
Adhd Annotated Bibliography

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Authors: Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, M.A., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., and Damon Ramsey, MD. Last updated: April 2016. ADD / ADHD Medications
L. Robinson, M. Smith, and J. Segal, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is becoming more known as more people have been diagnosed, children and adult both suffer with disorder, making daily life tasks more difficult to deal with. People with ADHD suffer with concetration issues, forgetfulness, and many other problems. There are also many types of treatment for ADHD, such as medication. Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal gathered togther to write the article, "ADD/ADHD Medications." The …show more content…

(Robinson. L, Smith. M, Segal. J, 2016) suggests that doing your research about medications and ADHD may help with making a decison. The article also says that ADHD medication may help concentration, following through with tasks, and controlling impulses. Medication may help treat some of the symptoms of ADHD but, that doesn't mean that the person with ADHD will still not suffer from emotional problems, forgetfullness, distractions, troubles with organization, and relationship problems. (Robinson. L, Smith. M, Segal. J, 2016,) says that's why it's important for other lifestyle changes such as exercise, healthy eating habits, and regular sleep. While medications help with many of the symptoms of ADHD/ADD they will not cure it. While the medication is being taken the symptoms may seem under control, but as soon as the meds go away, the symptoms will come back. Some medications work better for some then others. Each person responds differently to medications, such as their symptoms may differ from another person. When medications are administered, the individual should be monitored, in order for the medication to be most …show more content…

Stimulants are the common type of medication perscribed as treatment. The stimulants include drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine. These medications have the most research to back up the fact that they are working as treatment. The stimulants are supposed to work by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. (Robinson. L, Smith. M, Segal. J, 2016,) say "Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with motivation, pleasure, attention and movement." These stimulants boost concentration and focus, and reduce hyperactivity. There are short-acting and long-acting stimulants used as treatment. Short-acting are used for several hours and must be taken 2-3 times a day. Long-acting also called extended release last 8-12 hours, and are taken once a day. Stimulant medications have side effects of course. Next, the authors of this article take a look at the saftey concerns of taking stimulant medications Patients taking these medications may have personality changes, become less talkative, or may seem withdrawn. These stimulants raise blood pressure, and heart rate so, there are many dangers of taking these medications for long

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