The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- I. M
AGAZINES - A. Lists, Brief Histories, etc.
- [Note. Bibliographical material for the student of American literary magazines is as yet very meagre and unsatisfactory. At various times plans have been made for a complete and accurate list of American periodicals, but as yet the difficulties of the undertaking have not been overcome. These difficulties arise not only from the great number of magazines but from the fact that these often suspended publication or consolidated with one another without notice, and that many of them underwent changes of editorship, title, format, frequency of issue, or place of publication, often within the compass of a single volume. At present, the student can do not better than to use the bibliographies of a few monographs which present the results of study in certain groups of periodicals, and the published check lists of a few libraries. Most of the latter include serials of all kinds, and few of them lay claim to bibliographical accuracy in recording minor changes of title, etc. In the following list some of those which are likely to prove most valuable are marked with an asterisk. For many kinds of investigation this bibliography should be supplemented by that for Book II, Chap.
XXI. - In the section on individual periodicals, brief passages in local histories, and in biographies of contributors, etc., have been included only when they seemed especially valuable.]
* British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books: Periodical Publications. London, 1899–1900.- Co-operative List of Periodical Literature in the Libraries of Central California. University of California Publications; Library Bulletin, no. 1. 3d enlarged ed. Berkeley, 1902.
- List of Serials in the University of California Library. University of California Library Bulletin, no. 18. Berkeley, 1913.
- A List of Serials in Public Libraries of Chicago and Evanston. Corrected to January, 1901. Compiled by the Chicago Library Club. Chicago, 1901.
- Supplement to the List of Serials in Public Libraries of Chicago and Evanston. By Clement W. Andrews. Second edition, corrected to November, 1905. Chicago, 1906.
- List of Serials in the University of Illinois Library, together with those in other Libraries in Urbana and Champaign. By Francis K. Drury. Urbana-Champaign, 1911.
* Literary Periodicals in the New York Public Library and the Columbia University Library. Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volumeIII, pages 118–135, 172–186. 1899.- A List of Serials in the Principal Libraries of Philadelphia and its Vicinity. Bulletin of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Number 8. Philadelphia. 1908. Supplement. Number 9. Philadelphia, 1910.
- A Joint Catalogue of the Periodicals, Publications and Transactions of Societies, and other Books published at Intervals to be found in the various Libraries of the City of Toronto. Toronto, 1913.
- Alden, H. M. Magazine Writing and the New Literature. 1908. Chapter v, American Periodicals.
- Bellew, Frank H. T. Old-Time Magazines. Cosmopolitan, vol.
XIII, p. 343. - Blackwood’s Magazine, vol.
LXIII, p. 106. The Periodical Literature of America. - Bolton, H. Carrington. Helps for Cataloguers of Serials. A short List of Bibliographies arranged by Countries, with special reference to Periodicals. Bulletin of Bibliography (Boston). Volume 1, page 37.
* Burlingame, Edward L. Periodical Literature. In The American Cyclopedia. 1875.- Cairns, William B. On the Development of American Literature from 1815 to 1833, with especial reference to Periodicals. Madison, Wisconsin, 1898. (Lists of periodicals in appendices.)
- Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Publications of, vol.
XIII, p. 69. Alphabetical list of New England Magazines, 1743–1800. - Duyckinck, Evart A., and George L. Cyclopedia of American Literature. Edited to date by M. Laird Simmons. Philadelphia. n. d. [1875]. [See entry “Periodicals” in index.]
- Evans, Charles. American Bibliography. A Chronological dictionary of all books, pamphlets, and periodical publications printed in the United States of America from the genesis of printing in 1639 down to and including the year 1820. Chicago, 1903–. Volume
VIII (1790–1792), 1912. - Faxon, Frederick W. Boston Book Company’s Check List of American and English Periodicals. Boston, 1899.
* Goodnight, Scott Holland. German Literature in American magazines prior to 1846. Madison, Wisconsin, 1907. (Appendix, List C, has names of periodicals consulted.)- Haertel, Martin Henry. German Literature in American Magazines, 1846 to 1880. Madison, Wisconsin, 1908. (Appendix, List C, has names of periodicals consulted, with dates.)
- Indexed Periodicals. Bulletin of Bibliography, vol. 1, page 55. [“This list contains all Poole’s Index and Cumulative Index titles from beginning to the end of 1897.”]
- Josephson, Aksel G. S. A Bibliography of Union Lists of Serials. Chicago, 1906.
- Lovejoy, George N. Half-Forgotten Magazines. Chautauquan, vol.
XXXIII, p. 29. - Matthews, Harriet L. Children’s Magazines. Bulletin of Bibliography, volume 1, page 133.
- Mendenhall, Lawrence. Early Literature of the Miami Valley. Midland Monthly, vol.
VIII, p. 144. - North, S. N. D. History and present Condition of the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the United States, with a Catalogue of the Publications of the Census Year. Washington, 1884. In volume
VIII of the report of the Tenth Census. [See especially pages 115–126.] - Omnium Gatherum. Periodical Publications. Volume 1, page 254 (Boston, April, 1810). [A contemporary list.]
- [Palfrey, S. G.] Periodical Literature of the United States. North American Review, volume
XXXIX, page 277 (Oct., 1834). - Perry, Bliss. Literary Criticisms in American Periodicals. Yale Rev., vol.
III, n. s., p. 635. * Poole, William Frederick. An Index to Periodical Literature. Third edition, Boston, 1882. (List of periodicals indexed and chronological conspectus, p.VI. )- —— and Fletcher, William I. Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature; The first supplement, from January 1, 1882, to January 1, 1887. Boston and New York, 1888. [Periodicals indexed, p.
VI. Note.—Later supplements to Poole’s Index cover no magazines before 1850.] - Quarterly Register of the American Education Society (Andover), volume 1, page 132. List of religious Magazines published in the United States in 1829. [Gives names of editors, and other data.]
- Roorbach, O. A. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana. Composing a list of Books (Reprints and original Works) which have been published in the United States within the past year … together with a List of Periodicals. 1850. (List of periodicals, pp. 121–4.)
- —— Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American Publications, including Reprints and original Works, from 1820 to 1852 inclusive, together with a List of Periodicals published in the United States. 1852–61. [List of periodicals, pp. 644–52. “The list of periodicals is taken from the last census of the United States, with some additions,” and is much longer than that in the Supplement of 1850.]
- Scharf, J. Thomas, and Wescott, Thompson. History of Philadelphia, 1609–1884. Philadelphia, 1884. [The Press of Philadelphia, volume
III, page 1958; for alphabetical list of newspapers and magazines see Index.] - Scott, Franklin William. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814–1879. Revised and enlarged edition. Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, volume
VI. Springfield, Illinois, 1910. - Smyth, Albert H. The Philadelphia Magazines and their Contributors, 1741–1850. Philadelphia. 1892.
- Stephens, Ethel. American Popular Magazines. A Bibliography. Bulletin of Bibliography, vol.
IX, pp. 7, 41, 69, 95; also published separately as Bulletin of Bibliography Pamphlet No. 23. Boston, 1916. - Tassin, Algernon. The Magazine in America. Bookman, vol.
XL, p. 669; vol.XLI, pp. 138, 284, 369, 620; vol.XLII, p. 135. (Other papers in this series deal with magazines of a later date.) - Thomas, Isaiah. A History of Printing in America, with a Biography of printers and an Account of Newspapers, etc. Worcester, 1810. 2 vols. [List of Magazines, etc., vol.
II, p. 513. In the second edition, Albany, 1874, volumeII is devoted to the history of newspapers, magazines, etc.] - [Tudor, William.] Miscellanies by the Author of “Letters on the Eastern States.” Boston, 1821. [List of Massachusetts magazines before 1820, page 6.]
- Venable, William Henry. Early Periodical Literature of the Ohio Valley. Magazine of Western History, volume
VIII, pages, 101, 197, 298, 459, 522; volumeIX, page 35 (1888). - —— Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley. Historical and biographical Sketches. Cincinnati, 1891. [Chapter
III, pages 58–128.] - Wilson, James Grant [Ed.] Memorial History of the City of New York, from its first Settlement to the Year 1892. 1893. [Newspapers and Magazines, by William L. Stone: the magazines, volume
IV, page 159.] - Winsor, Justin [Ed.]. The Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk County, Massachusetts, 1630–1880. Boston, 1881. [The Press and Literature of the last hundred Years, by Cummings, Charles A., volume
III, page 617. For magazines see especially page 636.] - Young, John Russell (Ed.). Memorial History of the City of Philadelphia, from its first Settlement to the Year 1895. Philadelphia, 1898. [Volume
II, by Seilheimer, George O. Weekly Newspapers and the Magazines, volumeII, page 268.] - [In the preparation of the foregoing section, aid has been given by Mr. Merle M. Hoover.]
- B. Individual Periodicals
- The Dial
- Cabot, James Elliot. A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston and New York, 1888. (Vol.
II, pp. 401–8.) - Channing, W. H. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, by R. W. Emerson, W. H. Channing, and J. F. Clarke; with a portrait and an appendix. Boston, 1874. (Vol.
II, pp. 23–31.) - Cooke, George Willis. The Dial: an Historical and Biographical Introduction, with a List of the Contributors. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, volume
XIX, page 225. (July, 1885). [The best historical sketch.] - The Dial and Corrigenda. [Additions and corrections to the above.] Journal of Speculative Philosophy, volume
XIX, page 322. - Emerson, R. W. Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson, with annotations. Edited by Edward Waldo Emerson and Waldo Emerson Forbes. Volumes
V andVI. Boston and New York, 1911. - The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, 1883.
- Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Transcendentalism in New England. A History. 1876. Pages 132–135.
- Goddard, Harold Clarke. Studies in New England Transcendentalism. 1908. Pages 36–38.
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Boston, 1885. Pages 153–172.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, 1885. Pages 157–263.
- Perkins, Norman C. The Original “Dial.” Dial (Chicago), volume 1, page 9.
- Pyre, J. F. A. The “Dial” of 1840–43. Dial (Chicago), volume
XXVI, page 297. - [See, also, Bibliography for Book II, Chap.
VIII. ] - Graham’s Magazine
- Critic, volume
XXV, page 44. George R. Graham. [Biographical and obituary note.] - The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by James A. Harrison. Volume
XVII, Letters. [1902.] Pages 81–107, and Index under Graham, George R. - Sartain, John. The Reminiscences of a Very Old Man, 1808–1897. 1899.
- Smyth, Albert H. The Philadelphia Magazines and their Contributors, 1741–1850. Philadelphia, 1892. Pages 215–224.
- Woodberry, George E. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, personal and literary, with his chief Correspondence with Men of Letters. Boston and New York. 1909.
- The Knickerbocker Magazine
- [Clark, Lewis Gaylord.] Editorial Narrative of the Knickerbocker Magazine; Reminiscences of the Sanctum and of our Correspondents. [Minor variations in the wording of this title in later instalments of this series.] Knickerbocker Magazine, volume
LIII, pages 193, 308, 420, 640; volumeLIV, pages 94, 317, 424, 541; volumeLV, pages 85, 215, 324, 430, 541, 643; volumeLVI, pages 86, 197, 418, 642; volumeLVII, pages 99, 224, 331, 442, 551; volumeLVIII, page 72. - The Knickerbocker Gallery. A Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine from its Contributors. With forty-eight portraits on steel, from original pictures engraved expressly for this work. 1855.
- Thorpe, T. B. Lewis Gaylord Clark. Harper’s Magazine, volume
XLVIII, page 587 (March, 1874). - The Monthly Anthology and North American Review
- Historical Magazine, volume
III, page 343 (1859). Contributors to the North American Review from its Commencement to the present Time. - North American Review, volume
C, page 315 (1865). The Semi-centenary of the North American Review. - ——, vol.
CCI (1915). This contains many articles relating to the centenary of the magazine. See especially, From Madison to Wilson, p. 1; J. H. Ward, The North American Review, p. 123; W. D. Howells, Part of Which I Was, p. 135; H. C. Lodge, This Review: a Reminiscence, p. 749. - [Tudor, William]. Miscellanies by the Author of “Letters on the Eastern States.” Boston, 1821. (Monthly Anthology, page 1; North American, page 52.)
- The Southern Literary Messenger
- Campbell, K. Poe and the Southern Literary Messenger. Nation volume
LXXXIX, pages 9–10 (July, 1909). - Minor, Benjamin Blake. The Southern Literary Messenger, 1834–1864. New York and Washington, 1905.
- The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by James A. Harrison. Volume
XVII, Letters. [1902.] Pages 17–18, 25–40. - Woodberry, George E. The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, Personal and Literary, with his chief Correspondence with Men of Letters. Boston and New York, 1909.
- II. L
ITERARY ANNUALS AND GIFT- BOOKS - [Note. The one invaluable reference for the student of the annuals and gift-books is F. W. Faxon’s bibliography with its descriptive introduction, but as only 150 copies of this were printed it is not always readily available. In default of this the same author’s earlier lists in the Bulletin of Bibliography, and some of the check lists of public libraries will be useful. There were many reviews and notices of annuals, singly and in groups, in the periodicals from 1830 to 1860. Only a few, and these not necessarily the most valuable, are listed here. Numerous brief references to particular annuals may be found in the biographies of editors, contributors, and publishers, and in their published letters and journals.]
- Athenaeum [London]. American Annuals. Littell’s Living Age, volume
III, page 361 (1844). [The Gift.] - Atlantic Monthly, volume
LXXI, page 138. (1893). Old Annuals. - Bulletin of the New York Public Library, volume
VI, page 271. (1902). Catalogue of literary annuals and gift books in the New York Public Library. - Bulletin of the Public Library of the City of Boston, volume
XII, page 157 (1893). Annuals, including year books, annuaires, Jahrbücher, registers, and other annual publications. - [Everett, Alexander H.] The Annuals. North American Review, volume
XXXVIII, page 198 (1834). [Token and Atlantic Souvenir, Religious Souvenir.] - Faxon, Frederick Winthrop. Literary Annuals and Gift-Books, American and English; a Bibliography. Bulletin of Bibliography (Boston), volume
V, pages 70, 87, 105, 127, 145, 171, 203; volumeVI, pages 7, 43, 77, 110, 147, 180, 208, 243. - —— Literary Annuals and Gift-Books. A Bibliography with a descriptive introduction. Boston, 1912.
- The following annuals and gift-books are not listed in Mr. Faxon’s bibliography:
- Affection’s Gift, by Bernard Barton. Buffalo, Breed, Butler & Co., 1862. 128 pp., 4 1/2 x 2 3/4.
- The American Keepsake. A Christmas and New Year’s Offering. New York, J. C. Riker, 1835. 252 pp., 8 pl., 6 x 4.
- The Boudoir Annual, A Christmas, New Year, and Birthday Present for 1847. Philadelphia, Theodore Bliss & Co., 1847. 99 pp., 10 pl.,
II x 8 1/2. - The Christian’s Daily Delight. A Sacred Garland culled from English and American Poets. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston, 1854. 248 pp., 8 pl., 8 1/4 x 5 3/4.
- The Cypress Wreath. A Book of Consolation for Those who mourn. Edited by Reverend Rufus W. Griswold. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1845. 128 pp., 4 1/4 x 2 3/4.
- Family Pictures from the Bible, by Mrs. Ellett. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1849. 224 pp., 21 pl., 8 1/4 x 6. [Binder’s title, Illustrated Scripture Gift-Book.]
- The Floral Offering. A Token of Affection and Esteem … by Henrietta Dumont. [Binder’s title and half-title, The Language of Flowers.] Philadelphia, H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss, 1856. [c. 1851.] [Doubtless identical with 194 Faxon, except date.]
- Flower Tokens. New York, J. C. Riker. n. d. [6 pl.], 7 1/2 x 6. [This has the binding, plates, and general appearance of an annual, but instead of text has blank pages for copying poems, or perhaps for preserving pressed flowers.]
- The Fountain. A Temperance gift. Edited by J. G. Adams and E. H. Chapin. Boston, George W. Briggs, 1847. [c. 1846.] 274 pp. [1 pl.], 6 x 3 3/4.
- The Gem for 1850. New York, E. Kearney. 252 pp., 8 pl., 6 x 6 3/4. [Probably the same as 265 Faxon except date.]
- The Ivy Wreath, by Mrs. Hughes. Philadelphia, Lindsay & Blakiston. N. d. [c. 1849.] 176 pp., 5 pl. by Sartain and illuminated title. 7 x 5 1/2. [A juvenile.]
- The Juvenile Forget-Me-Not. A Christmas and New Year’s Present. Edited by Mrs. Colman. Boston, S. Colman. n. d. 192 pp. [
II pl.], 5 3/4 x 4 1/2. - The Lady’s Annual. A Souvenir of Friendship and Remembrance for 1849.… Edited by Emily Marshall. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1849. [Doubtless 432 Faxon, but name of editor is incorrectly given.]
- Ladies’ Casket of Gathered Thoughts, by Miss Colman. Auburn, Alden, Beardsley & Co., 1855. [c. 1846.] 120 pp., 4 1/4 x 2 3/4. Dedicated to Miss Hannah F. Gould.
- Ladies Vase, or Polite Manual for Young Ladies; Original and selected. By an American Lady. Lowell, N. L. Dayton; Boston, Lewis & Sampson, 1843. 191 pp., 4 3/4 x 3 1/4. [For 3d edition see 454b Faxon.]
- The Ladies Wreath and Parlor Annual. New York, Burdick & Scovill. n. d. 218+218 pp., 24 pl., 12 on steel, 12 coloured, 8 3/4 x 5 1/2. [Evidently reprinted from two volumes of a magazine, but without dates or divisions into numbers. See Faxon, p. 43.]
- The Ladies Wreath. An Illustrated Annual for 1848–9. Vol.
II. Edited by Mrs. S. T. Martyn. New York, Martyn & Ely, 1848–9. 428 pp., 23 pl., 8 3/4 x 5 1/2. [A magazine reissued as an annual. For volume 1, see Faxon, page 43.] - The Lily. A Holiday Present … New York, E. Sands. [c. 1830.] [Date 1840 on binding.] [Same as 496 and 496a, Faxon, except for binder’s date.]
- The Lily of the Valley for 1855. Edited by Elizabeth Doten. Boston, Benjamin H. Greene, 1855. [Same as 506 Faxon, except for publisher.]
- A Parting Gift to a Christian Friend. From the twelfth London edition. New York, Van Nostrand & Dwight, 1836. 192 pp., 4 1/2 x 2 3/4. [See 631a, Faxon.]
- The Passion Flower. A Gift of the Heart. New York, Leavett & Allen. N. d. 268 pp., 8 pl., 7 1/4 x 5.
- The Pet Keepsake. A Token of Love. Philadelphia, John E. Potter, 1860. 232 pp. [3 pl.], 6 3/4 x 4 3/4.
- The Rose of Sharon. A Religious Souvenir for all Seasons. Edited by Mrs. C. M. Sawyer. Boston, Abel Tomkins, 1858. [A reissue of the 1857 volume (727 Faxon) with change of date.]
- The Sacred Offering. A Poetical Gift. Boston, Joseph Dowe, 1838. [Probably the same as 739b Faxon, except for date.]
- The Token of Friendship. An Offering for all Seasons. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & Co. n. d. [Preface dated Boston, August, 1853.] 288 pp., 6 pl., 7 1/2 x 4 3/4. [For preceding and succeeding volumes see 816, 817, Faxon.]
- Wood-Side and Sea-Side, illustrated by Pen and Pencil. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1869. 96 pp., 45 illustrations in text, 8 3/4 x 6 1/2. [A gift-book, not an annual.]
- The Wreath. A Selection of elegant Poems from the best Authors. Baltimore, 1814. 220 pp., frontispiece and engraved title, 5 1/4 x 3.
- The Young Lady’s Book. A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits. Boston, A. Bowen, and Carter & Hendee; Philadelphia, Carey & Lea. n. d. [Preface dated Boston, October, 1830.] [“Instead of being an Annual flower, to bloom and be forgotten, it aspires to be a perennial.”] 505 pp., 44 “principal embellishments” (not all full page), 6 3/4 x 4 1/2. [This is a reprint of an English work, with illustrations by American artists.] Seventh edition, Boston, Charles Wells, 1840.
- The Young Man’s Offering, comprising Prose and Poetical Writings of the most eminent Authors. Boston, Phillips & Sampson, 1850. [Preface dated March, 1848.] 316 pp. [6 pl.], 7 1/4 x 4 3/4. [Evidently same as 368 Faxon, except date.]
- Godwin, Parke. A Biography of William Cullen Bryant, with Extracts from his private Correspondence. 1883. Vol.
I, pp. 236–41. [The Talisman.] - Goodrich, Samuel G. Recollections of a Lifetime, or Men and Things I have seen. New York and Auburn, 1857. Vol.
II, pp. 259–78, 537. [Annuals in general, The Token.] - North American Review, volume
XXVIII, page 480 (April, 1829). American Annuals. [Atlantic Souvenir, Talisman, Token.] - Repplier, Agnes. The Accursed Annual. Atlantic Monthly, volume
XCIX, page 247 (February, 1907). [Chiefly on English annuals.] - Southern Quarterly Review, volume
XXI, page 176 (January, 1852). Gift Books and Annuals. - [Verplanck, Gulian C.] The Writings of Robert C. Sands, in prose and verse, with a memoir of the author. 1834. Vol. 1, pp. 20–23. [The Talisman.]
- Weitenkampf, F. American Graphic Art. 1912. Pages 98–101 [Illustrations in annuals.]