William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
The Fay’s MarriageMichael Drayton (1563–1631)
Great preparations for the day;
All rites of nuptials they recite you,
To the bridal and invite you.
Upon this dwarfish fairy elf?
That she is of the fairy kind,
And therefore apt to choose her make
Whence she did her beginning take:
Besides he’s deft and wondrous airy,
And of the noblest of the Fairy,
Chief of the Crickets of much fame,
In Fairy a most ancient name.
But to be brief, ’tis clearly done,
The pretty wench is wooed and won.
The ornaments to fit our bride;
For they knowing she doth come
From us in Elysium,
Queen Mab will look she should be drest
In those attires we think our best;
Therefore some curious things let’s give her,
Ere to her spouse we her deliver.
(Which for my sake I’ll have her wear),
’Tshall be a dewdrop, and therein
Of Cupids I will have a twin,
Which struggling, with their wings shall break
The bubble, out of which shall leak
So sweet a liquor, as shall move
Each thing that smells, to be in love.
And, to this pendent, then take mine;
A cup in fashion of a fly,
Of the lynx’ piercing eye,
Wherein there sticks a sunny ray,
Shot in through the clearest day,
Whose brightness Venus’ self did move
Therein to put her drink of love,
Which for more strength she did distil,
The limbeck was a phœnix’ quill;
At this cup’s delicious brink,
A fly approaching but to drink,
Like amber, or some precious gum,
It transparent doth become.
But for a dressing for her head
I think for her I’ll have a tire
That all the Fairies shall admire:
The yellows in the full-blown rose,
Which in the top it doth inclose,
Like drops of gold ore shall be hung
Upon her tresses, and among
Those scattered seeds (the eye to please)
The wings of the cantharides:
With some o’ the rainbow that doth rail
Those moons in, in the peacock’s tail:
Whose dainty colours being mixed
With the other beauties, and so fixed,
Her lovely tresses shall appear
As though upon a flame they were.
And, to be sure they shall be gay,
We’ll take those feathers from the jay;
About her eyes in circlets set,
To be our Tita’s coronet.
But we shall neatly send her out:
But let’s amongst ourselves agree
Of what her wedding gown shall be.
Most curiously laid on in threaves:
And, all embroidery to supply,
Powdered with flowers of rosemary;
A trail about the skirt shall run,
The silk-worm’s finest, newly spun
And every seam the nymphs shall sew
With the smallest of the spinner’s clue:
And having done their work, again
These to the church shall bear her train:
Which for our Tita we will make
Of the cast slough of a snake,
Which, quivering as the wind doth blow,
The sun shall it like tinsel show.
To make sure that she want no state,
Moons from the peacock’s tail we’ll shred,
With feathers from the pheasant’s head:
Mixed with the plume of, so high price,
The precious bird of Paradise;
Which to make up our nymphs shall ply
Into a curious canopy,
Borne, o’er her head, by our enquiry,
By elfs, the fittest of the Fairy.
Her buskins, neighbours, have we not?
They shall be of the lady-cow:
The dainty shell upon her back
Of crimson strewed with spots of black;
Which as she holds a stately pace,
Her leg will wonderfully grace.
This must be thought on for the feast.
To do her best shall strain her voice;
And to this bird to make a set,
The marvis, merle, and robinet,
The lark, the linnet, and the thrush,
That make a choir of every bush.
But for still music, we will keep
The wren, and titmouse, which to sleep
Shall sing the bride, when she’s alone,
The rest into their chambers gone.
And, like those upon ropes that walk,
On gossamer, from stalk to stalk,
The tripping fairy tricks shall play
The evening of the wedding-day.
That hath not been talked of yet.
Shall be the covering of her bed,
The curtains, valence, tester, all,
Shall be the flower imperial:
And for the fringe, it all along
With azure harebells shall be hung:
Of lilies shall the pillows be,
With down stuffed of the butterfly.
Now for our prothalamion,
Or marriage song, of all the rest
A thing that much must grace our feast.
Let us practise, then, to sing it
Ere we before the assembly bring it;
We in dialogues must do it;
Then, my dainty girls, set to it.
Come, nymphs, this nuptial let us see.
Will she wed the noble Fay?
Such as the gods at banquets use:
Let herbs and weeds turn all to roses,
And make proud the posts with posies:
Shoot your sweets into the air,
Charge the morning to be fair.
To be married to a Fay.
To the temple to be wed?
Who that roomth should else supply?
And bring all your offerings hither,
Ye most brave and buxom bevy,
All your goodly graces levy,
Come in majesty and state
Our bridal here to celebrate.
Married to a noble Fay.
On which to church our bride must go?
To lively Lelipa will fall.
To this nuptial to repair;
Till with their throngs themselves they smother,
Strongly stifling one another;
And at last they all consume,
And vanish in one rich perfume.
Married to a noble Fay.
’Tis fit we all to that should see.
The Arch-Flamen of Elysium.
Sing to Hymen hymns divine;
Load the altars till there rise
Clouds from the burnt sacrifice;
With your censers sling aloof
Their smells, till they ascend the roof.
Married to a noble Fay.
Who breaks the cake above her head?
And our Tita is the smallest.
Ply the gittern, scour the crowd,
Let the nimble hand belabour
The whistling pipe, and drumbling tabor:
To the full the bagpipe rack,
Till the swelling leather crack.
Married to a noble Fay.
What shall be our Tita’s meat?
Have sent of their ambrosia in.
The respas, and Elysian cherry;
The virgin honey from the flowers
In Hybla, wrought in Flora’s bowers;
Full bowls of nectar, and no girl,
Carouse but in dissolved pearl.
Married to a noble Fay.
To bed, dear nymphs, what must we do?
And points be from the bridegroom caught.
And rare banquets spend the night;
Then about the room we ramble,
Scatter nuts, and for them scramble;
Over stools and tables tumble,
Never think of noise nor rumble.
Married to a noble Fay.