The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- No extensive bibliography of Whittier exists. The most noteworthy list, prepared by Bierstadt, E. H., is concerned chiefly with detailed descriptions of the poet’s important separate publications. Rarer items are listed in the catalogue of the Whittier Centenary Exhibition, held at the Essex Institute, Salem, 1907–08 (see Woodman, A.), in the collections of first editions of American authors prepared by Foley, P. K. (1897) and by Arnold, W. H. (1901), and in the auction catalogues of the libraries of Montgomery, C. A. (Bangs, 1895), Whittier, J. G. (Anderson, 1903), Appleton, D. F. (Bangs, 1903), Pyser, C. E. (Merwin-Clayton, 1906), Maier, F. (Anderson, 1909), and Chamberlain, J. C. (Anderson, 1909).
- Most of Whittier’s fugitive writings were rejected from any collection of his works, and, except in rare cases, are accessible only in the newspaper files in which they originally appeared or into which they were copied. No attempt has yet been made to trace even all of the poems to the place of first publication. Underwood gives a list of contributions to The New England Magazine, 1832–5, and to The Democratic Review, 1837–46, and a list of poems first printed in The National Era, 1847–59. For the poems published in The Atlantic Monthly, see the Peabody Institute Catalogue (1892), vol. 6.
- I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. [Blue and Gold ed.] 2 vols., Boston, 1857, 1864, 1867. [“In these volumes, for the first time, a complete collection of my poetical writings has been made.”—Preface.]
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. [Cabinet ed.] 2 vols., Boston, 1863.
- The Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. 2 vols., Boston, 1866, 1882.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Complete ed. [Diamond ed.] Boston, 1867, 1869. [Red Line ed.] Boston, 1868. [Merrimack ed.] 2 vols., Boston, 1869, 1870. [Household ed.] Boston, 1872. Household eds. appeared in 1873, 1874 (London, the same year), 1876, 1879, 1883, 1884, 1886, [1888], [1891], [1894], [1904 with 129 illustrations].
- Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. New, revised ed. With illustrations. Boston, 1874.
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. With numerous illustrations. [Centennial ed.] Boston, 1876. 3 vols., Boston, 1880. (With critical biography by Rossetti, W. M.) London [1880.]
- Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. With illustrations. London [1881.]
- Poems by John G. Whittier. Lovell’s Library, vol. 8, no. 450. [1884.]
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Complete ed. 3 vols., Boston, 1884.
- The Early Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1885.
- Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. (With a note, biographical and critical, by Hope, Eva.) (Canterbury Poets.) London, 1885.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston [1888].
- The Writings of John Greenleaf Whittier. Riverside ed., 7 vols., Boston, 1888–89 (London the same year). Standard Lib. ed. [1892]; Artists’ ed. [1892]. [The so-called definitive edition. Additional matter appears in later issues.]
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. A new ed. London, 1890.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. With life, notes, etc. Chandos Classics. London, 1891.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. With numerous illustrations. Boston [1892].
- Poems by John G. Whittier. Vignette ed. (With 100 new illustrations by McCullough, W. A.) [1893.] London the same year.
- The Early Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. (With biographical sketch by Dole, N. H.) [1893.] [1902, Circuit Poets.] [1906, Cameo Poets.]
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Cambridge ed.) [With a biographical sketch by S(cudder), H. E., and a chronological list of poems]. Boston [1894]. [The standard edition of the poems.] Students’ ed. Boston, 1914.
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Handy Volume ed.) [With biographical sketch by S(cudder), H. E.] 4 vols. Boston, 1895.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (With notes. Ed. by Horder, W. G.) Complete ed. 4 vols. [also in 1 vol.]. Oxford, 1898.
- The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (New Cabinet ed.) Boston, 1899.
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier (Library ed.) Boston, 1900.
- The Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Sesame Classics.) Boston, 1902.
- John Greenleaf Whittier. [Poems.] (With a critical and biographical introduction by Markham, E. Library of Poetical Lit.) [1902].
- The Poetical Works of John G. Whittier. (Popular Poets ser.) Boston, 1907.
- Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Autograph Poets.) Boston, 1910.
- The Complete Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (University ed.) 7 vols., 1913.
- II. S
EPARATE WORKS - Pericles. [Broadside.] Haverhill, Mass., 9th mo., 1827.
- Legends of New-England … Hartford, 1831.
- The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts. By B. L. Mirick. Haverhill, 1832. [The material for this book was in large part prepared by Whittier, who in The Haverhill Gazette, 27 March, 1830, issued proposals for the publication. Later, however, he abandoned the project, turning his manuscript over to Mirick, B. L., who completed and published the work as his own. See Bradford, T. L., The Bibliographer’s Manual of American History, Philadelphia, 1907–10, vol. 3, pp. 101–2.]
- Moll Pitcher, A Poem. [Anon.] Boston, 1832. (Facsimile reprint, n. p., n. d.) Rev. ed., with The Minstrel Girl, 1840.
- Justice and Expediency; or, Slavery considered with a view to its Rightful and Effectual Remedy, Abolition.… Haverhill, 1833. [Privately printed.] New York, Sept., 1833, reissued as no. 4, vol. 1, of The Anti-Slavery Reporter.
- The Song of the Vermonters, 1779. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1833.]
- Mogg Megone, A Poem.… Boston, 1836.
- Lines Written on the Passage of Pinckney’s Resolutions in the House of Representatives. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1836.]
- Poems written during the Progress of the Abolition Question in the United States, Between the Years 1830 and 1838.… Boston, 1837. (Two issues of this ed., of 96 pp. and 103 pp. respectively.)
- Address Read at the Opening of the Pennsylvania Hall, on the 15th of Fifth Month, 1838. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1838. Rptd. in History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob, 17th of May, 1838. Philadelphia, 1838.
- Hymn [O Holy Father! just and true]. [Broadside.] 1 Aug., 1838.
- Poems.… Philadelphia, 1838.
- Narrative of James Williams, An American Slave; who was for several years a driver on a cotton plantation in Alabama.… [Anon.] Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1838. Two other eds., one of Boston, Abolitionist’s Library, no. 3, the same year.
- Moll Pitcher, and The Minstrel Girl. Poems.… Rev. ed. Philadelphia, 1840.
- Follen. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Haverhill, 1842.]
- Lays of My Home, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1843.
- Ballads, and Other Poems.… London, 1844. (With a preface by Wright, Elizur.)
- The Stranger in Lowell.… [Anon.] Boston, 1845. (Another ed. the same year.)
- Voices of Freedom.… Fourth [fifth, seventh, etc.] and Complete Edition. Philadelphia, 1846, 1849.
- The Supernaturalism of New England. By the Author of “The Stranger in Lowell.” New York and London, 1847. Wiley & Putnam’s Library of American Books, no. xxvii.
- Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal in The Province of Massachusetts Bay. 1678–9. [Anon.] Boston, 1849.
- Poems.… Illustrated by H. Billings. Boston, 1849, 1850, 1854, 1856, 1857.
- A Tract for the Times! A Sabbath Scene. [Broadside.] n.p. June, 1850. Two other eds., in pamphlet form, with thirteen woodcuts, Boston, 1853, 1854.
- Old Portraits and Modern Sketches.… Boston, 1850. (Another ed. New York, n. d.)
- Songs of Labor, And Other Poems.… Boston, 1850, 1851. Another ed., with biographical sketch, critical opinions, and explanatory notes. (Maynard’s English Classic ser., no. 130). [1894].
- Little Eva’s Song. Words by J. G. Whittier. Music by Manuel Emilio. [Broadside. Boston, 1852.] Another issue of four pages, with title, Little Eva: Uncle Tom’s Guardian Angel.… Boston, 1852.
- The Farewell of a Virginian Slave Mother to her Daughter sold into Southern Bondage; Clerical Oppressors; The Christian Slave. Leeds Anti-Slavery Tracts, Nos. 10, 21, and 52. Leeds, England [1852].
- The Chapel of the Hermits, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1853.
- Literary Recreations and Miscellanies.… Boston, 1854.
- The Panorama, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1856.
- A Frémont Campaign Song. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1856.]
- Song [A Lay of Old Time]. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Newburyport, 1856.]
- The Sycamores.… Nantucket, 1857. [Privately printed pamphlet, 8 pp.]
- Home Ballads and Poems.… Boston, 1860, 1861.
- A Voice from John G. Whittier [The Quakers are Out]. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1860.]
- Naples—1860. Inscribed to Robert C. Waterston, of Boston. Boston, 1860. 4 pp.
- Song of the Negro Boatmen. Written by Whittier. Composed by Robbins Battell. 1862. 3 leaves. Another issue, broadside, “published by the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments.” n. p. [1863.] This song was frequently rptd. and set to music, sometimes as The Contraband of Port Royal.
- In War Time. [Anniversary Poem.] n. p., n. d. [Amesbury, 1863]. 4 pp.
- In War Time and Other Poems.… Boston, 1864.
- National Lyrics.… With Illustrations by George G. White, H. Fenn, and Charles A. Barry. Boston, 1865, 1866, 1867.
- Snow-Bound. A Winter Idyl.… Boston, 1866; London, 1867; Boston, 1868 (with ill.), 1872, 1875 (ill.), 1883 (with exp. notes, Riv. Lit. Ser. no. 4); London, 1891 (with designs by Garrett, E. H.); Boston, 1892, 1896 (Riv. Sch. Lib.), 1904, 1906 (with ill. by Pyle, H., and others), 1911. [Many times rptd. and illustrated, and translated into several languages.]
- The Tent on the Beach and Other Poems.… Boston, 1867. (Four different issues the same year.) The Tent on the Beach [first separate ed.]. Illustrated. Boston, 1877, 1889 (with intro. and notes, Riv. Lit. Ser. no. 41), 1890 (Lilliput Classics.), 1896 (Riv. Sch. Lib.).
- Maud Muller.… With Illustrations by W. J. Hennessy. Boston, 1867, 1872; London, with ill. by Carline, G. [1886], [1891]. Also a broadside issue, n. p., n. d. [1865?].
- Among the Hills, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1869, 1876.
- Two Letters on the Present Aspect of the Society of Friends.… Reprinted from the Philadelphia “Friends’ Review.” London, 1870.
- Miriam and Other Poems.… Boston, 1871.
- The Motherless [later entitled, The Sisters: a Picture by Barry.] [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1871].
- The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1872, 1873.
- To Edward and Elizabeth Gove, on the Fifty-fifth Anniversary of their Marriage, 29th of 8th mo., 1872. n. p., n. d. [Lynn, Massachusetts, 1872]. 4 pp.
- Charles Sumner [17 verses]. n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1874]. 4 pp. Another issue [final form, 53 verses], n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1874]. 8 pp.
- “The Prayer of Agassiz,” a Poem by John G. Whittier, and “Agassiz,” a Sonnet by T. W. Parsons. Cambridge [Mass.], 1874. Published for the Agassiz Memorial Teachers’ and Pupils’ Fund.
- Hazel-Blossoms.… Boston, 1875. [Contains 9 poems by Elizabeth H. Whittier, pp. 103–133.]
- Mable Martin, A Harvest Idyl.… With [58] Illustrations. Boston, 1876; another ed., the same year, with 21 illustrations.
- Whittier’s Centennial Hymn. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Philadelphia, 1876]. Another broadside ed., with music by Paine, J. K., Philadelphia [1876]; another ed., 6 pages, Philadelphia [1876].
- Fitz-Greene Halleck. n. p., n. d. [1877]. Leaflet, 3 pp., privately printed for the author and inscribed by him. Rptd. in A Memorial of Fitz-Greene Halleck, 1877.
- The Vision of Echard and Other Poems.… Boston, 1878.
- The River Path [first separate ed.] … Illustrations. Boston, 1878.
- Whittier’s Old-Time Poem, Cassandra Southwick. n. p., n. d. [1880?]. 4 pp.
- The King’s Missive, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1881; London, the same year, as The King’s Missive, Mabel Martin, and Later Poems.
- Copy of a Letter. [An autobiographical sketch, printed privately, for use in correspondence.] Amesbury, 5th mo., 1882. Rptd. in The Critic [from The Boston Herald], 9 (n. s.), 59–60, 4 Feb., 1888. In Carpenter, G. R., John Greenleaf Whittier, appendix, pp. 297–303.
- An Autobiographical Sketch, containing autographic additions. [Broadside.] Amesbury, 1882.
- In Memoriam. Rebecca Chase Grinnell of New Bedford, who died July 6, 1882. [A poetical tribute of 4 lines, written by request, and engraved upon a card.]
- The Bay of Seven Islands, and Other Poems.… Boston, 1883; London, the same year.
- Saint Gregory’s Guest and Recent Poems.… Boston, 1886; London, the same year.
- To a Cape Ann Schooner. [Broadside.] … Oak Knoll, 3d mo. 23, 1886.
- Nauhaught, the Deacon.… [Illustrated by Gara, Mrs. C. Ingersoll, with facsimile letter of Whittier to her.] n. p., n. d. [New York, 1886].
- Revelation. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Amesbury, 1886].
- One of the Signers. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Amesbury, 1888]. Also pamphlet ed., “with autograph verses, read at the unveiling of the Josiah Bartlett Statue at Amesbury, July 4, 1888.” n. p., n. d. [Amesbury, 1888]. Rptd. in Presentation of the Bartlett Statue to the State of Massachusetts.… Newburyport, 1888.
- The Mystic’s Christmas.… Flushing, New York, n. d. 5 leaves.
- The Captain’s Well.… Illustrated by H. Pyle. 1890. [Supplement to The New York Ledger, 11 Jan., 1890. 4 pp.]
- R. S. S., At Deer Island on the Merrimac, 1888. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [New York, 1890].
- In Memory [Thomas Fisher Hinkley]. n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1890]. 4 pp.
- At Sundown.… Cambridge, 1890. [Privately printed.] Another ed., with designs by Garrett, E. H., containing prefatory note and 7 new poems, Boston, 1892; stereotype reprint, with different title-page, London, the same year.
- Between the Gates. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1891].
- The Minister’s Daughter, and The Eternal Goodness. British and Foreign Unitarian Association, London, 1892.
- A Legend of the Lake. [Broadside.] Dover, N. H., March, 1893. [Rptd. privately by Tuttle, Asa C., from the Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 1861]; also a pamphlet reprint by Rollins, Carl P., Newburyport, Massachusetts, 1895.
- The Demon Lady.… n. p. [Haverhill, Massachusetts], 1894. [Privately printed]. 8 pp.
- The Anti-slavery Convention of 1833.… Written in 1874. Old South Leaflets, No. 81, vol. 4. [Boston, 1897.]
- At Last.… Wilmington, Delaware, 1897. [Privately printed, with Latin translations by Butler, H. M., and prefatory note by Bayard, T. F. See, also, Independent, 53, 1349, 13 June, 1901.]
- A New Year’s Address to the Patrons of the Essex Gazette [Haverhill, Massachusetts], 1828, with a Letter, hitherto unpublished, by John G. Whittier. Boston, 1903. [Limited ed.]
- III. W
ORKS WHICH WHITTIER EDITED OR TO WHICH HE CONTRIBUTED INTRODUCTIONS - Prentice, G. D. Biography of Henry Clay. 1831. [Whittier assisted in the preparation of this book.]
- The Literary Remains of John G. C. Brainard, with a Sketch of His Life. By J. G. Whittier. Hartford, n. d. [entered 1832].
- Root, Rev. David. The Abolition Cause Eventually Triumphant. A Sermon, delivered before the Anti-Slavery Society of Haverhill, Mass., Aug., 1836. Andover, 1836. [Edited by Whittier, who with two others was appointed to secure the address for publication.]
- Martineau, Harriet. Views of Slavery & Emancipation; from Society in America. 1837. [Preface signed J. G. W.]
- Letters from John Quincy Adams to His Constituents of the Twelfth Congressional District in Massachusetts. To which is added His Speech in Congress, delivered February 9, 1837. Boston, 1837. [Introductory Remarks signed J. G. W.]
- The North Star: The Poetry of Freedom, by Her Friends. Philadelphia, 1840. [Edited anonymously, with prefatory note, by Whittier, who also contributed two poems, and possibly a third.]
- Sturge, Joseph. A Visit to the United States in 1841.… London, 1842; Boston, the same year. [Unsigned preface to the Boston ed. ascribed to Whittier, who is mentioned extensively throughout the book, and is quoted on pp. 23–26, 60–62, 229–235.]
- [Greenwell, Dora.] The Patience of Hope. By the Author of “A Present Heaven.” With an Introduction by John G. Whittier. Boston, 1862, 1863.
- The Journal of John Woolman. With an Introduction by John G. Whittier. Boston, 1871, 1873, 1909; London, 1900, 1903.
- Child Life: A Collection of Poems. Edited by John Greenleaf Whittier. With illustrations. Boston, 1872, 1873; London, 1874; Boston, 1876, 1879, 1884 (with intro. essay). Selections: Riv. Lit. Ser. No. 70 [1894]; Riv. Sch. Lib. [1896], 1906.
- Child Life in Prose. Edited [with preface, and an original tale, The Fish I Didn’t Catch] by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1874; London, 1880; Boston, 1884 (with intro. essay). Selections: Riv. Lit. Ser. No. 71 [1894]; Riv. Sch. Lib. [1896], 1909.
- Songs of Three Centuries. Edited [with preface] by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1876, 1877 (new revised ed., with illustrations), 1878, 1881 and 1890 (Household eds.), 1882, 1884, 1890 (Library ed., revised and enlarged).
- Indian Civilization: A Lecture by Stanley Pumphrey of England. With Introduction by John G. Whittier. Philadelphia, 1877.
- An Autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson (Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom”), From 1789 to 1879. With a Preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Introductory Notes by Wendell Phillips and John G. Whittier.… Boston, 1879.
- Johnson, Oliver. William Lloyd Garrison and His Times.… With an Introduction by John G. Whittier. Boston, 1880, 1881 (new revised and enlarged ed.), 1882.
- Letters of Lydia Maria Child, with a Biographical Introduction by John G. Whittier.… Boston, 1883.
- Jack in the Pulpit. Edited by J. G. Whittier. n. d. [1884]. [This poem, first published in Child Life, 1872, was written by Carrie Smith and corrected and emended by Whittier. It is here, in elaborately illustrated form, accompanied by a facsimile letter from Whittier explaining his connection with the poem. Another issue omits the pictorial boards, introduction, and text.]
- Whipple, Edwin Percy. American Literature and Other Papers. With Introductory Note by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, 1887.
- IV. U
NCOLLECTED POEMS - Whittier’s uncollected poems, most of them juvenile, run well into the hundreds. S. T. Pickard in 1904 claimed to have in his possession more than three hundred such poems, dating from 1826 to 1835, which he had garnered from the files of old newspapers edited or contributed to by Whittier during these years. Manuscript collections in private hands would considerably swell this number. During his lifetime the poet never permitted any of these to be included in his works. In recent years, however, many of these rejected pieces have been made accessible, chiefly by S. T. Pickard in the columns of The Independent (1898–1912) and in his handbook entitled Whittier-Land (1904). The following list includes, in chronological order, all reclaimed poems that have come to notice, all poems dropped from early Whittier editions, and such other uncollected verse as may be found in early poetic anthologies, song books, pamphlets, and similar sources. The date and place of first publication are given, when possible, and all later reprints. No attempt is made to enumerate the scores of uncollected poems only accessible in rare newspapers and periodicals.
- (1) Narratives, Religious, Journals, Lives, etc. [a rimed catalog of books], c. 1823–4. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 35. (2) Lafayette, 1825. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier’s Earliest Poems; also, Whittier’s Home at Amesbury. (3) Lines on the Death of Alexander 1st, Emperor of Russia, Newburyport Free Press, 1826. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier’s Earliest Poems; also, Whittier’s Home at Amesbury; also, Independent, 59, 1309, 7 Dec., 1905. (4) The Emerald Isle, Newburyport Free Press, 3 Aug., 1826. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 55, 2315, 1 Oct., 1903; also, ibid., 66, 737, 8 Apr., 1909. (5) The Willow, 1826. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 148. (6) Pericles, 1827. [Broadside.] (7) The Song of Peace, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 70, 757, 13 Apr., 1911. (8) Ode sung at the Dedication of the Haverhill Academy, April 30, 1827. Ptd. in Bartlett, A. L., and Kelly, C. E., The Haverhill Academy. An Historical Sketch, Haverhill, 1890; rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 545, 6 Mch., 1902; also, Whittier-Land, 7. (9) I Would Not Lose that Romance Wild, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 3054, 25 Dec., 1902; also, Whittier-Land, 130. (10) Apostrophe to Milton, Haverhill Gazette, June, 1827. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 69, 1357, 22 Dec., 1910. (11) The Sabbath Eve, 1827. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 72, 703, 4 Apr., 1912. (12) The Times, Haverhill Gazette, 4 Oct., 1828. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 152. (13) The Days Gone by, 1828. Ptd. by A. Woods, New England Magazine, 30 (n. s.), 574–6, July, 1904. (14) J. G. Whittier to the ‘Rustic Bard.’ Incidental Poems. By Robt. Dinsmoor, Haverhill, 1828, pp. 248–50. (15) A Fragment [Lady, farewell! I know thy heart], Essex Gazette, 22 Aug., 1829. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 136. (16) The Thunder Spirit, Haverhill Gazette, 1829. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 143. (17) The Vestal. Ptd. in The Yankee; and Boston Literary Gazette, no. 5 (n. s.), 246–8, Nov., 1829. Rptd. in Unpublished Whittier Poems (Anon.), New England Magazine, 29 (n. s.), 783–6, Feb., 1904. (18) The Minstrel Girl. The Yankee; and Boston Literary Gazette, no. 6 (n. s.), 329–33, Dec., 1829. Rptd., portions, in American Commonplace Book of Poetry (ed. Cheever, G. B.), Boston [1831], pp. 37, 66, 110; also, in Selections from the American poets, Dublin, 1834; also, entire, with Moll Pitcher, 1840. (19) Winter Night, Haverhill Gazette, 1830. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 67, 1420, 23 Dec., 1909. (20) Thou art going hence—God bless thee! Exeter News-Letter, 1830. Rptd. by M. W. Hoyt, Rambles in Whittier-Land, Granite State Magazine, 7, 77, Nov.-Dec., 1911. (21) To the Author of “The Improvisatrice,” London Literary Gazette, 19 June, 1830. Rptd. by Jerrold, W., Two New Whittier Poems, Bookman, 36, 155–8, Oct., 1912. (22) Christ in the Tempest, New England Review, 16 Aug., 1830. Rptd. in Poems, Philadelphia, 1838; also, Memoir of Rev. C. T. Torrey. By J. C. Lovejoy, Boston, 1847. (23) The Spectre, New England Review, 13 Sept., 1830. Rptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 134. (24) Song [That vow of thine was full and deep], New England Review, 18 Oct., 1830. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 57, 1373, 15 Dec., 1904; also, Whittier-Land, 133. (25) New England, New England Review, 18 Oct., 1830. Rptd. in The Gift, Concord, New Hampshire, 1835, pp. 110–2; also, Boston Book, 1837; also, Readings in American Poetry. By Griswold, R. W., 1843; also, by S. T. P., Independent, 55, 2967–8, 17 Dec., 1903; and Whittier-Land, 131. (26) My Birthday, New England Review, 20 Dec., 1830. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 70, 1197, 1 June, 1911. (27) The Grave of Morgan, 1830. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 142. (28) The Spectre Ship of Salem, American Anecdotes. By an American, Boston, 1830, vol. 2, pp. 40–4. Rptd. in Legends of New England, 1831; also, in The Laurel. By American Authors, Boston, 1836; also, privately printed leaflet, Salem, 1907, with prose sketch of legend, signed “Nantucket,” and a preface by Foley, P. K. (29) Autumn, The Original. Ed. F. H. Whipple, Providence, 1830. (30) The Worship of Nature [There is a solemn hymn goes up], New England Review, 24 Jan., 1831. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 50, 945, 6 Oct., 1898; and Whittier-Land, 144. (31) Eternity, New England Review, 1831. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 1340–1, 5 June, 1902; same, Current Literature, 33, 161–2, Aug., 1902; also, Whittier-Land, 137–8. (32) To the Dying Year, American Commonplace Book of Poetry (ed. Cheever, G. B.), Boston [1831]. Rptd. in Selections from the American Poets, Dublin, 1834. (33) The Indian’s Tale, A Legend, ibid.; also in Legends of New England, 1831. (34) The Indian Girl’s Lament, The Literary Souvenir (ed. Watts, A. A.), London, 1831. Rptd. by Jerrold, W., Two New Whittier Poems, Bookman, 36, 155–8, Oct., 1912. (35–41) The Weird Gathering, The Murdered Lady, The Unquiet Sleeper, The Spectre Warriors, The Black Fox, The Aerial Omens, The Lost Norridgewock;—Legends of New England, 1831. (42) Moll Pitcher. A Poem, 1832. Rptd. with The Minstrel Girl, 1840. (43) The Dead Ichneumon, 1832. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 54, 2746–7, 20 Nov., 1902; and Whittier-Land, 139–41. (44) To the Daughters of James Forten, 1833. Ptd. by Grimke, C. F., Independent, 61, 1139, 15 Nov., 1906. (45) The Devil’s Den, in Chester, N. H., New England Magazine, 5, 29–30, July, 1833. (46) Stanzas [I see these still before me, even], ibid., 5, 141–2, Aug., 1833. (47) Suicide Pond, ibid., 6, 419–20, May, 1834. Rptd. in Poems, Philadelphia, 1838. (48) The Harvest Moon, Youth’s Keepsake, Boston, 1835. (49–50) Adoration, To a Star;—The Gift, Concord, New Hampshire, 1835, pp. 234–5, 252. (51) To Gov. M’Duffie, New England Magazine, 8, 138, Feb., 1835. Rptd. in Poems, Boston, 1837; Poems, Philadelphia, 1838; Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (52) To the Memory of J. G. C. Brainard, The Laurel. By American Authors, Boston, 1836. Rptd. in The Poems of J. G. C. Brainard, Hartford, 1842. (53) The Northern Lights, Haverhill Gazette, 1837. Rptd. in The Christian Keepsake, Philadelphia, 1840; also, by S. T. P., Independent, 57, 1117, 17 Nov., 1904; and Whittier-Land, 146–7. (54–55) Plead for the Slave! Written in an Album, Apology to the Chivalrous Sons of the South, Poems, Boston, 1837. (56) Lines written on reading “Right and Wrong in Boston,” etc., ibid. Rptd. in Poems, Philadelphia, 1838; Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (57) Song of the Free, ibid. Also rptd. in Voices of the True-Hearted, Philadelphia, 1846, p. 274; Poems, Boston, 1849. (58–66) To G. B. Esq. (Geo. Bancroft), etc.; Knowest thou the ordinances of Heaven?; Lines written in the Commonplace Book of a young Lady; The Watcher; The City of Refuge; Lines written on visiting a singular cave, etc.; Stanzas suggested by the letter of a friend; Lines on a Portrait; To the Memory of J. O. Rockwell;—Poems, Philadelphia, 1838. (67) Lines from the German of Lamiter, The Liberator, 10 Aug., 1838. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 53, 2079, 5 Sept., 1901. (68) The Uses of Sorrow, 1838. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 149. (69) Alack and alas! that a brother of mine, 1838. Ptd. by S. T. P., ibid., 119–20. (70) Looking Backward, 1840. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 60, 1356–7, 7 June, 1906. (71) A Retrospect, n. d., c. 1840. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 35. (72–73) Seeking Independence for the Captives, What hath God Wrought? Freedom’s Lyre (comp. Hatfield, E. F.), 1840. (74) ’Seventy-Five, The Sunbeam, 3 Apr., 1841. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 63, 1490–1, 19 Dec., 1907. (75–76) To James G. Birney, etc., Stanzas for the Times [No “countenance” of his, forsooth!], Voices of Freedom, Philadelphia, 1846. (77) Free Soil Gathering (set to music by G. W. C.), The Free Soil Minstrel, 1848, pp. 26–8. (78–79) The Response, The Album, Poems, Boston, 1849. (80) American Liberty, Hymns and Songs for the Anti-Slavery Celebration … at Abington, July 4, 1851, Boston [1851]. (81) A Farewell Song, Gift of Affection, ed. Griswold, R. W., 1852. (82) The Way, Autographs for Freedom, Boston, 1853. (83) The Californian at the Grave of his Wife, The Chapel of the Hermits, Boston, 1853. (84) For an Album [Like a virgin heart, unwrit], 1853. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 68, 1179, 2 June, 1910. (85) We’re Free, National Era, 14 Aug., 1856. Rptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 51, 3399–3400, 21 Dec., 1899; also, Whittier-Land, 150–1. (86) What! shall we henceforth humbly ask as favors. Ptd. in The Legion of Liberty and Force of Truth, 1857. (87) Free Discussion, The Republican Campaign Songster for 1860 (ed. Burleigh, W. H.), 1860. (88) Up for the Conflict, The Bobolink Minstrel … for 1860 (ed. Bungay, G. W.), 1860. (89) Patience, Only Once, Original Papers, by Various Contributors [entered 1862]. (90) Another Hand, Order of Services in the First Church, Boston, 1862. (91) Land of the Forest and the Rock, Poetical Pen-Pictures of the War, by J. H. Hayward, 1863. (92) Work Out Salvation, Poems of Religious Sorrow, Comfort, Counsel, and Aspiration, 1863. (93) The Plaint of the Merrimac, c. 1864. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 59–60. (94) Whittier to Colfax, The Grant and Colfax Republican Songster [1868]. (95) Oh! if the spirits of the parted came, Thirty-Sixth and Final Annual Report, Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Soc., April, 1870. Philadelphia, 1870. (96) With silence only as their benediction, A Memorial of Anson Burlingame. Boston [1870]. (97) To Edward and Elizabeth Gove, on the Fifty-fifth Anniversary of their Marriage, 29th of 8th mo., 1872, Lynn, [Massachusetts, 1872]. Rptd., portions, by I. F. Mayo, in Good Genius, in Atalanta, London, 6, 636–41, June, 1893; also, incomplete version, in An Unknown Whittier Poem (Anon.), New England Magazine, 29 (n. s.), 273–5, November, 1903; also, complete, by G. F. Carter, Some Little-Known Whittierana, Literary Collector, 7, 169–72, Apr., 1904. (98) God in Humanity, Dedicatory Services of the Parker Memorial Meeting House, September, 1873, Boston, 1873. (99) The Division, c. 1874. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 109. (100) Gail Hamilton’s Wedding, 1874. Ptd. by S. T. P., ibid., 120–2. (101–102) How They Climbed Chocorua, The Last Will and Testament of the Man in the Bear-Trap, 1876. Ptd. by S. T. P., ibid., 111–4, 116–7. (103) The Rose lay on the Ghebir’s Shrine, 1879. Ptd. in The Cosmopolitan, 16, 258, Jan., 1893 (facsimile autograph poem); rptd. in Manchester Quarterly, with commentary by Tyrer, C. E., 13, 287, July, 1894. (104) For M. E. S. [Mary E. Sargent], Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club of Chestnut Street, Boston, ed. Sargent, M. E. [Mrs. J. T.], Boston, 1880, p. 1. (105) O Mountains of the North, unveil, The Illustrated Fryeburg Webster Memorial, Fryeburg, Maine, 1882. (106) In Memoriam. Rebecca Chase Grinnell of New Bedford, 1882. [Engraved card of 4 lines.] (107) Unity, 1883. Ptd. by S. T. P., Atlantic Monthly, 94, 795, December, 1904; also, Whittier-Land, 154. (108) O Christian Martyr! etc. (inscription), Account of the Rebecca Nurse Monument, by W. P. Upham, Salem, 1886. (109) My Double, 1888. Ptd. by S. T. P., Whittier-Land, 123–5. (110) A Tribute, In Memoriam. W. B. Goldsmith, M. D. [1888]. (111) A Song of Praises, c. 1890. Ptd. by S. T. P., Independent, 50, 1463, 24 Nov., 1898; Whittier-Land, 153–4; also, in Great Thoughts, 5, 355, Mch., 1900. (112) The Demon Lady, [Haverhill, Massachusetts], 1894. Privately printed.—Undated Poems: (113) My Prayer, Outlook, 64, 448, 24 Feb., 1900. (114) Not in Vain is Faith in Man, Great Thoughts, 6, 4th ser., Part ii., 70, June, 1900. (115) Heaven and Hell Are Here and Now, ibid., 6, 4th ser., Part iii., 195, July, 1900. (116) Love is One, ibid., 7, 4th ser., Part iii., 173, Jan., 1901. (117) To Mary, Century Magazine, 64, 17, May, 1902. (118) [A Whittier Impromptu] [The Bearcamp’s pleasant banks upon], Independent (S. T. P.), 58, 1215, 1 June, 1905; also, Current Literature, 39, 219, Aug., 1905. (119) To Eli and Sibyl Jones, Independent (S. T. P.), 65, 517, 3 Sept., 1908. (120) A Fragment [On his flushed brow the cool wind blew], Independent (S. T. P.), 66, 1179, 3 June, 1909. (121) The Martyrdom of a Quakeress, Independent (S. T. P.), 71, 1361, 21 Dec., 1911.
- V. S
ELECTIONS AND COMPILATIONS - (School texts, illustrated gift books, and the like are generally omitted from the following list.)
- Ballads of New England By John Greenleaf Whittier. With Illustrations. Boston, 1870.
- Favorite Poems By John Greenleaf Whittier. Illustrated. Boston, 1877.
- The Whittier Birthday-Book. Arranged by Elizabeth S. Owen. Boston, 1881.
- Whittier Leaflets Poems and Prose Passages.… Compiled by Josephine E. Hodgdon.… Boston, 1882, 1892. (Riv. Lit. Ser.)
- Text and Verse for Every Day in the Year. Scripture passages and parallel selections from the writings of John Greenleaf Whittier. Arranged by Gertrude W. Cartland. Boston, 1884.
- Poems of Nature. By John Greenleaf Whittier. Illustrated from Nature by Elbridge Kingsley. Boston, 1886.
- Selections from the Writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, arranged under the days of the year, and accompanied by memoranda of anniversaries of noted events and of the birth or death of famous men and women. Boston, 1888.
- Poems Religious and Devotional from the Works of J. G. Whittier. London, 1895. (Golden Treasury Series.)
- The Whittier Year Book Passages … chosen for the daily food of the lover of thought and beauty. Boston [1895].
- A Selection from the Poems of J. G. Whittier. With an introduction by H. Hodgkin. London, 1896.
- The Tent on the Beach and Dramatic Lyrics … with illustrations from designs by C. H. Woodbury and M. O. Woodbury. Boston, 1899.
- Peaslee, J. B. Thoughts and Experiences in and out of School … Accompanied by Letters from Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, and Other American Authors.… Cincinnati, 1900.
- Poems.… Selected, with an introduction by A. C. Benson. London, 1906. (Golden Poets.)
- Perry, B. John Greenleaf Whittier. A Sketch of His Life.… With Selected Poems. Boston, 1907. (Riv. Lit. Ser., the same year.)
- Snow-Bound, and other Early Poems … edited, with an introduction and notes, by A. L. Bouton. 1908. (Macmillan Pocket American and English Classics.)
- From Day to Day with Whittier: Selected and Arranged by Olive Van Buren. [1910.]
- Whittier Day by Day: Edited by Annie Russell Marble. [1910.]
- Whittier Correspondence from the Oak Knoll Collections 1830–1892. Edited by John Albree. Salem, Mass., 1911.
- Selections from the Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier. Edited by Howard Hodgkin. London, 1912. (Muses’ Lib.)
- Selected Poems of J. G. Whittier. Oxford, 1913. (The World’s Classics.)
- See, also, important anthologies of American literature, especially those edited by Griswold, R. W., Scudder, H. E., Stedman, E. C., and Hutchinson, E. M., Warner, C. D., Page, C. H., and Bronson, W. C.
- VI. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - B[allou], H., 2d. Whittier’s Poems [Review of 1849 ed.]. Universalist Quarterly and General Review, 6, 142–60. Boston, Apr., 1849.
- Barrows, M. M. The Love Story of Whittier’s Life, Personal Reminiscences of the Poet’s Sweetheart, Evelina Bray. New England Magazine, 32 (n. s.), 173–9, Apr., 1905.
- Bartlett, D. W. Modern Agitators: or Pen Portraits of Living American Reformers. 1855, 1856. (For Whittier, pp. 240–65.)
- Bates, C. F. Glimpses of Whittier’s Faith and Character, through Extracts from Unpublished Letters. McClure’s Magazine, 2, 125–9, Jan., 1894.
- —— Whittier Desultoria. Cosmopolitan, 16, 303–6, Jan., 1894.
- Beckford, W. H. A Reminiscence of Whittier, Recalling a Visit Made by a Schoolboy to the Famous Poet. Book News Monthly, 33, 13–14, Sept., 1914.
- Bierstadt, E. H. A Bibliography of the Original Editions of the Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. The Book Buyer, 12, 216–21, 268–74, 324–30, 382–8, 432–6, 498–9, May-Oct., 1895.
- Boynton, H. W. John Greenleaf Whittier, an Appreciation, apropos of the Poet’s Centenary. Putnam’s Magazine, 3, 274–80, Dec., 1907.
- Bremer, F. (Trans. by Howitt, M.) The Homes of the New World; Impressions of America. London, 3 vols., 1853; New York, 2 vols., 1858. (For Whittier, see Letter VIII.)
- Bungay, G. W. Crayon Sketches and Off-Hand Takings.… Boston, 1852. New York [1854], 1860. (Whittier, pp. 38–42.)
- Burt, H. Reminiscences of the Poet Whittier: I. A Summer at the Bearcamp, West Ossipee, with Whittier; II. Some Unpublished Letters of Whittier. Bookman, 1, 230–4, 309–12, May-June, 1895.
- Burton, R. John Greenleaf Whittier. (The Beacon Biographies.) Boston, 1901. (Selected Bibliography, pp. 131–4.)
- Butterworth, H. The Home of J. G. Whittier. In Some Noted Princes, Authors, and Statesmen of Our Time. Ed. by Parton, J. [1885], pp. 319–23.
- Capper, S. J. A Visit to John Greenleaf Whittier. Leisure Hour, 37, 611–5, Sept., 1888.
- Carpenter, G. R. John Greenleaf Whittier. Warner’s Library of the World’s Best Literature, 1897, vol. 27, pp. 15911–7.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. (American Men of Letters.) Boston, 1903. (Bibliography, pp. 304–7.)
- —— The Range of Whittier’s Pen, A Critical Estimate. The Book News Monthly, 26, 263–4, Dec., 1907.
- Carter, G. F. Some Little-Known Whittierana. The Literary Collector, 7, 169–72, Apr., 1904.
- —— The Home and Birthplace of Whittier. Ibid., 8, 65–72, July, 1904.
- —— A Footnote on Whittier. New England Magazine, 34 (n. s.), 432, June, 1906.
- Cheney, J. V. Whittier. Chautauquan, 7 (n. s.), 299–306, Dec., 1892. Rptd. in That Dome in Air: Thoughts on Poetry and the Poets, Chicago, 1895, pp. 91–115.
- Chinard, G. Un Bordelais dans la Nouvelle-Angleterre (1792–1807). Le Comte de Vipart et Le Poème de Whittier “The Countess.” Revue Philomathique de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, 13, 175–183. July-Aug., 1910.
- Claflin, M. B. Personal Recollections of John Greenleaf Whittier. [1893.]
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier as I Knew Him. Arena, 15, 26–8, Dec., 1895.
- Collins, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Criticism. London, 1905. (For Whittier, pp. 37–42.)
- Collyer, R. A Talk with Whittier. The Lakeside Monthly, 5, 365–7, May. 1871.
- —— Clear Grit.… Ed. by Holmes, J. H. Boston, 1913. (For Whittier, pp. 277–93.)
- Crawford, M. C. Whittier’s Lost Love. In The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees. Boston, 1903, pp. 366–81.
- Cuyler, T. L. Recollections of a Long Life, An Autobiography. 1902. (For Whittier, pp. 121–5.) Excerpts from, rptd. in Memories of Famous Literary Men. Current Literature, 33, 420–3, Oct., 1902. (For Whittier, p. 423.)
- Davis, R. I. Gleanings from Merrimac Valley. 2 vols., Haverhill, Mass., 1887.
- Desmond, M. E. The Story of Whittier’s “Captain’s Well.” Catholic World. 71, 595–604, Aug., 1900.
- —— The Story of Whittier’s “Countess.” Ibid., 72, 478–88, Jan., 1901.
- —— Associations of Whittier. Ibid., 75, 353–68, June, 1902.
- Ellis, G. E. “The King’s Missive” (with a letter by Whittier in reply and Ellis’s rejoinder). Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 18, 357–62, 387–94, 394–99, Boston, Mar., 1881.
- Fields, A. A. [Mrs. J. T.] Whittier. Notes of His Life and of His Friendships. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 86, 338–59, Feb., 1893; separately printed in Harper’s Black and White Series [1893]; rptd. in Authors and Friends, Boston, 1896, pp. 263–335.
- —— The Inner Life of John Greenleaf Whittier. Chautauquan, 21 (n. s.) 194–8, Nov., 1899.
- Flower, B. O. Whittier: Prophet, Seer and Man. Boston, 1896. Rptd. from Arena, 15, 965–80; 16, 106–23, 406–17, 543–52, May-Sept., 1896.
- Forten, C. L. A Visit to the Birthplace of Whittier. Scribner’s Monthly, 4, 581–3, Sept., 1872.
- Garrison, W. P. and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805–1879. The Story of His Life Told by His Children. 4 vols., 1885–1889. (For Whittier, see index.)
- Gosse, E. A Visit to Whittier. Good Words, 40, 16–20, Jan., 1899; same, Bookman, 8, 459–62, Jan., 1899; rptd. in Portraits and Sketches, London, 1912, pp. 135–47.
- Gribble, F. John Greenleaf Whittier. Fortnightly Review, 89, 137–47, Jan., 1908; same, Living Age, 256, 287–95, Feb., 1908.
- Grimke, C. F. Personal Recollections of Whittier. New England Magazine, 8 (n. s.), 468–76, June, 1893.
- Griswold, H. T. Home Life of Great Authors. Chicago, 1887. (For Whittier, pp. 238–50.)
- Hadden, T. C. The Quaker Poet. Gentleman’s Magazine, 49 (n. s.), 408–17, Oct., 1892; same, Living Age, 195, 469–74, 19 Nov., 1892.
- Hansen-Taylor, M., and Scudder, H. E. [eds.]. Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. Boston, 1884. (For Whittier, see index.)
- Hawkins, C. J. The Mind of Whittier; a Study of Whittier’s Fundamental Religious Ideas. [1904.]
- [Hawthorne, N.] Supernaturalism in New England. [Review.] Literary World, 1, 247–8, New York, 17 Apr., 1847.
- Hazeltine, M. W. Chats about Books, Poets, and Novelists. 1883. (For Whittier, pp. 212–26.)
- Higginson, T. W. Whittier. Nation, 55, 199–200, 15 Sept., 1892.
- —— Cheerful Yesterdays. Boston, 1898. (For Whittier, see index.)
- —— Contemporaries. Boston, 1899. (For Whittier, pp. 60–71.)
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. (English Men of Letters.) 1902.
- —— The Place of Whittier Among Poets. Reader, 5, 368–72, Feb., 1905.
- —— Garrison and Whittier. Independent, 59, 1310–16, 7 Dec., 1905.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. Ibid., 63, 1492–7, 19 Dec., 1907.
- —— Whittier as a Combatant in the Days of the Abolitionists. Book News Monthly, 26, 259–62, Dec., 1907.
- [Holmes, O. W.] Dr. Holmes on Whittier [a letter]. Critic, 21, 221–2, 22 Oct., 1892.
- Howe, A. DeW. Whittier and Lowell. Bookman, 7, 28–38, Mar., 1898; rptd. in American Bookmen, 1898, pp. 242–65.
- Hoyt, M. W. Rambles in Whittier-Land. Granite State Magazine, 6, 217–24, 257–64, Aug.-Sept., 1911; 7, 17–24, 69–78, Oct.-Dec., 1911.
- Hussey, C. C. Some Personal Reminiscences of Whittier, with Observations on his Religious Views. Arena, 15, 376–84, Feb., 1896.
- Kennedy, W. S. John Greenleaf Whittier: His Life, Genius, and Writings. Boston, 1882. Revised and enlarged ed., New York, 1892.
- Kennedy, W. S. John G. Whittier, The Poet of Freedom. (American Reformer Series.) 1892. (Bibliography, pp. 317–24.)
- —— In Whittier’s Land. New England Magazine, 7 (n. s.), 275–93, Nov., 1892.
- Kingsley, M. E. A Quaker Poet in Puritan New England. Poet-Lore, 21, 330–6, Oct., 1910.
- L., O. M. A. Whittier’s “Countess.” New England Magazine, 7 (n. s.), 809–11, Feb., 1893.
- Lawton, W. C. The New England Poets.… 1898. (For Whittier, pp. 155–94.)
- Lee, E. D. John Greenleaf Whittier. Westminster Review, 169, 78–92, Jan., 1908.
- Lewis, G. K. John Greenleaf Whittier: his Life and Work. London, 1913.
- Linton, W. J. Life of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Great Writers series.) London, 1893. (Bibliography, by Anderson, J. P., appendix, pp. i–viii.)
- Livingston, L. S. The First Books of Some American Authors. Bookman, 8, 38–43, Sept., 1898. (For Whittier, pp. 41–3.)
- Lowell, J. R. A Fable for Critics. 1848.
- [Lowell, J. R.] In War Time and Other Poems. [Review.] North American Review, 98, 290–2, Jan., 1864.
- —— Snow Bound. A Winter Idyl. [Review.] Ibid., 102, 631–2, Apr., 1866.
- Marble, A. R. Some Friendships of Whittier. With Letters Hitherto Unpublished. Dial, 43, 409–10, 16 Dec., 1907.
- —— Elizabeth Whittier and the Amesbury Home. Outlook, 87, 29–35, 7 Sept., 1907.
- Marsh, D. Voices of Freedom. [Review.] New Englander, 6, 58–66, Jan., 1848.
- May, S. J. Some Recollections of Our Antislavery Conflict. Boston, 1869. (For Whittier, pp. 259–66.)
- Memorial to John Greenleaf Whittier, by the Citizens of Amesbury, Dec. 17, 1892. Amesbury, 1893. [Includes Whittier’s Autobiography, Address by Stedman, E. C., and memorial tributes.]
- A Memorial of John Greenleaf Whittier from His Native City. Haverhill, Massachusetts. [Camb., Mass.], 1893. [Includes biographical sketch by Bartlett, A. L., and eulogy by Mead, E. D.]
- Mitchell, D. G. American Lands and Letters. 2 vols., 1897–99. (For Whittier, vol. 2, pp. 305–22.)
- Mitford, M. R. Recollections of a Literary Life.… 1852. (For Whittier, pp. 334–40.)
- More, P. E. Whittier the Poet. Shelburne Essays, 3d ser., 28–53, 1907.
- Negroponte, M. John Greenleaf Whittier. Westminster Review, 139, 7–11, Jan., 1893; same, Eclectic Magazine, 120, 377–80, Mar., 1893.
- Perry, B. Whittier for To-day. Atlantic Monthly, 100, 851–9, Dec., 1907; rptd. in Park-Street Papers, Boston, 1908, pp. 173–201.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier A Sketch of His Life … with Selected Poems (Riv. Lit. Ser., No. 175), Boston, 1907.
- Phelps, E. S. Whittier. Century Magazine, 23 (n. s.), 363–8, Jan., 1893.
- —— Chapters from a Life. Boston, 1896. (For Whittier, pp. 157–66.)
- —— Longfellow, Whittier, and Holmes. Passages from their Talk and Correspondence … Whittier’s Sense of Humour. McClure’s Magazine, 7, 114–21, July, 1896.
- Phelps, W. L. A Noteworthy Letter of Whittier’s. Century Magazine, 42 (n. s.), 15–17, Jan., 1902.
- —— Whittier. North American Review, 186, 602–6, Dec., 1907; rptd. in Essays on Books, 1914, pp. 202–10.
- Pickard, J. L. The Humor of Whittier. Midland Monthly, 7, 466–9, May, 1897.
- Pickard, S. T. Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 2 vols., Boston, 1894; revised ed., with additions and corrections [1907]. [The standard life.]
- —— The Student Life of S. R. Crockett.—His Correspondence with John G. Whittier. Independent, 51, 2666–7. 5 Oct., 1899.
- —— [ed.] A Merry Woman’s [“Gail Hamilton’s”] Letters to a Quiet Poet. Ladies’ Home Journal, 17, 7–8, 9–10, Dec., 1899, Jan., 1900.
- —— [ed.] Whittier as a Politician. Illustrated by his Letters to Professor Elizur Wright, Jr., now first published. Boston, 1900.
- —— Whittier-Land. A Handbook of North Essex, Containing many Anecdotes of and Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier never before collected. Boston, 1904.
- —— Whittier’s Earliest Poems. 1825–1826. Never before printed. Amesbury, Mass., 1906. [A leaflet of two sheets.]
- —— Whittier’s Home at Amesbury. A detailed account of souvenirs of the poet it contains.… Amesbury, Mass., 1908.
- —— [Many uncollected poems, with bibliographical notes. Independent (chiefly), 1898–1912. See IV above.]
- Porter, M. S. Recollections of Louise May Alcott, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Robert Browning.… [Bost.] 1893. (For Whittier, pp. 31–43.)
- Proceedings at the Presentation of a Portrait of John Greenleaf Whittier to Friends’ School, Providence, R. I. Tenth Month, 24th, 1884. Cambridge, 1885.
- Rantoul, R. S. Some Personal Reminiscences of the Poet Whittier. Historical Collections of The Essex Institute, 37, 129–44, Apr., 1901. Also issued separately.
- Rice, C. B. Mr. Whittier at Home. Literary World, 8, 123, Boston, 1 Dec., 1877.
- Sanborn, F. B. Whittier as Man, Poet, and Reformer. Biblioteca Sacra, 65, 193–213, Apr., 1908.
- Sargent, Mrs. J. T. [Mary E.], ed. Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club of Chestnut Street, Boston. Boston, 1880. (For Whittier, see index.)
- Schurz, C. Reminiscences of a Long Life (Holmes, Longfellow, and Whittier). McClure’s Magazine, 28, 259–60, Jan., 1907.
- Sidney, M. [Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. S.]. Whittier with the Children. Boston, 1893.
- Sparhawk, F. C. Whittier, The Poet and the Man. New England Magazine, 7 (n. s.), 293–8, Nov., 1892.
- —— Glimpses of Whittier. Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine, 80, 786–93, Dec., 1907.
- Spofford, H. P. The Quaker Poet. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 68, 171–88, Jan., 1884.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier at Amesbury. Critic, 2 (n. s.), 205–6, 1 Nov., 1884; rptd. in Authors at Home, Personal and Biographical Sketches of Wellknown American Writers, eds. Gilder, J. L. and J. B. [1889], pp. 345–54.
- Stanton, E. C. Eighty Years and More (1815–1897): Reminiscences. London, 1898. (For Whittier, pp. 138–41.)
- Stedman, E. C. Whittier. Century Magazine, 30, 38–50, May, 1885; rptd. in Poets of America, Boston, 1885, ch. iv, pp. 95–132.
- —— The Whittier Home Association. Independent, 54, 1231–3, 22 May, 1902.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. Encyclopædia Britannica, 10th and 11th eds., Camb., England, 1902–03; 1910–11. Rptd. in Genius and Other Essays, 1911, pp. 107–10.
- Stewart, G. Evenings in the Library.… St. John, N. B., 1878. (For Whittier, pp. 130–60.)
- —— The New England Poet. Arena, 5, 36–49, Dec., 1891; rptd. in Essays from Reviews, First Series, Quebec, 1892, pp. 139–71.
- Stoddard, R. H. John Greenleaf Whittier. Appleton’s Journal, 5, 431–4, 15 Apr., 1871.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. Scribner’s Monthly, 18, 569–83, Aug., 1879.
- —— John Greenleaf Whittier. Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine, 63, 808–16, June, 1899; condensed in Whittier’s Seventieth Birthday, in Recollections Personal and Literary, ed. Hitchcock, R., 1903, pp. 285–94.
- —— [and others]. Poets’ Homes. Boston [1877]. (For Whittier, vol. 1, pp. 19–27.)
- Stowe, W. T. Whittier. Universalist Quarterly and General Review, 24 (n. s. 4), 304–11, July, 1867.
- Taylor, B. Three Old and Three New Poets. [Review of Mabel Martin.] International Review, 3, 405–6, May, 1876; rptd. in Critical Essays and Literary Notes, 1880, pp. 294–6.
- Teincey, J. Un Poète Américain: John Greenleaf Whittier. Revue Brittannique, 5, 5–24, Paris, Sept., 1899.
- Thayer, W. S. John G. Whittier and his Writings. North American Review, 79, 31–53, July, 1854.
- Thyng, J. W. Reminiscences of Whittier: I. The Poet’s Summer by Bearcamp Water; II. By River, Lake and Sea. Granite State Magazine, 3, 89–98, 185–94, Mar., May, 1907.
- Trowbridge, J. T. My Own Story. With Recollections of Noted Persons. Boston, 1903. (For Whittier, see index.)
- Tyrer, C. E. Whittier’s Poem on the Rose. Manchester Quarterly, 13, 287–92, July, 1894.
- Underwood, F. H. John Greenleaf Whittier. A Biography. Boston, 1884.
- Wasson, D. A. Whittier. Atlantic Monthly, 13, 331–8, Mar., 1864.
- Wendell, B. John Greenleaf Whittier. [A memoir.] Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 28, 357–88, 1893; rptd. in Stelligeri and Other Essays concerning America, 1893, pp. 147–201.
- Whipple, E. P. The Poets and Poetry of America. By R. W. Griswold. [Review.] North American Review, 58, 30–2 (Whittier), Jan., 1844; rptd. in Essays and Reviews. 2 vols., Boston, 1850, vol. 1, pp. 68–71.
- —— American Literature and Other Papers. Boston, 1887. (For Whittier, pp. 73–6.)
- Whittier’s First Printed Poems. New England Magazine, 7 (n. s.), 506–9, Dec., 1892.
- Whittier in Prose. Democratic Review, 17, 115–26, Aug., 1845.
- Woodberry, G. E. John Greenleaf Whittier. Atlantic Monthly, 70, 642–8, Nov., 1892; rptd. in Makers of Literature, 1900, pp. 302–23.
- Woodman, Mrs. A. J. Reminiscences of John Greenleaf Whittier’s Life at Oak Knoll, Danvers; followed by The John Greenleaf Whittier Centenary Exhibition at The Essex Institute, Dec. 17, 1907, to Jan. 31, 1908. Historical Collections of The Essex Institute, 44, 97–146, Apr., 1908. Also issued separately.F