
A Lesson Before Dying By Ernest J. Gaines

Decent Essays

“You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die and when, you can only decide how you are going to live”. (Joan Baez). In the novel A Lesson Before Dying, written by Ernest J. Gaines, Jefferson doesn’t get to choose how and when he’s going to die, but he learns valuable lessons from Grant about how to live the rest of his life. This novel takes place in Bayonne, Louisiana, in the late 1940s. Jefferson is a twenty-one-year-old uneducated black man, who is accused of a robbery and murder that he did not commit. Unfortunately, the conviction led to his death by execution. While he is in jail, Jefferson’s grandmother wants him to die a hero, so she turns to Grant Wiggins, a black teacher at the local plantation school. During his time in …show more content…

But that was normal for this time of day. I was still listening to one of the stations when the saleswomen came up behind me. ‘You go’n buy that?’ I looked around at the short, stout, powdered-faced white women. ‘Do you have one in a box?’ ‘That one’s brand-new,’ she said. ‘It’s a present,’ I said. ‘I would like one in a box.’ ‘I can put this one in a box,’ she said. ‘No, ma’am, I want a brand-new one,’ I said” (175). This quote shows Grant’s determination to buy a brand new radio for Jefferson. Grant remembers when he and Jefferson would spend hours listening to music, and the love Jefferson had for it. This persistence and determination to buy the perfect radio shows that Grant cares for Jefferson and shows their friendship continuing to develop. Furthermore, Jefferson expresses his feelings and thoughts in a notebook that Grant gave to him. His thoughts are both good and bad, and it 's a way that Jefferson can explain his feelings. “im sory i cry mr wigin im sory i cry when you say you aint comin back tomoro im strong an reven ambros gon be yer wit me an mr harry comin to an reson i cry cause you been so good to me and make me think im somebody” (232). This quote shows how thankful Jefferson is that Grant came to his cell almost every day and treated him with respect and dignity. Jefferson learns to be braver by expressing himself in his journal and through his conversations with Grant. Through Grant’s persistence and

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