William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Resolved to DustThomas Watson (1555–1592)
Through fault of her, who here herself should lie;
He struck her breast, but all in vain did prove
To fire the ice: and doubting by and by
His brand had lost his force, he gan to try
Upon himself; which trial made him die.
I’ll sing a carol song for obsequy;
For, towards me his dealings were unjust,
And cause of all my passèd misery:
The Fates, I think, seeing what I had passed
In my behalf wrought this revenge at last.
By illing him, through whom I lived a slave,
I’ll cast his ashes to the open wind,
Or write this epitaph upon his grave:
Here lieth Love, of Mars the bastard son,
Whose foolish fault to death himself hath done.