The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- Alexander, Mrs. C. F. Verses for Holy Seasons, 1846; Moral Songs, 1849; Poems, 1896.
- Alexander, William (abp. of Armagh). Installation Ode, 1853; Death of Jacob, 1858; St. Augustine’s Holiday, 1886. Life by his Daughter, 1914.
- Allingham, W. (1824–1889). Poems, 1850; The Music Master, 1855; Lawrence Bloomfield, 1864; Songs and Poems, 1887; Diary, 1907.
- Armstrong, E. J. (1841–1865). Poems, 1865; Poetical Works, 1877; Essays and Sketches, 1877. Life by Armstrong, G. F., 1877.
- Armstrong, G. F. Savage (1845–1906). Poems, 1869; Ugone, 1870; Stories of Wicklow, 1886; Ballads of Down, 1901.
- Banim, J. Damon and Pythias, 1821; The Celt’s Paradise, 1821; Tales by O’Hara Family, 1825, 1865. Life by Murray, P. J., 1857.
- Banim, M. The Croppy, 1828; Father Connell, 1842; Tales by O’Hara Family, 1825, 1865.
- Barrington, Sir J. Secret Memoirs of the Union, 1809; Personal Sketches of his Own Time, 1830; Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation; Paris, 1833; Dublin, 1843; London, 1844; Glasgow, c. 1870.
- Blessington, M., countess of. Conversations with Lord Byron, 1832; The Repealers, 1833; Idler in France, 1841. Life by Madden, R. R., 3 vols., 1855.
- Boucicault, D. (1820?–1890). London Assurance, 1841; The Colleen Bawn, 1861; The Shaughraun, 1875.
- Brontë, P. (1777–1861). Cottage Poems, 1811; The Rural Minstrel, 1813; The Maid of Killarney, 1813.
- Brooke, C. Reliques of Irish Poetry, 1789; 2 vols., 1816.
- Browne, F. (1816–1879). Lyrics and Miscellaneous Poems, 1848; Pictures and Songs of Home, 1856.
- Burdy, Samuel (1760?–1820). Life of P. Skelton, 1792. Ardglass, 1802.
- Butler, W. A. (1814?–1848). Sermons, 1849; the Christian Doctrine, 1850; Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, 1856.
- Butler, Sir W. F. (1831–1910). The Great Lone Land, 1872; Akim Foo, 1875; Far Out, 1880; The Light of the West, 1909; Autobiography, 1910.
- Callanan, Jeremiah John (1795–1829). Collected Poems, 1830.
- Carleton, W. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1830; The Emigrants of Ahadarra, 1847; The Black Prophet, 1847; Willy Reilly, 1855; Works, 4 vols., ed. by O’Donoghue, D. J., 1896. Life by O’Donoghue, D. J., 2 vols. 1896.
- Casey, E. O. B. Illustrious Irishwomen, 1877; The Way Women Love, 1877; Con O’Donnell, 1880.
- Cherry, A. (1762–1812). The Soldier’s Daughter, 1804; The Traveller, 1806; Bay of Biscay; The Dear Little Shamrock.
- Clarke, A. (1762–1832). Bibliographical Dictionary, 1802–6; Holy Bible, with Commentary, 8 vols., 1833, 1851; Miscellaneous Works, 13 vols., 1836, etc. Life, 3 vols., 1833.
- Coffey, Charles (d. 1745). The Beggar’s Wedding, 1729; The Devil to pay, 1731; A Wife and no Wife, 1732; The Devil upon two Sticks, 1745.
- Concannen, Mathew (1701–1749). A Match at Football, 1721; Poems, 1722; The Jovial Crew, 1731.
- Croker, T. C. Fairy Legends, 1825; Legends of the Lakes, 1829; (ed.) Popular Songs of Ireland, 1839, 1886.
- D’alton, J. Dermid, 1814; History of co. Dublin, 1838; Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin, 1838.
- Davis, F. Lispings of the Lagan, 1844; Miscellaneous Poems, 1852; Collected Poems, 1878.
- Davis, T. O. Poems, 1846; Literary and Historical Essays, 1846; Collected Essays, 1914; Selections, 1915. Life by Duffy, C. G., 1890.
- Dermody, T. (1775–1802). Poems, 1789; Ode to Peace, 1801; The Harp of Erin, 2 vols., 1807. Life by Raymond, J. G. 1806.
- Dowling, R. Mystery of Killard, 1878; Under St. Paul’s; Ignorant Essays, 1887; Indolent Essays, 1889.
- Dufferin and Ava, F. T. H.-T., 1st marquis of (1826–1902). Journey from Oxford to Skibbereen, 1847; Letters from High Latitudes, 1857. Life by Lyall, Sir A., 2 vols., 1905.
- Dufferin, H. S., lady. Lispings from Low Latitudes, 1863; Songs, Poems and Verses, 1894.
- Duffy, Sir C. G. The Ballad Poetry of Ireland, 1843; Collection of Nation Poems; The Spirit of the Nation; Young Ireland, 1880; Four Years of Irish History, 1883; The League of North and South, 1886; The Life of Thomas Davis, 1890; My Life in Two Hemispheres, 1898; Conversations with Carlyle, 1892, 1896.
- Drennan, J. S. Glendalloch, 1859; Poems and Sonnets, 1895.
- Drennan, W. (1754–1820). Letters of Orellana, 1785; Fugitive Pieces, 1815; The Electra of Sophocles, 1817.
- Drummond, W. H. (1778–1865). Hibernia, 1797; The Battle of Trafalgar, 1806; The Giant’s Causeway, 1811; Clontarf, 1822.
- Dunraven and Mount-Earl, E. R. W. W.-Q., 3rd earl of. Notes on Irish Architecture, 2 vols., 1875–77.
- Ferguson, Sir S. Lays of the Western Gael, 1865, 1888; Congal, 1872; Poems, 1880; Deirdre, 1880. Life by Lady F., 2 vols., 1896.
- Fitzpatrick, W. J. (1830–1895). Lives of Lord Cloncurry, 1855; Lady Morgan, 1860; Archb. Whately, 1864; Bishop Doyle, 1861, 1880; Charles Lever, 1879; The Sham Squire, 1866; Secret Service Under Pitt, 1892.
- Furlong, T. (1794–1827). The Misanthrope, 1819; the Doom of Derenzi, 1829; The Plagues of Ireland, 1834.
- Gilbert, Sir J. T. History of the City of Dublin, 3 vols., 1854–9; History of the Viceroys of Ireland, 1865; ed. History of the Irish Confederation and War, 1641–49, 7 vols., 1882–91. Life by Lady G., 1905.
- Griffin, G. Holland Tide, 1827; Tales of the Munster Festivals, 1829; The Collegians, 1829; Poems, 1843; Works, London, 1843; Dublin, 1857. Life by Brother, 1843, 1857.
- Hall, A. M. (1800–1881). Tales of the Irish Peasantry, 1840; Ireland, 3 vols., 1841; The Whiteboy, 1855.
- Hardiman, J. History of Galway, 1820; Irish Minstrelsy … with English Poetical Translations, 1831.
- Hill, G. (1810–1900). The Montgomery Manuscripts (ed.) 1869; The MacDonnells of Antrim, 1873; An Historical account of the Plantation in Ulster, 1877; The Flight of the Earls, 1878.
- Hungerford, Mrs. M. F. (1855?–1897). Phyllis, 1877; Molly Bawn, 1878; Portia, 1883; Rossmoyne, 1883.
- Ingram, J. K. The Memory of the Dead, 1843; History of Political Economy, 1888; Sonnets, 1900.
- Irwin, T. C. (1823–1892). Versicles, 1856, 1882; Poems, 1866; Irish Poems and Legends, 1869.
- Jameson, Mrs. A. Diary of an Ennuyée, 1826; Celebrated Female Sovereigns, 1831; Characteristics of Shakespeare’s Women, 1832; Rubens, His Life and Works, 1840; Handbook to the Public Galleries, 1842; Memoirs of Italian Painters, 1845; Legends of the Madonna, 1852.
- Memoirs of, by Macpherson, Geraldine. 1878.
- Joyce, P. W. Irish Names of Places, 1869, 1913; Grammar of Irish, 1881; Social History of Ireland, 1903, 1914.
- Joyce, R. D. Ballads, 1861; Irish Fireside Tales, 1871; Deirdre, 1876; Blanid, 1879.
- Kavanagh, Julia. Nathalie, 1851; Adele, 1858; French Women of Letters, 1861; English Women of Letters, 1862.
- Keary, Annie. Oldbury, 1869; The Nations Around, 1870; Castle Daly, 1875; A Doubting Heart, 1879.
- Keating, G. History of Ireland, 1723, 1914.
- Keightley, T. (1789–1872). Fairy Mythology, 1828; Shakespeare Expositor, 1867.
- Kennedy, P. Legendary Fictions, 1866, 1891; Banks of the Boro, 1867; Evenings in the Duffrey, 1869.
- Kenny, J. (1780–1849). Raising the Wind, 1803; Turn Him Out, 1812; Sweethearts and Wives, 1823; The Sicilian Vespers, 1840.
- Kickham, C. J. Knocknagow; Sally Kavanagh, 1869; For the Old Land, 1886. Life by Kelly, R. J., 1914; by Healy, J. J., 1915.
- Lawless, Emily. Hurrish, 1886; Ireland, 1887; Grania, 1892; With the Wild Geese, 1902. With Essex in Ireland, 1890.
- Leadbetter, M. Poems, 1808; Cottage Dialogues, 1813; Cottage Biography, 1823; The Leadbetter Papers, 2 vols., 1862.
- Lefanu, J. S. Turlogh O’Brien, 1847; House by the Churchyard, 1863; Uncle Silas, 1864; The Purcell Papers, 1880; Poems, 1896.
- Lefanu, W. Seventy Years of Irish Life, 1893, 1914.
- Lever, C. J. (1806–1872). Charles O’Malley, 1841; The O’Donoghue, 1845; The Knight of Gwynne, 1847; The Dodd Family Abroad, 1853–4; Davenport Dunn, 1859; Lord Kilgoblin, 1872; Works, 1876–8. Life by Fitzpatrick, W. J., 2 vols., 1879; Downey, E., 2 vols., 1906.
- Lover, S. Rory O’More, 1836; Handy Andy, 1838; Songs and Ballads, 1839, 1868; Treasure Trove, 1844; Works, 1899. Life by Bernard, B., 2 vols., 1874.
- Lucas, C. (1713–1771). Pharmacomastix, 1741; Divelina Libera, 1744; Essay on Waters, 1756; Rights and Privileges of Parliament Asserted, 1774.
- MacCarthy, D. F. Ballads, 1850; Dramas of Calderon, 1853; Underglimpses, 1857; The Bell Founder, 1857; Poetical Works, 1883.
- MacCarthy, J. (1830–1912). Con Amore, 1868; A Fair Saxon, 1873; A History of Our Own Times 1879–80, 1905; History of the Four Georges, 1884–1901; Reign of Queen Anne, 1902; Story of an Irishman, 1904; Irish Recollections, (1911).
- McGee, T. D. Irish Writers of 17th Cent., 1847; Irish Settlers in America, 1851; Poems, 1869.
- MacHale, J., abp. of Tuam. Sermons, 1832; Moore’s Melodies trans. into Irish, 1846; The Iliad trans. into Irish, 1844, 1871.
- Macklin, C. (1697?–1797). Love à la Mode, 1759; The Man of the World, 1781.
- Madden, R. R. (1798–1886). The United Irishmen; their Lives and Times. 7 vols., 1842–7, 1860; History of Irish Periodical Literature, 2 vols., 1867; Autobiography, 1891.
- Maginn, W. Homeric Ballads, 1850; Shakespeare Papers, 1850; Works, 5 vols., New York, 1855–7; Miscellanies, 2 vols., London, 1885.
- See Saintsbury, G. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860, 2nd series, 1895.
- Mahony, F. S. Reliques of Father Prout, 1836; Final Reliques, 1876; Works, 1881.
- Mangan, J. C. Anthologia Germanica, 1845; Poets and Poetry of Munster, 1844, 1849; Poems, New York, 1859; Dublin, 1886, 1903; Prose Works, 1903. Life by O’Donoghue, D. J., 1897.
- Maxwell, W. H. O’Hara, 1825; Stories of Waterloo, 1829; Wild Sports of the West, 1832; History of Irish Rebellion, 1845; Erin go Bragh, 1859.
- Meagher, Thomas Francis (1823–1867). Speeches, New York, 1852, 1870; Dublin, 1916.
- Meehan, C. P. (1812–1890). The Confederation of Kilkenny, 1846; Fate and Fortunes of O’Neill and O’Donnell, 1868, 1886; Rise and Fall of the Irish Franciscan Monasteries, 1869, 1872.
- Milliken, R. A. (1767–1815). The Riverside, 1807; The Groves of Blarney, Poetical Remains, 1823.
- Mitchel, J. Life of Aodh O’Neill, 1845; Jail Journal, 1856, 1913; History of Ireland, 1869. Life by Dillon, W., 2 vols., 1888.
- Molloy, Charles (d. 1767). The Perplexed Couple, 1715; The Coquet, 1718; The Half-pay Officer, 1720.
- Molyneux, W. (1656–1698). The Case of Ireland being bound by Acts of Parliament passed in England, Stated, 1698, 1897.
- Moran, P. F. (1830–1911). Memoir of Oliver Plunket, 1861; Irish Saints in Great Britain, 1879; Occasional Papers, 1890; History of Catholic Church in Australia (1897); The Priests and People of Ireland, 1905.
- Morgan, S., lady (1783?–1859). Poems, 1801; Wild Irish Girl, 1806; Lay of an Irish Harp, 1807; O’Donnell, 1814; Florence McCarthy, 1816; France, 1817. Life by Dixon, W. Hepworth, 2 vols., 1863.
- Murphy, Arthur (1727–1805). Zenobia, 1768; The Grecian Daughter, 1772; The Rival Sisters, 1786; Works, 7 vols., 1786.
- O’Brien, C. G. (1845–1909). Light and Shade, 1878; Lyrics, 1887; Cahirmoyle, 1888; Selections, 1909.
- O’Callaghan, John Cornelius (1805–1883). History of the Irish Brigades in the service of France. Glasgow, 1869.
- O’Clery, M. The Royal List, 1624; The Book of Invasions, 1627; Annals of Ireland, 1632–6 (All in MS.).
- O’Curry, E. (1796–1862). The Manuscript Materials of Irish History, 1872; Manners and Customs of Ancient Irish, 1873.
- O’Donnell, J. F. The Emerald Wreath (1865); Memories of the Irish Franciscans (1871); Poems, 1891.
- O’Donovan, E. (1844–1883?). The Merv Oasis, 1882.
- O’Donovan, J. (1809–1861). Grammar of the Irish Language, 1845; (ed.) Annals of the Four Masters, 1848–51.
- O’Hagan, John (1822–1890). The Song of Roland, 1880; Children’s Ballad Rosary, 1890; Joan of Arc, 1893.
- O’Hanlon, J. (1821–1905). The Life of St. Malachy, 1859; Lives of the Irish Saints, 9 vols.; Poems, 1893.
- O’Hara, Kane (1717–1782). Midas, 1764; The Golden Pippin, 1773; Tom Thumb, 1780.
- O’Leary, A. (1729–1802). Essay on Toleration, c. 1781; Address to Common People of Ireland, 1785; Miscellaneous Tracts, 1782. Life by Buckley, M. B., 1868.
- O’Leary, E. Lays of Country, Home and Friends, 1891.
- O’Leary, J. Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism, 1896.
- O’Reilly, J. B. Songs from Southern Seas, 1873; Moondyne, 1880; The Statute in the Block, 1881.
- O’Rorke, E. (pseud. Ed. Falconer) (1814–1879). Killarney; Peep O’ Day, 1861; Eileen Oge, 1871.
- O’shea, J. A. (1840–1905). In an Iron-bound City, 1886; Leaves from the Life of a Special Correspondent; Roundabout Recollections, 1892.
- Otway, C. Sketches in Ireland, 1827; A Tour in Connaught, 1837; Sketches in Erris and Tirawley, 1841.
- Petrie, G. History and Antiquities of Tara Hill, 1839; Inquiry into Origin and Uses of Round Towers, 1845; Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, 1845. Life by Stokes, W., 1868.
- Pilkington, Letitia (1712–1750). The Memoirs of Mrs. L. P., written by herself, 3 vols., 1748–54.
- Prendergast, J. P. (1808–1893). The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland, 1865, 1870; The Tory War in Ulster, 1868 (privately printed); Ireland from the Restoration to the Revolution, 1660–1690, 1887.
- Reeves, W. (1815–1892). Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down and Connor, 1847; Life of St. Columba, 1857. Life by Lady Ferguson, 1893.
- Roche, J. (1770–1853). Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by an Octogenarian, 1850.
- Russell, M. Erin; Emmanuel; Idylls of Killowen; A Soggarth’s Last Verses, 1911.
- Ryan, R. (1796–1849). Biographica Hibernica, 1821: Ballads on the Superstitions of the Irish Peasantry, 1822; Poets and Poetry, 3 vols., 1826.
- Savage, M. W. The Falcon Family, 1845; The Bachelor of the Albany, 1847; Reuben Medlicott, 1852.
- Sheehan, John (1812–1882). Editor of The Bentley Ballads, 1869.
- Sheil, R. L. Adelaide, 1814; The Apostate, 1817; Evadne, 1819; Sketches Legal and Political, 1855.
- Skelton, P. (1707–1787). Ophiomaches, or Deism Revealed, 1748; Discourses Controversial and Practical, 1754; Works, 1770.
- Sullivan, A. M. (1830–1884). The Story of Ireland; New Ireland, 1877, 1882; Speeches and Addresses, 1882. Life by Sullivan, T. D. (1884).
- Sullivan, T. D. Dunboy, 1868; Green Leaves, 1879, 1887; Prison Poems, 1888; Blanaid, 1892; Evergreen, 1907.
- Synge, J. M. (1871–1909). The Shadow of the Glen, 1903; Riders to the Sea, 1904; The Well of the Saints, 1905; The Playboy of the Western World, 1907; The Tinker’s Wedding, 1907; Deirdre, 1910; Works, 4 vols., 1910.
- Cf. Bourgeois, M., J. M. Synge, and the Irish Literary Theatre, 1913; Roy, J. A., J. M. Synge and the Irish Literary Movement, Anglia, vol.
XXXVII., 1903? - Taylor, W. C. (1800–1849). History of France, 1830; Romantic Biography, 1842; Life of Sir R. Peel, 1846.
- Tighe, M. Psyche, 1795?, 1805, 1843.
- Todd, J. H. Discourses on the Prophecies, 1840; Life of St. Patrick, 1864; Catalogue of Graduates, T.C.D., 1866.
- Tone, T. Wolfe (1763–1798). An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics, 1791; Autobiography, 1827, 1893.
- Torrens, W. T. M. Industrial History of Free Nations, 1846; Life of R. L. Sheil, 1855; Life of Lord Melbourne, 1878; The Marquess Wellesley, 1880; Twenty Years in Parliament, 1893.
- Ussher, J., abp. of Armagh. A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish, 1625; Veterum Epistolarum Hibernicarum Sylloge, 1632; Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, 1639; A Treatise on Irish Ecclesiastical Terms, 1607. Lives by Elrington, C. R., 1848; Carr, J. A., 1895.
- Wadding, L. Annales Minorum Ordinum Franciscanorum, 8 vols., 1625–54.
- Waller, J. F. Slingsby Papers, 1852; Poems, 1854; Peter Brown, Poet and Peripatetic, 1872; Festival Tales, 1873.
- Walsh, E. Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry, 1844; Irish Popular Songs, 1847.
- Webb, A. (1834–1908). Compendium of Irish Biography, 1878.
- Webb, Thomas E. (1824–1893). Faust in English Verse, 1878; The Veil of Isis, 1885; The Mystery of William Shakespeare, 1902.
- Wilde, J. F., lady. Poems by Speranza, 1864; Driftwood from Scandinavia, 1884; Ancient Cures, Charms and Usages of Ireland, 1890; Ancient Legends of Ireland, 1899.
- Wilde, Sir W. R. W. (1815–1876). Closing Years of Dean Swift’s Life, 1849; Beauties of the Boyne and Blackwater, 1849, 1850; Descriptive Catalogue of Museum of R. I. A., 1863; Ireland, Past and Present, 1864; Lough Corrib, its Shores and Islands, 1867.
- Wills, J. (1790–1868). The Universe, 1821; Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, 1839–47.
- Wills, W. G. (1828–1891). The Man O’ Airlie, 1867; Charles 1st, 1872; Jane Shore, 1876; Olivia, 1878; Union, 1880; Faust, 1885. Life by Wills, F., 1898.
- Wilson, Robert Arthur (1820?–1875). Reliques of Barney Maglone. Belfast, 1894.
- Wingfield, L. S. Lady Grizel, 1877; My Lords of Strogue, 1879.
- Witherow, T. (1824–1890). Derry and Enniskillen, 1873, 1912; The Boyne and Aghrim, 1879; Historical and Literary Memorials of Presbyterianism in Ireland, 1879–80.
- A
NTHOLOGIES - The Shamrock or Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs and Epigrams. Whyte, Samuel. Dublin, 1772.
- Reliques of Irish Poetry. Translated by Brooke, Charlotte. Dublin, 1789. 2 vols. 1816.
- Popular Ballads Preserved in Memory. Belfast, 1795.
- A Collection of Poems by Different Hands. Edkins, Joshua. Dublin, 1801.
- The Northern Minstrel or Flowers of Modern Song. 3 pts. Belfast, 1829–30.
- Irish Minstrelsy or Bardic Remains, With English Poetical Translations. Hardiman, James. 2 vols. 1831.
- Popular Songs of Ireland. Croker, T. Crofton. 1839, 1886.
- The Spirit of the Nation. The Writers of the Nation Newspaper. Dublin, 1843, 1912.
- Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Duffy, C. Gavan. Dublin, 1843.
- Reliques of Irish Jacobite Poetry. 2 pts. Walsh, E. Dublin, 1844.
- The Songs of Ireland. Barry, M. J. Dublin, 1845.
- The Book of Irish Ballads. MacCarthy, D. F. Dublin, 1846.
- Specimens of the Early Native Poetry of Ireland. Montgomery, H. R. Dublin, 1846, 1892.
- Irish Popular Songs. Translated by Walsh, Edward. 1847.
- Songs of Ireland. Second Series. Ellis, Hercules. Dublin, 1849.
- The Poets and Poetry of Munster. Translated by Mangan, J. C. 1849–84.
- Romances and Ballads of Ireland. Ellis, Hercules. Dublin, 1850.
- Ancient Irish Minstrelsy. Translated by Drummond, Wm. Hamilton. Dublin, 1852.
- The Ballads of Ireland. Hayes, Edward. 2 vols. London and Dublin, 1855.
- The Lyrics of Ireland. Lover, Samuel. 1858, 1884.
- The Poets and Poetry of Munster. 2nd series. Translated by “Eironach” (i.e. Geo. Sigerson, M.D.). Dublin, 1860.
- Popular Poetry, Street Ballads and Household Songs. Duncathail (i. e. Varian, Ralph). Dublin, 1865. Reprinted as Ballads, Popular Poetry and Household Songs of Ireland. Dublin, 1897.
- The Harp of Erin: A Book of Ballad Poetry and Native Song. Varian, Ralph. Dublin, 1869.
- Lyra Hibernica Sacra. MacIlwaine, Wm. Belfast, 1878, 1879.
- The Cabinet of Irish Literature. 4 vols. Read, Charles Anderson, completed by O’Connor, T. P., 1880; new edn. by Hinkson, Mrs. Katharine Tynan, 1902–3.
- Popular Songs and Ballads of the Emerald Isle. O’sullivan, Denis. New York, 1880.
- Poets and Poetry of Ireland. Williams, Alfred M. Boston, 1881.
- Gems from the Cork Poets. Cork, n.d. (c. 1883).
- Songs of Irish Wit and Humour. Graves, Alfred Perceval. 1884.
- Celtic-Irish Songs and Song Writers. Collins, C. M. 1885.
- Irish Minstrelsy. Sparling, H. Halliday. 1887, 1888.
- Household Library of Ireland’s Poets. Connolly, Daniel. New York, 1887.
- Literary Remains of the United Irishmen. Madden, R. R. (Ed. Meehan, C. P.) Dublin, 1887.
- Poems and Ballads of Young Ireland. Dublin, 1888.
- A Book of Jousts. Lowry, J. M. n.d. (c. 1888).
- Lays and Lyrics of the Pan-Celtic Society. Stritch, A. R. Dublin, 1889.
- Poetry and Songs of Ireland. O’Reilly, J. B. New York, 1889.
- Irish Love Songs. Tynan, Katharine. 1892.
- The Love Songs of Conacht. Collected, edited and translated by Hyde, Douglas, LL.D. Dublin, 1893; Dun Emer, 1904.
- The Irish Song Book. Graves, A. P. London and Dublin, 1894.
- Dublin Verses By Living Members of Trinity College, Dublin. Hinkson, H. A. 1894.
- The New Spirit of the Nation. MacDermott, Martin. London and Dublin, 1894.
- Modern Irish Poets. Paul, W. J. Belfast. 2 vols. 1894 and 1897.
- A Book of Irish Verse. Yeats, W. B. 1895.
- Songs and Ballads of Young Ireland. MacDermott, Martin. 1896.
- Bards of the Gael and Gall. Done into English by Sigerson, George. 1897, 1907.
- A Treasury of Irish Poetry in the English Tongue. Brooke, Stopford and Rolleston, T. W. 1900, 1905.
- New Songs, A Lyric Selection made by A. E. Dublin, 1904.
- The Religious Songs of Connacht. Collected, edited and translated by Hyde, Douglas. Dublin, 1906.
- Echoes from Kottabos. Tyrrell, R. Y., and Sullivan, Sir Edward. 1906.
- The Dublin Book of Irish Verse 1728–1909. Cooke, John. London and Dublin, 1909.
- Historical Ballad Poetry of Ireland. Brown, M. J. Dublin, 1912.
- The Poem Book of the Gael, Hull, Eleanor. 1912.
- Irish Literary and Musical Studies. Graves, A. P. 1914.
- Modern Anglo-Irish Verse. Gregory, Padraic. 1914.
- The Book of Irish Poetry. Graves, A. P. Dublin, 1915.
- Cf. Songs and Ballads in Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of Eng. Literature, ed. Carruthers, R., Edinburgh.