The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- J
OEL CHANDLER HARRIS - Wootten, Katherine Hinton. Bibliography of the Works of Joel Chandler Harris. The Monthly Bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Atlanta, Ga., May–June, 1907.
- I. Separate Works
- Uncle Remus: his Songs and his Sayings. The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation. 1880. [In its 52d printing, January, 1915. The English Catalogue mentions at least ten publishing houses in Great Britain that have produced editions of Uncle Remus since 1881. The stories were successfully dramatized in London in 1914 (see Sunday Times, London, 3 May, 1914). The files of Punch and The Westminster Gazette show also a wide use of the Uncle Remus idea for purposes of political satire. W. T. Stead (London Review of Reviews Office) began in 1896 a series known as Books for the Bairns, of which The Wonderful Adventures of Old Brer Rabbit (July–Sept., 1896) was No. 6, More Stories about Old Brer Rabbit (Jan.–Mar., 1898), No. 20, and Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit (Jan.–June, 1901), No. 61. These three numbers include 28 stories, 14 from Uncle Remus and 14 from Nights with Uncle Remus. No. 6 was translated into French as Les Merveilleuses Aventures du Vieux Frère Lapin, Paris, 1910; No. 20 as Nouvelles Aventures du Vieux Frère Lapin, Paris, 1911; and No. 61 as Frère Renard et Frère Lapin, Paris, 1911. A part of The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story is given in German in Leon Kellners’ Geschichte der nordamerikanischen Literatur (Sammlung Göschen), vol.
II, Berlin and Leipzig, 1913.] - The Tar-Baby and Other Rhymes of Uncle Remus. 1880. [“With the exception of the Tar-Baby Story and one other, all the folk-lore stories herein embodied are new, having come into my hands from various sources during the past ten years. The Tar-Baby Story has been thrown into a rhymed form for the purpose of presenting and preserving what seems to be the genuine version.” (Author’s note.)]
- Nights with Uncle Remus: Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation, 1883. [Some of these stories appeared first in The Century Magazine for July, August, and September, 1883. For French translations, see under Uncle Remus.]
- Mingo and Other Sketches in Black and White. 1884.
- The Story of Aaron (so-named), the Son of Ben Ali. 1885.
- Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches. 1887. [Appeared first in The Century Magazine.] London, 1887.
- Daddy Jake the Runaway, and Short Stories Told after Dark. 1889.
- The Life of Henry W. Grady, Including his Writings and Speeches: A Memorial Volume Compiled by Mr. Grady’s Co-Workers on the Atlanta Constitution. Edited by Joel Chandler Harris. Atlanta, Ga., 1890.
- Balaam and his Master, and Other Sketches and Stories. 1891. [Appeared first in The Century Magazine.]
- On the Plantation: a Story of a Georgia Boy’s Adventures during the War. 1892. [An autobiography.]
- Uncle Remus and his Friends: Old Plantation Stories, Songs, and Ballads, with Sketches of Negro Character. 1892. [The edition of 1914, the Visitors’ Edition, contains a biographical sketch of Harris by Mrs. Myrta Lockett Avary.]
- Evening Tales, Translated from the French of Frederick Ortoli. 1893. [The joint work of Harris and his wife, formerly Miss Essie La Rose, of French ancestry and Canadian birth.]
- Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country, and What the Children Saw and Heard There. 1894.
- Mr. Rabbit at Home: a Sequel to Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his Queer Country. 1895.
- Georgia from the Invasion of De Soto to Recent Times. 1896. Published also in 1896 as Stories from Georgia; later as The History of Georgia.
- Sister Jane, her Friends and Acquaintances: a Narrative of Certain Events and Episodes Transcribed from the Papers of the late William Wornum. 1896.
- Aaron in the Wildwoods. 1897.
- Tales of the Home Folks in Peace and War. 1898.
- Plantation Pageants. 1899.
- The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. 1899. London, 1899.
- On the Wing of Occasions, being the Authorized Version of Certain Curious Episodes of the late Civil War, Including the hitherto Suppressed Narrative of the Kidnapping of President Lincoln. 1900. [Appeared first in The Saturday Evening Post, 2–23 June, 1900. As The Kidnapping of President Lincoln. 1909.]
- The Book of Fun and Frolic. Edited by Joel Chandler Harris. 1901. As The Merry Maker, 1902, in The Young Folks’ Library.
- Gabriel Tolliver: a Story of Reconstruction. 1902. [In part autobiographical.]
- The Making of a Statesman, and Other Stories. 1902.
- Wally Wanderoon and his Story-Telling Machine. 1903.
- The Little Union Scout: a Tale of Tennessee during the Civil War. 1904. [Appeared first in The Saturday Evening Post, 6 Feb.–19 Mar., 1904.]
- Told by Uncle Remus: New Stories of the Old Plantation. 1905.
- The Shadow between his Shoulder Blades. 1907.
- Uncle Remus and Brer Rabit. 1907.
- The Bishop, the Boogerman, and the Right of Way. 1909. [Appeared first in the June–Oct. numbers of Uncle Remus’s Magazine, 1907, Atlanta, Ga.]
- Uncle Remus and the Little Boy. Boston, 1910.
- Uncle Remus Returns. Boston, 1918.
- II. Contributions to Periodicals (Selected)
- (a) Prose. In The Saturday Evening Post: The Poor Man’s Chance, 7 July, 1900; Cheap Criticisms of Dear Beliefs, 21 July, 1900; On the Newspaper Habit, 4 Aug., 1900; Hornet with Stimulating Sting, The Tyranny of Tender-Hearted Men, 13 Oct., 1900; Prophets of Ruin and the People, 15 Dec., 1900; Abolition of the Soul, 29 Dec., 1900; Haeckel’s Unguessed Riddle, 18 May, 1901; The Negro as the South Sees Him, 2 Jan., 1904; The Negro of Today, 30 Jan., 1904; The Negro Problem, 27 Feb., 1904.
- In Uncle Remus’s Magazine, Atlanta, Ga.: On Knowing Your Neighbors, Mr. Billy Sanders of Shady Dale Makes Some Suggestions, June, 1907; The Old Letter Box. Mr. Billy Sanders Discusses the Canal, July, 1907; The Philosophy of Failure, Mr. Billy Sanders on Some Political Reminiscences, Aug., 1907; Little Children on Snap Bean Farm, Mr. Billy Sanders: his Views on Problems and Remedies, Sept., 1907.
- (b) Poetry. Juliette, Saturday Evening Post, 21 April, 1900; Wishing Song, Century Magazine, Aug., 1902; De Apple Tree, Century Magazine, Dec., 1902; Mr. Rabbit Run, Saturday Evening Post, 19 Sept., 1903; De Gator and Rabbit, Saturday Evening Post, 7 Nov., 1903; De Ol’ Stand-bys, Century Magazine, Dec., 1903. In The Saturday Evening Post: The Hard-Headed Woman, Why the Frog Has no Tail, 16 Jan., 1904; Brer Rabbit’s Giggling Place, 6 Feb., 1904; Why Buzzard’s Head is Bald, 26 Mar., 1904; How Brer Terrapin Learned to Fly, 2 Apr., 1904; It’s Good to be Old, 23 July, 1904; You Can Hear Me Callin’, 3 Sept., 1904; Brer Rabbit and Tar-Baby, 24 Sept., 1904; Two Tales in One, One Tale in Two, 8 Oct., 1904; Fashion of the Swamp, 7 Jan., 1905; Mr. Sun Takes a Holiday, 22 Apr., 1905; Hog Killin’ Time, 6 Jan., 1906.
- In Uncle Remus’s Magazine, Atlanta, Ga.: Uncle Remus Sings a Song, July, 1907; Remembrance, Aug., 1907 [first published in 1871]; How Brer Rabbit Raised the Dust, Sept., 1907.
- III. Biography and Criticism
- Avary, Myrta Lockett. Uncle Remus. Introduction to the Visitors’ Edition of Uncle Remus and his Friends. 1914.
- Baskervill, W. M. Joel Chandler Harris. Southern Writers Series. Nashville, Tenn., 1896.
- Bradley, H. S. Joel Chandler Harris. Library of Southern Literature, vol.
V, Atlanta, Ga., 1909. - Harris, Julia Collier. The Life of Joel Chandler Harris. Boston and N. Y., 1918.
- Kellner, L. Joel Chandler Harris. Geschichte der nordamerikanischen Literatur, vol.
II. Berlin and Leipzig, 1913. - Knight, L. L. Uncle Remus. Reminiscences of Famous Georgians, vol. 1 Atlanta, Ga., 1907.
- Smith, C. Alphonso. Joel Chandler Harris, eine Abhandlung über den Neger als literarisches Objekt. Die amerikanische Literatur. Berlin, 1912.
- F
REDERICK DOUGLASS - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written by Himself. Boston, 1845. Revised as: My Bondage and My Freedom. New York, 1855. As: Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, written by Himself. His early Life as a Slave, his Escape from Bondage, and his complete History to the present Time, including his Connection with the Anti-Slavery Movement. Hartford, 1881. London, 1882 [Int. by John Bright].
- Chesnutt, C. W. Frederick Douglass. Boston, 1899.
- Holland, F. M. Frederick Douglass: the Colored Orator. 1891. Rev. ed., 1895. [List of Douglass’s speeches.]
- Washington, Booker T. Frederick Douglass. Philadelphia [1907].
- W. E. B
URGHARDT DU BOIS - The Suppression of the African Slave-Trade to the United States of America. 1896.
- The Philadelphia Negro. 1899.
- The Souls of Black Folk; Essays and Sketches. Chicago, 1903.
- John Brown. Philadelphia [1909].
- The Quest of the Silver Fleece. 1910.
- The Negro. New York and London, 1915. (Home University Library.)
- Editor: The Atlanta University Studies, Atlanta, 1896—; The Crisis: a [monthly] Record of the Darker Races, 1910.
- Only a representative list of the writings of a notable negro scholar and publicist.
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AUL LAURENCE DUNBAR - Lyrics of Lowly Life … with an Introduction by W. D. Howells. 1896.
- Folks from Dixie. 1898.
- The Uncalled; a Novel. 1898, 1901.
- Lyrics of the Hearthside. 1899.
- Poems of Cabin and Field.… Illustrated with photographs by the Hampton Institute Camera Club.… 1899.
- The Love of Landry. 1900.
- The Strength of Gideon, and Other Stories. 1900.
- The Fanatics. 1901.
- Candle-lightin’ Time … illustrated with photographs by the Hampton Institute Camera Club … 1901.
- The Sport of the Gods. 1902.
- In Old Plantation Days. 1903.
- Lyrics of Love and Laughter. 1903.
- When Malindy Sings … illustrated with photographs by the Hampton Institute Camera Club … 1903.
- The Heart of Happy Hollow. 1904.
- Li’l Gal. 1904.
- Howdy, Honey, Howdy. 1905.
- Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow. 1905.
- Joggin’ Erlong. 1906.
- Speakin’ o’ Christmas, and Other Christmas and Special Poems. 1914.
- Complete Poems. 1913. [Contains the Howells Introduction.]
- Wiggins, Lida Keck. The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar; containing his Complete Poetical Works, his best Short Stories, numerous Anecdotes and a complete Biography of the famous Poet. Napierville, Illinois, and Memphis [1907]. [Contains the Howells Introduction.]
- Booker T. Washington. See Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
IV. - DuBois, W. E. B. A Select Bibliography of the American Negro. Atlanta, 1901. 3d ed., 1905.
- Brawley, B. G. The Negro in Literature and Art. Atlanta, 1910. New York, 1918.
- Drake, B. M. The Negro in Southern Literature since the War. Nashville, 1898.
- Dunbar, Alice Roth (Moore) [Mrs. Paul Laurence Dunbar]. Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence; the best Speeches delivered by the Negro from the Days of Slavery to the Present Time. 1914.
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RWIN RUSSELL - Poems. 1888. Enlarged ed., 1905, 1917. [The 1917 edition, by Maurice Garland Fulton, contains the only accurate sketch of Russell’s life yet written].
- A. A. Kern. Irwin Russell. Library of Southern Literature. Vol. 14. [A good bibliography.]
- D
IALECT IN AMERICA - Bennett, John. Gullah: a Negro Patois. South Atlantic Quarterly. Oct., 1908, and Jan., 1909.
- Fiske, H. S. Provincial Types in American Fiction. Chautauqua, N. Y., 1903, 1907.
- Fortier, Alcée. Louisiana Studies. New Orleans, 1894.
- Harrison, J. A. Negro English. Anglia, vii. Halle a S., 1884.
- Kephart, H. The Mountain Dialect. Our Southern Highlanders. 1913.
- Krehbiel, H. E. Afro-American Folk-Songs. 1914.
- Lowell, J. R. The Biglow Papers. Boston, 1848, 1866.
- Mercier, A. Étude sur la Langue Créole en Louisiane. Les Comptes-Rendus de l’Athénée Louisianais, vol. 1. New Orleans, 1876–1881.
- Merwin, H. C. Bret Harte’s Pioneer Dialect. The Life of Bret Harte. 1911.
- Nicholson, M. The Rural Type and the Dialect. The Hoosiers. 1900.
- The best information is found in Dialect Notes, published by the American Dialect Society, vol. i, 1896—vol. iv (pt.
II ), 1914. New Haven, Conn.