The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- The fullest bibliography of Poe’s writings is that by Harrison, J. A., Poe’s Works, vol.
XVI, pp. 355–379. - I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe. With a Memoir by Rufus Wilmot Griswold and Notices of his Life and Genius by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell. 4 vols. 1850–56. Rptd. 1858, 1861, etc.
- The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. 4 vols. Ed. Ingram, J. H. Edinburgh, 1874–75, 1880, etc.
- The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. 4 vols. Ed. Ingram, J. H. London, 1884.
- The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. 6 vols. Ed. Stoddard, R. H. [1884], 1894.
- The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Newly Collected and Edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introductions, and Notes. 10 vols. Ed. Stedman, E. C., and Woodberry, G. E. Chicago, 1894–94; New York, 1914. Vol.
X (Poems) separately, 1907, 1914. - The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. (Virginia Edition.) 17 vols. Ed. Harrison, J. A. [1902]. Vol. 1 (Biography) and Vol.
VII (Poems) separately, 1902. Vols. 1 andXVII (Letters) slightly revised, as Life and Letters of Poe, 1903. - The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. 10 vols. Ed. Richardson, C. F. New York and London, [1902].
- Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (Muses’ Library.) Ed. Ingram, J. H. London, [1909].
- The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Whitty, J. H. Boston, 1911; also, revised and enlarged, Boston, 1917.
- The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Campbell, K. Boston, [1917].
- II. S
EPARATE WORKS - Tamerlane and Other Poems. By a Bostonian. Boston, 1827. Rptd. (with preface by Shepherd, R. H.), London, 1884; and at Greenwich, Connecticut, 1905.
- Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. Baltimore, 1829.
- Poems. By Edgar A. Poe.… Second Edition. New York, 1831.
- The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket. Comprising the Details of a Mutiny and Atrocious Butchery on Board the American Brig Grampus, on her Way to the South Seas.… 1838; also (with slight revision), London, 1838, 1841, 1859, 1861. Also under the title Extraordinary Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, Mariner of Nantucket.… London, 1844.
- The Conchologist’s First Book: or, A System of Testaceous Malacology.… By Edgar A. Poe. Philadelphia, 1839. Later editions, 1840, 1845.
- Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. By Edgar A. Poe. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1840.
- The Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe.… No. 1. (The Murders in the Rue Morgue, and The Man That Was Used Up.) Philadelphia, 1843.
- Tales. By Edgar A. Poe. 1845. London, 1845.
- The Raven and Other Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. 1845. London, 1846. [This and the preceding item were also published together in one volume, 1845.]
- Eureka: A Prose Poem. By Edgar A. Poe. 1848. London, 1848.
- III. P
ERIODICALS TO WHICH POE CONTRIBUTED - [Arranged in the order of Poe’s first contribution to them.]
- The Yankee and Boston Literary Gazette. Portland and Boston.
- The Saturday Evening Post. Philadelphia.
- The Philadelphia Casket.
- The Saturday Courier. Philadelphia.
- The Baltimore Saturday Visiter. [B. S. V.]
- Godey’s Lady’s Book [G. L. B.]. Philadelphia.
- The Southern Literary Messenger [S. L. M.]. Richmond, Virginia. Editor (or Assistant Editor) Aug., 1835–Jan., 1837, and possibly in fall of 1837.
- The Baltimore Republican.
- The Gift (an annual). Philadelphia.
- The American Monthly Magazine. Philadelphia.
- The New York Review.
- The Baltimore Book (an annual).
- The American Museum. Baltimore.
- The Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle and Mirror of the Times.
- Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine [B. G. M.]. Philadelphia. Associate Editor, July, 1839–June, 1840.
- The Pittsburg Literary Examiner.
- Alexander’s Weekly Messenger, Philadelphia.
- Graham’s Magazine [G. M.]. Philadelphia. Editor April, 1841–May, 1842.
- Snowden’s Ladies’ Companion. Philadelphia.
- The Boston Miscellany.
- The Pioneer. Boston.
- The Philadelphia Saturday Museum [S. M.].
- The Dollar Newspaper. Philadelphia.
- The Opal (an annual). Philadelphia.
- The New York Sun.
- The Columbia Spy. Columbia, Pennsylvania.
- The Columbian Magazine. New York.
- The New York Evening Mirror [E. M.]. Assistant Editor Sept., 1844–Feb., 1845. Most of the matter appearing in this journal was reprinted in the Weekly Mirror.
- The Democratic Review. New York.
- The Broadway Journal [B. J.]. New York. Successively Associate Editor, Editor, and Editor and Proprietor, Feb., 1845–Jan., 1846.
- The American Whig Review [A. W. R.]. New York.
- The New York Tribune.
- The Critic. London.
- The Literary Emporium. New York.
- The Missionary Memorial (an annual). New York.
- The Mayflower (an annual). Boston.
- Arthur’s Ladies’ Magazine. Philadelphia.
- The Philadelphia Spirit of Our Times.
- The Home Journal [H. J.]. New York.
- Post’s Union Magazine. New York.
- The Providence Daily Journal.
- Sartain’s Union Magazine. Philadelphia.
- The Literary World. New York.
- The Flag of our Union [F. O. U.]. Boston.
- The Western Quarterly Review. Cincinnati.
- The Richmond Whig.
- The Richmond Examiner.
- Leaflets of Memory (an annual). Philadelphia.
- IV. C
ONTRIBUTIONS TO MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, ETC. - The lists of poems, tales, and essays are arranged chronologically. Poe republished many of his poems and tales in revised form, but only the place of first publication is here given. The several editions of the poems and tales are referred to by their dates.
- A. Poems
- (1) Tamerlane. 1827. [= edition of 1827.] (2) Song (“I saw thee on thy bridal day”). 1827. (3) Dreams. 1827. (4) Spirits of the Dead (originally Visit of the Dead). 1827. (5) Evening Star. 1827. (6) A Dream within a Dream (also as Imitation, and To —— ——). 1827. (7) Stanzas. 1827. (8) A Dream. 1827. (9) “The Happiest Day, the Happiest Hour.” 1827. (10) The Lake. To —. 1827. (11) Sonnet—To Science. 1829. (12) Al Aaraaf. 1829. (13) Romance (also as Preface, and Introduction). 1829. (14) To —— (“The bowers whereat, in dreams, I see”). 1829. (15) To the River ——. 1829. (16) To —— (“I heed not that my earthly lot”). 1829. (17) Fairy-Land. 1829. (18) To Helen. 1831. (19) Israfel. 1831. (20) The City in the Sea (also as The Doomed City, The City of Sin, and the City in the Sea, A Prophecy). 1831. (21) The Sleeper (originally Irene). 1831. (22) Lenore (originally A Pæan). 1831. (23) The Valley of Unrest (also as The Valley Nis). 1831. (24) Serenade. B. S. V., 20 Apr., 1833. (25) The Coliseum. B. S. V., 26 Oct., 1833. (26) To One in Paradise (also as To Ianthe in Heaven). G. L. B. Jan., 1834. (27) Hymn (also as Catholic Hymn). S. L. M., Apr., 1835. (28) To F —— (also as To Mary, and To One Departed). S. L. M., July, 1835. (29) To F——s S. O——d (also as Lines Written in an Album). S. L. M., Sept., 1835. (30) Scenes from Politian (also as Scenes from an Unpublished Drama). S. L. M., Dec., 1835, and Jan., 1836. Published only in part. Further in The Southern Magazine, Nov., 1875, and in Ingram’s ed. of the Poems [1888], pp. 96–9. (31) Latin Hymn (a translation; as a part of the tale, Four Beasts in One). S. L. M., Mar., 1836. (32) Song of Triumph (in Four Beasts in One). S. L. M., Mar., 1836. (33) Bridal Ballad (also as Ballad, and Song of the Newly-Wedded). S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (34) Sonnet—To Zante. S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (35) The Haunted Palace. American Museum. Apr., 1839. (36) Sonnet—Silence. B. G. M., Apr., 1840. (37) The Conqueror Worm. G. M., Jan., 1843. (38) Dream-Land. G. M., June, 1844. (39) The Raven. E. M., 29 Jan., 1845. (40) Eulalie—A Song. A. W. R., July, 1845. (41) A Valentine. E. M., 21 Feb., 1846. (42) To M. L. S —— Home Journal, 13 Mar., 1847. (43) Ulalume—A Ballad. A. W. R., Dec., 1847. (44) An Enigma. Union Magazine, Mar., 1848. (45) To —— —— —— (also as To ——). Columbian Magazine, Mar., 1848. (46) To Helen (also as To —— —— ——). Union Magazine, Nov., 1848. (47) Eldorado. F. O. U., 21 Apr., 1849. (48) For Annie. F. O. U., 28 Apr., 1849. (49) To My Mother. F. O. U., 7 July, 1849. (50) Annabel Lee. New York Tribune, 9 Oct., 1849. (51) The Bells. Sartain’s Union Magazine, Nov., 1849.
- To this list are to be added two juvenile skits—(52) Elizabeth, and (53) An Acrostic—first collected in 1903.
- B. Tales
- (1) Metzengerstein. Saturday Courier, 14 Jan., 1832. (2) Duc de l’Omeette. Saturday Courier, 3 Mar., 1832. (3) A Tale of Jerusalem. Saturday Courier, 9 June, 1832. (4) Loss of Breath (originally A Decided Loss). Saturday Courier, 10 Nov., 1832. (5) Bon Bon (originally The Bargain Lost). Saturday Courier, 1 Dec., 1832. (6) MS. Found in a Bottle. B. S. V., 19 Oct., 1833. (7) The Assignation (originally The Visionary). G. L. B., Jan., 1834. (8) Berenice. S. L. M., Mar., 1835. (9) Morella. S. L. M., Apr., 1835. (10) Lionizing (also as Some Passages in the Life of a Lion). S. L. M., May, 1835. (11) The Unparalelled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall. S. L. M., June, 1835. (12) King Pest: A Tale Containing an Allegory. S. L. M., Sept., 1835. (13) Shadow: A Parable (originally Shadow. A Fable). S. L. M., Sept., 1835. (14) Four Beasts in One: The Homo-Camelopard (originally Epimanes). S. L. M., Mar., 1836. (15) The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. S. L. M., Jan., Feb., 1837 [published here only in part]. (16) Mystification (originally Von Jung, The Mystific). American Monthly Magazine, June, 1837. (17) Ligeia. American Museum, Sept., 1838. (18) Silence—a Fable (originally Siope—A Fable). Baltimore Book, 1838. (19) How to Write a Blackwood Article (originally The Psyche Zenobia). American Museum, Nov., 1838. (20) A Predicament (originally The Scythe of Time). American Museum, Nov., 1838. (21) The Devil in the Belfry. Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle, 18 May, 1839. (22) The Man That Was Used Up. B. G. M., Aug., 1839. (23) The Fall of the House of Usher. B. G. M., Sept., 1839. (24) William Wilson. The Gift, 1840 [published before 17 Sept., 1839]. (25) The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion. B. G. M., Dec., 1839. (26) Why the Little Frenchman Wears his Hand in a Sling. 1840. (27) The Journal of Julius Rodman. B. G. M., Jan.-June, 1840. (28) The Business Man (originally Peter Pendulum, The Business Man). B. G. M., Feb., 1840. (29) The Man of the Crowd. G. M., Dec., 1840. (30) The Murders in the Rue Morgue. G. M., Apr., 1841. (31) A Descent into the Maelstrom. G. M., May, 1841. (32) The Island of the Fay. G. M., June, 1841. (33) The Colloquy of Monos and Una. G. M., Aug., 1841. (34) Never Bet the Devil your Head: A Tale with a Moral (originally Never Bet Your Head: A Moral Tale). G. M., Sept., 1841., (35) Eleonora. The Gift, 1842. [Out in September, 1841.] (36) Three Sundays in a Week (originally A Succession of Sundays). Saturday Evening Post, 27 Nov., 1841. (37) The Oval Portrait (originally Life in Death). G. M., Apr., 1842. (38) The Masque of the Red Death. A Fantasy. G. M., May, 1842. (39) The Landscape Garden (later combined with The Domain of Arnheim). Snowden’s Ladies’ Companion, Oct., 1842. (40) The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, A Sequel to the Murders in the Rue Morgue. Snowden’s Ladies’ Companion, Nov. and Dec., 1842, and Feb., 1843. (41) The Pit and the Pendulum. The Gift, 1843. (42) The Tell-Tale Heart. The Pioneer, Jan., 1843. (43) The Gold Bug. Dollar Newspaper, 21, 28 June, 1843. (44) The Black Cat. United States SaturdayPost, 19 Aug., 1843. (45) Diddling Considered as One of the Exact Sciences (originally Raising the Wind; or, Diddling, etc.). Philadelphia Saturday Courier, 14 Oct., 1843. (46) The Elk (originally Morning on the Wissahiccon). The Opal, 1844. (47) The Spectacles. Dollar Newspaper, 27 Mar., 1844. (48) A Tale of the Ragged Mountains. G. L. B., Apr., 1844. (49) The Balloon Hoax. New York Sun, 13 Apr., 1844. (50) The Premature Burial. Dollar Newspaper, 31 July, 1844. (51) Mesmeric Revelation. Columbian Magazine, Aug., 1844. (52) The Oblong Box. G. L. B., Sept., 1844. (53) The Angel of the Odd. Columbian Magazine, Oct., 1844. (54) Thou Art the Man. G. L. B., Nov., 1844. (55) The Literary Life of Thingum-Bob, Esq. S. L. M., Dec., 1844. (56) The Purloined Letter. The Gift, 1845. (57) The Thousand and Second Tale of Scheherazade. G. L. B., Feb., 1845. (58) Some Words with a Mummy. A. W. R., Apr., 1845. (59) The Power of Words. Democratic Review, June, 1845. (60) The Imp of the Perverse. G. M., July, 1845. (61) The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether. G. M., Nov., 1845. (62) The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar (originally Facts of M. Valdemar’s Case). A. W. R., Dec., 1845. (63) The Sphinx. Arthur’s Ladies’ Magazine, Jan., 1846. (64) The Cask of Amontillado. G. L. B., Nov., 1846. (65) The Domain of Arnheim (combined with The Landscape Garden). Columbian Magazine, Mar., 1847. (66) Mellonta Tauta. G. L. B., Feb., 1849. (67) Hop-Frog (originally Hop-Frog, or The Eight Chained Ourang-Outangs). F. O. U., 17 Mar., 1849. (68) Von Kempelen and His Discovery. F. O. U., 14 Apr., 1849. (69) X-ing a Paragrab. F. O. U., 12 May, 1849. (70) Landor’s Cottage. F. O. U., 9 June, 1849. (71) The Light-House. A fragment. First published in Woodberry’s Life of Poe, vol.
II, pp. 397–9. - C. Essays, Reviews, and Miscellaneous Articles
- (1) Bird’s Calavar (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1835. (2) Osborn’s Confessions of a Poet (review). S. L. M., Apr., 1835. (3) Kennedy’s Horse-Shoe Robinson (review). S. L. M., May, 1835. (4) Journal—By Frances Anne Butler (review). S. L. M., May, 1835. (5) Bird’s The Infidel (review). S. L. M., June, 1835. (6) The Heroine (review of Barrett’s Adventures of Cherubina). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (7) Bird’s The Hawks of Hawk-Hollow (review). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (8) Washingtonii Vita (review of Glass’s Life of Washington, ed. Reynolds.) S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (9) Fay’s Norman Leslie (review). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (10) Miss Sedgwick’s The Linwoods (review). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (11) Irving’s Crayon Miscellany (review). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (12) Godwin’s Necromancy (review). S. L. M., Dec., 1835. (13) Mrs. Sigourney—Miss Gould—Mrs. Ellet (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1836. (14) Simms’s The Partisan (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1836. (15) Ingraham’s The South-West (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1836. (16) Lieber’s Reminiscences of Niebuhr (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1836. (17) Robinson Crusoe (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1836. (18) Palæstine. S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (19) Mattson’s Paul Ulric (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (20) Wilmer’s Emilia Harrington (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (21) Slidell’s The American in England (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (22) Chorley’s Conti (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (23) Bulwer’s Rienzi (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1836. (24) Autography. S. L. M., Feb., 1836. [See also nos. 48, 101, 103, 105.] (25) Hawks’s Episcopal Church in Virginia (review). S. L. M., Mar., 1836. (26) Longstreet’s Georgia Scenes (review). S. L. M., Mar., 1836. (27) Some Ancient Greek Authors. S. L. M., Apr., 1836. (28) Maelzel’s Chess-Player. S. L. M., Apr., 1836. (29) Drake-Halleck (review). S. L. M., Apr., 1836. (30) Brunnens of Nassau (review). S. L. M., Apr., 1836. (31) Slidell’s Spain Revisited (review). S. L. M., May, 1836. (32) Anthon’s Sallust (review). S. L. M., May, 1836. (33) Paulding’s Washington (review). S. L. M., May, 1836. (34) Walsh’s Didactics (review). S. L. M., May, 1836. (35) Recollections of Coleridge (review). S. L. M., June, 1836. (36) Stone’s Ups and Downs (review). S. L. M., June, 1836. (37) Watkins Tottle (review). S. L. M., June, 1836. (38) Letter to B—— (a revision of the preface to the Poems of 1831). S. L. M., July, 1836. (39) Southey’s The Doctor (review). S. L. M., July, 1836. (40) Raumer’s England (review). S. L. M., July, 1836. (41) Supplement (containing a reply to one of his critics). S. L. M., July, 1836. (42) Pinakidia (see also nos. 61, 127, 130, 164, 171, 185, 186, 190, 192, 194, 201, 202). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. (43) Hall’s Book of Gems (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. [Rptd. in part in B. J., 17 May, 1845, under the title Old English Poetry.—The Book of Gems.] (44) South-Sea Expedition (review of a Congressional Report on the subject). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. (45) French’s Elkswatawa (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. (46) Ingraham’s Lafitte (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. (47) Willis’s Inklings of Adventure (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1836. (48) Autography. S. L. M., Aug., 1836. [See also nos. 24, 101, 103, 105.] (49) Mrs. Child’s Philothea (review). S. L. M., Sept., 1836. [Rptd. with slight changes in B. J., 31 May, 1845.] (50) Bird’s Sheppard Lee (review). S. L. M., Sept., 1836. (51) Letter to the Richmond Courier and Daily Compiler. 2 Sept., 1836. [See Poe’s Works, ed. Harrison, vol.
VIII, pp. xii f.] (52) Chorley’s Memorials of Mrs. Hemans (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1836. (53) Hall’s Schloss Hainfeld (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1836. (54) Peter Snook (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1836. [Rptd. as Magazine Writing—Peter Snook, with additions, in B. J., 7 June, 1845.] (55) James’s Life of Richelieu (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1836. (56) Bryant (review of Bryant’s poems). S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (57) Tucker’s George Balcombe (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (58) Irving’s Astoria (review). S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (59) South Sea Expedition (review of an address before Congress by Reynolds, J. N.). S. L. M., Jan., 1837. (60) Stephens’s Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petræa, and the Holy Land (review). New York Review, Oct., 1837. (61) Literary Small Talk. American Museum, Jan., Feb., 1839. [See also no. 42.] (62) Willis’s Tortesa, the Usurer (review). Pittsburgh Literary Examiner, July, 1839. [Rptd. in part in B. G. M., Aug., 1839; and also in part, in A. W. R., Aug., 1845.] (63) Cooper’s The History of the Navy of the United States of America (review). B. G. M., July, 1839. (64) James’s The Gentleman of the Old School (review). B. G. M., Aug., 1839. (65) Wallace’s The Triumphs of Science (review). B. G. M., Aug., 1839. (66) Cooper’s Precaution (review). B. G. M., Aug., 1839. (67) Fouqué’s Undine (review). B. G. M., Sept., 1839. (68) A Chapter on Field Sports and Manly Pastimes.… Gymnastics and Gymnasia. B. G. M., Oct., 1839. (69) Longfellow’s Hyperion (review). B. G. M., Oct., 1839. (70) Murray’s Travels in North America (review). B. G. M., Oct., 1839. (71) The Canons of Good Breeding (review). B. G. M., Nov., 1839. (72) Simms’s The Damsel of Darien (review). B. G. M., Nov., 1839. (73) The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual for 1840 (review). B. G. M., Dec., 1839. (74) Morris’s National Melodies of America (review). B. G. M., Dec., 1839. (75) Moore’s Alciphron (review). B. G. M., Jan., 1840. (76) Longfellow’s Voices of the Night (review). B. G. M., Feb., 1840. (77) Marryat’s Diary in America (review). B. G. M., Feb., 1840. (78) A Chapter on Science and Art. B. G. M., Mar., 1840. (79) Duncan’s Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons (review). B. G. M., Mar., 1840. (80) Willis’s Romance of Travel (review). B. G. M., Mar., 1840. (81) A Notice of William Cullen Bryant. B. G. M., May, 1840. (82) The Philosophy of Furniture. B. G. M., May, 1840. [Rptd. in revised form, as House Furniture, in B. J., 3 May, 1845.] (83) Memoirs and Letters of Madame Malibran (review). B. G. M., May, 1840. (84) Some Account of Stonehenge, The Giant’s Dance, A Druidical Ruin in England. B. G. M., June, 1840. (85) Mrs. Norton’s The Dream and Other Poems (review). G. M., Feb., 1841. (86) Bulwer’s Night and Morning (review). G. M., Apr., 1841. (87) Walsh’s Sketches of Conspicuous Living Characters of France (review). G. M., Apr., 1841. (88) Dickens’s The Old Curiosity Shop, and Other Tales, and his Master Humphrey’s Clock (review). G. M., May, 1841. (89) Writings of Charles Sprague (review). G. M., May, 1841. (90) Dickens’s Barnaby Rudge (review). Saturday Evening Post, 1 May, 1841. [See No. 109]. (91) Macaulay’s Critical and Miscellaneous Essays (review). G. M., June, 1841. (92) A Few Words on Secret Writing. G. M., July, 1841. (93) Pue’s A Grammar of the English Language (review). G. M., July, 1841. (94) Seba Smith’s Powhatan (review). G. M., July, 1841. (95) Wilmer’s The Quacks of Helicon (review). G. M., Aug., 1841. (96) Biography and Poetical Remains of the late Margaret Miller Davidson, ed. Irving, W. (review). G. M., Aug., 1841. (97) Stephens’s Incidents of Travel in Central America (review). G. M., Aug., 1841. (98) Secret Writing. G. M., Aug., 1841. [An addendum to 92. Further addenda, under the same title, were published in G. M., Oct. and Dec., 1841.] (99) Marryat’s Joseph Rushbrook, or The Poacher (review). G. M., Sept., 1841. (100) Campbell’s Life of Petrarch (review). G. M., Sept., 1841. (101) A Chapter on Autography. G. M., Nov., 1841. [See also Nos. 24, 48, 103, 105.] (102) Ainsworth’s Guy Fawkes (review). G. M., Nov., 1841. (103) A Chapter on Autography. G. M., Dec., 1841. [See No. 101.] (104) Lucretia Maria Davidson’s Poetical Remains (review). G. M., Dec., 1841. (105) An Appendix of Autographs. G. M., Jan., 1842. [See No. 101.] (106) Exordium to Critical Notices in G. M., Jan., 1842. (107) Cockton’s Stanley Thorn (review). G. M., Jan., 1842. (108) A Few Words About Brainard. G. M., Feb., 1842. (109) Barnaby Rudge (review). G. M., Feb., 1842. (110) Mathews’s Wakondah (review). G. M., Feb., 1842. (111) Lever’s Charles O’Malley (review). G. M., Mar., 1842. (112) Longfellow’s Ballads and Other Poems (review). G. M., Mar., Apr., 1842. (113) The Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of Henry Lord Brougham (review). G. M., Mar., 1842. (114) Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales (review). G. M., Apr., May, 1842. (115) The Poetry of Rufus Dawes. A Retrospective Criticism. G. M., Oct., 1842. (116) Griswold’s American Poetry (review of Rufus W. Griswold’s The Poets and Poetry of America). Boston Miscellany, Nov., 1842. (117) Our Amateur Poets.… Flaccus. G. M., Mar., 1843. (118) Notes on English Verse. The Pioneer, Mar., 1843. [Enlarged and rptd. as The Rationale of Verse in 1849,—see No. 197]. (119) Our Amateur Poets.… William Ellery Channing. G. M., Aug., 1843. (120) Fitz-Greene Halleck. G. M., Sept., 1843. (121) A Brief Account of the Discoveries and Results of the United States’ Exploring Expedition [under Reynolds, J. N.] (review). G. M., Sept., 1843. (122) Review of Cooper’s Wyandotte. G. M., Nov., 1843. (123) Review of Horne’s Orion. G. M., Mar., 1844. [Rptd. in part in E. M., 3 Feb., 1845.] (124) Poems by James Russell Lowell (review). G. M., Mar., 1844. (125) News Notes from New York, The Columbia (Pa.) Spy, June, 1844. [See Woodberry’s Life, 11, pp. 81 f., and Philadelphia Public Ledger, 14 Jan., 1912.] (126) The Pay for Periodical Writing. E.M., 12, Oct., 1844. [See also No. 138.] (127) Marginalia. Democratic Review, Nov., Dec., 1844. [See No. 42.] (128) Amelia Welby (review). Democratic Review, Dec., 1844. (129) Byron and MissChaworth. Columbian Magazine, Dec., 1844. (130) A Chapter of Suggestions. The Opal for 1845. [See No. 42.] (131) Mrs. Browning’s The Drama of Exile, and Other Poems (review). B. J., 4, 11 Jan., 1845. (132) Does the Drama of the Day Deserve Support? E. M., 9 Jan., 1845. [Rptd. in Marginalia of July, 1846.] (133) Longfellow’s Waif. E. M., 13, 14 Jan., 1845. (134) Nature and Art. E. M., 17 Jan., 1845. (135) Lowell’s Conversations. B. J., 18 Jan., 1845. (136) American Prose Writers.… N. P. Willis. B. J., 18 Jan., 1845. (137) American Diffuseness—Objectionable Concision. E. M., 22 Jan., 1845. (138) Pay of American Authors. E. M., 24 Jan., 1845. [The subject is continued, under the same or a similar title, in E. M., 25, 27, 31 Jan., 1845. See also No. 126.] (139) Increase of Poetical Heresy. E. M., 3 Feb., 1845. [In part, a reprint of No. 123.] (140) Why not Try a Mineralized Pavement? E. M., 8 Feb., 1845. [See No. 156.] (141) Poems by Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer (review). B. J., 8 Feb., 1845. (142) Imitation—Plagiarism. E. M., 15 Feb., 1845. (143) Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison House. B. J., 15 Feb., 1845. (144) Imitation—Plagiarism—Mr. Poe’s Reply to the Letter of Outis—A Large Account of a Small Matter—A Voluminous History of the Little Longfellow War. B. J., 8 Mar., 1845. (145) Satirical Poems (review of Benjamin’s Infatuation). B. J., 15 Mar., 1845. (146) A Continuation of the Voluminous History of the Little Longfellow War—Mr. Poe’s Farther Reply to the Letter of Outis. B. J., 15 Mar., 1845. (147) More of the Voluminous History of the Little Longfellow War—Mr. Poe’s Third Chapter of Reply to the Letter of Outis. B. J., 22 Mar., 1845. (148) Imitation—Plagiarism—The Conclusion of Mr. Poe’s Reply to the Letter of Outis. B. J., 29 Mar., 1845. (149) The New Comedy by Mrs. Mowatt. B. J., 29 Mar., 1845. (150) Newnham’s Human Magnetism (review). B. J., 5 Apr., 1845. (151) Plagiarism—Imitation—Postscript to Mr. Poe’s Reply to the Letter of Outis. B. J., 5 Apr., 1845. (152) Prospects of the Drama.—Mrs. Mowatt’s Comedy. B. J., 5 Apr., 1845. (153) Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (review). B. J., 12 Apr., 1845. [Rptd. in revised and enlarged form in S. L. M., May, 1845.] (154) Anastatic Printing. B. J., 12 Apr., 1845. (155) The Antigone at Palmo’s. B. J., 12 Apr., 1845. (156) Street-Paving. B. J., 19 Apr., 1845. [In part, a reprint of No. 140.] (157) Achilles’ Wrath. B. J., 19 Apr., 1845. (158) Lord’s Poems (review). B. J., 24 May, 1845. (159) Plato Contra Atheos (review). B. J., 21 June, 1845. (160) Hirst’s The Coming of the Mammoth (review). B. J., 12 July, 1845. (161) The Drama (comments on the acting of Mrs. Mowatt). B. J., 19 July, 1845. [Also similar notices of Mrs. Mowatt’s acting in B. J., 26 July and 2 Aug., 1845.] (162) Hoyt’s The Chaunt of Life and Other Poems (review). B. J., 26 July, 1845. (163) The American Drama. A. W. R., Aug., 1845. (164) Marginal Notes. G. L. B., Aug., 1845. [See No. 42.] (165) Chivers’s The Lost Pleiad; and Other Poems (review). B. J., 2 Aug., 1845. (166) Wiley and Putnam’s Library of Choice Reading.… Thomas Hood (review). B. J., 9 Aug., 1845. [Also two other notices of Hood in B. J., 23, 30 Aug., 1845.] (167) Hazlitt’s Characters of Shakespeare (review). B. J., 16 Aug., 1845. (168) The Poetical Writings of Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes Smith (review). B. J., 23 Aug., 1845. (169) Editorial Miscellany. B. J., 23 Aug., 1845. (170) Hunt’s The Indicator and Companion (review). B. J., 30 Aug., 1845. (171) Marginal Notes. G. L. B., Sept., 1845. [See No. 42.] (172) Wilson’s Genius and Character of Burns (review). B. J., 6 Sept., 1845. (173) Festus: A Poem by Philip James Bailey (review). B. J., 6 Sept., 1845. (174) The Prose Works of John Milton, with a Biographical Introduction by Rufus Wilmot Griswold (review). B. J., 27 Sept., 1845. (175) Big Abel and the Little Manhattan (review). B. J., 27 Sept., 1845. [Rptd. in enlargedform in G. L. B., Nov., 1845.] (176) Simms’s The Wigwam and the Cabin (review). B. J., 4 Oct., 1845. [Rptd. in revised and enlarged form in G. L. B., Jan., 1846.] (177) Editorial Miscellany [containing an attack on Christopher North]. B. J.,II Oct., 1845. (178) Boston and the Bostonians [in Editorial Miscellany]. B. J.,I, 22 Nov., 1845. (179) Von Raumer’s America and the American People (review). B. J., 29 Nov., 1845. (180) Poems. By Frances S. Osgood (review). B. J., 13 Dec., 1845. (181) Editorial Miscellany. B. J., 13 Dec., 1845. (182) Valedictory [as editor of the Broadway Journal]. B. J., 3 Jan., 1846. (183) Mrs. Hewitt’s The Songs of Our Land, and Other Poems (review). G. L. B., Feb., 1846. (184) Mrs. Osgood’s Wreath of Wild Flowers from New England, and Poems (review). G. L. B., Mar., 1846. (185) Marginalia. G. M., Mar., 1846. [See No. 42.] (186) Marginalia. Democratic Review, Apr., 1846. (187) The Philosophy of Composition. G. M., Apr., 1846. (188) William Cullen Bryant (review). G. L. B., Apr., 1846. (189) The Literati [in six instalments]. G. L. B., May-Oct., 1846. (190) Marginalia. Democratic Review, July, 1846. [See No. 42.] (191) Mr. Poe’s Reply to Mr. English and Others. [Philadelphia] Spirit of the Times, 10 July, 1846. (192) Marginalia. G. M., Nov. and Dec., 1846. [See No. 42.] (193) Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales, and Mosses from an Old Manse (review). G. L. B., Nov., 1847. (194) Marginalia. G. M., Jan. and Feb., 1848. [See No. 42.] (195) The Literati of New York. S. Anna Lewis. Democratic Review, Aug., 1848. [See No. 189.] (196) Mrs. Lewis’s Poems (review). S. L. M., Sept., 1848. (197) The Rationale of Verse. S. L. M., Oct. and Nov., 1848. (198) Griswold’s The Female Poets of America (review). S. L. M., Feb., 1849. (199) Lowell’s A Fable for Critics (review). S. L. M., Mar., 1849. (200) Mrs. Lewis’ Poems (review). Western Quarterly Review, Apr., 1849. (201) Fifty Suggestions. G. M., May, June, 1849. [See No. 42.] (202) Marginalia. S. L. M., Apr.-Sept., 1849. [See No. 42.] (203) Frances Sargent Osgood (review). S. L. M., Aug., 1849. (204) About Critics and Criticism. G. M., Jan., 1850. (205) The Poetic Principle. Home Journal, 31 Aug., 1850. (206) Headley’s The Sacred Mountains (review). S. L. M., Oct., 1850. (207) Henry B. Hirst (review of his poems). Griswold, vol.III., 1850. [Rptd. in part from No. 160.] (208) Estelle Anna Lewis. Griswold, vol.III., 1850. [Rptd. in part from No. 198.] (209) Addenda to Eureka. Poe’s Works, ed. Stedman and Woodberry, vol.IX., pp. 293 f. (210) Introduction of The Tales of the Folio Club. Poe’s Works, ed. Harrison, J. A., vol.II, pp.XXXVI f. - In the foregoing list, only the more important and more representative of Poe’s book-reviews are included. A complete list of his reviews and book-notices would embrace several hundred additional items. In each of the foregoing lists an effort has been made to exclude all items of doubtful authenticity.
- V. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - See also the introductions to the editions of Poe’s writings listed in I.
- Alarcón, P. A. de. Juicios literarios y artísticos. Madrid, 1883.
- Alfriend, E. M. Unpublished Recollections of Edgar Allan Poe. Literary Era, August, 1901.
- Arnould, A. Edgard Poe, L’Homme, l’Artiste et luvre. Revue Moderne, 1 Apr., 1 June, 1 July, 1865.
- Baird, W. Edgar Allan Poe. New Eclectic Magazine, Aug., 1874.
- Baker, H. T. Coleridge’s Influence on Poe’s Poetry. Modern Language Notes, Mar., 1910.
- Baldwin, S. The Æsthetic Theory of Poe. Sewanee Review, Apr., 1918.
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, J. Littérature Étrangère. Paris, 1891.
- Barine, A. (Mme. C. Vincens). Essais de Littérature pathologique. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 July, 1 Aug., 1897. Rptd. in Poètes et Névrosés, Paris, 1908.
- Baudelaire, C. Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses œuvres, in Histoires Extraordinaires par Edgar Poe. Paris, 1856.
- —— Notes Nouvelles, sur Edgar Poe, in Nouvelles Histories Extraordinaires par Edgar Poe. Paris, 1857.
- Belden, H. M. Poe’s Criticism of Hawthorne. Anglia, Oct., 1900.
- Benton, J. In the Poe Circle. [1899].
- Bentzon, Th. [Mme. Blanc]. Les Poètes Américains. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 May, 1886.
- Betz, L.P. Edgar Poe in der französischen Litteratur. In Studien zur vergleichenden Litteraturgeschichte der neueren Zeit, pp. 16–82. Frankfurt, 1902.
- —— Edgar Poe in Deutschland. Die Zeit, Apr., 1905.
- Bewley, E. T. The Origin and Early History of the Family of Poë or Poe. Dublin, 1906.
- Bixby, W. K. Some E. A. Poe Letters. St. Louis, 1915.
- Bond, F. D. Poe as an Evolutionist. Popular Science Monthly, Sept., 1907.
- Bowen, E. W. Poe Fifty Years After. Forum, June, 1901.
- Boyd, A. H. K. Critical Essays of a Country Parson. London, 1867.
- Briggs, C. F. The Personality of Poe. Independent, 13 Dec., 1877.
- Browne, W. H. Poe’s ‘Eureka,’ and Recent Scientific Speculations. New Eclectic Magazine, Aug., 1869.
- —— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Southern Magazine, June, 1875.
- Brownell, W. C. The Distinction of Poe’s Genius. Scribner’s Magazine, Jan., 1909. In American Prose Masters. 1909.
- Bruce, P.A. Background of Poe’s University Life. South Atlantic Quarterly, July, 1911.
- —— Was Poe a Drunkard? South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan., 1912.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe and Mrs. Whitman. South Atlantic Quarterly, Apr., 1913.
- —— Certain Literary Aspects of Poe. Sewanee Review, Jan., 1914.
- Buchholz, H. E. [Editor]. Edgar Allan Poe: A Centenary Tribute [a volume containing articles and poems, by Trent, W. P., Huckel, O., Poe, J. P., Reese, L. W., and Wrenshall, Mrs. J. C.]. Baltimore, 1910.
- Burr, C. C. Character of Edgar A. Poe. Nineteenth Century, Feb., 1852.
- Burroughs, J. Mr. Gosse’s Puzzle over Poe. Dial, 16 Oct., 1893.
- Cairns, W. B. Some Notes on Poe’s “Al Aaraaf.” Modern Philology, May, 1915.
- Campbell, K. Poe’s Indebtedness to Byron. Nation, 11 Mar., 1909.
- —— Poe and the Southern Literary Messenger in 1837. Nation, 1 July, 1909.
- —— Bibliographical Notes on Poe. Nation, 23, 30 Dec., 1909, and 19 Oct., 1911.
- —— Poe Documents in the Library of Congress. Modern Language Notes, Apr., 1910.
- —— The Source of Poe’s Some Words with a Mummy. Nation, 23 June, 1910.
- —— Some Unpublished Documents Relating to Poe’s Early Years. Sewanee Review, Apr., 1912.
- —— The Poe Canon. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Sept., 1912.
- —— Miscellaneous Notes on Poe. Modern Language Notes, Mar., 1913.
- —— New Notes on Poe’s Early Years. Dial, 17 Feb., 1916.
- —— Gleanings in the Bibliography of Poe. Modern Language Notes, May, 1917.
- Canby, H. S. The Short Story in English. Pp. 227–245. 1909.
- Carter, H. H. Some Aspects of Poe’s Poetry. Arena, March, 1907.
- Chase, L. N. Poe and his Poetry. London, 1913.
- —— John Bransby, Poe’s Schoolmaster. Athenaeum, May, 1916.
- —— Poe’s First London School. Dial, 11 May, 1916.
- [Chivers, T. H.] Origin of Poe’s “Raven.” Waverley Ma˙gazine, 30 July, 1853.
- Clarke, T. C. The Late N.P. Willis, and Literary Men Forty Years Ago. Newark Northern Monthly Magazine, Jan., 1868.
- Cobb, P. The Influence of E. T. A. Hoffmann on the Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. Chapel Hill (N. C.), 1908.
- —— Poe and Hoffmann. South Atlantic Quarterly, Jan., 1909.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Spielhagen. Their Theory of the Short Story. Modern Language Notes, Mar., 1910.
- Cody, S. The Best Poems and Essays of Edgar Allan Poe [with a Biographical Study]. Chicago, 1903.
- —— Poe as a Critic. Putnam’s Monthly, Jan., 1909.
- Collins, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Criticism. Pp. 42–45. London, 1905.
- Cooke, P. P. Edgar A. Poe. Southern Literary Messenger, Jan., 1848.
- Curwen H. Sorrow and Song: Studies of Literary Struggle. London, 1875.
- Culter, S. P. Poe’s “Eureka” Reconsidered. New Eclectic Magazine, Nov., 1869.
- Dailey, C. F., and Harrison, J. A. Poe and Mrs. Whitman. Century Magazine, Jan., 1909.
- [Daniel, J. M.] Edgar Allan Poe. Southern Literary Messenger, Mar., 1850.
- [Davidson, J. W.] Edgar A. Poe. Russell’s Magazine, Nov., 1857.
- Didier, E. L. An Early Poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Scribner’s Monthly, Sept., 1875.
- —— The Life and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. 1877. Revised ed., 1879.
- —— The Poe Cult and Other Poe Papers. 1909.
- Dole, N. H. Introduction to The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Centenary Edition, Akron, O. [1908].
- Douglas, N. Edgar Allan Poe from an English Point of View. Putnam’s Monthly, Jan., 1909.
- Douglass-Lithgow, R. A. Poe’s Vindication, The Individuality of Edgar Allan Poe. Boston, 1911.
- Edgar A. Poe [anon.]. London Critic, Feb., 1854. Rptd. in Southern Literary Messenger, Apr., 1854.
- Edgar Allan Poe [anon.]. Edinburgh Review, Apr., 1858.
- Edgar Allan Poe [anon.]. Edinburgh Review, Jan., 1910.
- Ellis, T. H. Edgar Allan Poe. Richmond Standard, 7 May, 1881.
- English, T. D. Reminiscences of Poe. Independent, 15, 22, 29 Oct., 5 Nov., 1896.
- Ewers, H. H. Edgar Allan Poe. Die Dichtung, vol. xlii., Berlin, n. d. [1905]. Rptd. in English translation by Lewisohn, A., 1917.
- Fairfield, F. G. A Mad Man of Letters. Scribner’s Monthly, Oct., 1875.
- Ferguson, J. D. American Literature in Spain. Pp. 55–86, 229–236. 1916.
- Fletcher, J. B. Poe, Hawthorne, and Morality. Harvard Monthly, Feb., 1887.
- Forgues, E. D. Les Contes D’Edgar A. Poe. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 Oct., 1846.
- [Forster, J.] American Poetry. Foreign Quarterly Review, Jan., 1844.
- French, J. C. Poe and the Baltimore Saturday Visiter. Modern Language Notes, May, 1918.
- Fruit, J. P. The Mind and Art of Poe’s Poetry. 1899.
- Gates, L. E. Studies and Appreciations. Pp. 110–128. 1900.
- Gautier, T. Notice of Baudelaire prefixed to Les Fleurs du Mal. Paris, 1868.
- Gibson, T. W. Poe at West Point. Harper’s Monthly. Nov., 1867.
- Gilfillan, G. A Third Gallery of Poets. Pp. 374–388. Edinburgh, 1854.
- Gill, W. F. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe. 1877.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe—after Fifty Years. Arena, Oct., 1899.
- Gosse, W. E. Questions at Issue. Pp. 88–90. London, 1893.
- —— The Centenary of Poe. Fortnightly Review, Feb., 1909.
- Gourmont, R. de. Marginalia sur Edgar Poe et sur Baudelaire. Promenades littéraires, 1st series. Paris, 1904.
- [Gove-Nichols, Mrs. M.] Six Penny Magazine, Feb., 1863. Rptd. in Woodberry’s Life of Poe, II, pp. 213 f., 218 f., 432 f.
- Graham, G. R. The Late Edgar Allan Poe. Graham’s Magazine, Mar., 1850.
- —— The Genius and Characteristics of the late Edgar Allan Poe. Graham’s Magazine, Feb., 1854.
- Graves, C. M. Landmarks of Poe in Richmond. Century Magazine, Apr., 1904.
- Griswold, R.W. Death of Edgar A. Poe [signed Ludwig]. New York Tribune, 9 Oct., 1849. Rptd. in the Stedman-Woodberry and Harrison editions of Poe.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe. International Monthly Magazine, Oct., 1850. Also published as Memoir in Griswold’s Edition of Poe’s Works.
- Griswold, W. M. [Editor]. Passages from the Correspondence and Other Papers of Rufus W. Griswold. Cambridge, 1898.
- Gruener, G. Notes on the Influence of E. T. A. Hoffmann upon Edgar Allan Poe. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Jan., 1904.
- —— Poe’s Knowledge of German. Modern Philology, June, 1904.
- Gündel, E. Edgar Allan Poe: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Würdigung des Dichters. Freiburg, 1895.
- Guerra, A. El centenario de Edgard Allan Poe. España Moderna, Apr., 1909.
- Hale, E. E., Jr. Introduction to Stories and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe. [1904.]
- Hannay, D. Edgar Allan Poe. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911.
- Hannay, J. [Editor]. The Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. London, [1852].
- Hansson, O. Tolke og Seere. Kristiania, 1893.
- Harrison, J. A. New Glimpses of Poe. Independent, 6 Sept., 1900. Rptd., with other items, as a separate work. 1901.
- —— A Poe Miscellany. Independent, 1 Nov., 1906.
- —— [Editor]. The Last Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to Sarah Helen Whitman. 1909.
- —— and Dailey, C.F. Poe and Mrs. Whitman. Century Magazine, January, 1909.
- Hearn, L. Interpretations of Literature. Ed. Erskine, J. Vol.
II., pp. 150–166. 1916. - Hennequin, E. Vie d’Edgar Allan Poe, in Contes Grotesques par Edgar Poe, 4th édition. Paris, 1882.
- —— Les Écrivains francisés. Paris, 1889. (First published in Revue Contemporaine, 25 Jan., 1885.)
- [Higginson, T. W.] Recent Works on Edgar Poe. Nation, 18 Nov., 1880.
- —— Short Studies of American Authors. Boston, 1879.
- Hippe, F. Edgar Allan Poe’s Lyrik in Deutschland. Münster, 1913.
- Hirst, H. B. Edgar A. Poe. Philadelphia Saturday Museum, 25 Feb., 1843. [Rptd. 4 Mar., 1843.]
- Howard, W. L. Poe and his Misunderstood Personality. Arena, Jan., 1904.
- Hughes, W. L. Preface of Contes inédits d’Edgar Poe. Paris, [1862].
- Hunter, W. E. Poe and his English Schoolmaster. Athenaeum, 19 Oct., 1878.
- Hutton, E. Introduction to The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. London, 1906.
- Hutton, R. H. Criticisms on Contemporary Thought and Thinkers, vol. 1., pp. 59–68. London, 1900.
- Ingram, J. H. Edgar Allan Poe. Temple Bar, June, 1874.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe. International Review, March, 1875.
- —— Poe’s Politian. Southern Magazine, Nov., 1875.
- —— The Unknown Poetry of Edgar Poe. Belgravia, June, 1876.
- —— Unpublished Correspondence of Edgar A. Poe. Appleton’s Journal, May, 1878.
- —— Edgar Poe’s “Raven.” Athenaeum, 17 Aug., 1878.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions. 2 vols. London, 1880. Also
I vol., London, 1884, etc. - —— The Raven.… With Literary and Historical Commentary. London, 1885.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe and ‘Stella.’ Albany Review, July, 1907.
- —— Edgar Poe and Some of his Friends. Bookman [London], Jan., 1909.
- —— Edgar Allan Poe’s Lost Poem, The Beautiful Physician. Bookman, Jan., 1909.
- —— Variations in Edgar Poe’s Poetry. Bibliophile, May, 1909.
- January, J. P. Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Child Wife.’ With an Unpublished Acrostic by Her to Her Husband. Century Magazine, Oct., 1909.
- [Japp, A. H.] Edgar Allan Poe. British Quarterly Review, July, 1875.
- Johnson, R. B. Introduction to The Complete Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe. London, 1909.
- Joyce, J. A. Edgar Allan Poe. n. d. [1901].
- Just, W. Die Romantische Bewegung in der Amerikanischen Literatur: Brown, Poe, Hawthorne. Berlin, 1910.
- Kent, C. W. Poe’s Student Days at the University of Virginia. Bookman, July, 1901. [Also in Bookman, Jan., 1917.]
- —— The Unveiling of the Bust of Edgar Allan Poe in the Library of the University of Virginia, October the Seventh, 1899. Lynchburg, n. d. [1901].
- —— Introduction to Vol.
VII. of the Virginia Poe. - —— Introduction to Poems by Edgar Allan Poe. 1903.
- —— and Patton, J. S. The Book of the Poe Centenary. A Record of the Exercises at the University of Virginia, January 16–19, 1909, in Commemoration of the One Hundredth Birthday of Edgar Allan Poe. University of Virginia, 1909.
- Kern, A.A. News for Bibliophiles. Nation, 23 Oct., 1913.
- Landa, N. Preface to Historias extraordinarias por Edgardo Poe. Madrid, 1858.
- Lang, A. The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, with an Essay on his Poetry. London, 1892.
- —— Letters to Dead Authors. London, 1886.
- Lathrop, G. P. Poe, Irving, Hawthorne. Scribner’s Monthly, Apr., 1876.
- Latimer, G. D. The Tales of Poe and Hawthorne. New England Magazíne, Aug., 1904.
- Latrobe, J. H. B. Reminiscences of Poe. Edgar Allan Poe, etc., ed. Rice, Miss S. S., pp. 57–62, 1877.
- Lauvrière, E. Edgar Poe. Sa vie et son œuvre. Paris, 1904.
- —— Edgar Poe. In Les Grands Écrivains Étrangers. Paris, 1911.
- Legler, H. E. Poe’s Raven: Its Origin and Genesis. Wausau, Wisconsin, 1907.
- Leigh, O. Edgar Allan Poe. Chicago, 1906.
- Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, 1845–49 [Letters of Poe to Duyckinck, E. A.]. Bulletin of New York Public Library, Jan., 1902.
- Lowell, J. R. Edgar Allan Poe. Graham’s Magazine, Feb., 1845. Rptd. in the Griswold, Harrison, and Stedman-Woodberry editions of Poe’s works.
- Mabie, H. W. Edgar Allan Poe. Outlook, 6 May, 1899.
- —— Poe’s Place in American Literature. Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 1899. Also in the Unveiling of the Bust of Edgar Allan Poe in the Library of the University of Virginia, and in Vol.
II of the Virginia Poe. - Macy, J. Edgar Allan Poe. Beacon Biographies. Boston, 1907.
- —— The Fame of Poe. Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 1908.
- —— The Spirit of American Literature. 1913.
- Mallarmé, S. Notes sur les Poèmes. Les Poèmes d’Edgar Poe. Brussels, 1888; Paris, 1889.
- Markham, E. The Art and Genius of Poe. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Cameo Edition, vol. 1, 1904. Rptd. as The Poetry of Poe, Arena, Aug., 1904.
- Matthews, B. Poe and the Detective Story. Scribner’s Magazine, Sept., 1907. Rptd. in Inquiries and Opinions. 1907.
- —— Poe’s Cosmopolitan Fame. Century, Dec., 1910. Rptd. in Gateways to Literature. 1912.
- Mauclair, C. Edgar Poe idéologue. La Quinzaine, 1 Jan., 1898. Rptd. in L’art en silence. Paris, 1901.
- Maudsley, H. Edgar Allan Poe. American Journal of Insanity, Oct., 1860.
- Maulsby, D. L. The Renaissance of Poe. Dial, 1 March, 1895.
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