week 4 discussion post



University of Fredericton *

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Jan 9, 2024





Uploaded by DeanCheetahPerson613 on coursehero.com

What are the most effective means for gaining feedback about a proposed or implemented change initiative? How can this feedback be applied to strengthening a change initiative? Employee feedback is important to the overall success of the business and the change it is going through (Gibbons, n.d.) . Some effective ways of collecting this feedback from employees are as follows, surveys, skip-level meetings, multi-raters, and suggestion boxes (Gibbons, n.d.) . The re are pros and cons to each of the above listed feedback methods which prove their value, but the point is that feedback should always be gathered during a change. According to Elzinga (n.d.) communication should always exist in a loop. Meaning that if a change is made, those who initiated the change need to hear feedback about it so that in they can determine whether it was successful or not. Since change management is a journey, most often we find that individuals move at a different pace and garnering feedback from employees can help ensure that no one is left behind in the process (Elzinga, n.d.) . Feedback can help strengthen the change by allowing employees a better chance at coping with the change initiative (Elzinga, n.d.) . One example of this could be during transition periods ; employees offering feedback and what they think should be the priorities of the change can point leadership in a direction that aims to keep everyone happy and find solutions to problems that they did not even know existed. References Elzinga, D. (n.d.). Why you need to collect employee feedback during a change . Retrieved September 30, 2022, from Culture Amp: https://www.cultureamp.com/blog/collect- employee-feedback Gibbons, M. (n.d.). 8 Effective Ways to Get Employee Feedback (+ Pros and Cons) . Retrieved September 30, 2022, from People Managing People: https://peoplemanagingpeople.com/culture/get-feedback-employees/
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