William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Radagon in DianamRobert Greene (1558–1592)
Where Dian at the fount was seen;
Green it was,
And did pass
All other of Diana’s bowers
In the pride of Flora’s flowers.
Circled in with cypress-trees,
Set so nigh
As Phœbus’ eye
Could not do the virgins scathe,
To see them naked when they bathe.
Colour fitting her delight:
Virgins so
Ought to go,
For white in armoury is plac’d
To be the colour that is chaste.
Tucked up above her knee,
Which did show
There below
Legs as white as whalès-bone;
So white and chaste were never none.
Sat her virgins in a round,
Bathing their
Golden hair,
And singing all in notes high,
“Fie on Venus’ flattering eye!
Cupid witless and a boy;
All his fires,
And desires,
Are plagues that God sent down from high
To pester men with misery.”
Lovers’ joy and lovers’ pain,
Cupid nigh
Did espy,
Grieving at Diana’s song,
Slyly stole these maids among.
He shot amongst them sweet desire,
Which straight flies
In their eyes,
And at the entrance made them start,
For it ran from eye to heart.
Was fair and frolic for to love;
Dian she
Scaped not free,
For, well I wot, hereupon
She loved the swain Endymion;
Thought none so fair as Mercury:
Venus thus
Did discuss
By her son in darts of fire,
None so chaste to check desire.
Blushing thus at love’s braids:
With sighs, all
Show their thrall;
And flinging hence pronounce this saw,
“What so strong as love’s sweet law?”