
Abraham Lincoln 's Speech On The Dred Scott Case

Decent Essays

Ingrid Ledesma
November 21,2014
Constitutional Law
Final Draft
Essay on Abraham Lincoln’s Speech in Respect to the Dred Scott Case

Court decisions are very delicate, it’s not always about what is morally correct but more importantly about what is politically correct. It may be hard to side with the law sometimes due to cases dealing with cruel subjects such as slavery. Although, in times like this judges must maintain on the right track following what’s constitutionally correct. For example in the Dred Scott Case, he obviously lost his case since at the time slavery was legal. Many people, said it was erroneous, mistaken, and fallacious, but put the pieces together, it was written on the constitution that slavery was allowed. Of course, bondage is and wasn’t virtuous but did the court really make the wrong decision? In respect to this situation Abraham Lincoln made a speech to his fellow citizens. Abraham Lincoln did not agree. During his speech he said “But we think the Dred Scott decision is erroneous. We know the court that made it, has often over-ruled its own decisions, and we shall do what we can to have it to over-rule this.”
President Lincoln believed all should have an equal chance, something in which of course slavery contradicted. He made it clear that slavery was a very dangerous and disturbing element. Seemingly, Abraham Lincoln was bothered by this case according to some direct quotes from his speech."The Republicans inculcate, with whatever of

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