The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- This bibliography includes:
- 1. Titles of works named in the chapter, and of each author’s most important other works as far as these fall within its scope.
- 2. References to sufficiently extensive and correct bibliographies when these are readily accessible; together with a few titles correcting or supplementing them.
- It omits controversial writings not important for their bearing upon literary history.
- G
ENERAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL - Addison, Daniel Dulaney. The Clergy in American Life and Letters. 1900.
- Allen, Joseph Henry. Our Liberal Movement in Theology, chiefly as shown in recollections of the history of Unitarianism in New England .… 3d ed., Boston, 1892. [Copyright and Prefatory Note, 1882.]
- —— Sequel to “Our Liberal Movement.” Boston, 1897.
- The American Church History Series … a series of denominational histories published under the auspices of the American Society of Church History. General Editors: Rev. Philip Schaff.… Rt. Rev. H. C. Potter … [and others]. 13 vols. 1893–97. [False title; each vol. has a different titlepage.]
I. The Religious Forces of the United States enumerated, classified and described on the basis of the Government Census of 1890 … by H. K. Carroll … 1893. [A revised ed. under same title, “brought down to 1910,” is issued separate from the series. 1912.]II. A History of the Baptist Churches in the United States by A. H. Newman.… 1894.III. A History of the Congregational Churches in the United States by Williston Walker.… 1894.IV. A History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States by Henry Eyster Jacobs.… 1893.V. A History of Methodists in the United States by J. M. Buckley.… 1896.VI. A History of the Presbyterian Churches in the United States by Robert Ellis Thompson.… 1895.VII. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States … by Charles C. Tiffany.… 1895.VIII. A History of the Reformed Church, Dutch, the Reformed Church, German, and the Moravian Church in the United States by E. T. Corwin … J. H. Dubbs … and … J. T. Hamilton … 1895.IX. A History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States by Thomas O’Gorman.… 1895.X. A History of the Unitarians and the Universalists in the United States by Joseph Henry Allen … and Richard Eddy.… 1894. [Has no bibliography.]XI. A History of the Methodist Church, South, the United Presbyterian Church, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church, South, in the United States, by … Gross Alexander … James B. Scouller … R. V. Foster … and T. C. Johnson … 1894.XII. A History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical Association by B. B. Tyler … A. C. Thomas … R. H. Thomas … D. Berger and … S. P. Spreng and Bibliography of American Church History by Samuel Macauley Jackson.… 1894.XIII. A History of American Christianity by Leonard Woolsey Bacon .… 1897. [No bibliography.] [Ch. xxi. The Church in Theology and Literature, pp. 374–397.] - A Bibliography of American Church History, 1820–1893, compiled by Samuel Macauley Jackson, is in vol.
XII, pp. 441–513. [A special bibliography precedes the history of each denomination, except as noted.] - Armitage, Thomas. A History of the Baptists … from the time of … Jesus Christ to the year 1886. Illustrated. 1887. [Chapter
XV, Preachers—Educators—Authors, p. 852 ff.] - Boardman, George Nye. A History of New England Theology. 1899.
- Chadwick, John White. Old and New Unitarian Belief.… Boston, 1901. [Copyright 1894.]
- —— William Ellery Channing, Minister of Religion. Boston and New York, 1903. [Important.]
- Cooke, George Willis. Unitarianism in America. A History of its Origin and Development.… Boston, 1902. [Ch. xix, Unitarianism and Literature, pp. 412–435.]
- Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College with annals of the College history. 6 vols. Vols. 1–5, New York, 1885–1911; vol. 6, New Haven, 1912. [To the class of September, 1815, inclusive.] [Extensive bibliographies.]
- Dexter, Henry Martyn. The Congregationalism of the last Three Hundred Years, as Seen in its Literature.… Twelve lectures … in the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass. 1876–1879. With a Bibliographical Appendix.… 1880. [The history is brought down to 1871, and is concerned exclusively with doctrine and polity, controversies and councils.]
- Dunning, Albert E. Congregationalists in America. A Popular History of their Origin, Belief, Polity, Growth and Work. [Special Chapters, various writers.] Introductions by Rev. Richard S. Storrs, and Major-General Oliver O. Howard. n. d. [1894.]
- Ellis, George E. A Half Century of the Unitarian Controversy, with particular reference to its origin, its course, and its prominent subjects among the Congregationalists of Massachusetts. With an Appendix. London, 1858. [“The greater part of the matter first appeared in … ‘The Christian Examiner.’”]
- Foote, Henry Wilder. James Freeman and King’s Chapel, 1782–87. A chapter in the early history of the Unitarian movement in New England. Reprinted from “The Religious Magazine.” Boston, 1873. [Pamphlet, 29 pp.]
- —— Annals of King’s Chapel from the Puritan Age of New England to the present day. Boston, 1882–1896. 2 vols. [Vol.
I, to 1747; vol.II, to 1889, ed. by Henry H. Edes.] - Foster Frank Hugh. A Genetic History of the New England Theology.… Chicago, 1907. [Very valuable.]
- Fowler, Henry. The American Pulpit: Sketches … of living American Preachers … 1856.
- Gladden, Washington. Recollections. Boston and New York … 1909.
- Publications of the Presidents and Professors of Williams College, 1793–1876. North Adams, Mass., 1876. [Pamphlet.]
- The Religious History of New England. King’s Chapel Lectures by John Winthrop Platner [The Congregationalists]; William W. Fenn [The Revolt against the Standing Order: 1. Popular Movements; 2. The Unitarians]; George E. Horr [The Baptists]; Rufus M. Jones [The Quakers]; George Hodges [The Episcopalians]; William E. Huntington [The Methodists]; John Coleman Adams [The Universalists]; William L. Worcester [The Swedenborgians]. Cambridge, 1917.
- Riley, Woodbridge. American Philosophy: The Early Schools. 1907.
- —— American Thought from Puritanism to Pragmatism. 1915. [Select bibliography, pp. 361–7.]
- The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.… Based on the Third Edition of the Realencyklopädie, founded by J. J. Herzog and edited by Albert Hauck. Prepared by more than six hundred scholars and specialists under the supervision of Samuel Macauley Jackson. New York and London, 1908–14. 13 vols.
- Sparks, Jared [Ed.] The Library of American Biography. Boston, 1834–48. 25 vols.
- Sprague, William B[uell]. Annals of the American Pulpit; or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen of various denominations, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five. With historical introductions. 1857–69. 9 vols. [Vol. 7 issued also as: Annals of the American Methodist Pulpit, 1865; vol. 8 as: Annals of the American Unitarian Pulpit, 1865.]
- Stokes, Anson Phelps. Memorials of Eminent Yale men; a biographical study of student life and university influences during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Portraits. New Haven and London, 1914. 2 vols. [Index and Bibliography, vol. 2, p. [421]–452. Contents: vol.
I, Religion and Letters; vol.II, Science and Public Life.] - The Story of the Churches [Series]. 1. Charles Lemuel Thompson. The Presbyterians [1903]; 2. Henry C. Vedder. The Baptists [1903]; 3. John Alfred Faulkner. The Methodists [1903]; 4. Leonard Woolsey Bacon. The Congregationalists [1904] [Pithy but very brief]; 5. Daniel Dulany Addison. The Episcopalians [1904] [Not valuable. No index]; 6. Errett Gates. The Disciples of Christ [1905].
- Unitarianism: its Origin and History.… Sixteen Lectures delivered in … Boston, 1888–89. Boston: American Unitarian Association. 1890. [
I. Early Christian Doctrine. Rev. Joseph Henry Allen.II. Christianity from the Fifth to the Fifteenth Century. Rev. Andrew P. Peabody.III. Unitarianism and the Reformation. Rev. Seth C. Beach.IV. Unitarianism in England. Rev. Brooke Herford.V. The Contact of American Unitarianism and German Thought. Rev. Joseph Henry Allen.…VII. Early New England Unitarians. Rev. Andrew P. Peabody.VIII. Channing. Rev. George W. Briggs.IX. Transcendentalism.… Rev. Francis Tiffany.X. Theodore Parker. Rev. Samuel Barrett Stewart.XI. Unitarianism and Modern Literature. Rev. Francis Hornbrooke.XII. Unitarianism and Modern Biblical Criticism. Rev. James De Normandie.XIII. Unitarianism and Modern Scientific Thought. Rev. Thomas R. Slicer.XIV. The Law of Righteousness. Rev. George Batchelor.XV. The Relation of Unitarianism to Philosophy. Rev. Charles Carroll Everett.XVI. Ecclesiastical and Denominational Tendencies. Rev. Grindall Reynolds.] - Walker, Williston. Ten New England Leaders. 1901 [William Bradford, John Cotton, Richard Mather, John Eliot, Increase Mather, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Chauncy, Samuel Hopkins, Leonard Woods, Leonard Bacon.]
- Williamsiana: a bibliography of pamphlets and books relating to the history of Williams College, 1793–1911. Compiled by John Adams Lowe, M.A. [Librarian of Williams College.] Williamstown, Massachusetts, 1911. [Pamphlet.] [For material on and by Mark Hopkins.]
- Winsor, Justin [Ed.]. The Memorial History of Boston … 1630–1880. Boston, 1881. 4 vols. [Vol.
III, ch. xi, The Unitarians in Boston, by the Rev. Andrew P. Peabody; ch. xii, The Century of Universalism, by the Rev. A. A. Miner.] - J
ACOB ABBOTT - Abbott, Jacob. The Young Christian; or, a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. Revised Edition. Published by the American Tract Society … n. d. [1832]. Boston, 1835. Memorial Edition with a sketch of the author by one of his sons [Edward Abbott]. Illustrated. 1882. [Section
XV of the sketch, pp. 110–127, is a Bibliography, “intended to be exhaustive only as respects titles. No attempt has been made to enumerate all editions.” The earliest ed. cited of The Young Christian is that of Boston, 1832.] - A
RCHIBALD ALEXANDER (1772–1851) - Alexander, Archibald, and his sons James Waddel Alexander (1804–1859) and Joseph Addison Alexander (1809–1860). See Addison and Fowler (op. cit.).
- A
NDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY - The Constitution and Associate Statutes of the Theological Seminary in Andover; with a Sketch of its Rise and Progress. Published by order of the Trustees. Boston … 1808. [Pamphlet, 68 pp. Pp. 3–10: Historic Sketch, exhibited at the Opening of the Theological Institution. By Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D.]
- Abbot, Abiel. History of Andover from its settlement to 1829. Andover, 1829. [Pp. 119–123 on the Theological Seminary.]
- Woods, Leonard. History of the Andover Theological Seminary. Boston, 1885.
- Park, Edwards A. The Associate Creed of Andover Theological Seminary. Boston. 1883. [Pamphlet, 98 pp.] [Opposes the heresies of the Andover professors, who afterward published their views in The Andover Review and in Progressive Orthodoxy.]
- The Andover Review. A religious and theological monthly.… Editors, Egbert C. Smyth, J. W. Churchill, William J. Tucker, George Harris, Edward Y. Hincks, Professors in Andover Theological Seminary. Boston, 1884–93. 19 vols. [On the Andover Case see Editorial in vol.
XIX, p. 713–715 (closing number, Nov.-Dec., 1893).] - Progressive Orthodoxy. A contribution to the Christian Interpretation of Christian Doctrines by the Editors of “The Andover Review.” Boston and New York, 1886. [“Appeared first as editorial contributions to ‘The Andover Review.’”]
- The Andover Heresy. In the matter of the complaint against Egbert C. Smyth and others, Professors of the Theological Institution in Phillips Academy, Andover. Professor Smyth’s Argument, together with the statements of Professors Tucker, Harris, Hincks, and Churchill. Boston, 1887. [Pamphlet, 130 pp.]
- Dwight, Theodore W. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Essex,
SS. Supreme Judicial Court. Egbert C. Smyth, Appellant vs. The Visitors of the Theological Institution in Phillips Academy in Andover. Brief of Appellant. Theodore W. Dwight, of Counsel. [Pamphlet, no t. p.; n. d.; above title on cover; 132 pp.; p. 132 signed and dated: “Theodore W. Dwight, of Counsel for the Appellant. New York, October 14, 1890.”] - Wellman, Joshua W., and Lanphear, Orpheus T. The Question at Issue in the Andover Case. Arguments of Rev. Drs. Joshua W. Wellman and Orpheus T. Lanphear, complainants in the Andover Case. Prepared for the Hearing before the Board of Visitors, September 1, 1892. Prepared but not read. Published by request. Boston, 1893. [Pamphlet, 290 pp.]
- General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary. Andover, Massachusetts, 1808–1908. Boston, n. d. [1909].
- Addresses delivered at the service of induction of the Reverend Daniel Evans, D.D., into the Abbot Professorship of Christian Theology, and the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch into the Bartlet Professorship of Practical Theology in Andover Theological Seminary in Cambridge, .… the twenty-second day of March, Nineteen Hundred Nine. Boston, n. d. [1909]. [Pamphlet, 28 pp.]
- Fuess, Claude M. An Old New England School. A History of Phillips Academy, Andover, with illustrations. Boston and New York, 1917. [Pp. 140–156, 316–20, 408–9, 508–10.]
- B
ALLOU, HOSEA, I (1771–1852)AND II (1796–1861) - Adams, John Coleman. Hosea Ballou and the Gospel Renaissance of the Nineteenth Century. [Delivered before the Universalist General Convention, Buffalo, 1901.] [Portrait.] Boston and Chicago, 1903.
- Buckminster, Joseph. A Series of Letters, etc.
- Wellman and Lanphear. The Question at Issue in the Andover Case.
- See, also, Addison, Chadwick, and Winsor (op. cit.).
- H
ENRY WARD BEECHER (1813–1887) - I. Separate Works
- Seven Lectures for Young Men.… Indianapolis, 1844. As: Lectures to Young Men, on Various Important Subjects, 2d ed., Indianapolis, Salem, Cincinnati, 1845 [entered 1844]. Brooklyn, Salem, Boston, New York, 28th Thousand, 1855. New Edition [8 lectures]. Boston, 1868 [entered 1859]. As: Addresses to Young Men, Philadelphia, n. d. [1895]. [7 lectures.]
- Star Papers; or, Experiences of Art and Nature. New York … Boston … Cincinnati.… 1855. Enlarged Edition, 1873.
- Defence of Kansas. [Pamphlet. 8 pp. no t. p. Colophon: Washington, D. C.… 1856.]
- Life Thoughts, gathered from the extemporaneous discourses of Henry Ward Beecher. By one of his congregation [Edna Dean Proctor]. Tenth thousand. Boston, 1858.
- Plain and Pleasant Talk about Fruit, Flowers and Farming. 1859.
- New Star Papers; or Views and Experiences of Religious Subjects. 1859. [“for the most part … from the columns of the New York Independent.”]
- Eyes and Ears. Boston, 1862. [“reprinted, with a few exceptions, from the New York Ledger … a few … from the New York Independent.”]
- Freedom and War. Discourses on Topics suggested by the Times. Boston, 1863.
- American Rebellion. Report of Speeches delivered in England at Public Meetings in Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London; and at the farewell breakfasts in London, etc. Manchester, England, 1864. London, 1864. As: Speeches of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher on the American Rebellion delivered in Great Britain in 1863. Revised and now first published in America. n. d. [1887].
- [From the New York Ledger.] Norwood; or, Village Life in New England. 1868. Gnaw-Wood: or New England Life in a Village. By Henry W. B. Cher. Second Edition. Price ten cents. New York: The National News Company, 21 & 23 Ann St., 1868. Entered … 1868 by D. Ottolengui. [Pamphlet, 22 pp.]
- The Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. From verbatim reports by T. J. Ellinwood. “Plymouth Pulpit.” [Various series and dates from 1869.]
- Plymouth Pulpit: Sermons preached in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. From Ellinwood’s Stenographic Reports. [Various series and dates from 1874.]
- Lecture-Room Talks: a series of familiar discourses on themes of general Christian experience. Phonographically reported by T. J. Ellinwood. 1870.
- The Life of Jesus, the Christ. Illustrated. New York, Edinburgh and London. 1871. Completed [by his sons]. New York and London, 1891. 2 vols.
- Yale Lectures on Preaching. Delivered before the Theological Department of Yale College, New Haven, Conn.… in the regular course of the “Lyman beecher Lectureship on Preaching.” From phonographic reports. 1872–74. 3 vols. 1 vol., 1881; 1893; 1900.
- Jew and Gentile: A Sermon. Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. June 24, 1877. [Pamphlet, 22 pp.] Reprinted in Kohut, George Alexander: Henry Ward Beecher and the Jews.… Portland, Oregon, 1913. Appendix I, pp. 20–33.
- Address on Montefiore. [Reprinted in] Kohut, ubi supra, pp. 34–39, Appendix II [where it is said to be from] Addresses … at the … service … at Temple Emanu-El, New York, on the occasion of Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., completing [his] one-hundredth year … October 26, 1884, N. Y., pp. 7–12.
- … Henry Ward Beecher’s Statement before the Congregational Association of New York and Brooklyn in which he resigns his membership … and gives a full statement of his doctrinal beliefs and unbeliefs. [This report is complete, and is authorized and corrected by Mr. Beecher.] n. d. [Pamphlet, 28 pp. Above is t. p. on cover; title on p.
I is:] Mr. Beecher’s Reasons for Withdrawing from the Congregational Association of New York and Brooklyn, … October 13, 1882. - Evolution and Religion. Part I. Eight Sermons. Discussing the bearings of the evolutionary philosophy on the fundamental doctrines of evangelical Christianity.… Part II. Eighteen Sermons. Discussing the application of the evolutionary principles and theories to the practical aspects of religious life. 1885.
- Patriotic Addresses, in America and England, from 1850 to 1885, on slavery, the Civil War, and the development of civil liberty in the United States, edited with [pp. 11–161] a Review of Mr. Beecher’s personality and influence in public affairs, by John R. Howard. 1887. [Probably the fullest and most convenient and accessible collection.]
- A Summer in England with Henry Ward Beecher: Giving the Addresses, Lectures, and Sermons delivered by him in Great Britain during the Summer of 1886.… Edited by James B. Pond.… 1887.
- Lectures and Orations. Edited by Newell Dwight Hillis. n. d. [1913].
- II. Biography and Criticism
- Abbott, Lyman. Henry Ward Beecher. Boston and New York.… 1903. [Extensive bibliography by Rev. W. E. Davenport, pp. xvii–xxxviii.]
- —— and Halliday, S. B. Henry Ward Beecher: a sketch of his career: with analyses of his power as a preacher, lecturer, orator and journalist, and incidents and reminiscences of his life. Characterizations and personal reminiscences, contributed by thirty-nine eminent writers. Also Mr. Beecher’s Life as sketched by himself shortly before his death. 1887. Hartford, Conn.
- Beecher Memorial. Contemporaneous tributes to the Memory of Henry Ward Beecher compiled and edited by Edward W. Bok. Privately printed. Brooklyn, 1887. [By Holmes, O. W.; Sherman, General W. T.; Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E.; Whittier, J. G.; Hopkins, Mark; Adler, Felix; Curtis, Geo. Wm.; Argyll, Duke of; Booth, Edwin; and many others.]
- Beecher, William C., and Scoville, Samuel, and Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. A Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. 1888. [Illustrated.]
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Minister Plenipotentiary. In Atlantic Monthly, vol.
XIII, pp. 106–112 (Jan., 1864). Reprinted in Patriotic Addresses, pp. 422–434. - The Case of Henry Ward Beecher. Opening Address by Benjamin F. Tracy, of Counsel for the Defendant. 1875.
- Uncontradicted Testimony in the Beecher Case, Compiled from the Official Records. With a Preface by Rev. Lyman Abbott. 1876.
- L
YMAN BEECHER (1775–1863) - Beecher’s Works. Vol.
I, Lectures on Political Atheism and kindred subjects; together with six Lectures on Intemperance. Dedicated to the Working Men of the United States. Boston [and] Cleveland, 1852. Vol.II, Sermons, delivered on various occasions. 1852. Vol.III, Views of Theology; as developed in Three Sermons, and on his trials before the Presbytery and Synod of Cincinnati, June, 1835. With remarks on the Princeton Review. 1853. - Autobiography, Correspondence, etc., of Lyman Beecher, D.D. Edited by Charles Beecher. With Illustrations. 1864–65. 2 vols. [Both vols. entered 1863.]
- Howard, John R. Review of Mr. Beecher’s personality and influence, etc., in Beecher, Henry Ward, Patriotic Addresses (above) passim.
- See, also, Dexter and Stokes (op. cit.).
- J
OSEPH BUCKMINSTER (1751–1812) - A Brief Paraphrase upon Romans
X, 4. With An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Foster’s Sermon, at the Ordination of his Son, At New Braintree, October 29th, 1778. By Joseph Buckminster, A.M., Pastor of the Church at Rutland. Worcester: Massachusetts-Bay, Printed by I. Thomas. 1779. [Pamphlet, 70 pp.] - A Discourse, delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Joseph S. Buckminster, to the Pastoral Charge of the Church in Brattle-Street, Boston. By Joseph Buckminster, D. D., Pastor of the North Church, Portsmouth, N. H. Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed. Boston, … 1805. [Pamphlet.]
- A Series of Letters between the Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D., the Rev. Joseph Walton, A.M., Pastors of Congregational Churches in Portsmouth, N. H., and the Rev. Hosea Ballou, Author of “Notes on Parables,” “Treatise on Atonement,” “A Candid Review,” “The Child’s Scriptural Catechism,” &c., Pastor of the Universalian Church and Society in said Portsmouth. Windsor: Printed by James G. Watts, for the Proprietor.… 1811.
- J
OSEPH STEVENS BUCKMINSTER (1784–1812) - The Works of Joseph Stevens Buckminster with Memoirs of his Life. In two volumes … Boston … 1839. [“This edition includes Mr. Thacher’s Memoir, and Notices of Mr. Buckminster by Mr. Norton, Mr. Charles Eliot, and Rev. Mr. Colman. It also includes extracts from sermons first published in the ‘Christian Disciple.’” Lee: Memoirs, p. 483.] [Otherwise a reprint of the sermons of 1814 and of 1829, as below.]
- [Ed.] H KAINH ▵IAΘHKH. Novum Testamentum Graece ex recensione Jo. Jac. Griesbachii cum selecta lectionum varietate … Lipsiae, G. J. Göschen. 1805. Cantabrigiae Nov-Anglorum, 1809. Typis Academicis; Sumtibus W. Wells et W. Hilliard. [2 vols.] [See Lee: Memoirs, p. 319.]
- Sermons … With a Memoir of his Life and Character [by the Rev. Samuel Cooper Thacher]. Boston … 1814. 2d ed., Boston … 1815. [Adds The Harvard Φ B K Oration of 1809, and the Right Hand of Fellowship at the ordination of the Rev. Charles Lowell (James Russell Lowell’s father) in 1806.] 3d ed., Boston … 1821.
- Sermons … now first published from the Author’s Manuscripts. Boston, 1829. For references to other separate works, chiefly contributions to periodicals, see Lee: Memoirs, pp. 225–8, 229–34, 482–3.
- Biography and Criticism
- Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. J. S. Buckminster. Boston, 1812. [Pamphlet, 66 pp.] [1136 lots in the catalogue.]
- Lee, [Mrs.] Eliza Buckminster [daughter of J. B. and sister of J. S. B.]. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D., and of his son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster.… Boston … 1849. [Contains extracts from unpublished sermons of the year 1812.]
- Norton, Andrews. Character of Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. General Repository and Review,
II, 306–14. - —— Letter to George Ticknor, in Tracts concerning Christianity [see below].
- Quincy, Josiah. The History of the Boston Athenæum with biographical notices [separately paged] of its deceased founders.… Cambridge, 1851. [Chs.
I andII passim and Biographical Notices pp. 49–53.] - [Ticknor, George.] Review of Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Buckminster and the Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. [From the Christian Examiner for September, 1849.] Cambridge. 1849. [Pamphlet, 29 pp.] [On p. 29, initialled G. T.].
- See, also, Chadwick (op. cit.); and Life, Letters, and Journals of George Ticknor, vol. 1. pp. 8, 9, 10 and note, 17.
- H
ORACE BUSHNELL (1802–1876) - [Collected Works.] Centenary Edition. [No other general title. Some vols. from new plates; most reprinted from old plates of separate works.] 1903. 13 vols.
- Discourses on Christian Nurture. Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, 1847. As Christian Nurture.… New York … 1861.
- God in Christ. Three Discourses delivered at New Haven, Cambridge and Andover, with a Preliminary Dissertation on Language. Hartford, 1849. The Same. New York, 1877.
- Christ in Theology; being the answer of the Author, before the Hartford Central Association of Ministers, October, 1849, for the Doctrines of the Book entitled “God in Christ.” Hartford, 1851.
- Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the One System of God. 1858. 4th ed., 1859 [entered 1858].
- [char] Quien es el Cristo? Reflexiones Filosóficas sobre la Vida y Hechos de Jesu-Cristo. Por Horacio Bushnell. Sociedad Americana de Tratados.… Nueva York. n. d. [96 pp.] [Prefacio del Traductor is signed Thos. L. Gulick. A translation of the greater part of Ch.
X of Nature and the Supernatural. Probably either the original or a reprint of the translation listed in H. B. Learned’s bibliography under the year 1861, title The Character of Jesus.] - Sermons for the New Life. 1858. 5th ed., 1859. 7th ed., 1864.
- The Census and Slavery; a Thanksgiving Discourse, delivered in the Chapel at Clifton Springs, N. Y., November 29, 1860. Hartford, 1860. [Pamphlet, 24 pp.; above title on cover; no t. p.]
- Christ and his Salvation: in Sermons variously related thereto. 1864. 3d ed. 1865.
- Work and Play; or Literary Varieties.… 1864. [Contents: 1848, Work and Play (Harvard Φ B K Oration); 1837, The True Wealth or Weal of Nations (Yale Φ B K Oration); 1843, The Growth of Law (Yale Soc. of Alumni); 1849, The Founders Great in their Unconsciousness (New England Soc. of N. Y.); 1851, Historical Estimate of Connecticut (Normal School Inauguration, New Britain); 1846, Agriculture at the East; [n. d.] Life, or the Lives (Lecture); [n. d.] City Plans; [n. d.] The Doctrine of Loyalty; 1851, The Age of Homespun (Litchfield County Centennial); 1846, The Day of Roads (Thanksgiving, Hartford); 1852, Religious Music (Yale, Beethoven Soc.)].
- The Vicarious Sacrifice, grounded in principles of universal obligation. 1866 [ent. 1865].
- Memorial of Noah Porter, D.D., late of Farmington, Conn., comprising the Discourses of Pres. T.D. Woolsey, Rev. Levi L. Paine, and Horace Bushnell, D.D., occasioned by his Death. Farmington, 1867.
- Moral Uses of Dark Things. 1868, 1869.
- Women’s Suffrage; the Reform against Nature. 1869.
- Sermons on Living Subjects. 1872.
- Forgiveness and Law, Grounded in Principles interpreted by Human Analogies. 1874. [Incorporated (1877 and later eds.) as a second volume of The Vicarious Sacrifice.]
- Building Eras in Religion. Literary Varieties,
III. 1881. - The Spirit in Man. Sermons and Selections. Centenary Edition. 1903. [Extensive bibliography by Henry Barrett Learned, pp. 445–473.]
- Biography and Criticism
- [Cheney, Mary Bushnell (daughter of H. B.) and others.] Life and Letters of Horace Bushnell.… 1880. [Chap. xxiii, by Rev. E[dwin] P. Parker; chap. xxiv, by F[rances Louisa] Bushnell (another daughter of H. B.).] With portraits and illustrations, 1903.
- Munger, Theodore T. Horace Bushnell. In Warner’s Library of the World’s Best Literature [1897], vol. 5, pp. 2909–2914.
- —— Horace Bushnell. Preacher and Theologian. Boston and New York, 1899. [Pp. xi–xiv. List of Published Writings.]
- —— Williston Walker, and others. Bushnell Centenary. Minutes of the General Association of Connecticut at the One Hundred and Ninety-Third Annual Meeting.… Hartford, June 17, 18, 1902. Hartford Press.… 1902. [Partial contents: T. T. Munger, The Secret of Bushnell; Joseph H. Twichell, Personal Reminiscences; Williston Walker, Dr. Bushnell as a Religious Leader.]
- Stevens, George B. Horace Bushnell and Albrecht Ritschl. A Comparison. In American Journal of Theology, Jan., 1902. Vol.
VI, pp. 35–56. - See, also, Boardman, Gladden, and Stokes (op. cit.).
- T
IMOTHY DWIGHT (1752–1817) - Separate Works
- The Nature, and Danger, of Infidel Philosophy, Exhibited in Two Discourses, Addressed to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate, in Yale College, … September 9th, 1797. New Haven, 1798.
- A Discourse, delivered at New-Haven, Feb. 22, 1800; On the Character of George Washington, Esq. at the Request of the Citizens.… New Haven, 1800.
- A Sermon preached at the opening of the Theological Institution in Andover; and at the ordination of Rev. Eliphalet Pearson, LL.D., September 28th, 1808. Boston.… 1808. [Reproves secular culture in the pulpit.]
- Observations on Language. [In] Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 365–386. New Haven, n. d. [1816 ?].
- On Light. Ibid., 387–392. n. d. [1816 ?].
- Theology; explained and defended, in a Series of Sermons.… With a Memoir of the life of the author [by his sons, Sereno Edwards Dwight and William Theodore Dwight]. In five volumes.… Middletown, Conn. Printed … for Timothy Dwight, New-Haven. [Vols.
I-IV ] 1818; [vol.V ] 1819. London, 5 vols., 1819; Glasgow, 2 vols., 1822–4; New Haven and New York, 4 vols., 1825–9; New York, 4 vols., 1854. - Travels; in New-England and New-York: by Timothy Dwight, S.T.D. LL.D., Late President of Yale College; author of Theology Explained and Defended. In four volumes. New-Haven, 1821–1822. The same. London, 1823.
- An Essay on the Stage: in which the Arguments in its behalf, and those against it, are considered; and its morality, character, and effects illustrated. London, 1824. [“This edition purports to be a reprint of one issued in Middletown, Connecticut, and has a Preface which is written as if for publication in the author’s lifetime; but no copy of the original edition is traced.” Dexter: Biographical Sketches,
III, 332.] - Sermons.… 2 vols. New Haven, 1828. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1828.
- Biography and Criticism
- Dwight, Benjamin Woolsey. The History of the Descendants of John Dwight, of Dedham, Mass.… 2 vols. 1874. 1, 140–166.
- [Dwight, Sereno E. and William Theodore.] Memoir, in Theology Explained and Defended, vol.
I. - Sprague, W. B. Life of Dwight, in Sparks, Library of American Biography. 2d series, vol.
IV, 223–364. - Stiles, Ezra. Literary Diary, passim.
- Tyler, Moses Coit. Three Men of Letters. 1895. Pp. 69–126, and List of Books Cited, 184–5. [The latter superseded by Dexter.]
- Olmsted, Denison. Timothy Dwight as a Teacher. In Educational Biography. Memoirs of Teachers, Educators, and Promoters and Benefactors of Education.… Reprinted from the American Journal of Education. Edited by Henry Barnard.… Part I. Teachers and Educators. 2d ed. 1861. Vol. 1, pp. [78]–96.
- See, also, Addison, Dexter [extensive bibliography], Sprague (Annals,
II ), Stokes. - C
HARLES HODGE (1797–1878)AND HIS SON ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER HODGE (1823–1886) - Hodge, Charles. [Ed.] Biblical Repertory; a collection of tracts in biblical literature.… 3 vols. Quarterly. 1825–7. Continued by the Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review under various titles. Indexed in Index volume (1825–68), Part 3, pp. 327–358.
- Systematic Theology. New York, London, and Edinburgh. 1872. [Vol.
I. Theology. Vol.II. Anthropology. Vol.III. Soteriology. Eschatology.] [Reprinted 1873.] - Index to Systematic Theology. New York, London, and Edinburgh, 1873.
- What is Darwinism? 1874.
- Hodge, Archibald Alexander. The Life of Charles Hodge. n. d. [1880]. [No bibliography; account of writings very meagre.]
- Salmond, Charles A[damson]. Princetoniana. Charles and A. A. Hodge: with Class and Table Talk of Hodge the Younger. By a Scottish Princetonian (Rev. C. A. Salmond, M.A.) [Portraits, etc.] n. d. [1888].
- M
ARK HOPKINS (1802–1887) - Separate Works
- Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, before The Lowell Institute, January, 1844. Boston, 1846. [The same:] revised as a text-book with a supplementary chapter considering some attacks on [sic] the critical school, the corroborative evidence of recently discovered manuscripts, etc., and the testimony of Jesus on his trial.… Presentation edition, on the Bross Foundation, Lake Forest College. Boston, 1909.
- Miscellaneous Essays and Discourses.… Boston, 1847. [Partial contents: On Mystery (1828); On the Argument from Nature for the Divine Existence (1833); On the Connection between Taste and Morals (1836); Williams College Inaugural Discourse (1836); Williams College Semi-Centennial Address (1843).]
- Baccalaureate Sermons, and Occasional Discourses.… Boston, 1862. [Partial Contents: Baccalaureate Sermons (each with separate t. p. and paging). 1850. Faith, Philosophy, and Reason. 1851. Strength and Beauty. 1852. Receiving and Giving. 1855. Perfect Love. 1856. Self-Denial. 1857. Higher and Lower Good. 1858. Eagles’ Wings. 1859. The Manifoldness of Man. 1860. Nothing to be Lost. 1862. The Living House, or God’s Method of Social Unity.]
- Lectures on Moral Science. Delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston.… New York, Cincinnati, 1862.
- The Law of Love and Love as a Law; or Moral Science, Theoretical and Practical.… 1869. 3d ed., 1871. As: The Law of Love and Love as a Law; or, Christian Ethics. Revised Edition. Theory of Morals Restated. For use with “The Outline Study of Man.” 1881.
- Twenty Baccalaureate Sermons, delivered at Williamstown, Mass., 1850–1872.… Boston, n. d. [? 1872]. [Table of contents gives date of each sermon, but no page reference. Each sermon has its own paging, t. p., and copyright entry. The vol. seems to have been made up of the sermons in pamphlet form, bound together and provided with a general title-page, as above, and a table of contents. It has no copyright entry.]
- An Outline Study of Man; or, The Body and Mind in one System. With illustrative diagrams, and a method for blackboard teaching.… 1873. London, 1873. New York, n. d. [1878].
- Strength and Beauty. Discussions for Young Men.… n. d. [1874]. [Contains 19 baccalaureate sermons. No prefatory matter; no reference to any earlier edition.]
- The Law of Progress: A Centennial Discourse, before the Alumni of Williams College.… North Adams, Mass.… 1876. [Pamphlet, 22 pp.]
- The Scriptural Idea of Man. Six Lectures Given before the Theological Students at Princeton.… 1883.
- Teachings and Counsels. Twenty Baccalaureate Sermons with a Discourse on President Garfield.… 1884. [(From the Preface.) “The following baccalaureate sermons were originally published in pamphlets at the time they were delivered. With one exception, they were subsequently modified, their order was changed, and they were published in a volume entitled ‘Strength and Beauty.’ The exception was the discourse on ‘Providence and Revelation,’ delivered in 1865, containing my estimate of President Lincoln and some remarks on the war. The texts are now restored, the discourses are placed in the order in which they were delivered, and, though the more immediate address to the class is still in some instances abbreviated or modified, they are yet substantially as they were.”]
- Contributions to Periodicals
- (1) The Moral Problem. The International Review. Vol.
V. (1878), pp. 367–378; 462–9. (2) Faith. Princeton Review, 54th year, Sept., 1878, pp. 511–540. (3) Professor Tyndall upon the Origin of the Cosmos. Princeton Review, 55th year, Nov., 1879, pp. 471–492. (4) Personality and Law—The Duke of Argyll. Princeton Review, 58th year, Sept., 1882, pp. 180–200. (5) Optimism. Andover Review, vol.III, pp. 197–210, March, 1885. - Biography and Criticism
- Carter, Franklin. Mark Hopkins.… Boston and New York, 1892. (American Religious Leaders.) [Pp. 367–370, “List of Rev. Dr. Mark Hopkins’s Published Writings. Including, so far as ascertained, Addresses, Sermons, and Magazine Articles.” (90 titles.)]
- Perry, Arthur Latham. Williamstown and Williams College.… 1899. [Passim; the index is inadequate.]
- Spring, Leverett Wilson. Mark Hopkins, Teacher.… 1888. Monographs of the Industrial Education Association. Edited by Nicholas Murray Butler.… Vol.
I, No. 4. [Pamphlet]. - —— A History of Williams College.… With illustrations.… 1917.
- See, also, Gladden (op. cit.).
- S
AMUEL HOPKINS (1721–1803) - The Works of Samuel Hopkins.… With a Memoir of his Life and Character [by Edwards A. Park].… Boston … 1852. 3 vols. [Does not include (see Memoir, p. 231) “his ‘Animadversions on Mr. Hart’s Late Dialogue,’ … the larger part of his essays for the periodicals,” or “his four Biographies”—viz. of Jonathan Edwards, Susanna Anthony, Sarah Osborn, and himself.]
- The Life and Character of the late Reverend Mr. Jonathan Edwards, president of the College of New-Jersey. By Samuel Hopkins. Together with a number of his Sermons on various important subjects. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland.
M, DCC, LXV. [So in Evans: American Bibliography, vol.IV, p. 10, No. 9961. Park: Memoir, p. 213, gives for the first ed. a different t. p. and the date 1764. This has not been traced.] - The Life of the late reverend, learned and pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards, sometime minister of the Gospel at Northampton, in New-England, and then missionary to the Indians at Stockbridge, and after that president of New-Jersey College. Who departed this life at Princeton, March 22, 1758, in the 55th year of his age. Boston: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland,
M, DCC, LXV. [So in Evans: American Bibliography, vol.IV, p. 16, No. 10,008.] - The Life and Character of the late reverend, learned, and pious Mr. Jonathan Edwards, President of the College of New-Jersey. Together with Extracts from his Private Writings & Diary. And also seventeen Select Sermons On Various Important Subjects. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance, Psal. cxii. 6. Northampton: Printed by Andrew Wright, For S. & E. Butler, and Sold at their Book Store. 1804. [2d ed. (Park: Memoir, p. 213).]
- Memoirs of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A. M., President of the College in New Jersey. Compiled originally by Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Revised and enlarged by the editors of Edwards’s works, And now first published in a separate Volume, with numerous verbal emendations. By John Hawksley. London: Printed for James Black, York-Street, Covent-Garden. 1815. [The Appendix contains A Sketch of Mrs. Edwards’s Life and Character, pp. [205]–216; A brief Account of Mrs. Esther Burr, President Edwards’s Daughter, pp. 217–227; A Sketch of the Life and Character of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards [Junior], D.D., pp. 228–266.]
- Correspondence (1790) between Samuel Hopkins and Roger Sherman [with introduction, Hopkinsianism, by Andrew P. Peabody]. In American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, New Series, vol.
V. Worcester … 1889, pp. 442–461. (22 Oct., 1888.) [“ … there is not the slightest probability that these letters to Dr. Hopkins were ever printed till now.…” Introduction, p. 441.] - Life and Character of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died, in Newport (R. I.), June 23,
MDCCXCI, … consisting chiefly in extracts from her writings, … compiled by Samuel Hopkins, D.D.… Worcester, Massachusetts … Leonard Worcester.MDCCXCVI. [First ed. (See Park: Memoir, p. 214.)] - Memoirs of Miss Susanna Anthony, who died at Newport, Rhode-Island, June 23, 1791 … [with other slight differences from above t. p.] A new edition … Clipstone [England]: … J. W. Morris.… 1803. [First English ed.?] 2d American ed., Portland, 1810.
- Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, Rhodeisland, on the second day of August, 1796. In the eighty-third year of her age. By Samuel Hopkins, D. D. Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Newport. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Leonard Worcester. 1799.
- Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sarah Osborn, who died at Newport, (Rhode-Island), on the second day of August, 1796. In the eighty-third year of her age. By Samuel Hopkins, D.D. Pastor of the 1st Congregational Church in Newport. Second edition. Catskill … N. Elliott. … 1814.
- Sketches of the life of the late Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D.D.… written by himself; interspersed with marginal notes extracted from his private diary: to which is added; a Dialogue, by the same hand, on the nature and extent of true Christian submission [i. e. the Dialogue between a Calvinist and a Semi-Calvinist]; also, a Serious Address to Professing Christians: closed by Dr. Hart’s Sermon at his funeral: with an Introduction to the whole, by the Editor. Published by Stephen West, D.D. Pastor of the Church in Stockbridge.… Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1805. [P. 104: “N. B. I finished writing the foregoing sketches of my life on the 21st day of July, 1796. This is an addition to the former sketches of my life finished July 21, 1796, having lived to this day December 16, 1799.”]
- Biography and Criticism
- Ferguson, John. Memoir of the life and character of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D.D.… by John Ferguson, Pastor of the East Church in Attleborough, Mass. Boston … New York … 1830. [Appendix, Note G, pp. 191–6: “a correct account of the publications of Dr. Hopkins, condensed chiefly from his biography,” i.e. West’s Memoir.]
- Peabody, Andrew P. Hopkinsianism. In American Antiquarian Society [Worcester, Mass.] Proceedings, New Series, vol.
V. Worcester … 1889, pp. 437–441 (October 22, 1888). [Introductory to Correspondence between Samuel Hopkins and Roger Sherman, q. v.] - See, also, various memoirs published with the works listed above, and Chadwick, Dexter [extensive bibliography], Stokes, Walker, (op. cit.)
- J
AMES MC COSH (1811–1894) - Dulles, Joseph H[eatly]. McCosh Bibliography. A List of the Published Writings of The Rev. James McCosh, D.D., LL.D., Litt. D. by the Rev. Joseph H. Dulles, Librarian of Princeton Theological Seminary. Reprinted from The Princeton College Bulletin, vol.
VII, No. 1, March, 1895. [Pamphlet, 9 pp. P. [1]: “The following list covers a period of sixty-one years, from the time that Doctor McCosh was twenty-two years old until the year of his death.… The list does not include all of Dr. McCosh’s contributions to the religious press, but does contain the more important of these.”] - Sloan, William Milligan [ed.]. The Life of James McCosh. A Record Chiefly Autobiographical.… With portraits.… 1897. [Pp. [269]–282: Bibliography by Joseph H. Dulles. A reprint of the pamphlet bibliography (1895)-see above—with one title added and one omitted.]
- See, also, Addison (op. cit.) and Riley (American Thought).
- A
NDREWS NORTON (1786–1853) - Separate Works
- [Ed.] The General Repository and Review. To be continued quarterly.… Cambridge. [4 vols. each containing 2 numbers, Jan., 1812–Oct., 1813, inclusive.]
- Inaugural discourse, delivered before the university in Cambridge, August 10, 1819. By Andrews Norton, Dexter Professor of Sacred Literature. Cambridge.… 1819.
- A Statement of Reasons for not believing the doctrines of trinitarians, concerning the nature of God, and the person of Christ. In The Christian Disciple, vol.
I, New Series, pp. 370–431. (1819.) [“Occasioned by Professor Stuart’s Letters to Dr. Channing.”] [On this controversy see, also, Sprague: American Pulpit, vol. 8, Historical Introduction.] Enlarged ed. Cambridge and Boston, 1833. 8th ed. with additions [by Ezra Abbot, Jr.?] and a Biographical Notice of the Author [by the Rev. William Newell.] Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1875. [Entered 1856, by Charles Eliot Norton. Apparently a reprint.] - Thoughts on True and False Religion. In The Christian Disciple, Sept., Oct., 1820. Liverpool Unitarian Tract Society. Liverpool, 1822. [Pamphlet, 39 pp.] 2d Liverpool ed., 1830. [Pamphlet, 56 pp.] (And see Tracts concerning Christianity.)
- Views of Calvinism. In The Christian Disciple, July, Aug., 1822. (See Tracts concerning Christianity.) [Pamphlet. No. t. p., n. d. 40 pp. Seems to be a very early reprint, as it contains the controversial matter omitted from the revised reprint.]
- Remarks on a report of a committee of the overseers of Harvard College, proposing certain changes, relating to the instruction and discipline of the college; … By one, lately a member of the immediate government of the college. Cambridge.… 1824. [Pamphlet, 12 pp.]
- [Ed., with Charles Folsom.] The Select Journal of Foreign Periodical Literature. Quarterly. Boston, 1833–34.
- The Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels.… [3 vols.] Volume
I, Boston … 1837. VolumesII andIII, Cambridge … 1844. 2d ed. Vol.I, Cambridge, 1846. Vols.II andIII, Cambridge, 1848. Abridged Ed. [I vol.] Boston, 1875. - A Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity; delivered at the request of the “Association of the alumni of the Cambridge Theological School,” on the 19th of July, 1839. With notes.… Cambridge.… 1839. [Pamphlet, 64 pp.]
- Remarks on a pamphlet entitled, “‘The Latest Form of Infidelity’ Examined.” … Cambridge … 1839. [As much of the substance of this as was not immediately controversial was embodied, with modifications, in Remarks on the Modern German School of Infidelity, in Tracts concerning Christianity, q. v.]
- Tracts concerning Christianity.… Cambridge, … 1852. [Contains: A Defence of Liberal Christianity. (First published 1812 in The General Repository and Review; now reprinted with an Introductory Note which contains) Letter to George Ticknor on the Origin and Progress of Liberal Views of Christianity in New England, and on Mr. Buckminster’s Relations to them; A Discourse on the Extent and Relations of Theology (his Inaugural Discourse); Thoughts on True and False Religion; Views of Calvinism; A Discourse on the Latest Form of Infidelity; Remarks on the Modern German School of Infidelity; On the Objection to Faith in Christianity, as resting on historical facts and critical learning. (The last two originally published as Notes to the Discourse.)
- Internal Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. Part I. Remarks on Christianity and the Gospels, with particular reference to Strauss’s “Life of Jesus.” Part II. Portions of an unfinished work.… Boston … 1855. [Entered … 1855, by Charles Eliot Norton.]
- A Translation of the Gospels. With notes.… Boston.… 1855. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, text; vol. 2, notes.] [Entered … 1855, by Charles Eliot Norton.] 1856. [Unchanged from ed. of 1855.]
- For further bibliographical material and suggestions, see: Allen, Our Liberal Movement, pp. 23–4, and Sequel to “Our Liberal Movement,” p. 16; Cooke, Unitarianism in America, pp. 391, 392 n.; [Newell], Biographical Notice in Norton, Statement of Reasons, as above, pp. xv–xvii, xxvii–xxx.
- Biography and Criticism
- [Newell.] Biographical Notice, in Norton, Statement of Reasons [as above].
- Winsor, Justin [ed.] Memorial History of Boston,
IV, 299–301 [a handsome appreciation of Norton by George Ripley]; 310–11 and notes [an account of the controversy between Ripley and Norton, by George P. Bradford.] - See, also, Allen (Sequel), Chadwick (op. cit.).
- N
OAH PORTER (1811–1892) - See Addison and Stokes (op. cit.).
- P
RINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY - Historical Sketch of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. [Pamphlet. 8 pp., no t. p., n. d.] [1816.]
- Dulles, J[oseph] H[eatly]. Princeton Theological Seminary.… (Reprinted from The History of Education in New Jersey, 1899). [Pamphlet, 22 pp.]
- Princeton Review. See Hodge, Charles [ed]. Biblical Repertory.
- E
ZRA STILES (1727–95) - (For extensive bibliography see Dexter, Biographical Sketches, 11, 95–97.)
- Extracts from the Itineraries and other Miscellanies of Ezra Stiles.… 1755–1794 with a Selection from his Correspondence. Edited … by Franklin Bowditch Dexter.… New Haven, … 1916.
- The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, D.D., L.L.D. President of Yale College. Edited … by Franklin Bowditch Dexter.… [3 vols., portraits.] 1901. [Vol.
I, 1 Jan., 1769–13 March, 1776; vol.II, 14 March, 1776–31 Dec., 1781; vol.III, 1 Jan., 1782–6 May, 1795. 1, 1–2, Brief biographical sketch by editor.] - Biography and Criticism
- Holmes, Abiel. The Life of Ezra Stiles.… Boston … 1798.
- [Park, Edwards A.] Memoir of Samuel Hopkins, in Hopkins: Works, 1852.
- See, also, Addison, Dexter, Sprague (Annals, 1), Stokes (op. cit.).
- F
RANCIS WAYLAND (1796–1865) - See Addison and Armitage (op. cit.).