The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVI. Early National Literature, Part II; Later National Literature, Part I.
- In this Bibliography places of publications are not given.
- I. H
ISTORY AND CRITICISM - Ashton, John. Chapbooks of the Eighteenth Century. 1882.
- Field, E. M. The Child and his Book. 1892.
- Field, Walter Taylor. Finger Posts to Children’s Readings. 1907.
- Ford, Paul Leicester. The New England Primer. 1897.
- Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Recollections of a Lifetime. 1856.
- Halsey, Rosalie V. Forgotten Books of the American Nursery. 1911.
- Hardy, G. E. Five Hundred Books for the Young. 1892.
- Lee, Gerald Stanley. The Child and the Book. 1907.
- Moses, Montrose J. Children’s Books and Reading. 1907.
- Olcott, Frances J. The Children’s Reading. 1912.
- Repplier, Agnes. A Happy Half Century. 1908. [See The Child, The Educator.]
- —— Books and Men. 1888. [See Children Past and Present, What Children Read.]
- —— Essays in Idleness. 1893. [See The Children’s Poets.]
- —— Essays in Miniature. 1892. [See Children in Fiction.]
- —— In the Dozy Hours. 1894. [See the Children’s Age.]
- Scudder, Horace E. Childhood in Literature and Art. 1894.
- —— Literature in School. 1889.
- Welsh, Charles. A Bookseller of the Last Century. [John Newbery.] 1885.
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas. On Some of the Books for Children of the Last Century. 1886.
- —— Right Reading for Children in the School. 1902.
- Wiggin, Kate Douglas, and Smith, Nora A. Children’s Rights. 1892.
- II. M
AGAZINE ARTICLES, PAMPHLETS, AND BOOK LISTS - Am. Antiq. Soc., n. s., 13:429. Atlantic Monthly, 61: 112; 65: 721; 86: 693. Book Buyer, 23: 17. Bookman, 11: 530. Library Journal, vols. 22, 25. [Library Work with Children.] New Eng. Mag., n. s. 20: 147. Children’s Magazines. Bull. of Bibliog., 1: 133. American Library Association Pub. Board Reprint Series, No. 9. Book Lists of the Public Libraries of many American cities, some of which contain analyses; and their Reports on Children’s Books. [Some of the most valuable are as follows:]
- 1890. Reading for the Young. Sargent, J. F.
- 1895. Descriptive List of Books for the Young. Griswold, W. McC.
- 1897. Children, Schools, and Libraries. Dickinson, Marion. Revised in 1899 by Medlicott, Mary. Springfield [Mass.] P. L.
- 1899. Children’s Magazines. Matthews, H. L.
- 1900. Good Stories of Adventure for Boys. Clarke, E. P.
- 1904. Recommended for a Children’s Library. Moore, Annie C. N. Y. C. P. L.
- 1904. Books for Boys and Girls. Hewins, C. P. Hartford P. L.
- 1905. A Children’s Library. Arnold, G. W.
- 1906. Books for Boys. Chicago P. L.
- 1907. A Bibliography of Children’s Reading. Baker, F. T., and Abbott, Allan.
- 1914. Preferred List for District School Libraries. Michigan.
- 1917. Children’s Catalog.
- III. M
AGAZINES - This chronological list makes no pretensions to being complete, even in respect to the earlier magazines. As for the later ones, the Tenth United States Census Report (1880) says that two hundred and seventeen children’s periodicals were published in the United States at the date of issue, the greater part being Sunday-school papers. Towards the close of the century children’s magazines greatly decreased in number.
- Juvenile Magazine. 1802. Juvenile Olio. 1802. Young Misses. 1806. Juvenile Magazine. 1811. Juvenile Portfolio. 1813. American Sunday-school Magazine. 1824–31. Juvenile Miscellany. 1826–1834 [ed. by Mrs. L. M. Child and afterwards by Mrs. S. J. Hale]. Youth’s Companion. 1827– . Sabbath School Times. 1828–? Sabbath School Treasury. 1828–? The Token. 1828–42 [only partly for the Young]. Monthly Repository. 1830–? Parents’ Gift. 1830–? Juvenile Reformer. 1830–? Southern Rosebud. 1832–39. Juvenile Rambler. 1832–? Boys’ Week-day Book. 1833–? Parley’s Magazine. 1833–? Merry’s Museum and Parley’s Playmate. 1841–56. Child’s Friend. 1843–50. Youth’s Cabinet. 1846. Forrester’s Boys and Girls. 1848–58. Little Pilgrim. 1854–75 [ed. by Sara Lippincott, pseud. Grace Greenwood]. Forrester’s Playmate. 1854. Student and Schoolmate. 1855–? [ed. Oliver Optic]. Our Young Folks. 1865–1873. Little Corporal. 1865–72. Oliver Optic’s. 1867–75. Nursery. 1867. Our Little Ones and the Nursery. 1880 [ed. Oliver Optic]. Riverside. 1867–70. Saint Nicholas. 1873– . Wide Awake. 1875–? Harper’s Young People. 1880–94; As Round Table. 1894–99. Little Folks. 1897–1907.
- IV. S
ELECTED AUTHORS - This list contains only the more important authors and their more important works. In many cases it has been impossible to ascertain the date of first editions; in some cases no date has been ascertained, the book being mentioned only.
- Abbott, Jacob. American History. 8 v. Franconia Stories. 10 v. Gay Family. 6 v. Harper’s Story Books. 36 v. Illustrated History. 30 v. [With his brother, Abbott, J. S. C.] Jonas books. 6 v. Juno books. 6 v. Lucy books. 6 v. Marco Paul books. 6 v. Rainbow books. 5 v. Rollo books. 24 v. 1830– . Science for the Young. 4 v. 1872– .
- Abbott, John S. C. American Pioneers and Patriots. 12 v. 1872–76. Child at Home. 1834. Mother at Home. 1833. School Boy. 1839. School Girl. 1840.
- Adams, William Taylor [Oliver Optic]. Army and Navy Series. 1863. Boat Club series. 1854– . Great Western series. Lake Shore series. 1869– . Riverdale series. 1862– . Starry Flag series. 1868– . Upward and Onward series. 1870– . Yacht Club series. 1872– . Young America series. 1867– . Young America Abroad series. 1899– . Woodville series. 1861– .
- Alcott, Louisa May. An Old Fashioned Girl. 1869. Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag. 1871–82. Eight Cousins. 1874. Flower Fables or Fairy Tales. 1855. Jack and Jill. 1880. Little Men. 1871. Little Women. 1868. Rose in Bloom. 1876. Silver Pitchers. 1876. Under the Lilacs. 1878. Cheney, Ednah D. Louisa May Alcott. Her Life, Letters, and Journals.
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a Bad Boy. 1870.
- See, also, Bibliographies to Book III, Chaps.
VI, X, andXI. - Alger, Horatio, Jr. Frank’s Campaign. 1864. Luck and Pluck series. Paul Preston’s Charge. 1865. Ragged Dick series. Tattered Tom series.
- Andrews, Jane. Each and All. 1878. Seven Little Sisters. 1861. Stories Mother Nature Told. 1888. Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago Till Now. 1885.
- Baker, Ray Stannard. Boy’s Book of Inventions. 1899.
- Barbour, Ralph H. For the Honor of the School. 1900. The Half-back. 1899.
- Beard, Dan. American Boy’s Handy Book. 1882. Outdoor Games for All Seasons. 1896.
- Bennett, John. Master Skylark. 1895.
- Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American Authors. 1887. Lives of Girls. 1886. Lives of Poor Boys. 1885.
- Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Boyhood in Norway. 1892. The Modern Vikings. 1887.
- Brooks, E. S. Century Book for Young Americans series. 1894– . Children’s Lives of Great Men series. 1890– . Chivalric Days. 1886. Heroic Happenings. 1893. In No-Man’s Land. 1885. Story of the American Indian. 1887. Story of the United States. 1891. True Stories of Great Americans. 1897. True Story of Abraham Lincoln. 1896.
- Brooks, Noah. The Boy Emigrants. 1876. The Boy Settlers. 1891. The Fairport Nine. 1881.
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson. Children I Have Known. 1892. Drury Lane Boys’ Club. 1892. Editha’s Burglar. 1888. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1886. Little Saint Elizabeth. 1890. The One I Knew Best of All. 1893. Piccino and Other Child Stories. 1894. Sara Crewe. 1888.
- Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys of Greenway Court. 1893. Seven Little People, 1864. Young Folks’ History of America. 1881. Zig Zag Journeys series. 1876–1900. Poems and Ballads. 1887.
- Carryl, Charles E. Davy and the Goblin. 1885.
- Cary, Alice. Clovernook Children. 1855. Snow Berries. 1869.
- —— Alice and Phœbe. Ballads for Little Folk. 1874.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
X. - Champney, Elizabeth W. Paddy O’Leary and His Learned Pig. 1895. Six Boys. 1893. Three Vassar Girls. 11 v. 1883–95. Witch Winnie books. 9 v. 1889–97.
- Child, Lydia Maria. Flowers for Children. 1st series, 1844; 2d, 1846; 3d, 1855. Girls’ Own Book. 1832.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
VII. - Clarke, Rebecca S. [Sophie May]. Dotty Dimple series. 6 v. 1864– . Flaxie Frizzle series. 6 v. 1864– . Flyaway series. 6 v. 1864– . Little Prudy series. 6 v. 1864– . Little Prudy’s Children. 3 v. 1894–96. Quinnebasset series. 6 v. 1871–81.
- Clemens, Samuel Langhorne [Mark Twain]. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 1885. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1876. The Prince and the Pauper. 1882.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
VIII. - Coffin, Charles Carleton. Boys of ’76. 1877. Caleb Krinkle. 1875. Daughters of the Revolution. 1895. Following the Flag. 1865. Old Times in the Colonies. 1880. Marching to Victory. 1889. Story of Liberty. 1879.
- Cox, Palmer. Another Brownie Book. 1890. Brownies Around the World. 1894. Brownies at Home, 1893. Brownies, Their Book. 1887. Comic Yarns in Verse, Prose, and Picture. 1889. Queer People with Paws and Claws. 1888.
- Dana, R. H. Two Years before the Mast. 1840.
- Adams, C. F. Richard Henry Dana. 1890. 2 vols.
- Davis, Caroline E. [Writer of Sunday School tales dating around 1870–80.] Miss Wealthy’s Hope. No Cross, No Crown. Little Conqueror series. That Boy.
- Deming, E. W. Indian Child Life. 1899. Little Indian Folk. 1899. Little Red People. 1899.
- Diaz, Abby Morton. John Spicer Lectures. 1887. William Henry and His Friends. 1899. William Henry Letters. 1899.
- Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy. 1883. Hans Brinker. 1865. Irvington Stories. 1864. Land of Pluck. 1894. Rhymes and Jingles. 1874.
- Drake, F. S. Indian History for Young Folks. 1885.
- Du Chaillu, Paul. Ivar the Viking. 1893. Lost in the Jungle. 1870. Stories of the Gorilla Country. 1868. Wild Life under the Equator. 1869.
- Eggleston, Edward. Brant and Red Jacket. 1879. Hoosier School Boy. 1883. Home History of the United States. 1889. Mr. Blake’s Walking Stick. 1870. Montezuma. 1880. Pocahontas and Powhatan. 1879. Schoolmaster’s Stories. 1874. Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet. 1878. Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. 1884.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Eggleston, George Cary. The Big Brother series. 1875– . Signal Boys. 1877. Strange Stories from History. 1884.
- Ellis, Edward S. Brave and Honest series. Colonial series. Deerfoot series. Forest and Prairie series. Log Cabin series. River and Wilderness series. Wildwood series. Wyoming series.
- Field, Eugene. Love Songs of Childhood. 1895. With Trumpet and Drum. 1896.
- See, also, Bibliographies to Book II, Chap.
XXIII and Book III, Chap.IX. - Finley, Martha Farquharson. Elsie Dinsmore series. 28 v. 1861– . Mildred series. 7 v. 1878– .
- Fosdick, Charles A. [Harry Castlemon.] Boy Trapper series. 4 v. 1877–79. Forest and Stream series. 4 v. 1884–88. Frank Nelson series. 4 v. 1877– . Gunboat series. 1869– . Rocky Mountain series. Rod and Gun series. 1883–85. Roughing It series. 3 v. 1879–82. Sportsman’s Club series. 1873. War series. 5 v. 1891–93.
- Frost, John. Beauties of History, American, English, French. 1844–46. Birds of the Air. 1840. Book of Fishes. 1841. The Great Expounder. 1853. Henry Clay. 1852. Old Hickory. 1845. Old Rough and Ready. 1847. The Swamp Fox. 1847.
- Frost, William Henry. Wagner Story Book. 1894.
- Gilman, Caroline. Oracles for Youth. 1852. Mrs. Gilman’s Gift Book. 1850.
- Goodrich, Charles A. [Brother of Goodrich, S. G., and associated with him in many of the Peter Parley books.] Child’s History of the United States. 1855. Family Sabbath Day Miscellany. 1855. Family Tourist. 1848.
- Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. [Peter Parley.] Peter Parley’s Historical Compendium. 9 v. 1837–53. Peter Parley’s Miscellanies, Biographical, Historical, Scientific. 50 v. 1844–5. Peter Parley’s Tales. 37 v. 1827–57. Peter Parley’s Tales about America. 1827. Peter Parley’s Pictorial Histories, Readers, Geographies. 27 v. [About 170 volumes in all.]
- Goulding, F. R. Frank Gordon. 1869. Nacoochee, or Boy Life from Home. 1871. Sal-o-quah, or Boy Life among the Cherokees. 1870. Sapelo, or Child Life on the Tide-Water. 1870. The Young Marooners. 1852. Marooners’ Island. 1869.
- Green, Homer. Blind Brother. 1887. Burnham Breaker. 1887.
- Habberton, John. Helen’s Babies. 1876. Little Guzzy. 1878. The Worst Boy in Town. 1880.
- Hale, Edward Everett. Stories of Discovery. 1883. Stories of the Sea. 1881. Stories of War. 1880.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chaps.
VI andXIII. - —— Edward Everett and Lucretia P. The New Harry and Lucy. 1892.
- —— Edward Everett and Susan. Family Flight series. 5 v. 1881–6.
- —— Lucretia P. Last of the Peterkins. 1886. Peterkin Papers. 1882.
- —— Sarah J. Poems for Children. 1830.
- Harris, Joel Chandler. Uncle Remus. 1880. Nights with Uncle Remus. 1883. Mr. Rabbit at Home. 1895. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. 1894.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
V. - Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s Chair. 1841. Tanglewood Tales. 1852. Wonder Book. 1851.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
XI. - Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic. 1898. Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers. 1877. Young Folks’ History of the United States. 1875.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XIII. - Howells, William Dean. Christmas Every Day and Other Stories. 1893.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Jackson, Helen Hunt. Letters from a Cat. 1879. Mammy Tittleback and Her Family. 1881.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chaps.
VI andXI. - Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester. 1890. Betty Leicester’s Christmas. 1899. Play Days. 1878.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chaps.
VI andXI. - Kaler, J. O. [James Otis]. Amateur Fireman. 1898. Boys of 1745. 1895. Mr. Stubbs’ Brother. 1883. Signal Boys of ’75. 1897. Silent Pete. 1885. Toby Tyler. 1883. (About 90 titles.)
- Kellogg, Elijah. Elm Island series. 1868–70. Forest Glen series. 1878. Good Old Times series. 1877–82. Pleasant Cove series. 1870–74. Whispering Pine series. 1871–73.
- Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a Drummer Boy. 1883.
- Knox, T. W. Boy Traveller books. 1887–1893. Young Nimrod books. 1883–1887.
- Lanier, Sidney. The Boy’s Froissart. 1878. The Boy’s King Arthur. 1880. The Boy’s Mabinogion. 1881. The Boy’s Percy. 1882.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
IV. - Larcom, Lucy. Childhood Songs. 1877.
- Leland, Charles Godfrey. German Nursery Rhymes. 1864. Mother Pitcher’s Nursery Rhymes. 1864.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
IX. - Leslie, Eliza. Althea Vernon. 1830. American Girls’ Book. 1831. Atlantic Tales. 1827. Birthday Stories. 1828. Stories for Adelaide. Stories for Emma. Souvenir.
- Lillie, Lucy C. A Family Dilemma. 1894. Alison’s Adventures. 1894. Esther’s Fortunes. 1889. Jo’s Opportunity. 1886. My Mother’s Enemy. 1887. Nan. 1883. Story of Music and Musicians. 1886.
- Lippincott, Sara J. [Grace Greenwood]. Bonnie Scotland. 1860. Merrie England. 1855. Sights in France and Italy. 1867. Stories from Famous Ballads. 1860. Stories and Legends. 1857.
- Lothrop, H. M. S. [Margaret Sidney]. Five Little Pepper stories. 1881– .
- Mather, Cotton. A Token for the Children of New-England. 1645.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book I, Chap.
III. - Miller, Olive Thorne. Four-Handed Folk. 1896. Little Folks in Feather and Fur. 1875. Little People of Asia. 1883. Queer Pets at Marcy’s. 1892. Upon the Tree Tops. 1897.
- Moore, Clement C. A Visit from St. Nicholas. Dec., 1823.
- Munroe, Kirk. At War With Pontiac. 1895. Big Cypress. 1894. Cab and Caboose. 1892. Derrick Sterling. 1888. Flamingo Feather. 1887.
- Norton, Charles Eliot [Ed.]. Heart of Oak books. 6 v. 1893–95. (Fairy tales, classic tales, masterpieces.)
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XIII. - —— C. L. Jack Benson’s Log. 1894.
- Page, Thomas Nelson. Among the Camps. 1891. Two Little Confederates. 1888.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
VI. - Parton, James. Captains of Industry. 1884.
- Perry, Nora. A Flock of Girls. 1888. Another Flock of Girls. 1896. Hope Benham. 1894. Youngest Miss Lorton. 1889.
- Pratt, M. L. Cortez and Montezuma. 1890. Stories of Colonial Children. 1894.
- Pyle, Howard. Jack Ballister’s Fortunes. 1895. Men of Iron. 1891. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. 1883. Pepper and Salt. 1885. The Wonder Clock. 1887.
- Pyrnelle, Louise-Clarke. Diddy, Dumps, and Tot. 1882.
- Richards, Laura E. Captain January. 1891. Hildegarde books. 1889– . When I Was Your Age. 1894.
- Riley, James Whitcomb. A Child’s World. 1896. Rhymes of Childhood. 1890. The Old Swimmin’ Hole. 1883. (And poems scattered through other books.)
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
X. - Roosevelt, Theodore, and Lodge, Henry C. Hero Tales from American History, 1895.
- Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. 1894. Charles and His Lamb. 1895.
- Scudder, Horace E. Bodley books. 1873–1885. Book of Fables. 1885. Book of Folk Stories. 1887. Book of Legends. 1889. Seven Little People. 1862. [Ed.] The Children’s Book. 1881.
- Sedgwick, Catherine. Louisa and Her Cousins. Love Token for Children. 1838. Stories for Children. Stories for Young Persons. 1840. The Boy of Mount Righi. 1848. The Travelers. 1825. Well Spent Hour.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
VII. - Seton, Ernest Thompson. Biography of a Grizzly. 1899. Wild Animals I Have Known. 1898. Wild Animal Play for Children. 1899.
- Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. Child’s Book. 1844. Olive Buds. 1836. Poetry for Children. 1834. Tales and Essays. 1834.
- Skyrin, Nancy. Sixty-four Little Stories and as many Pictures. Circa 1795.
- Smith, Elizabeth Oakes. Bald Eagle. 1867. Stories for Children. 1847. The Sinless Child. 1843.
- Smith, Nora Archibald. The Children of the Future. 1898.
- Spofford, Harriet Prescott. George Washington. 1889. Hester Stanley at St. Marks. 1882. Hester Stanley’s Friends. 1898. History of the United States. 1884.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
VI. - Stockton, Frank R. A Jolly Fellowship. 1880. Roundabout Rambles. 1872. Tales Out of School. 1875. The Bee Man of Orm and Other Fanciful Tales. 1889. The Floating Prince. 1881. Ting-a-ling Stories. 1870. What Might Have Been Expected. 1874.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
VI. - Stoddard, William O. Dab Kinzer. 1881. Red Mustang. 1887. Saltillo Boys. 1882. Talking Leaves. 1882.
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher. A Dog’s Mission. 1881. A Geography for My Children. 1855. A Peep into Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 1853. Betty’s Bright Idea and Other Tales. 1876. Little Pussy Willow. 1870. Queer Little People. 1867.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Taylor, Bayard. Boys of Other Countries. 1876.
- See, also, Bibliographies to Book III, Chaps.
X andXI. - Thomas, William Henry. A Whaleman’s Adventure. 1871. Gold Hunters of Australia. 1869. On Land and Sea. 1886. Running the Blockade. 1874.
- Trowbridge, John Townsend. Cudjo’s Cave. 1864. Drummer Boy. 1863. Fast Friends. 1874. Jack Hazard series. 5 v. 1871–75. Silver Medal series. 6 v. 1877–82. The Three Scouts. 1865. Tide-Mill series. 6 v. 1882–87.
- Tuthill, Louisa C. I Will Be a Gentleman. 1846. I Will Be a Lady. 1845. Tales for the Young. 1840–50. [Ed.] Juvenile Library for Boys and Girls. 1840.
- Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Gypsy series. 1866–? The Trotty Book. 1870. Trotty’s Wedding Tour. 1874.
- Warner, Anna B. Little Jack’s Four Lessons. 1869. Little Nurse of Cape Cod. 1863. Miss Muff. 1866. Mr Rutherford’s Children. 1853.
- —— Anna B., and Susan. Ellen Montgomery’s Bookshelf. 5 v. 1853–59. Say and Seal. 1860.
- —— Susan [Eliza Wetherell]. Say and Do series. 1875–? The Wide Wide World. 1849. Queechy. 1852.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XI. - Webster, Noah. History of American Revolution. 1793. History of Animals. 1812. History of the Little Boy Found under a Haycock. 1792. Letters to a Young Gentleman. 1823. Little Reader’s Assistant. 1787. Spelling Book. 1790, 1804. The Child’s Instructor. 1791. The Political Balance. 1792.
- Whitney, Adelaide D. T. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s Life. 1866. Boys at Chequasset. 1862. Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. 1863. Patience Strong’s Outing. 1868. The Gayworthys. 1865.
- Whittier, John G. [ed.]. Child Life in Verse. 1872. Child Life in Prose. 1874.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book II, Chap.
XIII. - Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Polly Oliver’s Problem. 1894. The Bird’s Christmas Carol. 1887. The Story of Patsy. 1883. Timothy’s Quest. 1894. The Story Hour [with Smith, Nora A.]. 1890.
- Willis, Sara P. [Fanny Fern.] A New Story Book. 1864. Little Ferns for Fanny’s Little Friends. 1854. Play Day Book. 1869.
- Woolsey, S. C. [Susan Coolidge]. Barberry Bush. 1893. Clover. 1888. Cross Patch and Other Stories. 1881. Eyebright. 1879. Katydid series. ?–1891. Nine Little Goslings. 1875. Rhymes and Ballads. 1892.
- Anonymous. American Juvenile Keepsake. 1835.
- Cries of New York. 1808.
- Cries of Philadelphia. 1808.
- Geographical, Statistical, and Political Amusement. 1806.
- Holy Bible In Verse. 1717.
- Juvenile Magazine or Miscellaneous Repository of Youthful Information. 1803.
- Last Words and Dying Confessions of Hannah Hill Aged Eleven Years and near Three Months. 1714.
- Little Book for Children. 1706.
- Mother Goose. Worcester, 1785. Boston, 1833. [Perhaps published as Songs for the Nursery. Boston, 1719.]
- The New England Primer. ca. 1687–1690. [See the valuable ed. by Ford, P. L., 1897.]
- Prodigal Daughter. 1736.
- Protestant Tutor. 1685.
- Songs for the Nursery. 1719.