The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- A. G
ENERAL AUTHORITIES - Alderman (Edwin Anderson) Harris (Joel Chandler) [and others]. Library of Southern Literature. Compiled under the direct supervision of Southern men of letters. Published under the approval and patronage of distinguished citizens of the South. Atlanta. [1909–13.] 13 vols.
- Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers. Nashville, 1898–1903. 2 vols. [Vol.
I by Professor Baskervill; vol.II by various authors.] - Bradshaw, S. E. On Southern Poetry Prior to 1860. N. p. 1900. [University of Virginia dissertation.]
- Fulton, Maurice Garland. Southern Life in Southern Literature. Selections of representative prose and poetry. Boston and New York, 1917.
- Henneman, John Bell. [Ed.] The South in the Building of the Nation. A history of the Southern states designed to record the South’s part in the making of the American nation; to portray the character and genius, to chronicle the achievements and progress and to illustrate the life and traditions of the Southern people. Richmond. [1909.] 12 vols. [In particular consult: Volume
VII, History of the Literary and Intellectual Life of the South; volumeIX, History of Southern Oratory.] - Holliday, Carl. A History of Southern Literature. New York and Washington, 1906.
- Hubner, C. W. Representative Southern Poets. New York and Washington, 1906.
- Link, S. A. Pioneers of Southern Literature. Nashville, 1899–1900. 2 vols.
- Manly, Louise. Southern Literature from 1579–1895. A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader. Containing an appendix with a full list of Southern authors.… Richmond, 1895.
- Moses, Montrose J. The Literature of the South. [1910.]
- Noble, Charles, Studies in American Literature.… 1898.
- Pattee, Fred Lewis. A History of American Literature since 1870. 1915.
- Rutherford, Mildred Lewis. The South in History and Literature. A Handbook of Southern authors from the settlement of Jamestown, 1607, to living writers. [Atlanta, 1907.]
- Stockard, Henry Jerome. A Study in Southern Poetry for Use in Schools, Colleges, and the Library. New York and Washington, 1911.
- Trent, William Peterfield. Southern Writers. Selections in Prose and Verse. 1905.
- See Bibliography of Books and Special Articles on Southern Literature in Library of Southern Literature, vol. 14.
- B. P
ARTICULAR AUTHORS - John Henry Boner (1845–1903)
- I. Works
- Poems. Illustrated by A. G. Heaton. New York and Washington, 1903. [The introduction is a biographical sketch by Henry Jerome Stockard.]
- Poe’s Cottage at Fordham. Century Magazine. Nov., 1889.
- Sparrows in the Snow. Washington. [187–.]
- Whispering Pines. Poems. 1883.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- Benjamin, Marcus. John Henry Boner. [Washington? 1903?]
- —— A Memorial of John Henry Boner. Compiled and edited by Marcus Benjamin. Washington, 1905. [Reprinted from The South Atlantic Quarterly.]
- Moore, Hight C. North Carolina Poets: Boner, Stockard, and McNeill. In The North Carolina Booklet,
V, Oct., 1905. - Stockard, Henry Jerome. John Henry Boner. In Library of Southern Literature. [Consult also Poems above.]
- Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry (1825–1903)
- I. Separate Works
- Address before the Va. State Agricultural Society. Delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives on the 25th of October, 1874. Published by request of the society. Richmond, 1875.
- Address … delivered before the Association of Confederate Veterans, Richmond, Virginia, July 1, 1896. Richmond. [1896.]
- Address … delivered before the General Assembly of Alabama, at Montgomery, December 1, 1881. Montgomery [n. d.].
- Address … delivered before the General Assembly of Alabama, at Montgomery, December 1, 1882. Montgomery, 1883.
- Address delivered February 6, 1885 … in response to an invitation extended in a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of Alabama. Montgomery, 1885.
- Address delivered February 1, 1889, … in response to an invitation extended in a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of Alabama. Montgomery [n.d.].
- Address delivered December 13th, 1894, in response to an invitation of the General Assembly of South Carolina. Printed by order of the Board of Trustees of the Winthrop Normal College. Columbia, S. C., 1895.
- Address of Congress to the People of the Confederate States. [Richmond, 1864.]
- Admission of Kansas. Speech … in the House of Representatives, Feb. 23, 1858, on the admission of Kansas as a state under the Lecompton constitution. [Washington, 1858.]
- The Alliance of Church and State. London, 1873. [Read before one of the sections of the Evangelical Alliance, New York, 9 Oct., 1873.]
- A Baptist Church Radically Different from Pedobaptist Churches. [Philadelphia, n. d.] [Premium tract No. 143 American Baptist Publication Society.]
- A Brief Sketch of George Peabody, and a History of the Peabody Education Fund through Thirty Years. Cambridge, 1898.
- Causes of the Power and Prosperity of the United States. An Address delivered at the annual commencement of the University of Michigan, Thursday, June 27, 1889. Ann Arbor, 1889.
- Civil History of the Government of the Confederate States, with some Personal Reminiscences. Richmond, 1901.
- Constitutional Government in Spain. A Sketch. 1889.
- The Constitutional Rights of the States. Speech in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1860. [Washington, 1860?]
- Difficulties, Complications, and Limitations connected with the Education of the Negro. Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund, Occasional Papers No. 5 Baltimore, 1895. Reprinted in Report of Commissioner of Education, 1894–5, volume
II, pp. 1367–1374. - Diplomatic Services of George William Erving. Communicated to the Massachusetts Historical Society, with an introduction by Robert C. Winthrop. Cambridge, 1890. [Reprinted from the Proceedings.]
- Education of the Negroes since 1860. The Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund, Occasional Papers No. 3. Baltimore, 1894. Reprinted in Report of Commissioner of Education, 1894–5, vol.
II, pp. 1374–1384. - Establishment and Disestablishment; or Progress of Soul Liberty in the United States. Philadelphia [1873?].
- Hon. Francis Strother Lyon as Commissioner and Trustee of Alabama. A Sketch. [1889.]
- Lessons of the Yorktown Centennial. Address delivered in Richmond, on 22d October, 1881, by Request of the City Council. Richmond, 1881.
- National Peril and Remedy. Addresses before the Interstate Educational Convention, at Louisville, Ky., and before House Committee on Education in Washington. Richmond, 1883.
- North American Colonization, with particular reference to Virginia and the Carolinas. [Read before the District of Columbia Society, Sons of the American Revolution, at their January, 1896, Meeting. [No title-page.]
- Perils and Duty of the South. Substance of a speech delivered in Talladega, Alabama, November 26, 1860. [Washington, 1860?]
- The Present Condition of Religious Liberty throughout the World. Read before the Evangelical Alliance, in Chicago, 1893. [No title-page.]
- Proceedings of the Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund for the Education of the Freedmen. Baltimore, 1891–1897.
- Proceedings of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund. Cambridge, 1881–1884, 1888–1896.
- Protestantism: How far a Failure? Philadelphia. [1872?]
- Session of the Alabama Legislature, 1847–1848. A Paper prepared for the Historical Society of Alabama. [Washington, 1892.]
- The Southern States of the American Union considered in their Relations to the Constitution of the United States and to the Resulting Union. 1894. Students’ Edition, Richmond, 1895.
- Speech on the Bill granting Pensions to the Soldiers of the War of 1812. Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 27, 1858. [Washington, 1858.]
- Speech on the Election of Speaker and the Progress of Anti-slaveryism. Delivered in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1859. Washington, 1859.
- Speech on Expenditures and the Tariff. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 24, 1859. [Washington, 1859.]
- Struggles and Triumphs of Virginia Baptists. Semi-centennial discourse before the Baptist General Association, 1873. [No title-page.]
- Universal Education the Safety of the Commonwealth. Speech before the General Assembly of Alabama, December 2, 1896. [No title-page.]
- William Ewart Gladstone. Richmond, 1891.
- II. Contributions to Books and Periodicals
- The Acquisition of Florida. Magazine of American History.
XIX, 286–301. Apr., 1888. - Address on the Duty of Baptists in Reference to the Bible. Forty-seventh Annual Report of American Baptist Publication Society. Pp. 14–20. 1871.
- The Calhoun Letters. Southern History Association Publications. v, 159–163. Washington, 1901.
- A Chapter in the History of Spain, in Relation to American Affairs. Magazine of American History, xx, 48–55. July, 1888.
- A Character Sketch of Mr. Gladstone. Magazine of American History, xxvi, 132–134, Aug., 1891.
- Citizenship and Education. [An Address delivered at Madison, Wisconsin, 1884.] Education, Oct.–Nov., 1884.
- Civil Service Reform. Galaxy, 1877.
- The Classes against the Masses. Baptist Quarterly Review, x, 141. 1888.
- The Confederate States and their Constitution. Galaxy, xvii, 399. Mar., 1874.
- The Confederate States Constitution. Philadelphia Times, 24 Jan., 1890.
- Creek Indians. Historical Facts and Personal Reminiscences. American Historical Magazine, ii, 103–112. Apr., 1897.
- Education at the South. [An address before the National Baptist Educational Convention at Brooklyn, 20 Apr., 1870.] Proceedings of the National Baptist Educational Convention, pp. 132–138.
- Geography of Alabama. Geography of the Gulf States. 1898.
- Geography of Mississippi. Ibid.
- Goodwyn and Johnston addressed in behalf of Alabama Education. State Normal Exponent, iii, 6–8, Aug., 1896. Also in Report of Commissioner of Education, ii, 1277–80. 1895–6. Also in Proceedings of Trustees of Peabody Education Fund, pp. 57–62, 1896.
- Industrial Education for Everybody. Independent,
LII, 357–8. 8 Feb., 1900. - Introduction. Whittle’s (W. A.) A Baptist Abroad, 1890.
- John A. Broadus. Southern History Association Publications, v, 310–312. Washington, 1901.
- A Knowledge of the Bible Essential to the Stability of Free Institutions. Proceedings of Second National Baptist Sunday School Convention and Institute, pp. 7–14.
- The Late Constitutional Amendments Restricting Suffrage. The Southern Planter and Farmer, pp. 7–10, Jan. 1877.
- Legal Justification of the South in Secession. Evans’s (Clement A.) Confederate Military History, i, 1–58. Atlanta, 1899.
- Letter dated Richmond, Va., Dec. 24, 1868, containing reminiscences on life and character of Hon. Howell Cobb. In Boykin (Samuel), Hon. Howell Cobb, of Ga., pp. 260–269. Philadelphia, 1870.
- Limitations of Taxation. Baptist Quarterly Review, vi, 155, 1884.
- National Aid to Education. [Appendix to] Illiteracy in the United States in 1870 and 1880, with diagrams and observations, by Charles Warren. Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. No. 3, 1884.
- Needs of Southern Colleges. Forum xxviii, 719–23. Feb., 1900.
- Origin, Objects, and Results of the Peabody Education Fund. An address [on the] anniversary of the Winthrop Training School for Teachers, May 16, 1889. Winthrop Training School Proceedings, pp. 9–29. Columbia, S. C., 1889.
- Origin, Objects, and Results of the Peabody Educational Fund, an address at the memorial day exercises of the Winthrop Training School, Columbia, S. C., May 12, 1889. Proceedings of Trustees of Peabody Education Fund, 28th Meeting, 3 Oct., 1889, pp. 79–98. Cambridge, 1889.
- Parties and Policies. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, 18 Jan., 1898.
- The Peabody Education Fund. Educational Review, xiii, 226–231, Mar. 1897.
- Richard Winn. Southern History Association Publications, ii, 225–229. Washington, 1898.
- Scripture Explaining Scripture. Hints on Bible Study, pp. 67–78. Philadelphia, 1898.
- Sketch of Harden E. Taliaferro, a Baptist Divine of Alabama. Riley’s (Benjamin Franklin) History of Baptists of Alabama, pp. 340–344. Birmingham, 1895.
- The South, her Conditions and Needs. Galaxy, Apr., 1877.
- The South in Olden Times. Southern History Association Publications, v, 35–48. Washington, 1901.
- The Struggle of the Confederacy. Ibid., 504–511.
- Sufficiency of the Scriptures. Baptist Sentinel, Louisville, Ky., i, 241–247, Apr., 1870.
- Thoughts for Farmers upon Present Distress. Southern Planter and Farmer. Richmond, Sept., 1878.
- Washington and the Constitution. Southern History Association Publications, iv, 1–5. Washington, 1900.
- Washington, Booker T. An Autobiography; the Story of my Life and Work Introduction by Dr. J. L. M. Curry … Toronto, Ont.… [1901].
- III. Biographical and Critical
- Alderman, Edwin Anderson. Eulogium of Dr. J. L. M. Curry. [An address delivered at the 1903 meeting of the National Education Association, Boston.] Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. Washington, 1904.
- —— Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry. Library of Southern Literature.
- —— J. L. M. Curry. An Address [delivered at Richmond, 26 April, 1903, under the auspices of the Conference for Education in the South]. Brooklyn, 1903.
- —— and Gordon, Armistead Churchill. J. L. M. Curry. A Biography. 1911.
- Death of J. L. M. Curry. Outlook, lxxiii, 417–8, 21 Feb., 1903.
- The Father of the New Educational South. Review of Reviews, xxvii, 259–63, Mar., 1903.
- Mayo, A. D. Services of Doctor Curry in Connection with the Peabody Fund. Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1903. Washington, 1904.
- Sketch of J. L. M. Curry, with Portrait. Southern Planter and Farmer. Richmond, pp. 792–795, Nov., 1876.
- Sketch of J. L. M. Curry. Representative Men of the South, pp. 287–289. Philadelphia, 1880.
- Stiles, Robert. Review of Dr. Curry’s New Book, “Civil History of the Confederate States.” Richmond, 1901. [Reprinted from The Religious Herald.]
- John Brown Gordon (1832–1904)
- I. Works
- Antietam and Chancellorsville. Scribner’s, xxxiii, 685–99, June, 1903.
- Gettysburg. Scribner’s, xxxiv, 2–24, July, 1903.
- Letter on Finance. The heroic remedy a heroic ruin. Shall we have the people’s money or be taxed for national bank notes? [To Gen. A. H. Colquitt, President of the Georgia Agricultural Society.] [No title-page.]
- My First Command and the Outbreak of the War. Scribner’s, xxxiii, 515–28, May, 1903.
- The Old South; Addresses delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association in Augusta, Georgia … on Memorial Day, April 26, 1887. Augusta, 1887.
- Reminiscences of the Civil War. 1903, 1905.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- Evans, C. A. General Gordon and General Longstreet. Independent, lvi, 311–6, 11 Feb., 1904.
- Jones, Thomas G. Resolutions and Address in Memory of Gen’l John B. Gordon, at Nashville, Tenn., June 15, 1904. [Before the United Confederate Veterans. No title-page.]
- Smith, Frances Gordon. John B. Gordon. Library of Southern Literature.
- Soldier and Gentleman. Outlook, lxxvi, 151–3, 16 Jan., 1904.
- Henry Woodfin Grady (1851–1889)
- I. Works
- The Complete Orations and Speeches. Edited by Edwin DuBois Shurter. Austin, Texas. [1910.]
- Joel Chandler Harris’s Life of Henry W. Grady, including his writings and speeches. A memorial volume compiled by Mr. Henry W. Grady’s coworkers on The Constitution and edited by Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus). [1890.]
- Life and Labors of Henry W. Grady, his Speeches, Writings, etc. Being, in addition to a graphic sketch of his life, a collection of his most remarkable speeches and such of his writings as best illustrate his character and show the wonderful brilliancy of his intellect. Also such letters, speeches, and newspaper articles in connection with his life and death as will be of general interest. Written and compiled under the immediate supervision of the publishers, from the most reliable sources. Atlanta, 1890.
- The New South and Other Addresses; with biography, critical opinions, and explanatory note by Edna Henry Lee Turpin. [1904.]
- The New South, with a Character-Sketch of Henry W. Grady by Oliver Dyer. 1890.
- Speech [on the condition of the negro in the South. With Sketch of Grady’s life]. Boston Merchants Association Banquet, December 12, 1889, Addresses. Boston, 1890.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- The Atlanta Constitution, 21 Oct., 1891. Grady. The Story of a Great and Noble Life. A Symposium of memories which tell the early life and struggles, the triumphs and joys of a career which stands without its equal. [Includes:] Grady’s Young Life, by Remsen Crawford; Grady as a Lover and a Husband, by Mrs. William H. King; Grady in the Rôle of King Hans, by I. W. Avery; Grady as a Force in State Politics, by Wallace P. Reed; Grady’s Popular Enthusiasm, by P. J. Moran; Grady’s News Prescience, by E. C. Bruffey; Grady’s Last Trip to Boston, by Evan P. Howell; Atlanta’s Saddest Christmas, by Maude Andrews; Grady’s Influence in Washington, by E. W. Barrett; Grady’s Place in Journalism, by John A. Cockerill; From one of Grady’s Competitors, by Henry Watterson; Grady as an Orator, by Walter S. Cooper; Grady as a Friend, by W. T. Newman; Grady on “The Constitution,” by W. A. Hemphill; Fragrant Memories of Grady, by Bill Arp; The Blessings on Grady, by T. DeWitt Talmage; Mr. Grady’s Pastor Speaks, by H. C. Morrison.
- The Atlanta Constitution, 22 Oct., 1891. In Living Bronze. The Monument of Henry W. Grady presented to Atlanta. The Full Story of the Day.
- Capital City Club, Atlanta, Georgia. Tribute to the Memory of Henry W. Grady. Atlanta, 1889.
- Lee, James W[ideman] Henry. Woodfin Grady. Library of Southern Literature.
- —— Henry W. Grady. The Editor, the Orator, the Man. [1896.]
- Richardson, F. H. A Fruitful Life. The Career, Character, and Services of Henry Woodfin Grady. An Address before the Albany Chautauqua, Albany, Georgia, March 30, 1890. Albany, Ga., 1890.
- See, also, I above.
- John Bell Henneman (1864–1908)
- I. Separate Papers
- Barnfield’s Ode, “As it fell upon a Day.” An English Miscellany presented to Dr. Furnivall in honor of his seventy-fifth birthday. Oxford, 1901.
- The Episodes in Shakespeare’s I Henry VI. Modern Language Association of America Publications, xv, 290–320. Baltimore, 1900.
- Historic Elements in Virginia Education and Literary Effort. A paper read before the Virginia Historical Society, Monday, December 21, 1891. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. New Series, xi, 25–46, Richmond, 1892.
- The Nineteenth Century Woman in Literature. [No title-page.] An address delivered before the Daughters of Virginia Literary Society of the State Female Normal School of Farmville, Virginia, June 7, 1892.
- Shaksperean and other Papers. Sewanee, Tenn., 1911. [Preface by W. P. Trent. Biographical Sketch by J. D. Bruce.]
- II. Works Edited
- The Best American Tales, chosen, with an introduction, by W. P. Trent and John B. Henneman. [1907.]
- The Complete Works of William Makepeace Thackeray, with introductions by William P. Trent and John Bell Henneman. [1904.]
- The New Grant White Shakespeare. The Comedies, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakespeare; with memoir, introductions, and notes by Richard Grant White; revised, supplemented, and annotated by William P. Trent, … Benjamin W. Wells, … and John B. Henneman. Boston, 1912.
- Also: Twelfth Night, 1905; Henry Esmond, 1906.
- Benjamin Harvey Hill (1823–1882)
- I. Writings
- Coinage of Silver Dollars. Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 8, 1878. [Washington? 1878.]
- The Free Coinage of Silver. Speeches of L. Q. C. Lamar of Mississippi and Benjamin H. Hill of Georgia in the U. S. Senate, 24 Jan., 1878. Washington, 1878.
- Great Speech delivered before the Young Men’s Democratic Union, Tuesday evening, October 6, 1868. [No title-page.]
- Jefferson Davis—Amnesty. Speech in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, January 11, 1876. [Washington, 1876.]
- Hill, Benjamin H., Jr. Senator Benjamin H. Hill, of Georgia. His Life, Speeches, and Writings. Written and Compiled by his son. Atlanta, 1891.
- The Union and its Enemies. Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, Saturday, May 10, 1879. Washington, 1879.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- Cox, Samuel S. Memorial Eulogies delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States. 1861–1883. Washington, 1883.
- Hill, Benjamin H., Jr. [See above.]
- Knight, Lucien Lamar. Benjamin Harvey Hill. Library of Southern Literature.
- Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of B. H. Hill, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, Forty-seventh Congress, Second Session, January 25, 1883. Washington, 1883.
- Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. (1831–1893)
- I. Separate Works
- Aboriginal Structures in Georgia. Washington, 1878. [Reprinted from the Smithsonian Report for 1877.]
- Address delivered at the Midway Meeting House in Liberty County, Georgia … on the occasion of relaying the corner-stone of a monument to be erected in honor of the founders of Midway church and congregation. Augusta, 1889.
- An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association, in Augusta, Georgia, at its first annual meeting, on Memorial Day, April 26, 1879. Augusta, Ga. Printed by order of the Association, 1879.
- An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association, in Augusta, Georgia, at its second annual meeting.… Augusta, 1880.
- An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association in Augusta, Georgia, at its third annual meeting.… Augusta, 1881.
- An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association, in Augusta, Georgia, at its fourth annual meeting.… Augusta, 1882.
- Ancient Tumuli in Georgia. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society at the semi-annual meeting held in Boston, Apr. 28, 1869. Worcester, 1869.
- Ancient Tumuli on the Savannah River. [1868.]
- Antiquities of the Southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia Tribes. 1873.
- Antiquity of the North American Indians. 1874 [not seen by present compiler].
- The Battle of Honey-Hill. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … at its seventh annual meeting. Augusta, 1885. Also in Southern Historical Society Papers, Richmond, 1885. Pp. 355–67.
- Biographical Sketch of the Honorable Major John Habersham of Georgia. Privately printed [The Riverside Press], 1886. New York: W. Abbot, 1909.
- Biographical Sketches of the Delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. Boston, 1891.
- The Bombardment and Capture of Fort McAlister. 1885 [not seen].
- Brigadier General Robert Toombs. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … at its eighth annual meeting … Augusta, 1886. Also in Southern Historical Society Papers. Richmond [1886], xiv, 293–304.
- Button Gwinnett. 1884 [not seen].
- Casimir Pulaski. An Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, upon the occasion of the celebration of its thirty-second anniversary, February 13, 1871. Savannah, 1873. In Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, 1873, iii, 383–410.
- Centres of Primitive Manufacture in Georgia 1880 [not seen].
- The Confederate Civil List. 1889 [not seen].
- The Dead Towns of Georgia. Savannah, 1878.
- Defence of Battery Wagner, July 18, 1863. Addresses delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the occasion of its fourteenth annual reunion … by Col. Charles C. Jones … Hon. Lieut.-Col. H. D. D. Twiggs, and by Captain F. Edgeworth Eve.… Augusta, 1892.
- Dr. Lyman Hall, Governor of Georgia in 1783. 1891 [not seen].
- The English Colonization of Georgia. 1733–1752. [With critical essay on the sources of information.] Justin Winsor’s Narrative and Critical History of America. Boston and New York, v, 357–406, 1884–1889.
- The Evacuation of Battery Wagner, and the Battle of Ocean Pond. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the occasion of its tenth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1888.
- Funeral Oration pronounced in the Opera House in Augusta, Georgia, December 11, 1889, upon the occasion of the memorial services in honor of President Jefferson Davis. Augusta, 1889.
- Funeral Oration … upon the occasion of the obsequies of Governor Alexander H. Stephens. 1883 [not seen].
- General Sherman’s March from Atlanta to the Coast. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … at its sixth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1884.
- Georgia. Philadelphia, 1890. [Appears as art. Georgia in Chambers’s Encyclopedia. New Edition, 1888.]
- The Georgia Historical Society. It’s [sic] Founders, Patrons, and Friends. Anniversary Address.… Savannah, 1881.
- Georgians during the War between the States. An address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the occasion of its eleventh annual reunion.… Augusta, 1889.
- Hernando de Soto. The Adventures Encountered and the Route Pursued by the Adelantado during his march through the territory embraced within the present geographical limits of the state of Georgia. Read before the Georgia Historical Society. Savannah, 1880.
- Historical and Geographical Sketch of Georgia. 1884 [not seen].
- Historical Sketch of the Chatham Artillery during the Confederate Struggle for Independence. Albany, 1867.
- Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi-Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. Albany, 1868.
- The History of Georgia. Volume
I. Aboriginal and Colonial Epochs. VolumeII. Revolutionary Epoch. Boston, 1883. - History of Savannah, Georgia, from its settlement to the close of the eighteenth century. [From the close of the eighteenth century, by O. F. Vedder and Frank Weldon.] Syracuse, 1890.
- Hon. R. M. T. Hunter [and] Post-Bellum Mortality among Confederates. Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association at its quarterly meeting.… Augusta, 1887.
- Indian Remains in Southern Georgia. Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, on its twentieth anniversary. Savannah, 1859.
- The Jews and their Connection with the Colony of Georgia. 1893 [not seen].
- John McPherson Berrien. Address delivered before the Georgia bar Association at its eighth annual meeting held at Columbus, Georgia. Atlanta. [1891.]
- Kings, Presidents, and Governors of Georgia, 1732–1889. 1889 [not seen].
- The Life and Services of Commodore Josiah Tatnall. Savannah, 1878.
- The Life and Services of Ex-Governor Charles Jones Jenkins. A Memorial Address. Delivered before the General Assembly of Georgia, in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, on the 23d of July, 1883. Atlanta, 1884.
- The Life and Services of the Honorable Major-General Samuel Elbert of Georgia. An Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, at Savannah, on the 6th of December, 1886. Printed for the Society. Cambridge, Mass., 1887. New York, 1911.
- The Life, Literary Labors, and Neglected Grave of Richard Henry Wilde. [Augusta, 1885.]
- Memorial History of Augusta, Georgia, from its settlement in 1735 to the close of the eighteenth century. [From the close of the eighteenth century to the present time by Salem Dutcher.] Syracuse, 1890.
- Memorial History of Savannah, Georgia, during the eighteenth century. 1890 [not seen].
- Memorial with regard to a subscription on the part of the state to his history of Georgia. [Augusta, 1882.]
- Military Lessons inculcated on the Coast of Georgia during the Confederate War. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … at its fifth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1883.
- Military Operations in Georgia during the War between the States. Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … upon the occasion of its fifteenth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1893.
- Monument to Gwinnett, Hall, and Walton, Signers from Georgia of the Declaration of Independence. 1887 [not seen].
- Monumental Remains of Georgia. Part First. [First Monograph: Ancient Monument near Augusta, Georgia. Second Monograph: Monumental Remains of the Etowah and Ostanaula Valleys.] Savannah, 1861.
- The Necessity for Increasing the Salaries of the Judicial Officers of Georgia. An Address delivered before the Georgia Bar Association at its annual meeting in Atlanta, … Macon, 1885.
- Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast told in the Vernacular. Boston and New York, 1888.
- Negro Slaves and their Relations to the Confederate Government during the Civil War. 1886 [not seen].
- Oglethorpe as a Landed Proprietor in Georgia. 1892 [not seen].
- The Old South. Addresses delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the Occasion of its ninth annual reunion… Augusta, 1887.
- Oration. Celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Chatham Artillery of Savannah, May 1, 1861.… Savannah, 1861.
- Oration pronounced on the 31st of October, 1878, upon the occasion of the unveiling and dedication of the Confederate monument erected by the Ladies’ Memorial Association of Augusta, in Broad Street.… [Reprinted from the Augusta Evening Sentinel, of 31 Oct., 1878.]
- A Piece of Secret History. 1876 [not seen].
- Primitive Manufacture of Spear and Arrow Points along the Line of the Savannah River. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution … for … 1879. 1880.
- A Primitive Storehouse of the Creek Indians. 1885 [not seen].
- Promulgation of the Declaration of Independence in Savannah, Georgia, 1888 [not seen].
- Reminiscences of the Last Days, Death and Burial of General Henry Lee. Albany, 1870.
- A Roster of the General Officers, Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives, Military Organizations, &c., in Confederate service during the war between the states. Richmond, 1876. Also in Southern Historical Society Papers, vols.
I, II, III, 1876–77. - The Seizure and Reduction of Fort Pulaski. 1885 [not seen].
- Sepulture of Major-General Nathanael Greene, and of Brig.-Gen. Count Casimir Pulaski. [Augusta, 1885.]
- Sergeant William Jasper. An Address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society.… [Albany], 1876.
- The Settlement of the Jews in Georgia. Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, 1893.
- The Siege and Evacuation of Savannah, Georgia, in December, 1864. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the occasion of its twelfth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1890.
- The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia and the Third Military District of South Carolina during General Sherman’s March from Atlanta to the Sea. [Privately printed.] Albany, 1874.
- Silver Crosses from an Indian Grave Mound at Coosawattee Old Town in Murray County, Georgia. 1883 [not seen].
- Sons of Confederate Veterans. An Address delivered before the Confederate Survivors’ Association … on the occasion of its thirteenth annual reunion.… Augusta, 1891.
- William Few, Lieutenant General of Georgia Militia in the Revolutionary Service. 1883 [not seen].
- II. Works Edited
- Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony of Georgia, 1755 to 1774. 1881 [not seen].
- Jones, Rev. Charles Colcock: The History of the Church of God during the Period of Revelation. 1867 [not seen].
- Memorandum of the Route pursued by Colonel Campbell in 1779, from Savannah to Augusta, Georgia. 1887 [not seen].
- [Perceval, Sir John, First Earl of Egmont.] A Journal of the Transactions of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.… Now first printed. Wormsloe, 1886.
- Purry, Jean Pierre. Memorial presented to his Grace, my Lord the Duke of Newcastle.… upon the present condition of Carolina, and the means of its amelioration. [Savannah] 1880.
- The Siege of Savannah, in 1779, as described in two contemporaneous journals of French officers in the fleet of Count d’Estaing. Albany, 1874.
- III. Biographical and Critical
- Cumming, Joseph B. Memorial Resolution at the sixteenth annual reunion of the Confederate Survivors’ Association … in honor of its late president, Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D., together with the speeches of Messrs. F. M. Stovall and Salem Dutcher seconding the resolution; the remarks of Capt. Charles E. Coffin; and the historian’s report, submitted by Charles Edgeworth Jones.… Augusta, 1894.
- Fleming, William H. Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. Library of Southern Literature.
- Henkels, Stan. V. The Autographic Collection and Engraved Portraits and Views gathered by the late Colonel Charles Colcock Jones, historian of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1894. [Addenda to the next title.]
- —— Catalogue of the Valuable Autographic Collection and Engraved Portraits and Views gathered by the late Colonel Charles Colcock Jones, historian of Georgia. Philadelphia, 1894.
- Jones, Charles Edgeworth. In Memoriam. Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D. Historian, Biographer, and Archeologist, 1831–1893. Augusta, 1893.
- Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar (1825–1893)
- I. Works
- Admission of Kansas. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 13, 1858, on the violation of the pledge of the government that Kansas shall be admitted with or without slavery as her constitution may prescribe at the time of such admission. [Washington, 1858.]
- The Free Coinage of Silver. Speeches of L. Q. C. Lamar of Mississippi and Benjamin H. Hill of Georgia in the U. S. Senate, 24 Jan., 1878. Washington, 1878.
- Letter, in reply to Hon. P. F. Liddell, of Carrollton, Mississippi. [Washington, 1860?] [Letter is dated Washington City, D. C., December 10, 1860.]
- Mayes, Edward. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, his Life, Times, and Speeches. 1825–1893. Nashville, 1896.
- Misrule in the Southern States. Speech on the Louisiana Contested Election in the House of Representatives, June 8, 1874. Washington, 1874.
- Oration on the Life, Character, and Public Services of the Hon. John C. Calhoun, delivered before the Ladies’ Calhoun Monument Association, and the Public, at Charleston, South Carolina. A History of the Calhoun Monument at Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1888, pp. 63–107.
- Report on the Texas and Pacific Railroad, made to the House of Representatives, January 24, 1877. Washington, 1877.
- Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, Friday, April 1, 1881 [on the election of officers of the Senate]. Washington, 1881.
- Speech in the Senate of the United States, June 14, 1880 [on the negro problem]. Washington, 1880.
- The Tariff. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, February 7, 1883. Washington, 1883.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- The African Slave Trade. The Secret Purposes of the Insurgents to Revive it. Judah P. Benjamin’s intercepted instructions to L. Q. C. Lamar. Philadelphia, 1863.
- Galloway, Charles B. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. Library of Southern Literature.
- In Memoriam. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. [Washington, 1893.] [Contains the proceedings of the Supreme Court. The Addenda contains proceedings of the public meeting of the Georgia Bar Association and the Illinois State Bar Association.]
- Mayes, Edward. [See I above.]
- Sidney Lanier (1846–1881)
- I. Prose
- Bob: The Story of Our Mocking-Bird. With Sixteen Illustrations in Color. 1899. [Prefatory Note by Charles Day Lanier.]
- The English Novel and the Principle of its Development. 1883, 1888, 1891, 1892. [Prefatory Note by W[illiam] H[and] B[rowne].] Revised as: The English Novel. A Study in the Development of Personality. 1897, 1900, 1903. [Prefatory Note by M[ary] D[ay] L[anier], signed January, 1897.] [Selections in Payne’s (William Morton) American Literary Criticism, 1904, pp. 273–296.]
- Florida: its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken, and a Chapter for Consumptives; being a Complete Hand-Book and Guide. With Numerous Illustrations. Philadelphia [1875]. Enlarged as: Florida: its Scenery, Climate, and History. With an Account of Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, and Aiken; a Chapter for Consumptives; Various Papers of Fruit-culture; and a Complete Hand-Book and Guide. With Numerous Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1876. “A cheap edition.” Philadelphia, 1877. “A new edition.” Philadelphia, 1881.
- —— St. Augustine in April. The Ocklawaha in May. Some Highways and Byways of American Travel. Philadelphia, 1878.
- Letters. Selections from his Correspondence, 1866–1881. With Portraits. 1899, 1907. [Prefatory Note by Charles Day Lanier.]
- Music and Poetry. Essays upon some aspects and interrelations of the two arts. 1898.
- Retrospects and Prospects. Descriptive and Historical Essays. 1899. [Prefatory Note by C[harles] D[ay] L[anier.]] One of these essays, San Antonio de Bexar, in San Antonio de Bexar. A Guide and History. Compiled and edited by William Corner. San Antonio, 1890.
- The Science of English Verse. 1880, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1914.
- Selections from Sidney Lanier. Prose and Verse. With an introduction and notes. Edited by Henry W. Lanier. [1916.]
- Shakespeare and his Forerunners. Studies in Elizabethan poetry and its development from Early English. [Edited by Henry Wysham Lanier.] 1902. 2 vols. in 1 vol. 1908. [Preface by Henry Wysham Lanier.]
- Tiger-Lilies. A Novel. 1867.
- II. Poetry
- The Centennial Meditation of Columbia. A Cantata for the inaugural ceremonies at Philadelphia, May 10, 1876. Poem by Sidney Lanier, of Georgia. Music by Dudley Buck, of Connecticut. 1876.
- Hymns of the Marshes. Illustrated from Nature by Henry Troth. 1907.
- Poem Outlines. 1908. [Note by H[enry] W[ysham] L[anier].]
- Poems. Philadelphia, 1877.
- Poems … edited by his Wife, with a Memorial by William Hayes Ward. 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890. New Edition [containing on pp. 152–158 seven short poems]. 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1905, 1906.
- Selections from Prose and Verse. [See I above.]
- Select Poems of Sidney Lanier. Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography, by Morgan Calloway. 1895, 1899.
- III. Works Edited
- The Boy’s Froissart, being Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles of Adventure, Battle, and Custom in England, France, Spain, etc. Edited for boys with an introduction. Illustrated by Alfred Kappes. 1879, 1880, 1881. New issue in Boy’s Library of Legend and Chivalry. 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1901.
- The Boy’s King Arthur, being Sir Thomas Malory’s History of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Edited for boys with an introduction. Illustrated by Alfred Kappes. 1880, 1881, 1883. New Issue in Boy’s Library of Legend and Chivalry, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897. London, 1891, 1909.
- The Boy’s Mabinogion, being the Earliest Welsh Tales of King Arthur in the Famous Red Book of Hergest. Edited for boys with an introduction. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. 1881.
- The Boy’s Percy, being Old Ballads of War, Adventure, and Love from Bishop Thomas Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, together with an appendix containing two ballads from the original Percy folio MS. Edited for boys with an introduction. With fifty illustrations from original designs by E. B. Bensell. 1882. New issue in Boy’s Library of Legend and Chivalry, 1884, 1891, 1893, 1912.
- Knightly Legends of Wales: or, The Boy’s Mabinogion, being the Earliest Welsh Tales of King Arthur in the Famous Red Book of Hergest. Edited for boys with an introduction. Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. 1884, 1893, 1897, 1908.
- IV. Biographical and Critical
- The list below contains but a selection of the most noteworthy of the books and articles dealing with Lanier and his poetry.
- Baskervill, William Malone. Southern Writers. Biographical and Critical Studies. Volume 1. Nashville, 1898.
- Bentzon, Th. [Mme. Blanc]. Un Musicien Poète. Sidney Lanier. Revue des deux mondes, cxlv, pp. 307–341. 15 Jan., 1898.
- Bowen, Edwin W[infield]. Makers of American Literature. A Class-Book on American Literature. New York and Washington, 1908.
- Browne, Francis F. Dial, v, 244–246. Jan., 1885.
- Cady, Frank W. Sidney Lanier. South Atlantic Quarterly, xiii, 156–173, Apr., 1914.
- Carroll, Charles Chauncey. The Synthesis and Analysis of the Poetry of Sidney Lanier. [Published by the author, Owensboro, Kentucky, 1910.]
- Clarke, George Herbert. Some Early Letters and Reminiscences of Sidney Lanier. [Independent, lxi, 1092–1098, 8 Nov., 1906.]
- Gates, Merrill Edwards. Sidney Lanier. [Presbyterian Review, viii, 669–701, Oct., 1887.]
- [Gilman, Daniel Coit.] A Memorial of Sidney Lanier. The Forty-sixth Birthday of Sidney Lanier. 1842—February 3—1888. Baltimore, 1888.
- Gosse, Edmund. Questions at Issue. London, 1893.
- Harman, Henry E. Sidney Lanier—A Study. South Atlantic Quarterly, xiv, 301–306, Oct., 1915.
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Women and Men. 1888.
- Kaufman, Matthias S. Sidney Lanier, Poet Laureate of the South. Methodist Review, lxxxii—Fifth Series, xvi, 94–107, Jan., 1900.
- Kent, Charles W. A Study of Lanier’s Poems. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, vii, No. 2, pp. 33–63, 1892.
- Lanier, Clifford Anderson. Sonnets to Sidney Lanier, and Other Lyrics. Edited with an introduction by Edward Howard Griggs. 1915.
- Mims, Edwin. Sidney Lanier. Boston and New York [1905].
- Northrup, Milton Harlow. Sidney Lanier: Recollections and Letters. Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine, lxxv, 302–315, Mar., 1905.
- Pickett, LaSalle Corbell. Literary Hearthstones of Dixie. With Portraits and Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1912.
- Scott, W. J. Life and Genius of Sidney Lanier. Quarterly Review of the M. E. Church, South. New Series, v, 157–171, Oct., 1888.
- Semple, Patty B. Sidney Lanier. Southern Bivouac, ii, 661–667, Apr., 1887.
- Sladen, Douglas. An American Rossetti. Literary World [London], xlviii, 378–379, 17 Nov., 1893.
- Snoddy, J. S. Color and Motion in Lanier. Poet-Lore, xii, 558–570, Oct.–Dec., 1900.
- Snyder, Henry Nelson. Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. Sidney Lanier. [1906.]
- Spann, Minnie. Sidney Lanier’s Youth. Independent, xlvi, 789 ff., 21 June, 1894.
- —— Sidney Lanier’s Manhood. Independent, xlvi, pp. 821–2. 28 June, 1894.
- Spectator [London], lxv, pp. 828–829, 6 Dec., 1890.
- Swiggett, Glen Levin. Sidney Lanier. Conservative Review, v. 187–192, Sept., 1901.
- Turnbull, Mrs. Lawrence [Frances Litchfield]. The Catholic Man. A Study. Boston [1890].
- Walker, George Williams. A Poetical Genius. Quarterly Review of the M. E. Church, South, vii, 193–206, Apr., 1885.
- Wayland, John W. Sidney Lanier at Rockingham Springs. Where and how the “Science of English Verse” was Written. A New Chapter in American Letters. Dayton, Va., 1912.
- West, Charles N. A Brief Sketch of the Life and Writings of Sidney Lanier. An Address before the Georgia Historical Society, at Savannah, on the 5th of December, 1887. Savannah, 1888.
- Westfeldt, Gustaf R. Fifteen Minutes with Sidney Lanier. A paper read February 10, 1903, on the occasion of unveiling a bust of the poet at Tulane University, New Orleans. New Orleans, 1915.
- Wills, George S. Sidney Lanier—his Life and Writings. Publications of the Southern History Association, iii, 190–211, July, 1899. [Contains a bibliography to 1899.]
- Woolf, Winfield P. Sidney Lanier as Revealed in his Letters. Sewanee Review, viii, pp. 346–364, July, 1900.
- Frances Butler Leigh
- Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation since the War. London, 1883.
- Carlyle McKinley (1847–1904)
- I. Works
- After Ten Years. 1863–1873. Walhalla, S. C., 1902.
- An Appeal to Pharaoh. The Negro Problem, and its Radical Solution. 1889. 3d ed. with introduction, by Gustavus M. Pinckney. Columbia, S. C., 1907.
- Poems. Columbia, S. C., 1904.
- II. Biographical and Critical
- Courtenay, William Ashmead. Carlyle McKinley. Library of Southern Literature.
- —— In Loving Memory of Carlyle McKinley. 1847–1904. Walhalla, S. C., 1904.
- Mrs. Susan Dabney Smedes (1840–)
- Memorials of a Southern Planter. Baltimore, 1887. 2d ed., Baltimore, 1888. As: A Southern Planter. 4th ed., New York, 1890. 7th ed., New York, 1899.
- McVea, Emilie W. Susan Dabney Smedes. Library of Southern Literature.
- John Banister Tabb (1845–1909)
- I. Works
- Bone Rules; or, Skeleton of English Grammar. 1897.
- Child Verse. Poems Grave and Gay. Boston, 1899, 1900.
- Later Lyrics. London and New York, 1902. New York, 1910.
- Later Poems. 1910.
- Lyrics. Boston, 1897. [Four eds. of 500 each.]
- An Octave to Mary. Baltimore, 1893.
- Poems. [Baltimore, 1883.]
- Poems. Boston, 1894, 2d ed., Jan., 1895. 3d ed., Apr., 1895. 4th ed., Nov., 1895. 5th ed., July, 1896. 6th ed., Jan., 1897. 7th ed., Oct., 1897. 8th ed., Nov., 1898. 9th ed., Dec., 1900. 10th ed., 1903.
- Quips and Quiddits, Ques for the Qurious. Boston, 1907.
- The Rosary in Rhyme. [Boston,] 1904, 1916.
- A Selection from the Verses of John B. Tabb, Made by Alice Meynell. Boston, 1907. New York, 1907. London [1907].
- Two Lyrics. [Boston, 1900.]
- II. Biographical and Critical
- A Blind Poet. Independent, lxv, 1508, 17 Dec., 1908.
- Browne, William Hand. John Banister Tabb. Library of Southern Literature.
- [Finn, Sister Mary Paulina]. John Bannister Tabb, the Priest-Poet. Washington, [char].
- Jacobi, Joseph B. The Large Philosophy in the Little Poems of Father Tabb. American Catholic Quarterly Review, xl, 33–47, Jan., 1915.
- Kelly, John B. The Poetry of a Priest. Catholic World, ciii, 228–233, May, 1916.
- Mather, F. J. Poetry of Father Tabb. Nation, lxxxix, 534–6, 2 Dec., 1909.
- Meynell, Alice. Father Tabb as a Poet. Catholic World, xc, 577–82, Feb., 1900.
- O’Brien, J. L. A Contemporaneous Poet. American Catholic Quarterly Review, xxxv, 355–63, Apr., 1910.
- Poems of John B. Tabb. Living Age, cciv, 372–5, 9 Nov., 1907.
- Poet and Priest. Outlook, xciii, 807–8, 11 Dec., 1909.
- Price, Thomas R. John Banister Tabb. A Study of his Poetry. A paper prepared by special request for a meeting of the Woman’s Club of Richmond, Virginia, 18 March, 1895. [Boston] 1896.
- Zebulon Baird Vance (1830–1894)
- I. Works
- Address … at Atlanta, Georgia, October 5, 1881. [Not seen.]
- Address at the Guilford Battle Ground, May 4, 1889. [Greensboro, N. C., 1889.]
- Addresses of Hon. Z. B. Vance … and Hon. D. W. Voorhees … at the Opening of the International Cotton Exposition, at Atlanta, Georgia, Wednesday, October 5, 1881. Washington, 1881.
- David L. Swain. Lives of Distinguished North Carolinians, with illustrations and speeches.… Raleigh, N. C., 1898.
- The Last Days of the War in North Carolina. An Address delivered February 23, 1885, at the third annual reunion of the Association of the Maryland Line, at the Academy of Music, Baltimore. Baltimore, 1885.
- The Scattered Nation, with an introductory sketch of the life of the author by Willis Bruce Dowd. [1904.]
- Sketches of North Carolina. Norfolk, Va., 1875.
- Speech on the Slavery Question, delivered in the House of Representatives, March 16, 1860. [Washington, 1860.]
- Speeches, in Life of Zebulon B. Vance, by Clement Dowd. 1897.
- The Tariff. Speech in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 14, 1882. Washington [1882?].
- II. Biographical and Critical
- Battle, Richard H. The Ceremonies attending the Unveiling of the Bronze Statue of Zeb. B. Vance in Capitol Square, Raleigh, N. C., and the Address of Richard H. Battle, August 22, 1900. Raleigh, N. C. [1900].
- Burgwyn, William H. S. Zebulon Baird Vance. Library of Southern Literature.
- Dowd, Clement. Life of Zebulon B. Vance. Charlotte, N. C., 1897.
- Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Hon. Zebulon Baird Vance, late a Senator from North Carolina, delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, Fifty-third Congress, Third Session. Published by order of Congress. Washington, 1895.
- Ward, Dallas T. The Last Flag of Truce. Franklinton, N. C. [1914].
- Booker T. Washington (1859–1915)
- I. Works
- Address delivered at the Opening of the Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition, September 18, 1895. [Atlanta? 1895.] On the solution of the negro problem.
- An Address on Abraham Lincoln delivered before the Republican Club of New York City on the night of February 12, 1909. [New York, 1909.]
- Address prepared by Mr. Booker T. Washington for delivery at a Dinner given by the Members of the Union League Club on February 12, 1899, in commemoration of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. [Philadelphia, 1899.]
- An Autobiography: the Story of my Life and Work, introduction by Dr. J. L. M. Curry … 40th thousand; the original autobiography brought up-to-date with over half a hundred full-page photo and half-tone engravings and drawings by Frank Beard. Toronto, Ont., Napierville, Ill.… [1901]. See Story of My Life, below.
- Black-Belt Diamonds. Gems from the Speeches, Addresses, and Talks to Students of Booker T. Washington. Selected and Arranged by Victoria Earle. Matthews. Introduction by T. Thomas Fortune. 1898.
- Booker T. Washington’s Own Story of his life and Work; including an authoritative sixty-four page supplement by Albon L. Halsey.… The original autobiography brought up to date with a complete account of Dr. Washington’s sickness and death. Containing the only photos of the funeral and burial. The authentic edition. Atlanta, Ga., Napierville, Ill. [1915]. See Autobiography, above. Washington, 1915.
- Character Building. Being addresses delivered on Sunday evenings to the students of Tuskegee Institute. 1902, 1903.
- The Educational and Industrial Emancipation of the Negro. An Address before the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y., February 22, 1903. [Tuskegee, 1903.]
- Frederick Douglass. Philadelphia, 1906, 1907.
- The Future of the American Negro. Boston, 1899. [Contains a dedication to Rev. H. B. Frissell omitted in succeeding eds.] Boston, 1902. Special ed. printed for the Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund. [1901?]
- The Man Farthest Down. A record of observations and study in Europe. With the collaboration of Robert E. Park. 1912.
- My Larger Education; being Chapters from my Experience. Illustrated from photographs. Garden City, N. Y., 1911.
- Negro Education not a Failure. Address in the Concert Hall of Madison Square Garden, New York, February 12, 1904. [Tuskegee, 1904.]
- The Negro in Business. Boston [1907].
- The Negro in the South. His Economic Progress in Relation to his Moral and Religious Development. Being the William Levi Bull Lectures for the Year 1907. Philadelphia [1907]. [W. E. Burghardt DuBois was joint author. Washington contributed two chapters: The Economic Development of the Negro Race in Slavery; The Economic Development of the Negro Race since its Emancipation.]
- Progress of the American Negro. Tuskegee [n. d.].
- Putting the Most into Life. [1906.]
- Some Results of the Armstrong Idea. [Hampton? Va.] 1909.
- Sowing and Reaping. Boston, 1900.
- The Story of My Life and Work, with an Introduction by Dr. J. L. M. Curry.… Illustrated by Frank Beard. Toronto, Ont., Napierville, Ill.… [1900]. Napierville, Ill., Chicago [1900]. 25th thousand … Revised edition. Napierville, Ill., Atlanta, Ga. [1901].
- The Story of the Negro. The Rise of the Race from Slavery. 1909. 2 vols. London, 1909.
- The Story of Slavery, with biographical sketch. Chicago [1913]. Dansville, N. Y. [1913].
- Up from Slavery. An Autobiography. 1901, 1902, 1906. Spanish: De Esclavo á catedrático; autobiografía de Booker T. Washington; vertida del inglés al español por Alfredo Elias y Pujol. Nueva York, 1902. Stereotyped and printed for the blind, Louisville, Ky., 1903.
- Working with the Hands. Being a Sequel to “Up from Slavery.” Covering the author’s experiences in industrial training at Tuskegee. 1904. Polish; Wyzwolenic. Autobiografja murzyna. Przck[char]ad E-L-S[char]owo wst[char]pue Izy Moszczeńskiej. Warszawa. 1905.
- II. Contributions to Books and Periodicals
- Achievements of Negroes. Independent, lxvii, 731–2. 30 Sept., 1909.
- Address. Addresses in Memory of Carl Schurz. Carnegie Hall, New York, November 21, 1906. Pp. 38–41. 1907.
- The Agricultural Negro. Arena, xxviii, 461–3, Nov., 1902.
- The American Negro and his Economic Value. International Quarterly, ii, 672–86, Dec., 1900.
- The American Negro of Today. Putnam’s, iii, 67–70, Oct., 1907.
- Bert Williams. American Magazine, lxx, 600–4, Sept., 1910.
- Black and White in the South. Outlook cvi, 590–3, 14 Mar., 1914.
- Boley, a Negro Town in the West. Outlook, lxxxviii, 28–31, 4 Jan., 1908.
- The Census and the Negro. Independent, lxxii, 785–6, 11 Apr., 1912.
- Charles Banks. American Magazine, lxxi, 731–3, Apr., 1911.
- A Cheerful Journey through Mississippi. World’s Work, xvii, 11278–82, Feb., 1909.
- Chickens, Pigs, and People. Outlook, lxviii, 291–300, 1 June, 1901.
- Child Labor and the Sulphur Mines. Outlook, xcviii, 21–6, 342–9, 6 May, 17 June, 1911.
- Cruelty in the Congo Country. Outlook, lxxviii, 375–7, 8 Oct., 1904.
- Durham, North Carolina. A City of Negro Enterprises. Independent, lxx, 642–50, 30 Mar., 1911.
- Educate Six Million Negro Children. World’s Work, xx, 13087–8, June, 1910.
- Education, Industrial Schools, Colleges, Universities, and their Relationship to the Race Problem. A New Negro for a New Century; an Accurate and Up-to-date Record of the upward Struggles of the Negro Race.… Chicago, 1900.
- The Education of the Man behind the Plow. Independent, lxiv, 918–920, 23 Apr., 1908.
- Education of the Negro. Monographs on Education in the United States. Department of Education for the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900. Albany, N. Y., 1900, 1904.
- Education will solve the Race Problem. North American Review, clxxi, 221–232, Aug., 1900.
- Educational Engineers. Outlook, xcv, 266–7, 4 June, 1910.
- A Farmer’s College on Wheels. World’s Work, xiii, 8352–4, Dec., 1906.
- Fifty Years of Negro Progress. Some Indisputable Evidence. Forum, lv, 269–279, Mar., 1916.
- A Forward Step for the South. Independent, li, 2934–5, 2 Nov., 1899.
- The Free Negro in Slavery Days. Outlook, xciii, 107–114, 18 Sept., 1909.
- Fruits of Industrial Training. Atlantic Monthly, xcii, 453–62, Oct., 1903.
- The Golden Rule in Atlanta. Outlook, lxxxiv, 913–6, 15 Dec., 1906.
- Haiti and the United States. Outlook, cxi, 681, 17 Nov., 1915.
- Henson, Matthew A. Negro Explorer at the North Pole. With a Foreword by Robert E. Peary and an introduction by Booker T. Washington. [1912.]
- Heroes in Black Skins. lxvi, 724–9, Sept., 1903.
- Holtzclaw, William H. The Black Man’s Burden. With an Introduction by Booker T. Washington. 1915.
- How Denmark has taught itself Prosperity and Happiness. World’s Work, xxii, 14486–94, June, 1911.
- How the Colored People of Washington raised $25,000 in Twenty-six Days. Independent, lxiii, 1115–6, 7 Nov., 1907.
- Industrial Education for the Negro. Negro Problem; a Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of Today. 1903.
- Industrial Education in Africa. Independent, lx, 616–9, 15 Mar., 1906.
- Industrial Education, Public Schools, and the Negroes. Annals of the American Academy, xlix, 219–32, Sept., 1913.
- Industrial Schools as an Aid to Missions. Missionary Review of the World, xxix, 197–9, Mar., 1906.
- Inferior and Superior Races. North American Review, cci, 538–42, Apr., 1915.
- Issac Fisher. Everybody’s Magazine, xxxii, 523–4, Apr., 1915.
- Is the Negro having a Fair Chance? Century, lxxxv, 46–55, Nov., 1912.
- Land-Hunger in the Black Belt. Lippincott’s, lxxvii, 757–63, June, 1906.
- Law and Order and the Negro. Outlook, xciii, 547–55, 6 Nov., 1909.
- Leadership of the Right Sort. World’s Work, xvii, 10968–9, Dec., 1908.
- Life and Labor on the Continent. Outlook, xcviii, 75–80, 13 May, 1911.
- Lynchings and International Peace. Outlook c, 554–5, 9 Mar., 1912.
- A Man about Whom the World should Know. Independent, lviii, 1115–6, 18 May, 1905.
- The Man Farthest Down. Outlook, xcviii, 21–6, 6 May, 1911.
- The Montgomery Race Conference. Century, lx, 630–32, Aug., 1900.
- A Most Encouraging Convention. Independent, lxi, 684–6, 20 Sept., 1906.
- My Aim in “The Story of the Negro.” World’s Work, xx, 13568–9, Oct., 1910.
- My View of Segregation Laws. New Republic, v, 113–4, 4 Dec., 1915.
- Naples and the Land of the Emigrant. Outlook, xcviii, 295–300, 10 June, 1911.
- National Negro Business League. World’s Work, iv, 2671–5, Oct., 1902.
- National Negro Business League and Introduction. The Colored American from Slavery to Honorable Citizenship. Atlanta, Ga., Napierville, Ill … 1902.
- The Negro and Illiteracy. Independent, lxxiii, 766–8, 3 Oct., 1912.
- The Negro and the Labor Unions. Atlantic Monthly, cxi, 756–67, June, 1913.
- The Negro and the Solid South. Independent, lxvii, 1195–9, 25 Nov., 1909.
- The Negro as a Farmer. North American Review, cxcv, 175–81, Feb., 1912.
- A Negro College Town. World’s Work, xiv, 9361–7, Sept., 1907.
- Negro Disfranchisement and the Negro in Business. Outlook, xciii, 310–6, 9 Oct., 1909.
- The Negro Doctor in the South. Independent, lxiii, 89–91, 11 July, 1907.
- Negro Education and the Nation. National Education Association Journal of Proceedings, 1908, pp. 87–93.
- Negro Homes. Century, lxxvi, 71–9, May, 1908.
- The Negro in Business. Gunton’s, xx, 209–19, Mar., 1901.
- The Negro in Business. American Magazine, lxi, 340–5, Jan., 1906.
- Negro Life in the South. Outlook, xcvi, 831–2, 10 Dec., 1910.
- The Negro’s Part in Southern Development. Annals of the American Academy, xxxv, 124–33, Jan., 1910.
- A Negro Potato King. Outlook, lxxvii, 115–8, 14 May, 1904.
- Negro Self-help. Independent, lix, 1207–8, 23 Nov., 1905.
- The Negro’s Life in Slavery. Outlook, xciii, 71–8, 11 Sept., 1909.
- The Negro’s Place in American Life. Outlook, xciii, 579–85, 13 Nov., 1909.
- A New Type of Rural School for Negroes. Survey, xxix, 837–8, 15 Mar., 1913.
- A Notable Instance of the Negro in Politics. Outlook, lxxxiii, 78–80, 12 May 1906.
- Observations and Comparisons Abroad. Independent, lv, 2728–30, 19 Nov., 1903.
- Our Racial Problem. Outlook, lxiv, 14–7, 6 Jan., 1900.
- Problems in Education. Cosmopolitan, xxxiii, 506–14, Sept., 1902.
- Progress of the Negro. Independent, lxii, 1394–5, 13 June, 1907.
- Progress of the Negro in one County in the South. Outlook, lxxxi, 874–5, 9 Dec., 1905.
- Prohibition and the Negro. Outlook, lxxxviii, 587–9, 14 Mar., 1908.
- The Race Problem. Harding, S. B., Select Orations. Pp. 501–7, 1909.
- The Race Problem in Arizona. Independent, lxxi, 909–13, 26 Oct., 1911.
- Races and Politics. Outlook, xcviii, 260–4, 3 June, 1911.
- The Relation of Industrial Education to National Progress. Annals of the American Academy, xxxiii, 1–12, Jan., 1909.
- The Religious Life of the Negro. North American Review, clxxxi, 20–3, July, 1905.
- A Remarkable Triple Alliance. Outlook, cviii, 485–92, 28 Oct., 1914.
- A Report of Friendly Relations. Outlook, xcii, 22–3, 1 May, 1909.
- A Rural Negro Community. Annals of the American Academy, xl, 81–9, Mar., 1912.
- The Salvation of the Negro. World’s Work, ii, 961–71, July, 1901.
- Signs of Progress among the Negroes. Century, lix, 472–8, Jan., 1900.
- Solving the Negro Problem in Detail. Independent, lxxiv, 695–7, 27 Mar., 1913.
- Some Reports of a Trip made by Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee Institute through the State of Tennessee, November 18–28, 1909. Reprinted from the New York Evening Post. 1909.
- The Story of the Negro. Outlook, xciii, 19–26, 4 Sept., 1909.
- The Successful Training of the Negro. The Results of such Teaching as is given at Tuskegee Institute—Schools founded on the Tuskegee Plan. World’s Work, vi, 3731–51, Aug., 1903.
- Teaching Domestic Economy at Tuskegee. Good Housekeeping, li, 623–4, Nov., 1910.
- A Town owned by Negroes. World’s Work, xiv, 9125–34, July, 1907.
- Tuskegee: a Retrospect and a Prospect. North American Review, clxxxii, 513–23, Apr., 1906.
- Tuskegee and its People: their Ideals and Achievements. Edited by Booker T. Washington. 1905, 1906.
- Thrasher, Max Bennett: Tuskegee, its Story and its Work. With an Introduction by Booker T. Washington. Boston, 1900, 1901.
- Twenty-five Years of Tuskegee. The Building-up of the Negro, as shown by the Growth and Work of this School managed wholly by Negroes—The Record of its Graduates. World’s Work, xi, 7433–50, Apr., 1906.
- Two Generations under Freedom. Outlook, lxxiii, 292–305, 7 Feb., 1903.
- University Education for Negroes. Independent, lxviii, 613–8, 24 Mar., 1910.
- What I am Trying to do. World’s Work, xxvii, 101–7, Nov., 1913.
- What the Negro is doing for the Negro in America. Missionary Review of the World. xxvii, 833–5, Nov., 1904.
- Why should Negro Business Men go South? Charities and the Commons, xv, 17–9, 7 Oct., 1905.
- William Henry Lewis. American Magazine, lxxv, 34–5, June, 1913.
- Women who Work in Europe. Outlook, xcviii, 493–9, 1 July, 1911.
- The Work and Influence of Hampton. [Address at a meeting held in New York. City, 12 Feb., 1904, under the direction of the Armstrong Association.] Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1905, pp. 573–79.
- III. Biographical and Critical
- Bacon, Alice M[abel]. The Negro and the Atlanta Exposition. Baltimore, 1896. The Trustees of the John F. Slater Fund Occasional Papers No. 7.
- Baker, Ray Stannard. Rise of Booker T. Washington. American Magazine, lxvi, 63–5, May, 1908.
- Booker T. Washington: Gentleman. Outlook, cxi, 707, 24 Nov., 1915.
- Booker Washington and His Race. Outlook, xci, 781–3, 1 Dec., 1915.
- Booker Washington and Tuskegee. Harper’s Weekly, xlv, 345, 30 Mar., 1901.
- Booker Washington and Tuskegee. A Southerner’s View. Outlook, lxvii, 871–3, 13 Apr., 1901.
- Breckinredge, S. P. An Unshackled Spirit. Survey, xxxv, 222–3, 27 Nov., 1915.
- Corson, O. T. Booker T. Washington—An Appreciation. National Education Association Proceedings, 1916, pp. 983–8.
- Drinker, Frederick E. Booker T. Washington, the Master Mind of a Child of Slavery.… [Philadelphia, 1915.]
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Booker T. Washington. Survey, xxxv, 508, 29 Jan., 1916.
- Foxcroft, H. C. A Negro on Efficiency. Fortnightly Review, lxxxvi, 461–74, Sept., 1906.
- Frissell, H. B. Education of the Negro. Work of Booker T. Washington and Robert Moton. National Education Association Proceedings, 1916, pp. 106–11.
- Gibson, John William. Progress of a Race; or, The Remarkable Advancement of the Colored American from the Bondage of Slavery, Ignorance, and Poverty to the Freedom of Citizenship, Intelligence, Affluence, Honor, and Trust. Second Edition.… Napierville, Ill. [1912.]
- A Great American. Outlook, cxv, 23–4, 3 Jan., 1917.
- Greever, G. A Leader in Constructive Americanism. Dial, lxi, 525–7, 14 Dec., 1916.
- Grimke, Francis J. The Roosevelt-Washington Episode, or Race Prejudice. [A Sermon] delivered October 27, 1901. [Washington, 1901.]
- Howells, W. D. An Exemplary Citizen. North American Review, clxxiii, 280–88, Aug., 1901.
- Hubbard, Elbert. A Little Journey to Tuskegee. LaGrange, Ga. [1908?]. East Aurora, N. Y., 1908.
- Imes, G. Lake. Remember Booker T. Washington. [Montgomery, 1917.]
- A Leader of Humanity. New Republic, v. 60–1, 20 Nov., 1915.
- Leupp, F. E. Why Booker Washington has succeeded in his Life Work. Outlook, lxxi, 326–33, 31 May, 1902.
- Morris, C. S. Booker Washington and his Work. Independent, liv, 565–8, 6 Mar., 1902.
- Pike, G[odfrey] Holden. From Slave to College President; being the Life Story of Booker T. Washington. London, 1902.
- MacKnight, S. J. Booker Washington and the Race Problem. Anglo-American Magazine, vi, 206–10, Sept., 1901.
- Memorial Addresses in Honor of Booker T. Washington. Lynchburg, Va., 1916.
- —— John F. Slater Fund, 1916.
- Richardson, C. Booker T. Washington, Servant of his Fellow Men. Missionary Review of the World, xxxix, 99–107, Feb., 1916.
- —— Spirit of Tuskegee. Survey, xxxv, 255–6, 4 Dec., 1915.
- Riley, B. F. The Life and Times of Booker T. Washington. Introduction by Edgar Y. Mullins. [1916.]
- Scarborough, W. S. Booker Washington and his Work. Education, xx, 270–6, Jan., 1900.
- Scott, Emmett J., and Stowe, Lyman Beecher. Booker T. Washington, Builder of a Civilization. Preface by Theodore Roosevelt. 1916.
- Scott, Emmett J., and Stowe, Lyman Beecher. Booker T. Washington: the Man and his School in Making. Outlook, cxiv, 101–4, 13 Sept., 1916.
- Sparks, Charles R. Black Diamonds in Dixie, or Booker T. Washington at the Table with the President. [Kansas City, 1904.]
- Sutton, W. S. Contributions of Booker T. Washington to the Education of the Negro. School and Society, iv, 457–63, 23 Sept., 1916.
- Thrasher, M. B. Personality of Washington. Outlook, lxix, 629–33, 9 Nov., 1901.
- White, H. Rufus. A Joshua in the Camp, of the Life of Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee, Alabama. Towson, Ind., 1895.
- A Wise Leader. Century, lxvi, 796–7. Sept., 1903.
- See, also, the autobiographical writings listed in I above.
- Robert Burns Wilson (1850–1916)
- Catalogue of the Water Color Paintings of Robert Burns Wilson on view at C. Klackner’s, 5 East 17th Street, New York, March, 1899.
- Chant of a Woodland Spirit. 1894.
- Life and Love. Poems. [1887.]
- The Shadows of the Trees and Other Poems. 1898.
- Until the Day Break. A Novel. 1900.
- Berry, Carolina W. Kentucky honors Robert Burns Wilson. Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society, xv, 57–9, 1917.
- Harrison, Ida Withers. Robert Burns Wilson. Library of Southern Literature.