The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- I. C
OLLECTED WORKS - Speeches and Forensic Arguments.… Boston, 1830. 2d vol., 1835. 3d vol. 1843. 8th ed., 1843.
- Diplomatic and Official Papers.… 1848.
- The Works of Daniel Webster … [also called Speeches, Forensic Arguments and Diplomatic Papers of Daniel Webster]. With a Notice of his Life and Works by Edward Everett. Boston.… 1851. 6 vols. 11th ed., 1858.
- The Writings and Speeches of Daniel Webster.… National Edition.… Boston … 1903. 18 vols. [Ed. McIntyre, J. W. Memoir by Everett, Edward; with additions by Everett, William. Much matter hitherto uncollected.]
- II. S
ELECTIONS - Beauties of Webster; selected and arranged with a critical essay by J. Rees. 1839. London, 1840.
- The Bunker Hill Speeches of Daniel Webster.… Boston, 1846.
- Calhoun and Webster. … Speeches on the Subject of Slavery. … 1850.
- Great Orations and Senatorial Speech.… Rochester, 1853. London, 1853.
- The Constitutional Text Book; containing Selections from the Writings of Daniel Webster.… New York and Boston, 1854.
- Daniel Webster and his Masterpieces. Ed. Tefft, B. F. 1854. 2 vols. in 1. Philadelphia, 1880, 1886. New York, 1902 (Home Library).
- The Union Text Book. Philadelphia, 1860.
- Daniel Webster on Slavery.… Boston, 1861.
- Great Speeches and Orations … with an Essay on Daniel Webster as a Master of English Style by E. P. Whipple. Boston, 1879, 1884, 1899, 1902, 1906. Lon., 1879.
- The Wisdom and Eloquence of Daniel Webster. Compiled by Collie L. Bonney. 1886.
- Select Speeches.… 1817–1845. Ed. George, A. J. Boston, 1893.
- Daniel Webster on Protection.… [Compiled by Wood, W. C.] Boston, 1894.
- Constitutional Doctrines of Webster, Hayne and Calhoun. 1896. [American History Leaflets, no. 30, Nov., 1896.]
- Little Masterpieces. Webster: Representative Speeches. 1898. Ed. Perry, Bliss.
- Noted Speeches of Webster [et al.] Ed. Briggs, Lilian Marie. 1912.
- III. S
EPARATE PUBLICATIONS - [For a chronological list of Webster’s speeches and writings, see vol. 18 of the National Edition of his works; see also various vols. of the same edition for pieces still in manuscript, legal documents, important letters on public affairs, abstracts of speeches in contemporary periodicals, and reports of speeches in the Congressional Record. The following is a Chronological list of separate publications only.]
- An Oration, Pronounced at Hanover, New-Hampshire, the 4th Day of July, 1800.… Hanover … 1800. [Reprinted in The Granite Monthly, Concord, N. H., 1884, and in The Bay State Monthly, Boston, 1884.]
- An Appeal to the Old Whigs of New Hampshire. [?] 1805.
- A Funeral Oration, Occasioned by the Death of Ephraim Simonds, of Templeton, Massachusetts.… Hanover … 1801. Hanover, 1855.
- An Anniversary Address Delivered before the Federal Gentlemen of Concord and its Vicinity, July 4, 1806. Concord, 1806.
- Considerations on the Embargo Laws. [Boston, 1808.]
- An Address delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society, at Portsmouth, July 4, 1812.… Portsmouth, N. H.… [1812.]
- Speech … Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States on the 14th January, 1814, on a Bill, Making further Provision for Filling the Ranks of the Regular Army.… Keene, N. H., 1814. Alexandria, 1814.
- A Memorial to … Congress … on the Subject of Restraining the Increase of Slavery in the New States to be Admitted into the Union. Boston, 1819. [Partly by Webster.]
- Report of the Committee of Merchants and Others of Boston on the Tariff, October 2, 1820. [Resolution by Webster.] Boston, 1820.
- Discourse Delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820; in Commemoration of the First Settlement of New England. Boston, 1821. 4th ed., 1826.
- Report upon the Constitutional Rights and Privileges of Harvard College. … [Cambridge] … 1821.
- Mr. Webster’s Speech on the Greek Revolution. Boston, 1824. Washington, 1824.
- Speech upon the Tariff, Delivered in the House of Representatives … April, 1824. Washington, 1824. Boston, 1824.
- Address Delivered at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. Boston, 1825. 5th ed. 1825. Discurso pronunciado al poner la Piedra Angular del monumento de Bunker-Hill … Traducido por J. M. Heredia. Nueva-York … 1825.
- Speech … on the Panama Mission. Delivered on the 14th April, 1826. Washington, 1826.
- Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, August 2, 1826. Boston, 1826.
- Speech on the Subject of the Public Lands … Delivered in the Senate … January 20, 1830. Washington, 1830.
- Speech in Reply to Mr. Hayne … upon the Resolution … relative to the Public Lands … Delivered in the Senate, January 26, 1830. Washington, 1830. New York, 1830, 1861. Under different title, Cincinnati, 1830, Boston, 1830, Hartford, 1830, Philadelphia, 1858.
- Speeches of Messrs. Webster, Frelinghuysen and others at the Sunday School Meeting in … Washington, February 16, 1831. Philadelphia, 1831.
- Mr. Webster’s Speeches in the Senate, upon the Question of Renewing the Charter of the Bank of the United States … May 25 and 28, 1832. Washington, 1832.
- Mr. Webster’s Speech in the Senate of the United States on the President’s Veto of the Bank Bill, July 11, 1832. Washington, 1832. Boston, 1832.
- Speech … at the National Republican Convention in Worcester, October, 12, 1832. Boston, 1832.
- Speech in the Senate, in Reply to Mr. Calhoun’s Speech on the Bill “Further to provide for the collection of duties on imports”; Delivered on the 16th of February 1833. Washington, 1833. New York, 1860, 1861.
- Address to the Citizens of Pittsburgh … July 9, 1833. Boston, 1833.
- Remarks … on the Removal of the Deposits, and on the Subject of a National bank; Delivered in the Senate … January, 1834. Washington, 1834.
- —— Report on the Removal of the Deposits … on the 5. of February, 1834. Washington, 1834.
- Remarks … on Different Occasions on the Removing of the Deposits and on the Subject of a National Bank, Delivered in the Senate… January and February, 1834. Washington, 1834.
- Speech … on Moving for Leave to Introduce a Bill to Continue the Bank of the United States for 6 years, Delivered in the Senate … March 18, 1834. Washington, 1834.
- Mr. Webster’s Speech on the President’s Protest, Delivered in the Senate … May 7, 1834. Washington, 1834.
- Speech … on the Bill Granting Indemnity to Citizens of the United States for French Spoliations on American Commerce, prior to 1800, in the Senate … January 12, 1835. Washington, 1835.
- Speech … in the Senate … January 14, 1836, on Mr. Benton’s Resolutions … Boston, 1836. Washington, 1836.
- Speech … on Introducing his Proposition for the Distribution of the Surplus Revenue, in the Senate, May 31, 1836. Washington, 1836.
- Mr. Webster’s Speech on Mr. Ewing’s Resolution … Delivered in the Senate. … December 21, 1836. Washington, 1837.
- Speech Delivered … at Niblo’s Saloon.… N. Y.… 15 March, 1837. [New York, 1837.]
- Speeches of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster in the Senate … September 25, 1837, on the Sub-Treasury Bill. Norwich, Conn. [1837.]
- Mr. Webster’s Speech on the Currency and on the New Plan for Collecting and Keeping the Public Moneys; Delivered in the Senate … December 21, 1836. Washington, 1837.
- Mr. Webster’s Remarks on the Pre-emption Bill. Delivered in the Senate… January 29, 1838. [Washington, 1838.]
- Speech … on the Sub-treasury bill … Senate … January 31, 1838. Washington, 1838.
- —— Second Speech on the Sub-treasury bill … March 12, 1838. Washington, 1838. New York, 1838. Boston, 1858.
- —— Speech in Answer to Mr. Calhoun, March 22, 1838. Washington, 1838. Boston, 1838, 1858.
- —— Remarks … on the … Resolution, Moved by Mr. Clay, as a Substitute for the 5th of Mr. Calhoun’s Resolutions. … Washington, 1838.
- Report of the Agricultural Meeting held in Boston, January 13, 1840, Containing the Remarks … of the Hon. Daniel Webster.… Salem, 1840.
- Speech … at the Great Mass Meeting at Saratoga, New York, on the 19th August, 1840. [Nashville, Tennessee, 1840.]
- … Speech … at the Merchant’s Meeting, in Wall Street, N. Y., September 28, 1840. New York, 1840.
- Speech … at the Convention at Richmond, Va.… October 5, 1840. New York, 1840.
- Remarks upon that Part of the President’s Message which Relates to the Revenue and Finances… Senate.… December 16 and 17, 1840. Washington, 1840.
- Remarks of Mr. Webster and Mr. Wright on the President’s Message.… Washington, 1840.
- The Creole Case, and Mr. Webster’s Despatch.… 1842.
- Correspondence between Mr. Webster and Lord Ashburton.… [Washington, 1842.]
- Reception of Mr. Webster at Boston, September 30, 1842. With his Speech.… Boston, 1842.
- Speech Delivered at the Dinner Given to Mr. Webster by the Merchants of Baltimore on Thursday, May 18, 1843. 1843.
- An Address Delivered at the Completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1843. Boston, 1843. [With the first Bunker Hill Oration.] Under different titles by several printers the same year.
- Mr. Webster’s Address at Andover, November 9, 1843. Boston, 1843.
- A Memoir on the North-eastern Boundary … together with a Speech on the Same Subject by … Daniel Webster … Delivered at a Special Meeting of the New York Historical Society. 1843.
- … A Defence of the Christian Religion and of the Religious Instruction of the Young; Delivered in the Supreme Court February 10, 1844, in the Case of Stephen Girard’s Will.… 1844. [2 eds.] Washington, 1844.
- Speech … Delivered at the Great Whig Mass Convention.… Philadelphia … 1844. Philadelphia, 1844.
- Remarks at the Meeting of the Suffolk Bar on Moving the Resolutions Occasioned by the Death of Justice Story. Boston, 1845.
- Argument … in the Case of Charles F. Sibbald against the United States. Philadelphia, 1845.
- Argument … on behalf of the Boston and Lowell Railroad Company … Boston, 1845.
- … Vindication of the Treaty of Washington of 1842; in a Speech Delivered in the Senate … 6th and 7th April 1846. Washington, 1846.
- Speech … at the Dinner Given … by the Merchants and Other Citizens of Philadelphia, December 2, 1846. Washington, 1847. Philadelphia, 1847 [different title].
- … Speech in the … Senate March 23, 1848, upon the War with Mexico. Boston, 1848.
- Speech … on the Presidential Question.… Marshfield, Mass., September 1, 1848. [?] 1848.
- The Rhode Island Question. Mr. Webster’s Argument in the Supreme Court.… Washington, 1848.
- Speeches … Delivered at the Festival of the Sons of New Hampshire, in Boston, November 7th, 1849.… Boston.… 1849.
- Opinion … on the Florida Claims Arising under the … Treaty of 1819, between the United States and Spain. [New York?] 1849.
- Speech … on Mr. Clay’s Resolutions, Delivered in the Senate … March 7, 1850. Washington, 1850. Boston, 1850. Philadelphia, 1850, 1863 [different titles].
- Letter of Citizens of Newburyport to … Daniel Webster … to Make Known the Satisfaction … from the Perusal of the Speech … Delivered … in the Senate … on the 7th March, 1850, and Mr. Webster’s Reply. Newburyport, 1850. Washington, 1850.
- Remarks … in the Senate … June 17, 1850. Together with Mr. Webster’s Letter to Robert H. Gardiner, Esq. and Other Citizens of Maine. Washington, 1850.
- Speech … on the Compromise Bill, Delivered in the Senate … on the 17th day of July, 1850. Washington, 1850.
- Correspondence between Mr. Webster and his New Hampshire Neighbors. Washington.… 1850.
- [Speech at Syracuse. Pamphlet.] Mirror Office, New York, 1851.
- Speech to the Young Men of Albany, Wednesday, May 28, 1851. Albany, 1851. Washington, 1851.
- … Speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany, May 1851. [1851].
- Speeches … at Capon Springs, Virginia.… June 28, 1851. Washington, 1851.
- … Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Addition to the Capitol July 4th, 1851.… Washington.… 1851.
- Speeches Delivered at a Dinner Given to the Hon. Daniel Webster by the Reform Convention of Maryland. Washington, 1851.
- Speech … at the Celebration of the New York New England Society, December 23, 1850. Washington, 1851.
- The Austro-Hungarian Question; Correspondence between J. G. Huelsemann … and Webster. Washington … 1851. London, 1851 [different title].
- Address Delivered before the New York Historical Society, February 23, 1852. 1852. [On the Dignity and Importance of History.]
- Speech in the Great India Rubber Suit heard at Trenton, N. J., in March, 1852, in the Circuit Court.… 1852.
- Address Delivered in Faneuil Hall, May 22, 1852, at the Request of the City Council of Boston. Boston, 1852. [City Document No. 31.]
- Memorial of James Fenimore Cooper. 1852. [Contains a speech by Webster.]
- Newly discovered Fourth of July Oration; Delivered at Fryeburg, Maine, in … 1802.… Boston, 1882. Fryeburg, 1882.
- Speech [against Napoleon]. Century Magazine. Vol. 28, p. 469. [1895.]
- IV. C
ONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS - A. Monthly Anthology, Boston: (1) Original Criticism. First Canto of Terrible Tractoration. April, 1805. (2) Review of A Treatise Concerning Political Inquiry and the Liberty of the Press by Tunis Wortman. Oct., 1806. (3) Review of Johnson’s New York Supreme Court Reports, vol. i, part 1. April, 1807. (4) The French Language. Dec., 1807. (5) Review of An Elementary Treatise on Pleading in Civil Action by Edward Lawes. 1808.
- B. North American Review: (1) Review of Extraordinary Red Book, London, 1816. Dec., 1816. (2) Review of (a) An Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill by H. Dearborn (b) A Letter to Major-General Dearborn by Daniel Putnam. July, 1818. (3) Review of Wheaton’s Supreme Court Reports, vol. 3. Dec., 1818. (4) Examination of some Remarks in the Quarterly Review on the Laws of Creditor and Debtor in the United States. July, 1820.
- C. National Intelligencer: (1) The Supreme Court. 1 Mar., 1836. (2) Results of the Session. 6 Mar., 1837. (3) Remarks on the Fiscal Banks. 15 June, 1841. (4) On the Proposed Fiscal Banks. 16 June, 1841. (5) The Proposed Fiscal Banks. 17 June, 1841. (6) The English Mission. 15 July, 1841. (7) The British Special Mission. 1 Mar., 1842. (8) The Boundary Maps. 27 Feb., 1843. (9) The Suppression of the Slave Trade. 25 Mar., 1843. (10) The Suppression of the Slave Trade. 27 April, 1843. (11) The Rejection of Mr. Henshaw. 18 Jan., 1844. (12) On the Vote of Spencer Jarnagin. 13 Mar., 1847. (13) The Question Settled. 10 Aug., 1850. (14) The Important Week. 26 Aug., 1850.
- D. The Madisonian: (1) The Ashburton Treaty. 2 Dec., 1842. (2) The Message. 3 Dec., 1842. (3) The Exchequer. 6 Dec., 1842.
- V. B
IOGRAPHY AND LETTERS - Anon. Personal Memorials of Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1851.
- —— Life of Daniel Webster.… Containing Numerous Anecdotes. Philadelphia, 1853.
- Banvard, Joseph. The American Statesman; or, Illustrations of the Life and Character of Daniel Webster; Designed for American Youth. Boston, 1853.
- —— Daniel Webster. Boston, 1875, 1884.
- Clark, L. G. [Life in] The Life, Eulogy, and Great Orations of Daniel Webster. Rochester, 1853.
- Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster. New York and London, 1870. 2 vols.
- —— The Last Years of Daniel Webster; a monograph. 1878.
- Everett, Edward. Biographical Memoir in the Works, I, 1–160, and in the Writings and Speeches, I, 1–175.
- Fisher, Sydney George. The True Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1911.
- Hapgood, Norman. Daniel Webster. Boston, 1899. (The Beacon Biographies.)
- Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1877, 1909.
- Katchenovsky, Dmitry Ivanovich. Daniel Webster, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Aperçu de l’histoire des États-Unis. Paris, 1858.
- —— Daniel Webster. Étude Biographique. Amérique et ses Hommes d’État. Bruxelles et Ostende, 1863.
- Knapp, Samuel L. Life of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1831.
- Lanman, Charles. Private Life of … Webster … 1852. London, 1852, 1853. Letters: The Letters of Daniel Webster, from Documents owned Principally by the New Hampshire Historical Society. Ed. Van Tyne, C. H. 1902.
- Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Ed. Webster, Fletcher. Boston, 1857. 2 vols.
- Correspondence with John Randolph. Magazine of American History, iv, 53 (1880).
- Early Letter of Daniel Webster’s. Putnam’s Magazine, Apr., 1910.
- Letters of Webster. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. II, 14, 398–414, 15, 270–8, 45, 159–65.
- Lodge, Henry Cabot. Daniel Webster. Boston and New York, 1883, 1899. (American Statesman series.)
- Lyman, S. P. Life and Memorials of Daniel Webster. 1853. 2 vols. 1855–1858. 3 vols.
- McCall, Samuel W. Daniel Webster. Boston and New York, 1902.
- McMaster, John Bach. Daniel Webster. 1902. Substantially from the Century Magazine, 39:103, 763, and 40:228, 719.
- March, C. W. Daniel Webster and His Contemporaries. 1852.
- —— Reminiscences of Congress. 1850. 6th ed., 1853.
- Ogg, Frederick Austin. Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1914. (American Crisis Biographies.) Bibliography, pp. 421–5.
- Paige, Mrs. Harriette Story (White). Daniel Webster in England. Boston and New York, 1917. Ed. Gray, Ed.
- Schmucker, S. M. Daniel Webster; Life, Speeches and Memorials. Phila., 1877.
- —— Life of Daniel Webster. 1905. (Franklin Series.)
- Tefft, B. F. Daniel Webster, His Life and Character. Rochester, 1852.
- —— Life of Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1880, 1886.
- Wheeler, E. P. Daniel Webster, the Expounder of the Constitution. 1905.
- VI. C
RITICISM, MEMORIALS, ETC. - [Only a selection from the numerous essays on Webster is possible here. For a complete list of the eulogies upon him at his death, see a Bulletin issued by the Philadelphia Mercantile Library, 1 July, 1883 (pp. 79–82): Bibliographia Websteriana; a list of the publications occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster, compiled by C. H. Hart.]
- [Adams, Charles Francis.] An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.… By a Whig of the Old School. Boston … 1835.
- Allen, I. Reminiscences of Webster and Sumner. Independent, 8 Feb. 1906.
- Allen, S. M. Vindication of Daniel Webster. New England Mag., 4, 509.
- —— Reminiscences of Webster. Century Mag., 7, 721.
- Anon. Daniel Webster and Anglo-American Statesmen. Living Age, 36, 299.
- —— Mr. Webster and his Revilers. From the National Intelligencer of April 24, 1841. Boston, 1841.
- Baldwin, James. Four Great Americans. 1897.
- Bassett, F. Reminiscences of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. New Eng. Hist. and Genealogical Register, 25, 375.
- Benton, Josiah H., Jr. A Notable Libel Case; the Criminal Prosecution of Theodore Lyman, Jr., by Daniel Webster.… Boston. … 1904.
- Bergen, Frank. Webster’s Work for the Union.… Newark, N. J., 1914.
- Boutwell, G. S. The Lawyer, the Statesman, and the Soldier. 1887.
- Brooks, Noah. Statesmen. 1893.
- Chamberlain, Mellen. [In] John Adams, the Statesman of the American Revolution. Boston 1898.
- —— A Glance at Daniel Webster. Century Mag., 24, 709.
- Chandler, W. E. The Daniel Webster Birth Place Celebration at Franklin, N. H. Aug. 28, 1913. Opening Address. Concord, N. H., 1913.
- Choate, Rufus. A Discourse Delivered before the Faculty, Students and Alumni of Dartmouth College … July 27, 1853. Boston and Cambridge, 1853.
- Cummings, T. H. [ed.] The Webster Centennial; Proceedings of the Webster Historical Society at Marshfield, Mass. October 12, 1852. Boston, 1852.
- Curtis, G. T. Webster as a Diplomatist. North American Rev., 68, 1.
- Davis, W. T. Memories of Daniel Webster in Public and Private Life. New Eng. Mag., 25, 187–209.
- Dickson, W. M. Union, Secession, and Abolition, as illustrated in the careers of Webster, Calhoun, and Sumner. Mag. Am. Hist., 18, 206.
- Dinsmore, L. J. Daniel Webster and the Growth of Constitutional Science. University Quarterly, 48, 424.
- Dyer, Oliver. Great Senators of the United States 40 years ago, 1848 and 1849. 1889.
- Elliott, E. G. Biographical Study of the Constitution. New York, London, 1910.
- Everett, Edward. Eulogy Delivered at the Dedication of the Statue of Daniel Webster, in Boston, Sept. 17, 1859. Boston, 1859.
- —— [Daniel Webster.] North American Review, 31, 462.
- —— Speeches of Daniel Webster. Ibid., 141, 231.
- Everett, William. Character of Webster. Cambridge, England, 1863.
- Fisher, G. P. Webster and Calhoun in the Debate of 1850. Scribner’s Mag., May, 1905.
- Fiske, John. Daniel Webster and the Sentiment of Union. [In] Essays Historical and Literary. Boston, 1902. Pp. 363–409.
- Goodell, Abner C. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. II, 15, 160–8.
- Gould, Elizabeth Porter. John Adams and Daniel Webster as Schoolmasters. [Introd. by Adams, Charles Francis.] Boston, 1903.
- Greene, G. W. Homes of American Statesmen.… By Various Writers. 1853.
- Hadley, S. P. Some Reminiscences of Daniel Webster. Lowell Hist. Soc. Contrib. I, no. 1, 140–154.
- Hale, E. E. [Character Sketch.] Outlook, 7 June, 1902.
- Hayward, W. M. [Eulogy in] The Life, Eulogy and Great Orations of Daniel Webster. Rochester, 1853.
- Hildreth, Richard. Despotism in America. Boston, 1840, 1854.
- Hilliard, H. W. Daniel Webster and the Constitution. Harper’s Mag., 54, 595. [Later in pamphlet form.]
- Hopkins, E. M. [ed.] Proceedings of the Webster Centennial … Hanover, N. H., 1902.
- Hoar, G. F. American Law Rev., 35, 801. Also in Scribner’s Mag., 26:74, 213.
- Hosmer, J. K. The Last Leaf. New York and London, 1912.
- Hudson, H. N. Webster Centennial. Boston, 1882.
- Hull, F. P. School Days of Webster. Arena, 17, 217.
- Jackson, M. M. Daniel Webster. Madison, Wis., 1885.
- Johnson, C. T. Daniel Webster and Old Oregon. Wash. Hist. Quar. II, 6–11.
- —— Lord Ashburton and Old Oregon. Ibid. I., 209–16.
- Johnson, S. Anecdotes of Webster. Harper’s Weekly, 11 March, 1905.
- King, Horatio. Turning on the Light. Philadelphia, 1895.
- —— An Hour with Webster. Mag. Am. Hist., 27, 455.
- Lamb, M. J. Daniel Webster, Unsuccessful Candidate for the Presidency. Mag. Am. Hist., 12, 481.
- Latrobe, J. H. B. Personal Recollections of Daniel Webster. Harper’s Mag., 64, 428.
- Lewis, W. D. Great American Lawyers. Vol.
III. Philadelphia, 1907. - McCall, S. W. Daniel Webster. Washington, 1913.
- —— Daniel Webster. Atlantic Monthly, 88, 600.
- McCulloch, H. Legal Abilities of Webster. Mag. Am. Hist., 26, 266.
- Magoon, E. L. Living Authors of America. 1849.
- Moercker, F. A. Daniel Webster der amerikanischer Staatsmann. Berlin, 1853.
- Neal, John. Blackwood’s Mag., 17, 203.
- Nesmith, J. W. Reminiscences of Webster. Bay State Monthly, 2, 252.
- Obituary Addresses on … the Death of … Daniel Webster … in the Senate and … House of Representatives … 14th and 15th Dec., 1852. Washington, 1853.
- Ogden, R. Daniel Webster and the War Spirit. Nation, 60, 141.
- Paige, Mrs. J. W. Daniel Webster in Europe. Granite Monthly, 3, 253.
- Parker, Joel. Daniel Webster as a Jurist. Cambridge, 1853.
- Parker, Theodore. Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853.
- Parton, James. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Boston, 1867. Pp. 53–112.
- —— Daniel Webster. North Am. Rev., 104, 65.
- Phillips, Wendell. Review of Webster’s Speeches on Slavery. Boston, 1850.
- Pillsbury, Albert E. Daniel Webster the Orator. Boston, 1903.
- Pivany, Eugene. Webster and Kossuth; a Discourse on the Relations of Daniel Webster and Louis Kossuth. Philadelphia, 1909.
- Proceedings at the Inauguration of the Statue of … Webster, Erected in the Central Park, N. Y., July 4, 1876. 1876.
- Pulsifer, W. E. Daniel Webster, the Great Constitutional Defender. Empire State Society Year Book, 1910–1911. 1911.
- Schurz, Carl. Daniel Webster. Harper’s Mag., 95, 952. May, 1897.
- Smalley, G. W. Anglo-American Memories. New York and London, 1911.
- Smith, Goldwin. Daniel Webster. Nineteenth Century, 24, 262. Aug., 1888.
- Story, Judge Jos. Daniel Webster. New Eng. Mag., 7, 89.
- Wakeman, T. B. Daniel Webster and Monistic Religion. Open Court, 3, 2093.
- Ward, J. H. Daniel Webster. International Rev., 12, 124.
- Webster, Noah. Letter to Daniel Webster, Sept. 6, 1834. Am. Hist. Rev., 9, 96–104.
- Wentworth, John. Congressional Reminiscences. Chicago, 1882. [Fergus Historical Series.]
- Wheeler, E. P. The Constitutional Law of the United States as Moulded by Daniel Webster. 1904.
- Whipple, E. P. Daniel Webster as a Master of English style. [In] American Literature and Other Papers. Boston, 1899.
- —— Webster as an Author. [In] Essays and Reviews. Boston, 1852.
- Wilkinson, W. C. Daniel Webster, a Vindication; with other Historical Essays. New York and London, 1911.
- —— Daniel Webster and the Compromise of 1850. Scribner’s Mag., 12, 411.
- —— Daniel Webster. Century Mag., 1, 538.
- —— Webster; an Ode. 1882.
- Wood, W. A. Daniel Webster’s Visit to Missouri. Mag. Am. Hist., 19, 513.M