-Casts and Stray Shots. Edinburgh, 1858.
- —— Sporting Dogs. 1866.
- Combe, William. The Diaboliad, a poem. 1677 [1777].
- —— The Diabolady, or, A Match in Hell: a poem, etc. 1777.
- —— The Anti-Diabolady. 1777.
- —— Letters supposed to have been written by Yorick and Eliza. 1779.
- —— The Devil upon Two Sticks in England. 1790.
- —— Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton. 1806.
- —— The Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque. Fourth edn., with new plates. 1813. [First appeared in The Poetical Magazine, 1812.]
- —— The Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque. A Poem. Third edn. (The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of Consolation. Second edn. The Third Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of a Wife.) [With illustrations by T. Rowlandson.] 3 vols. 1813[–21].
- —— Doctor Syntax’s Three Tours: in search of the Picturesque, Consolation, and a Wife. [1868.] [With a biography of the author, and a bibliography of his writings.]
- Syntax, Doctor. [Imitations of.] The Tour of Doctor Syntax through London, or the pleasures of the Metropolis. A Poem. 1820.
- Doctor Syntax in Paris, or a Tour in search of the Grotesque. 1820.
- The Adventures of Doctor Comicus; or the Follies of Fortune. A comic satirical poem … By a Modern Syntax [with coloured illustrations]. [1825.]
- —— The Life of Napoleon, a hudibrastic poem, by Dr. Syntax. 1815.
- —— The English Dance of Death, from the design of Thomas Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustrations, By the author of Doctor Syntax. Vol.
I, [II. ] 1815. [Vol.II, 1816.] - —— The Dance of Life, a Poem, By the author of Doctor Syntax; illustrated with Coloured Engravings, By Thomas Rowlandson. 1817.
- —— Johnny Quae Genus, The Foundling of Doctor Syntax. 1822.
- Davenport, William Bromley (1821–1884). Sport: fox-hunting, salmon-fishing, covert-shooting, deer-stalking … Illustrated by … H. H. Crealocke. [Ed. Davenport, Augusta Bromley.] 1885.
- Dixon, H. H. [pseud. The Druid]. The Post and the Paddock: with recollections of George IV, Sam Chiffney, and other turf celebrities. [1856.]
- —— Silk and Scarlet. 1858.
- —— Scott and Sebright. 1862.
- —— Saddle and Sirloin. 1870.
- —— The Druid Sporting Library. New edn. Above novels and Life and Times of the Druid. By Francis Lawley. 5 vols. 1895.
- Egan, Pierce (the elder). Boxiana; or Sketches of Antient and Modern Pugilism, from the Days of the renowned Broughton and Slack, to the Championship of Crib … Vols.
I, II, 1818. Vol.III, 1821. Vol.IV, 1824. - —— Life in London; or, the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and his elegant friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. Illustrated by Cruikshank, J. R. and G. 1821. [First published in monthly numbers beginning July, 1821.]
- —— Pierce Egan’s Finish To the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their pursuits through Life in and out of London. Illustrated by Robert Cruikshank. [1871.]
- —— The Life of an Actor. By Pierce Egan, Author of Life in London, Tom and Jerry, A Musical Drama, etc. The Poetical Descriptions by Greenwood, T. Illustrated. 1825.
- —— Pierce Egan’s Anecdotes original and selected of The Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage; the whole forming a Complete Panorama of the Sporting World.
MDCCCXXVII. - —— The Show Folk. 1831.
- —— Pierce Egan’s Book of Sports and Mirror of Life. 1832.
- —— The Pilgrims of the Thames; in search of the National! illustrations … 1838.
- Fleming, Marjorie. See under Macbean in A. above; also, Brown, J., Horae Subsecivae.
- Gilpin, William. Observations on the Wye, and several parts of South Wales, etc. 1782.
- —— Observations relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in … 1772, on several parts of England; particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 2 vols. 1786.
- —— Observations relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in … 1776, on several parts of Great Britain; particularly the High-lands of Scotland. 2 vols. 1789.
- —— Remarks on Forest Scenery, and other Woodland Views … illustrated by the scenes of New Forest in Hampshire. 2 vols. 1791.
- —— Observations on the Western part of England, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. To which are added a few remarks on the … Isle of Wight. 1798.
- —— Observations on the coasts of Hampshire, Sussex and Kent, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, etc. 1804.
- —— Observations on several parts of England. 2 vols. 1808.
- —— Observations on several parts of the countries of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, etc. 1809.
- Godfrey, Captain. Treatise on the Useful Art of Self-Defence. [? 1740.]
- H., R. The Royal Pastime of Cock-fighting; or, the Art of breeding, feeding, fighting and curing Cocks of the game. 1709. Rptd. 1899.
- Hindley, C. A history of the cries of London, etc. (woodcuts by Bewick, T. and J., etc.). 1881.
- —— The True History of Tom and Jerry; or … Life in London from the start to the finish. (With selections from the original of Pierce Egan.) With a Key … a vocabulary and glossary, etc. 1888.
- Howitt, Samuel. The British Sportsman; containing seventy [coloured] plates. 1812.
- Jerrold, Douglas William. Men of Character. 3 vols. 1838.
- —— Black-eyed Susan, or All in the Downs. Lacy’s acting edn. of Plays. Vol. 23. [1850, etc.]
- See, also, post, section D.
- Jesse, E. Scenes and Tales of Country Life. With recollections of Natural History. 1844.
- Lawrence, John. A philosophical and practical Treatise on Horses, and on the moral duties of man towards the brute creation. 2 vols. 1796–8.
- —— The history and delineation of the Horse … Illustrated by anecdotes and biographical notices of distinguished sportsmen … With instructions for breeding … and the general management of the horse, etc. 1809.
- Malet, H. E. Annals of the Road. 1876.
- Mayhew, Henry. The Great Plague of Life; or the Adventures of a lady in search of a good servant … Illustrated by George Cruikshank. [1847.]
- —— Whom to marry and how to get married. By one who has refused twenty excellent offers at least… Illustrated by George Cruikshank. [1848.]
- —— London Characters: illustrations of the humour, pathos and peculiarities of London Life. With numerous illustrations by Gilbert, W. S., and others, 1874.
- Microcosm of London, The; or London in Miniature. 3 vols. [1808, etc.]
- Mitford, John [pseud. Alfred Burton]. The Adventures of Johnny Newcombe in The Navy: A Poem, in Four Cantos: With plates by Rowlandson. 1818.
- —— The Poems of a British Sailor.
- Newgate Calendar, The; or, Malefactors Bloody Register. Containing Genuine and Circumstantial narratives of the Lives and Transactions … of the Most Notorious Criminals of both sexes.… The whole tending to guard young Minds from the Allurements of Vices, and the Paths that lead to Destruction. 5 vols. [1773.]
- —— Containing the lives … of … housebreakers, highwaymen, etc. [1840?]
- —Containing the lives and characters of the most notorious housebreakers … murderers … etc. [1850?]
- Nyren, John. The Young Cricketer’s Tutor. 1833. Ed. with introduction by Ashley-Cooper, F. S. 1902.
- —— The Hambledon Men: being a new edition of Nyren’s Young Cricketer’s Tutor, together with a collection of other matter, etc. 1907.
- Pennell, Henry Cholmondeley (1837–1915). Puck on Pegasus. Illustrated by Leech, Phiz, Portch, Tenniel, and G. Cruikshank. 1861.
- Pickwick, Imitations of. Post-humorous Notes of the Pickwickian Club, by Bos. (Reynolds, G. W. M.) 2 vols. [n.d.]
- —— Pickwick in America, edited by Bos. [Reynolds, G. W. M.] [n.d.]
- —— The Pickwick Gazette. [Published in numbers.] 1837.
- Pickwick Posthumous Papers of the Wonderful Discovery Club, formerly of Camden Town by Sir Peter Patron. Ed. by Boz. 1838.
- —— Pickwick abroad, or the Tour in France, by Reynolds, G. W. M. [41 steel plates by Crowquill and 33 woodcuts by Bonner.] [1839.]
- Pitcairn, Robert (1793–1855). Criminal Trials in Scotland, from
A.D. 1488 toA.D. 1624. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1833. - Pyne, W. H. [pseud. Ephraim Hardcastle]. Wine and Walnuts; or, After Dinner Chit-Chat. 2 vols. 1823.
- Quiz (pseud.). Sketches of Young Ladies: in which these interesting members of the animal kingdom are classified according to their several characteristics. With six illustrations by Phiz. 1837. [This work occasioned Dicken’s Sketches of Young Gentlemen.]
- Reach, Angus Bethune (1821–1856). The Natural History of Bores. 1847.
- —— The Natural History of Humbugs. 1847.
- —— The Comic Bradshaw; or, Bubbles from the Boiler. 1848.
- Also contributed The Street Beggar and the Lounger in Regent Street to Gavarni in London, ed. Smith, Albert.
- Real Life in London; or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq. and his cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the Metropolis; Exhibiting a living picture of fashionable Characters, Manners, and Amusements in High and Low Life. By an Amateur. Illustrated. 1821. Vol.
II [further Rambles, etc.]. 1822. - [Roberts, David.] The Military Adventures of Johnny Newcombe. 1815.
- St. John, C. W. G. Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. 1846. Illustrated edn. 1878.
- Scrope, William (1772–1852). The Art of Deer-Stalking, illustrated by a narrative of a few days’ sport in the forest of Atholl. With some account of the nature and habits of Red Deer; legends, superstitions, etc. Illustrated by engravings, etc. 1838. A new edn. The Sportsman’s library. Vol.
V. 1897. - —— Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, with a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon.… Illustrated … from paintings by Sir D. Wilkie, E. Landseer, etc. 1843. The Sportsman’s Library. Vol.
VII. 1898. - Smedley, Francis Edward. Frank Fairleigh, or Scenes from the life of a Private Pupil. 1850. Also 1864, 1866 and [1878]. [All with illustrations by George Cruikshank. First published in Sharpe’s Magazine 1846–48.]
- —— Lewis Arundel; or the Railroad of Life.… With illustrations by Phiz. 1852.
- —— Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, and all that came of it.… With illustrations by Phiz. [1854–55.]
- Smith, Albert Richard. The Adventures of Jack Holyday: with something about his sister.… With comic illustrations. 1844.
- —— The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, and his friend Jack Johnson. 3 vols. 1844.
- —— The Physiology of Evening Parties. With illustrations by Leech. 1846.
- —— The Natural History of the Ballet Girl. Illustrated by A. Henning. 1847.
- —— The Natural History of the Gent. 1847.
- —— The Natural History of Stuck-up People. 1847.
- —— The Natural History of the Fruit. Illustrated by Gavarni, Gilbert and Henning. 1848.
- Smith, Albert Richard. The Natural History of the Idler upon Town. 1848.
- —— A Bowl of Punch. 1848.
- —— A Pottle of Strawberries, to beguile a short journey, or a long half-hour. 1848.
- —— The Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at home and abroad. Illustrated by Leech. 1848.
- —— Comic Tales and Sketches. 1852.
- —— The London Medical Student. Ed. Smith, Arthur. 1861.
- —— (ed.). Gavarni in London: Sketches of Life and Character. 1849. [By various hands.]
- Also contributed to Punch.
- Smith, John Thomas. A Book for a Rainy Day, or, Recollections of the Events of the Last Sixty-six Years. 1845. Ed. Whitten, W. 1905.
- Strutt, Joseph. Glig-Gamena Angel-Deod, or The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England … from the earliest period to the present time, illustrated. 1801. A new edn. much enlarged and corrected, ed. Cox, Charles J. 1903.
- Surtees, Robert Smith. Jorrocks’ Jaunts and Jollities, or the Hunting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eating, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of that renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Boltoph Lane and Great Coram Street, with illustrations by Phiz. 1838. Also 1839, 1843, 1869, 1874 and 1890. [First appeared in The New Sporting Magazine, July, 1831, to Sept., 1834.]
- —— Handley Cross; or, The Spa Hunt. A Sporting Tale. By the author of Jorrocks’ Jaunts and Jollities, etc. 3 vols. 1843. [No illustrations.]
- —— Handley Cross, or, Mr. Jorrocks’s Hunt.… With illustrations [17 full page plates, and 84 woodcuts in text] by John Leech. 1854. [This edn. was originally issued in 17 monthly parts from Mar., 1853, to Oct., 1854, in red-brown covers designed by Leech; and the narrative was considerably expanded by the author.]
- —— Hillingdon Hall: or, The Cockney Squire: a Tale of London Life. 1845, 1888.
- —— The Analysis of the Hunting Field: being a series of sketches of the Principal Characters that compose one; the whole forming a slight souvenir of the Season 1845–6.… Illustrated. 1846.
- —— Hawbuck Grange; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. With eight Illustrations by Phiz. 1847. [These sketches originally appeared in Bell’s Life 1846–7.] Another edn. [1888].
- —— Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour. With illustrations by John Leech. 1853. [Published in 13 [12] monthly parts, in red-brown wrappers designed by Leech. Another edition. [1888.]
- —— Soapey Sponge’s Sporting Tour [another edn.]. 1893.
- —— Ask Mamma; or, The Richest Commoner in England. With Illustrations by John Leech. 1858. [Published in 13 monthly parts in red-brown wrappers designed by Leech.] Rptd. with Leech’s illustrations. [1888.]
- —— Plain or Ringlets? With Illustrations by John Leech. 1860. [Published in 13 [12] monthly parts in red-brown wrappers by Leech.] Rptd. with Leech’s illustrations. [1888.]
- —— Mr. Facey Romford’s Hounds. With Illustrations by Leech, John and Browne, Hablot K. 1865. [Issued in 12 monthly parts in red-brown wrappers, designed by Leech. The parts bear the title Mr. Romford’s Hounds.]
- Walsh, J. H. [pseud. Stonehenge]. The Horse in the stable and the field. 1862.
- Walsh, The Dogs of the British Islands. Third edn. 1786.
- —— British Rural Sports … Sixteenth edn. Re-edited, with … additions by The Field Staff. 1886.
- Westmacott, Charles Molloy [pseud. Bernard Blackmantle]. The English Spy: An Original Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humorous. Comprising Scenes and Sketches in every rank of Society, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. Drawn from the life by Bernard Blackmantle. The Illustrations designed by Robert Cruikshank. 1825. [Vol.
II. 1825.] - —— Points of Misery. [With illustrations by George Cruikshank.] 1823.
- Whitehead, Paul. The Gymnasiad. 1744.
- [Reprints of many of the foregoing will be found in The Illustrated Pocket Library of Plain and Coloured Books, 1903, etc.]
- C. P
ERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS - The Annual Register, 1761–98. The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 1799–1821. Charivari (Paris). The Comic Almanack (Thackeray and Smith, Albert), 1835 ff. The Comic Annual (Hood, Tom), 1830–42. The Comic Magazine, 1832–4. The Fancy, 2 vols. [1821]–1826. Figaro in London, 8 vols. 1832–9. Figaro (Paris). The Flying Post, 1695–1714. Fun, 1861–1901. The Gentleman’s Magazine, 43 vols. 1731–1833. George Cruikshank’s Magazine (ed. Smedley, F. E.), 1854. George Cruikshank’s Omnibus, illustrated with one hundred engravings, 1 vol. 1842. George Cruikshank’s Table Book (ed. A’Beckett, G. A.), 1845. Judy, 1867–1907. The Man in the Moon (Smith, Albert), 1847, etc. The Meteor, (2 nos.), 1841; (3 nos.), 1845. The Month (Smith, Albert, and Leech, John), 1851. The New Sporting Magazine, 19 vols. 1831–40. The Observer, 1824. Pierce Egan’s Life in London and Sporting Guide, 1824–7 (afterwards Bell’s Life in London, and eventually The Sporting Life). The Poetical Magazine (Ackermann), 4 vols. 1809. Punch, 1841–. Punch in London (nos. 1–71), 1832. Punchinello (37 nos.), 1854. The Quarterly Review, 1809–. The Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Manufactures (Ackermann), 1809–28. The Scourge; or monthly expositor of imposture and folly (with coloured illustrations by George Cruikshank and others), 10 vols. 1811–5. The Sporting Magazine, or Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the turf, the chase, etc., 1793–1870. The Town and Country Miscellany (Smith, Albert), 1850. The Wag, 1837. The World, 1753–6.
- D. P
UNCH - Successively edited by Henry Mayhew and Mark Lemon, Shirley Brooks, Tom Taylor, F. C. Burnand and Owen Seaman. 1841, etc. In progress.
- History and early contributors
- A’Beckett, Arthur William. The A’Becketts of Punch. Memoirs of father and sons (Gilbert Abbott, Gilbert Arthur, Arthur William). 1903.
- —— Recollections of a Humourist, grave and gay. 1907.
- See, also, ante, section B.
- Brooks, Charles William Shirley. Wit and Humour. (Poems from Punch.) 1875. Layard, George S. A Great Punch Editor: being the life, letters and diaries of Shirley Books. 1907.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
VIII, Vol. XIII. - Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley. Records and Reminiscences, personal and general.… With numerous illustrations and facsimile letters. 2 vols. 1904 [1903].
- Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson. English Society at home. From the collection of Mr. Punch. 1880.
- —— Society Pictures. Drawn by G. Du Maurier. Selected from Punch. 2 vols. 1891 [1890, 91].
- James, Henry. George Du Maurier. Partial Portraits. 1888.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
XIII, Vol. XIII. - Furniss, Harry. The Confessions of a Caricaturist (chapter
VII, Punch). [1902.] - Humourists of the Pencil. [Examples of the work of individual artists associated with Punch.] [1908, etc.]
- Jerrold, Douglas William. Punch’s letters to his Son, Corrected and edited [or rather written] by W. J. 1843.
- —— Punch’s Complete Letter writer.… With fifty illustrations by Kenny Meadows. 1845.
- —— Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures.… With all the illustrations by Charles Keene, John Leech, Richard Doyle, from the original blocks. With an introduction and bibliography by Jerrold, Walter. [1902.]
- —— The Essays of Douglas Jerrold. Ed. by … Jerrold W. 1903.
- Jerrold, Walter. Douglas Jerrold and Punch. 1910.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
VIII, Vol. XIII. - Keene, Charles Samuel. Our People … From the collection of Mr. Punch. 1881.
- —— Twenty-one Etchings by Charles S. Keene … Introduction and notes by Spielmann, M. H. 1903.
- Layard, G. S. The Life and Letters of C. S. Keene. 1892.
- Leech, John. The Rising Generation. A series of twelve drawings on stone. [1848].
- Dickens, Charles. Leech’s The Rising Generation. The Examiner, 30 Dec., 1848.
- —— Mr. Briggs and his doings. Fishing. A series of twelve coloured plates, enlarged from Mr. Leech’s original drawings. [1860.]
- —— Early Pencillings from Punch (chiefly political). [1864.]
- —— Later Pencillings from Punch.… With explanatory notes by Lemon, M. [1865.]
- —— Pictures of life and character from the collection of Mr. Punch. 3 vols. 1886–7.
- Frith, W. P. John Leech, his Life and Work.… With … illustrations. 2 vols. 1891.
- Kitton, F. G. John Leech, artist and humourist: a biographical sketch. 1883.
- Leigh, Henry Sambrooke (1837–1883). Carols of Cockayne.… With illustrations by … John Leech. [1869.]
- Leigh, Percival [pseud. Paul Prendergast]. The Comic Latin Grammar. 1840.
- —— The Comic English Grammar. 1840. Rptd. with Leech’s illustrations. [1907.]
- Lemon, Mark. A fairy tale for little people. The illustrations by R. Doyle. 1849.
- Lemon, Prose and Verse. 1852.
- —— A Christmas Hamper. [Tales.] 1860.
- —— The Jest Book. The choicest anecdotes and sayings selected and arranged by Mark Lemon. Cambridge, 1864.
- —— Up and down the London Streets. [With illustrations.] 1867.
- Hatton, J. With a Show in the North. Reminiscences of Mark Lemon. 1871.
- See, also, ante, bibliography (end of section B) Chap.
VIII, Vol. XIII. - Mahony, F. S. [pseud. Father Prout]. The Works of Father Prout. Edited with biographical introduction and notes, by Kent, C. 1881 [1880].
- May, Phil. Sketches from Punch. [1903.]
- Punch. An interesting talk about himself and his renowned contributors; his jokes, literary articles, illustrations and cartoons. With many reproductions of the more famous of each of them. [1910.]
- Punch, Mr., His origin and career. With a facsimile of his original prospectus in the handwriting of Mark Lemon. [1870.]
- Punch’s Victorian Era: an illustrated chronicle of fifty years of the reign of Her Majesty the Queen. From the contemporary pages of Punch. 3 vols. 1887, 88.
- Schooling, J. H. A Peep into Punch.… With nearly five hundred Illustrations from Punch. 1900.
- Smith, Albert Richard. See, ante, section B.
- Spielmann, M. H. The History of Punch. 1895.
- —— The hitherto unidentified Contributions of Thackeray, W. M., to Punch. With a … bibliography from 1843 to 1848. 1899.
- Tenniel, Sir John. Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel. Selected from the pages of Punch. [1851–1901.] [1901.]
- Thackeray, W. M. The Book of Snobs. 1848. (Appeared in Punch, 1846–7, as The Snobs of England). Also contained, together with The Memoirs of Mr. Charles James Yellowplush; the Diary of C. Jeames De La Plushe, Esq., and other Punch contributions, in Thackeray’s Miscellaneous Writings in Prose and Verse. 1855–7.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
IX, Vol. XIII.
G. A. B.