The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
VOLUME XVIII. Later National Literature, Part III.
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- Adams, Henry. The Education of. Boston, 1918.
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- Bloomfield, L. An Introduction to the Study of Language. 1914.
- Bright, J. W. On Some Aspects of the Modern Language Question. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1885. Concerning the Unwritten History of the Modern Language Association of America. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1903.
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- Chapman, J. J. Memories and Milestones. 1915.
- Cook, A. S. The Higher Study of English. Boston, New York, and Chicago, 1906.
- Dexter, F. B. Biographical Studies of the Graduates of Yale College with Annals of the College History. Vols. 1–5, New York, 1885–1911; Vol. 6, New Haven, 1912.
- Dwight, Timothy. Memories of Yale Life and Men, 1845–1899. 1903.
- Eggleston, E. The Transit of Civilization from England to America in the Seventeenth Century. 1900.
- Emerson, E. W. The Early Years of the Saturday Club 1855–1870. Boston and New York, 1918.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Historic Notes of Life and Letters in New England. In: Lectures and Biographical Sketches. Boston and New York, 1883.
- English in American Universities. By Professors in the English Departments of Twenty Representative Institutions. Ed. Payne, W. M. Boston, 1895.
- Faust, A. B. The German Element in the United States. Boston and New York, 1909. 2 vols.
- Foster, F. M. K. English Translations from the Greek. A Bibliographical Survey. 1918.
- Foster, W. T. Administration of the College Curriculum. Boston and New York, 1911.
- Francis, J. W. New York During the Last Half Century. 1857. Old New York, 1866.
- Franklin, F. The Life of Daniel Coit Gilman. 1910.
- Gilman, D. C. The Launching of a University and Other Papers. 1906.
- Goode, G. Brown. The Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States. 1890.
- Hale, E. E. James Russell Lowell and His Friends. Boston and New York, 1899.
- Hammond, Eleanor Prescott. Chaucer: A Bibliographical Manual. 1908.
- Handbook of Learned Societies and Institutions: America. Washington, 1908.
- [Harvard University]. Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates of Harvard University, 1636–1915. Cambridge, 1915.
- Henneman, J. B. Two Pioneers in the Historical Study of English—Thomas Jefferson and Louis F. Klipstein. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1893.
- Higginson, T. W. Carlyle’s Laugh and Other Surprises. Boston and New York, 1909. Old Cambridge. 1899.
- Hildeburn, C. R. A Century of Printing. The Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania, 1685–1784. Philadelphia, 1885–86. 2 vols.
- Hinsdale, B. A. Notes on the History of Foreign Influences upon Education in the United States. In: Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1897–98, Vol. 1. Washington, 1899.
- Howells, W. D. Literary Friends and Acquaintance. 1900.
- Jenkins, T. A. Scholarship and Public Spirit. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1913.
- [Johns Hopkins University]. Bibliographia Hopkinsiensis, 1876–1891. Part I: Philology. Baltimore, 1892. Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the University. Baltimore, 1902. Graduates and Fellows of the Johns Hopkins University, 1876–1913. Baltimore, 1914.
- Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, Held in the Common Council Chamber of the City of New York, October, 1830. 1831.
- Kingsley, W. L. [ed.] Yale College: A Sketch of its History. By Various Authors. 1879.
- [Kittredge Anniversary Papers.] Anniversary Papers by Colleagues and Pupils of George Lyman Kittredge. Boston and London, 1913.
- Koch, T. W. Dante in America. Dante Society, Fifteenth Annual Report. Boston, 1896.
- Longfellow, Samuel. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston, 1886. 2 vols.
- Mencken, H. L. The American Language. 1919.
- Modern Language Association of America. Proceedings at New York, December 29, 30, 1884. Publications, 1885.
- Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, The. Boston, 1803–11. 10 vols.
- Murray, Sir James A. H. The Evolution of English Lexicography. Oxford, 1900.
- Peabody, A. P. Harvard Reminiscences. Boston, 1888. Harvard Graduates Whom I Have Known. Boston and New York, 1890.
- Peirce, Benjamin. A History of Harvard University, from its Foundation to the Period of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1833.
- Pollak, Gustav. The Nation and Its Contributors. Nation, July 8, 1915. Fifty Years of American Idealism: The New York Nation, 1865–1915. Boston and New York, 1915.
- Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 1845.
- Quincy, Josiah. The History of Harvard University. Boston, 1840. 2 vols.
- Sandys, John Edwin. Harvard Lectures on the Revival of Learning. Cambridge, 1905. A History of Classical Scholarship. Cambridge (England), 1903–08. 3 vols.
- Sherzer, Jane. American Editors of Shakespeare: 1753–1866. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1907.
- Shorey, Paul. American Scholarship. Nation, 11 May, 1911.
- Sihler, E. G. Klassische Studien und Klassischer Unterricht in den Vereinigte Staaten. Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und Deutsche Litteratur und für Pädagogik. Vol. 10, 1902.
- Smith, C. A. The Work of the Modern Language Association of America. Mod. Lang. Ass. Pub., 1899.
- South in the Building of the Nation, The. Richmond, 1909–13. 13 vols.
- Steeves, H. R. Learned Societies and English Literary Scholarship in Great Britain and the United States. 1913. American Editors of Shakespeare. In: Shaksperian Studies by Members of the Department of English and Comparative Literature in Columbia University. 1916.
- Steger, S. A. American Dictionaries. Baltimore, 1913.
- Stiles, Ezra. Oratio Inauguratis habita in Sacello Collegii Yalensis. Hartfordiae, 1778.
- Stokes, A. P. Memorials of Eminent Yale Men. New Haven, 1914. 2 vols.
- Thwing, C. F. A History of Higher Education in America. 1906.
- Trent, W. P. English Culture in Virginia. Baltimore, 1889.
- Viereck, Louis. Zwei Jahrhunderte deutschen Unterrichts in den Vereinigten Staaten. Braunschweig, 1903.
- Williams, Ralph Olmstead. On Dictionaries and Other English Language Topics. 1890. Some Questions of Good English Examined in Controversies with Dr. Fitzedward Hall. 1897.
- Wright, T. G. Literary Culture in Early New England, 1620–1730. New Haven, 1920 [announced for publication].
- [Yale Bibliographies.] Bibliographies of the Present Officers of Yale University. 1893.
- [Yale Bicentennial.] The Record of the Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Yale College. New Haven, 1902.