
Abrahamic Religions: Christianity, Islam, And Judaism

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World today shares many religions and beliefs with tracing back to different historical events, however, three most important monotheistic religions known as the Abrahamic religions share remarkably similarities and could be trace through similar historical events. They are known as Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
These three religions share similarities in many ways not only have change cultural but also political development of the world today. Christianity is similar to Judaism because they both share the Ten Commandments and the Old Testament from the bible, but they share a different idea of punishment and reward. Christians believe that individuals will either go to heaven or hell based on what they have done throughout their lives: for those who behave properly and follow the covenants will go to heaven, for those who break the covenants will go to hell as their punishment. In the Koran the major rules are named called the five pillars of Islam. When they are followed there will be a heavenly reward but if they are neglected there will be a hellish punishment. Overall all of the three …show more content…

However, the areas of disagreement between Islam and Christianity are quite clear. According to the Koran, Jesus was given the power by God to cure the ills and make people see “The Koran recounts in different form from that of Jewish scriptures- the stories of Moses, of Joseph and his brothers, of the sacrifice of Abraham, of Noah and the flood.(Understanding Islam, Lippman 55)”Although Islam accepts the holiness of Jesus and appreciates for what he had done, the believers of Islam deny his divinity. According to the teaching of Islam, Jesus is not deity. He is not God, nor is he the son with God. On the other hand, Christians view Jesus as a God and live their lives in accordance of him. Islam teaches Jesus is not the Son of God. God does not have any children because He is above

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