The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XV. Colonial and Revolutionary Literature; Early National Literature, Part I.
- I. T
HE MANUSCRIPTS OF JONATHAN EDWARDS - Most of the manuscripts from which the works published during Edwards’s lifetime were printed have vanished. Some of the manuscripts used by Dr. S.E. Dwight in the preparation of the edition of Edwards’s works published in 1829 have likewise disappeared. Of the manuscripts which remain Yale University and the Andover Theological Seminary possess practically the entire number. Miss Agnes Park of Andover, Mass., owns the record of the Edwards family from the family Bible, and also a thin note book on “Things to be Inquired into,” written on scraps of fan paper. In addition she has a few private letters and some sermons of Timothy Edwards, the father of Jonathan Edwards.
- It has frequently been suggested that some of the manuscripts of Edwards should exist in Scotland. None were found, however, by Dr. F. B. Dexter in a search undertaken some ten years ago.
- A. The Edwards Manuscripts at Yale University
- The Yale collection of Edwards manuscripts is that left at Edwards’s death to his widow. Dr. Sereno E. Dwight used it in editing Edwards’s works in 1829. In accord with the wishes of the great-grandchildren of Edwards, the manuscripts were deposited in the library of Yale University in 1900. They include:
- Bible (Interleaved and annotated). Catalogue (Mainly literary notes and notes on books purchased or read). Doctrine of Original Sin (Incomplete). Early treatment of the Trinity (No title. Topics for investigation in Old Testament History for the boys of the Northampton congregation are included in the same cover). Images or Shadows of Devine Things (Also called The Book of Nature and Common Providence). Miscellaneous Observations (Eight volumes of about 1400 pages or 1412 entries). Notes on the Bible (Three quarto volumes). Notes on Natural Science (Cover page only). Reply to Solomon Williams on the Qualifications for Communion (Early draft). Sermons (Fifty undated, probably written before 1727. Five hundred about 1727–1741. Three hundred sermon outlines, 1741–1750. One hundred seventy-five Stockbridge sermon outlines. Of this whole collection only about fifty sermons have been published). Sermon Note Book (Begun about 1738. Contains “plans of discourses, texts from which the writer proposed to preach, and the doctrines deducible from them”).
- B. The Edwards Manuscripts at The Andover Theological Seminary
- The Andover collection of manuscripts is part of that made by Dr. Sereno E. Dwight for his edition, and subsequently passed to Andover. The collection is not finally catalogued, although a card index has been prepared.
- (a) Letters
- The collection contains 150 letters by Edwards, including his earliest dated writing—a letter to his sister Mary, May 10, 1716—and also letters to Scotch clergymen and to Indian agents. There are in addition about fifteen letters to Edwards, and above one hundred and fifty letters by or to contemporary relatives or acquaintances.
- (b) Miscellaneous
- Edwardiana: These manuscripts include thirty-five items, among them twenty letters and three sermons by Edwards’s father, the diary of Edwards, 12 Jan.–5 Feb., 1722–1723 (Copy), an Indian vocabulary, memoranda of Edwards’s cash account, and shorthand writings of Edwards deciphered in 1901. Dwightiana: These manuscripts are mainly connected with Dwight’s edition of Edwards.
- (c) Scientific and Theological Writings
- Atoms (Copy, fragmentary). The Flying Spider (With diagrams). Leaves and Flowers and Fruits. Notes on Science (A fragment). Notes on Science (A leaf containing “Light,” “Elasticity,” “Ice,” two lines of shorthand, and a diagram). Observations on the Phenomena of Nature (“Sun,” “Moon,” “Comets,” “Sound,” “Rain”). Of Being. Of Insects, Giving an Account of the Flying Spider (First draft). Of the Rainbow (diagram). A paper on the soul, criticising the notion that the soul is material.
- (d) Sermons
- There are five sermons by Edwards in the original, about sixty copies, and about fifty sermon plans in the collection.
- (e) Theological Writings
- The Book of Nature and of Common Providence (Copy). Disquisition in Latin (“Peccator etc.”). Disquisition on Rules given in Exodus (Fragment). The Fulfilment of the Prophecies of the Messiah, and Supplement. Instruction of Children in Scripture (Fragment of rough draft). A Narration of Difficulties and Proceedings with reference to the Question of Terms of Admission to Church Membership (Copy). Observations concerning the Scripture Oeconomy of the Trinity and Covenant of Redemption (Copy and second copy). Observations on Theological Subjects (Copy, 1646 pages. Called also Miscellanies. Original at Yale). Observations on the Types of Scripture. On Fornication (A fragment). Prophecies of the Messiah, and Supplement (Both original and copy). Qualifications for a Minister. Qualification for Communion (Fragment). Remarks on Lord Kames’s Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion (Included in a letter to Rev. John Erskine). Scripture Passages on Heaven and Hell. Treatise on Grace (Copy). Whether Moral Suasion without Devine Influence is Enough to make the Sinner a Penitent Believer.
- II. C
OLLECTED WORKS - Works. (Memoir by Hopkins, S.) 8 vols. Ed. Williams, E., and Parsons, E., Leeds, 1806–11. New ed. 8 vols. London, 1817 (Reprint 1837?). Vols. 9 and 10 supplementary to London ed., ed. Ogle, R., Edinburgh, 1847. Ed. Austin, S., Worcester, 1808–9, 8 vols. Ed. Dwight, S.E., New York, 1829, 1830, 10 vols. Ed. Hickman, E., London, 1833, 2 vols. Same (with Essay on his Genius and Writings by Rogers, H., and Memoir by Dwight, S.E.), London, 1834, 1839, 1840, 1865. With Essay by Rogers, H., 2 vols. in 1, London, 1835. Edinburgh, 1847, 10 vols. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, 1843, 4 vols. Reprint of Worcester edition with additions and index, 6 vols. (vols. 5–6 the Edinburgh supplementary vols.), New York, 1847. Vols. 1–4, 1844, 1847, 1852, 1856, 1857, 1863, 1868, 1879, 1881.
- III. S
EPARATE WORKS - Works listed in Evans, American Bibliography, are noted E. and given the number assigned to them in that work.
- God Glorified in the Work of Redemption, by the Greatness of Man’s Dependence upon him in the Whole of it. Boston, 1731. (E. 3415.)
- A Devine and Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to be both a Scriptural and a Rational Doctrine. Boston, 1734. (E. 3768.) Abstract, Boston, [1800?].
- Curse Ye Meroz; A Sermon on Judges V: 33. (Not found by Dwight, but probably published in 1735. Not in Evans.)
- Part of a Large Letter from the Rev. Mr. Edwards of Northampton giving an account of the Late Wonderful Works of God in those Parts. Boston, 1736. (E. 4103. Dated Nov. 6, 1736. Appended to The Duty and Interest of a People, by William Williams.)
- A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton, and the Neighboring Towns and Villages … In a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Colman of Boston. Boston, 1737. (E. 4137.) (Part of a Large Letter rewritten at greater length.) With preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse. London, 1738. 2d ed. London, 1738. Boston, 1738. (E. 4240.) Edinburgh, 1738. London, 1744. Bristol, 1749. Ed. Wesley, J., Bristol, [1755?]. London, 1755. With True Grace Distinguished … Elizabethtown, 1790. (E. 22477.) As Some Remarkable Narratives of the Success of the Gospel … To which is Added an Account of the Character of the Rev. Dr. Brainerd. Huddersfield, 1791. London, 1798, [1800?], 1805. With advertisement by Fawcett, J., and Steadman, W., Halifax, 1808. Boston, 1831 (Rev. from ed. 1738). With Thoughts on the Revival of Religion. New York, 1832. With an account of the conversion of the author. Worcester, 1832. With introductory essay by Smith, J.P. Glasgow, 1839. In Edwards on Revivals (Preface by James, J.A.) Rev. by Patton, W. London, 1839. With Thoughts on Religion. New York, n.d. London, n.d. German by Steinmetz, J.A. Magdeburg, 1738. Dutch by deLong, I. Amsterdam, 1740. Leeuwarden, 1750.
- A Letter to the Author of the Pamphlet called an Answer to the Hampshire Narrative. Boston, 1737. (E. 4152. Anonymous, but given to Edwards by Dexter, Biographical Sketches, 1885.)
- Discourses on Various Important Subjects, nearly concerning the Great Affair of the Soul’s Eternal Salvation … Boston, 1738. (E. 4239.) Boston and Edinburgh, 1785. This work containe: 1. Justification by Faith Alone. 2. Pressing into the Kingdom of God. 3. Ruth’s Resolution. [Repub. sep. New Haven(?), 1760. (E. 8589.) Hartford, n. d.] 4. The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners. [Reprint. sep. Boston, 1773 (E. 12757.) Rev. and cor. Boston and London, 1774, 1788. With True Grace. Hartford, 1799. With Northampton Farewell. Northampton, [1800?]. Newark, N. J., 1814. As The Justice of God Displayed in the Endless Punishment of the Wicked. Boston, n. d.] 5. The Excellency of Jesus Christ. [Reprinted sep. Northampton, 1780. 2d ed. 1780. Boston, 1805. London, 1844.]
- The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God … Preface … Rev. Mr. Cooper … Boston, 1741. (E. 4711.) Reprinted by Benj. Franklin, Philadelphia, 1742 (E. 4937). London, 1742. Glasgow, 1742.
- With Epistle by the Rev. Mr Wilson. Edinburgh, 1742. In extract by Wesley, J. London, 1744. 2d ed. 1755. Philadelphia, 1791. (E. 23342.) In Christian Library. Vol. 30. London, 1827.
- The Resort and Remedy of those that are Bereaved by the Death of an Eminent Minister.… Boston, 1741. (E. 4712.)
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.… Boston, 1741. (E. 4713.) 2d ed. Boston, 1742. (E. 4938.) Boston and Edinburgh, 1745. As supplement to True Grace. New York, 1753. (E. 6996.) Boston and New York, 1769. (E. 11244.) As The Danger of the Unconverted … Boston, 1770 (E. 11640). 3rd ed. Boston, 1772. Salem, 1786 (E. 19618). 4th ed., Charlestown, 1802. Philadelphia, [182–?]. Louisville, Ky., [182–?]. Rewritten in modern style by Clark, D. A. Amherst, 1826. In Fish, H. C., History and Repository of Pulpit Eloquence. New York, 1857. 2 vols. Also in The Great Sermons of the Great Preachers. London, 1858. As Select Sermons, No. 25, R. T. S. n. d. Choctaw. Park Hill, 1845.
- Some Thoughts concerning the Present Revival of Religion in New England … Boston, 1742. (E. 4939.) Edinburgh, 1743. Abridged by Wesley, J., London, 1745. (Also in Christian Library. Vol. 30. London, 1827?) Abridged by Gordon, W., London, 1762. Boston, 1768. (E. 10888.) New York, 1768 (E. 10889). Edinburgh, 1772. London, 1774. Boston, 1784 (E. 18453). With Life, Elizabethtown, N. J., 1787. Edinburgh, 1789. Lexington, Ky., 1803. Worcester, 1808. Philadelphia, 1821. With A Faithful Narrative. New York, 1832. With Edwards’s account of his conversion. Worcester, 1832. With Narrative of the Revival and Introductory Essay by Smith, J.P. Glasgow, 1834. In Edwards on Revivals. (Preface by James, J. A., rev. by James, J. A., Patton, W.) London, 1839. London, With Narrative. Amer. T. S. New York, n. d.
- The Great Concern of a Watchman for Souls … A Sermon … at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Judd. Boston, 1743. (E. 5172.)
- The True Excellency of a Minister of the Gospel. A Sermon.… Boston, 1744. (E. 5385.)
- Copies of the two Letters cited by the Rev. Mr. Clap in his late printed Letter to a Friend in Boston.… Boston, 1745. (E. 5581.)
- An expostulatory Letter from the Rev. Mr. Edwards of Northampton to Rev. Mr. Clap, Rector of Yale College in New Haven.… Boston, 1745. (E. 5582.)
- The Church’s Marriage to her Sons.… A Sermon.… Boston, 1746. (E. 5766.)
- A Treatise concerning Religious Affection, in Three Parts. Boston, 1746. (E. 5767.) London, 1762. 2d ed. Boston and New York, 1768 (E. 18454) Elizabethtown, 1787. (E. 20339.) Edinburgh, 1789. With Life of Edwards. Boston, 1794. London, 1796. Abridged by Wesley, J., London, 1801. Worcester, 1808. Edinburgh, 1810. Christian Lib., Vol. 30. London, [1814?]. Abridged and indexed. Boston, 1821. Glasgow, 1822, 1825, 1831. Boston, 1824. Evangelical Fam. Lib. Vol. 3. New York, [1824?]. Amer. T. S. New York, [183–?]. Books for the Heart. London, 1898, 1903. Dutch by van Werkhaven, M. Utrecht, 1779.
- An Humble Attempt to Promote Visible Union of God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion. Boston, 1747. (E. 5938.) Northampton, 1789. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1794. Abridged as United Prayer for the Spread of the Gospel, London, 1814. London, 1831. French, Paris, 1823.
- True Saints when Absent from the Body are Present with the Lord. A Sermon.… Boston, 1747. (E. 5939.)
- A Strong Rod Broken and Withered. A Sermon.… Boston, 1748. (E. 6130.)
- An Account of the Life of the Late Reverend Mr. David Brainerd … chiefly taken from his own Diary and other Private Writings written for his own Use; and now Published. Boston, 1749. (E. 6311.) With Brainerd’s Journal while among the Indians and other additions, Edinburgh, 1765. Extracted by Wesley, J. Bristol, 1768. 2d ed. 1771. Appended in part as An Account of the Character of the Rev. David Brainerd. Huddersfield, 1791. Extracts, Worcester, 1793. 2d ed. 1793. With Mr. Beatty’s Mission to the Westward of the Allegany Mountains. Edinburgh, 1798. Abridgment by Styles, J. [?], 1808. Newark, N. J., 1811. New edition London, 1818. With Brainerd’s Journal. Ed. Dwight, S. E. New Haven, 1822. Edinburgh, 1824, 1826. Revised and abridged by Montgomery, J. Glasgow, 1829. Evangelical Fam. Lib. Vol. 7 [?]. A. T. S. New York. [182–?]. Compiled by Pratt, J. London, 1834. New edition. Aberdeen, 1845. Preface by Bonar, H. London, 1858. Dwight’s Revision ed. Sherwood, J. M. New York, 1884, 1885. Dutch, Utrecht, 1756.
- An Humble Inquiry into the Rules of the Word of God, concerning the Qualifications Requisite to a Complete Standing and Full Communion with the Visible Christian Church.… Boston, 1749. (E. 6312.) Edinburgh, 1790. Wilmington, 1792. (E. 24289.)
- Christ the Great Example of Gospel Ministers. A Sermon.… Boston, 1750. (E. 6492.)
- A Farewell-sermon preached at the first Precinct in Northampton after the People’s public Rejection of their Minister. Boston, 1750. Hartford, [1750?] Boston, 1751. (E. 6665.) Hartford, (1768). (E. 10887). With Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners. Northampton, n. d. [1800?].
- Preface to Bellamy, Joseph, True Religion Delineated.… Boston, 1750. (E. 6462.) Morristown, 1804.
- Misrepresentations corrected, and Truth Vindicated.… Boston, 1752. (E. 6839.)
- True Grace Distinguished from the Experience of Devils.… 1753. (E. 6996.) With A Faithful Narrative. Elizabethtown, 1790 (E. 22477), 1791 (E. 23343). Stockbridge, 1791 (E. 23344). With Justice of God in Damnation of Sinners. Hartford, 1799.
- A careful and Strict Enquiry into the Modern prevailing Notions of that Freedom of the Will which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency.… Boston, 1754. (E. 7187.) London, 1754, 1762. Boston, 1766. (E. 10289.) London, 1768. New London, 1786. (E. 19617.) As 4th ed. Wilmington, 1790. (E. 22476). As 4th ed. London, 1775, 1790. Glasgow, 1790. Albany, 1804. London, 1816. With Introduction by Taylor, I. London, 1831. Andover, 1840. Newly corrected. London and Liverpool, 1855. New York, 1869, 1875. With Essay by Taylor, I. Liverpool, 1877. In Southern Review. Vols. 22–23. Baltimore, Oct. 1877–April, 1878. Section 8 also in vol. 15, April, 1875. Section 11 also in vol. 14. July, 1874.
- The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended.… Boston, 1758. (E. 8118.) Worcester, [1760?.] London, 1766. Glasgow, 1768. Dublin, 1768. As 2d Amer. ed. Wilmington, 1771. (E. 12032.) Hartford, 1780. (E. 16768.) As 4th ed. London, 1789. New ed. Edinburgh, 1798.
- Remarks on the Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion … Edinburgh, 1758. London, 1768. With Freedom of Will. Wilmington, 1790. (E. 22476.)
- The Life and Character of the Late Reverend Mr. Jonathan Edwards, President of the College of New Jersey, By Samuel Hopkins, Together with a number of his Sermons on Various important Subjects. Boston, 1765. (E. 9961.) Edinburgh, 1785, 1799. Glasgow, 1785. As Seventeen Select Sermons. Northampton, 1804. The first of these sermons: Jesus Christ Gloriously exalted above all Evil in the Work of Redemption. Providence, 1824. Dutch by Nooteboom, E. Utrecht, 1791.
- Two Dissertations: I. Concerning the End for which God created the World. II. The Nature of True Virtue. Boston, 1765. (E. 9962.) Edinburgh, 1788. Philadelphia, 1791. I. Separately as a Dissertation on God’s last End in the Creation of the World. London, 1788. Also in H. Brown, Theological Tracts. Edinburgh, 1853–54. 3 vols. II. Separately. London, 1778. New London, 1786. (E. 19615.)
- A History of the Work of Redemption, Containing the Outlines of a Body of Divinity.… Edinburgh, 1774. Boston, 1782. (E. 17525.) New York, 1786. (E. 19616.) With notes and Life. London, 1788, 1791. 3d Amer. ed. Worcester, 1792. (E. 24288.) Ed. Austin, D. New York, 1793. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1799. London and Leeds, 1812. Edinburgh, 1816. London, 1831. As tract, New York, [18–?]. Rel. Tr. Soc. London, [18–?]. P. B. P. Philadelphia, [18–?]. French, Toulouse, 1854. Arabic. Beirut, 1868.
- Sermons.… Hartford, 1780. (Fourteen Sermons on practical and experimental subjects.) Ed. Edwards, J., the younger. The Eternity of Hell Torments, separately, London, 1788. Edinburgh, 1789. As the Punishment of the Wicked Eternally. Bristol, 1864.
- Practical Sermons never before published. Edinburgh, 1787, [1788?]. London, 1791.
- Twenty Sermons on Various Subjects. Edinburgh, 1789. Carlisle, 1803.
- Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects. Preface by Erskine, J. Edinburgh, 1793. London, 1793.
- Remarks on Important Theological Controversies. Edinburgh, 1796. London, 1796.
- Letter to Thomas Hubbard of Boston, Relating to the Indian School at Stockbridge (1751). Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. Vol. 10, pp. 142–153. Boston, 1809.
- ? Types of the Messiah. [?], 1829. [Mentioned in Sparks, Lib. Amer. Biog., vol. 8, p. 256. New York, 1856.]
- ? Notes on the Bible. [?], 1829. [Ibid. as above.]
- Pardon for the Greatest Sinners. Rel. Tr. Soc. 1st Series. No. 387. London, [1850?].
- Original Letter … Biblioteca Sacra. Vol. I., No. 3, pp. 579–591. Aug., 1844.
- Charity and its Fruits.… 1851. Ed. Edwards, T. 1852, 1854. London, 1852. As Christian Love as Manifested in the Heart and Life. Philadelphia, P. B. P., 1874.
- Selections from the Unpublished Writings of Jonathan Edwards of America. Ed. Grosart, A. B. Edinburgh, 1865.
- Eternal Damnation and Punishment of Sinners … Extracts from the Sermons preached by Jonathan Edwards. N. p., 1872.
- Observations concerning the Scripture Oeconomy of the Trinity and Covenant of Redemption.… 1880. Introduction and Appendix by Smyth, E. C.
- Extracts from Copies of Unpublished Manuscripts. In Smyth, E. C. Professor Allen’s Edwards. Andover Review. Vol. 13, No. 75. pp. 285–304. Mar., 1890.
- The Flying Spider … From an Unpublished Manuscript with Facsimiles. Smyth, E. C. Andover Review. Vol. 13, No. 73, pp. 1–19. January, 1890.
- Two Unpublished Letters of President Edwards. In Rankin, J. E., New Memorials of President Edwards. Independent. 22 Aug., 1895, and 5 Sept., 1895. Vol. 47, pp. 1121 and 1185.
- Colors; Of Being, Of the Rainbow; The Soul. Proceedings of the Amer. Ant. Soc. Oct., 1895. Worcester, 1896.
- Fragments, Including two Letters. In F. B. Dexter, Manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards. Proceedings of Mass. Hist. Soc. Mar., 1901. Boston, 1902.
- Notes in Shorthand in the Manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards. (Transcription by Upham, W. P.) Mass. Hist. Soc. Boston, 1902.
- An Unpublished Essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with Remarks on Edwards and his Theology. Ed. Fisher, G. P. 1903.
- Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards. Ed. with Introduction and Notes by Gardiner, H. N. 1904.
- Advice to Young Converts. A Letter of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards of Northampton to a Young Lady at Suffield, a Young Convert. N. p., n. d.
- Conversion and Experience of President Edwards. (Written by himself.) Boston, n. d.
- President Edwards’ Seventy Resolutions, Extracted from his Writings. N. p., n. d.
- IV. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - An Account of the … Council which Dismissed the Rev. Mr. Edwards. N. p., n. d.
- An Account of a Loan Exhibition [of the Possessions of Jonathan Edwards] … Andover, 1903.
- Allen, A. V. G. Jonathan Edwards. Boston, 1889, 1890.
- Allen, William. Second Century Address, Oct. 1854, at Northampton. Northampton, 1855.
- [Atwater, L. H.] Modern Explantions of the Doctrine of Inability. Princeton Rev., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 217–246. Philadelphia, 1854.
- —— Jonathan Edwards and the Successive Forms of New Divinity. Princeton Rev., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 585–620. Philadelphia, October, 1858.
- —— Dr. Taylor’s Lectures on the Moral Government of God. Princeton Rev., vol. 31, pp. 489–538. Philadelphia, July, 1859.
- Bledsoe, A. T. An Examination of President Edwards’ Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will. Philadelphia, 1845.
- Boardman, G. N. A History of New England Theology. 1899.
- Breck, R. and others. An Account of the Council that Dismissed Mr. Edwards.… [Bost., 1750]. [E. 6471.]
- —— Reply to Hobby.… Boston, 1751. (E. 6645.)
- Byington, E. H. Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 55, no. 217, pp. 114–127, Oberlin, Jan., 1898.
- Channing, W. H. Jonathan Edwards and the Revivalists. Christian Examiner, vol. 43, (4 ser., vol. 8), pp. 374–394. Boston, Nov., 1857
- Chauncy, Charles. The Late Religious Commotions in New England.… Boston, 1743. (E. 5150.)
- —— Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. Boston, 1743. (E. 5151.)
- Circular Letter to Ministers and Churches, to unite in endeavours to carry into execution the Humble Attempt of President Edwards. Concord, 1798.
- Clap, Th. A Letter from the Rev. Mr. Th. Clap.… Boston, 1745. (E. 5560.)
- —— A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Edwards.… Boston, 1745. (E. 5561.)
- Clark, S. Historical Catalogue of Northampton First Church. 1891.
- Clarke, G. A Vindication of the Honor of God.… [1792?].
- Cole, S. V. A Witness to the Truth. See Exercises. Also in N. E. Mag., vol. 29, (N. S.), no. 4, pp. 583–586. Boston, Dec., 1903
- The Congregationalist and Christian World. Edwards Number. (Illustrated.) Vol. 88, no. 40. Boston, Oct. 3, 1903.
- A Contemporaneous Account of Jonathan Edwards. Journal of the Presby. Hist. Soc., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 125–135. Philadelphia, Dec., 1903.
- Crooker, J. H. Jonathan Edwards: A Psychological Study. N. E. Mag., vol. 2, (N. S.), no. 2, pp. 159–172. Boston, April, 1890.
- Crybrace, T. T. An Essay on Moral Freedom: to which is attached a Review of the Principles of … President Edwards on Free Will. Edinburgh, 1829.
- Curtis, M. M. Kantian Elements in Jonathan Edwards. In Phil. Abhand. Max Heinze gewidmet, Berlin, 1906.
- —— Philosophie in Nordamerika. In Uberweg-Heinze, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosphie, Pt. 4, 10 ed. Berlin, 1906.
- [Dana, James.] An Examination … of President Edwards’ “Enquiry on Freedom of Will.” Boston, 1770. (E. 11623.) The Examination … President Edwards’ Enquiry … continued. New Haven, 1773. (E.12746.)
- Day, Jeremiah. An Examination of President Edwards’ Inquiry … New Haven and Philadelphia, 1841.
- De Normandie, J. Jonathan Edwards at Portsmouth, N. H. Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc., March, 1901. Vol. 15 (sec. ser.), pp. 16–20. Boston, 1902.
- De Wett, John. Jonathan Edwards: A Study. In Biblical and Theological Studies of the Members of the Faculty of Princeton Theological Seminary. 1912. Also in Princeton Theol. Rev., Jan., 1904.
- Dexter, F. B. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, 1701–1745. 1885.
- —— The Manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards. Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc., Mar., 1901. Vol. 15, (sec. ser.), pp. 1–16. Boston, 1902.
- Dunning, A. E. Congregationalists in America. Boston, Chicago, 1894.
- Dwight, B. W. The History of the Descendants of John Dwight. 1874.
- Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York. 4 vols. New Haven, 1822. Vol. iv, pp. 323–.
- The Edwards Bicentennial. Journal of Presby. Hist. Soc., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 166–169. Philadelphia, Dec., 1903.
- Essay on Moral Agency containing Remarks on [J. Dana’s] Examination. New Haven, n. d. With an appendix. Salem, 1794.
- Exercises Commemorating the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Jonathan Edwards, held at Andover Theological Seminary, Oct. 4, 5, 1903. Andover, 1904.
- Fisher, G. P. Discussions in History and Theology, 1880. Essay on Philosophy of Edwards given here is reprinted from N. Amer. Rev., Mar., 1879.
- —— An Unpublished Essay of Edwards on the Trinity, with Remarks on Edwards and his Theology. 1903.
- —— The Value of Edwards Today. Cong. and Christ. World, vol. 88, no. 40, pp. 469–471. Boston, 3 October, 1903.
- Foster, F. H. The Eschatology of the New England Divines. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 43, no. 169, pp. 6–19. Oberlin, Jan., 1886.
- —— A Genetic History of the New England Theology. Chicago, 1907.
- —— Jonathan Edwards. In The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, vol. 5, pp. 80–82, 1909.
- Frothingham, W. Jonathan Edwards and the Old Clergy. The Continental Monthly, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 265–272. New York and Boston, Mar., 1862.
- —— The Edwards Family. The Continental Monthly, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 11–16. New York and Boston, Jan., 1862.
- Gardiner, H. N. The Early Idealism of Jonathan Edwards. Phil. Rev., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 573–596. Lancaster, Pa., Nov., 1900.
- —— Jonathan Edwards, a Retrospect.… Addresses delivered in connection with the Unveiling of a Memorial in the First Church of Christ in Northampton … edited by H. N. G. Boston, 1901.
- Gillet, E. H. Jonathan Edwards and the Occasion and Result of his Dismission from Northampton. The Historical Magazine, vol. 1 (sec. ser.), no. 6, pp. 333–338, Morrisania, June, 1867.
- —— [Note on] the Clerical Members of the Council that Dismissed Jonathan Edwards from Northampton. The Historical Magazine, vol. 2 (sec. ser.), no. 3, p. 183. Morrisania, Sept., 1867.
- —— [Note on] the Council that Dismissed Jonathan Edwards from Northampton. The Historical Magazine, vol. 3 (sec. ser.), no. 1, p. 53. Morrisania, Jan. 1868.
- Green, Ashbel. Discourses delivered in the College of New Jersey … including a Historical Sketch of the College. Philadelphia, 1822.
- Greene, W. B. Remarks in Refutation of the Treatise of J. Edwards on the Freedom of the Will. West Brookfield, 1848.
- Harper, W. H. Edwards: Devotee, Theologian, Preacher. Interior. Vol. 34, no. 1740, pp. 1272–1274. 1 Oct., 1903.
- Harper’s Weekly. Jonathan Edwards Memorials. [Illustrated.] Vol. 44, no. 2270, 23 June, 1900.
- Hart, W. Remarks on President Edwards’ Dissertation concerning the Nature of True Virtue.… New Haven, 1771. (E. 12067.)
- Hawksley, John. Memoris of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards. London, 1815.
- Hayes, S. P. An Historical Study of the Edwards Revivals. Amer. Journal of Psychol., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 550–574. Worcester, Oct. 1902.
- Hentz, N. M. On North American Spiders. Amer. Journal of Science and Arts., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 99–122. New Haven, Jan., 1832. (Edwards’s work on Spiders.)
- History of the College of New Jersey from its Commencement A. D. 1746 to 1783.… Princeton, 1844.
- Hobby, W. Vindication of the Protest against the Result of the Northampton Council.… Answer to Letter by R. Breck. [Boston, 1751.] (E. 6694.)
- Hodge, Chas. Jonathan Edwards and the Successive Forms of the New Divinity. Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, vol. 30, (n. s.), no. 4, pp. 585–620, Oct., 1858.
- Hodge, Chas. Essays and Reviews. 1856, pp. 539–633.
- Holmes, O. W. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. Boston, 1891. Also as Jonathan Edwards, The International Review, vol. 9, pp. 1–28, July 1880.
- Hopkins, S. An Inquiry into the Nature of True Holiness, with an Appendix containing an Answer to Mr. Hart’s Remarks on Edwards’ Dissertation.… Newport, 1773. (E. 1281). New York, 1791. (E. 23448.) Same with changes by John Hawksley. London, 1815.
- —— Life and Character of the late Rev. Mr. J. Edwards with Sermons. Boston, 1765. (E. 9961.) Without Sermons as The Life of the Late Reverend … Mr. Jonathan Edwards. Boston, 1765. (E. 10008.) Northampton, 1804.
- Ivernach, James. The Evangelical Succession. 3 ser. Edinburgh, 1883.
- James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. 1902.
- Jonathan Edwards. Connecticut Evang. Mag., vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 161–178. Hartford, May, 1808.
- —— Last Will and the Inventory of his Estate. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 33, no. 131, pp. 438–447. Andover, July, 1876.
- Jones, A. L. Early American Philosophers. 1898.
- King, H. C. Jonathan Edwards as Philosopher and Theologian. Hartford Sem. Rev., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 23–57. Hartford, Nov., 1903.
- Lossing, B. J. Eminent Americans, 1857.
- Lyon, Georges. L’Idealisme en Angleterre au 18e Siècle. Paris, 1888.
- Lowell, D. O. S. The Descendants of Jonathan Edwards. (Illustrated.) Munsey’s Mag., vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 263–273. June, 1906.
- MacClelland, G. Predestination and Election … preceded by an Answer to the System of Edwards. Edinburgh, 1848.
- McCook, H. C. Jonathan Edwards as a Naturalist. Presby. and Ref. Rev., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 393–402. July, 1890.
- MacCracken, J. H. Jonathan Edwards Idealismus. Halle, 1899.
- —— The Sources of Jonathan Edwards’ Idealism. Phil. Rev., Vol. 11, Jan., 1902.
- Mackintosh, James. A General View of the Progress of Ethical Philosophy … In Encyc. Brit., 7 ed., vol. 1, pp. 293–429. Edinburgh, 1842.
- Macphail, Andrew. Essays in Puritanism. Boston, 1905.
- Magoun, G. F. President Edwards as a Reformer. Cong. Quart., vol. 9, (Whole Series), no. 2, p. 265. Boston, April, 1869.
- The Manuscripts of President Edwards. Littell’s Living Age, vol. 36, no. 453, pp. 181–182. Boston, 21 Jan., 1853.
- Maurice, F. D. Modern Philosophy. London, 1862.
- The Memorial Volume of the Edwards’ Family Meeting at Stockbridge, Mass.… Boston, 1871.
- Miller, Samuel. Life of Jonathan Edwards. In Sparks’s Library of American Biography, vol. 8, Boston, 1837. New York, 1854.
- Minton, H. C. President Jonathan Edwards. Presby. Quart., vol. 13, no. 47, pp. 68–94. Charlotte, N. C., Jan., 1899.
- Orr, James. The Influence of Edwards. See Exercises.
- —— Jonathan Edwards, His Influence in Scotland. Cong. and Christ. World, vol. 88, no. 40, pp. 467–469. Boston, 3 Oct., 1903.
- Osgood, Samuel. Studies in Christian Biography. 1850.
- —— Jonathan Edwards. Christ. Examiner, vol. 44, (4 ser. vol. 9), pp. 367–386. Boston, May, 1848.
- Park, E. A. Original Letters of President Edwards. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 579–591. New York and Andover, Aug., 1844.
- Park, E. A. Remarks of Edwards on the Trinity. Biblioteca Sacra, vol. 38, no. 149, pp. 147–187. Andover, Jan., 1881. Continued no. 150, pp. 333–369, April, 1881.
- —— The Rise of the Edwardean Theory of the Atonement.… Andover, [185–?]
- Patton, W. Edwards on Revivals. London, 1839.
- Planter, J. W. Religious Conditions in New England in the Time of Edwards. See Exercises.
- Plues, R. The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon and his Brethren … President Edwards and Others … in the Crucible … North Shields, 1862.
- Porter, Noah. Philosophy in Great Britain and America. In Uberweg, History of Philosophy, tr. Morris, G. S., vol. 2, pp. 442–450. London, 1874.
- —— The Princeton Review on Dr. Taylor and the Edwardean Theology. New Englander, vol. 18, no. 71, pp. 726–773. New Haven, Aug., 1860.
- The Power of Contrary Choice … Princeton Rev., vol. 12 (n. s.), no. 4, pp. 532–549, Philadelphia, Oct., 1840.
- Preservation against the Doctrine of Fate.… Boston, [1770?].
- President Edwards’ Dissertation on the Nature of True Virtue. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 10, no. 40, pp. 705–738. Andover, Oct. 1853.
- President Edwards on Charity and its Fruits. New Englander, vol. 10. (n. s. 4), no. 37, pp. 222–236. New Haven, May, 1852.
- Rand, W. The Late Religious Commotion in New England: An Answer to Jonathan Edwards’ Distinguishing Marks. Boston, 1743. Not in Evans.
- Result of a Council of Nine Churches met at Northampton, June 22, 1750, with a Protest against the same, by a Member of Said Council. N. p., n. d. Not in Evans.
- Richards, W. R. Commemorative Sermon. See Exercises.
- Ridderbos, Jan. De Theologie van Jonathan Edwards. Hague, 1907.
- Riley, I. Woodbridge. American Philosophy: The Early Schools. 1907.
- —— The Real Jonathan Edwards. Open Court, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 705–715. Chicago, Dec., 1908.
- —— American Thought. 1915.
- Sanborn, F. B. The Puritanic Philosophy and Jonathan Edwards. Journ. Spec. Phil., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 401–421, Oct., 1883.
- Sherman, David. Sketches of New England Divines. 1860.
- Smyth, E. C. Appendix. See Exercises.
- —— The Flying Spider. Andover Rev., vol. 13, no. 73, pp. 1–19. Boston, Jan., 1890.
- —— Jonathan Edwards’ Idealism. Amer. Jour. Theol., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 950–964. Chicago, Oct., 1897.
- —— Observations concerning the Scriptural Oeconomy of the Trinity … Introduction, 1880.
- —— Professor Allen’s “Jonathan Edwards” … Andover Rev., vol. 13, no. 75, pp. 285–304. Boston, Mar., 1890.
- —— Some Early Writings of Jonathan Edwards.… Proc. Amer. Ant. Soc., vol. 10, pp. 212–247. Worcester, 1896.
- —— The Theology of Edwards. See Exercises.
- Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit, vol. 1, 1856, 1859, 1866.
- Squires, W. H. Jonathan Edwards und seine Lehre. Lucka, 1901.
- —— The Edwardean. A Quarterly devoted to the History of Thought in America. Clinton, New York, 1903–1904.
- Starr, Mary S. The Home of Timothy and Jonathan Edwards. Conn. Quart., vol. 4, pp. 33–43. Hartford, 1898.
- Stephen, Leslie. Jonathan Edwards. Fraser’s Mag., vol. 8 (n. s.), pp. 529–551. London, Nov. 1873. Reprinted Living Age, vol. 5(5 ser.), no. 1546, pp. 219–236. Boston, 24 Jan., 1874.
- Stewart, J. G. Freedom of the Will Vindicated.… Glasgow, 1876.
- Stiles, Ezra. The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles. Ed. Dexter, F. B. 1901.
- Strong, A. H. Philosophy and Religion. 2 ed., Philadelphia, 1912.
- Tappan, H. P. A Treatise on the Will. New ed. Glasgow, 1857.
- Taylor, Isaac. Logic in Theology.… London, 1859.
- The Theological Questions of President Edwards Senior and Dr. Edwards, his Son. Providence, 1822.
- The Theology of Edwards as Shown in his Treatise.… Amer. Theol. Rev., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 199–220, May, 1859.
- Thompson, J. P. Jonathan Edwards … Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 18, no. 62, pp. 809–839. Andover, Oct., 1861.
- Thompson, J. R. Jonathan Edwards of New England. London, n. d. (Rel. Tr. Soc. Biographical Series, no. 63.)
- Tracy, Jos. The Great Awakening … Boston, 1842.
- Turpie, David. Jonathan Edwards … Columbus, Ohio, 1893.
- Uhden, H. F. The New England Theocracy. Boston, 1858.
- Upham, W. P. An Account of the Short-hand Writings of Jonathan Edwards. (Illustrated.) Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc., vol. 15, (sec. ser.), pp. 514–520. Boston, 1902.
- Van Becelaere, L. La Philosophie en Amerique depuis les Origines jusqu’ànos Jours. 1904.
- Views in Theology. Vol. 1, no. 3, 1825. President Edwards’ Doctrine of Original Sin.
- Walker, G. L. Jonathan Edwards and the Half-way Covenant. New Englander vol. 43, (n. s.), no. 182, pp. 601–614. New Haven, Sept., 1884.
- —— Some Aspects of the Religious Life in New England. 1897.
- Walker, Williston. The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism. 1893.
- —— History of the Congregational Churches in the United States. 1894.
- —— Ten New England Leaders. 1901.
- —— Three Phases of New England Congregational Development. Hartford, 1893.
- Ward, W. H. Jonathan Edwards. Independent. Vol. 55, no. 2861, pp. 2321–2327. 1 Oct., 1903.
- West, Samuel. Essays on Liberty and Necessity … Boston, 1793. New Bedford, 1795.
- West, Stephen. An Essay on Moral Agency. (2 ed. Salem, Mass.) 1794.
- Whedon, D. D. The Freedom of the Will … 1864.
- Williams, Solomon. The True State of the Question concerning the Qualifications Necessary to Communion.… Boston, 1751. (E. 6798.)
- Winchester, E. A Letter to the Editor of President Edwards’ lately Revised Sermon on the Eternity of Hell Torments. London, 1789.
- Winship, A. E. Jukes-Edwards—A Study in Education and Heredity. Harrisburg, Pa., 1900.
- Winship, Edith A. The Human Legacy of Jonathan Edwards. World’s Work, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 3981–3984, Oct., 1903.
- Woodbridge, F. J. E. Jonathan Edwards. Phil. Rev., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 393–408, July, 1904. See also Exercises.
- Woolsey, T. D. Edwards’s Memorial. Boston, 1870.
- Wynne, James. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of America. 1850. Jonathan Edwards, pp. 134–167.
- Yale University: Commemoration of the Two-Hundreth Anniversary of the Birth of Jonathan Edwards. N. p., n. d.
- Zenos, A. C. The Permanent and Passing in the Thought of Edwards. Interior, vol. 34, no. 1740, pp. 1274–1275. Chicago, 1 Oct., 1903. See also II and III supra.