The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21). rn VOLUME XVII. Later National Literature, Part II.
XVII. Later PhilosophyBibliography
- G
ENERAL AUTHORITIES - Perry, R. B. Present Philosophical Tendencies. 1912.
- Porter, Noah. Philosophie in Nord Amerika. Philosophische Monatshefte, XI, 1875.
- Riley, Woodbridge. American Thought. 1915.
- Santayana, George. Winds of Doctrine. 1913.
- Thilly, Frank. La Philosophie en Amerique. Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale. 1908.
- Van Becelaere, J. L. La Philosophie en Amerique. 1904.
- See, also, McIntosh, D. The Problem of Knowledge, 1915, and the Bibliography for American philosophy in Überweg’s History of Philosophy, translated by Morris. Also the 11th German edition (1916) v. 4, pp. 80 ff.
- See, also, above, Bibliographies to Book I, Chap.
IV, and Book II, Chap.VIII. - T
HE SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHY (called REALISM ) - Bowen, Francis (1811–91). Essays on Speculative Philosophy. 1842. Applications of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion. 1849. Logic or the Laws of Pure Thought. 1864. An American Political Economy, 1869. Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer. 1878.
- Dabney, R. L. (1820–1898). The Sensualistic Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century. 1875.
- Gill, W. I. Analytic Processes of the Primary Principles of Philosophy. 1876.
- Hamilton, E. J. (1834– ). A New Analysis of Fundamental Morals. 1870. TheHuman Mind: A Treatise on Mental Philosophy. 1882. The Modalist. 1896. The Perceptionalist or Mental Science. 1899. The Moral Law: Theory and Practice of Duty. 1902. Perzeptionalismus und Modalismus, eine Erkenntnistheorie. 1911. Erkennen und Schliessen, eine theoretische Logik (1912). Essays on Theological Questions. 1916.
- Hodge, W. H. Intuitive Perception. 1903.
- Mahan, Asa (1800–89). Doctrine of the Will. 1845. Abstract of a Course of Lectures on Mental and Moral Philosophy. 1840. System of Intellectual Philosophy. 1845. The Science of Logic. 1857. The Science of Natural Theology. 1867. Critical History of Philosophy. 2 vols. 1873.
- McCosh, James (1811–94). The Realistic Philosophy. 2 vols. 1887–90. Sloane, W. M. Life of James McCosh. 1896. [Full bibliography.] Ormond, A. T. McCosh as a Teacher. Educational Review, 1895.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XVI. - Porter, Noah (1811–92). The Human Intellect. 1868. Science and Sentiment. 1882. Science of Nature and Science of Man. 1881. Elements of Moral Science. 1885. Bishop Berkeley. 1885. Kant’s Ethics. 1886. Noah Porter: A Memorial. 1893. Judd, Charles H. Noah Porters Erkenntnisslehre. Jena, 1897.
- Upham, T. C. (1799–1867). Elements of Mental Philosophy. 1831. [Follows Dr. Thomas Brown.]
- Wayland, Francis (1796–1868). Elements of Moral Science. 1835. Limitations of Human Responsibility. 1838. Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. 1854.
- Witherspoon, John (1722–94). Works … [with]. Account of the Author’s Life … by … J. H. Rodgers. 2d ed., 1802.
- E
- Bascom, John (1827–1911). Political Economy. 1859. Æsthetics or the Science of Beauty. 1862. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. 1866. Principles of Psychology. 1869. As: The Science of Mind. 1881. Science, Philosophy, and Religion. 1871. The Philosophy of English Literature. 1874. A Philosophy of Religion; or the Rational Grounds of Religious Belief. 1876. Comparative Psychology. 1878. Ethics; or the Science of Duty. 1879. Natural Theology. 1880. Problems in Philosophy. 1885. An Historical Introduction to Philosophy. 1893. Social Theory: A Grouping of Social Facts and Principles. 1895.
- Bledsoe, Albert T. (1808–77). Examination of Edwards on the Will. 1846. A Theodicy. 1854. An Essay on Liberty and Slavery. 1856. The Philosophy of Mathematics. 1868.
- Frothingham, E. L. and A. L. Philosophy as Absolute Science. Vol. I: Ontology. 1864. Christian Philosophy. 1888–90. 2 parts.
- Hazard, Rowland. Language: Its Connection with the Present Constitution and Future Prospects of Man. 1836. The Freedom of the Mind in Willing; or Every Being that Wills Is a Creative First Cause. 1864. Two Letters on Causation and Freedom in Willing, Addressed to J. S. Mill with an Appendix on the Existence of Matter and our Notion of Infinite Space. 1869.
- Hickok, Laurens P. (1798–1888). Rational Psychology; or the Subjective Idea and Objective Laws of All Intelligence. 1848. System of Moral Science. 1853. Empirical Psychology; or the Human Mind as Given in Consciousness. 1854. Rational Cosmology; or the Eternal Principles and the NecessaryLaws of the Universe. 1858. Creator and Creation; or the Knowledge in the Reason of God and His Work. 1872. Humanity Immortal; or Man Tried, Fallen, and Redeemed. 1872. Rational Logic; or True Logic Must Strike Root in Reason. 1875.
- See the account of Hickok in the Appendix to Seeley’s translation of Schwegler’s History of Philosophy, 2d ed., 1880. See, also, articles on Hickok in The Princeton Review, vol. xxxiv, and Bibliotheca Sacra, Jan.-Apr., 1851.
- Hopkins, Mark (1802–87). Lowell Lectures on Moral Science. 1862.
- James, Henry, Sr. (1811–82). Substance and Shadow. 1868. Lectures and Miscellanies. 1852. The Church of Christ not an Ecclesiasticism. 1854. Christianity the Logic of Creation. 1857. The Secret of Swedenborg. 1869. Literary Remains (ed. William James). 1885.
- Marsh, James (1794–1842). Preliminary Essay to Coleridge’s Aids to Reflection. 1839. Philosophical Remains. 1843. See Noah Porter in Bibliotheca Sacra, v. 4 (1847).
- Park, Edwards A. (1808–1900). The Atonement. 1859. (Discourses and Treatises by Edwards, Smalley, Maxcy, Emmons, etc.)
- Pierce, Benjamin. The Ideality of the Physical Sciences. 1864.
- Shedd, W. G. T. (1820–94). The True Nature of the Beautiful and Its Influence on Culture. 1851. Discourses and Essays. 1856. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. 1861. Literary Essays. 1878.
- Tappan, Henry P. (1805–81). Review of Edwards’ Inquiry. 1839. The Doctrine of the Will, Determined by an Appeal to Consciousness. 1840. The Doctrine of the Will Applied to Moral Agency and Responsibility. 1841. Elements of Logic; Together with an Introductory View of Philosophy in General and a Preliminary View of the Reason. 1844.
- J
OHN FISKE (1842–1901) - Fiske, John. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Based on the Doctrine of Evolution, with Criticisms on the Positive Philosophy. 1874. The Unseen World. 1876. Darwinism and Other Essays. 1879. The Destiny of Man. 1884. The Idea of God. 1885. The Everlasting Reality of Religion. 1899. A Century of Science. 1901. Life Everlasting [Ingersoll lecture]. 1901. Studies in Religion. 1902. American Political Ideas Viewed from the Standpoint of Universal History. 1885. For his historical writings, see Book III, Chap. xv.
- For an account of Fiske’s philosophic development see Royce’s introduction to the 1903 reprint of the Cosmic Philosophy. Mead, Edwin D. John Fiske as a Philosopher. Christian Register, April 8, 15, 29, May 6, 1886. Clark, J. S. Life and Letters of John Fiske. 2 vols. 1915.
- On the controversy over Evolution see: Edward Hitchcock’s The Religion of Geology (1851); Louis Agassiz’s An Essay on Classification (1857); Asa Gray’s Darwinism (1878); E. D. Cope’s The Origin of the Fittest (1887); James McCosh’s The Development of Hypothesis: Is It Sufficient? (1876), Development What It Can and What It Cannot Do (1883), The Religious Aspect of Philosophy (1890); Joseph LeConte’s Evolution; Its Evidences and Its Relation to Religious Thought (1891).
- C
HAUNCEY WRIGHT AND OTHER EMPIRICISTS - Barton, F. B. An Outline of the Positive Religion of Humanity of A. Comte. 1866.
- Cooper, Thomas. (1759–1840.) View of Arguments in Favor of Materialism 1831.
- Draper, J. W. (1811–82). Intellectual Development of Europe. 1861. Conflict of Religion and Science. 1874.
- See, also, Bibliography to Book III, Chap.
XV. - Rush, James (1786–1869). Analysis of the Human Mind. 1866.
- Wright, Chauncey (1830–75). Philosophical Discussions. 1876. (Introduction by Norton, C. E.)
- W
ILLIAM T. HARRIS AND THE HEGELIAN SCHOOL - Everett, C. C. (1829–1900). The Science of Thought. 1869. Fichte’s Science of Knowledge. 1884. Poetry, Comedy and Duty. 1888. Essays Theological and Literary, 1901. Psychological Elements of Religious Faith. 1902. Immortality and Other Essays. 1902. Theism and Christian Faith. 1909.
- See articles by Royce and others in The New World, Dec., 1900.
- Harris, W. T. (1835–1909). Introduction to the Study of Philosophy. 1889. The Spiritual Sense of Dante’s Divine Commedia. 1889. Hegel’s Logic. 1890. The Psychologic Foundations of Education. 1899. The Philosophy of Bronson Alcott and the Transcendentalists. In Memoir of Alcott by Harris and F. B. Sanborn. 1891. Also numerous articles in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy. For full bibliography of Harris’ writings see Annual Report of Bureau of Education, 1907.
- Morris, George S. (1840–89). British Thought and Thinkers. 1880. Kant’s Kritik of Pure Reason. 1886. Hegel’s Philosophy of the State. 1889. Wenley, R. M. George S. Morris: A Biography. 1916.
- Rauch, F. A. (1806–41). Psychology; A View of the Human Soul. 1840.
- Snider, Denton J. (1841– ). A Writer of Books. 1910. (Refers to his many books on Hegelian philosophy.) The St. Louis Movement. 1920.
- Stallo, J. B. (1823–1900). The Philosophy of Nature. 1848.
- Sterrett, J. McBride. Studies in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion. 1890. Reason and Authority in Religion. 1891. The Freedom of Authority. 1905.
- C
HARLES S. PEIRCE (1839–1914) - Peirce did not publish a single book, but his published and unpublished writings would fill many volumes. The most important of the former are:
- Three essays in The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. II, 1868: (1) Questions Concerning Certain Faculties, pp. 103–14, (2) Some Consequences of Four Incapacities, pp. 140–57, (3) The Ground of Validity of the Laws of Logic, pp. 193–202; review of Fraser’s Berkeley in The North American Review, Vol.
CIII, pp. 449–72 (1871)—explains Peirce’s adherence to the realism of Duns Scotus; six papers in The Popular Science Monthly, Vols.XII–XIII (1877–78), entitled Illustrations of the Logic of Science, and outlining the doctrine of pragmatism: (1) The Fixation of Belief, xii, 1–15, (2) How to Make Our Ideas Clear,XII, 286–302, (3) The Doctrine of Chances,XII, 604–15, (4) The Probability of Induction,XII, 705–18, (5) The Order of Nature,XIII, 203–17, (6) Deduction, Induction, and Hypothesis,XIII, 470–482; six papers in The Monist, Vols.I–III (1891–93) dealing with the main outlines of his philosophy, “synechistic tychistic agapism”: (1) The Architecture of Theories, 1, 161–76, (2) The Doctrine of Necessity Examined, 11, 321–37, (3) The Law of Mind, 11, 533–59, (4) Man’s GlassyEssence,III, 1–22, (5) Evolutionary Love,III, 176–200, (6) Reply to the Necessitarians, III, 526–70; four papers in The Monist, Vols. xv–xvi (1905–06) distinguishing his own pragmatism (pragmaticism) from that of William James: (1) What Pragmatism Is, xv, 161–81, (2) The Issues of Pragmatism, xv, 481–99, (3) Mr. Peterson’s Proposed Discussion, xvi, 147–151, (4) Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmatism, xvi, 492–546; articles on Pragmatism, Synechism, Individual, Kind, Matter and Form, Reasoning and Scientific Method in Baldwin’s Dictionary of Philosophy. - For a fuller bibliography of Peirce’s published work, see the Journal of Philosophy,
XIII (1916), 733–37. A partial list of the unpublished writings is to be found in the same Journal, pp. 708–09. The Journal of Philosophy devoted a special number (XIII, 701–37), to articles on Peirce by Royce, Dewey, and others. - J
OSIAH ROYCE (1855–1916) - Primer of Logical Analysis for the Use of Composition Students. 1881. The Religious Aspects of Philosophy. 1885. The Spirit of Modern Philosophy. 1892. The Conception of God. Together with Comments thereon by S. E. Mezes, J. LeConte, and G. H. Howison, 1895. (2d ed. has also an added essay: The Absolute and the Individual). Studies of Good and Evil: A Series of Essays upon Problems of Life and Philosophy. 1898. The World and the Individual [Gifford Lectures]. 2 vols. 1900–02. The Conception of Immortality. 1902. Herbert Spencer: An Estimate and Review. 1904. The Science of the Ideal. In: Congress of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 1904, Vol. 1, pp. 151ff. The Relation of the Principles of Logic to the Foundations of Geometry. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, July, 1905. The Philosophy of Loyalty. 1908. Race Questions, Provincialisms, and Other American Problems. 1908. William James and Other Essays on the Philosophy of Life. 1911. The Sources of Religious Insight. 1912. Principles of Logic. In The Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, edited by A. Ruge, 1913. The Problem of Christianity. 2 vols. 1913. War and Insurance. 1914. The Great Community. 1917.
- For full bibliography of books and articles by Royce, and of important criticisms on him, see The Philosophical Review, May, 1916, pp. 515–22.
- W
ILLIAM JAMES (1842–1910) - Introduction to The Literary Remains of Henry James. 1885. Principles of Psychology. 2 vols. 1890. Psychology: Briefer Course. 1892. The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy. 1897. Human Immortality: Two Supposed Objections to the Doctrine. 1898. Talks to Teachers on Psychology: and to Students on Some of Life’s Ideals. 1899. The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature. 1902. Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking: Popular Lectures on Philosophy. 1907. The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to Pragmatism. 1909. A Pluralistic Universe: Hibbert Lectures on the Present Situation in Philosophy. 1909. Some Problems in Philosophy: A Beginning of an Introduction to Philosophy. 1911. Memories and Studies. 1911. Essays in Radical Empiricism. 1912.
- For a fuller list of James’s published writings see The Psychological Review, March, 1911, Vol. 18, pp. 157–65.
- Boutroux, E. William James. 1911.
- Brugmans, H. J. F. W. Die Waarheidstheorie van William James. 1913.
- Flournoy, T. The Philosophy of William James. 1917.
- Kallen, H. M. William James and Henri Bergson. 1914.
- Knox, H. V. The Philosophy of William James. 1914.
- Menard, A. Analyse et Critique des Principles de la Psychologie de W. James. 1911.
- Oltramere, H. Essai sur la Prière d’après la Pensée de William James. 1912.
- Reverdin, H. La Notion d’Experience d’après William James. 1913.
- Royce, Josiah. William James and Other Essays. 1911.
- Sabin, E. E. William James and Pragmatism. 1916.
- Schultze, M. Das Problem der Wahrheitserkenntnis bei William James und Henri Bergson. 1913.
- J
OHN DEWEY (1859—) - The Metaphysical Assumptions of Materialism. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 16, 1882. Psychology. 1886. Knowledge as Idealization. Mind, Vol. 12, 1887. Leibniz’s New Essays concerning the Human Understanding. 1888. The Study of Ethics. 1894. School and Society. 1901. Studies in Logical Theory (includes essays by H. B. Thompson, S. F. McClennan, M. L. Ashley, W. C. Gore, W. A. Heidel, H. W. Stuart, and A. W. Moore). 1903. Does Reality Possess Practical Character. Essays in Honor of William James. 1908. How We Think. 1909. The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy. 1910. German Philosophy and Politics. 1915. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. 1916. Essays in Experimental Logic. 1916. Creative Intelligence (contains essays by A. W. Moore, H. C. Brown, B. H. Bode, E. D. Mead, J. H. Tufts, H. W. Stuart, and H. M. Kallen). 1917. Ethics (with J. H. Tufts). 1908. Schools of Tomorrow (with Evelyn Dewey). 1917. Reconstruction in Philosophy. 1920.
- P
RAGMATISM - Boodin, J. E. Truth and Reality. 1912.
- Bowden, H. Principles of Pragmatism. 1910.
- Geyer, D. The Pragmatic Theory of Truth as Developed by Pierce, James, and Dewey. 1916.
- Moore, A. W. Pragmatism and its Critics. 1911.
- Pratt, J. B. What is Pragmatism? 1911.
- See, also, Robert in the Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, 1912; and numerous articles on Dewey and Pragmatism by C. M. Bakewell, A. O. Lovejoy, McGilvary, Montague, Rogers, and others in the current philosophical journals.
- J
AMES MARK BALDWIN (1861—) - Handbook of Psychology. 2 vols. 1889–90. Mental Development in Child and Race: Methods and Processes. 1895. Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. 1897. Development and Evolution. 1902. Fragments in Philosophy and Science. 1902. Thought and Things: A Study of the Development and Meaning of Thought: A Genetic Logic. Vols.
I–III. 1906–11. The Story of the Mind. 1908. Darwin and the Humanities. 1909. The Individual and Society; or Psychology and Sociology. 1911. History of Psychology: A Sketch and an Interpretation. 1913. Genetic Theory of Reality. 1915. The Super-State and the Eternal Values. 1916. Editor of the Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. 1901–1905. - G
EORGE SANTAYANA - Sonnets. 1894. The Sense of Beauty. 1896. The Hermit of Carmel and Other Poems. 1900. Interpretations of Poetry and Religion. 1900. Lucifer: A Theological Tragedy. 1901. The Life of Reason or Phases of Human Progress. 5 vols. 1905–06. Three Philosophical Poets. 1910. Winds of Doctrine. 1913. Egotism in German Philosophy. 1916. Character and Opinion in the United States. 1920.
- R
ECENT IDEALISTS (EPISTEMOLOGIC OR PSYCHOLOGIC ) - Abbott, F. E. The Syllogistic Philosophy. 1906.
- Adler, Felix. The Religion of Duty. 1907. Essentials of Spirituality. 1908. An Ethical Philosophy of Life. 1918.
- Bowne, Borden P. Metaphysics. 1882. Introduction to Psychological Theory. 1886. Philosophy of Theism. 1887. Principles of Ethics. 1893. Kant and Spencer. 1903.
- Carus, Paul. Fundamental Problems. 1887. The Soul of Man. 1893. For a full list of Carus’s many writings see his Philosophy as a Science. 1909.
- Davidson, Thomas. The Philosophical System of Rosmini. 1882. Aristotle and Ancient Educational Ideals. 1892. The Education of the Greek People. 1894. Rosseau and Education according to Nature. 1898. The History of Education. 1900. The Education of the Wage-Earners. 1904. The Philosophy of Goethe’s Faust. 1906. For full bibliography see Wm. Knight, Thomas Davidson; A Memorial Volume. 1906.
- Fullerton, G. S. The Conception of the Infinite and the Solution of the Mathematical Antinomies. 1887. A Plain Argument for God. 1889. On Sameness and Identity: A Psychological Study; being a Contribution to the Foundations of a Theory of Knowledge. 1890. The Philosophy of Spinoza. 1894. An Introduction to Philosophy. 1906. On Spinozistic Immortality. 1899. A System of Metaphysics. 1904. The World We Live in; or Philosophy and Life in the Light of Modern Thought. 1917. The New Realism. In Essays in Honor of William James. 1907. See The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 18, p. 385.
- Garman, V. A. Letters, Lectures, and Addresses. 1909.
- Hibben, J. G. Problems of Philosophy. 1899. Hegel’s Logic: an Essay in Interpretation. 1902. Logic Deductive and Inductive. 1905. The Philosophy of the Enlightenment. 1910. A Defence of Prejudice. 1911.
- Howison, George. The Limits of Evolution. 1901. 2d ed. 1904.
- Johnson, Francis H. What Is Reality? 1891.
- Ladd, G. T. The Doctrine of Sacred Scripture. 1883. Elements of Physiological Psychology. 1887. Outlines of Physiological Psychology. 1890. Introduction to Philosophy. 1890. Psychology, Descriptive and Explanatory. 1894. The Philosophy of Mind: Philosophy of Knowledge. 1897. Theory of Reality. 1899. Philosophy of Conduct. 1902. Knowledge, Life, and Reality. 1902. The Philosophy of Religion. 2 vols. 1909. The Teacher’s Practical Philosophy. 1911. What Can I Know? 1914. What Can I Hope? 1915. What Ought I to Do? 1915. What Should I Believe? 1915.
- Lloyd, A. H. Dynamic Idealism. 1898. The Philosophy of History. 1899. The Will to Doubt. 1902.
- Marshall, H. R. Pain, Pleasure, and Æsthetics. 1894. Æsthetic Principles. 1895. Instinct and Reason. 1898. Consciousness. 1909.
- Ormond, T. A. Basal Concepts of Philosophy. 1894. Foundations of Knowledge. 1900. The Concepts of Philosophy. 1906.
- Schurman, J. G. Kantian Ethics and the Ethics of Evolution. 1882. The Ethical Import of Darwinism. 1887. Belief in God: Its Original Nature and Basis. 1890.
- Stallo, J. B. Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics. 1881.
- Strong, C. A. Why the Mind Has a Body. 1903.
- Wenley, R. M. Socrates and Christ. 1889. Aspects of Pessimism. 1894. Contemporary Theology and Theism. 1897. Modern Thought and the Crisis of Belief. 1909. Kant and his Philosophic Revolution. 1910.
- C
ATHOLIC PHILOSOPHERS - Azarias, Brother (P. F. Mullany, 1847–93). Development of Old English Thought. 1890. Phases of Thought and Criticism. 1892. Essays Philosophical. 1896. Essays Miscellaneous. 1896.
- Brownson, Orestes A. (1805–76). Essays and Reviews. 1852. Conversations on Liberalism in the Church. 1870.
- Chrysostom, Brother [James J. Conlon, 1863– ]. Development of Personality. 1916.
- T
HE NEW REALISM - Boodin, J. E. A Realistic Universe. 1917.
- Holt, E. The Concept of Consciousness. 1912. The Freudian Wish. 1916.
- Marvin, W. T., R. B. Perry, E. G. Spaulding, W. P. Montague, W. B. Pitkin, E. Holt. The New Realism: Co-operative Studies in Philosophy. 1912.
- Marvin, W. T. Introduction to Philosophy. 1905. Introduction to Metaphysics. 1913. European Philosophy. 1916.
- Montague, W. P. Numerous articles in The Philosophical Review and in The Journal of Philosophy.
- Perry, R. B. The Moral Economy. 1909. Present Philosophical Tendencies. 1912.
- Sellars, R. W. Critical Realism. 1915.
- Spaulding, E. G. The New Rationalism. 1918.
- Woodbridge, F. J. E. The Field of Logic. Science, 1904. Epistemology and Perception. Studies in Honor of William James. 1908.
- On Logic
- Bode, B. An Outline Logic. 1907.
- Brooks, W. K. The Foundations of Zoology. 1899.
- Creighton, J. E. An Introductory Logic. 1907.
- Hodge, Levi. Logic. 1817.
- Hyslop, J. H. Elements of Logic. 1893. Logic and Argument. 1899.
- Lewis, C. J. Survey of Symbolic Logic. 1919.
- Peirce, C. S., Christine Ladd-Franklin, and others. Studies in Logic. 1883.
- Shaler, N. S. The Interpretation of Nature. 1893.
- On Ethics
- Adler, Felix. Creed and Deed. 1880. The Ethical Instruction of Children. 1893.
- Fite, W. Individualism. 1908.
- Mezes, S. E. Ethics, Descriptive and Explanatory. 1901.
- Nash, S. Morality and the State. 1856.
- Palmer, G. H. The Field of Ethics. 1901.
- Salter, W. M. Ethical Religion. 1889. The Nature of Goodness. 1903.
- Thilly, F. Introduction to Ethics. 1901.
- Wake, E. S. Evolution of Morality. 1878. 2 v.
- On the Philosophy of Religion
- Abbott, F. E. Scientific Theism. 1885.
- Hedge, F. H. Reason in Religion. 1865.
- Hocking, W. E. The Meaning of God in Human Experience. 1912.
- Leighton, J. A. Typical Modern Conceptions of God. 1901.
- Perrin, R. S. The Religion of Philosophy. 1885.
- Pratt, J. B. The Psychology of Religious Belief. 1907.
- Rogers, A. K. The Religious Conception of the World. 1907.
- Shaw, C. S. Christianity and Modern Culture. 1907.
- On Æsthetics
- Babbit, I. The New Laokoon. 1910.
- Furry, W. D. The Æsthetic Experience. 1908.
- Gordon K. Æsthetics. 1909.
- Puffer, E. The Psychology of Beauty. 1906.
- Raymond, Geo. L. A System of Comparative Æsthetics. 1895, 1904.
- H
ISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY - Albee, E. A History of the English Utilitarians. 1902.
- Calkins, M. W. The Persistent Problems of Philosophy. 1905.
- Husik, I. History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy. 1916.
- Riley, W. American Philosophy: The Early Schools. 1907.
- Rogers, A. K. Student’s History of Philosophy. 1905.
- Salter, W. M. The Philosophy of Nietzsche. 1918.
- Thilly, F. History of Philosophy. 1911.
- Williams, C. M. A Review of Evolutionary Ethics. 1902.
- See also articles on the history of the theory of evolution, by A. O. Lovejoy in The Popular Science Monthly, 1906–1908.
- M
EMORIAL VOLUMES - Philosophic Studies … in Commemoration of the Seventieth Birthday of George Howison. 1905.
- Studies in Honor of J. E. Creighton. 1917.
- Studies in Honor of William James. 1908.
- Studies Philosophic and Psychologic in Honor of C. E. Garman. 1906.
- P
ERIODICAL LITERATURE - The Journal of Speculative Philosophy. Ed. W. T. Harris. 1867–93. The Monist. Ed. Paul Carus. 1890– . The International Journal of Ethics. Ed. J. H. Tufts. 1890– . The Philosophical Review. Ed. J. E. Creighton. 1893– . The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Method. Ed. F. J. E. Woodbridge and Wendell T. Bush. 1905– . E. B. Titchener is American editor of Mind: A Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Psychology, to which many American writers contribute. Philosophical articles also appear occasionally in the psychologic journals, The Popular Science Monthly (now the Scientific Monthly), and in such religious periodicals as TheAmerican Journal of Theology, The Harvard Theological Review, The Catholic World. The following philosophical or semi-philosophical journals are no longer published: The Western, ed. Thomas Davidson, 1872–75, The Platonist, ed. Thomas M. Johnson, The Radical, The Index (continued as The Open Court), The New World, ed C. C. Everett. Most early philosophic articles appeared either in The North American Review or in the religious periodicals like The Princeton Review.