The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- I. Historical and Critical
- Baker, H. T. The Contemporary Short Story.… Boston, 1916.
- Barrett, Charles R. Short Story Writing; A Practical Treatise on the Art of the Short Story. 1898.
- Canby, Harry S. The Short Story. Yale Studies in English. 1902.
- Chester, G. R. Art of Short Story Writing. Cincinnati, 1910.
- DeLeon, J. C. The Day of Dialect. Lippincott’s, Nov., 1897.
- Essenwein, J. B. Writing the Short Story. 1909.
- Firkins, Ina Ten Eyck. Index to Short Stories. White Plains, New York, 1915.
- Faxon, Frederick W. Literary Annuals and Gift Books; A Bibliography with a Descriptive Introduction. Boston, 1912.
- Goodrich, N. L. Prose Fiction. A Bibliography.… Bulletin of Bibliography, vols. 4 and 5.
- Grabo, Carl H. The Art of the Short Story. 1913.
- Gruener, G. Notes on the Influence of E. T. A. Hoffman on Edgar Allan Poe. Mod. Lang. Ass. Amer., 1904.
- Hale, E. E., and Dawson, F. T. The Elements of the Short Story. 1915.
- Hannigan, F. J. Standard Index to Short Stories. Boston, 1900–14.
- Hart, W. M. Hawthorne and the Short Story. Berkeley, Cal., 1900.
- Harte, B. The Rise of the Short Story. Cornhill Magazine, July, 1899.
- Higginson, T. W. The Local Short Story. Independent, 11 March, 1892.
- Howells, W. D. Anomalies of the Short Story. North American Review, 1901, 173: 422. Literature and Life, 110–124. 1902.
- —— Criticism and Fiction. 1891.
- Irving, Washington. Life and Letters. Vol. 2, p. 227. 1869.
- James, Henry. The Art of Fiction. In Partial Portraits. 1888.
- Lieberman, Elias. The American Short Story. 1912.
- Matthews, B. The Philosophy of the Short Story. Saturday Review, London, 1884; enlarged for Lippincott’s Magazine, Oct., 1885; in Pen and Ink; Essay on Subjects of More or Less Importance, p. 67, 1888; as a volume, 1901.
- Pattee, F. L. History of American Literature Since 1870. 1915.
- Perry, Bliss. The Short Story. Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1902. In a Study of Prose Fiction, Ch. 12. Boston, 1902.
- Poe, E. A. Criticism of Hawthorne, Graham’s Magazine, 1842; in vol.
VII of Stedman’s and Woodberry’s Works of Edgar Allan Poe. - Smith, C. Alphonso. The American Short Story. Boston, 1912.
- Spielhagen, Frederick. Novelle oder Roman.… 1876.
- Wedmore, Frederick. The Short Story. Nineteenth Century, March, 1898; also in Our Books and Arts. London, 1899; Littell’s Living Age, 217: 392, and Eclectic Magazine, 130: 546.
- II. C
OLLECTIONS - Ashmun, Margaret. Modern Short Stories. 1912.
- Baldwin, C. S. American Short Stories, Selected and Edited with an Introductory Essay on the Short Story. 1904.
- Campbell, O. J., and Rice, R. A. A Book of Narratives. Boston, 1917.
- Cody, Sherwin. The World’s Greatest Short Stories. Chicago, 1902.
- Essenwein, J. B. Studying the Short Story. 1912.
- Hale, E. E., Jr., and Dawson, F. T. The Elements of the Short Story. 1915.
- Hart, N., and Perry, E. Representative Short Stories. 1917.
- Hawthorne, Julian. The Lock and Key Library. 10 vols. 1915. Vol. 9, American Stories.
- Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. The Book of the Short Story. 1903.
- Mabie, H. W. Short Stories New and Old. 1908.
- —— and Strachey, L. Little Masterpieces of Fiction. 8 vols. 1904.
- Matthews, B. The Short-Story: Specimens Illustrating its Development. 1907.
- Maxcy, Carroll L. Representative Narratives. Boston, 1914.
- Moulton, L. B. Short-Stories. Riverside Literature Series. Boston, 1915.
- Nettleton, G. H. Specimens of the Short Story. 1901.
- O’Brien, Edward J. The Best Short Stories of 1915 and the Year Book of the American Short Story. Boston, 1915. The Best Short Stories of 1916 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story. Boston, 1916. A similar volume for 1917.
- Patton, William. Short Story Classics. American. 5 vols. 1905.
- —— Great Short Stories. 3 vols. 1909.
- Pittinger, L. A. A Collection of Short Stories. 1913.
- Sherman, Stuart P. A Book of Short Stories. 1914.
- Trent, W. P., and Henneman, J. B. Best American Tales. 1907.
- Waite, A. V., and Taylor, E. W. Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction. 1911.
- —— Stories by American Authors. 10 vols. 1884.
- III. N
OTABLE VOLUMES IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN SHORT STORY - Irving, The Sketch Book, 1819. Hawthorne, Twice Told Tales, 1837. Poe, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, 1839. O’Brien, The Diamond Lens etc., (stories in magazines), 1858–60. Harriet Prescott Spofford, The Amber Gods and Other Stories, 1863. Hale, The Man Without a Country. 1863. Harte, The Luck of Roaring Camp, 1870. Howells, Suburban Sketches, 1871. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories, 1871. Aldrich, Marjorie Daw, 1873. H. H. Jackson, Saxe Holm’s Stories, 1873. James, A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales, 1875. Woolson, Castle Nowhere, 1875. Jewett, Deephaven, 1877. Cable, Old Creole Days, 1879. J. E. Cooke, Stories of the Old Dominion, 1879. Deming, Adirondack Stories, 1880. R. T. Cooke, Somebody’s Neighbors, 1881. Johnston, Dukesborough Tales, 1883. Harris, Uncle Remus, 1880, and Mingo, etc., 1884. Murfree, In the Tennessee Mountains, 1884. Stockton, The Lady or the Tiger? 1884. Robinson, Uncle Lisha’s Shop, 1887. French, Knitters in the Sun, 1887. Page, In Ole Virginia, 1887. Wilkins, A Humble Romance, 1887. King, Monsieur Motte, 1888. Bunner, Short Sixes, 1890. Allen, Flute and Violin, 1891. Davis, Gallegher, 1891. Garland, Main-Travelled Roads, 1891. Bierce, In the Midst of Life, 1891. Smith, A Day at Laguerre’s, 1892. Catherwood, Chase of St. Castine, 1894. Chopin, Bayou Folk, 1894. Brown, Meadow Grass, 1895. Deland, Old Chester Tales, 1898. London, The Son of the Wolf, 1900. O. Henry, Cabbages and Kings, 1904.
- IV. I
NDIVIDUAL AUTHORS - Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- Short Stories
- Marjorie Daw, and Other People. Boston, 1873, 1885, 1894. Marjorie Daw, Prudence Palfrey, Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski, Le Palmier Dattes du Père Antoine. Paris, 1875. Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1883. Marjorie Daw and other Tales. Leipzig, 1879. Marjorie Daw. Rome, 1900 [English].
- A Midnight Fantasy, and the Little Violinist. Boston, 1877.
- Miss Mehetabel’s Son. Boston, 1877.
- Out of his Head, and Other Stories. 1862.
- Père Antoine’s Date-Palm. Cambridge, 1866. [Privately Printed.]
- Prudence Palfrey und Andere Erzählungen. Leipzig, 1877.
- A Sea Turn and other Matters. Boston, 1902.
- Two Bites at a Cherry, with Other Tales. Boston, 1894.
- Works of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 9 vols. Boston, 1896.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chaps.
X andXI. - Ambrose Bierce
- Black Beetles in Amber [Poems], San Francisco, 1892. San Francisco, 1895.
- Can Such Things Be? [Short Stories]. 1893, 1894, 1903.
- Cobwebs from an Empty Skull [Modern Fables]. London, 1874.
- The Cynic’s Word Book. 1906.
- Fantastic Fables. 1899.
- Fiend’s Delight. By Dod Grile. London and New York, 1873.
- The Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter [With Gustav Adolph Danzinger.] Chicago, 1892. New York, 1907.
- Nuggets and Dust, Panned Out in California by Dod Grile. Collected and Loosely Arranged by J. Milton Sloluck. London, 1872.
- The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays. San Francisco, 1909.
- Shapes of Clay [Poems]. San Francisco, 1903.
- A Son of the Gods, and A Horseman in the Sky [From in the Midst of Life]. 1907. 1911.
- Tales of Soldiers and Civilians [Short Stories]. San Francisco, 1891. London and Leipzig, 1891. New York, 1892, 1895, 1896 [2 eds.]. As In the Midst of Life; Tales of Soldiers and Civilians. Leipzig, 1892. New York, 1898, 1901, 1918.
- Write it Right. 1909.
- Collected Works. 12 vols., 1909–12.
- Alice Brown
- Country Neighbors. Boston, 1910.
- The Country Road. Boston, 1906.
- High Noon. Boston, 1906.
- Meadow Grass; Tales of New England Life. Boston, 1895, 1899.
- The One-Footed Fairy and Other Stories. Boston, 1911.
- Tiverton Tales. Boston, 1899.
- Vanishing Points. 1913.
- Henry Cuyler Bunner
- Hutton, L. Henry Cuyler Bunner. Bookman, 32: 196–8.
- Matthews, B. The Historical Novel and Other Essays. 1901.
- —— Introduction to Stories by H. C. Bunner. 1916.
- Paine, H. G. H. C. Bunner and his Circle. Bookman, 35: 397–406.
- In Partnership: Studies in Story Telling. [With Brander Matthews.] 1884.
- Love in Old Cloathes, and Other Stories. 1896.
- Made in France. French Tales Retold with a U. S. Twist. 1893.
- More Short Sixes. 1894.
- Short Sixes; Stories to be Read While the Candle Burns. 1891.
- The Story of a New York House. 1887.
- Zadoc Pine and Other Stories. 1891.
- Collected Stories. 4 vols. 1916.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
XXIII, and Book III, Chap.XI. - George W. Cable
- Alderman, E. A., and Others. Library of Southern Literature. Vol. 2. Biographical Sketch by Mrs. John S. Kendall.
- Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers. Nashville, 1897.
- Harkins, E. F. Famous Authors. Boston.
- Halsey, F. W. American Authors of Our Day in Their Homes. 1902.
- Toulmin, H. A., Jr. Social Historians. Boston, 1911.
- Orgain, K. A. Southern Authors. Washington, 1908.
- Madame Delphine. 1881.
- Old Creole Days. 1879, 1881, 1883. [Madame Delphine was added to the collection after the first edition.]
- Posson Jone and Père Raphael. 1909.
- Strange True Stories of Louisiana. 1889.
- Strong Hearts. 1899.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Kate Chopin
- Bayou Folk. Boston, 1894.
- A Night in Acadie. Chicago, 1897.
- Rose Terry Cooke
- The Deacon’s Week: a Story. Boston, 1885. [Also in The Sphinx’s Children. 1886.]
- Happy Dodd; or, She Hath Done What She Could. Boston, 1878. 1887
- Huckleberries Gathered from New England Hills. Boston, 1891.
- Little Foxes. Philadelphia, 1904.
- No. A Story for Boys. Boston, 1880. 1886.
- Poems of Rose Terry. Boston, 1860. 1888.
- Root-Bound, and Other Sketches. Boston, 1885.
- Somebody’s Neighbors; Short Stories. Boston, 1881. 1892.
- The Sphinx’s Children and Other People’s. Boston, 1886.
- Steadfast: a Story of a Saint and a Sinner. Boston, 1889. 1891.
- Thanksgiving Magician and Little Turkey Gobbler. Akron, Ohio, n. d.
- Richard Harding Davis
- The Bar Sinister. 1903, 1904.
- Cinderella, and Other Stories. 1896, 1897.
- The Consul. 1911.
- Episodes in Van Bibber’s Life. 1890.
- Gallegher, and Other Stories. 1891, 1897, 1913.
- The Exiles, and Other Stories. 1894.
- In the Fog. 1901. London, 1912.
- The King’s Jackal. 1898. London, 1915.
- The Lion and the Unicorn. 1899, 1904.
- The Lost Road. 1913. London, 1914.
- The Man Who Could Not Lose. 1911. London, 1912.
- Once Upon a Time. 1910.
- The Princess Aline. 1899.
- Ranson’s Folly. 1902.
- The Red Cross Girl and Other Stories. 1912. London, 1913.
- The Scarlet Car. 1907.
- Somewhere in France. 1915.
- Stories for Boys. 1891, 1915.
- Van Bibber and Others. 1892. 1894. London, 1911.
- Vera, the Medium. 1908.
- Novels and Stories. 6 vols., 1899. 12 vols., 1916.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Margaret Deland
- Dr. Lavendar’s People. 1903.
- Encore. 1907.
- Good for the Soul. 1899.
- Mr. Tommy Dove, and Other Stories. Boston, 1893.
- Old Chester Tales. 1898.
- R. J.’s Mother, and Some Other People. 1908.
- The Voice. 1912.
- The Way of Peace. 1910.
- Where the Laborers are Few. 1909.
- The Wisdom of Fools. Boston, 1897.
- Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
- Comfort Pease and Her Gold Ring. 1895.
- The Copy-Cat, and Other Stories. 1914.
- Evelina’s Garden. 1899.
- Fair Lavinia, and Others. 1907.
- The Givers. 1904.
- The Green Door. 1910.
- A Humble Romance, and Other Stories. 1887.
- In Colonial Times. Boston, 1899.
- The Jamesons. 1899.
- The Love of Parson Lord, and Other Stories. 1900.
- A New England Nun, and Other Stories. 1891.
- People of Our Neighborhood. 1895.
- The Pot of Gold, and Other Stories. Boston, 1893.
- Silence, and Other Stories. 1898.
- Six Trees; Short Stories. 1903.
- Understudies … Short Stories. 1901.
- The Wind in the Rose Bush, and other Stories of the Supernatural, 1903.
- Winning Lady, and Others. 1909.
- Yates Pride. 1912.
- Young Lucretia, and Other Stories. 1892.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Alice French (“Octave Thanet”)
- A Book of True Lovers. Chicago, 1897.
- A Captured Dream, and Other Stories. 1897, 1899.
- Knitters in the Sun. Boston, 1887.
- The Missionary Sheriff. Incidents in the Life of a Plain Man Who Tried to do His Duty. 1897.
- Otto the Knight, and Other Trans-Mississippi Stories. Boston, 1891.
- A Slave to Duty, and Other Women. Chicago, 1898.
- A Step on the Stair. Indianapolis, 1913.
- Stories of a Western Town. 1893.
- Stories that End Well. Indianapolis, 1911.
- Hamlin Garland
- Little Norsk; or, Ol’ Pap’s Flaxen. 1892.
- Main-Travelled Roads: Six Mississippi Valley Stories. Boston, 1891. With an Introduction by W. D. Howells, Chicago, 1893. New ed. with added stories. New York, 1899.
- Moccasin Ranch; a Story of Dakotah. 1909.
- Other Main-Travelled Roads. 1910.
- Prairie Folks. 1893. New edition, revised and enlarged. 1899.
- The Spirit of Sweetwater. 1898.
- Wayside Courtships. 1897.
- Witch’s Gold [new Version of The Spirit of Sweetwater]. 1906.
- Zalea: A Psychological Episode and Tale of Love. Washington, 1900.
- Sunset edition. 10 vols. 1909.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Edward Everett Hale
- Afloat and Ashore. Chicago, 1891.
- Aunt Caroline’s Present. Boston, 1895.
- Back to Back: Story of To-day. 1878.
- The Brick Moon, and Other Stories. Boston, 1873. 1899.
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Ten Christmas Stories. Boston, 1874.
- Christmas in Narragansett. 1884.
- Colonel Clipsma’s Calendar. Boston, 1895.
- Crusoe in New York, and Other Tales. Boston, 1880.
- Daily Bread; a Story of a Snow Blockade. Boston, 1888.
- Four and Five; a Story of a Lend-a-Hand Club. Boston, 1891.
- Hands Off. Boston, 1895.
- His Level Best, and Other Stories. Boston, 1873, 1879.
- If, Yes, and Perhaps. Boston, 1868, 1874, 1877.
- The Ingham Papers. Boston, 1869. 1878.
- In His Name. Boston, 1873, 1877, 1888, 1889, 1901.
- The Man Without a Country and Other Tales. Boston, 1868. With a new Introduction, in the year of the war with Spain. Boston, 1898. New Introduction and Notes by the Author. Boston, 1905. New edition, Boston, 1917. Numberless editions and appearances in anthologies.
- My Friend the Boss. A Story of Today. Boston, 1888.
- One Good Turn. Boston, 1893.
- Our New Crusade: A Temperance Story. Boston, 1875.
- Our Christmas in a Palace: A Traveller’s Story. 1882.
- Philip Nolan’s Friends. A Story of the Change of Western Empire. 1877, 1890.
- Red and White. A Christmas Story. Boston, 1887.
- Safe Deposit. Boston, 1895.
- Susan’s Escort, and Others. 1897.
- Sybaris, and other Homes. Boston, 1869.
- Ten Times One is Ten. Boston, 1870, 1872, 1883, 1887, 1899.
- Working Men’s Homes: Essays and Stories. Boston, 1874.
- Works. 10 vols. Boston, 1898, 1901.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XIII. - Bret Harte
- A. Biography and Criticism
- Boynton, H. W. Bret Harte. (Contemporary Men of Letters Series.) 1903.
- Brooks, Noah. Bret Harte in California. Century, vol. 58.
- Chesterton, G. K. The Genius of Bret Harte. In Varied Types, 179–195.
- Erskine, J. Leading American Novelists. 1910.
- Howells, W. D., and others. Reminiscences of Bret Harte. Overland Monthly. Sept., 1902.
- Merwin, H. C. Life of Bret Harte with Some Account of the California Pioneers. Boston, 1911.
- Pattee, Fred Lewis. A History of American Literature Since 1870. 1915.
- Pemberton, T. S. Life of Bret Harte. 1903.
- Stoddard, C. W. Early Recollections of Bret Harte. Atlantic Monthly, 78: 673. In Exits and Entrances, 237–256.
- B. Works: Principal Editions.
- The Ancestors of Peter Atherley, and Other Tales. Leipzig, 1897.
- The Argonauts of North Liberty. Boston, 1888. London, 1888.
- Barker’s Luck, and Other Stories. Boston, 1896.
- The Bell-Ringer at Angel’s, and Other Stories. Boston, 1894. Leipzig, 1894.
- By Shore and Sedge. Boston, 1885. London, 1885. Leipzig, 1885.
- Captain Jim’s Friend and the Argonauts of North Liberty. Leipzig, 1889.
- Clarence: A Novel. Boston, 1895. 1896.
- Colonel Starbottle’s Client, and Some Other People. Boston, 1892. Leipzig, 1892.
- Condensed Novels and Other Papers, with Comic Illustrations by Frank Bellew. 1867. Condensed Novels. Boston, 1871. London, 1871. Second Series. Boston, 1902. Condensed Novels: New Burlesques. London, 1911.
- Cressy. Boston, 1889. London, 1889. Leipzig, 1889.
- The Crusade of the Excelsior. Boston, 1887. London, 1887. Leipzig, 1888. Boston, 1891.
- The Deadwood Mystery, and Mark Twain’s Nightmare, with Sketches and Poetry. London, 1879.
- Drift from Two Shores. Boston, 1878. London, 1878. Leipzig, 1878.
- East and West Poems. Boston, 1871. London, 1871.
- Echoes of the Foothills. [Poems.] Boston, 1874. London, 1874.
- An Episode of Fiddletown, and other Sketches. London, 1873.
- A First Family of Tasajara. Leipzig, 1891. Boston, 1892.
- Flip, and Other Stories. London, 1882. Leipzig, 1882.
- Flip [and] Found at Blazing Star. Boston, 1882.
- Flynn of Virginia. Music by F. B. Boston, 1870.
- Fool of Five Forks. London, 1874.
- From Sandhill to Pine. Boston, 1900. London, 1900. Leipzig, 1900.
- Gabriel Conroy. Hartford, 1876. London, 1876. Leipzig, 1876.
- The Heathen Chinee. Chicago, 1870. New York, 1871. Boston, 1871. The Heathen Chinee and Other Poems. London, 1871. The Heathen Chinee, Music by Charles Towner. Cleveland, 1870. Facsimile of the original MSS. as written for the Overland Monthly. San Francisco, 1871. The Heathen Chinee Songster. New York, 1870. That Heathen Chinee, Music by Stephen Tucker. London, 1870.
- Her Letter, His Answer, and Her Last Letter. Boston, 1905. 1911.
- The Heiress of Red Dog, and Other Sketches. Leipzig, 1878.
- The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, and Other Tales. Boston, 1889. London, 1889. Leipzig, 1890.
- Idyls of the Foothills. In Prose and Verse, with a Sketch of the Author. Leipzig, 1874.
- In a Hollow of the Hills. Boston, 1895. Leipzig, 1896.
- In the Carquinez Woods. London, 1883. Boston, 1883.
- Jeff Briggs’s Love Story. London, 1880. Leipzig, 1880.
- Jim. Music by F. B. Boston, 1871.
- Jinnie. London, 1877.
- Lectures. Compiled by C. M. Kozlay. Brooklyn, 1909.
- Little Drummer; or, The Christmas Gift that Came to Rupert. London, n. d.
- The Lost Galleon, and Other Tales. [Poems.] San Francisco, 1867.
- Lowthaw: or the Adventures of a Young Gentleman in Search of a Religion. London, 1871.
- The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches. Boston, 1870, 1872. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Poems. Toronto, 1871. Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories. Boston, 1885. Boston, 1894 [2 eds.] New York, 1907. Luck of Roaring Camp: California Tales and Poems. Everyman’s Library. London, 1914.
- Maruja. Boston, 1885. London, 1885. Leipzig, 1885.
- Miggles. Overland Monthly. June, 1869.
- A Millionaire of Rough and Ready [also] Devil’s Ford. Boston, 1887. Millionaire of Rough and Ready. London, 1887. Leipzig, 1888.
- M’liss: An Idyl of Red Mountain. 1873.
- Mr. Jack Hamlin’s Mediation, and Other Stories. Boston, 1899. Leipzig, 1899.
- Mrs. Skagg’s Husbands, and Other Sketches. Boston, 1873. London, 1873.
- My Friend the Tramp. London and New York, n.d.
- On the Frontier. Boston, 1884. London, 1884.
- Openings in the Old Trail. Boston, 1902.
- Outcroppings: Being selections of California Verse. San Francisco, 1866.
- A Phyllis of the Sierras and A Drift from Redwood camp. Boston, 1888. London, 1888.
- Plain Language from Truthful James. In a series of nine cards. Illustrated. Chicago, 1870.
- Pliocene Skull. Washington, 1871.
- Poems. Boston, 1871. Toronto, 1871. London, 1871. Poetical Works, Boston, 1871, 1872, 1875, 1880, 1882, 1886. Complete Poetical Works. London, 1886. Complete poetical works, new edition. Boston, 1899. Boston, 1907. Poems. Boston, 1910. Poetical Works, Including Some Later Verses. London, 1911.
- Penelope, Set to Music. Boston, 1871.
- A Protégé of Jack Hamlin’s, and Other Stories. Boston, 1894. Leipzig, 1894.
- Prose and Poetry by Bret Harte. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1872.
- The Queen of the Pirate Isle. London, 1886. New York, 1887. London, 1887.
- Rough Times in Idaho. San Francisco. 1869.
- Sally Dows, and Other Stories. Boston, 1893. London, 1893. Leipzig, 1893.
- A Sappho of Green Springs, and Other Stories. Boston, 1891. London, 1891. Leipzig, 1891. Boston, 1894.
- Salomy Jane. Boston, 1910.
- Select Works of Bret Harte in Prose and Verse. Introductory Essay by J. Montesquieu. London, 1873.
- Sensation Novels Condensed. London, 1870.
- Snow Bound at Eagle’s. Boston, 1886. London, 1886. Snow-Bound at Eagle’s and Devil’s Ford. Leipzig, 1887.
- Some Later Verses. London, 1898.
- Stories, Poems, and Other Uncollected Writings of Bret Harte. [Ed. Kozlay, C. M.] Boston, 1914.
- Stories of the Sierras and Other Sketches, With a Story of Wild Western Life by Joaquin Miller. London, 1871.
- Stories in Light and Shadow. Boston, 1898. Leipzig, 1899.
- The Story of a Mine. Leipzig, 1877. London, 1877. Boston, 1878, 1886.
- Sue: A Play. London, 1902.
- Sunlight. Bret Harte and Others. London, 1892.
- Susy: A Story of the Plains. Boston, 1893. Leipzig, 1893. Boston, 1895.
- Tales of the Argonauts, and Other Sketches. Boston, 1875. London, 1875.
- Tales of the West. London, 1913.
- Tales of Trail and Town. Boston, 1898. London, 1898. Leipzig, 1898.
- Tennessee’s Partner. 1907.
- Thankful Blossom: A Romance of the Jerseys. Boston, 1877. London, 1877. Leipzig, 1877.
- Three Partners; or, The Big Strike on Heavy Tree Hill. Boston, 1897. London, 1897. Leipzig, 1898. New York, 1908.
- Trent’s Trust, and Other Stories. Boston, 1903.
- The Twins of Table Mountain, and Other Stories. Boston, 1879. London, 1879. Leipzig, 1880.
- Two Men of Sandy Bar. A Drama. Boston, 1876. Two Men of Sandy Bar, and New Poems. London, 1876. Leipzig, 1877.
- Under the Redwoods. Boston, 1901. Leipzig, 1901.
- Upon the Stainslaw. Music by F. B. Boston, 1871.
- A Ward of the Golden Gate. Boston, 1890. London, 1890. Leipzig, 1890. Boston, 1891. London, 1915.
- A Waif of the Plains. Boston, 1890. London, 1890. Leipzig, 1890.
- Works. 5 vols. London, 1880. 5 vols. Boston, 1882. Riverside Ed. 16 vols. Boston, 1887–90. Standard Library Ed. 14 vols. Boston, 1896. Works. 19 vols. Boston, 1897–1903. Stories and Poems. 6 vols. Boston, 1901. Selected Works, 7 vols. Boston, n. d. Autograph edition, 350 printed, n. d. 16 vols.
- O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)
- A. Biographical and Critical
- Cooper, Frederick Tabor. Some American Story-Tellers. 1911.
- Forman, Justus Miles. O. Henry’s Shorter Stories. Bookman. 31:131.
- Forman, Henry James. O. Henry’s Short Stories. North American Review. 187:781.
- Leacock, Stephen. The Amazing Genius of O. Henry. In Essays and Literary Studies. New York and London, 1916.
- Nathan, G. J. O. Henry in his own Bagdad. Bookman. 31:477.
- Pattee, Fred Lewis. The Journalization of American Literature. Unpopular Review. 7:373.
- Smith. O. Henry Biography. 1916.
- Van Doren, Carl. O. Henry. Texas Review. Jan., 1917.
- B. Works
- Cabbages and Kings. 1904.
- The Four Million. 1909.
- The Gentle Grafter. 1908.
- The Gift of the Wise Men. 1911.
- The Heart of the West. 1907.
- Let Me Feel Your Pulse. Adventures in Neurasthenia. 1910.
- Options. 1909.
- Roads of Destiny. 1909.
- Rolling Stones. 1912.
- Sixes and Sevens. 1911.
- Strictly Business; More Stories of the Four Million. 1910.
- The Trimmed Lamp, and Other Stories of the Four Million. 1910.
- Two Women; The One: A Fog in Santone; The Other: A Medley of Moods. Boston, 1910.
- The Voice of the City. 1908.
- Whirligigs. 1910.
- Works. 12 vols. 1911.
- Helen Hunt Jackson
- Between Whiles. Boston, 1887.
- Cat Stories. 3 vols. Boston, 1898.
- The Hunter Cats of Connorloa. Boston, 1884.
- Letters from a Cat. Boston, 1879.
- Mammy Tilleback and her Family. Boston, 1881.
- Pansy Billings and Popsy; Two Sketches of a Girl’s Life. Boston, 1898.
- Saxe Holm’s Stories. 1873. Second Series. 1878.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Sarah Orne Jewett
- Betty Leicester’s Christmas. Boston, 1894.
- Country By-Ways. Boston, 1881.
- The Country of the Pointed Firs. Boston, 1896.
- Deephaven. Boston, 1877, 1893. [Reviewed by W. D. Howells. Atlantic. 39:759.]
- The King of Folly Island, and Other People. Boston, 1888.
- The Life of Nancy, with Other Stories and Sketches. Boston, 1895.
- The Mate of the Daylight, and Friends Ashore. Boston, 1883.
- A Native of Winby, and other Tales. Boston, 1893.
- Old Friends and New. Boston, 1879.
- Play Days: A Book of Stories for Children. Boston, 1878.
- The Queen’s Twin. Boston, 1899.
- Strangers and Wayfarers. Boston, 1890.
- Tales of New England. Boston, 1890. [Miss Tempy’s Watchers, The Dulham Ladies, An Only Son, Marsh Rosemary, A White Heron, Law Lane, A Lost Lover, The Courting of Sister Wisby.]
- A White Heron, and Other Stories. Boston, 1886.
- Works. 7 vols. Boston, 1910.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Richard Malcolm Johnston
- Dukesborough Tales. Baltimore. 1871. Second Enlarged Ed. Baltimore, 1874. New Ed. New York, 1883, 1892.
- Georgia Sketches. Augusta, Ga. 1864.
- Little Ike Templin, and Other Stories. Boston, 1894.
- Mr. Absalom Billingslea and Other Georgia Folk. 1888.
- Mr. Billy Downs and His Likes. 1892.
- Mr. Fortner’s Marital Claims, and Other Stories. 1892.
- Ogeechee Cross-Firings. 1889.
- Old Mark Langston, a Tale of Duke’s Creek. 1884.
- Old Times in Middle Georgia. 1897.
- Pearce Amerson’s Will. Chicago, 1898.
- The Primes and Their Neighbors. 1891.
- Two Gray Tourists. Baltimore, 1885. New York, 1893.
- Widow Guthrie. 1890.
- Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers. Vol. 2. [Biographical sketch written by William A. Webb.]
- Library of Southern Literature. Vol. 6. [Biographical sketch by Walter G. Charlton.]
- Grace King
- Balcony Stories. 1893.
- Stories of A Time and Place. 1892.
- Monsieur Motte. 1888.
- Jack London
- Children of the Frost. 1902.
- The Faith of Men and Other Stories. 1904.
- The Game. 1905.
- The God of His Fathers and Other Stories. 1901.
- The House of Pride and Other Tales of Hawaii. 1912.
- Lost Face. 1910.
- Love of Life and Other Stories. 1906.
- Moonface, and Other Stories. 1906.
- The Night-born. 1913.
- Son of the Sun. 1912.
- The Son of the Wolf; Tales of the far North. Boston, 1900.
- South Sea Tales. 1914.
- The Strength of the Strong. 1914.
- Tales of the Fish Patrol. 1905.
- When God Laughs, and Other Stories. 1911. See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Mary Noailles Murfree (“Charles Egbert Craddock”)
- The Amulet. 1906.
- The Bushwhackers, and other Stories. Chicago, 1899.
- The Champion. Boston, 1902.
- The Despot of Boomsedge Cove. A Novel. Boston, 1888.
- Down the Ravine. Boston, 1885.
- The Fair Mississippian. Boston, 1908.
- The Frontiersman. Boston, 1904.
- His Vanished Star. Boston, 1894.
- In the Clouds. Boston, 1886.
- In the Stranger People’s Country. 1891.
- In the Tennessee Mountains. Boston, 1884.
- The Juggler. Boston, 1897.
- The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain, and Other Stories. Boston, 1895.
- Ordeal—A Mountain Story of Tennessee. Philadelphia, 1913.
- Phantoms of the Footbridge. 1895.
- The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. Boston, 1885.
- Raid of the Guerilla, and Other Stories. Philadelphia, 1912.
- A Spectre of Power. Boston, 1903.
- Storm Centre. 1905.
- The Story of Duciehurst. 1914.
- The Story of Keedon Bluffs. 1887.
- Where the Battle Was Fought. Boston, 1884.
- The Windfall. 1907.
- The Young Mountaineers. 1897.
- Baskervill, W. M. Southern Writers: Biographical and Critical Studies. Nashville, 1897.
- Orgain, K. A. Southern Authors. Washington, 1908.
- Toulmin, H. A., Jr. Social Historians. Boston, 1911.
- Fitz-James O’Brien
- The Diamond Lens with Other Stories; edited, with Sketch of the Author, by William Winter. New Edition. 1885.
- Poems and Stories, Collected and Edited with a Sketch of the Author, by William Winter. Boston, 1881.
- Thomas Nelson Page
- Among the Camps; or, Young People’s Stories of the War. 1891.
- Bred in the Bone. 1904.
- The Burial of the Guns. 1894.
- A Captured Santa Claus. 1902.
- Elsket, and Other Stories. 1891.
- In Ole Virginia. 1887. In Ole Virginia, or Marse Chan and Other Stories. 1890. [Several of the stories have been issued separately: Marse Chan, 1892; Meh Lady, 1893; Unc’ Edinburg, 1895; Polly, 1904.]
- Land of the Spirit. 1913.
- An Old Gentleman of the Black Stock. 1897, 1900.
- The Page Story Book. Edited by Spaulding, E., and Byce, C. T. 1906.
- Pastime Stories. 1894, 1898.
- Santa Claus’ Partner. 1899.
- Tommy Trot’s Visit to Santa Claus. 1908.
- Two Little Confederates. 1888.
- Two Prisoners. 1898, 1903.
- Under the Crust. 1907.
- Works. 5 vols. 1894. Plantation Edition. 12 vols., 1907.
- Francis Hopkinson Smith
- The Armchair at the Inn. 1912.
- At Close Range. 1905.
- Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Boston, 1891.
- Colonel Carter’s Christmas. 1903.
- A Day at Laguerre’s, and Other Days. Nine Sketches. Boston, 1892.
- Forty Minutes Late, and Other Stories. 1909.
- A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Others. Boston, 1895.
- Gondola Days. Boston, 1899.
- The Other Fellow. Boston, 1899.
- The Romance of an Old Fashioned Gentleman. 1907.
- The Under Dog. 1903.
- The Veiled Lady and Other Men and Women. 1907.
- The Wood Fire in No. 3. 1905.
- Works. 9 vols. 1898. Beacon Edition. 15 vols. 1902. See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Harriet Prescott Spofford
- Art Decoration Applied to Furniture. 1877.
- Azarian: an Episode. Boston, 1864. New York, 1881, 1891.
- Ballads About Authors. Boston, 1887.
- The Children of the Valley. 1901, 1908.
- The Fairy Changeling; Flower and Fairy Play. Boston, 1910.
- Four Days of God. Boston, 1901, 1905.
- The Great Procession and Other Verses for and about Children. Boston, 1902.
- Hester Stanley at St. Mark’s. Boston, 1882, 1898, 1902.
- Hester Stanley’s Friends. Boston, 1898, 1902.
- House and Hearth. 1891.
- An Inheritance. 1897.
- In Titian’s Garden and Other Poems. Boston, 1897, 1903. [Reviewed by P. E. More. Atlantic, 80: 275.]
- A Little Book of Friends. Boston, 1916.
- A Lost Jewel. Boston, 1891.
- The Maid He Married. Chicago, 1899.
- The Making of a Fortune. A Romance. 1911.
- The Marquis of Carabas. Boston, 1882.
- A Master Spirit. 1896.
- New England Legends. Boston, 1871.
- Old Madame, and Other Tragedies. Boston, 1900.
- Old Washington. Boston, 1906.
- Poems. Boston, 1882.
- Priscilla’s Love-Story. 1898.
- A Scarlet Poppy and Other Stories. 1904.
- The Servant Girl Question. Boston, 1881.
- Sir Rohan’s Ghost. A Romance. Boston, 1860.
- The Amber Gods and Other Stories. Boston, 1863. New York, 1881.
- That Betty. 1903.
- The Thief in the Night. Boston, 1872.
- Three Heroines of New England Romance [with others]. Boston, 1895.
- Frank R. Stockton
- A. Biographical and Critical
- Couch, A. T. Q. Adventures in Criticism. London, 1896.
- Howells, W. D. Stockton and His Work. Atlantic Monthly. Jan., 1901.
- Mabie, H. W. Frank R. Stockton. Book Buyer, June, 1902.
- Stockton, Mrs. F. R. Memorial Sketch and Bibliography prefixed to The Captain’s Toll-gate. 1903.
- B. Chief Publications
- The Adventures of Captain Horn. 1895. 1904.
- Afield and Afloat. 1900.
- Amos Kilbright; his Adscititious Experiences, with other Stories. 1888.
- Ardis Claverden. 1890. 1894.
- The Associate Hermits. 1899.
- The Bee-Man of Orne, and Other Fanciful Tales. 1887.
- A Bicycle of Cathay, 1900.
- Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast. 1898.
- Captain Chap; or, the Rolling Stones. Philadelphia, 1882, 1897, 1899.
- The Captain’s Toll-Gate [with a Memorial Sketch by Mrs. Stockton and Bibliography]. 1903.
- The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine. 1886. With The Dusantes, 1898.
- The Christmas Wreek, and Other Stories. 1886. 1888.
- The Chosen Few. Short Stories. 1895.
- The Clocks of Rondaine, and Other Stories. 1892.
- The Dusantes: Sequel to The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine. 1888.
- Eleven Possible Cases by F. R. Stockton and Others. 1891.
- Fanciful Tales, edited with notes for Schools, by J. E. Langworthy, with Introduction by M. E. Burt. 1894.
- The Floating Prince, and Other Fairy Tales. 1881. 1884.
- The Girl at Cobhurst. 1898.
- The Great Stone of Sardis: a Novel. 1889, 1890.
- The Home. Frank R. Stockton and Marian Stockton. 1873.
- The House of Martha. Boston, 1891. Leipzig, 1892. Boston, 1894. New York, 1899.
- The Hundredth Man. 1887.
- John Gayther’s Garden and the Stories Told Therein. 1902.
- Jolly Fellowship. 1880.
- Kate Bonnet: The Romance of a Pirate’s Daughter. 1902. 1905.
- The Lady or The Tiger? and Other Stories. 1884, 1885 [2 eds.], 1899.
- The Late Mrs. Null. 1886, 1891.
- The Merry Chanter. 1890.
- Mrs. Cliff’s Yacht. 1896.
- My Favorite Novelist: Entertaining Papers by Frank R. Stockton, Mrs. Burton Harrison, and Paul Bourget. Cleveland, Ohio. 1908.
- Personally Conducted. 1889.
- Pomona’s Travels. 1894. 1897.
- The Queen’s Museum, and Other Fanciful Tales. 1906.
- Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy, 1872. 1881.
- Rudder Grange, 1879. Enlarged Edition, 1880, 1885, 1889, 1897, 1899.
- The Rudder Grangers Abroad. 1891.
- The Spirit of Washington: Paper Read before the Washington Association of New Jersey, February, 1895. n. p., n. d.
- The Squirrel Inn. 1891.
- Stories of New Jersey. 1896.
- The Stories of Three Burglars. 1890.
- A Story-Teller’s Pack. 1897.
- The Story of Viteau. 1884.
- Tales out of School. 1875, 1881.
- Ting-a-ling Tales. 1870. 1882.
- The Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexander. 1899.
- The Watchmaker’s Wife and Other Tales. 1893.
- What Might Have Been Expected. 1872, 1874, 1889.
- The Young Master of Hyson Hall. Philadelphia, 1900. [Originally a Serial with the title Philip Berkeley, or The Master’s Gun.]
- Novels and Stories of Frank R. Stockton. Shenandoah Edition. 23 vols. 1899–1904.
- Constance Fenimore Woolson
- Castle Nowhere; Lake Country Sketches. Boston, 1875.
- Dorothy, and Other Italian Sketches. 1896.
- The Front Yard, and Other Italian Stories. 1895.
- Rodman the Keeper; Southern Sketches, 1880.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.