The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two.
- Bradley, H. The Making of English. 1904.
- Earle, John (1824–1903). The Philology of the English Tongue. 1866.
- Ellis, A. J. Early English Pronunciation. Parts
IV, V. 1874, 1889. - Emerson, O. F. The History of the English Language. New York and London, 1894.
- Greenough, J. B. and Kittredge, G. L. Words and their Ways in English Speech. 1902.
- Jamieson, John (1759–1838). The Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language. 1808.
- Jespersen, O. Growth and Structure of the English Language. 2nd edn. Leipzig, 1912.
- —— A Modern English Grammar. Heidelberg, 1909–1914. [In progress.]
- Johnson, S. A Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. folio. 1755.
- Kaluza, M. Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Berlin, 1900–1.
- Kellner, L. Historical Outlines of English Syntax. 1892.
- Lounsbury, T. R. The History of the English Language. New York, 1901.
- —— The Standard Usage in English. New York, 1908.
- Mätzner, E. Englische Grammatik. 3 parts. Berlin, 1860 ff.
- Morris, R. Historical Outlines of English Accidence. Revised by L. Kellner and H. Bradley, 1895.
- Murray, Sir J. A. H., Bradley, H., Craigie, W. A. and Onions, C. T. The Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, 1884. [In progress.]
- Onions, C. T. Advanced English Syntax. 1904.
- Poutsma, H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. Groningen, 1904. [In progress.]
- Skeat, W. W. Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 4th edn. Oxford, 1910.
- —— A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words. Edited by Mayhew, A. L. Oxford, 1914.
- —— Principles of English Etymology. Oxford, 1887–91.
- Smith, L. P. The English Language. [1912.]
- Sweet, H. A History of English Sounds. Oxford, 1888.
- —— A New English Grammar. Oxford, 1892–8.
- Toller, T. N. Outlines of the History of the English Language. Cambridge, 1900.
- Trench, R. C. English Past and Present. Revised edn. 1905.
- —— On the Study of Words. Revised edn. 1904.
- Ware, J. R. Passing English of the Victorian Era. [n.d.]
- Webster, N. New International Dictionary of the English Language. London, and Springfield, Mass. 1911.
- Wyld, H. C. Historical Study of the Mother Tongue. 1906.
- —— A Short History of English. 1914.
- P
ERIODICALS - Anglia. Halle, 1874 ff.; Englische Studien, Leipzig, 1877 ff.; Journal of English and Germanic Philology, University of Illinois (in progress); Modern Language Review, Cambridge, 1905 ff.; Philological Society, Transactions, 1842 ff.
- S
OPULAR SERIES - Bohn, Henry George (1796–1884). Bohn’s Standard library. 1846, etc. Bohn’s Extra volumes. 1846, etc. Bohn’s Antiquarian library. 1847, etc. Bohn’s Scientific library. 1847, etc. Bohn’s Classical library 1848, etc. Bohn’s Illustrated library. 1849, etc. Bohn’s Ecclesiastical library. 1851, etc. Bohn’s Philological library. 1852, etc. Bohn’s British Classics. 1853, etc. Bohn’s French memoirs. 1865, etc. Bohn’s Historical library. 1857, etc. Bohn’s Collegiate series. 1859, etc. Bohn’s Reference library. 1875, etc. Bohn’s Artists’ library. 1877, etc. Bohn’s Novelists’ library. 1876 [1875]. Bohn’s Economic library. 1882, etc.
- For Bohn’s own contributions to the above series and his other writings, see D. of N. B.
- Cassell, John (1817–1865). The Popular Educator. [Ed. Wallace, R.] 6 vols. 1852–5. New and revised edn. 6 vols. [1862–4.] Various other edns. to [1884–8]. Cassell’s Classical library. 3 vols. 1853–4. Cassell’s Illustrated History of England. New and revised edn. 9 vols. [1865–74.] 10 vols. [1875–85.]
- Chambers, Robert and William. Chambers’s Information for the People. 1835. New and greatly improved edn. 2 vols. 1856–8. Chambers’s Instructive and Entertaining library. 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1848–52. The Youth’s Companion and Councillor. 1858 [1857]. Manuals for the Working-Classes. Chambers’s Social Science Tracts. Ed. C., W. Nos. 1–6. [?1860]. Chambers’s Historical Questions with answers, embracing ancient and modern History. 1865, also 1866. Chambers’s Miscellaneous Questions with answers, embracing Science, Literature, Arts, etc. 1866. Stories of Old Families. 1878. Stories of Remarkable Persons. 1878.
- See, also, ante, bibliography to Chap.
III. - Constable, Archibald (1774–1827). Constable’s Miscellany of original and selected publications in the various departments of literature, the sciences, and the arts. 82 vols. in 84 pts. 1826–35.
- Archibald Constable and his Literary Correspondents. A memorial by his son, T. C. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1873.
- Constable, Thomas (1812–1881). Constable’s Miscellany of Foreign Literature. 10 vols. Edinburgh, 1854–5.
- Knight, Charles (1791–1873). Knight’s Library of Entertaining Knowledge. 1829, etc. [This series of popular treatises, reprints, etc., was begun in 1829, simultaneously with Murray’s The Family library.] The Pictorial History of England; being a history of the people, as well as a history of the kingdom [to the accession of George III]. By Craik, G. L. and MacFarlane, C., assisted by other contributors. 4 vols. 1837–41. Knight’s Miscellanies.7 vols. 1840–2. Knight’s Store of Knowledge for all readers: being a collection of treatises, in various departments of knowledge. By several authors. [1841.] London. Ed. K., C. 6 vols. 1841–4. Revised by Walford, E. [1875–7.] Knight’s library for the Times. 6 vols. 1844. Half-hours with the Best Authors, collected and arranged, with short biographical and critical notices, by K., C. Illustrated with portraits. 4 vols. [1847–8.] New edn. 4 vols. 1866. Studies and Illustrations of the Writings of Shakespeare, and of his life and times. 3 vols. 1850. Pictorial Half-hours. Ed. K., C. [1850–1.] Knight’s Cyclopaedia of the Industry of all Nations, 1851. [1851.] Knight’s Cyclopaedia of London, 1851. [1851.] Knight’s Excursion Companion—Excursions from London. 20 nos. 1851. Knight’s Pocket Cyclopaedia of Practical and Entertaining Knowledge. (Novelties, inventions, and curiosities in arts and manufactures.) [1853]. The English Cyclopaedia. A new dictionary of universal knowledge. Conducted by K., C. [assisted by Ramsay, A., and Thorne, J.]. 22 vols. and Synoptical Index. 1854–70. The Old Printer and the Modern Press. 1854. Once upon a time. [Miscellaneous Essays.] 2 vols. 1854. New and enlarged edn. 1865. Knowledge is Power: a view of the productive forces of Modern Society, and the results of labour, capital and skill. 1855. Charles Knight’s Pictorial Museum of animated nature; and companion for the Zoological Gardens.… Four thousand wood engravings. 2 vols. [1856–8.] The Popular History of England. 8 vols. 1856–62. Half Hours of English History selected and illustrated by K., C. Pts. 1–9. [1857.] Knight’s Pictorial Gallery of Arts. 2 vols. [1858–60.] Shadows of the Old Booksellers. 1865. The new Universal library. 1908. Half-hours with the best Letter-writers and Autobiographers. Forming a collection of memoirs and anecdotes of eminent persons. 1867. Second series. 1868. Also edited and produced various edns. of Shakespeare; and published The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 27 vols., 1833–43, and supplements (2 vols., 1845–6, one vol., 1848). Periodicals: The Penny Magazine [ed. K., C., continued as] Knight’s Penny Magazine. 1832, etc. Knight’s Quarterly Magazine. 3 vols. 1823–4.
- Clowes, Alice A. Charles Knight. A sketch. 1892.
- Knight, C. Passages of a Working Life during half a century; with a prelude of early reminiscences. 3 vols. 1846 [1863]–65.
- Lardner, Dionysius (1793–1859). Dr. Larduer’s Cabinet library. 9 vols. 1830–2. New and revised edn., re-written by Bright, E. B. With … illustrations. 1867. The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. 133 vols. 1830–49. The Museum of Science and Art. Ed. by Dr. Lardner. 12 vols. 1854–6. Common Things explained. 2 series. [1874.]
- Murray, John (1778–1843), and Murray, John (1818–1892). The Family library. 1829, etc. [A series of books by Lockhart, Milman, Palgrave, Scott, Southey, and others. The first volume was The History of Napoleon Buonaparte, by Lockhart, condensed from the life by Scott, and illustrated by George Cruikshank. It met with great success and reached several edns. See, Smiles, Samuel. A Publisher and his friends (pp. 300 ff.). 1911.] Hand-Book for Travellers in France. 1843. [Forming one of a large series of hand-books to different countries.] Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Southern [and Eastern] division. 3 vols. 1861, 62. Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. Western [Northern, Southern and Eastern] division. 6 vols. 1864–81. [The majority were compiled by King, Richard J.]
- Murray, John (1778–1843), and Murray, John (1818–1892)—Mr. Murray’s List of Illustrated Works. [1856.] [B. M. press mark 824. i. 37.]
- Smiles, Samuel. A Publisher and his Friends. Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768–1843. 1911.
G. A. B.