The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- See, also, ante, Vol. IX, pp. 620–627.
- I. H
- Adams, John. The Evolution of Educational Theory. 1912.
- Adams, Francis. History of the Elementary School Contest in England. 1882.
- Almond, Hely Hutchinson. Mr. Lowe’s Educational Theories examined from a practical point of view. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Balfour, Graham. The educational systems of Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd edn. 1903.
- Bell, Andrew. An experiment in education made at the Male Asylum of Madras. 1797.
- An address to the public in recommendation of the Madras system (by Hollingsworth, N. J.). 1812.
- Binns, Henry Bryan (ed.). A century of education, being the centenary history of the British and Foreign School Society. 1908.
- Birchenough, C. History of elementary education in England and Wales from 1800. 1914.
- Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. 1893.
- Bowles, John. A letter addressed to Samuel Whitbread, Esq., M.P., in consequence of the unqualified approbation … of Mr. Lancaster’s system of education, etc. 1807.
- Brown, John. A memoir of Robert Blincoe, an orphan boy sent … to endure the horrors of a cotton-mill. Manchester, 1832.
- Bruce, H. A. (afterwards lord Aberdare). An address delivered to the National Association for the promotion of Social Science. 1866.
- Close, Francis (Dean of Carlisle). National Education. The secular system, the Manchester Bill and the Government scheme considered. 1852.
- Collet, C. D. History of the taxes on knowledge. 2 vols. 1899.
- Connoisseur, The. No. 22 (1754). The modern method of education. (Colman, G. and Langton, B.)
- Cowper, William. Tirocinium. 1784.
- Craik, Sir Henry. The State in its relation to Education. New edn. 1914.
- Darton, F. J. Harvey. Bell and the Dragon. Fortnightly Review. May, 1909.
- Davies, Geo. History and mystery of the Scarborough Lancasterian Schools. Scarborough, 1840.
- Davies, Geo. Sequel to the history, etc. 2 pts. 1842–3.
- Davies, John Llewelyn. The Working Men’s College, 1854–1904. 1904.
- Denison, Geo. Anthony. The Church of England and the Committee of Council on Education. 2nd edn. 1849.
- —— Supplement to Appendix B of a reply to the … promoters of the Manchester and Salford education scheme. 1852.
- —— Notes of my life, 1805–78. 2nd edn. Oxford, 1878. (Eton and Christ Church.)
- Emery, Thomas. Educational economy, or State education vindicated. 1849.
- Fox, Wm. Johnson. On the educational clauses in the Bill … for the education of children in factory districts. 2nd edn. 1843. [Sir James Graham’s bill.]
- Frend, Wm. A plan of universal education. 1832.
- Garfit, A. Some points of the education question, with outline of the … progress of popular education. 1862.
- —— The Conscience Clause. 1868.
- Grant, James. History of the Burgh Schools of Scotland. 1876.
- Gregory, Robert. Elementary education: its rise in England. 1895.
- Hill, Frederic. National education, its present state and prospects. 2 vols. 1836.
- Hinton, John Howard. A review of the evidence … in relation to the state of education in Manchester and Salford. 1852.
- —— A few plain words on the two Education Bills. 1852.
- Hodgson, Geraldine Emma. Rationalist English Educators. 1912.
- —— A study in illumination. (Wm. Wordsworth.) 1914.
- Holland, Henry Wilkinson. Proposed national arrangements for primary education. 3rd edn. 1870.
- Hook, Walter Farquhar (dean of Chichester). On the means of rendering more efficient the education of the people. 1846.
- Hoppus, John. Thoughts on academical education and degrees in arts. 1837.
- —— Crisis of popular education. 1847.
- Lamb, Charles. The old and the new schoolmaster.
- Lancaster, Joseph. Outlines of a plan for educating ten thousand poor children. 1806.
- —— An account of the progress of Joseph Lancaster’s plan. 1809.
- —— The British System of Education. 1810.
- —— Instructions for forming … a society for the education of the labouring classes. 1810.
- —— Schools for all. 1812.
- A few notes … relative to Joseph Lancaster’s plan (by Eccletus). 1806.
- A vindication of Mr. Lancaster’s system (by Pythias). 1812.
- Common Sense versus Lancaster (by Collyer, N.). 1812.
- Epitome of some of the chief events in the life of Joseph Lancaster. New Haven. 1833.
- Leach, A. F. Art. Schools. Encycl. Brit., 11th edn. Vol.
XXIV. - Liberal, Letitia. A defence of Joseph Lancaster and the Royal British system. 1810.
- Lounger, The. Edinburgh, No. 67 (1786). Modern education superior to ancient. (Mackenzie, Henry.)
- Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs. Vol.
II. 1783. Improvement of liberal education in Manchester. - Mansbridge, Albert. University Tutorial Classes. 1913.
- Mantoux, Paul. La révolution industrielle au
XVIII e siècle. Paris, 1906. - Marsh, Herbert. The National Religion the Foundation of National Education. A Sermon. 1811. [Ptd. in The Pamphleteer, vol. 1, 1813.]
- —— A vindication of Dr. Bell’s system of education. 1811.
- Maurice, J. Frederick Denison. The Educational Magazine. 1835, etc.
- —— A letter to the bishop of London in reply to the article in No. 172 of the Quarterly Review. 1850.
- —— The Christian Socialist. 1851, etc.
- —— Plan of a female college. Cambridge, 1855.
- —— A few words on secular and denominational education. 1870.
- Mirror, The. Edinburgh. No. 15 (1779). A classical contrasted with a fashionable education. (Home, J.)
- —— No. 106 (1780). Education for leisure. (Craig.)
- —— Nos. 88 and 97–8 (1782). The private tutor. (Craig and lord Hailes.)
- Moore, H. Kingsmill. An unwritten chapter in the history of Education … 1811–31. 1904.
- Morley (viscount). The struggle for national education. 1873.
- Observer, The. Nos. 36–7. Public School education. (Cumberland, Richard.)
- Owen, Rob. Dale. An outline of the system of education in New Lanark. 1824.
- Pole, Thomas. Observations on Infant Schools. Bristol, 1823.
- Prideaux, E. B. R. A survey of elementary English education. 1915.
- Rowntree, J. W. and Binns, H. B. A history of the Adult School Movement. 1903.
- Sadler, M. E. Continuation Schools in England and elsewhere. 1907. (With a bibliography.)
- —— Syllabus of a course on the history of education in England. 1800–1911. Manchester, 1911.
- Salmon, David, and Hindshaw, W. Infant Schools: their history and theory. 1904.
- Sexton, A. H. The First Technical College: a sketch of the history of “The Andersonian.” 1894.
- Shaw, Wm. (rector of Chelvey, Somerset). Suggestions respecting a plan of national education. Bath, 1801.
- Southey, Robert. Essays, moral and political. 2 vols. 1832. Essay IX. On the means of improving the people. 1818.
- Thompson, J. Forty four years of the education question, 1870–1914. 1914.
- Toynbee, Arnold. Lectures on the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century in England. 1908.
- Trimmer, Sarah. The Oeconomy of Charity. 2 vols. 1801. (Greatly enlarged from the edition of 1786.)
- Walsh, Wm. John, archbishop. The Irish University question. Dublin, 1890.
- Welton, James. Educational Theory,
S. V. Education. Encyc. Brit. 11th edn. Vol.VIII. - Wilson, William. System of infants’ education. 2 vols. 2nd ed. 1825.
- —— A manual of instruction for Infants’ Schools. 1829.
- (b) Universities
- Davies, Richard. Epistle to … Dr. Hales on the general state of education in the universities. Bath, 1759.
- —— Observations on the present state of the English universities occasion’d by Dr. Davies’ account. 1759.
- Ollard, S. L. The Six Students of St. Edmund Hall expelled … in 1768. (With a bibliography.) 1911.
- A collection of papers designed to … vindicate … the subscription required by the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1772.
- Reflections on the impropriety … of lay subscription. Oxford [1772]. [Randolph, T.] “An answer” to the fore-going. Oxford [1772].
- Kippis, A. A vindication of the protestant dissenting ministers with regard to their late application to Parliament. 2nd edn. 1773.
- Tucker, J. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Kippis. 1773.
- Knox, V. “On some parts of the discipline in our English universisites,” in Essays, moral and literary. 1782.
- Disney, John. Works of John Jebb. Vol. 1, pp. 182–222 on the subscription question. 1787.
- Frend, Wm. Thoughts on subscription to religious tests. St. Ives, 1788–9.
- Considerations on the … injuries arising from the course of education pursued in the Universities … and public schools. 1832.
- Turton, Thos. (bishop of Ely). Thoughts on the admission of persons, without regard to their religious opinions, to certain degrees in the universities of England. Cambridge, 1834.
- Lee, Samuel. Some remarks on the Dean of Peterborough’s tract, “Thoughts, etc.” Cambridge, 1834.
- Thirlwall, Connop. A letter to the Rev. Thos. Turton on the admission of dissenters to academical degrees. Cambridge, 1834.
- —— A second letter to the Revd. Thomas Turton. Cambridge, 1834.
- Whewell, Wm. Remarks on some parts of Mr. Thirlwall’s letter. Cambridge, 1834.
- —— Additional remarks on some parts of Mr. Thirlwall’s two letters. Cambridge, 1834.
- Sedgwick, A. Admission of Dissenters to academical degrees. Cambridge Chronicle, 9 June, 1834.
- Rose, Henry John. Letter on foregoing subject to Cambridge Chronicle, 10 June, 1834.
- Sewell, Wm. Thoughts on the admission of dissenters to the University of Oxford. Oxford, 1834.
- —— A second letter to a Dissenter on the opposition of the University of Oxford to the charter of the London College. Oxford, 1834.
- —— The attack upon the University of Oxford in a letter to Earl Grey. 2nd edn. 1834.
- —— Collegiate reform. A sermon. Oxford, 1838.
- —— The Nation, the Church and the University of Oxford. Two sermons. Oxford, 1849.
- Gray, John Hamilton. The admission of dissenters into the universities considered. Oxford, 1834.
- Wordsworth, Christopher. On the admission of dissenters to reside and graduate. Cambridge, 1834.
- Blakesley, Jos. Williams. The studies of the University essentially general. Cambridge, 1836.
- —— Thoughts on the recommendations of the Ecclesiastical Commission. 1837.
- An historical vindication of … Earl Radnor’s bill … to inquire respecting the statutes and administration of the colleges and halls. 1837. Anon. Whewell, Wm. On the principles of university education. 1837.
- Whewell, Wm. Liberal education, with particular reference to the University of Cambridge. 1845.
- A Layman. The independence of the universities and colleges. Oxford, 1838.
- Huber, Victor Aimé. The English Universities. Abridged translation by Newman, F. W. 2 vols. in 3. 1843.
- Amos, Andrew. Four lectures on the advantages of a classical education as an auxiliary to a commercial education. 1846.
- Manning, W. Oke. Remarks upon religious tests at the English universities. 1846.
- Arnold, Thos., and others. Opinions on the admission of dissenters to the universities and on university reform. 1847.
- Newman, John Henry (cardinal). See, ante, bibliography to Chap.
XII, Vol. XII. - [Bain, Alex.] University Education, in Westminster Review, July, 1848. (Reviewing Whewell’s Liberal Education.)
- Seeley, Sir John. Liberal Education in Universities. See Essays on a Liberal Education. 1867.
- Pattison, Mark, and others. Essays on the endowment of research. 1876.
- Campbell, Lewis. The nationalisation of the old English universities. 1901.
- Mullinger, Jas. Bass. Art. Universities, Encycl. Brit. 11th edn. Vol.
XXVII. - Raleigh, Sir Walter Alexander. Meaning of a university. 1911.
- Tillyard, A. I. A history of university reform from 1800. Cambridge, 1913.
- The study of English and other modern literatures:
- Quarterly Review, vols.
CLXIII–CLXIV, 1886–7. - Nettleship, Henry. Study of modern European languages and literatures in … Oxford. 1887.
- Collins, J. Churton. The study of English literature. 1891.
- Firth, C. H. The School of English language and literature. Oxford, 1909.
- Aberdeen
- Fasti Aberdonenses: selections from the records of the University and King’s College of Aberdeen, 1494–1854. Spalding Club, No. 26. 1854.
- Rectorial addresses delivered in the Universities of Aberdeen, 1835–1900. Aberdeen, 1902.
- Grant Duff, Sir M. E. Inaugural addresses delivered to the University of Aberdeen. Edinburgh, 1867.
- Maclean, Neil N. Life at a northern university. Ed. Leask, W. K. Aberdeen, 1906.
- Cambridge
- A sincere well wisher. Free thoughts upon university education. 1751.
- Connoisseur, The. No. 41 (1754). Newmarket as a supplement to the University of Cambridge (Colman, G. &Thornton, B.).
- —— No. 107 (1756). Excessive mathematics at Cambridge.
- Idler, The. No. 33 (1758). Journal of a Fellow of a College (Warton, T.).
- —— No. 67 (1759). Scholar’s Journal (Langton, B.).
- Ingram, Robert Acklom. The necessity of introducing divinity into the regular course. Colchester, 1792.
- Gentleman’s Magazine, The. Apr., May, 1774, Dec., 1792, Jan., Feb., July, 1793. On studies at Cambridge.
- Anon. Strictures upon the discipline of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1792.
- Pembrochian. Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, or a dictionary of terms used at the University of Cambridge. 1803.
- Wainewright, Latham. The literary and scientific pursued … encouraged and enforced in the University of Cambridge. 1815.
- Eubulus [Samuel Butler of Shrewsbury]. Thoughts on the present system of academic education. 1822.
- —— A letter to Philograntus. 1822.
- Philograntus [Jas. Hen. Monk]. A letter … on the additional examination of students. 1822.
- A Brace of Cantabs. Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, or new university guide to the academical customs and colloquial or cant terms. 1824.
- [Wright, J. M. F.] Alma mater, or seven years at the University of Cambridge by a Trinity-man. 1827.
- Sedgwick, Adam. A discourse on the studies of the University. 1833.
- Selwyn, Wm. Extracts from college examinations in divinity … with a letter to the lecturers and examiners. Cambridge, 1834.
- Resident member of the University. Hints for the introduction of an improved course of study in the University. Cambridge, 1835.
- Walsh, Benj. Dann. A historical account of the university of Cambridge and its colleges: in a letter to the earl of Radnor. 1837.
- Peacock, George. Observations on the statutes of the University. 1841.
- Members of the University. Cambridge Essays. 1855–8.
- [Stephen, Sir Leslie.] Sketches from Cambridge, by a Don. 1865.
- Roberts, Robert Davies. Eighteen years of university extension. 1891.
- Dublin
- The Book of Trinity College, Dublin. Belfast, 1892.
- Vickers, Robert. Praelection … on the university system of education. Dublin, 1849.
- Edinburgh
- Grant, Sir Alex. The story of the University of Edinburgh during its first three hundred years. 2 vols. 1884.
- Stodart-Walker, A. (editor). Rectorial addresses delivered before the University, 1859–99. 1900.
- Edinburgh Essays. 1858.
- Glasgow
- Coutts, Jas. A history of the University of Glasgow from its foundation in 1451. Glasgow, 1909.
- Hay, John Barras (ed.). Inaugural addresses by Lords Rectors of the University. 1839.
- Ireland
- Nemo. A few words on the new Irish Colleges. 1845.
- Andrews, Thos. Address on Education to the Social Science Association. 1867.
- —— Studium Generale, a chapter of contemporary history. 1867. (University of London, the new Irish universities, Maynooth.)
- London
- Beattie, Wm. Life and letters of Thos. Campbell. 3 vols. 1849. (Vol.
II, chap.XIV. ) - Christianus. Letter to … Robert Peel … on the University of London, 1828.
- See, also, Quarterly Review, vol.
XXXIX, 1829. - Quarterly Review, vol.
CLXIV, 1887. - Oxford
- Bentham, Ed. Letter to a young gentleman of Oxford. 1748.
- —— Letter to a fellow of a college. 1749.
- Evans, Margaret (ed.). Letters of Richard Radcliffe and John James of Queen’s College, Oxford. 1753–83. Oxf. Hist. Soc., 1888.
- [Warton, Thos.] A companion to the guide and a guide to the companion. [1762?]
- [Napleton, John.] Considerations on the residence usually required for degrees in the University. Oxford, 1772.
- —— Considerations on the public exercises for the first and second degrees. Oxford, 1773.
- Philalethes. A letter to the Rev. V. Knox on … his animadversions on the University. Oxford, 1790.
- [Copleston, Edward.] A reply to the calumnies of the Edinburgh Review. Oxford, 1810.
- —— A Second Reply. Oxford, 1810.
- —— A Third Reply. Oxford, 1811.
- Hamilton, Sir Wm. Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform. Chiefly from the Edinburgh Review. 3rd edn. 1866.
- A Member of Convocation [Vaughan Thomas]. The legality of the present academical system … asserted against the new calumnies of the Edinburgh Review. Oxford, 1831.
- —— The legality etc.… reasserted. Oxford, 1832.
- Tuckwell, Wm. Pre-Tractarian Oxford: a reminiscence of the Oriel “Noetics.” 1909.
- —— Reminiscences of Oxford. 1900.
- Davison, John. Remains and occasional publications. Oxford, 1840.
- John Duke, baron Coleridge. Memorials of Oxford (verse). Oxford, 1844.
- Maurice, J. F. D. The new statute and Mr. Ward. Oxford, 1845.
- Country Schoolmaster. A Letter to the authors of “Suggestions for an improvement of the Examination Statute,” Oxford, 1848.
- Walker, Robert. A letter … on improvements in the present examination statute and the studies of the University. Oxford, 1848.
- A Member of the Oxford Convocation [C. A. Row]. Letter to … Lord John Russell … on the constitutional defects of the University and colleges of Oxford, with suggestions for a Royal Commission. 1850.
- Row, Chas. Adolphus. Letter to Sir Robert H. Inglis … in reply to his speech on University reform. 1850.
- [Sewell, Wm.] The University Commission, or Lord John Russell’s post-bag. Oxford, 1850.
- Price, Bonamy. Suggestions for the extension of professional teaching. 1850.
- Wilson, Henry Bristow. A letter to the … Chancellor of the University … on University and college reform. 1854.
- Barry, Hen. Boothby. Remarks on the three proposals for reforming the constitution of the University. Oxford, 1854.
- Barrow, John. The case of Queen’s College, Oxford. Oxford, 1854.
- Members of the University. Oxford Essays. 1855.
- Acland, Sir Thos. Dyke. Some account of the origin and objects of the new Oxford examinations for the title of Associate in Arts. 1858.
- Cox, Geo. Val. Recollections of Oxford. 1858.
- Moore, Edward. Frugal education attainable under the existing collegiate system. Oxford, 1867.
- Smith, Goldwin. Plea for the abolition of tests in the University. Oxford, 1864.
- —— Re-organisation of the University. Oxford, 1868.
- —— Oxford and her colleges. 1894.
- Pattison, Mark. Suggestions on academical organization. 1868.
- Mozley, Thomas. Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford movement. 2 vols. 1882.
- Mackinder, H. J. and Sadler, M. E. University extension, past, present and future. 3rd ed. 1891.
- Curzon of Kedleston, lord. Principles and methods of university reform. Oxford, 1909.
- Victoria University, Manchester
- Owens College, Essays and Addresses by Professors of. 1874.
- Thompson, Joseph. The Owens College, its foundation and growth and its connection with the Victoria University, Manchester. Manchester, 1886.
- Hartog, P. J. Owens College, Manchester: a brief history of the College. 1900.
- Roscoe, Sir H. E. The life and experiences of, written by himself. 1906.
- St. Andrews
- Knight, Wm. (ed.). Rectorial addresses at St. Andrews University, 1863–1893. 1894.
- Votiva Tabella: memorial volume of St. Andrews University, 1411–1911. 1911.
- Donaldson, Sir James. Addresses delivered in the University of St. Andrews from 1886 to 1910. Edinburgh, 1911.
- (c) Schools
- A Carthusian [Smythe, Robert]. Historical account of the Charterhouse. 1808.
- A Carthusian [Roper, W. J. D.]. Chronicles of Charterhouse. 1847.
- Haig Brown, Wm. Charterhouse, past and present. Godalming, 1879.
- Clifton College Register, 1862–1887, compiled by Oakeley, E. M.: historical preface by Wilson, J. M. 1887.
- Clifton College Annals and Register, 1862–1912. Edited by Borwick, F. Introduction by King, J. E. Bristol, 1912.
- Christ’s Hospital, Annals of, by Pearce, E. H. 1901.
- Lamb, Charles. Christ’s Hospital Five and Thirty Years Ago. Recollections of Christ’s Hospital [1782–9].
- Edinburgh, History of the High School of, by Steven, Wm. 1849.
- Austen Leigh, R. A. Eton under Barnard, 1754–65. Eton, 1904.
- —— A list of Eton College in 1771 (including time-tables). Eton, 1903.
- Gregory Griffin [Canning, Geo. and others]. The Microcosm, a periodical work. 40 nos. 1786–7.
- Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings. Reminiscences and Opinions, 1813–85. 1886.
- Wilkinson, Chas. Allix. Reminiscences of Eton (Keate’s time). 1888.
- Selwyn, Thos. Kynaston. Eton in 1829–30. Edited with translation [from the Greek] and notes by Warre, Edmond.
- The Eton system of education vindicated. 1834.
- Eton Addresses [verse]. Eton, 1840.
- The Eton Observer, a miscellany conducted by present Etonians. Eton, 1860.
- Johnson, Wm. (Cory, Wm.). Hints for Eton masters, 1862. London, 1898.
- Collins, W. L. Etoniana, ancient and modern. 1865.
- O. E. Eton under Hornby [1868–84]. 1910.
- [Bankes, G. N.] A day of my life … by an Eton boy. 1877.
- Parker, Eric. Eton in the Eighties. 1914.
- Ainger, A. C. Eton in prose and verse. (Historial introduction.) 1910.
- Thornton, Percy Melville. Harrow School and its surroundings. 1885.
- Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836–1901). Harrow Songs and other verses. 1886. See, also, post 1 (e).
- Howson, Edmond W. and Warner, G. T. Harrow School. 1898.
- Butler, Josephine E. Recollections of George Butler. Bristol, 1892. (Harrow and Cheltenham.) See, also, under Winchester.
- Christ Church, Manchester. The Charters of the Collegiate Church, the Free Grammar School, etc. 1791.
- Manchester Free Grammar School: by an old scholar. 1849.
- Marlborough College, a History of, by Bradley, A. G., Champneys, A. C., Baines, J. W. 1893.
- Lockwood, Edw. Early days of Marlborough College. 1893.
- Merchant Taylors’ School, History of, by Wilson, H. B. 2 vols. 1812–4.
- Sewell, Wm. A Year’s Sermons … preached in … St. Peter’s College, Radley. 2 vols. Oxford, 1854–69.
- Close, Francis. High Church education delusive and dangerous, being an exposition of the system adopted by W. Sewell. 1855.
- Rossall School, History of, by Rowbotham, John Fdk. Manchester, 1894.
- Rouse, W. H. D. A History of Rugby School. 1898.
- Nimrod [Chas. Jas. Apperley]. Life and Times. See Fraser’s Magazine. Vol.
XXVI. 1842. (Rugby under James.) - Landor, Walter Savage: a biography by John Forster. 2 vols. 1869. (Rugby under James.
- Cotton, Sophia Anne. Memoir of Geo. Edwd. Lynch Cotton. 1871. (Rugby under Arnold: also Westminster 1825–32, and Marlborough.)
- Wratislaw, A. H. A Plea for the ancient charitable foundation of Rugby School. 1864.
- Sedbergh. History of the parish and grammar school, by Platt, E. A. Kendal, 1876.
- Shrewsbury School. Annals of, by Fisher, G. W.
- Butler, Samuel. A letter to Henry Brougham, Esq. 1820.
- Tonbridge School. The History of, by Rivington, Septimus. 3rd edn. 1910.
- Forshall, F. H. Westminster School, past and present. 1884.
- Vincent, W. A defence of public education. 1802.
- Layman, A. Remarks on Vincent’s Defence. 1802.
- Morrice, D. An attempted reply to the Master of Westminster School. 1802.
- Albemarle, 6th earl of. Fifty years of my life. 2 vols. 1876.
- Williamson, Richard. A short account of the discipline, studies, examinations, prizes etc. of Westminster School. 1845.
- Kirby, Thomas Fdk. Annals of Winchester College from 1382. 1892
- Edgeworth, Maria. The Barring Out. 1806. (Winchester “rebellion,” of 1793.)
- Wordsworth, Charles. Annals of my early life, 1806–46. 1891. (Harrow, Oxford, Winchester.)
- Bowles, W. L. Vindiciae Wykehamicae … in a letter to Henry Brougham. 2nd ed. 1819. (The Pamphleteer. Vol.
XIII. ) - Malet, Sir Alexander. Some account of fagging at Winchester. 1828.
- An old Etonian. Letter to Sir Alexander Malet. 1829.
- Quarterly Review, vol.
XXXIX. 1829. - Trollope, Thomas Adolphus. What I remember. 3 vols. 1877–9. (Also Harrow.)
- How, Fred. Douglas. Six great schoolmasters. (Eton, Winchester, Shrewsbury, Harrow, Rugby, Marlborough.) [1904.]
- Mozley, Thos. Reminiscences, chiefly of towns, villages and schools. 2 vols. 1885.
- Nonconformist Academies
- Harrison, Ralph. A sermon preached at Manchester on the … establishment of an academy. Together with a discourse … at the public commencement of the academy by T. Barnes. Warrington [1786].
- Rees, A. The advantages of knowledge … recommended … to the supporters of a new academical institution among protestant dissenters. 1788.
- Harrison, Ralph. Sermons on various important subjects: with life of the author by W. Harrison. Manchester, 1813.
- Turton, Thos. A review of the principal dissenting colleges in England during the last century. 1835. (Alternative title: “Thoughts on the admission of persons … to certain degres,” etc.) See ante, p. 651.
- (d) Education of Girls and Women
- Ballard, Geo. Memoirs of several ladies of Great Britain … celebrated for their writings or skill in the learned languages, arts and sciences. Oxford, 1752.
- Beale, Dorothea. On the education of girls. Paper at the Social Science Congress. 1866. Reports issued by the Schools Inquiry Commission on the education of girls. 1869.
- —— On the organisation of girls’ day schools. Paper at the Social Science Congress. 1873.
- —— Work and play in girls’ schools. 1898. (With Soulsby, L. H. M., and Dove, J. F.)
- —— Addresses to Teachers. 1908.
- Dorothea Beale of Cheltenham (1831–1905): by Raikes, Elizabeth. 1908.
- Bremner, Christina S. Education of girls and women in Great Britain. 1897.
- Broadhurst, Frances. A word in favor of female schools. (The Pamphleteer. Vol.
XXVII. ) 1826. - Broadhurst, Thos. Advice to young ladies on the improvement of the mind. 1808.
- Burstall, Sara A. and Douglas, M.A. (edd.). Public Schools for girls. 1911.
- Buss, Frances Mary. F. M. B. and her work for education, by Ridley, Annie E. 1895.
- —— Frances Mary Buss Schools’ Jubilee Record: Eleanor M. Hill and Sophie Bryant. 1900.
- See Gurney, Mary.
- Cartwright, Mrs. Letters on female education addressed to a married lady. 1777.
- Chapone, Mrs. (Mulso, Hester). Letters on the improvement of the mind. 2 vols. 1777.
- Clough, Blanche Athena. A memoir of Anne Jemima Clough. 1897.
- Cobbe, Frances Power. Life as told by herself. 1904.
- —— Female education. Paper at Social Science Congress. 1862.
- Davies, Emily. The application of funds to the education of girls. [1865.]
- —— Women in the universities of England and Scotland. 1896.
- —— Thoughts on some questions relating to women, 1860–1908. 1910.
- [Edgeworth, Maria.] Letters for literary ladies. 1795.
- [Fielding, Sarah.] The Governess, or the little female academy. [n.d. 1765 or earlier.]
- Gregory, John. A father’s legacy to his daughters. 1774. (Many edd. till 1877.)
- Grey, Mrs. William. [Maria Georgina Grey, born Shirreff.] The Education of Women. 1871.
- —— The study of education as a Science. Paper at British Association. 1874.
- Grey, Mrs. William and Shirreff, Emily A. E. Thoughts on self-culture addressed to women. 2 vols. 1850.
- Gurney, Mary. Are we to have education for middle-class girls? The history of Camden Collegiate Schools. 1872.
- Hamilton, Elizabeth (author of The Cottagers of Glenburnie). Letters on the elementary principles of education. 2 vols. Bath, 1801. 6th edn. 1818.
- —— Hints addressed to patrons and directors of schools. 1815. (Pestalozzi’s principles.)
- Hodgson, Wm. Ballantyne. The education of girls considered in connexion with university local examinations. A lecture. 1864.
- Knox, V. Liberal Education. 1781. Section
XXVII. - Lounger, The. Edinburgh, 1785–6. Nos. 13 (McLeod Bannatyne), 16 (Tytler, Wm.), 52 (William Craig).
- Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine, born Sawbridge. Letters on education. 1790.
- Maurice, J. Frederick Denison. Queen’s College, London, its object and method. 1848.
- Quarterly Review, vols.
LXXXIV, LXXXVI. 1848–50. - Maynard, Constance L. From early Victorian schoolroom to university. Nineteenth Century and After. Nov., 1914.
- Mirror, The. Edinburgh, 1780. Nos. 89 and 96 (latter by Mackenzie, Henry).
- More, Hannah. Strictures on Female Education, 1799. See vols.
V andVI of Works, new edn.II vols. 1830. - —— Memoirs of the life and correspondence of H. M.: by Roberts, Wm. 3rd ed. 4 vols. 1835.
- Parkes, Bessie Rayner. Remarks on the education of girls. 1854.
- Pennington, Sarah, lady. An unfortunate mother’s advice to her absent daughters. 1761 (several editions till 1817).
- Pfeiffer, Emily. Women and work … relation to health and physical development of the higher education. 1888.
- Pipe, H. E. Stoddart, Anna M. Life and letters of Hannah E. Pipe (1831–96). 1908.
- Remarks on female education adapted particularly to the regulation of schools. 1823.
- Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. Principles of education drawn from Nature and Revelation. 2 vols. 1865.
- —— Autobiography: edited by Sewell, E. L. 1907.
- Shaen, Margaret Josephine. Memoirs of two sisters, Susanna and Catherine Winkworth. 1908.
- Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza. Intellectual education and its influence on … women. 1858.
- —— The Kindergarten. Principles of Froebel’s system and their bearing on the education of women. 1876.
- (See, also, Grey, Mrs. W., ante.)
- Wakefield, Priscilla. Reflections upon the present condition of the female sex, with suggestions. 1798.
- Wollstonecraft, Mary. A vindication of the rights of woman. 1792.
- —— Thoughts on the education of daughters. 1797.
- Zimmern, Alice. Reminiscence of Girls’ Education in England. 1898.
- (e) Memoris
- Almond of Loretto (1832–1903). Life and selection from letters of. By Mackenzie, Robt. Jas. 1905.
- Arnold, Thomas (1795–1842). Life and correspondence. By Stanley, A. P. 1844.
- —— Findlay, J. J. Arnold of Rugby: his school life and contributions to education. Cambridge, 1897.
- —— Fitch, Sir J. G. Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influence on education. 1897.
- Bain, Alexander (1818–1903). Autobiography. 1904.
- Beattie, Jas. (1735–1803). Life and writings. By Sir Wm. Forbes of Pitsligo. 2 vols. 1806. (Scots education and the “Bluestockings.”)
- Bell, Andrew (1753–1832), Life … comprising the history of … the system of mutual tuition. By Robt. and C. C. Southey. 3 vols. 1844.
- —— An old educational reformer, Andrew Bell. By Meikeljohn, J. M. D. Edinburgh, 1881.
- Bernard, Sir Thomas (1750–1818). Life. By Baker, Jas. 1819.
- Birkbeck, George (1776–1841). Memoir and review. By Godard, J. G. 1884.
- Bowen, Edward Ernest. Memoir, with essays, songs and verses. By Bowen, Wm. Edwd. 1902. (King’s College, London, 1852–4. Harrow, 1859–1901.)
- Brougham, Henry, lord (1778–1868). Life and times written by himself. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1871.
- Butler, Samuel (1774–1839), headmaster of Shrewsbury School. Life and letters. By Butler, Samuel (his grandson). 2 vols. 1896.
- Cooper, Thomas (1805–1892) (the “moral force Chartist”). Life. By himself. 1872.
- Copleston, Edward (1776–1849). Memoir with selections from diary and correspondence. By Coplestone, Wm. Jas. 1851.
- Dawes, Richard (1793–1867). Dean of Hereford. Biographical notice. By Henry, Wm. Chas. 1867.
- Day, Thomas (1748–1789), author of Sandford and Merton. Life and writings of. By Blackman, John. 1862.
- Drane, Augusta Theodosia (1823–1894). A memoir of Mother Francis Rachael (A. T. D.). By Wilberforce, B. A. H. 1895.
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell (1744–1817). Memoirs. 1819.
- Edgeworths, The. A study of later eighteenth century education. By Paterson, Alice. 1914.
- Ellis, William (1800–1881). Life … with some account of his writings and labours for the improvement of education. By Blyth, E. K. (with a bibliography). 1889.
- Fitch, Sir Joshua (1824–1903). An account of the life and work. By Lilley, A. L. 1906.
- Fox, Wm. Johnson (1786–1864). Life. By Garnett, R. and Garnett, Edwd. 1909.
- Gunning, Henry (1780–1830). Reminiscences of … Cambridge from 1780. 2 vols. 1854.
- Haig Brown, William (1823–1907) of Charterhouse. Biographical memoir. H. E. Haig Brown (ed.). 1908.
- Hill, Frederic (1803–96). An autobiography of fifty years in times of reform. Constance Hill (ed). 1893.
- Hodgson, W. B. (1815–1880). Life and letters. By Meiklejohn, J. N. D. 1883.
- Hogg, Quintin (1845–1902). Biography. By Hogg, Ethel M. 1904.
- Jones, Sir William (1746–1794). Memoirs of life, writings and correspondence. By Shore, J., lord Teignmouth. 2 vols. 1806. (Harrow, 1753–63, Oxford.)
- Lancaster, Joseph (1778–1838). By Salmon, David. 1904.
- Lee, Samuel (1783–1852). A scholar of a past generation, a brief memoir of Samuel Lee. By Lee, A. M. 1896.
- Lovett, Wm. (1800–1877). Life and struggles (by himself). 1876.
- Maurice, Frederick Denison (1805–72). Life. Maurice, Sir Frederick. 1 vols. 3rd edn. 1884.
- —— Founder of the Working Men’s College. By Alford, B. H. 1909.
- Owen, Robert (1771–1858). Life … written by himself, with selections from his writings and correspondence. 1857.
- —— Biography. By Podmore, Frank. 2 vols. 1906.
- Owen, R. Dale (1801–1877). Threading my way. 1874.
- Parr, Samuel (1747–1825). Life, in Works. Ed. Johnstone, John. 8 vols. 1828.
- —— Memoirs. By Field, Wm. 2 vols. 1828. (Harrow, 1752–61, 1767–71, Cambridge.)
- Pattison, Mark. Memoirs. 1885.
- Pestalozzi, J. H. (1746–1827). Memoir. By Mayo, Chas. 2nd edn. 1828. (Lecture delivered in 1826.)
- Pitt, Wm. (1708–1778), 1st earl of Chatham. Letters to his nephew T. Pitt, then at Cambridge (1751–7). 2nd edn. 1804.
- Place, Francis (1771–1854). Life. By Wallas, Graham. 1898.
- Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804). Memoirs … to 1795, written by himself. Continuation by his son J. P. 1805. See, post,
II. - Pryme, Geo. (1781–1868). Autobiographical recollections. Ed. Bayne, A. Cambridge, 1870.
- Quick, Robert Hebert (1831–1891). Life and remains. By Storr, Francis. 1899.
- Sidgwick, Henry. A memoir by A. and E. M. Sidgwick. 1906.
- Stow, David (1793–1864), founder of the Training System. Memoir. By Fraser, Wm. 1868.
- Stuart, Jas. (1843–1913). Reminiscences. 1911.
- Temple, Fdk., archbishop (1821–1902). Rugby Memoir, 1857–69: Francis Elliot Kitchener. 1907.
- Thring, Edward (1821–1887). Life, Diary and Letters. By Parkin, Sir Geo. R. 1900.
- —— A Memory of. By Skrine, Huntley. 1889.
- Trimmer, Sarah (1741–1810). Some account of the life and writings, with original letters. 2 vols. 1814.
- Wakefield, Gilbert. Memoirs of his life written by himself. 1792.
- Watson, Richard (bishop of Llandaff). Anecdotes of the life of Bishop Watson, by himself. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1818.
- (f) Official documents
- Shadwell, Lionel Lancelot. Enactments in Parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, the colleges and halls and the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster. 4 vols. Oxf. Hist. Soc. 1912. (Edward III-George V.)
- Society for bettering the condition … of the Poor. Reports.
- Reports. Select Committee, to inquire into the education of the lower orders. (Brougham’s Committee.) 12 parts. 1816–18.
- —— Royal Commission to inquire c. charities for education of the Poor. (Lord Brougham’s Commission.) 44 vols. 1818–42.
- —— Royal Commission into state of universities and colleges of Scotland. 4 vols. 1837.
- —— Central Society of Education. 2 vols. 1837–8.
- —— Committee on providing useful education for the poorer classes. 1838.
- Educational Record, The, of the British and Foreign School Society. 1848, etc.
- Report of Royal Commission on the state, discipline, studies and revenues of the university and colleges of Oxford. 2 pts. 1852.
- —— on the state etc. of Cambridge. 2 pts. 1853.
- Report of Committee on state of education in … Manchester and Salford, etc. 2 pts. 1852–3.
- Report of Royal Commission on … popular education in England. (Newcastle Commission.) 6 vols. 1861. (Incl. reports by Fraser, Jas., Arnold and Pattison.)
- —— to inquire into revenues and management of certain colleges and schools, and the studies pursued. (Public Schools or Clarendon Commission.) 4 vols. 1864.
- —— on the schools in Scotland. (Argyll Commission.) 10 pts. 1865–7.
- —— on education given in schools in England. (Schools Inquiry or Taunton Commission.) 21 vols. 1868. (Arnold, M. in Vol.
VI ). - Report of Schools Inquiry Commission on Technical Education. 1867.
- Report of the Lord’s Committee on safeguards for the maintenance of religious instruction and worship … in Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. 4 pts. 1870–1.
- Report of Royal Commission on the property and income of Oxford and Cambridge. 3 vols. 1873.
- —— on technical instruction. Preliminary, 1882. Second report. 5 vols. 1884.
- —— on the working of the elementary education acts. (Cross Commission.) 10 vols. 1886–8.
- —— on advancement of higher education in London. 1889.
- —— Gresham University of London. 3 vols. 1894.
- —— on secondary education. (Bryce Commission.) 9 vols. 1895.
- Report of a conference on secondary education held in Oxford. Oxford, 1893.
- Special Reports on Educational Subjects. 1896 etc.
- University of London Act. 1898.
- Report of Royal Commission on University Education in London. 1913.
- II. P
ARTICULAR WRITERS - Aikin, John (1747–1822) and Aikin, Anne Letitia (1743–1825), afterwards Barbauld. Evenings at home … for the amusement and instruction of young people. 6 vols. 1792–1796.
- Allen, William (1770–1843), editor. The Philanthropist. 1811.
- Arnold, Matthew. Reports on elementary schools, 1852–1882. 1889. Popular education of France, with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. (Report to Newcastle Commission.) 1861. Schools and Universities on the Continent. (Report to Schools Inquiry Commission.) 1868. Friendship’s Garland. 1871. A French Eton, or middle class education and the State. 1892. Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. (Report to Schools Inquiry Commission.) 1882. Special Report on … elementary education in Germany, Switzerland and France [Cd-4752]. 1886.
- Huxley, Leonard (ed.). Thoughts on Education chosen from the writings of Matthew Arnold. 1912.
- Arnold, Thomas. Miscellaneous Works. 1845. Sermons. 3 vols. 1850–3.
- Bain, Alexander (1818–1903). Education as a science. 1879. English composition and rhetoric. 1866. On teaching English. 1887.
- Baines, Sir Edward (1800–1890). Letters written to the Rt. Hon. Lord John Russell. 1846. An alarm to the Nation on the … measure of State education. 1847. On the progress and efficiency of voluntary education. 1848. Strictures on the new Government measure. 1853. National education. 1856. Our past educational improvement. 1857. Voluntary and religious education. 1857.
- Bamford, R. W. Essays on the discipline of children, particularly as regards their education. 1822.
- Barnes, Thomas. A brief comparison of … arguments in favour of public and private education. (Memoirs of Lit. and Phil. Soc., Manchester, vol.
II. Warrington, 1785.) A plan for the improvement and extension of liberal education in Manchester. (ibid.) A discourse delivered at the commencement of the Manchester Academy. Warrington, 1786. - Barrow, William (1754–1836). An essay on education … particularly the merits and defects of the discipline and instruction in our academies. 2 vols. 1802.
- Beattie, James (1735–1803). Essays. Edinburgh, 1778. Including Essay on the utility of classical learning (1769).
- Beattie, Jas. The Grammarian: or the English writer and speaker’s assistant. 1838.
- Bell, Andrew. Elements of Tuition. Part
III. Ludus Literarius, the classical and grammar school. 1815. The wrongs of children. 1819. - Bentham, Jeremy. Works. Ed. Bowring, J.
II vols. Edinburgh, 1843. Papers relative to codification and public instruction (in vol.IV ). Chrestomathia (in vol.VIII ). Memoirs and correspondence (in vols.X, XI ). - Bernard, Sir Thomas (1750–1818). Of the education of the Poor. 1809. The new school; an attempt to illustrate its principles, details and advantages. 1809. The Barrington School. 1812.
- Blair, Hugh. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. 3 vols. 1817.
- Booth, James (1806–1878). Education and educational institutions considered with reference to … the present state of society. 1846. On the influence of examination as an instrument of education. 1854. On the female education of the industrial classes. 1855. Systematic instruction and periodical examination. 1857.
- Brougham, Henry Peter, (baron Brougham and Vaux). Letter to Romilly, Sir Samuel. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XIII. ) Speech on the education of the Poor, June, 1820. (The Pamphleteer, vol.XVI; Hansard, vol.II, pp. 49–89.) Inaugural discourse on being installed Lord Rector of Glasgow University. 1825. - M. A. Queen’s College, Oxford. A letter to Henry Brougham … on the best method of restoring decayed grammar schools. 1818. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XIII. ) - Ireland, John. A letter to Henry Brougham. 1819. (The Pamphleteer, vol.
XIV. ) - Brown, John. An estimate of the manners and principles of the times, 1757–8. An explanatory defence of the estimate etc. 1758. Sermons on various subjects. 1764. (Three on “the first principles of education.”) On the female character and education … with an appendix relative to a proposed code of education. 1765. Thoughts on Civil Liberty, on Licentiousness and Faction. Newcastle, 1765.
- Burgh, James (1714–1775). Thoughts on education. 1747.
- Burnet, G. Bishop Gilbert Burnet as Educationist, being his Thoughts on Education. Notes and life by John Clarke. Aberdeen, 1900.
- A gentleman of Bristol [S. Butler?]. An essay upon education intended to show that the common method is defective … With a plan of a new method. n.d. Early eighteenth century.
- Campbell, Geo. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. 2 vols. 1776.
- Central Society of Education: by various authors. Publications. 3 vols. 1837–1839, all published.
- Chapman, George (1723–1806). A treatise on education. Edinburgh, 1773.
- Chesterfield, Stanhope, Philip Dormer, earl of. Letters of the earl of Chesterfield to his son. 1774–87. Idem. Introduction by Strachey, C., notes by Calthrop, A. 1901. Letters to his godson and successor. With appendix. Letters to A. C. Stanhope. Ed. by the earl of Carnarvon. Oxford, 1890.
- Colquhoun, John Campbell (1803–1870). On the measures to be now taken … to secure a good national education. 1853. Memorandum on a bill to make further provision for education … in Scotland. 1854. Remarks on Pakington’s Education Bill. 1855.
- Colquhoun, Patrick (1745–1820). A new and appropriate system of education for the labouring people. 1806.
- Combe, George (1788–1858). What should secular education embrace? 1847. Remarks on national education. 1847. Lectures on popular education. 1848. Education: its principles and practice as developed by George Combe: collated and edited by Wm. Jolly. 1875.
- Cornish, Joseph (1750–1823). An attempt to display the importance of classical learning. With some candid remarks on Mr. Knox’s Liberal Education. 1783.
- Creighton, Mandell, bp. of London (1843–1901). Thoughts on education. 1902.
- Crosby Hall Lectures on Education. 1848.
- Dalton, John (1766–1844). Elements of English grammar. 1801.
- Dawes, Richard, dean of Hereford. Hints on National Education. 1848. Observations on the working of the government scheme of education. 1849. Suggestive hints towards improved secular instruction, making it bear on practical life. 3rd edn. [1849]. Remarks occasioned by the present crusade against the … Committee of Council on Education. 1850. Schools and other similar institutions for the industrial classes. 1853. Remarks on the reorganisation of the Civil Service and its bearing on educational progress. 1854. Teaching of common things. 1854. Address to the Huddersfield Mechanics’ Institute. [1856]. Mechanics’ Institutes and popular education. 1856. Manual of educational requirements for the Civil Service. With a preface on its educational value and importance. 1856. Effective primary instruction the only sure road to success in … secondary instruction. 1857.
- Dunn, Henry (Secretary, Br. and For. School Soc.). Popular education. 1837. National education, the question of questions. 1838. Calm Thoughts on the recent Minutes of the Committee of Council. 1847.
- Edgeworth, Maria, and Richard L. Practical Education. 2 vols. 1798.
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. Essays on professional education. 1809. Poetry explained for young people. 1802. Early Lessons. New ed. 1815.
- Edgeworth, Maria. The Parent’s Assistant or Stories for Children. Pt. I. 2nd edn. 1796. 3rd edn. 6 vols. 1800. 1897 edn. (selections) in 1 vol.; introduction by Ritchie, Anne Thackeray.
- Edinburgh Review, The. The English universities and public schools: Nos.
XXII (1808):XXVIII, XXIX (1809):XXXI, XXXII (1810). Elementary education: Nos. 1 (1802):XVII (1806);XXI (1807);XXXIII, XXXVII (1811). General: Nos.IX (1804);XIII (1805);XVII, XXX, XL. - Ensor, George (1769–1843). On rational education. 1811.
- Enfield, William (1741–1797). The speaker. 1774. An essay on the cultivation of taste as a proper object … in education. 1818.
- Farrar, Fdk. Wm. (editor). Essays on a liberal education. 1867 (C. S. Parker, H. Sidgwick, J. Seeley, E. E. Bowen, F. W. Farrar, J. M. Wilson, J. W. Hales, W. Johnson, Lord Houghton.)
- Fawcett, Henry and Millicent Garrett. Essays and lectures on social and political subjects. Cambridge, 1872. Contains 3 essays on educational subjects, all by M. G. F.
- Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling (1824–1903). Public education. Why is a new code wanted? 1861. Charity Schools and the Endowed Schools Commission. 1873. Lectures on Teaching. 1881. Notes on American schools and training colleges. 1890. Educational aims and methods. 1900.
- Fox, Joseph. A comparative view of the plans of … Dr. Bell and Mr. Lancaster, 1808. Scriptural education the glory of England, a defence of the Lancastrian plan. 1810.
- Fraser, Jas. (Bishop of Manchester, 1818–1885). The Revised Code. 1861.
- Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de. Adèle et Théodore. 3 vols. Maestricht, 1782.
- Gilkes, Arthur H. A day at Dulwich. 1905.
- Gill, John (1818–1901). Systems of Education: a history and criticism. 1876.
- Godwin, William. Enquiry concerning political justice. 2 vols. 1793. See Bk.
VI, esp. chap.VIII. The Enquirer; reflections on education, manners and literature. 1797. See Pt. I, EssayIX. - Grey, Mrs. Wm. (Maria Georgina Shirreff). The education of women. 1871. The study of education as a science. Paper read at the British Association, Belfast. 1874.
- See, ante, 1 (d) and also, post, Shirreff, Emily A. E.
- Hamilton, Richard Winter (1794–1848). Institutions of popular education. Leeds. 1846.
- Harrison, George. Some remarks relative to the present state of education among … the Quakers. 1802.
- Hill, Arthur, Hill, Frederic, Hill, Matthew Davenport (1792–1872). Hill, Sir Rowland (1795–1879). Public education: plans for the government of boys as practised at Hazelwood School. 1822. New ed. 1894. The Laws of Hazelwood School. 1827. Sketch of the system of education at the schools of Bruce Castle, Tottenham, and Hazelwood, near Birmingham. 1833. See, also, Geo. Birkbeck Hill. Life of Sir Rowland Hill. 2 vols. 1880.
- Hodgson, Wm. Ballantyne (1815–1880). On the report of the [Public Schools] Commissioners. 1864. On the education of girls considered in connexion with the university local examinations. 1864. Exaggerated estimates of reading and writing as means of education. 1868. Education of girls and employment of women of the upper classes. 2nd. 1869. The importance of the study of economic science. 1870.
- Home, Henry, Lord Kames. Loose Hints upon Education, chiefly concerning the culture of the heart. Edinburgh, 1781. Elements of rhetoric. 1762.
- Hume, David. Essays and treatises on several subjects. New edn. 1758. See essays
XVI Of eloquence, andXXVI Of the standard of taste (both published in 1742). - Huxley, Thos. Henry (1825–1895). Science and Education: vol.
III of Collected Essays. 1893–1894. - Ingram, Robert Acklom (1763–1809). A sermon preached in Colchester for the benefit of the Charity School. Colchester. 1788. Parochial beneficence inculcated: the school of industry, Boxted. Colchester. [1800.] An essay on … schools of industry and religious instruction. London. [1808.]
- Johnson, Samuel. Plan of a dictionary of the English language. 1747.
- Kay, Joseph (1821–1878). Education of the poor in England and Europe. 1846. Social conditions and education of the people in England and Europe. 2 vols. 1850. The condition and education of poor children in English and German towns. 1853.
- Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James Phillips. The school in its relation to the State, the Church and the congregation. 1847. Public education from 1846–52. 1853. Letter to Earl Granville on the Revised Code. 1861. Four Periods of Public Education, 1832–1839–1846–1862. 1862. Memorandum on the present state of the question of popular education. [1868.]
- Kingsley, Charles (1819–1875). Health and Education. 1874.
- Knox, Vicesimus (1752–1821). Works: with biographical preface. 7 vols. 1824. Essays, moral and literary. Vol. 1, 1778; vol.
II, 1779. Frequently reprinted: new ed. 3 vols. 1823. Liberal education: or, a practical treatise on … acquiring useful and polite learning. 1781. Letter to … Lord North, Chancellor of the University of Oxford. 1789. (In 10th ed. of Liberal Education.) Personal nobility or letters to a young nobleman on the conduct of his studies. 1793. Remarks on the tendency of … a bill now pending … to degrade grammar schools. 2nd edn. 1821. (The Pamphleteer, vol.XIX. ) - Lancaster, Henry Hill (1829–1875). Essays and Reviews: prefatory notice by Benj. Jowett. Edinburgh, 1876.
- Lancaster, Joseph. Improvements in education as it respects the industrious classes. 1803.
- See, also, ante, 1 (a) and (e).
- Latham, Henry. On examinations as a means of selection. Cambridge, 1877.
- Laurie, Simon Somerville (1829–1909). John Amos Comenius: life and educational works. 3rd edn. 1887. Lectures on the rise … of universities, with a survey of mediaeval education. 1886. Occasional addresses on educational subjects. 1888. Institutes of Education. 1892. Historical survey of pre-Christian education. 1895. Studies in the history of educational opinion. 1903.
- [Louth, Robert.] A short introduction to English grammar. 1762.
- Lowe, Robert, viscount Sherbrooke (1811–1892). Primary and classical education. Edinburgh, 1867. Middle class education: endowment or free-trade? 1868.
- Macnab, Henry Grey (1761–1823). A plan of reform in the mode of instruction. Glasgow, 1786. Analysis and analogy recommended … in education. Paris, 1818.
- See, also, post, Owen, Robert.
- Mann, Horace. Report of an educational tour in Germany and parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Preface by Hodgson, W. B. 1846.
- Martineau, James (1805–1900). Essays and Addresses.
- Martineau, Harriet (1802–76). How to observe. 1838. Household Education. 1849. Autobiography. 1877.
- Maurice, John Frederick Denison. Has the Church or State power to educate the Nation? 1839. National education. A sermon. 1853. The workman and the franchise; chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people. 1866.
- See, also, ante, 1 (a), (b) Oxford, and (e).
- Maxse, Fdk. Augustus (1833–1900). The education of the agricultural poor. 1868. National education and its opponents. 1877.
- Mayo, Charles (1792–1846). Observations on the establishment and direction of infant schools. 1826.
- Mill, James (1773–1836). Education in Encycl. Brit. Supplement. 1824.
- —— State of the Nation. Westminster Review, October. 1826.
- Mill, John Stuart. Inaugural Address, St. Andrews University. 1867.
- More, Hannah. Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. 1788. Remarks on the speech of M. Dupont … on religion and public education. 1793.
- See, also, ante, 1 (d).
- Murray, Lindley. English grammar adapted to different classes of learners. York, 1795.
- Museum and English Journal of Education, The. 5 vols. 1864–9.
- Nelson, James (1710–94). An essay on the government of children. 1753.
- One of practical experience. Remarks on popular education in reference to the New Code. Bradford, 1861.
- Owen, Robert. A new view of Society, or essays on … the formations of human character. 1813.
- Macnab, Henry Grey. The new views of Mr. Owen … impartially examined. 1819.
- Owen, Robert Dale. Outlines of the new system of education at New Lanark. 1824.
- Paine, Thomas. The Rights of Man. 1st part, 1791, 2nd part, 1792.
- Payne, Joseph (1808–1876). The true foundation of science teaching. 1873.
- The science and art of education. 1874. Pestalozzi: influence on elementary education. 1875. Fröbel and the Kindergarten. 1876. A visit to German schools. 1876. Lectures on the science and art of education. 1883.
- Pillans, James. Principles of elementary teaching, chiefly in reference to the parochial schools of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1828. Three lectures. 1836. A word for the universities of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1848. The rationale of discipline as exemplified in the High School. Edinburgh, 1852. Contributions to the cause of education. 1856. Educational papers read before the Education Department of the Social Science Assoc. Edinburgh, 1862.
- Place, Francis (1771–1854). Improvement of the Working People. 1834.
- Price, Richard (1723–1791). The evidence for a future improvement in … mankind. 1787.
- Priestley, Joseph. An essay on the first principles of government. 1768 (esp. Pt.
II, SectionII ). An essay on a course of liberal education for civil and active life (1764), in Miscellaneous observations relating to education. Bath, 1778. The proper objects of education. 1791. The rudiments of English grammar: a course of lectures on the theory of language and universal grammar, … ; and lectures on oratory and criticism. Notes and appendix by J. T. Rutt. 1826. (Three separate works written between 1761 and 1768.) - Quarterly Review, The. Vols.
V, VI, VIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XXXII, XXXVII, XXXIX —chiefly on elementary education. - Quick, Robert Hebert (1831–1891). Essays on educational reformers. 1868.
- Positions, by Richard Mulcaster, with an … account of his life and writings. 1888.
- Robertson, Chas. Objections to a system of free education for the people. n.d.
- Roby, Henry John (1830–1915). Remarks on College reform. 1858. The present state of the schools: the law of charities as affecting endowed schools: chps.
II, IV of the Endowed Schools Report. 1867. - See, also, Memoirs of Archbishop Temple, by seven Friends. 1906.
- Rogers, Wm. (1819–1896). Reminiscences: compiled by R. H. Hadden. 1888.
- Rooper, Thos. Godolphin (1847–1903). A pot of green feathers. School and home life. 1896. Selected writings: ed. with a memoir by R. G. Tatton.
- Ruskin, John. See, ante, bibliography to Chap.
III. - Jolly, Wm. Ruskin on Education, some needed but neglected elements. 1894.
- Seeley, Sir John. English in Schools in Lectures and Essays. 1895.
- Sewell, Wm. (1804–1874). An essay on the cultivation of the intellect by the study of the dead languages. 1830. A speech … at the meeting of friends of national education at Willis’s Rooms, Feb. 7th. 1850.
- Shaw, William (Rector of Chelvey, Somerset). Suggestions respecting national education. Bath, 1801.
- Sheppard, J. G. Remarks on the Rev. F. Temple’s scheme for the extension of middle-class education. 1857.
- Sheridan, Thomas. British Education. In three parts. 1756. A general view of the scheme for the improvement of education. [Dublin, 1758.] A dissertation on the causes of the difficulties … in learning the English tongue. 1762. A course of lectures on elocution. 1762. A plan of education for the young nobility and gentry. 1769. Lectures on the art of reading. 2 vols. 1775. A general dictionary of the English language … to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a rhetorical grammar. 2 vols. 1780. A short address to the Public. 1783.
- Proceedings of the Hibernian Society. Dublin, 1758.
- A letter to a schoolmaster … relative to Mr. Sheridan’s scheme of education. Dublin, 1758.
- An enquiry into the plan and pretensions of Mr. Sheridan. Dublin, 1758.
- A true history of the scheme for erecting a new seminary. Dublin, 1769.
- An examen of Mr. Sheridan’s plan. 1784.
- Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza (1814–1897). Thoughts on self-culture (with her sister, Maria Georgina). 2 vols. 1850. Intellectual education and its influence on … women. 1858. The Kindergarten: also, remarks on the higher education of women. 1876.
- Smith, Adam. An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 1776. Bk.
V, chp. 1, articlesII, III. - Smith, Sydney. Works. 2 vols. 1859.
- See contributions to the Edinburgh Review.
- Spencer, Herbert. Education, intellectual, moral and physical. 1861. Very frequently rptd.
- Canpayré, Gabriel. H. Spencer et l’éducation scientifique. Paris, [1901].
- Stockdale, Percival (1736–1811). An examination … whether education at a great school or by private tuition is preferable. With remarks on Mr. Knox’s Liberal Education. 1782.
- [Taylor, Isaac, 1787–1865.] Home education. 2nd edn. 1838.
- Teacher, An experienced. The complete governess; a course of mental instruction for ladies. 1826.
- Temple, Frederick, archbishop of Canterbury. On apprenticeship and school. 1858. Sermons preached in Rugby School Chapel in 1858, 1859, 1860. Series, 1–3, 1861–71. National schools. 1870. The true ideal of the educator. 1898.
- Thelwall, John. Selections for the illustration of a course of instructions on the rhythmus and utterance of the English language. 1812.
- Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth. Day dreams of a schoolmaster. Edinburgh, 1864. Wayside Thoughts: desultory essays on education. 1868.
- Thring, Edward. Education and School. 1864. Theory and practice of teaching. 1883. Sermons preached at Uppingham School. 2 vols. 1886. Addresses. 1887, Poems and translations. 1887.
- Todhunter, Isaac (1820–84). The conflict of studies and other essays connected with education. 1873.
- Trimmer, Sarah. The Oeconomy of charity. 1786. Reflections upon the education of children in charity schools. 1792. A comparative view of the new plan of education promulgated by Mr. Joseph Lancaster. 1805. The Guardian of Education, a periodical work. 5 vols. 1802–1806. An essay on Christian education. 1812.
- Tuer, Andrew White (1838–1900). History of the Hornbook. 2 vols. 1896.
- Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children’s Books. 1898.
- Watts, John, Ph.D. (1818–1887). On national education considered as a question of political and financial economy. 1850.
- Whately, Richard, archbishop of Dublin (1787–1863). Rhetoric: rptd. from the … Encylop. Metrop. 1828.
- Whitchurch, Jas Wadham. An essay upon education. 1772.
- Wilderspin, Samuel. On the importance of educating the infant poor. 1824. Early discipline. 1840. System for the education of the young.
- Williams, A. M. The Scottish School of Rhetoric. 1897.
- Williams, David (1738–1816), founder of the R. Literary Fund. A treatise upon education. 1774.
- Wordsworth, Wm. The Prelude (1799–1805). 1850. The Excursion: Bks. 8 and 9: with Wordsworth’s note in the 1843 edition.
- Jas. Fotheringham. Wordsworth’s “Prelude” as a study in education. 1899.
- Wyse, Thos. (1791–1861). Education reform, or the necessity of a national system. 1836.
- Wyse, W. M. Notes on education reform in Ireland from … the unpublished memoirs of … Sir Thomas Wyse. Waterford, 1901.
- Yates, Jas. (1789–1871). Thoughts on the advancement of academical education in England. 1826. Outlines of a constitution for the university of London. 1832.
- III. U
NPUBLISHED MATERIAL - Place MSS.: Br. Mus. Additional MSS. 27823, 27824 contain papers, printed and manuscript, and letters relating to Joseph Lancaster, Lancasterian and “Chrestomathic” schools, mechanics’ institutes and the foundation of London university.