The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- B
Y EMORY HOLLOWAY AND HENRY S. SAUNDERS - The Whitman bibliography is now so voluminous that even in a selected list, such as is given here, compression is necessary. Accordingly, the following abbreviations for the longer and most frequently recurring titles will be employed:
- A. M. = Atlantic Monthly
- A. R. = American Review
- B. = Bookman [New York]
- B. E. = Brooklyn Daily Eagle
- B. J. = Brother Jonathan
- Cc. = Critic
- Col. = Columbian Magazine
- Con. = Conservator
- C. P. E. = Complete Prose Editions
- Cy. = Century
- D. R. = Democratic Review
- G. = Galaxy
- G. B. M. F. = Good-Bye My Fancy, 1891
- H. M. = Harper’s Monthly
- In Re = In Re Walt Whitman, ed. Traubel, 1893
- L. I. D. = Long Island Democrat [Jamaica]
- L. I. F. = Long Island Farmer and Queens County Register [Jamaica]
- L. M. = Lippincott’s Magazine
- M. de F. = Mercure de France
- N. A. R. = North American Review
- N. B. = November Boughs, 1888
- N. E. M. = New England Magazine
- N. O. C. = New Orleans Daily Crescent
- N. W. = New World
- N. Y. D. G. = New York Daily Graphic
- N. Y. E. P. = New York Evening Post
- N. Y. H.—New York Herald.
- N. Y. T. = New York Times
- P. L. = Poet-Lore
- R. d. d. M. = Revue des deux Mondes
- S. D. C.—Specimen Days and Collect, 1882–’83
- Tribune = New York Tribune
- Stars indicate items which, or parts of which, are believed to be here first listed in Whitman bibliography.
- I. Bibliographies
- Bookman [New York]. A Bibliography of Walt Whitman. Sept., 1897, vol. 6, pp. 81–82.
- North, Ernest Dressel. A Check List of Walt Whitman. Book Buyer, Apr., 1899, vol. 18, p. 48.
- Triggs, Oscar Lovell. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Boston, 1898. [A Selected Bibliography, pp. 251–257.]
- —— The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman. 1902, vol. 10, pp. 139–233.
- Williamson, George M. Catalogue of a Collection of Books, Letters and Manuscripts written by Walt Whitman, in the Library of George M. Williamson. 1903.
- Trimble, W. H. Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass, London, 1905, pp. 92–100.
- Moulton, Charles Wells [Editor]. Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors. Buffalo, 1905, vol. 8, pp. 129–153.
- Page, Curtis Hidden. The Chief American Poets. Boston, 1905, pp. 647–650.
- Trimble, W. H. Catalogue of a Collection of Walt Whitman Literature compiled [and published] by the Owner. New Zealand [1912], pp. 36.
- Jones, P. M. Whitman in France.1 Modern Language Review, Cambridge, Jan., 1915, pp. 25–27.
- Ferguson, J. DeL. American Literature in Spain. 1916.
- Montoliu, Cebrià. Walt Whitman. Barcelona, 1913, pp. 197–203.
- II. S
EPARATE WORKS - Leaves of Grass. Brookly, New York, 1855. [Imperial 8vo, pp. i–xii, 13–95. Contains twelve poems without titles. Portrait. Issued in both cloth and paper. Later issues contain press notices. Parts of the preface were afterwards incorporated into various poems.] [Preface reprints: Poems of Walt Whitman, ed. Rossetti, London, 1868. (Also in reprints of 1886 and 1910.) Exact reprint; Trübner & Co., London, 1881. Exact reprint; S. D. C. and in all editions of Complete Prose. Slightly altered; Triggs, O. L. Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Boston, 1898. Exact reprint; American Essayists. Colonial Press, 1899. Same as in S. D. C.; Payne, Wm. M. American Literary Criticism, 1904. As in S. D. C.; Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books. Collier & Son, 1909. The Harvard Classics. Exact Reprint; Oxford Book of American Essays, 1914, ed. Matthews, Brander. As in S. D. C.]
- Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York, 1856. [16mo, pp. i–iv, 5–384. 2d ed. Portrait. Poems printed with titles, twenty new ones added. Contains Emerson’s letter of 21 July, 1855, to Whitman, and a reply; also a number of press notices. On the back of the cover is printed “I greet you at the beginning of a great career, R. W. Emerson.”]
- Leaves of Grass. Boston: Thayer and Eldridge, Year 85 of The States. (1860–61.) [12mo, pp. i–iv, 5–476. 3d ed. Portrait from painting by Charles Hine. Contains many new poems. Issued in both paper and cloth. A spurious reprint of this edition was issued for many years in New York; it may be distinguished by the absence of the following words on the back of title-page: “Electrotyped at the Boston stereotype Foundry. Printed by George C. Rand & Avery.”]
- Leaves of Grass Imprints. See post, Sect. VI, Thayer and Eldridge.
- Drum-Taps. New York, 1865. [Pp. i–iv, 5–72, paper.] Reprinted, as in the current authorized Leaves of Grass, by Chatto & Windus, London, 1915.
- Sequel to Drum-Taps. (Since the preceding came from the press.) When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom’d. And Other Pieces. Washington. 1865–6. [Pp. 1–24.] Issued with Drum-Taps, 1865. [Paper.]
- Leaves of Grass. New-York, 1867. [12mo, pp. i–iv, 5–338, i–iv, 5–72, 1–24, 1–36. 4th ed. Contains Drum-Taps, Sequel to Drum-Taps, and new poems. Half leather. No portrait.]
- Democratic Vistas. Washington, D. C., 1871. [Pp. 1–84. Paper. General Notes printed later in various parts of Complete Prose. Vistas added to Prose works in the Two Rivulets volume, 1876. Separate reprints: London: Walter Scott, Camelot Series, 1888; London: Geo. Routledge & Sons, Universal Library, n. d.; London: J. M. Dent & Sons, n. d. [1912], Leaves of Grass [1 vol.] and Democratic Vistas.]
- Passage to India. Washington, D. C., 1871. [Pp. i–iv, 5–120. Pamphlet containing 73 poems.]
- After All Not to Create Only. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1871. [Pp. i–viii, 9–24. Afterwards as Song of the Exposition.] Reprinted in Transactions of the American Institute, Albany, 1872. Incorporated in Leaves of Grass, 1876.
- Leaves of Grass. Washington, D. C., 1871. [8vo, pp. i–vi, 8–384. 5th ed. New poems added. Some copies have as annexes Passage to India and After All Not to Create Only. Later copies are dated 1872.]
- As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free, and Other Poems, Washington, D. C., 1872. [Prose preface and seven poems. Pamphlet, pp. i–ix, 1–16, and advertisements.]
- Memoranda during the War. Camden, New Jersey, 1875–’76. [Prose pamphlet, pp. 1–68.]
- Leaves of Grass. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. [12mo, pp. i–vi, 7–384. 6th ed. Portraits. Half leather. Some copies contain a few short additional poems.]
- Two Rivulets. Camden, New Jersey, 1876. [12mo, pp. 1–32, 1–84, 1–18, i–ix, 1–16, 1–68, i–iv, 5–120. Portrait. Half leather. Poems and Prose.
- Leaves of Grass. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1881–2. [12mo, pp. 382. 7th ed. Portrait and new poems. Suppression of this edition being threatened, the publishers abandoned it.] Reissued by the author, Camden, 1882, and later by Rees Welsh & Co., and David McKay, both Philadelphia, dated 1882 to 1884. There are also English imprints: Trübner, 1881, Bogue, 1881, and Wilson & McCormick, Glasgow, 1883.
- Specimen Days and Collect. Philadelphia: Rees Welsh & Co., 1882–’83. [12mo, pp. i–vi, 7–374. Portrait. Later copies bear the imprint of David McKay.] Glasgow: Wilson & McCormick, 1883. Republished: in all editions of Complete Prose; London: Walter Scott, Camelot Series, 1887; London: George Routledge & Sons, Universal Library, n. d.
- November Boughs. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1888. [8vo, pp. 140. Portrait. Prose and a few poems.] Paisley, 1889. [Incorporated in subsequent editions of Leaves of Grass and of Complete Prose.]
- Complete Poems and Prose. Authenticated and Personal Book (handled by W. W.). 1888–’89. [Large 4to, pp. 1–382, i–vi, 7–374, 1–140, 1–2. 600 copies.]
- Leaves of Grass. Special pocket edition, 300 copies, May 31, 1889, autographed. [12mo, pp. 1–404, 1–18. Morocco. Portraits. 8th separate ed. In this edition the prose essay A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads is placed at the end of the volume, where it has been retained in subsequent editions.]
- Good-Bye, My Fancy. Second annex to Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1891. [8vo, pp. 66. Portrait. Poems and prose. Incorporated in subsequent editions of Leaves of Grass and Complete Prose.]
- Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1892. [12mo, pp. 438. Portrait. 9th ed. Cloth or paper.] Manchester: The Labour Press Society, n. d.
- Complete Prose Works. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1892. [8vo. pp. i–viii, 7–522. Subsequent issues bear different dates.]
- Leaves of Grass. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1897. [8vo, pp. 455. Portraits. 90 copies printed on hand-made paper, with four additional portraits, First issue to contain Old Age Echoes. Subsequent ed. by D. Appleton & Co. and Mitchell Kennerley are from the same plates. English imprint, London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.]
- Complete Prose Works. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. [8vo, pp. xiii, 527. Portraits. 90 copies on hand-made paper, with additional portraits. This is the first ed. to contain the note Walt Whitman’s Last, published in L. M., Aug., 1891. Subsequent ed. by D. Appleton & Co. and Mitchell Kennerley from the same plates.]
- Notes and Fragments: left by Walt Whitman and now edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke. Printed for private distribution only. [London, Ontario], 1899. [225 copies. 4to, pp. 211. Reprinted in the Putnam Whitman, 1902, vols. 9 and 10.]
- Walt Whitman’s Diary in Canada with Extracts from Other of His Diaries and Literary Note-Books, Edited by William Sloane Kennedy. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1904. [Portrait. 8vo, pp. 73.]
- An American Primer. Edited by Horace Traubel. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1904. [8vo, pp. 35. Portrait. 500 copies. First printed in A. M., Apr., 1904.]
- Lafayette in Brooklyn. Introduction by John Burroughs. New York: George D. Smith, 1905. [8vo, pp. 26 (not paged). Portraits. 250 copies.]
- Criticism, an Essay. Newark, N. J.: Carteret Book Club, 1913. [A short rough draft. 100 copies.]
- III. C
OLLECTIONS AND SELECTIONS - Poems by Walt Whitman. Selected, edited, with introduction, by William Michael Rossetti. London: J. C. Hotten, 1868. [Pp. 403.] Reprinted by Chatto & Windus, 1886 and 1910.
- Poems of Walt Whitman, with introduction by Ernest Rhys. London: Walter Scott Publishing Co. n. d. [1886]. (Canterbury Poets Series.)
- Gems from Walt Whitman. Selected by Elizabeth Porter Gould. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1889. [Pp. 58.]
- Autobiographia. Selected from Whitman’s Prose writings by Arthur Stedman. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co., 1892. [Pp. 205.]
- Selected Poems. Edited by Arthur Stedman. New York: Charles L. Webster & Co., 1892. [Pp. 179.]
- Poems by Walt Whitman. (Penny Poets series), London: Review of Reviews Office. n. d. [1895]. [Pp. 60, paper.] (The Masterpiece Library.) Introduction by W. T. Stead.
- Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Walt Whitman. Edited, with an introduction, by Oscar Lovell Triggs. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. [Pp. 257.]
- Leaves of Grass with Variorum Readings and a Department of Gathered Leaves. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1900. [Pp. 496.] [A reprint of 1872 ed., but recent issues, without indication on title page or elsewhere, contain 1876 poems.]
- Walt Whitman’s Hymn on the Death of Lincoln, with colored frontispiece and initials drawn by C. W. Ashbee. London: Edward Arnold, 1900. [Only 135 copies printed, all on vellum.]
- Leaves of Grass. (Selections.) New York: H. M. Caldwell Co., 1900. [Issued with the imprint of Harrup & Co., London.] [Pp. 88.]
- The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman, issued under the supervision of his Literary Executors. New York and London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1902. [Ten volumes containing Leaves of Grass; Complete Prose; Calamus letters (to Pete Doyle); Notes and Fragments; Wound Dresser and other letters to Whitman’s mother; essays by R. M. Bucke, T. B. Harned, and O. L. Triggs; variorum readings and bibliography by O. L. Triggs; and index.]
- Poems of Walt Whitman. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1902. With a Biographical introduction by John Burroughs. [Pp. 343. A reprint of 1860 ed. More recent issues have Drum-Taps added, pp. 345–468.]
- Song of Myself. East Aurora, New York: Roycrofters, 1904.
- Leaves of Grass (Selected), with prefatory note by Harry Roberts. London: Treherne & Co., 1904. [Pp. 260.]
- Memories of President Lincoln and Other Lyrics of the War. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1904. [Pp. 43.] Reissued in 1906 and 1912.
- Walt Whitman Selections. (Maynard’s English Classic Series.) New York: Maynard, Merrill, & Co., 1904. [Introduction and notes by J. W. Abernethy. Pp. 63, paper.]
- The Book of Heavenly Death, compiled by Horace Traubel. Portland, Maine: T. B. Mosher, 1905. [Pp. 103.]
- A Little Book of Nature Thoughts, selected by Anne Montgomerie Traubel. Portland, Maine: T. B. Mosher, 1906. [Pp. 88.] Republished by Siegle, Hill & Co. London, n. d.
- The Wisdom of Walt Whitman, selected and edited, with introduction by Laurens Maynard. New York: Brentano’s, 1908. [Pp. 165.]
- Leaves of Grass. London: Cassell & Co., 1909. [A reprint of 1882 edition. Pp. 468.] (The People’s Library.)
- Memories of President Lincoln. Portland, Maine: T. B. Mosher, 1912. [Pp. 16.]
- The Rolling Earth, compiled by Waldo R. Browne, with an introduction by John Burroughs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1912. [Pp. 222. Poems and prose.]
- Leaves of Grass and Democratic Vistas. London: J. M. Dent & Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton, n. d. [1912]. [Everyman Library. Introduction by Horace Traubel. This contains only part of Leaves of Grass. Pp. 359.]
- Poems from Leaves of Grass, with 24 colored illustrations by Margaret C. Cook. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1913. [Pp. 260.]
- Leaves of Grass. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1917. 3 vols. [as in the 1902 ed., with variorum readings] in 1.
- The Patriotic Poems of Walt Whitman. Garden City and New York, Double-day, Page & Co., 1918. [Pp. 194.]
- Without date:
- Leaves of Grass, a Selection. London: Geo. Routledge & Sons. (The Broadway Booklets.) [Pp. 60.]
- Walt Whitman Poems Selected by A. T. Quiller-Couch. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Pp. 32.]
- Memories of President Lincoln. New York: Little Leather Library Corporation. [1916.]
- Leaves of Grass (a Selection). London: Siegle, Hill & Co. [Pp. 128.]
- Leaves of Grass (Selected). London: Charles H. Kelly [?1914]. [Every Age Library.) [Pp. 300.]
- Pearls from Walt Whitman. London: C. W. Daniel. [Pp. 32, paper.]
- There is also an “expurgated” edition published in London by Chatto & Windus before 1886.
- Numerous general anthologies contain selections from Whitman’s poetry and prose.
- IV. C
- (1)
* Our Future Lot. L. I. D., 31 Oct., 1838. From the Long Islander. Not Signed. (2)* Young Grimes. L. I. D., 1 Jan., 1839. (3)* Fame’s Vanity. L. I. D., 23 Oct., 1839. (4)* My Departure. L. I. D., 27 Nov., 1839. (5)* The Inca’s Daughter. L. I. D., 5 May, 1840. (6)* The Love That is Hereafter. L. I. D., 19 May, 1840. (7)* We All Shall Rest at Last. L. I. D., 14 July, 1840. (8)* The Spanish Lady. L. I. D., 4 Aug., 1840. (9)* The End of All. L. I. D., 22 Sept., 1840. (10)* The Columbian’s Song. L. I. D., 27 Oct., 1840. (11)* The Winding Up. L. I. D., 22 June, 1841. A revision of The End of All. (12) Each Has His Grief. N. W., 20 Nov., 1841, vol. 3, no. 1. (13) The Punishment of Pride. N. W., 18 Dec., 1841, vol. 3, no. 25. Reprinted in Con., Feb., 1902, vol. 12, p. 189. (14) Ambition. A revision of Fame’s Vanity. B. J., 29 Jan., 1842, vol. 1, no. 5. (15) Death of the Nature Lover. A Revision of My Departure. B. J., 11 Mar., 1843, vol. 4, no. 10. Reprinted in Con., Jan., 1905, vol. 15, p. 172. (16)* The Play Ground. B. E., 1 June, 1846. (17)* Ode—to be sung on Fort Greene: 4th of July, 1846. B. E., 4 July, 1846. Reprinted in B. E., 15 June, 1900; Ross’ History of Long Island, 1902; and N. Y. T. 17 Sept., 1916. (18) The Mississippi at Midnight. N. O. C., 6 Mar., 1848. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E., slightly altered, under title Sailing the Mississippi at Midnight. Original version reprinted in Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, p. 173. (19)* Blood-Money. Tribune, Supplement, 22 Mar., 1850, vol. 9, no. 296, p. 1. Reprints: N. Y. E. P., date unknown; S. D. C.; C. P. E.; Con., Oct., 1905, vol. 16, p. 122. (20)* The House of Friends. Tribune, 14 June, 1850. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E., with title Wounded in the House of Friends. (21)* Resurgemus. Tribune, 21 June, 1850. Partly reprinted in Art and Artists, report of a lecture by Whitman, Brooklyn Daily Advertiser, 3 Apr., 1851 and in B. E., 14 July, 1900. Present title Europe. (22) A Child’s Reminiscence. New York Saturday Press, 24 Dec., 1859. Present title Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking. (23) Bardic Symbols. A. M., Apr., 1860, vol. 5, pp. 445–7. Present title As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life. (24) A Carol of Harvest, for 1867. G., Sept., 1867, vol. 4, pp. 605–9. Present title The Return of the Heroes. (25) A Broadway Pageant. New York Citizen, 5 Sept., 1868. (26) Whispers of Heavenly Death. Broadway Magazine, Oct., 1868, vol. 10, p. 180. Vol.I (n. s.), pp. 21–22. A group containing: Whispers of Heavenly Death, Darest Thou Now O Soul, A Noiseless Patient Spider, At the Last Tenderly, Pensive and Faltering. (27) Proud Music of the Sea-Storm. A. M., Feb. 1869, vol. 23, pp. 199–203. Present title Proud Music of the Storm. (28) The Singer in Prison. Saturday Evening Visitor, Dec., 1869. (29) Brother of All, With Generous Hand. G., Jan., 1870, vol. 9, pp. 75–6. (30) Warble for Lilac-Time. G., May, 1870, vol. 9, p. 686. Reprinted in N. Y. D. G., 12 May, 1873. (31) O Star of France. G., June, 1871, vol. 11 p. 817. (32) After All Not to Create Only. N. Y. E. P. and other papers, 7–8 Sept., 1871. Present title Song of the Exposition. (33) The Mystic Trumpeter. Kansas Magazine, Feb., 1872, vol. 1, p. 113. (34)* Nay, Tell Me Not To-day the Publish’d Shame. N. Y. D. G., 5 Mar., 1873. (35)* The Singing Thrush. N. Y. D. G., 15 Mar., 1873. Present title Wandering at Morn. (36)* Spain. N. Y. D. G., 24 Mar., 1873. (37)* Sea Captains, Young or Old. N. Y. D. G., 4 Apr., 1873. Present title Song for All Seas, All Ships. (38)* An Old Man’s Thought of School. N. Y. D. G., 3 Nov., 1873. (39) Song of the Redwood-Tree. H. M., Feb., 1874, vol. 48, pp. 366–7. (40) Prayer of Columbus. H. M., Mar., 1874, vol. 48, pp. 524–5. (41) Song of the Universal. The New Republic, Camden, 20 June, 1874. (42)* The Ox-Tamer. Also In the Wake Following (now After the Sea-Ship). N. Y. D. G., Christmas Number, 1874, in a group of prose pieces and verse called A Christmas Garland. (43) The Man-of-War-Bird. Athenæum, 1 Apr., 1876, No. 2527, p. 463. (Now To the Man-of-War-Bird.) Also published in Progress, Philadelphia, with title: Thou who hast slept all night upon the storm. (44)* A Death Sonnet for Custer. Tribune, 10 July, 1876. Present title From Far Dakota’s Cañons. (45) Patrolling Barnegat. The American, June, 1880. Reprinted in H. M., Apr., 1881, vol. 62, p. 701. (46) My Picture Gallery. The American, Oct., 1880. (47) The Dalliance of the Eagles. Cope’s Tobacco Plant, Nov., 1880, vol. 2, p. 552. (48) Spirit That Form’d This Scene. Cc., 10 Sept., 1881, vol. 1, no. 18. (49) The Sobbing of the Bells. Boston Daily Globe, 27 Sept., 1881. Also in The Poet’s Tribute to Garfield, Cambridge, Mass. Moses King, 1881, p. 71. (50) With Husky-Haughty Lips, O Sea! H. M., Mar., 1884, vol. 68, p. 607. (51) The Dead Tenor. Cc., 4 Nov., 1884. (52) Of That Blithe Throat of Thine. H. M., Jan., 1885, vol. 70, p. 264. (53) Grant, Cc., 15 Aug., 1885, vol. 4, n. s., no. 85. Present title Death of General Grant. (54) Fancies at Navesink. Nineteenth Century, Aug., 1885, vol. 18, pp. 234–7. (55)* November Boughs. L. M., Nov., 1887, vol. 40, pp. 722–3, containing: You Lingering Sparse Leaves of Me, Going Somewhere, After the Supper and Talk, Not Meagre, Latent Boughs Alone. (56) Yonnondio. Cc., 26 Nov., 1887, vol. 7, n. s., p. 267. (57) Twilight. Cy., Dec., 1887, vol. 35, p. 264. (58)* As the Greek’s Signal Flame. N. Y. H., 15 Dec., 1887. (59)* To Those Who’ve Fail’d. N. Y. H., 27 Jan., 1888. (60)* Halcyon Days. N. Y. H., 29 Jan., 1888. (61)* After the Dazzle of Day. N. Y. H., 3 Feb., 1888. (62)* America. N. Y. H., 11 Feb., 1888. (63)* True Conquerors. N. Y. H., 15 Feb., 1888. (64)* Soon Shall the Winter’s Foil be Here. N. Y. H., 21 Feb., 1888. (65)* The Dismantled Ship. N. Y. H., 23 Feb., 1888. (66)* Old Salt Kossabone. N. Y. H., 25 Feb., 1888. (67)* Mannahatta. N. Y. H., 27 Feb., 1888. (68)* Paumanok. N. Y. H., 29 Feb., 1888. (69)* From Montauk Point. N. Y. H., 1 Mar., 1888. (70)* My Canary Bird. N. Y. H., 2 Mar., 1888. (71)* A Prairie Sunset. N. Y. H., 9 Mar., 1888. (72)* The Dead Emperor. N. Y. H., 10 Mar., 1888. (73)* The First Dandelion. N. Y. H., 12 Mar., 1888. (74)* The Wallabout Martyrs. N. Y. H., 16 Mar., 1888. (75)* The Bravest Soldiers. N. Y. H., 18 Mar., 1888. (76)* Orange Buds by Mail from Florida. N. Y. H., 19 Mar., 1888. (77)* Continuities. N. Y. H., 20 Mar., 1888. (78)* Broadway. N. Y. H., 10 Apr., 1888. (79)* Life. N. Y. H., 15 Apr., 1888. (80)* The Final Lilt of Songs. N. Y. H., 16 Apr., 1888. (81)* To-day and Thee. N. Y. H., 23 Apr., 1888. (82)* Queries to My Seventieth Year. N. Y. H., 2 May, 1888. (83)* The United States to Old World Critics. N. Y. H., 8 May, 1888. (84)* Out of May’s Shows Selected. N. Y. H., 10 May, 1888. (85)* As I Sit Writing Here. N. Y. H., 14 May, 1888. (86)* A Carol Closing Sixty-Nine. N. Y. H., 21 May, 1888. (87)* Life and Death. N. Y. H., 23 May, 1888. (88)* The Calming Thought of All. N. Y. H., 27 May, 1888. (89)* Over and Through the Burial Chant. N. Y. H., 12 Aug., 1888. Present title Interpolation Sounds. (90) Twenty Years. Magazine of Art, Aug., 1888, July of the English edition. (91) Old Age’s Lambent Peaks. Cy., Sept., 1888, vol. 36, p. 735. (92) A Voice from Death. New York World, 7 June, 1889. (93) Bravo, Paris Exposition! Harper’s Weekly, 28 Sept., 1889. (94) My 71st Year. Cy., Nov., 1889, vol. 39, p. 31. (95) Old Age’s Ship and Crafty Death’s. Cy., Feb., 1890, vol. 39, p. 553. (96) Osceola. Munson’s Illus. World, Apr., 1890, vol. 6, no. 4. (97) A Twilight Song. Cy., May, 1890, vol. 40, p. 27. (98) For Queen Victoria’s Birthday. The Star (London?), 27 May, 1890. Reprinted in G. B. M. F., 1891, and in C. P. E. afterwards. (99) To the Sunset Breeze. L. M., Dec., 1890, vol. 46, p. 861. (100) The Pallid Wreath. Cc., 10 Jan., 1891, vol. 15, p. 18. (101) Old Age Echoes. L. M., Mar., 1891, vol. 47, p. 376, including: Sounds of the Winter, The Unexpress’d, Sail Out for Good, Eidólon Yacht, After the Argument. (In Complete Prose, 1898, p. 504.) (102) The Commonplace. Munyon’s Magazine, Mar., 1891, in facsimile. (103)* Ship Ahoy. Youth’s Companion, 12 Mar., 1891. (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 488.) (104) Old Chants. Truth, New York, 19 Mar., 1891, vol. 10, p. 11. (105)* New Year’s Day, 1848. Home Journal, New York, 30 March, 1892. Copied from a lady’s album. (106) Death’s Valley. H. M., April, 1892, vol. 84, pp. 707–709. (107)* Isle of La Belle Riviére. Cincinnati Post, 30 Apr., 1892. Dated “Blennerhassett Island in the Ohio, aged 30.” - (b) Prose
- (1)
* Sun-Down Papers. From the Desk of a Schoolmaster. L. I. D., No. 1 (from the Hempstead Inquirer), 28 Apr., 1840; No. 6, 11 Aug.; 7, 29 Sept.; 8, 20 Oct.; 9, 24 Nov., 1840, 9 (2nd), 6 July, 1841; 10, L. I. F., 20 July, 1841. (2)* Report of a speech by Whitman at a Democratic mass meeting. New Era, 30 July, 1841. Quoted in B. E., 6 Apr., 1847. (3) Death in the School-Room. A Fact. D. R., Aug., 1841, vol. 9, n.s., pp. 177–181. Reprints: L.I.F., 10 Aug., 1841; B. E., 24 Dec., 1847; S. D. C.; and in C. P. E. (4) Wild Frank’s Return. D. R., Nov., 1841, vol. 9, n. s., pp. 476–482. Reprinted in the L. I. F., 11 Jan., 1842; in S. D. C.; and in C. P. E. (5)* The Child’s Champion. N. W., 20 Nov., 1841. Republished as The Child and the Profligate, in the Col., Oct., 1844, vol. 2, pp. 149–153; in the B. E., 27–29 Jan., 1847; in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (6) Bervance: or, Father and Son. D. R., Dec., 1841, vol. 9, n. s., pp. 560–8. (7)* The Tomb-Blossoms. D. R., Jan., 1842, vol. 10, n. s., pp. 62–68. Reprinted in Voices from the Press, James J. Brenton, Editor, 1850, and in the Philadelphia Press, 23 Oct., 1892, with illustrations. (8) Boz and Democracy. B. J., 26 Feb., 1842, vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 243–4. (9) The Last of the Sacred Army. D. R., Mar., 1842, vol. 10, n. s., pp. 259–264. Reprinted in same magazine Nov., 1851, vol. 29, n. s., pp. 463–6. (10) The Child-Ghost; a Story of the Last Loyalist. D. R., May, 1842, vol. 10, n. s., pp. 451–9. Reprinted with alterations in S. D. C. with the title The Last Loyalist; and in C. P. E. (11)* A Legend of Life and Love. D. R., July, 1842, vol. 11, n. s., pp. 83–86. Reprinted Tribune, 6 July, 1842; B. J., 9 July, 1842; and the B. E., 11 June, 1846. (12) The Angel of Tears. D. R., Sept., 1842. (13)* Franklin Evans; or the Inebriate, a Tale of the Times. N. W., Nov., 1842, vol. 2, no. 10 (extra no.), pp. 1–31. Reprinted in condensed form in the B. E., Nov. 16–30, 1846, under title The Fortunes of a Country Boy, by J. R. S. It was advertised in 1843 as Franklin Evans; or The Merchant’s Clerk. (14) Eris; a Spirit Record. Col., Mar., 1844, vol. 1, pp. 138–9. Republished in B. E., 18 Aug., 1846, with title The Love of Eris; a Spirit Record. (15) Dumb Kate; Story of an Early Death. Col., May, 1844, vol. 1, pp. 230–231. Republished in B. E., 13 July, 1846; in S. D. C. with title Dumb Kate; and in C. P. E. (16) The Little Sleighers; A Sketch of a Winter Morning on the Battery. Col., Sept. 1844, vol. 2, pp. 113–4. (17) The Boy Lover. A. R., May, 1845, vol. 1, pp. 479–482. Reprinted in B. E., 4–5 Jan., 1848; in S. D. C.; and in C. P. E. (18)* Death of Wind-Foot. A. R., June, 1845, vol. 1, pp. 639–642. First printed in Franklin Evans (supra), Chapter 2. (19) Revenge and Requital; a Tale of a Murderer Escaped. D. R., July–Aug., 1845. Reprinted as One Wicked Impulse in B. E., 7–9 Sept., 1846; in S. D. C.; and in C. P. E. (20) A Dialogue [against capital punishment]. D. R., Nov., 1845, vol. 17, pp. 360–364. (21)* Tear Down and Build Over Again. A. R., Nov., 1845, vol. 1, pp. 536–8. (22) Art-Singing and Heart-Singing. Broadway Journal, 29 Nov., 1845, vol. 2, pp. 318–9. (23)* Little Jane. B. E., 7 Dec., 1846. First printed in Franklin Evans, Chapter 14. Republished in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (24)* Excerpts from a Traveller’s Notebook. N. O. C., 5, 6, 10 March, 1848. Reprinted in part in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, pp. 166–183. (25)* Habitants of Hotels. N. O. C., 10 March, 1848. (26)* Sketches of the Sidewalks and Levees; With Glimpses into the New Orleans Bar [rooms]. N. O. C., 13, 16, 23, 28 March; 4, 18 April; 2 May, 1848. One Sketch, Miss Dusky Grisette, was reprinted in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, pp. 166–183. (27)* Hero Presidents. N. O. C., 11 March, 1848. (28)* Who Shall Wear Motley? N. O. C., 3 April, 1848. (29)* Death of Mr. Astor of New York. N. O. C., 7 April, 1848. Reprinted in Publications of the La. Hist. Socy.,VII, 107–108. (30)* University Studies. N. O. C., 11 April, 1848. (31)* The Old Cathedral. N. O. C., 22 April, 1848. (32)* A Walk About Town. N. O. C., 26 April, 1848. Reprinted in Publications of the La. Hist. Socy.,VII, 109–111, and in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915. (33)* General Taylor at the Theatre. N. O. C., 9 May, 1848. Reprinted in Publications of the La. Hist. Socy.,VII, 106–107. (34)* A Night at the Terpsichore Ball. N. O. C., 18 May, 1848. Reprinted, with some omissions, in The Yale Review, Oct., 1915. (35)* The Shadow and the Light of a Young Man’s Soul. Union Magazine, June, 1848, vol. 2, pp. 280–1. (36) Art and Artists. Brooklyn Daily Advertiser, 3 Apr., 1851. Reprinted in B. E., 14 July, 1900; and partly in Complete Prose (1898, p. 371). (37) Sunday Restrictions. Brooklyn Star, 20 Oct., 1854. Reprinted in Con., Nov., 1903, vol. 14, p. 135. (38) Walt Whitman a Brooklyn Boy. Leaves of Grass (a volume of poems just published). Brooklyn Daily Times, 29 Sept., 1855. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass, 1856, pp. 360–3; in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), 1860, pp. 30–32; in Bucke’s Walt Whitman, 1883; and in In Re. (39) Walt Whitman and His Poems. United States Review, Sept., 1855, vol. 5, pp. 202–212. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), 1860; and in In Re. (40) Leaves of Grass,—Brooklyn, N. Y.—1856. Brooklyn Daily Times, 1856. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), 1860, pp. 49–50. (41) An English and an American Poet. American Phrenological Journal, 1856. Reprinted in Leaves of Grass, 1856, pp. 369–373; in Leaves of Grass Imprints (Thayer and Eldridge), 1860; and in In Re. (42)* Brooklyniana; A Series of Local Articles on Past and Present. Brooklyn Standard, weekly, first article 8 June, 1861; same article reprinted 21 Dec., 1861; continued until 17 Apr., 1862, and from 30 Aug., 1862, until 1 Nov., 1862. (43) The Great Army of the Sick. N. Y. T., 26 Feb., 1863. Reprinted in The Wound Dresser (Bucke), 1898, with title The Great Army of the Wounded. (44) Life Among Fifty Thousand Soldiers. B. E., 19 Mar., 1863. Reprinted in The Wound Dresser (Bucke), 1898. (45)* Washington in the Hot Season. N. Y. T., 16 Aug., 1863. Reprinted in S. D. C., pp. 42–45, and in C. P. E. (46)* From Washington. Military Anxieties … etc. Brooklyn Daily Union, 21 Sept., 1863. (47)* Letter from Washington, Our National City … etc. N. Y. T., 4 Oct., 1863. (48)* Fifty-First New York City Veterans. N. Y. T., 29 Oct., 1864. Unsigned. (49) Our Wounded and Sick Soldiers—Visits among the Hospitals. N. Y. T., 11 Dec., 1864. Incorporated into S. D. C., p. 26 et seq. Also published in The Wound Dresser (Bucke) 1898, pp. 21–46. (50) Democracy. G., Dec., 1867, vol. 4, pp. 919–933. Used in Democratic Vistas. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (51) Personalism. G., May, 1868, pp. 540–7. Used in Democratic Vistas. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (52)* Halls of Gold and Lilac. N. Y. D. G., 24 Nov., 1873. (53)* Silver and Salmon Tint. N. Y. D. G., 29 Nov., 1873. (54)* A Christmas Garland. In Prose and Verse. N. Y. D. G., Christmas, 1874. Contains a number of short pieces: Genius—Victor Hugo—George Sand—Emerson; A Thought on Culture; Travel; Friendship (the Real Article) (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 328); Rulers Strictly Out of the Masses (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 329); A Dialogue. Ventures, on an Old Theme (Complete Prose, 1898, p. 317); It Remains a Question; Has It Ever Occurred; Of Poems of the Third or Fourth Class; A Hint to Preachers and Authors; Have Normal Belief; In the Statesmanship; Transportation, the Mails, &c. (55)* ’Tis but Ten Years Since. New York Weekly Graphic, 17 Jan. to 7 Mar., 1874. Six war articles. (56)* A Poet’s Recreation. Tribune, 4 July, 1878. Reprinted, with some omissions, in S. D. C., pp. 113–118, and in C. P. E. (57) Three Young Men’s Deaths. Cope’s Tobacco Plant, Apr., 1879, vol. 2, pp. 318–9. Republished in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (58)* These May Afternoons. Tribune, 23 May, 1879. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (59) Emerson’s Books (the Shadows of Them). Literary World, 22 May, 1880, vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 177–8. Reprinted in Tribune, 15 May, 1882; in S.D.C., p. 319; and in C.P.E. (60)* Summer Days in Canada. London [Ontario] Advertiser, 22 June, 1880. Reprinted in S. D. C., pp. 110–113; and in C. P. E. (61)* Letter from Walt Whitman (from Ha Ha Bay, Saguenay River, Quebec). London [Ontario] Advertiser, 26 Aug., 1880. See S. D. C., pp. 163–5, and in C. P. E. (62)* How I Get Around at Sixty, and Take Notes. A series of six articles in the Cc. No. 1, 29 Jan., 1881, see S. D. C., pp. 91–2, 94–5, 98; no. 2, 9 Apr., 1881, S. D. C., pp. 102–5; no. 3, 7 May, 1881, S. D. C., pp. 179–182; no. 4, 16 July, 1881, S. D. C., pp. 98–99, 158–9; no. 5, 13 Dec., 1881, S. D. C., pp. 189–191; no. 6, 15 July, 1882, S. D. C., pp. 118–121. Sometimes altered in S. D. C. All reprinted in C. P. E. (63) Poetry of the Future. N. A. R., Feb., 1881, vol. 132, pp. 195–210. Present title Poetry To-day in America. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. (64) Death of Carlyle. Cc., 12 Feb., 1881, vol. 1, no. 3. Reprinted in Essays from the Critic, Boston, 1882, pp. 31–37; S. D. C., p. 168 (with additions); and C. P. E. (65) Bumble-Bees and Bird Music. The American, 14 May, 1881. Reprinted in S. D. C., 1882–3, p. 84, and in C. P. E. (66)* A Week at West Hills. Tribune, 4 Aug., 1881. Reprinted, slightly altered, in S. D. C., pp. 9–11, 185–6; and in C. P. E. (67)* City Notes in August. Tribune, 15 Aug., 1881. Reprinted in S. D. C., p. 186, and in C. P. E. (68) Death of Longfellow. Cc., 8 Apr., 1882, vol. 2, No. 33. Reprinted in Essays from the Critic, Boston, 1882, pp. 41–45; (slightly altered) in S. D. C., pp. 193–4; and in C. P. E. (69) By Emerson’s Grave. Cc., 6 May, 1882. Reprinted in S. D. C., p. 197, and in C. P. E. (70) Starting a Paper. Camden Daily Courier, 1 June, 1882. Also in New York World, 11 June, 1882. Republished in S. D. C., pp. 194–6, and in C. P. E. (71) A Memorandum at a Venture. N. A. R., June, 1882, vol. 134, pp. 546–550. Reprinted in S. D. C., pp. 302–6, and in C. P. E. (72) Edgar Poe’s Significance. Cc., 3 June, 1882, vol. 2, no. 37. Reprinted in S. D. C., pp. 156–8, and in C. P. E. (73) Robert Burns. Cc., 16 Dec., 1882, vol. 2, no. 51. Republished with additions in N. A. R., Nov., 1886; in N. B.; and in C. P. E. (74) The Bible as Poetry. Cc., 3 Feb., 1883, vol 3, no. 57. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (75) The Spanish Element in Our Nationality. Philadelphia Press, 5 Aug., 1883. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (76) Our Eminent Visitors (Past, present, and future). Cc., 17 Nov., 1883, vol. 3, no. 91. Republished in N. B. and in C. P. E. (77) A Backward Glance on My Own Road. Cc., 5 Jan., 1884, vol. 4, pp. 1–2. This, with How Leaves of Grass Was Made, New York Star, 1885 (reprinted in Philadelphia Press, 11 July, 1886), and My Book and I, L. M., Jan., 1887, was made over into the essay A Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads, published in N. B.; in Complete Poems and Prose, 1888–89; in the pocket edition of Leaves of Grass, 1889, and in all subsequent authorized editions of Leaves of Grass; but not included in 1892 or subsequent C. P. E. (78) Reminiscences of the Indian Bureau. Baldwin’s Monthly, New York, Feb., 1884, vol. 28, p. 2, and in To-day, London, May, 1884, vol. 1, pp. 340–2. Republished, with title changed to An Indian Bureau Reminiscence, in N. B. and in C. P. E. (79) What Lurks Behind Shakspere’s Historical Plays? Critic and Good Literature, 27 Sept., 1884. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (80) The Place Gratitude Fills in a Fine Character. Philadelphia Press, 27 Nov., 1884. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (81) A note on water works, etc. Brooklyn Daily Times, 20 Jan., 1885. Reprinted in A History of the City of Brooklyn and Kings County, S. M. Ostrander, Brooklyn, 1894, vol. 2, p. 89. (82)* Walt Whitman in Camden. Cc., 28 Feb., 1885, vol. 3, n. s., no. 61, over signature “George Selwyn.” Reprinted in American Authors at Home, edited by J. L. and J. B. Gilder (copyright 1888), still over same signature. Published again in Critic Pamphlet No. 2, 1898, Walt Whitman at Home, by Himself. Here a page of Whitman’s manuscript is reproduced, establishing the work as his. (83) How Leaves of Grass Was Made. New York Star, 1885. Reprinted in Leslie’s Monthly, June, 1892. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (84) Some Diary Notes at Random. Baldwin’s Monthly, Brooklyn, Dec., 1885, vol. 31, p. 8. Republished in N. B. and in C. P. E. (85) How I Made a Book. Philadelphia Press, 11 July, 1886. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (86) A Thought on Shakspere. Cc., 14 Aug., 1886, vol. 6, n. s., no. 137. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (87) Dear to Democracy. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by Distinguished Men of His Time, edited by Allen Thorndike Rice. 1886, pp. 412–419. Present title Abraham Lincoln. Complete Prose, 1898, pp. 436–8. (88) A Word about Tennyson. Cc., 1 Jan., 1887, vol. 7, n. s., no. 157. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (89) Some War Memoranda—Jotted Down at the Time. N. A. R., Jan., 1887, vol. 144, pp. 55–60. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (90) New Orleans in 1848. New Orleans Picayune, 25 Jan., 1887. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (91) My Book and I. L. M., Jan., 1887, vol. 39, pp. 121–7. See ante, A Backward Glance on My Own Road. (92) Father Taylor and Oratory. Cy., Feb., 1887, vol. 33, pp. 583–4. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (93) Five Thousand Poems. Cc., 16 Apr., 1887, vol. 7, n. s., no. 172. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. (94) To the Editor of the Herald. N. Y. H., 26 Jan., 1888. [A letter re Cleveland’s free trade message.] (95) Walt Whitman’s Tribute [To Sheridan.] N. Y. H., 8 Aug., 1888. (96) Army Hospitals and Cases. Cy., Oct., 1888, vol. 36, pp. 828–830. Reprinted in N. B. and in C. P. E. as Last of the War Cases. (97) Old Brooklyn Days. New York Morning Journal, 3 Aug., 1890. Republished in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (98) An Old Man’s Rejoinder. Cc., 16 Aug., 1890, vol. 14, pp. 85–6. Reprinted in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (99) Shakspere for America. P. L., Sept., 1890, vol. 2, pp. 492–3. Reprinted in G. B. M. F., 1891, and in subsequent C. P. E. (100) Old Poets. N. A. R., Nov., 1890, vol. 151, pp. 610–614. Republished in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (101)* An Engineer’s Obituary. Engineering Record, 13 Dec., 1890. Reprinted in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (102) Have We a National Literature? N. A. R., Mar., 1891, pp. 332–8. Reprinted in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. with title American National Literature. (103) Some Personal and Old Age Memoranda. L. M., Mar., 1891, vol. 47, pp. 377–381. Reprinted in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. with title Some Personal and Old Age Jottings. (104) The Old Man Himself. A Postscript. L. M., Mar., 1891, vol. 47, p. 389. (105) Walt Whitman’s Last. L. M., Aug., 1891, vol. 48, p. 256. Republished in Complete Prose, 1898, pp. 526–7, and in subsequent editions. (106) The Perfect Human Voice. Munson’s Illus. World, Philadelphia, vol. 1, p. 2 [?1891]. (107) Preface to Three Tales, by William Douglas O’Connor, Boston, [?1891]. Also printed in G. B. M. F. and in subsequent C. P. E. (108) An American Primer. A. M., Apr., 1894, vol. 93, pp. 460–470. Republished in book form, Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1904. (109) The Bears of Happy Hollow. Philadelphia Press, 1 Oct., 1905, signed Walter Whitman. This is probably spurious. (110) Lingave’s Temptation. Date and place of first publication unknown. Reprinted in S. D. C. and in C. P. E. - V. L
ETTERS - Letters in Sickness: Washington, 1873. [To his mother.] In Re, pp. 73–92.
- Walt Whitman in War-Time. Familiar Letters from the Capital. Cy., Oct., 1893, vol. 46, pp. 840–850. [These are selections from the Wound Dresser series, 1898.]
- Calamus. A Series of Letters Written during the Years 1868–1880 by Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter Doyle). Edited with an Introduction by Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D., one of Whitman’s literary executors. Boston: Laurens Maynard, 1897. [25 copies printed on large paper with an extra portrait.] Reprinted in The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman (Putnams), 1902, vol. 8, pp. 21–166.
- The Wound Dresser, a Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington During the War of the Rebellion by Walt Whitman, Edited by Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. [Written to his mother. Sixty copies printed on Alton Mills paper, with illustrations on Japan vellum, and containing a facsimile of one of the letters.] Reprinted in The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman (Putnams), 1902, vol. 7, pp. 128–281.
- Walt Whitman to His Mother. (1866–1872.) The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman, Putnams, 1902, vol. 8, pp. 173–243.
- Some Unpublished Letters of Walt Whitman’s Written to a Soldier Boy. Florence Hardiman Miller, Overland Monthly, Jan., 1904, vol. 43, pp. 61–3.
- Letters of Walt Whitman to His Mother and an Old Friend. Putnam’s Magazine, Nov., 1908, vol. 5, pp. 163–9.
- See also:
- Donaldson. Walt Whitman the Man. 1896. [Letters to Tennyson and others.]
- Knortz. Walt Whitman. Der Dichter der Demokratie. 1899. [Thirteen letters and post cards (printed in English), to the author.]
- Traubel. With Walt Whitman in Camden, in the three volumes already published, 1906, 1908, 1914. [Letters to various people.]
- Whitman letters, manuscripts, and miscellany formerly owned by T. B. Harned, one of Whitman’s literary executors, are now in the Library of Congress, Washington.
- VI. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Abbey, Charlotte L. Chanting the Square Deific. Con., Aug., 1895, vol. 6, p. 90.
- —— Freedom and Walt Whitman. Con., Sept., 1896, vol. 7, p. 106.
- —— Walt Whitman’s Unsung Songs. Fellowship Paper, 1897. Reprinted in Con., Oct., 1897, vol. 8, p. 118.
- Abbott, Leonard D. The Democracy of Whitman and the Democracy of Socialism. Con., Nov., 1902, vol. 13, p. 136.
- —— Walt Whitman and His Influence in American Poetry. Poetry Review, Oct., 1912, vol. 1, pp. 473–5.
- Academy. Walt Whitman. Oct., 1897.
- Achelis. In Das Litterarische Echo, 15 Oct., 1904; and in Die Gegenwart, 1904. No. 17.
- Apollinaire, Guillaume. Un témoin des funérailles de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 1 Apr., 1915, vol. 102, p. 658.
- —— À propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 16 Dec., 1913, vol. 106, p. 864.
- Arcos, René. À propos de quelques poètes modernes. M. de F., 16 Oct., 1913, vol. 105, pp. 697–713.
- Arnold, Sir Edwin. Seas and Lands. 1891, pp. 75–79.
- Atkinson, William Walker. My Recollections of Walt Whitman. New Thought Magazine, Jan., 1910, pp. 6–9.
- Atlantic Monthly. Whitman. June, 1892, vol. 69, pp. 831–835.
- —— An Impression of Walt Whitman. June, 1892, vol. 69, pp. 851–854.
- —— English Appreciation of Walt Whitman. Nov., 1903, vol. 92, pp. 714–716.
- Austin, Alfred. Poetry of the Future. Temple Bar, Oct., 1869. Reprinted in Poetry of the Period, London, 1870.
- Bain, Mildred. Traubel and Whitman. In Horace Traubel, 1913, pp. 7–10.
- Ball, M. V. Whitman and Socialism. Con., May, 1898, vol. 9, pp. 40–42.
- Balmont, Konstantin D. Polyarnost [Polarity]. Sovremienny Mir [The Modern World], St. Petersburg, 1910, vol. 8, pp. 135–139. Reprinted as preface to Pobyegi Travy [Leaves of Grass], Moscow: Skorpion, 1911.
- Barker, Elsa. What Whitman Learned from the East. Canada Monthly, Oct., 1911, vol. 10, pp. 438–443.
- Bathgate, Herbert J. Walt Whitman. The Times, London, 1879. Reprinted in Papers from the Times, vol. 2, London, 1879, pp. 155–164.
- Baxter, Sylvester. Whitman in Boston. New England Magazine, Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 714–721.
- Bayne, Peter. Walt Whitman’s Poems. Contemporary Review, Dec., 1875.
- Bazalgette, Léon. Walt Whitman L’Homme et son uvre. Paris. 1908.
- —— Une lettre de M. Léon Bazalgette à propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., Sept., 1, 1913, vol. 105, pp. 221–222.
- Beckett, Reginald A. Whitman as a Socialist Poet. To-day, July, 1888.
- Benson, Arthur Christopher. Walt Whitman. Escape and Other Essays, 1915, pp. 63–88.
- Bertz, Eduard. Walt Whitman zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag. Deutsche Presse, vol. 2, no. 23, 1889.
- —— An account of Whitman’s life and work in Spemann’s Goldenes Buch der Weltliteratur, 1900.
- —— Walt Whitman Ein Charakterbild. Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zurschenstufen, vol. 7, 1905, pp. 155–287.
- —— Der Yankee-Heiland. Dresden, 1906.
- —— Whitman-Mysterien. Berlin, 1907.
- Bertz, Eduard. À propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 1 July, 1913, vol. 104, pp. 204–210.
- Binns, Henry Bryan. A Life of Walt Whitman. London, 1905, pp. 365. Published in German, 1907; see post, Sec. VI, Schlaf, Johannes.
- —— Walt Whitman and His Poetry. London, Poetry and Life Series, 1915, pp. 168.
- Black, George D. Walt Whitman. N. E. M., Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 710–4.
- Blanc, Madame (Thérèse Bentzon). Un Poète americain Walt Whitman. R. d. d. M., 1 June, 1872.
- Blemont, Émile. La poésie en Angleterre et aux États Unis: III. Walt Whitman. La Renaissance artistique et littéraire, No. 7, 7 June; No. 11, 6 July; No. 12, 13 July, 1872. Reprinted in Beautés Étrangères, with a postscriptum, 1904. Paris, Alphonse Lemerre, 1904.
- Born, Helena. Whitman’s Altruism. Con., Sept., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 105–7.
- —— Poets of Revolt: Shelley, Whitman, Carpenter. Con., Mar.–May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 8, 23, 36.
- —— Whitman’s Ideal Democracy. P. L., 1899, vol. 11, pp. 569–582. The three essays reprinted in Whitman’s Ideal Democracy and Other Writings. Boston, 1902.
- Boston Index. Emerson and Walt Whitman. 22 June, 1882.
- Boughton, Willis. Walt Whitman. Arena, Sept., 1892, vol. 6, pp. 471–480.
- Boynton, Percy H. Whitman’s Idea of the State. New Republic, 10 June, 1916, vol. 7, pp. 139–141.
- Bradford, Gamaliel. Portraits of American Authors. II. Walt Whitman. Bookman, N. Y., Jan., 1916, vol. 42, pp. 533–548.
- Bradsher, Earl L. Walt Whitman and a Modern Problem. Sewanee Review, Jan., 1914, vol. 22, pp. 86–95.
- Bredvold, Louis I. Walt Whitman. Dial, 1 Nov., 1912, vol. 53, pp. 323–5.
- Brinton, Daniel G. A Visit to West Hills. Conservator, Nov., 1894, vol. 5, pp. 135–6.
- —— Whitman and Science. Con., Apr., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 20–21.
- Bromer, Edward S. Is Walt Whitman the Best Representative of America’s Independent Spirit in Poetry? Reformed Church Review, July, 1912, vol. 16, pp. 346–366.
- Brooklyn Eagle. Walt Whitman’s Chum Tells of Good Gray Poet. 8 Mar., 1914.
- Brooks, Van Wyck. America’s Coming of Age. 1915, pp. 112–129.
- Brotherhood. (London.) A Poet of the Cosmic Consciousness. 14 Apr., 1906, vol. 19, pp. 142–148.
- Brown, Harvey Dee. Whitman and the America of To-day. Con., Aug., 1917, vol. 28, pp. 86–88.
- Brown, William Thurston. Walt Whitman: Poet of the Human Whole. Portland, Oregon: n. d., pp. 32, paper.
- Browne, Francis F. Review of Leaves of Grass. Dial, Jan., 1882, vol. 2, pp. 218–9.
- Bruere, Robert W. Philosophy of Walt Whitman. Reader, Mar., 1905, vol. 5, pp. 490–494.
- Buchanan, Robert. Walt Whitman. Broadway Magazine, Nov., 1867, pp. 188–195. Reprinted in David Gray and Other Essays, 1868.
- —— Socrates in Camden, with a Look Around. Academy, Aug. 15, 1885. Reprinted in A Look Round Literature, London, 1887, p. 341.
- Bucke, Dr. Richard Maurice (one of Whitman’s Literary Executors). The Good Gray Poet. Philadelphia Press, 7 May, 1880.
- —— Walt Whitman. Family Circle, May, 1882.
- Bucke, Dr. Richard Maurice. Leaves of Grass Suppressed. Springfield Republican, 23 May, 1882.
- —— Walt Whitman. Philadelphia, 1883, pp. 236.
- —— Walt Whitman. Magazine of Poetry, Buffalo, Jan., 1889.
- —— In Re Walt Whitman, edited by H. L. Traubel, R. M. Bucke, and T. B. Harned, 1893, contains the following by Dr. Bucke: The Man Walt Whitman; Walt Whitman, Karl Knortz, translated by A. Forman and R. M. Bucke; Walt Whitman the Poet of American Democracy, Rudolf Schmidt, translated by R. M. Bain and R. M. Bucke; Leaves of Grass and Modern Science; Walt Whitman, T. W. Rolleston, translated by A. Forman and R. M. Bucke; Walt Whitman and the Cosmic Sense; Address at Whitman’s Funeral. See post, Traubel.
- —— Cosmic Consciousness. Con., May, June, 1894, vol. 5, pp. 37, 51.
- —— Memories of Walt Whitman. Fellowship Paper, 1894.
- —— Was Walt Whitman Mad? Con., June, 1895, vol. 6, pp. 55–58.
- —— Notes on the Text of Leaves of Grass. Con., May, June, Aug., 1896, Feb, 1897, and Feb., 1898, vol. 7, pp. 40, 59, 88, 185; vol. 8, p. 183.
- —— Walt Whitman, Man and Poet. National Magazine, Apr., 1898.
- —— Portraits of Walt Whitman. New England Magazine, Mar., 1899, vol. 20, pp. 33–50; 22 illus.
- —— Cosmic Consciousness. Philadelphia, 1901, pp. 178–196. Second edition, 1905.
- Burroughs, John. Walt Whitman and His Drum Taps. G., 1 Dec., 1866, vol. 2, pp. 606–615.
- —— Notes on Walt Whitman as Poet and Person. 1867. Second edition, with additions, 1871.
- —— The Flight of the Eagle. Birds and Poets. Boston, 1877, pp. 185–235.
- —— Walt Whitman Poet of Democracy. Christian Union, 2 Apr., 1892, vol. 45, pp. 636–7.
- —— Walt Whitman after Death. Cc., 9 Apr., 1892, vol. 17, p. 215.
- —— The Poet of Democracy. N. A. R., May, 1892, vol. 154, pp. 532–540.
- —— A Boston Criticism of Whitman. P. L., Aug.–Sept., 1892, pp. 363–365.
- —— Walt Whitman and the Common People, and Walt Whitman and His Recent Critics; in In Re.
- —— Whitman’s and Tennyson’s Relation to Science. Dial, 16 Mar., 1893, vol. 14, pp. 168–9.
- —— A Glance into Walt Whitman. L. M., June, 1893, pp. 753–8.
- —— Walt Whitman and His Art., P. L. Feb., 1894, vol. 6, pp. 63–9.
- —— Walt Whitman’s Art. P. L., Nov., 1894, vol. 6, pp. 577–9.
- —— Whitman’s Self Reliance. Con., Nov., 1894, vol. 5, pp. 131–4.
- —— Two Critics of Whitman. Con., Aug., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 84–7.
- —— Walt Whitman Again. Con., Oct., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 116–9.
- —— More Whitman Characteristics. Con., Nov., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 131–3.
- —— Whitman: a Study. Boston, 1896, pp. 268.
- —— Whitman’s Relation to Morals. Con., Apr., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 19–22.
- —— Whitman’s Relation to Culture. Con., June, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 51–3.
- —— The Secret of Whitman’s Following. Cc., Mar., 1898.
- Burton, Richard. Whitman. Literary Leaders of America. New York, 1911, pp. 264–295. (Copyright, 1903.)
- Byulleteni literatury i zhizni. Problema nravstvennosti v primyenenii k velikim lyndyam. [The Problem of Morality in Application to Great Men.] Moscow, Nov., 1913, pp. 317–324.
- Calder, Ellen M. (Mrs. W. D. O’Connor). Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman. A. M., June, 1907, vol. 99, pp. 825–834.
- Call, William Timothy. A Plea for Shakespeare and Whitman. Brooklyn, 1914, pp. 62.
- Camden Post. Editorial and account of Whitman’s Funeral. 30 Mar., 1892.
- Carlyle, Thomas. His comments on Whitman, see Appleton’s Journal, 1876, p. 531; and Recreations of a Book-Lover, F. W. Macdonald, London, 1911, p. 83.
- Carpenter, Edward. Review of November Boughs, Scottish Art Review, Apr., 1889, pp. 334–5.
- —— Wagner, Millet and Whitman. Progressive Review, Oct., 1896, vol. 1, pp. 65–74. Reprinted in Angel’s Wings, London, 1898.
- —— Walt Whitman. The Reformer, Feb., 1902.
- —— Days with Walt Whitman. London, 1906, pp. 187.
- —— My Days and Dreams. London, 1916, passim.
- Carpenter, George Rice. Walt Whitman. 1909. (English Men of Letters series.) Pp. 175.
- Carrillo, Enrique Gomez. Walt Whitman. Literatura extranjera, Paris, 1895.
- Chadwick, John White. Emerson and Whitman. Tribune, 28 May, 1882.
- Chainey, George. Lessons for To-day from Walt Whitman. The Infidel Pulpit, vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 91–97, 1881.
- —— Keep off the Grass. This World, 17 June, 1882, vol. 3, pp. 1–8.
- —— Walt Whitman. The Gnostic, Oakland, Cal., July, 1885.
- Chapman, John Jay. Walt Whitman. Chap Book, 15 July, 1897. Reprinted in Emerson and Other Essays, 1892.
- Cheney, John Vance (“Anthony Thrall”). Satan versus Sacking. Californian, July, 1880, vol. 2, pp. 35–44.
- —— Walt Whitman. Californian Illus. Magazine, Apr., 1893, vol. 3, pp. 553–571.
- Chimenti, Francesco. Walt Whitman, in Note di Letteratura Americana. Bari, 1894, pp. 21–36.
- —— Walt Whitman e l’arte nuova. Larghi Orizzonti. Bari, 1897, pp. 37–73.
- Chukovsky, K. Poet Anarkhist Walt Whitman, n. d., pp. 82, paper. (In Russian.)
- Clarke, Helen A. Passage to India. Con., Mar. 1895, vol. 6, pp. 7–10.
- —— Does Whitman Harmonize His Doctrine of Evil with the Pursuit of Ideals? Con., May, 1895, vol. 6, pp. 39–43.
- —— An Ideal of Character Drawn from Whitman’s Poetry. Con., June, 1899, vol. 10, pp. 56–8.
- —— The Awakening of the Soul: Whitman and Maeterlinck, Con., June, 1900, vol. 11, pp. 58–60.
- Clarke, William. Walt Whitman. London, 1892, pp. 132.
- Coleridge, Hon. Stephen. An Evening in My Library among the English Poets. 1916, pp. 35–7.
- Conway, Moncure D. Walt Whitman. Fortnightly Review, 15 Oct., 1866, vol. 6, p. 538.
- —— Autobiography. London, 1904, pp. 189–193.
- Couvert, John C. Quelques Poètes Américains: Longfellow, Whitman, Poe. Lyons, 1903.
- Cronin, David Edward. A Few Impressions of Walt Whitman. Con., June, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 57–9.
- Cronyn, G. W. The Idealism of the Real: Claude Monet and Walt Whitman. Columbia Monthly, May, 1908.
- Crosby, Ernest. Walt Whitman’s Children of Adam. Philistine, Aug., 1906, vol. 23, pp. 65–8.
- Cunningham, Clarence. A Defence of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. Arena, Jan., 1905, vol. 33, pp. 55–59.
- Curtis, William O’Leary. Whitman’s Defects and Beauties. The Month, Apr., 1891, vol. 71, pp. 527–531.
- Darrow, Clarence. Walt Whitman. A Persian Pearl and Other Essays, C. L. Ricketts, Chicago, 1902.
- Dart, William Kernan. Walt Whitman in New Orleans. Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society, vol. 7 (1913–4), 1915, pp. 97–112.
- Davenport, Wm. E. Walt Whitman in Brooklyn. B. E., 14 July, 1900.
- —— Identity of Whitman’s Work and Character. Con., Feb., 1903, vol. 13, p. 181.
- Davis, Rebecca Harding. Some Hobgoblins in Literature. Book Buyer, Apr., 1897, vol. 14, pp. 229–231.
- De Casseres, Benj. Enter Walt Whitman. Philistine, Nov., 1907, vol. 25, pp. 161–172.
- Dell, Floyd. Walt Whitman, Anti-Socialist. New Review, 15 June, 1915, vol. 3, p. 85.
- Dent, John C. America and Her Literature. Temple Bar, Feb., 1873, vol. 37, pp. 399–403.
- De Selincourt, Basil. Walt Whitman, a Critical Study. London, 1814, pp. 251.
- Donaldson, Thomas. Walt Whitman the Man. New York, 1896, pp. 278.
- Dowden, Edward. The Poetry of Democracy: Walt Whitman. Westminster Review, July, 1871, n. s., vol. 40, pp. 33–68. Reprinted in Studies in Literature, London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878.
- —— Review of Specimen Days. Academy, 18 Nov., 1882, vol. 22, p. 357.
- Dyer, Louville H. Walt Whitman. Wilshire’s Magazine, Nov., 1902, pp. 76–83.
- Eccles, Caroline. An Appreciation of Walt Whitman. The Quest, Jan., 1912, vol. 3, pp. 349–359.
- Edinburgh Review. New England Nature Studies: Thoreau, Burroughs, Whitman. Oct., 1908, vol. 208, pp. 343–366.
- Eldridge, Charles W. “A Woman Waits for Me”: The Personal Relations of Whitman and Emerson. Con., May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 38–9.
- Elliot, Charles N. Walt Whitman as Man, Poet and Friend. Boston [1915], pp. 257. [Original tributes collected by Charles N. Elliot, and published in facsimile.]
- Ellis, Havelock. Walt Whitman. The New Spirit, 1890. Reprinted in The Scott Library, London, n. d.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Letter to Whitman, 21 July, 1855, published in Leaves of Grass, 1856, p. 345, and in most of the books on Whitman.
- —— Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Boston, 1883, vol. 2, p. 283.
- Ende, Amelia von. Whitman’s Following in Germany. Con., Apr., 1903, vol. 14, pp. 23–5.
- —— Walt Whitman in Germany. Con., Jan., Feb., 1904, vol. 14, pp. 167, 183.
- —— Walt Whitman and Arno Holz. P. L., Summer, 1905, vol. 16, pp. 61–5.
- —— Walt Whitman and the Germans of To-day. Con., June, 1907, vol. 18, pp. 55–7.
- Farnsworth, Edward C. Walt Whitman. Universal Brotherhood, Nov., 1899, vol. 14, pp. 398–402.
- Fawcett, Edgar. Two Letters Indicating the Con of Whitman. Con., Sept., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 103–4.
- Federn, Karl. Walt Whitman. Die Zeit, Vienna, 16–23 Oct., 1897. Reprinted in Essays zur Amerikanischen Literatur, 1899; and in Walt Whitman—Grashalme, Minden, 1904.
- Ferguson, John DeLancey. American Literature in Spain. 1916, pp. 170–201, 241.
- Ferm, Elizabeth Burns. The Democracy of Walt Whitman. Mother Earth, Jan.–Feb., 1907, vol. 1, nos. 11–12.
- Fitch, George Hamlin. Walt Whitman, The Prophet in His Shirt-Sleeves. Great Spiritual Writers of America, San Francisco, 1916, pp. 12–20.
- Foerster, Norman. Whitman as a Poet of Nature. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Dec., 1916, vol. 21, n. s., pp. 736–758.
- Foote, George W. Walt Whitman. Flowers of Freethought, First Series, London [?1893].
- Frank Leslie’s Weekly. Adieu Walt Whitman. 14 Apr., 1892, with five illustrations of Whitman’s funeral.
- Freiligrath, F. Walt Whitman. Allgemeine Zeitung, Augsburg, 10 May, 1868. Reprinted in The Commonwealth, Boston, 4 July, 1868.
- Frothingham, O. B. The Morally Objectionable in Literature. N. A. R., Oct., 1882, vol. 135, pp. 326 ff.
- Gamberale, Luigi. La Vita e le Opere di Walt Whitman. Rivista d’Italia, vol. 1, p. 181. Partly translated in Con., Sept., 1904, vol. 15, pp. 103–6.
- Garrison, Charles G. Whitman and Women. Con., Mar., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 6–7.
- —— Walt Whitman, Christian Science and Vedanta. Con., Feb., 1905, vol. 15, pp. 182–5.
- Garrison, Wm. H. Walt Whitman. L. M., May, 1892, pp. 623–6.
- Gausseron, B. H. Walt Whitman. Revue Encyclopédic, No. 35, Tome 2, 1892.
- Gay, Wm. Walt Whitman, His Relation to Science and Philosophy. Melbourne, 1895.
- Gilchrist, Anne. An Englishwoman’s Estimate of Walt Whitman. Radical, May, 1870. Reprinted in In Re.
- —— A Confession of Faith. To-day, June, 1885. Reprinted in Anne Gilchrist, Her Life and Writings, 1887.
- Gilchrist, Grace. Chats with Walt Whitman. Temple Bar, Feb., 1898, vol. 113, pp. 200–212.
- Gilchrist, Herbert Harlakenden. [Editor.] Anne Gilchrist, Her Life and Writings. London, 1887, passim.
- Glantz, A. Walt Whitman. The Day, New York, 13 Apr., 1916. (In Hebrew.)
- Goldsmith, Jay C. “Jay Charlton.” Bohemians in America. In “Wm. Shepard” (Ward’s) Pen Pictures of Modern Authors, 1882, pp. 161–8.
- Gosse, Edmund. A Note on Walt Whitman. New Review, Apr., 1884. Reprinted in Critical Kit-Kats, London, 1896; and in German, Berlin, Gose & Tetzlaff, 1902, pamphlet.
- Gould, Elizabeth Porter. Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman. Philadelphia, 1900.
- Greene, Henry Copley. A Satyr Aspires. New World, Mar., 1898, vol. 7, pp. 54–67.
- Greg, Thomas T. Walt Whitman, Man and Poet. Warrington, England, 1888, paper.
- Guerra, Angel. La lirica de Walt Whitman. La Ilustración española y americana, Madrid, 8 Apr., 1910.
- —— Walt Whitman. La España moderna, Madrid, June, 1911.
- Gummere, Francis B. Whitman and Taine. Democracy and Poetry, Boston, 1911, pp. 96–148.
- Guthrie, William Norman. Walt Whitman (The Camden Sage) as Religious and Moral Teacher, a Study. Cincinnati, 1897, pp. 105, paper.
- —— Walt Whitman as Poetic Artist. The Vital Study of Literature and Other Essays, Chicago, 1912.
- Habberton, John. Walt Whitman’s Youth. New York World, 1 May, 1892, from Chicago Tribune.
- Hale, Edward Everett. Leaves of Grass. (Review of 1855 edition.) N. A. R., Jan., 1856, vol. 82, pp. 275–277.
- Halévy, Daniel. Article on Whitman in Pages libres, 1901.
- Halsey, John J. Walt Whitman. Dial, Jan., 1892, vol. 12, pp. 317–9.
- Hamsun, Knut. Walt Whitman. Gesellschaft, Dresden and Leipzig, 16 Jan., 1900, vol. 1, pp. 24–35.
- Harned, Thomas B. (one of Whitman’s literary executors). Whitman and the Future. Con., June, 1895, vol. 6, pp. 54–5. Reprinted as a Fellowship Paper, Nov., 1895.
- —— In Re Walt Whitman, edited by H. L. Traubel, R. M. Bucke, and T. B. Harned, contains Address at Whitman’s Funeral, and The Poet of Immortality, by Harned.
- —— The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman, 1902, contains the Harned essays: Walt Whitman and His Boston Publishers, Whitman and Physique, and Whitman and Oratory.
- —— Walt Whitman in the Present Crisis of Our Democracy. Con., Jan., 1906, vol. 16, pp. 167–8.
- —— Slanderers of Whitman. Con., Dec., 1907, vol. 18, pp. 151–4.
- Harper, Olive. Walt Whitman in Private Life. N. Y. D. G., 6 Nov., 1875.
- Harrison, Clifford. Stray Records. London, 1892, vol. 2, pp. 198–202.
- Harte, Walter Blackburn. Walt Whitman’s Democracy. N. E. M., Aug., 1892, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 721–4.
- —— Whitman and the Younger Writers: an Interview with John Burroughs. Con., July, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 69–72.
- Hartley, L. Conrad. The Spirit of Walt Whitman. (A Psychological Study in Blank Verse.) Manchester, 1908, pp. 36.
- Hartmann, Sadakichi. Conversations with Walt Whitman. New York, 1895, pp. 51. Paper.
- Hartt, George M. Whitman: An Inspiration to Democracy. Con., Aug., 1908, vol. 19, pp. 87–8.
- Haweis, Rev. H. R. A Visit to Walt Whitman. Pall Mall Gazette, 14 Jan., 1886.
- Hervey, John L. The Growth of the Whitman “Legend.” Dial, 24 June, 1915, vol. 59, pp. 12–14.
- Heuss, Theodor. Two articles in Die Hilfe. Beiblatt for 1906, Nos. 13–14.
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Whitman. Contemporaries. Boston, 1899, pp. 72–84.
- Hinton, Col. Richard J. Article on Whitman, Rochester Express, 7 Mar., 1868.
- —— Whitman and His Friend Jack. New Voice, 4 Feb., 1899.
- Hodgson, Geraldine. Walt Whitman: Poet and Thinker. Manchester, 1900, pp. 88, paper.
- Holland, J. G. Every-Day Topics. Second Series. 1882, pp. 126–134.
- Holloway, Emory. Walt Whitman in New Orleans. Yale Review, Oct., 1915, vol. 5, pp. 166–183.
- —— Some Recently Discovered Poems by Walt Whitman. Dial, 13 Apr., 1916, vol. 60, pp. 369–370.
- —— Walt Whitman’s History of Brooklyn Just Found. N. Y. T., 17 Sept., 1916.
- Holloway, Emory. Walt Whitman’s First Free Verse. Nation, New York, 27 Dec., 1917, vol. 105, p. 717.
- Holmes, Edmund. Walt Whitman’s Poetry, a Study and a Selection. London, 1902, pp. 132.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Over the Teacups. 1890. (Pp. 234–7 of fifth edition, London, 1891.)
- Howe, M. A. De Wolfe. The Spell of Whitman. A. M., Dec., 1906, vol. 98, pp. 849–855.
- Howells, William Dean. First Impressions of Literary New York. H. M., June, 1895, vol. 91, pp. 65–70. Reprinted in Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 1900, pp. 74–84.
- Hubbard, Elbert. Walt Whitman. Little Journeys series. East Aurora, N. Y., June, 1896, vol. 2, No. 6.
- Huneker, James. A Visit to Walt Whitman. Ivory Apes and Peacocks, 1915, pp. 22–31.
- Huston, Paul Griswold. Whitman as a Mystic. Con., Nov., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 133–5.
- Illustrated American. Walt Whitman. 16 Jan., 1892, pp. 391–5.
- Ingersoll, Robert G. Liberty in Literature. New York, 1890.
- —— Address at the funeral of Whitman. In Re, pp. 449–452.
- Interstate Medical Journal. The Higher Criticism in Medicine. Mar., 1911, vol. 18, pp. 267–9.
- Irwin, Frances Joseph. The Religion of Walt Whitman. Truth Seeker, 11 Mar., 1905, p. 147.
- Irwin, Mabel MacCoy. Whitman the Poet-Liberator of Woman. 1905, pp. 77.
- Jackson, Edward Payson. Whitman and Tolstoi. Con., Jan., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 165–8.
- —— A Convert to Whitman. Fellowship Paper, No. 8, 1896–7.
- —— Whitman and Whittier as Patriots. Con., Apr., 1897, vol. 8, pp. 24–5.
- Jackson, Holbrook. Walt Whitman. All Manner of Folk, 1912, pp. 103–121.
- James, Henry. Mr. Walt Whitman. Nation, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1865.
- James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. 1902, pp. 84–87, passim.
- Jannacconne, P. La Poesie di Walt Whitman, e l’Evoluzione della Forme Ritmiche. Turin, 1898, pp. 130. Translated by Wm. Struthers, Con., 1900–1, vol. 11, pp. 21, 38, 53, 120, 135; vol. 12, p. 7.
- Jepson, Edgar. Walt Whitman. Fabian News, Feb., 1908.
- Johnston, Alma Calder. Personal Memories of Walt Whitman. B., Dec., 1917, vol. 46, pp. 404–413.
- Johnston, Bertha. Walt Whitman and the American Teacher. Con., July, Aug., Sept., 1909, vol. 20, pp. 70, 85, 102.
- Johnston, Charles. A Poet Theosophist. Theosophist, June, 1889, vol. 10, pp. 535–8.
- Johnston, Dr. John. Notes of a Visit to Walt Whitman. Bolton, England, Privately Printed, 1890. Second edition, Diary Notes of a Visit to Walt Whitman and Some of His Friends, in 1890. Manchester, 1898.
- —— Walt Whitman—The Poet of Nature. Fortnightly Review, June, 1910, vol. 87, pp. 1123–1136.
- —— and Wallace, J. W. Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891 by Two Lancashire Friends. London, 1917, pp. 279.
- Johnston, John H. Half Hours with Walt Whitman. Everywhere, Jan., 1908, vol. 21, pp. 212–4.
- Jones, P. M. Whitman in France. Modern Language Review, Jan., 1915, vol. 10, pp. 1–27.
- —— Influence of Whitman on the Origin of the “Vers Libre.” Modern Language Review, Apr., 1916, vol. 11, pp. 186–194.
- Jorba, J. Pérez. Walt Whitman. Catalonia, Barcelona, 10 Feb., 1900.
- Karsner, David Fulton. Walt Whitman—Revolutionist. New York Call, 7 Apr., 1912.
- Keller, Elizabeth Leavitt. Walt Whitman: the Last Phase. Putnam’s Magazine, June, 1909, vol. 6, pp. 331–7.
- Kelley, William V. The Whitman Craze in England. Methodist Review, Nov.–Dec., 1897, vol. 79, pp. 952–964.
- —— The Deification of “One of the Roughs.” Homiletic Review, Sept., 1901, vol. 42, pp. 202–8.
- Kellner, Leon. Geschichte der Nordamerikanischen Literatur. 1914. Republished in English as American Literature, Garden City, N. Y., 1915, pp. 99–116.
- Kennedy, Walker. Walt Whitman. N. A. R., June, 1884, vol. 138, pp. 591–601.
- Kennedy, Wm. Sloane. A Study of Walt Whitman. Californian, Feb., 1881, vol. 3, pp. 149–158.
- —— The Precession of the Poets. Cc., 4 Sept., 1886, vol. 6, n. s., pp. 109–110.
- —— In Re contains the essays The Quaker Traits of Walt Whitman, and Dutch Traits of Walt Whitman, from Con., 1890–1.
- —— Suppressing a Poet. Con., Jan., 1895, vol. 5, pp. 169–171.
- —— Friendship of Whitman and Emerson. P. L., Feb., 1895, vol. 7, pp. 71–4.
- —— Reminiscences of Walt Whitman, with Extracts from His Letters and Remarks on His Writings. Paisley, Scotland, 1896, pp. 190.
- —— A Peep into Walt Whitman’s Manuscripts. Con., June, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 53–5.
- —— Sursum Corda, Comrades! Con., Nov., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 140–1.
- —— Identities of Thought and Expression in Emerson and Whitman. Con., Aug., 1897, vol. 8, pp. 88–91.
- —— Notes on the Text of Leaves of Grass, Con., Feb., 1898, vol. 8, p. 184.
- Knortz, Karl. Walt Whitman. Sonntagsblatt der New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, Dec., 1882. Three numbers.
- —— Walt Whitman. New York, 1886, in German. Translated into English by A. Forman and R. M. Bucke in In Re, pp. 215–238. Reprinted in German as Walt Whitman der Dichter der Demokratie, Leipzig, 1899, with translations from Leaves of Grass, and letters from Whitman.
- —— Walt Whitman und seine Nachahmer. (Walt Whitman and His Imitators: Carpenter, Traubel, Crosby.) Leipzig, 1911, pp. 159, paper.
- Lanier, C. D. Walt Whitman. Chautauquan, Apr., 1892, vol. 15, pp. 309–313.
- Lanier, Sidney. The English Novel. 1883, pp. 44–62.
- Le Baron, Marie. Walt Whitman at Home. N. Y. D. G., 3 Sept., 1873.
- Lebesgue, Philéas. Walt Whitman et la Poésie contemporaine. Essai d’expansion d’une esthétique. Bordeaux, 1911, pp. 5–26.
- Leconte, Joseph. Une poéte américain: Walt Whitman. La Vie Intellectuelle, 1 année, No. 1, 15 Feb., 1908.
- Lee, Gerald Stanley. Order for the Next Poet. Putnam’s Magazine, Mar., Apr., 1907, vol. 1, pp. 697–703, vol. 2, pp. 99–107.
- Le Gallienne, Richard. Walt Whitman. Con., Mar., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 4–5.
- Legler, Henry E. Walt Whitman: Yesterday & Today. Chicago, 1916, pp. 72.
- Leighton, Walter. Whitman’s Note of Democracy. Arena, July, 1902, vol. 28, pp. 61–5.
- Leslie’s Weekly. Adieu Walt Whitman. 14 Apr., 1892, p. 183. [With five illustrations of the funeral of Whitman.]
- Lessing, O. E. Neue Bahnen in der Weltliteratur, 1. Walt Whitman. Deutsche Arbeit, V. Fahrgang 1890–6, pp. 392–403, Prag.
- —— Zur deutschen Whitman-Literatur. Osterreichischen Rundschau, Band 11, Heft 5, pp. 361–8.
- —— Whitman and His German Critics. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 1910, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 85–98.
- Lewin, Walter. Walt Whitman. A paper read at Liverpool, 13 Dec., 1886. Pp. 17, paper.
- —— Leaves of Grass. Murray’s Magazine, Sept., 1887.
- Life (English weekly). American Celebrities. No. 1, Walt Whitman, by “Atlantis.” Vol. 5, pp. 1068–9.
- Livingston, Luther S. The First Books of Some American Authors. B., Nov., 1898, vol. 8, pp. 230–5.
- Lockwood, DeW. C. The Good Gray Poet. Californian Illustrated Magazine, Apr., 1893, vol. 3, pp. 579–586.
- Lombroso, Cesare. Genie und Irrsinn, p. 322. English Edition “The Man of Genius,” London, 1891, p. 318.
- London Times. Walt Whitman. 28 Mar., 1892.
- —— The Superman. 23 May, 1912.
- —— A Futurist of the Sixties. 26 Feb., 1914.
- —— Drum Taps. 1 Apr., 1915.
- Mabie, Hamilton Wright. American Life in Whitman’s Poetry. Backgrounds of Literature, 1903, pp. 194–203.
- Macaulay, G. C. Walt Whitman. Nineteenth Century, Dec., 1882, vol. 12, pp. 903–918.
- MacCulloch, J. A. Walt Whitman the Poet of Brotherhood. Westminster Review, Nov., 1899, vol. 152, pp. 552–3.
- Macphail, Andrew. Walt Whitman. Essays in Puritanism. Boston, 1905, pp. 221–273.
- Macy, John. Whitman. The Spirit of American Literature. Garden City, N. Y., 1913, pp. 210–247.
- Martin, G. Currie. Walt Whitman. Poets of the Democracy. London, 1917, pp. 75–82.
- Marvin, Joseph B. Walt Whitman. Radical Review, Aug. 1877, vol.
I, pp. 224–259. - Masson, Elsie. Walt Whitman, ouvrier et poète. M. de F., Aug., 1907, vol. 68, pp. 385–404.
- Maynard, Laurens. Walt Whitman’s Comradeship. Con., June, 1897, vol. 8, pp. 53–5.
- —— A Few Notes on Whitman and the New England Writers. Con., July, 1898, vol. 9, pp. 68–71.
- —— Walt Whitman and Elbert Hubbard. Con., Dec., 1917, vol. 28, pp. 151–152.
- Maynard, Mila Tupper. Walt Whitman the Poet of the Wider Selfhood. Chicago, 1903, pp. 145.
- McCarthy, Justin. Reminiscences. London, 1899, vol.
I, pp. 258–261. - McCulloch, H., Jr. Aspects of Whitman. Harvard Monthly, 1892, vol. 14, p. 122.
- Mead, Leon. Walt Whitman. Con., Aug., 1900, vol.
II, pp. 90–2. - Merrill, Stuart. Walt Whitman. Le Masque, Bruxelles, 1912, nos. 9–10, pp. 303–307.
- —— Une lettre de M. Stuart Merrill à propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 16 Apr., 1913, vol. 102, pp. 890–2.
- —— La Question Walt Whitman. M. de F., 16 Nov., 1913, vol. 106, pp. 329–336.
- Merwin, Henry Childs. Millet and Walt Whitman. A. M., May, 1897, vol. 79, pp. 719–720.
- “Metador.” A Real American Poet. N. Y. D. G., 25 Nov., 1873.
- Meyer, Annie Nathan. Two Portraits of Walt Whitman. Putnam’s, Sept., 1908, vol. 4, pp. 707–710.
- Meyer, Richard M. Die Weltlitteratur und die Gegenwart. In Deutsche Rundschau, 1900 (Bd. CIV), pp. 276 ff.
- —— Die Deutsche Litteratur des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1906, pp. 861 ff.
- Michael, Helen A. Woman and Freedom in Whitman. P. L. Apr.-June, 1897.
- Middleton, Lamar. Whitman the Anachronism. The Quartier Latin, Jan., 1897.
- Miller, Kelly. What Walt Whitman Means to the Negro. Con., July, 1895, vol. 6, pp. 70–73.
- Möller, Tyge. Walt Whitman. Con., Jan., 1910, vol. 20, pp. 165–8.
- Molloy, Fitzgerald. Walt Whitman. Modern Thought, 1 Sept., 1882, vol. 4, pp. 319–326.
- Monahan, Michael. A Whitmanite. At the Sign of the Van., 1914, pp. 129–136.
- Monck, Emily C. Greek Traits in Whitman. P. L., June-July, 1895, vol. 7, pp. 327–332.
- —— Walt Whitman in Relation to Christianity. P. L., Dec., 1895, vol. 7, pp. 607–613.
- Monroe, Harriet. A Word about Walt Whitman. Cc., 16 Apr., 1892, vol. 17, p. 231.
- Monthly Review. Walt Whitman’s “Grandee Spain Succumbing.” May, 1903, pp. 151–7.
- Montoliu, Cebrià. Walt Whitman. La Lectura, Aug., Sept., 1911. This article was enlarged to form the next item:
- —— Walt Whitman, L’home i sa tasca. Barcelona, 1913, pp. 214.
- Mordell, Albert. Whitman, Democrat, not a Pacifist. [An interview with Francis Howard Williams.] Philadelphia Record, 12 Aug., 1917.
- More, John Robert. Walt Whitman, a Study in Brief. Sewanee Review, Jan., 1917, vol. 25, pp. 80–92.
- More, Paul Elmer. Walt Whitman. Shelburne Essays, Fourth Series, 1906, pp. 180–212.
- Morris, Charles. The Poetry of Walt Whitman. The American, 23 June, 1888.
- Morris, Harrison S. The Poetry of Walt Whitman. The American, 7 July, 1888.
- Mouray, Gabriel. Walt Whitman. Con., May, June, 1910, vol. 21, pp. 37, 53, translated from Revue Bleue.
- Mufson, Thomas. Walt Whitman, Poet of the New Age. Twentieth Century, July, 1910, vol. 2, pp. 325–330.
- Muzzey, David Saville. The Ethical Message of Walt Whitman. Ethical Record, May, 1903, vol. 4, pp. 147–151.
- National Observer. Twenty Modern Men, from the National Observer. Second Series. London, 1891, pp. 36–41.
- Nencioni, Enrico. Nuovi Orizzonti Poetici. Fanfulla, 1881.
- —— Walt Whitman. Nuova Antologia, Aug., 1885.
- Nencioni, Enrico. Il Poeta della Guerra Americana. Nuova Antologia, 1 Dec., 1891. Reprinted in Saggi Critici di Letteratura Inglese. Firenze, 1897, pp. 204–230.
- Noel, Roden. A Study of Walt Whitman. The Dark Blue, Oct.–Nov., 1871. Reprinted in Essays on Poetry and Poets, London, 1886, pp. 304–341.
- Nordau, Max. Degeneration. London, 1895, p. 230.
- Nordslesorgsk Sondagsblad (Denmark). A series of articles on Whitman, May, 1889.
- Noyes, Carleton. An Approach to Walt Whitman. Boston, 1910, pp. 231.
- O’Connor, William Douglas. The Good Gray Poet: a Vindication, 1866. Pamphlet. Reprinted in Bucke’s Walt Whitman, 1883, pp. 99–130.
- —— Letter in the Round Table, 3 Feb., 1866.
- —— Letter in N. Y. T., 2 Dec., 1866.
- —— Letter in the Round Table, 16 Feb., 1867.
- —— Letter in N. Y. T., 30 June, 1867.
- —— Letters to Tribune, 25 May, 16 June (?), 27 Aug., 1882.
- —— Letter of 16 Sept., 1882, to Tribune, not published until Sept., 1896, in Con., vol. 7, pp. 99–102.
- O’Dowd, Bernard. Walt Whitman, His Meaning to Victorians. The Toxin, Melbourne, Apr., 1899.
- O’Grady, Standish. Walt Whitman, the Poet of Joy. Gentleman’s Magazine, Dec., 1875.
- O’Leary, R. D. Swift and Whitman as Exponents of Human Nature. International Journal of Ethics, Jan., 1914, vol. 24, pp. 183–201.
- Oliva, Domenico. Il profeta dell’avvenire. Il Giornale d’Italia, Rome, 27 Jan., 1908.
- Onderdonk, James L. Walt Whitman, a Character Sketch. Altruistic Review, Aug., 1894.
- Osmaston, F. P. Discussion, the “Coarseness” of Whitman. The Quest, July, 1912, vol. 3, pp. 766–770.
- Overland Monthly. An Estimate of Walt Whitman. May, 1892, vol. 19, pp. 551–7.
- Parker, Gilbert. Walt Whitman. Literary Opinion, Apr., 1892.
- Path, The. Poetical Occultism. (S. B. J.) Dec., 1886, vol. 1, pp. 270–4.
- Pennell, Elizabeth R. Reminiscences of Walt Whitman. Literary Opinion, May, 1892, vol. 2, pp. 57–60.
- Pentecost, Hugh O. Whitman’s View of Life. Truth Seeker, 7 Mar., 1914.
- Perry, Bliss. Walt Whitman, His Life and Work. Boston, 1906, pp. 318. Republished, with alterations and additions, 1908. (American Men of Letters series.)
- Pezux, J. Walt Whitman. Haarlem, 1892.
- Platt, Isaac Hull. The Cosmic Sense as Manifested in Shelley and Whitman. Con., June, 1894, vol. 5, pp. 54–5.
- —— The Justification of Evil. Con., July, 1895, vol. 6, p. 75.
- —— Whitman and Shelley. P. L., June, 1896, vol. 8, pp. 332–342.
- —— The Silence of Walt Whitman. Con., June, 1902, vol. 13, pp. 56–7.
- —— Walt Whitman. Boston, 1904, pp. 147. (Beacon Biographies series.)
- —— Whitman’s Superman. Con., Feb., 1906, vol. 16, pp. 182–3.
- —— A Poet Who Could Wait. Book News, Apr., 1906, vol. 24, pp. 545–9.
- Poet-Lore. Whitman’s Significance. Apr., 1892, vol. 4, pp. 229–230.
- —— Lowell’s and Whitman’s Columbus. Mar.–May, 1895, vol. 7, pp. 166, 218, 275.
- Poet-Lore. Purport of Browning’s and Whitman’s Democracy. Nov., 1895, vol. 7, pp. 556–566.
- —— Brotherhood in Whitman and Browning. Summer, 1898, vol. 10, pp. 421–4.
- —— Life and Letters. (Whitman and America.) Vol. 11, pp. 144–150.
- Pollard, Marguerite. The Universality of Walt Whitman. Theosophist, Dec., 1913, vol. 35, pp. 373–381.
- Popoff, Dr. P. Walt Whitman. Zagranichny Viestnik [The Foreign Messenger, Russia], Mar., 1883.
- Porter, Charlotte. A Short Reading Course in Whitman, by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clark. Fellowship Paper, no. 13, 1895.
- —— The American Idea in Whitman. Con., July, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 73–5.
- Powys, John Cooper. Walt Whitman. Visions and Revisions. 1915, pp. 281–298.
- Proctor, Thomas. Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman. Journal of Hygiene, Feb., 1898.
- Quesnel, Léo. Poètes Américains—Walt Whitman. Revue politique et litteraire, 16 Feb., 1884, 3 série, 4 année, no. 7.
- —— Walt Whitman. Bibliotheque Universelle et Revue Suisse, Feb., 1886.
- Quinn, Arthur H. Whitman the Poet of Democracy. Red and Blue (Univ. of Penn.), Nov., 1894.
- Raaben, L. von. Walt Whitman. Theosophisches Leben, März, 1905, pp. 346–9.
- Ratcliffe, S. K. Walt Whitman. Literature, 16 Feb., 1901.
- Reeves, Harrison. À propos de Walt Whitman. M. de. F., 16 June, 1913, vol. 103, pp. 893–5.
- Rhys, Ernest. The Portraits of Walt Whitman. Scottish Art Review, June, 1889, vol. 2, pp. 17–24. Illus.
- —— Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. Everyman, 28 Feb., and 7 Mar., 1913, vol. 1, pp. 623, 656–7.
- Rickett, Arthur. Walt Whitman. The Vagabond in Literature. London, 1906, pp. 169–205.
- Riethmueller, Richard. Walt Whitman and the Germans. Philadelphia, 1906, pp. 45, paper.
- Rivers, W. C. Walt Whitman’s Anomaly. London, 1913, pp. 70.
- Robertson, John. Walt Whitman, Poet and Democrat. Edinburgh, 1884. Paper, pp. 52. (Round Table series.)
- Robins, Edward. How Walt Whitman Looked to One Who Met Him Once. Philadelphia Ledger, 7 Nov., 1915.
- Robinson, Victor. Walt Whitman. Altruria Magazine, May, 1907, pp. 14–25.
- Robinson, Wm. J. Walt Whitman and Sex. Con., June, 1913, vol. 24, pp. 53–5.
- Rockell, Frederick. Whitman, Emerson and Thoreau: Three Anarchists of American Literature. University Magazine, 1899, vol. 11.
- Rolleston, T. W. Walt Whitman. Ueber Wordsworth und Walt Whitman. Dresden, 1883, von H. B. Cotterill und T. W. Rolleston, pp. 38–60.
- Roose, Pauline W. A Child Poet, Walt Whitman. Gentleman’s Magazine, May, 1892, vol. 48, n. s., pp. 464–480.
- Rossetti, William Michael. Walt Whitman’s Poems. Chronicle, 6 July, 1867.
- Salt, Henry S. Shelley and Whitman. Con., May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 40–1.
- Salter, William Mackintire. Walt Whitman. Two Addresses: 1. The Great Side of Walt Whitman; 2. The Questionable Side of Walt Whitman. Philadelphia, 1899, pp. 46.
- Sanborn, Frank B. Walt Whitman, a Visit to the Good Gray Poet. Springfield Republican, 19 Apr., 1876.
- Sanborn, Frank B. Reminiscent of Whitman. Con., May, 1897, vol. 8, pp. 37–40.
- Sand-Burr Magazine. Walt Whitman as a Veteran Saw Him. Dec., 1907.
- Santayana, George. Walt Whitman: a Dialogue. Harvard Monthly, May, 1890, vol. 10, p. 85.
- —— Walt Whitman. Part of the chapter The Poetry of Barbarism, in Poetry and Religion). 1900, pp. 177–187.
- Sarrazin, Gabriel. Poètes modernes de l’Amérique, Walt Whitman. La Nouvelle Revue, 1 May, 1888, vol. 52, pp. 164–184. Reprinted in In Re.
- Savage, Minot J. The Religion of Walt Whitman’s Poems. Arena, Sept., 1894, vol. 10, pp. 433–452.
- Sawyer, Roland D. Walt Whitman the Poet-Prophet. Boston, 1913, pp. 76.
- Scheffauer, Herman. Whitman in Whitman’s Land. Fortnightly Review, Jan., 1915, No. 577, pp. 128–137.
- Schinz, Albert. Walt Whitman, a World Poet? L. M., Oct., 1913, pp. 466–474.
- —— À propos de Walt Whitman. M. de F., 1 Feb., 1914, vol. 107, pp. 669–671.
- Schlaf, Johannes. Walt Whitman. Freie Bühne, 1892. Leipzig, 1897, pp. 41, paper.
- —— Walt Whitman. Die Dichtung, Berlin, n. d. [1906]. Bd.
XVIII, pp. 89. - Schmidt, Rudolf. Walt Whitman, det amerikanske Demokratis Digter. For Ide og Virkelighed, vol. 1, pp. 152–216. Copenhagen, 1872. Translated, in part, in In Re, pp. 231–248.
- —— Walt Whitman. Buster og Masker, Copenhagen, 1882, pp. 123–192.
- —— Walt Whitman. Illustreret Tidende, Copenhagen, 18 Feb., 1883, pp. 257–8.
- Scott, Fred Newton. A Note on Walt Whitman’s Prosody. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 7, pp. 134–153.
- Scottish Art Review. Walt Whitman. Sept., 1888.
- Scottish Review. Walt Whitman. Sept., 1883, vol. 2, p. 281.
- Scovel, James Matlock. Walt Whitman as I Knew Him. National Magazine, May, 1904, vol. 20, pp. 165–9.
- Sempers, C. T. Whitman and His Philosophy. Harvard Monthly, Jan., 1888.
- Shipley, Maynard. Walt Whitman’s Message. Con., Sept., 1906, vol. 17, pp. 102–5.
- Sholes, C. W. Walt Whitman: His Poetry and Philosophy. Pacific Monthly, Sept., 1901, vol. 6, pp. 141–3.
- Skinner, Charles M. Walt Whitman as an Editor. A. M., Nov., 1903, vol. 92, pp. 679–686.
- Smith, George J. Whitman: Radical or Conservative? Fellowship Paper, May, 1898.
- —— Whitman and Mannahatta. Con., Dec., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 148–9.
- —— Emerson and Whitman. Con., June, 1903, vol. 14, pp. 53–5.
- —— Whitman’s Reading of Life. P. L., Autumn, 1906, vol. 17, pp. 79–94.
- Smith, Wayland Hyatt. Blending of Orient and Occident in Whitman. Fellowship Paper, May, 1898.
- Snyder, John Edwin. Walt Whitman’s Woman. Socialist Woman, Feb., 1909.
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Walt Whitman. Scribner’s, Nov., 1880, vol. 21, pp. 47–64. Reprinted in Poets of America, Boston, 1885, pp. 349–395.
- Steell, Willis. Walt Whitman’s Early Life on Long Island. Munsey’s, Jan., 1909, vol. 40, pp. 497–502.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Gospel According to Walt Whitman. New Quarterly, Oct., 1878, vol. 10, pp. 461–481. Reprinted in Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882.
- Stevenson, Robert Louis. Books Which Have Influenced Me. In Books Which Have Influenced Me, by Various Writers, 1887.
- Stoker, Bram. Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving. 1906, vol. 2, pp. 92–111.
- Strong, Augustus Hopkins. Walt Whitman. American Poets and Their Theology. Philadelphia, 1916, pp. 419–470.
- Swan, Tom. Walt Whitman: The Man. His Book. His Message. The Open Road, London, July, Aug., Nov., 1907, vol. 1.
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles. William Blake. London, 1868. (Pp. 334–7 of 1906 Chatto & Windus edition.)
- —— Under the Microscope. London, 1872. (Pp. 43–54 of Mosher’s reprint, 1909.)
- —— Whitmania. Fortnightly Review, Aug., 1887, vol. 42, n. s., pp. 170–6. Reprinted in Studies in Prose and Poetry, London, 1894, pp. 129–140.
- Symonds, John Addington. A Note on Whitmania. Fortnightly Review, Sept., 1887, vol. 42, pp. 459–460.
- —— Democratic Art with Special Reference to Walt Whitman. Essays Speculative and Suggestive. London, 1890, vol. 2, pp. 30–77.
- —— Walt Whitman: a Study. London, 1893, pp. 160.
- Takayama, Dr. R. Walt Whitman. Literature and Biography. Vol. 1. Tokyo, 37th year of Meiji [1904], pp. 585–601. (In Japanese.)
- Talbot, Ethel. Walt Whitman, Individualist. Academy, 22 Jan., 1910, pp. 88–9.
- Temple Bar Magazine. Walt Whitman. Oct., 1893, vol. 99, pp. 252–9.
- Thayer & Eldridge. Leaves of Grass Imprints. Boston, 1860, pp. 64, paper. (Important early press notices, including several of Whitman’s own. It was probably edited by Whitman.)
- Theosophical Quarterly. Theosophy in Secular Literature—Walt Whitman. Signed “C. C. C.” July, 1910, vol. 8, pp. 28–44.
- Thomson, James (“B. V.”). Walt Whitman. National Reformer, 1874.
- —— Walt Whitman. Cope’s Tobacco Plant, May, June, Aug., Sept., 1880, vol. 2, pp. 471–473, 483–5, 508–510, 522–4; and in one other issue.
- —— Walt Whitman the Man and the Poet. London, 1910, pp. 106. (This is a reprint of the National Reformer and Cope’s Tobacco Plant articles.)
- Thoreau, Henry D. See his letters to Mr. B. dated 19 Nov., and 6 Dec., 1856, in his published letters.
- Thorstenburg, Edward. The Walt Whitman Cult in Germany. Sewanee Review, Jan., 1911, vol. 19, pp. 71–86.
- Titherington, Richard H. The Good Gray Poet. Munsey’s, Nov., 1895, vol. 14, pp. 138–146.
- Toke, Leslie A. St. L. Walt Whitman. Prophets of the Century, ed. Rickett, Arthur, London, n. d. [1898], pp. 227–249.
- Traubel, Horace L. [Editor.] Camden’s Compliments to Walt Whitman, 31 May, 1889, Notes, Addresses, Letters, Telegrams. Philadelphia, 1889, pp. 74.
- —— Walt Whitman: Poet, Philosopher and Man. L. M., Mar., 1891, pp. 382–9.
- —— Walt Whitman at Date. N. E. M., May, 1891, vol. 4, n. s., pp. 275–292.
- —— Lowell—Whitman, a Contrast. P. L., Jan., 1892, vol. 4, pp. 22–31.
- —— Good-Bye and Hail Walt Whitman. Edited by Horace L. Traubel. 1892, pp. 34, paper. (Speeches and readings at Whitman’s funeral, and written tributes.)
- —— Walt Whitman, the Comrade. Con., Mar., 1893, vol. 4, pp. 7–8.
- Traubel, Horace L. Whitman’s Artistic Atheism. P. L., Oct., 1893, vol. 5, pp. 498–505.
- —— In Re Walt Whitman. Edited by Horace L. Traubel, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned. Philadelphia, 1893. Contains the following by Traubel: Walt Whitman, Poet, Philosopher and Man (L. M., Mar., 1891); Notes from Conversations with George W. Whitman; Round Table with Walt Whitman (L. M., Aug., 1891); At the Graveside of Walt Whitman. Also articles by Bucke, Burroughs, Harned, Kennedy, and others; and translations, poems, and minor pieces. Pp. x, 452.
- —— Walt Whitman and Good and Evil: a Discussion. Con., Sept., 1894, vol. 5, pp. 103–6.
- —— Walt Whitman and Murger. P. L., Oct., 1894, vol. 6, pp. 484–491.
- —— A Visit to West Hills. By D. G. Brinton and H. L. Traubel. Fellowship Paper, no. 10, Dec., 1894.
- —— Conversations with Walt Whitman. Arena, Jan., 1896, vol. 15, pp. 175–183.
- —— Notes on the Text of Leaves of Grass. Con., Mar., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 9–10.
- —— Walt Whitman’s Respect for the Body. Physical Culture, Sept., 1903, vol. 10, pp. 246–250.
- —— Walt Whitman at Fifty Dollars a Volume and How He Came to It. Era, June, 1903, vol. 11, pp. 523–9.
- —— The Good Gray Poet at Home. Saturday Evening Post, 13 May, 3 June, 19 Aug., 1905.
- —— With Walt Whitman in Camden. Cy., Nov., 1905, vol. 71, pp. 82–98.
- —— With Walt Whitman in Camden. (28 March–14 July, 1888.) 1906, pp. 473. (This is volume 1 of Traubel’s diary notes made during Whitman’s life. Vol. 2, 1908; vol. 3, 1914. Vol. 4 is announced for early publication, and the whole work, when completed, will fill eight or ten volumes.)
- —— Talks with Walt Whitman. American Magazine, July, 1907, vol. 64, pp. 281–8.
- —— Getting Whitman Right and Wrong. Con., July, 1914, vol. 25, p. 77.
- —— With Walt Whitman in Camden. Forum, July, Aug., Sept., 1915, vol. 54, pp. 77–85, 187–199, 318–327. Excerpts from the forthcoming vol. 4 with same title.
- —— With Walt Whitman in Camden. The Seven Arts, Sept., 1917, vol. 2, pp. 627–637. Excerpts from the forthcoming vol. 4, with same title.
- —— Walt Whitman’s America. Con., Nov., 1917, vol. 28, pp. 134–6.
- —— Whitmania. Con. May, 1918, vol. 29, pp. 40–42.
- Triggs, Oscar Lovell. Walt Whitman. P. L., June-July, 1893, vol. 5, pp. 289–305.
- —— Browning and Whitman, a Study in Democracy. London, 1893, pp. 145.
- —— Some Aspects of Whitman’s Art. Con., Nov., 1895, vol. 6, pp. 137–9.
- —— Walt Whitman: His Relation to Science and Philosophy. Con., May, 1896, vol. 7, pp. 44–5.
- —— Whitman’s Lack of Humor. Con., Sept., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 102–3.
- —— The Primary Condition of Understanding Whitman. Dial, 16 Jan., 1897, vol. 22, pp. 41–2.
- —— The Growth of Leaves of Grass. Con., Aug., 1897, vol. 8, pp. 84–8.
- —— Walt Whitman: a Character Study. Con., Sept., Oct., 1898, vol. 9, pp. 100–102, 117–8.
- —— The Philosophic and Religious Ground: Walt Whitman. The Changing Order. Chicago, 1913 (copyright 1905), pp. 262–278.
- Trimble, Annie E. Concordance-Making in New Zealand. A. M., Sept., 1909, vol. 104, pp. 364–7.
- —— Walt Whitman and Mental Science. Privately printed by W. H. Trimble, n. d. [1911], pp. 15, paper.
- Trimble, W. H. Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass, an Introduction. London, 1905, pp. 100. Issued both in cloth and paper.
- —— A Concordance of Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, compiled by W. H. Trimble, Annie E. Trimble, and Isaac Hull Platt. Still in manuscript.
- Trowbridge, John Townsend. Whitman: Inspired and Uninspired: and His “Eroticism.” Con., Mar., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 4–5.
- —— Reminiscences of Walt Whitman. A. M., Feb., 1902, vol. 89, pp. 163–175. Reprinted, with additions, in My Own Story, Boston, 1903, pp. 360–401.
- Trumbull, J. Walt Whitman’s View of Shakespeare. P. L., July, 1890, vol. 2, pp. 368–371.
- —— The Whitman-Shakespeare Question. P. L., Dec., 1891, vol. 3, pp. 626–9.
- Universal Brotherhood Path. Walt Whitman—a Sketch. Dec., 1901, vol. 16, pp. 502–511, signed “W.”
- Viele-Griffin, Francis. Autobiographie de Walt Whitman. Les Entretiens politiques et littéraires, Apr., 1892, vol. 4, no. 25.
- Vildrac, Charles. La leçon de Walt Whitman. Les Feuilles de Mai, Apr.–May–June, 1913, pp. 143–149.
- Wager-Fisher, Mary E. Poets’ Homes: Walt Whitman. Wide Awake, Feb., 1878, pp. 109–114.
- Wallace, Henry. Walt Whitman: Seer. A Brief Study. London, 1904, pp. 55.
- Walling, William English. Whitman and Traubel. 1916, pp. 145.
- Walsh, William S. Walt Whitman. L. M., May, 1892, pp. 621–3.
- Walters, Frank. Walt Whitman. Papers for the Times, 2d Series, London, 1880.
- Watts, D. G. Walt Whitman. Arena, Jan. 1892, pp. 228–236.
- Watts-Dunton, Theodore. Obit. notice. Athenæum, 2 Apr., 1892, no. 3362, pp. 436–7.
- Wentworth, Franklin. The Breaker of Seals. Con., July, 1905, vol. 16, pp. 69–71.
- Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter (“Nym Crinkle”). Whitman’s Moods. New York Commercial Advertiser (Globe), 2 Apr., 1892.
- White, Eliot. Walt Whitman’s Significance to a Revolutionist. Con., July, 1911, vol. 22, pp. 71–72.
- —— Walt Whitman and the Living Present. Con., Oct., 1913, vol. 24, p. 117.
- White, W. Hale. Genius of Walt Whitman. Secular Review, 20 Mar., 1880.
- Wiksell, Gustav Percival. Self-Primacy in Whitman. Fellowship Paper, May, 1898.
- Willcox, Louise Collier. Walt Whitman. N. A. R., Aug., 1906, vol. 183, pp. 281–296.
- Wilde, Oscar. The Gospel According to Walt Whitman. Pall Mall Gazette, 25 Jan., 1889, vol. 49, p. 3.
- Wilkie, James. The Democratic Movement in Literature: Walt Whitman. Cupar-Fife, 1886, pp. 42, paper.
- Willard, Cyrus Field. A Chat with the Good Gray Poet. American Magazine, Dec., 1887, vol. 7, pp. 217–220.
- Williams, Francis Howard. Walt Whitman as Deliverer. Fellowship Paper, Aug., 1894, pp. 30.
- —— A Woman Waits for Me. Con., Apr., 1896, vol. 7, pp. 26–7.
- —— Individually as Whitman’s Primary Motive. Con., July, 1900, vol. 11, pp. 71–3.
- Williams, Francis Howard. An Appreciation of Walt Whitman. Columbia Monthly, May, 1908, vol. 5, no. 7.
- Wolfe, Theodore F. A Day with the Good Gray Poet. Literary Shrines. London, 1895, pp. 201–217.
- —— Bryant, Whitman, etc.; A Long Island Ramble. Literary Haunts and Homes. Philadelphia, 1898, pp. 143–7.
- —— The Haunts of Walt Whitman. Literary Rambles. Philadelphia, 1900, pp. 85–99.
- Woodhull, Mary G. Walt Whitman: a Memory Picture. Literary Era, Mar., 1901, vol. 8, pp. 159–160.
- Woodward, F. L. Walt Whitman: a Prophet of the Coming Race. Theosophical Review, Aug., 1903, vol. 32, pp. 508–515.
- Wyzewa, Teodor de. Walt Whitman. Revue politique et littéraire (Revue Bleue), no. 17, tome 49, 23 Apr., 1892.
- Young, John Russell. Men and Memories. New York, 1901, p. 78.
- Zueblin, Charles. Walt Whitman, Prophet and Democrat. Ford Hall Folks, 28 Dec., 1913, vol. 2, No. 10.
- VII. T
RANSLATIONS - In addition to the translations given below, parts of Leaves of Grass are said to have been translated by Sir Edwin Arnold into several Asiatic languages.
- Danish
- Schmidt, Rudolf. Democratic Vistas. Copenhagen, 1874.
- Dutch
- Illus. Tidende. Several poems in issue of 13 Dec., 1885. Promme ved Havet. Wagenvoort, Mauritz. Walt Whitman Natuurleven. Haarlem. 1898.
- French
- Bazalgette, Léon. Feuilles d’herbe. Paris, 1909. Translation of the complete authorized edition of Leaves of Grass, in two volumes. Six poems reprinted in Anthologie de L’Effort, Poitiers, 1912.
- —— From Specimen Days [?]. La Vie des Lettres, vol. 1, Apr., 1913.
- —— Spectacles sur un Fleuve. [Hudson River Sights. Complete Prose, 1898, p. 125.] Les Cahiers d’Aujourd’hui, Apr., 1913, pp. 183–4.
- —— Le Panseur de Plaies. Poèmes, Lettres & Fragments. Edition “Les Humbles,” Paris, 1917.
- Bonaparte-Wyse, Charles. Portions of Leaves of Grass into Provençal.
- Davray, Henry D. From Specimen Days. L’Ermitage, 1902, vol. 2, p. 423, and 1903, vol. 1, pp. 60, 112, 201.
- Fabulet, Louis. Three poems in L’Ermitage, 1904, vol. 1, p. 212.
- —— Six poems in L’Ermitage, 1905.
- Jerrold, Laurence. Three poems in Le Magazine Internationale, Dec., 1894, no. 1.
- —— Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855. Le Magazine Internationale, Jan., 1896.
- Laforgue, Jules. Thirty-four poems in La Vogue, June, July, Aug., 1886.
- Sarrazin, Gabriel. Some translations in his La Renaissance de la Poésie Anglaise, Paris, 1889.
- Vielé-Griffin, Francis. Poems, in Revue Indépendante, no. 25, tome
IX, Nov., 1889; La Cracache, 9 année, 1889, 1 June, No. 432; L’Ermitage, vol. 1, p. 293, 1889; Les Entretiens politiques et litéraires, vol. 5, no. 32, Nov., 1892. - German
- Bertz, Eduard. Part of Calamus poems, in Walt Whitman, Ein Charakterbild, published in Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen, VII Jahrgang, I Band, 1905, pp. 155–287.
- Binns, Henry Bryan. See post, Schlaf, Johannes.
- Cotterill, H. B., and Rolleston, T. W. Ueber Wordsworth und Walt Whitman. Dresden, 1883. Contains translation of Song of the Answerer.
- Ettlinger, Thea. Novellen von Walt Whitman. Minden, n. d. [1900]. These are eight of the Pieces in Early Youth, from Complete Prose, 1898, pp. 366 ff.
- Federn, Karl. Walt Whitman Grashalme. Minden, 1904, pp. 192.
- Freiligrath, Ferdinand. Some translations in his article Walt Whitman in Allgemeine Zeitung, 10 May, 1868.
- Knortz, Karl. Walt Whitman Grashalme. Zurich, 1889, pp. 180. [With T. W. Rolleston.]
- —— Walt Whitman. Der Dichter der Demokratie. Leipzig, 1899. Translations, pp. 51–89, Song of the Broad-Axe, The Sleepers, Europe, Gods, and others.
- Lessing, O. E. Walt Whitman, Prosaschriften. München und Leipzig, n. d. [1905]. Translations from Specimen Days, etc., pp. 1–182.
- Rolleston, T. W. See ante, Cotterill, H. B., and Knortz, Karl.
- Schlaf, Johannes. Walt Whitman ein Leben, von Henry Bryan Binns. Leipzig, 1907. (Translated by Schlaf.)
- Schölermann, Wilhelm. Walt Whitman Grashalme. Leipzig, 1904, pp. 1–165.
- Strodtmann, Adolf. Amerikanische Anthologie, 1870.
- Hebrew
- Aidline, Albert. Gods. The Day, New York, 13 Apr., 1916.
- Loiloim, A. Miracles. The Day, New York, 13 Apr., 1916.
- Italian
- Gamberale, Luigi. Walt Whitman Canti Scelti. Milano, Biblioteca Universale, 1887, pp. 103. Enlarged edition, 1890.
- —— Foglie di Erba. Milano, n. d., pp. 570. Translated from the authorized edition of 1900.
- Russian
- Balmont, Konstantin D. Pobyegi Travy [Leaves of Grass]. Moscow, 1911, pp. 217.
- Popoff, Dr. P. Article in Zagranichny Viestnik [The Foreign Messenger], Mar. 1883, with translations of Inscriptions [part]; O Captain! My Captain! Starting from Paumanok [part]; Song of Myself [part]; Manhattan Arming; Drum Taps [part]; Song of the Broad-Axe. See also, ante, Sect. VI.
- Spanish
- Montoliu, Cebrià. Walt Whitman. Fulles d’herba. Barcelona, 1909, pp. 103.
- Vasseur, Armando. Walt Whitman. Poemas. Valencia, n. d. [?1912], pp. xii, 220.