The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- G
ENERAL HISTORIES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES - Brigham, C. S. Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690–1820. In Proceedings of American Antiquarian Society. Alabama to New Jersey, in vol. 23, 24, 25, 26, 1913–16.
- Brockway, B. Fifty Years in Journalism. Watertown, N. Y., 1891.
- Buckingham, J. T. Personal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852.
- —— Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Boston, 1850.
- Century Club of American Newspapers. St. Louis, 1909.
- Coggeshall, W. T. The Newspaper Record. Philadelphia, 1856.
- Cucheval-Clarigny, Philippe A. Histoire de la Presse en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1857.
- Ely, Margaret. Some Great American Newspaper Editors. White Plains and New York, 1916.
- Galbreath, C. B. Newspapers and Periodicals in Ohio State Library, Other Libraries of the State, etc. Columbus, 1902.
- Griswold, A. T. Annotated Catalogue of Newspaper Files in the Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Madison, 1911.
- Haskell, D. C. Checklist of Newspapers and Official Gazettes in the New York Public Library. 1915.
- Hause, N. E. Annotated Catalogue of Newspaper Files in the Pennsylvania State Library. In [its] Report. Harrisburg, 1901.
- Hill, F. T. Decisive Battles of the Law. 1907. [Trial of Callender under Sedition Law.]
- Hudson, F. Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. 1873.
- Ingram, J. V. N. A Checklist of American Eighteenth Century Newspapers in the Library of Congress. Washington, 1912.
- Kenney, D. J. The American Newspaper Directory and Record of the Press. 1861.
- King, H. American Journalism. Topeka, 1871.
- Lamberton, J. P. A List of Serials in the Principal Libraries of Philadelphia and its Vicinity. Philadelphia, 1908.
- Lee, J. M. History of American Journalism. Boston and New York, 1917.
- Levermore, C. H. The Rise of Metropolitan Journalism. In American Historical Review, vol. 6, pp. 446–465. 1901.
- Missouri. List of old Newspapers in the Library of the State Historical Society of Missouri. Columbia, 1910.
- Munsell, J. Typographical Miscellany. Albany, 1850.
- Nelson, W. American Newspaper Files, 1704–1800, and where they may be found. Preliminary List. Paterson, N. J., 1893.
- —— Some Account of American Newspapers, particularly of the Eighteenth Century, and Libraries in which they may be found. In New Jersey Archives, vols.
XI, XII, andXIX. Paterson, N. J., 1894. - North, S. N. D. History and Present Condition of the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the United States. Washington, 1884.
- Owen, T. McA. Checklist of Newspaper and Periodical Files in the Department of Archives and History of the State of Alabama. Montgomery, 1904.
- Scott-James, R. A. Changes in American Newspapers in the Nineteenth Century. In The Influence of the Press, chap.
IX, pp. 136–156. London [1914?]. - Slauson, A. B. A Checklist of American Newspapers in the Library of Congress. Washington, 1901.
- Smalley, E. V. American Journalism. An Appendix to the American reprint of The Encyclopedia Britannica, vol.
XVII. Philadelphia, 1884. - Stockett, J. C. Masters of American Journalism. A Bibliography. White Plains and New York, 1916.
- Swem, E. G., and others. A List of Newspapers in the Virginia State Library, Confederate Museum, and Valentine Museum. Richmond, 1912.
- Taylor, C. H. American Newspapers. In One Hundred Years of American Commerce, vol. 1, pp. 166–173.
- Thomas, I. The History of Printing in America. Second edition. Albany, 1874.
- Wilmer, L. A. Our Press Gang; or, A Complete Exposition of the Corruption and Crimes of the American Newspapers. Philadelphia, 1859.
- Wingate, C. F. Views and Interviews on Journalism. 1875.
- L
OCAL AND SPECIAL HISTORIES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, AND SELECTED BIOGRAPHIES - Alden, T. The Glory of America. A Century Sermon … and an Appendix containing an Account of the Newspapers printed in the State [New Hampshire]. Portsmouth, 1801.
- Applegate, T. S. A History of the Press of Michigan. Adrian, 1876.
- Baensch, E. The German-American Press. In Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1898. Madison, 1899.
- Beckman, E. Pressen i Förenta Staterna. In Amerikanska Studier. Stockholm, 1883.
- Belisle, A. Histoire de la Presse Franco-Américaine. Worcester, 1911.
- Boss, H. R. Early Newspapers in Illinois. Chicago, 1870.
- Brinley, W. T. Life of William T. Porter. 1860.
- Buffalo. The Periodical Press of Buffalo. In Buffalo Historical Society Publications, vol. 19, pp. 153–175. Buffalo, 1915.
- California Newspapers in State Library. Sacramento, 1911.
- Chandler, K. List of California Periodicals issued previous to the Completion of the Transcontinental Telegraph (August 15, 1846–October 24, 1861). San Francisco, 1905.
- Connelley, W. E. History of Kansas Newspapers. Topeka, 1916.
- Conrad, H. C. Newspapers and Books. In History of the State of Delaware, vol.
III, pp. 1085–1116. Wilmington, 1908. - Daniel, F. S. The Richmond Examiner during the War; or, The Writings of John M. Daniel, with a Memoir of his Life. 1868.
- Deiler, J. H. Geschichte der New Orleanser deutschen Presse. New Orleans, 1901.
- Dixon, J. M. The Valley and the Shadow … with a Chapter on Iowa Journalism. 1868.
- Duniway, C. A. Development of Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts. 1906.
- Goddard, D. A. Newspapers and Newspaper Writers in New England, 1787–1815. Boston, 1880.
- Griffin, G. W. Prenticeana [2d ed. with a Life of G. D. Prentice]. Philadelphia, 1870.
- Griffin, J. History of the Press of Maine. Brunswick, 1872.
- Hallock, W. H. Life of Gerard Hallock, thirty-three years Editor of the New York Journal of Commerce. 1869.
- Hughes, R. W. Editors of the Past. [In Virginia.] Richmond, 1897.
- Indiana. A list of Indiana Newspapers available in the Indiana State Library, the Indianapolis Public Library, the Library of Indiana University, and the Library of Congress. In Bulletin of Indiana State Library, vol.
II, no. 4. Indianapolis, 1916. - James, E. J. A Bibliography of Newspapers Published in Illinois prior to 1860. Springfield, 1899.
- King, W. L. The Newspaper Press of Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1872.
- Lewis, V. A. Newspapers and Periodicals of West Virginia. In West Virginia. Charleston, West Virginia, 1904.
- Lundstedt, B. W. Svenska Tidningar och Tidskrifter utgifna inom Nord-Amerikas Förenta Stater. Stockholm, 1886.
- McLaughlin, J. F. Matthew Lyon, the Hampden of Congress. 1900.
- Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories … 1803–43. Cincinnati, 1879.
- Martin, C. M. and B. E. The New York Press and its Makers in the Eighteenth Century. 1898.
- Maverick, A. Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for Thirty Years. Progress of American Journalism from 1840 to 1870. Hartford, 1870.
- Miller, D. Early German American Newspapers. Lancaster, Pa., 1911.
- Missouri and Illinois Newspapers 1808–1897. In Library of Mercantile Library Association of St. Louis. St. Louis, 1898.
- Noah, M. M. Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. 1847.
- Oppendale, H. O. Scandinavian Newspaper Directory, giving a complete List, together with a Synopsis of the History of the Scandinavian Newspapers in America. Chicago, 1894.
- Penn, I. G. The Afro-American Press and its Editors. Springfield, Massachusetts, 1891.
- Perrin, W. H. The Pioneer Press of Kentucky [to 1830]. Louisville, 1888.
- Poore, B. P. Perley’s Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis. Philadelphia [1886].
- Powell, L. P. The Press of Delaware. In History of Education in Delaware. Wilmington, 1893.
- Reader, F. S. History of the Newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. New Brighton, 1905.
- Salisbury, G. H. Early History of the Press of Erie County [New York]. In Buffalo Historical Society Publications, vol. 2, pp. 199–217. Buffalo, 1880.
- Die Schweizer Presse in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. In Die Schweizer Presse. Bern, 1896.
- Scott, F. W. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814–1879. Springfield, Illinois, 1910.
- Seaton, J. William Winston Seaton of the National Intelligencer. A Biographical Sketch. Boston, 1871.
- Smith, W. H. Charles Hammond and his Relations to Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams; or Constitutional Limitations and the Contest for Freedom of Speech and the Press. [Chicago.] 1885.
- Springer, J. Memoranda relating to the Early Press of Iowa. Iowa City, 1880.
- Stanton, H. B. Random Recollections. 1887.
- Stickney, W. Autobiography of Amos Kendall. Boston, 1872.
- Streeter, G. L. An Account of the Newspapers and other Periodicals published in Salem from 1768–1856. Salem, Massachusetts, 1856.
- Taylor, E. S. Reminiscences.… 1840.
- Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences of the last Sixty-five Years. Hartford, 1840.
- Thompson, J. P. Memoir of David Hale. 1850.
- Thwaites, R. G. The Ohio Valley Press before the War of 1812–15. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1909.
- Early Vermont Newspapers. [To 1810.] In Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society for 1882, pp. xv–xix. Montpelier, 1883.
- Weeks, S. B. The Press of North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century. Brooklyn, 1891.
- Williams, C. K. History of Rutland Newspapers. Rutland, Vermont, 1870.
- Williams, J. F. History of the Newspaper Press of St. Paul. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1871.
- Winchester, P. Newspapers and Newspaper Men of Maryland Past and Present. Baltimore, 1905.
- Wolf, S. Mordecai Manuel Noah. Philadelphia, 1897.
- Woollen, W. W. Indiana Press in the Olden Time. In Biographical and Historical Sketches of Early Indiana, pp. 538–559. Indianapolis, 1883.
- Worth, G. A. Sketches of the Character of the New York Press. 1844.
- Young, J. P. Journalism in California. San Francisco, 1915.
- J
AMES GORDON BENNETT - Houghton, W. R. James Gordon Bennett. In Kings of Fortune, pp. 407–426. Chicago, 1886.
- Life and Writings of James Gordon Bennett. 1844.
- Parton, J. James Gordon Bennett, and how he founded his Herald. In Captains of Industry. Boston, 1855.
- —— James Gordon Bennett and the New York Herald. In Famous Americans of Recent Times. Boston, 1867.
- [Pray, I.C.] Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his Times. 1855.
- Wingate, C. F. James Gordon Bennett. In Views and Interviews on Journalism, pp. 275–286. 1875.
- S
AMUEL BOWLES - Merriam, G. S. Life and Times of Samuel Bowles. 1885.
- Wingate, C. F. Samuel Bowles. In Views and Interviews on Journalism, pp. 41–48. 1875.
- P
HILIP FRENEAU - Austin, M. S. Philip Freneau, the Poet of the Revolution. A History of his Life and Times. 1901.
- De Lancey, E. F. Philip Freneau the Huguenot Patriot-Poet of the Revolution and his Poetry. In the Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of America, vol.
II, no. 2, 1891. - Duyckinck, E. A. Poems relating to the American Revolution. By Philip Freneau. With an introductory Memoir and notes. 1865.
- Forman, S. E. The Political Activities of Philip Freneau. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series
XX, nos. 9–10. Baltimore, 1902. - Paltsits, V. H. Freneau and Journalism. In A Bibliography of the Separate and Collected Works of Philip Freneau, together with an Account of his Newspapers. 1903.
- Pattee, F. L. Life of Philip Freneau. In The Poems of Philip Freneau, Poet of the American Revolution. Princeton, 1902.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book I, Chap.
IX. - W
ILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON - Garrison, W. P. and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805–1879. The Story of his Life told by his Children. 1885.
- Johnson, O. William Lloyd Garrison and His Times. Boston, 1880.
- H
ORACE GREELEY - Ames, M. C. Horace Greeley and Edwin Forrest. In Outlines of Men, Women, and Things, pp. 116–123. 1873.
- Benton, J. Greeley on Lincoln, with Mr. Greeley’s Letters to Charles A. Dana and a Lady Friend, to which are added Reminiscences of Horace Greeley. 1893.
- Bolton, S. K. Horace Greeley. In Lives of Poor Boys who became Famous, pp. 138–155. 1885.
- Bungay, G. W. Horace Greeley. In Off-hand Takings, pp. 237–244. 1854.
- Cleveland, C. Story of a Summer; Journal leaves from Chappaqua. 1874.
- Congdon, C. T. Horace Greeley. In Reminiscences of a Journalist, pp. 215–228. Boston, 1880.
- Cornell, W. M. Life and Public Career of Horace Greeley. 1872. 1884.
- Dana, C. A. Greeley as a Journalist. In Stedman and Hutchinson, Library of American Literature, vol. 7. 1889.
- Derby, J. C. Horace Greeley. In Fifty Years among Authors, Books, and Publishers, pp. 127–141. 1884.
- Greeley, H. Recollections of a Busy Life. 1868.
- Ingersoll, L. D. The Life of Horace Greeley, Founder of the New York Tribune, with extended Notices of many of his Contemporary Statesmen and Journalists. Chicago, 1873.
- —— (Another edition of the preceding). Journalist, Reformer, and Philanthropist: Life of Horace Greeley. Philadelphia, 1874.
- Linn, W. A. Horace Greeley, Founder and Editor of the New York Tribune. 1903.
- Mitchell, D. G. Horace Greeley. In American Lands and Letters, pp. 359–373. 1899.
- Parton, J. The Life of Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune. 1855, 1868, 1872, etc. Boston, 1896.
- Pike, J. S. Horace Greeley in 1872. 1873.
- Proceedings at the Unveiling of a Memorial to Horace Greeley at Chappaqua, N. Y., February 3, 1914, with Reports of other Greeley Celebrations related to the Centennial of his Birth, February 3, 1911. Albany, 1915.
- Rahmer, A. Das Leben Horace Greeley’s. Boston, 1872.
- Reavis, L. U. A Representative Life of Horace Greeley, with an Introduction by Cassius M. Clay. 1872.
- Sotheran, C. Horace Greeley and Other Pioneers of American Socialism. 1892. 1915.
- Sparks, E. E. Horace Greeley, the Anti-slavery Editor. In Men who made the Nation, pp. 347–377. 1906.
- Stowe, H. B. Horace Greeley. In Men of our Times, pp. 293–310. Hartford, 1868.
- Thayer, E. Horace Greeley and the “Plan of Freedom.” In History of the Kansas Crusade, pp. 33–51. 1889.
- [Tribune Association.] Memorial of Horace Greeley. 1873.
- Wild Oats; Comic Life of Horace Greeley. 1872.
- Williams, S. Horace Greeley. In Some Successful Americans, pp. 55–74. Boston, 1904.
- Wingate, C. F. H. G., 1811–1872. 1872.
- —— Horace Greeley. In Views and Interviews on Journalism, pp. 151–182. 1875.
- Zabriskie, F. N. Horace Greeley, the Editor. 1890.
- H
ENRY JARVIS RAYMOND - Derby, J. C. Henry J. Raymond. In Fifty Years among Authors, Books, and Publishers. 1884.
- Maverick, A. Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press for Thirty Years. Hartford, 1870.
- Wingate, C. F. Henry J. Raymond. In Views and Interviews on Journalism, pp. 64–76. 1875.
- T
HOMAS RITCHIE - Ambler, C. H. Thomas Ritchie, a Study in Virginia Politics. Richmond, 1913.
- Hughes, R. W. Editors of the Past. Richmond, 1897.
- Thrift, C. T. Thomas Ritchie. In The John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph-Macon College, no. 3. Lynchburg, 1903.
- T
HURLOW WEED - Barnes, T. W. Memoir of Thurlow Weed. Vol.
II of Life of Thurlow Weed, including his Autobiography and a Memoir. Boston, 1884. - Derby, J. C. Thurlow Weed. In Fifty Years among Authors, Books, and Publishers. 1884.
- Parton, J. Thurlow Weed. In Sketches of Men of Progress, pp. 221–226. 1870.
- Weed, H. A. Autobiography of Thurlow Weed. Vol.
I of Life of Thurlow Weed. Boston, 1883.