
ADHD Research Essay

Decent Essays

ADHD Research Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disability in which children consistently show one or more of the following characteristics over a period of time. (1) Inattention, (2) hyperactivity, and (3) impulsivity (Kirst-Ashman, Zastrow 2004). Children who are inattentive have difficulty focusing on any one thing and may get bored with a task after only a few minutes. Children who are hyperactive show high levels of physical activity, almost always seeming to be in motion. Children who are impulsive have difficulty curbing their reactions and don’t do a good job of thinking before they act. Depending on the characteristics that children with ADHD display, they can be …show more content…

They may say the child is “always on the go” or “never seems to listen”. Many children with ADHD are difficult to discipline, have low frustration tolerance, and have problems in peer relations. Other common characteristics of children with ADHD include general immaturity and clumsiness. Although signs of ADHD are often present in the preschool years, their classification often doesn’t take place until the elementary school years (Kirst-Ashman, Zastrow, 2004). The increase academic and social demands of formal schooling, as well as stricter standards for behavior control often illuminate the problems of the child with ADHD. Elementary school teachers typically report that this type of child has difficulty in working independently, completing seat work, and organizing work. Restlessness and distractibility are also very common. These problems are more likely to be observed in repetitive or taxing tasks, or tasks the child perceives to be boring, such as completing worksheets or doing homework. Estimates suggest that ADHD decreases in only about one-third of adolescence (santrock, 2003). It’s now being recognized that these problems may continue into adulthood. Definitive causes of ADHD have not been found. However, a number of causes have been proposed, such as low levels of certain neurotransmitter (chemical messengers in the

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