The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- No complete bibliography of Longfellow has been published. Bibliographies of the first editions have been published by Chew, B., and by Livingston, L. S. Other bibliographical material is given in The Literary World, 26 Feb., 1882; in The Cambridge Public Library Bulletin, Feb., 1907; in the thesis by Morin, P.; and in the biographies of Longfellow by Kennedy, W. S., by Underwood, F. H., by Austin, G. L., by Longfellow, S., by Robertson, E. S., by Carpenter, G. R., and by Higginson, T. W., listed below.
- I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.… Philadelphia, 1845. Many later editions.
- The Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.… London, 1851. Many later editions.
- The Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with Bibliographical and Critical Notes.…
II vols., Boston, 1886. [Vols. 1–6. Poetical Works.—Vols. 7–8. Prose Works.—Vols. 9–11. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.] - Translations of Longfellow’s poems into German by Freiligrath, F., Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1846; by Neidhardt, A., Darmstadt, 1856; by Böttger, C., Dessau, 1856, Dresden, 1871; by Nielo, A. R., Münster, 1857; by Rieke, A., Osnabrück, 1860; by Marx, F., Hamburg und Leipzig, 1868; by Bindel, K., Hamm, 1872; by Knortz, K., Berlin, 1879; by Laun, A., Oldenburg, 1879; by Simon, H., 2 vols., Leipzig, n. d. [1883].—Italian by Correnti, C., Roma, 1856, 1895; by Vigolo, G., Vicenza, 1863, 1894, Padova, 1902; by Messedaglia, A., Padova, 1866, 1868, Vicenza, 1869, Torino, 1878; by Tebaldi, A., Padova, 1868; by Bizio, L., Venezia, 1869; by Bartolini, L. G., 1869, 1870 [preface by Carducci, G.]; by Maffei, A., Firenze, 1870; by Menasci, S., Imola, 1874; by Rossi, T. e A., Rovigo, 1875; by Piamonte, E., Venezia, 1875, Ferrari, 1895; by Graf, A., Torino, 1876; by Cardamone, R., Torino, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1896; by Zanella, G., Roma, 1878, Milano, 1883; by Mancini, G. P., Bologna, 1879, Terni, 1886; by Erizzo, P. F., Padova, 1879; by Carnevali, L., Mantua, 1879, 1890; by Comitti, E., Roma, 1879, 1896; by Marcucci, E., Firenze, 1880; by Turati, P., Milano, 1883; by Giovannelli, A., Ancona, 1883; by de Gubernatis, A., Napoli, 1883; by Minervini, G., Napoli, 1883, Palermo, 1890, 1892, 1904; by Lutus, Palermo, 1884; by Marengo, G., Firenze, 1886; by Pellegrini, G., Udine, 1886, Vigovano, 1896; by Teza, E., Milano, 1887, 1888; by Bizzozero, G., in Emporio Pittoresco, Jan., 1887–June, 1888; by Pasquali, P., in Emporio Pittoresco, March-Oct., 1888; by Sormani, C., in Emporio Pittoresco, June, 1888; by Paladini, S., Napoli, 1888; by Faccioli, C., Firenze, 1890, 1892, 1896; by Bellis, M., Trani, 1894; by Pisa, N., Milano, 1894; by Trovanelli, N., Firenze, 1895; by Tovajera, M., Roma, 1897; by Campari, G., Milano, 1902, 1909; by Loria, G., Feltre, 1903.—French by le Chevalier de Chatelain, Jersey, 1856; by de la Rive, L., Paris, 1870; by Marmier, X., Paris, 1872; by Forest, A., Tours, 1873; by Morin, P., Paris, 1911; by Jay, M., [Paris, 1918].—Dutch by van den Bergh, S. J., Haarlem, 1861; by Pol de Mont, K.-M., Rouselare, 1879; by ten Kate, J. J. L., Culemborg, 1883; by della Neve, F., Amsterdam, 1884, 1888.—Portuguese by Da Silva, MS., [Rio de Janeiro, 1865]; by Caderas, G. F., Coira, 1879; by Lobo, A., Rio de Janeiro, 1887.—Russian by Sevebriakoff, A. [St. Petersburg, 1865].—Danish by Pretzman, Kjoebenhavn, 1867, 1891.—Hungarian by Szász, K., Budapest, 1873.—Spanish by Llorente, T., Valencia, 1875, 1889; by Godínez, E., Revista Contemporanea, 30 June, 1877; by Suárez Capalleja, V., Revista Contemporanea, 15 Nov., 1882–15 Oct., 1884; by Mariño, R. T., and others, New York, 1893; by Gómez, R. J., Revista Contemporanea, 15 March, 30 June, 1896; by Juncos, M. F., Nuestro Tiempo, Madrid, Nov., 1903; anonymous, Renacimiento, Madrid, April, 1907; by Llorente, T., La España Moderna, Madrid, July, 1910; by Pombo, R., Bogotá, 1917.—Marathi by Bruce, H. I., Satara, 1878.—Swedish by Edgren, H., Göteborg, 1892.—Latin by Bond, S., New York, 1893.—Czech by Klás˘terský, A., Praze, 1902.
- II. (a) S
EPARATE WORKS - Elements of French Grammar; by M. Lhomond, Professeur-Emérite in the University of Paris. Translated from the French, with notes, and such Illustrations as were thought necessary for the American Pupil.… By an Instructer. Portland, 1830.
- French Exercises: Selected chiefly from Wanostrocht and Adapted to The Elements of French Grammar, by M. Lhomond, Professeur Emérite in the University of Paris. By an Instructer. Portland, 1830.
- Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques.… Portland, 1830.
- Novelas Españolas. El Serrano de las Alpujarras; y El Cuadro Misterioso. Portland, 1830.
- Le Ministre de Wakefield. Traduction Nouvelle, Précédée d’un Essai sur la Vie et les Écrits d’Olivier Goldsmith, Par M. Hennequin.… Boston, 1831.
- Cours de Langue Française. Course of Study in the French Language.… Volume
II. Proverbes Dramatiques. Boston, 1832. - Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne.… Á l’usage de ceux qui possèdent la Langue Française. Boston, 1832.
- Saggi de’ Novellieri Italiani d’Ogni Secolo: Tratti da’ più celebri Scrittori, con brevi Notizie intorno alla vita di Ciascheduno.… Boston, 1832.
- Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique, Translated from the Spanish; With an Introductory Essay on The Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain.… Boston, 1833.
- Outre-Mer; A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. No. I, Boston, 1833. No. II, Boston, 1834. 2 vols., New York, 1835; London, 1835.—Dutch by Weddik, B. T. L., Amsterdam, 1856.—Italian, in part, by Strafforello, G., Torino, 1859.
- Hyperion, A Romance. By the Author of “Outre-Mer.” 2 vols. New York, 1839. London, 1840; Leipzig, 1865.—Swedish by Grönlund, J. U., Stockholm, 1853.—German by Böttger, A., Leipzig, 1856.—Dutch by Weddik, B. T. L., Amsterdam, 1856.—French, Paris et Bruxelles, 1860.
- Voices of the Night.… Cambridge, 1839; London, 1840.—French by le Chevalier de Chatelain, Jersey, 1856.
- Ballads and Other Poems.… Cambridge, 1842.
- Poems on Slavery.… Cambridge, 1842; London, 1853.—French by Blier, P., and MacDonnell, E., Paris et Valenciennes, 1854; Paris, 1864, 1867; by Duchesne, J., Nancy, 1885.—Italian by Bartolini, L. G., Firenze, 1860, 1869, 1870.—Portuguese by Lobo, A., Rio de Janeiro, 1887.
- The Spanish Student. A Play in Three Acts.… Cambridge, 1843; London, 1843.—German by Böttger, K., Dessau, 1854; by Häfeli, L., Leipzig, n. d. [1872]; by Marie Hélène [Le Maistre], Dresden, n. d.—Italian by Cardamone, R., Napoli, 1869; by Bazzani, A., Milano, 1871; by Trovanelli, N., Firenze, 1876; by Mercedes, Firenze, 1894.—Spanish by Soler y Arques, C., Revista Contemporanea, 30 May–15 July, 1883.
- The Waif: A Collection of Poems.… [Edited by Longfellow, who wrote the Proem]. Cambridge, 1845; London, 1849.
- The Poets and Poetry of Europe, with Introductions and Biographical notices. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.… Philadelphia, 1845; London, 1855. A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Philadelphia, 1871.—Swedish [by Vestberg, A. F.], Stockholm, 1859.
- Poems.… Philadelphia, 1845.
- The Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems.… Cambridge, 1846; London, 1849.
- The Estray: A Collection of Poems.… [Edited by Longfellow, who wrote the Proem]. Boston, 1847.
- Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie.… Boston, 1847; London, 1848; Hamburg, 1870; Berlin, 1885; Heidelberg, 1905; Stockholm, 1882; Paris, 1884.—German: Hamburg, 1851; by Belke, P. J., Leipzig, 1854; by Gasda, A., Oels, 1861, Regensburg, 1863; by Nickles, E., Karlsruhe, 1862, 1872; by Viehoff, H., Trier, 1869, Halle, 1887, 1890; by Herlth, P., Bremen, 1870; by Knortz, K., Leipzig, n. d. [1872]; by Gramberg, J., Oldenburg, 1876; by Siller, F., Milwaukee and Leipzig, 1879; by von Voight, W., Langenberg, 1882; by Seehaussen, R., Eisleben, 1890, 1891; by Oskar, A., Leipzig und Wien, n. d. [1898]; by Andresen, W., Leipzig, 1900.—Polish by Chodźko, A., Posnań, 1851; by Jerzierski, F., Warszawa, 1857.—French, by le Chevalier de Chatelain, Londres, 1853, Jersey, 1856; by Brunel, C., Paris, 1864, 1872, 1873; by Lemay, L. P., Québec, 1865, 1870, 1883; Montréal, 1912; by Kurth, G., Liège, 1883; by Vaudreuil, H., Paris, 1885, 1905; by Dépret, L., Paris, 1886; by Dubois, A., Limoges, 1889; by Appleton, J., Paris; by Ségard, C., Toulon, 1893; by de Gramont, L., Hartmann et Alexandre, Paris, 1895; by Bollaert, A., New York, n. d. [1911].—Danish by B. S., Kjoebenhavn, 1853.—Swedish by Lysander, A., Stockholm, 1854; by Svenson, P., Chicago, 1875; by Edgren, H., Göteborg, 1875; by Törnebladh, R., Stockholm.—Italian by Rotondi, P., Firenze, 1856, 1867, Milan, 1874, 1889; by Bartolini, L. G., Firenze, 1869; by Rossi, G., Firenzuola d’Arda, 1878; by Faccioli, C., Verona, 1878, Firenze, 1890; by Zanella, G., Milano, 1883; by Bruschettini, A., Bologna, 1888; by Trovanelli, N., Firenze, 1895.—Dutch by van den Bergh, S. J., en de Kanter, B. P., Haarlem, 1856.—Spanish by Vicuña, C. M., Nueva York, 1871, Bogotá, 1888; by Merchán, R. M., Bogotá, 1887; by Nuñez, A. L., Barcelona, n. d. [1894]; by Medina, J. T., Santago de Chile, 1899; by Casasus, J. D., México, 1901, Indianapolis, 1905, 1912.—Portuguese by Doria, F., Rio de Janeiro, 1874; by de Goes Filho, J., Aurora Bresileira, 1874; by Reimar, F., in Municipio, 1874; by de Arriaga, M. S., Lisboa, n. d. [1879]; by Lobo, A., Rio de Janeiro, 1887; by Pires, A., Ouro Preto, 1896.—Norse by Knutsen, H. G., Christiania, 1874.—Czech by Sobotka, P., Praza, 1877.—Flemish by Mervillie, A., Limoges, 1890.
- Kavanagh, A Tale.… Boston, 1849; London, 1849; Berlin, 1851.—German, 1851.—French, Paris et Bruxelles, 1860.
- The Seaside and the Fireside.… Boston, 1850; London, 1850.
- The Golden Legend.… Boston, 1851; London, 1851.—French by Blier P., and MacDonnell, E., Paris et Valenciennes, 1854; Paris, 1864, 1867.—Polish, Jerzierski, F., Warszawa, 1857.—German by Keck, K., Wien, 1859, Leipzig, 1860; by Brandt, Gründberg, 1863; by von Hohenhausen, E. F., Leipzig, 1880; by Kaegler, P., Halle, 1890.—Italian by Martini, A. C., [Torino, 1866], [Parma, 1867]; by Biagi, L., Firenze, 1898.—Danish by Lange, T., Kjoebenhavn, 1880, 1891.—Hungarian by Gusztáv, J., 1886.
- The Song of Hiawatha.… Boston, 1855; London, 1855; Leipzig, 1856.—German by Böttger, A., Leipzig, 1856; by Freiligrath, F., Stuttgart und Augsburg, 1857, Philadelphia, 1857; by Seitz, A. und K., Hannover, 1859, Jever, 1863; by Schultz, H., Berlin, 1864; by Simon, H., Leipzig, n. d. [1871–1876]; by Knortz, K., Jena, 1872; by Bindel, K., Hamm, 1872, Halle, n. d. [1887–1890]; by Reuleaux, F., Stuttgart, n. d. [1894]; by Sleumer, A., Limburg a. d. Lahn, 1908.—Swedish by [Vestberg, A. G.], Stockholm, 1856; by Schmidt, E., Stockholm, 1912.—Danish by Bern, G., Kjœbenhavn, 1860.—Polish by Jerzierski, F., Warszawa, 1860.—French by Gomont, H., Nancy et Paris, 1860; Le Calumet de Paix, by Beaudelaire, C., & OEuvres Complètes, Paris, 1889, Vol. 1; by Gillard, F., Paris, 1914.—Latin by Newman, F. W., London, 1862.—Dutch by Meijboom, L. S. P., Amsterdam, 1862.—Italian by Bartolini, L. G., Firenze, 1867, 1869; by Tortorelli, M., Firenze, 1882; by Margani, G., Roma, 1895.—Czech by Sládek, J. V., Praza, 1872.—Russian, Moscow, 1878; by Bounin, I., 1903.—Hungarian by Gy, T., 1885.—Flemish by Gezelle, G., Kortrijk, 1886, 1905.—Portuguese by Lobo, A., Rio de Janeiro, 1887.—Yiddish by Yehoash [pseudonym of Bloomgarden, S.], New York, 1910.—Dramatized by De Vine, A. L. [St. Paul, 1894]; by George, M. M., Chicago, n. d. [1898]; by Burton, F. R., Boston, 1898; by Armstrong, L. O., [Montreal], 1901; by Schell, S., New York, 1901; by Holbrook, F., Boston, London, n. d. [1902]; by McBride, R., New York, 1906; by Moore, F. E. [Middletown, O.], 1913; by Netzovg, K. S., and Kellenbarger, L. P., Lebanon, O., 1915; by McCarthy, C.L. [Salem, 1915].—Musical Cantata by Johnson, W. S., London, n.d. [1861]; by Coleridge-Taylor, S., London, 1901; by Kaun, H., Hamburg und Leipzig, 1902; by Coe, S. K., Chicago, 1905.—Parodies: The Song of Drop o’ Water. By Harry Wandsworth Shortfellow [Pseudonym for Clarke, M. C.], London, New York, 1856; The Song of Milgenwater [2d ed. Milkanwatha]. By Marc Anthony Henderson [pseudonym for Strong, G. A.], Cincinnati, 1856, Albany, 1883; Plu-Ri-Bus-Tah: a Song Thats-by-no-author … perpetrated by Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.B. [pseudonym for Thompson, M. M.], New York, Philadelphia, 1856; The Song of Flaggawaya [by Lettsom, W. N.], London, 1856; Hiawatha: or, Ardent Spirits and Laughing Water. A Musical Extravaganza. By Walcot, C. M., New York, n. d. [1856]; The Song of Hiawatha. By Brooks, S., in Punch, London, 1856; The Song of Higher-Water, by Ward, J. W., New York and Cincinnati, 1868; Hiawatha’s Photographing, in Rhyme? and Reason? by Lewis Carroll [pseudonym for Dodgson, C. L.], London, 1883.
- Drift Wood, a Collection of Essays. Prose Works.… Boston, 1857.
- The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other Poems.… Boston, 1858; London, 1858; Leipzig, 1859; Halle, 1876; Zutphen, 1902.—German by Baumgarthen, F. E., Saint-Louis, 1859; by Manefeld, J., Mainz, 1867; by Knortz, K., Leipzig, n. d. [1873]; by Volheim, Bremen, 1873.—Dutch, by van den Bergh, S. J., Haarlem, 1861; by van Scheltema, C. S. A., Amsterdam, 1859.—Italian by Frattini, C., Padova, 1868; by Zanella, G., Milano, 1883; by Micchini, F., Campobasso, 1884; by Faccioli, C., Firenze, 1890, 1892, 1896; by Zuppone-Strani, G., Napoli, 1896.—Spanish, Barcelona, 1893.—Dramatized by Ashby, E., London, 1911; by Comstock, F. A., Boston, n. d. [1911]; by Berry, L. B., Lebanon, O., n. d. [1915].
- The New England Tragedy.… Boston, 1860.
- Tales of a Wayside Inn.… Boston, 1863; London, 1864; Leipzig, 1888.—German by Schuchardt, I., Hamburg, 1879; in part, by Bindel, K., Hamm, 1872.—Italian by Trovanelli, N., Cesena, 1895; in part, by Faccioli, C., Firenze, 1890, 1892, 1896.
- Noël … [in French]. Cambridge, 1864; English by Norcross, J. E., Philadelphia, 1867.
- The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Vol.
I, Boston, 1865; Vol.II, 1866; Vol.III, 1867. 3 vols. Boston, 1867; London, 1867; Leipzig, 1867. - Flower-de-Luce.… Boston, 1867.
- The New England Tragedies. I. Wenlock Christison. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Privasely Printed. 1868.
- The New England Tragedies.… I. John Endicott. II. Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Boston, 1868; London, 1868; Leipzig, n. d. [1868].—French by Marmier, X., Paris, 1872.—German by Keck, K., MS., 1875.—Italian by Sofio, M., Cosenza, 1877.
- The Divine Tragedy.… Boston, 1871; London, 1872; Leipzig, 1872.—Italian by Cardamone, R., Rocca San Casciano, 1902.—German by Keck, K., MS.; by Simon, H., MS.
- Christus: A Mystery.… Part I.—The Divine Tragedy; Part II.—The Golden Legend; Part III.—The New England Tragedies. 3 vols., Boston, 1872.
- Three Books of Song.… Boston, 1872; London, 1872. Judas Maccabæus translated into Yiddish, Odessa, 1882.—German by Bindel, K., Schalke, 1892.—Hebrew by Massel, J., Manchester, 1900.
- Aftermath.… Boston, 1873; London, 1875.
- The Hanging of the Crane.… Boston, 1874; London, 1874.—Italian by Levi, P., Modena, 1877.—German by Zündt, G. A., n. d.; by Becker, J. H., n. d.
- The Masque of Pandora and other Poems.… Boston, 1875; London, 1875; Leipzig, 1876.—German by Schuchardt, I., Hamburg, 1878.
- Poems of Places: Edited by Henry W. Longfellow.… 31 vols., Boston, London, 1876–1879.
- Kéramos. [Private issue. Cambridge, 1877].
- Kéramos and other Poems.… Boston, 1878.—Japanese by Imano Kosiro, 1877.
- The White Czar; and Other Poems. London, 1878.
- The Early Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Now first Collected, Edited, and Prefaced by Richard Herne Shepherd. London, 1878.
- Bayard Taylor. [Cambridge, 1879].
- From My Arm-Chair. [Cambridge, 1879].
- Ultima Thule.… Boston, 1880; London, 1880.
- In the Harbour: Ultima Thule—Part II.… Boston, 1882; London, 1882.
- Michael Angelo.… London, 1883; Boston, 1884.
- Boyhood Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow not included in his collected works. Privately printed. Brunswick, Maine, 1906.
- Origin and Growth of the Languages of Southern Europe and of their Literature: An Inaugural Address.… Delivered September 2, 1830.… Brunswick, Maine, 1907.
- II. (b) C
ONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS - [Only those that are not included in the Complete Works are mentioned here.]
- The Poor Student: A Dramatic Sketch in 3 Parts. The American Monthly Magazine, Philadelphia, April, 1824.
- To the Novice of the Convent of the Visitation. American Monthly Magazine, April, 1824.
- Youth and Old Age. The American Monthly Magazine, Philadelphia, May, 1824.
- Old Parish Church. The Portland Advertiser, 25 Sept., 1824.
- The Lay Monastery. The United-States Literary Gazette, 1, 15 March, 15 April, 1 June, 1 Oct., 1825.
- A Reminiscence of Genius. Portland Advertiser, 27 May, 1825.
- Origin and Progress of the French Language. North American Review, April, 1831.
- The Schoolmaster. New England Magazine, July, Sept., 1831, April, July, Oct., 1832, Feb., 1833.
- The Defence of Poetry. North American Review, Jan., 1832.
- Spanish Devotional and Moral Poetry. North American Review, April, 1832.
- Review of Pietro Bachi’s Grammar of the Italian Language. Cambridge Monthly Review, 1 July, 1832.
- History of the Italian Language and Dialects. North American Review, Oct., 1832.
- Review of Mancinelli’s Dialoghi Disposti per Facilitare lo Studio della Lingua Italiana.… The American Monthly Review, Oct., 1832.
- The Indian Summer. The Token, Boston, 1832.
- The Bald Eagle. The Token and Atlantic Souvenir, Boston, 1833.
- An Evening in Autumn. The Token and Atlantic Souvenir, Boston, 1833.
- Spanish Language and Literature. North American Review, April, 1833.
- Old English Romances. North American Review, Oct., 1833.
- Review of Poems and Prose Writings by Richard H. Dana. The American Monthly Review, Dec., 1833.
- The Soul: An Extract from an Unpublished Poem. The Knickerbocker Magazine, Jan., 1835.
- Truth. The Boston Book, Boston, 1836.
- The Notary. The Boston Book, Boston, 1836.
- The Village of Auteuil. The Portland Sketch Book, Portland, 1836.
- The French Language in England. North American Review, Oct., 1840.
- Review of C. C. Felton’s translation of Menzel’s History of German Literature. The New World, 1840.
- Life in Sweden. The Boston Book, Boston, 1841. Translated into Spanish, Barcelona, 1909.
- Translations from Jean Paul. Boston Notion, 13 March, 1841.
- Syllabus of the History of German Literature during the Middle Ages. The Eclectric Review, New York, 1841.
- German Writers: Heinrich Heine. Graham’s Magazine, March, 1842.
- The Literary Remains of Willis Gaylord Clark. The North American Review, Oct., 1844.
- Letter from H. W. Longfellow. Graham’s Magazine, May, 1845.
- The Poet of Miletus. The Liberty Bell. Boston, 1846.
- Dante’s Divina Commedia; from the German of Schelling. Graham’s Magazine, June, 1850.
- April. Garden Walks with the Poets. By Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. New York, 1852. pp. 88–90.
- Galgano. Putnam’s Magazine, May, 1853.
- [Remarks by Henry W. Longfellow on the death of Washington Irving.] Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, 1860.
- Remarks by Henry W. Longfellow. Exercises in Celebrating the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Cambridge.… Cambridge, 1881, p. 29–30.
- Longfellow’s Commencement Oration: Our Native Writers. [Delivered 7 Sept., 1825.] Every Other Saturday, Boston, April 12, 1884.
- Additional Notes on the Divine Comedy. Fourth Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, 1885, pp. 15–31.
- The Youth of Mary Stuart. A Hitherto Unpublished Essay [Written in 1829.] Harper’s Monthly, Feb., 1905.
- III. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Aldrich, T. B. Longfellow: 1807–1907. Atlantic Monthly, March, 1907.
- Anderson, J. P. Bibliography. [Appended to Life by Robertson, E. S. See below.]
- Appelmann, A. H. Longfellow’s Poems on Slavery in Their Relationship to Freiligrath. Modern Language Notes, April, 1915.
- —— The Relation of Longfellow’s Evangeline to Tegnér’s Frithiofs Saga. Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, July, 1915.
- Arnaud, S. La Légende Dorée de Longfellow. Le Correspondant, Paris, 10 July, 1872.
- Austin, G. L. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: his Life, his Works, his Friendships. Boston, 1883. [Bibliography, pp. 405–410.]
- Axon, W. E. A. On the Sources of Longfellow’s Tales of a Wayside Inn. Royal Society of Literature Transactions, vol. 30, London, 1911, pp. 159–172.
- Bandow, C. Die Lyrischen und Epischen Gedichte des Americaners H. W. Longfellow. Bromberg, 1856.
- Baldensperger, F. Une lettre Inédite de Longfellow [à Xavier Marmier]. Revue Germanique, Paris, 1905.
- Baumgartner, A. Longfellow’s Dichtungen: Ein literarisches Zeitbild aus dem Geistesleben Nordamerika’s. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1887.
- Bechger, A. Literarisch-Biographische Studie. Culemborg, 1883.
- Broili, O. Die Hauptquellen von Longfellows Song of Hiawatha. Würzburg, 1898.
- Büchmann, G. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Berlin, 1858.
- Bulkley, R. W. Longfellow. The Hague, 1882.
- Byron, M. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. London, n. d. [1913].
- Caine, T. H. H. W. Longfellow: In Memoriam. The London Athenæum. 1 April, 1882.
- Cambridge Historical Society Proceedings: Celebration of the Longfellow Centenary, February 27, 1907. Cambridge, 1907.
- Camerini, E. Enrico W. Longfellow. Nuovi Profili Letterari. Milano, 1875.
- Campbell, T. M. Longfellows Wechselbeziehungen zu der deutschen Literatur.… Leipzig, 1907.
- Carpenter, G. R. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The Beacon Biographies. Boston, 1901. [Bibliography, pp. 147–150.]
- Cattaneo, C. Il Poeta Americano Longfellow. Opere.… Firenze, 1883. Vol. 2, pp. 177–189.
- Chamberlain, J. C. [See Livingston, L. S.]
- Chasles, P. Etudes sur la Littérature et les Moeurs des Anglo-Américains au XIXe Siècle. Paris, n. d. [1851].
- [Chew, B.] The Longfellow Collectors’ Hand-Book: A Bibliography of First Editions. New York, 1885.
- Chimenti, F. Note de Letterature Americana. Bari, 1894.—Larghi Orezzonti. Bari, 1897, pp. 3–36.
- Cochin, A. La Poésie en Amérique: Henry Longfellow. Le Correspondant, Paris, 10 July, 1869.
- Covert, J. M. Quelques Poètes Américains: Longfellow, Whitman, Poe. Lyon, 1904.
- Curtis, G. W. Longfellow. Homes of American Authors, 1853.
- —— Longfellow. Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 1864.
- Davidson, T. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1882.
- Dépret, L. Longfellow. Le Va-et-Vient. Paris, n. d. [1866].
- —— La Poésie en Amérique: Henry-Wadsworth Longfellow. Lille, 1876.
- —— Chez les Anglais. Shakespeare, Dickens, Longfellow. Paris, 1879.
- De Prins, A. Études Américaines. Longfellow. Essai Moral et Littéraire. Revue Catholique, Feb., 1875—March, 1876. [Reprinted] Louvain, 1877.
- Dexter, D. G. Life and Works of Henry W. Longfellow. Cambridge, 1882.
- Dobson, A. H. W. Longfellow: In Memoriam. The London Athenæum, 1 April, 1882.
- Döhn, R. Aus dem amerikanischen Dichterwald. Leipzig, 1881.
- Dole, N. H. Longfellow and Mendelssohn. The Dial, 17 Feb., 1916.
- Dudley, A. Longfellow: Tendences de la Poésie Américaine. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 Nov., 1854.
- Durant, H. M. Longfellow’s Conquest of England. Outlook, 16 Feb., 1907.
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