William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Epigram: The DoubtQueen Elizabeth (1533–1603)
Exiles my present joy,
And wit me warns to shun such snares
As threaten mine annoy.
And subject faith doth ebb,
Which would not be if reason ruled,
Or wisdom weaved the web.
Do cloak aspiring minds,
Which turn to rain of late repent,
By course of changèd winds.
The root of ruth will be,
And fruitless all their graffèd guiles,
As shortly ye shall see.
Which great ambition blinds,
Shall be unsealed by worthy wights,
Whose foresight falsehood finds.
That eke discord doth sow,
Shall reap no gain where former rule
Hath taught still peace to grow.
Shall anchor in this port;
Our realm it brooks no stranger’s force;
Let them elsewhere resort.
Shall first his edge employ,
To poll their tops that seek such change
And gape for future joy.