The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- I. G
ENERAL ANTHOLOGIES - Brainerd, C. S. Old War Songs, North and South. 1887.
- Browne, F. F. Bugle Echoes, a Collection of Poems of the Civil War, Northerr and Southern. 1886.
- Eggleston, G. C. American War Ballads and Lyrics. 1889.
- Gallagher, W. D. Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West. Cincinnati, 1840.
- Knowles, F. L. The Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics. Boston, 1897.
- —— Poems of American Patriotism. Boston, 1898.
- Linton, W. J. Poetry of America. 1878.
- Matthews, B. Poems of American Patriotism. 1904.
- Miles, D. H. Poetry and Eloquence of Blue and Gray. Vol.
IX of The Photographic History of the Civil War, ed., Miller, F. T., 1911, 10 vols. - Moore, F. The Rebellion Record. 1861–68.
II vols. - —— Lyrics of Loyalty. 1864.
- —— Personal and Political Ballads. 1864.
- —— Songs of the Soldiers. 1864.
- —— Anecdotes, Poetry and Incidents of the War (1860–1865). 1867.
- Simonds, A. B. American Songs. 1894.
- Stedman, E. C., and Hutchinson, Ellen M. A Library of American Literature. 1889–90. Vol.
VIII. - Stevenson, B. E. Poems of American History. Boston and New York, 1908.
- Venable, E. Poets of Ohio. Cincinnati. 1909.
- Wallington, Nellie U. American History by American Poets. 1911. 2 vols.
- White, R. G. Poetry, Lyrical, Narrative and Satirical of the Civil War. 1866. The New York Public Library has a valuable Scrap-Book of American Poetry (1866–68) and a collection of Leaflets for Soldiers and Their Mothers.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
III. - II. P
ARTICULAR POETS - Barker, Davis. The Empty Sleeve. [186–].
- Beers, Ethelinda (Ethel Lynn Beers). All Quiet Along the Potomac and other Poems. 1879.
- Bevan, Philip. Songs of the War for the Union. Cincinnati, 1887.
- Birdseye, George W. Woman and the War. 1865.
- Bishop, Putnam P. Liberty’s Ordeal. 1864.
- Bourne, William Oland. Poems of the Republic. 1864.
- Bristol, Augusta Cooper. Poems. Boston, 1868.
- Brownell, Henry Howard. Poems. New York and Philadelphia, 1847.
- —— Lyrics of a Day. Boston, 1864.
- —— War-Lyrics and Other Poems. Boston, 1866.
- —— Lines of Battle and Other Poems, edited by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Boston, 1912.
- Clarke, Thomas. Sir Copp, A Poem for the Times in Six Cantos. Chicago, 1867.
- —— The Battle and other Poems, Patriotic and Humorous. Chicago, 1871.
- Coe, Richard. Poems, Philadelphia, 1862.
- Cutler, Elbridge Jefferson. War Poems. Boston, 1867.
- Dagnall, J. M. Daisy Swain, the Flower of Shenandoah. Brooklyn, 1865.
- Devon, W. A. War Lyrics, n. d.
- Duffield, S. W. Warp and Woof, a Book of Verse. Philadelphia, 1870.
- Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. Ballads of the War. 1865.
- Fields, James T. Poems. Cambridge [186–].
- Finch, Francis Miles. The Blue and the Gray and Other Verses. 1909.
- Francis, Valentine Mott. The Fight for the Union. 1863.
- Ganyard, A. O. The Talisman of Battle and Other Poems. Rochester, N. Y., 1864.
- Greene, A. Rhymes of Yankee Land. Boston, 1876.
- Guthrie, W. E. The Betrothed: A Nation’s Vow. Edinburgh, 1867.
- Halpine, Charles Godfrey (Miles O’Reilly). Poetical Works, 1869.
- Hoffman, Francis Sylvester. How McClellan Took Manassas. 1864.
- Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Poems. 1872.
- Howe, Julia Ward. Later Lyrics. Boston, 1866.
- Hylton, J. Dunbar. The Bride of Gettysburg—an Episode of 1863. Palmyra, N. Y., 1868.
- Janvier, Francis de Haes. Patriotic Poems. Philadelphia, 1868.
- Jones, Amanda T. Poems. 1867.
- Johnson, Laura Winthrop. Poems of Twenty Years. 1874.
- Knowles, Sarah E. Orlean Lamar and Other Poems. 1864.
- Larcom, Lucy. Poems. Boston, 1868.
- Lloyd, G. W. The Devil in Dixie, a Tale of the Times. 1865.
- Lowell, Robert Traill Spence. Poems. Boston, 1864.
- Lunt, George. The Union. Boston, 1860.
- —— Poems. Boston, 1861.
- McClure, William James. Poems. 1869.
- McNair, John. Eighty Original Poems. Lancaster, Pa., 1865.
- Melville, Herman. Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War. 1866.
- Newell, Robert H. The Palace Beautiful and Other Poems. 1865.
- Peterson, Henry. Poems. Philadelphia, 1863.
- Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. 1866.
- Realf, Richard. Poems [published posthumously by R. J. Hinton]. 1898.
- Redden, Laura Catherine (Howard Glyndon). Idyls of Battle and Poems of Battle. 1864.
- Renunisco, Don Pedro Quaererdo. Life in the Union Army. 1864.
- Savage, John. Poems. 1864.
- Smith, Sabin. Our Country. 1865.
- Stoddard, Richard Henry. Abraham Lincoln, An Horatian Ode. 1865.
- —— Poems. 1880.
- Taylor, Bayard. Poems, 1865.
- Tellez, Ann. Reunido and Fugitive Pieces. 1862.
- Thomas, Abel Charles. The Gospel of Slavery. A Primer of Freedom. 1864.
- Tilton, Theodore. The Sexton’s Tale. 1867.
- Trumbull, Truman. The New Yankee Doodle. 1868.
- Tuckerman, Frederick G. Poems. Boston, 1864.
- Vandenhoff, George. Life or Men, Manners, Modes, and Measures, A Poem for Union. 1861.
- Ward, T. War Lyrics. [186–.]
- Weeks, Della Jerman. Legends of the War. Boston, 1863.
- Whitehead, L. The New House that Jack Built. 1865.
- Willson, Forceythe. The Old Sergeant and Other Poems. Boston, 1867. See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
X. - III. I
NDIVIDUAL POEMS - (1) Alger, Horatio: Gone to the War, Last Words, Song of the Croaker. (2) Barker, David: The Old Ship of State. (3) Barry, Charles A.: Columbia’s Invocation. (4) Barstow, G. Forrester: The Order of the Day. (5) Beach, Elizabeth T. Porter: The Last Broadside, Up, Brave Boys! (6) Benjamin, Park: A National Hymn, The Regiment Returned. (7) Benton, Joel: Today. (8) Bergh, Henry: The Chant of Treason. (9) Bethune, George Washington: God for our Native Land. (10) Bishop, A. W.: Arkansian Battle Hymn. (11) Bolton, Sarah T.: Left on the Battle Field. (12) Bonney, Seth: Baltimore. (13) Bradbury, William B.: Marching Along. (14) Brooks, Sarah Warner: On, Brothers, On! (15) Bungay, George W.: Snow Sculpture, The Red on the Leaves, The Soldier’s Sweetheart, Then Let Them Sweetly Sleep. (16) Burleigh, George S.: The Day of God. (17) Burleigh, William H.: The Prayer of a Nation. (18) Casten, J. Cross: The Bounty Jumper. (19) Child, Francis James: Overtures from Richmond. (20) Cist, Lewis J.: Freemen, to your Standard Rally. (21) Conway, Schuyler: The Irish American Song. (22) Cromwell, Ruth M.: The Battle, To the Tenth Legion, Our Union and Our Flag. (23) DeForest, J. W.: In Louisiana. (24) DeKay, Charles: The Draft Riot. (25) DeMille, James: Song of the Irish Legion. (26) Denison, M. A.: The Soldier’s Little Daughter. (27) Dubois, A. D.: Rallying Song of the 10th Legion. (28) Duffield, D. B.: Flag Song of the Michigan Volunteers. (29) Durivage, Francis Alexander: The Cavalry Charge. (30) Eastman, Sophie E.: A Spool of Thread. (31) Eckel, Samuel: The Refugee. (32) Elliott, George W.: Columbia Queen of Land and Sea. (33) English, Thomas Dunn: The Charge by the Ford. (34) Fields, Annie: Cedar Mountain. (35) Forman, J. G.: Song of the Lyon Regiment. (36) Forney, John W.: The Men Who Fell in Baltimore. (37) Frazer, Thomas: The Seventy-Ninth. (38) Gage, Francis D.: The Fisherman of Beaufort. (39) Gallagher, William Davis: Move on the Columns, Abraham Lincoln. (40) Gibbons, James Sloane: Three Hundred Thousand More. (41) Gilman, Patrick Sarsfield: When Johnny Comes Marching Home. (42) Grimes, Charity: General Butler, Last of Modern Conservatives, Peace Democracy. (43) Hall, Charles Sprague: Glory Hallelujah. (44) Hays, Will A.: Terry’s Return from the War. (45) Hedge, Frederic Henry: Our Country is Calling. (46) Hosmer, William H. C.: War Song. (47) Howard, Caroline A.: A Cheer for the Brave. (48) Howland, Mrs. Robert Shaw: A Rainy Day in Camp. (49) Jerman (Weeks), Della: The Wood of Chancellorsville. (50) Lander, F. W.: Yankee Pride, Rhode Island to the South. (51) Lushington, Franklin: No More Words. (52) Mason, Caroline Atherton: The Soldier’s Dream of Home, The Response. (53) Mercer, S. C.: By the Banks of the Cumberland. (54) Meredith, Wellen: Farragut. (55) Millard, H.: Only Nine Miles to the Junction. (56) Morris, George P.: The Union Right or Wrong. (57) Murray, James V.: Pennsylvania Rangers’ War Song. (58) Neal, John: Battle Anthem. (59) Nealy, Mary E.: The Soldier’s Goodbye. (60) Nicol, John: Reunion. (61) Nicolay, John G.: On Guard, Soldier’s Song. (62) North, Frank H.: The Army of the Free. (63) O’Brien, Fitz James: The Seventh. (64) O’Connor, Joseph: The White Rose, The Hopes of Men. (65) O’Connor, Michael: Fall in, Fall in; Reveille. (66) Osgood, Kate Putnam: Driving Home the Cows. (67) Percival, James Gates: It is Great for Our Country to Die. (68) Phillips, Jonas B.: War Song of the Union. (69) Powers, Horatio Nelson: Hymn of the Mothers of our Volunteers. (70) Priest, Nancy, A. W.: The Soldier’s Death, Kiss Me Mother and Let Me Go. (71) Putnam, George W.: Song of the Soldier. (72) Raymond, Rossiter W.: The Banner of the Stars, Cavalry Song. (73) Root, George Frederick: The Battle Cry of Freedom; Tramp, Tramp, Tramp. (74) Rossiter, T. P.: War Song. (75) Sawyer, Charles Carroll: When this Cruel War Is Over. (76) Shanly, Charles Dawson: The Fancy Shot—or Civil War, The Brier Wood Pipe. (77) Shepherd, Nathaniel Graham: The Roll Call. (78) Shillaber, B. P.: Massachusetts. (79) Sigourney, Lydia Huntley: Stars in my Country’s Sky. (80) Stevenson, James: The Gallant Fighting Joe. (81) Stewart, James M.: God Bless Our Union. (82) Street, Alfred Billings: Our Union, Up and at Them! (83) Taylor, Benjamin: The Cavalry Charge. (84) Tompkins, R.: Ho! Yankee Boys Throughout the West. (85) Tuckerman, C. K.: Our Wounded, The Voice Without an Echo. (86) Wallace, Mrs. S. E.: Banner Song of the Indiana Eleventh Regiment. (87) Wallace, William Ross: Keep Step With the Music of Union, United States National Anthem, The Fight above the Clouds, The Fall of Vicksburg. (88) Warner, A. M.: July 21st, 1861. (89) Willett, Edward: Head of the Column. (90) Williams, W. Francis: Mitchell. (91) Willis, Richard Storrs: Why. (92) Winter, Charles: Camp Song. (93) Woodman, Horatio: The Flag. (94) Work, Henry Clay: Marching through Georgia, the Year of Jubilee.